Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday 11 February 2021 10.00am Reception
Lounge |
Kōmiti Mō Te Hurihanga Āhuarangi me Te Taiao / Environment and Climate Change Committee
5.1 Public Input: Motiti Decision - Shaun Lee
A. 11 February 2021, Environment and Climate Change Committee: Item 5.1 - Public Input: Motiti Decision - Shaun Lee, presentation 3
B. 11 February 2021, Environment and Climate Change Committee: Item 5.1 - Public Input: Motiti Decision - Shaun Lee, tabled document 25
6.1 6.1 Local Board Input: Hibiscus and Bays Local Board - Adoption of the revised Resource Recovery Network Strategy 2021 - item 11
A. 11 February 2021, Environment and Climate Change Committee: Item 6.1 - Local Board Input: Hibiscus and Bays Local Board - Adoption of the revised Resource Recovery Network Strategy 2021 - item 11, presentation 65
9 Consultation on the Climate Change Commission's draft advice to Government
A. 11 February 2021, Environment and Climate Change Committee: Item 9 - Consultation on the Climate Change Commission's draft advice to Government, presentation 69
8 CCO quarterly update - Auckland Transport
A. 11 February 2021, Environment and Climate Change Committee: Item 8 - CCO quarterly update - Auckland Transport, presentation 73
10 C40 Activity Update and Revised Leadership Standards
A. 11 February 2021, Environment and Climate Change Committee: Item 10 - C40 Activity Update and Revised Leadership Standards, presentation 95
11 Adoption of the revised Resource Recovery Network Strategy 2021
A. 11 February 2021, Environment and Climate Change Committee: Item 11 - Adoption of the revised Resource Recovery Network Strategy, presentation 99
12 Auckland Council submission on the Water Services Bill
A. 11 February 2021, Environment and Climate Change Committee: Item 12 - Auckland Council submission on the Water Services Bill, Presentation 103