I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Tuesday, 23 March 2021


Reception Lounge, Level 2

Auckland Town Hall

301-305 Queen Street, Auckland


Kōmiti Aromātai Whakahaere Kaupapa Kei Raro

I Te Maru O te Kaunihera /

Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee








Deputy Mayor Cr Bill Cashmore


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Angela Dalton



Cr Josephine Bartley

Cr Richard Hills


Cr Dr Cathy Casey

Cr Tracy Mulholland


Cr Fa’anana Efeso Collins

Cr Daniel Newman, JP


Cr Pippa Coom

Cr Greg Sayers


Cr Linda Cooper, JP

Cr Desley Simpson, JP


Cr Chris Darby

Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM


Cr Alf Filipaina

IMSB Chair David Taipari


Cr Christine Fletcher, QSO

Cr Wayne Walker


Mayor Hon Phil Goff, CNZM, JP

Cr John Watson


IMSB Member Hon Tau Henare

Cr Paul Young


Cr Shane Henderson



(Quorum 11 members)



Michelle Judge

Kaitohutohu Mana Whakahaere / Governance Advisor

18 March 2021


Contact Telephone: 0211950262

Email: michelle.judge@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




Terms of Reference




The purpose of the committee is to:


·         have a general overview and insight into the strategy, direction and priorities of all Council Controlled Organisations (CCO)

·         set policy relating to CCO governance

·         approve CCO Statements of Intent

·         monitor performance of CCOs and other entities in which the council has an equity interest (such as CRLL, Tāmaki Regeneration Company and Haumaru Housing).


Key responsibilities include:


·         monitoring the financial and non-financial performance targets, key performance indicators, and other measures of each CCO and the performance of each organisation

·         advising the mayor on the content of the annual Letters of Expectations (LoE) to CCOs and Ports of Auckland Limited

·         exercising relevant powers under Schedule 8 of the Local Government Act 2002, which relate to the Statements of Intent of CCOs

·         exercising relevant powers under Part 1 of the Port Companies Act 1988, which relate to the Statements of Corporate Intent for port companies

·         exercising Auckland Council’s powers as a shareholder or given under a trust deed, including but not limited to modification of constitutions and/or trust deeds, granting shareholder approval of major transactions where required, exempting CCOs, and approving policies relating to CCO and CO governance

·         approval of a work programme which includes a schedule of quarterly reporting of each CCO to balance reporting across the meetings.




(i)         All powers necessary to perform the committee’s responsibilities.


(a)          powers that the Governing Body cannot delegate or has retained to itself (section 2)

(b)          where the committee’s responsibility is limited to making a recommendation only

(ii)        Power to establish subcommittees.



Auckland Plan Values


The Auckland Plan 2050 outlines a future that all Aucklanders can aspire to. The values of the Auckland Plan 2050 help us to understand what is important in that future:




Exclusion of the public – who needs to leave the meeting


Members of the public


All members of the public must leave the meeting when the public are excluded unless a resolution is passed permitting a person to remain because their knowledge will assist the meeting.


Those who are not members of the public


General principles


·           Access to confidential information is managed on a “need to know” basis where access to the information is required in order for a person to perform their role.

·           Those who are not members of the meeting (see list below) must leave unless it is necessary for them to remain and hear the debate in order to perform their role.

·           Those who need to be present for one confidential item can remain only for that item and must leave the room for any other confidential items.

·           In any case of doubt, the ruling of the chairperson is final.


Members of the meeting


·           The members of the meeting remain (all Governing Body members if the meeting is a Governing Body meeting; all members of the committee if the meeting is a committee meeting).

·           However, standing orders require that a councillor who has a pecuniary conflict of interest leave the room.

·           All councillors have the right to attend any meeting of a committee and councillors who are not members of a committee may remain, subject to any limitations in standing orders.


Independent Māori Statutory Board


·           Members of the Independent Māori Statutory Board who are appointed members of the committee remain.

·           Independent Māori Statutory Board members and staff remain if this is necessary in order for them to perform their role.




·           All staff supporting the meeting (administrative, senior management) remain.

·           Other staff who need to because of their role may remain.


Local Board members


·           Local Board members who need to hear the matter being discussed in order to perform their role may remain.  This will usually be if the matter affects, or is relevant to, a particular Local Board area.


Council Controlled Organisations


·           Representatives of a Council Controlled Organisation can remain only if required to for discussion of a matter relevant to the Council Controlled Organisation.



Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

23 March 2021


ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                         PAGE

1          Apologies                                                                                                                        9

2          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   9

3          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               9

4          Petitions                                                                                                                          9  

5          Public Input                                                                                                                    9

6          Local Board Input                                                                                                          9

7          Extraordinary Business                                                                                              10

8          Summary of Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee information memoranda and briefings (including the forward work programme) - 23 March 2021                                                                                                                                       11

9          Council-controlled Organisations - Quarter 2 Performance Reports ending December 2020                                                                                                             21

10        Ports of Auckland Limited Interim Report for the six months ending 31 December 2020                                                                                                                             139

11        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.




2          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.




3          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 23 February 2021, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.




4          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.




5          Public Input


Standing Order 7.7 provides for Public Input.  Applications to speak must be made to the Governance Advisor, in writing, no later than one (1) clear working day prior to the meeting and must include the subject matter.  The meeting Chairperson has the discretion to decline any application that does not meet the requirements of Standing Orders.  A maximum of thirty (30) minutes is allocated to the period for public input with five (5) minutes speaking time for each speaker.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public input had been received.




6          Local Board Input


Standing Order 6.2 provides for Local Board Input.  The Chairperson (or nominee of that Chairperson) is entitled to speak for up to five (5) minutes during this time.  The Chairperson of the Local Board (or nominee of that Chairperson) shall wherever practical, give one (1) day’s notice of their wish to speak.  The meeting Chairperson has the discretion to decline any application that does not meet the requirements of Standing Orders.


This right is in addition to the right under Standing Order 6.1 to speak to matters on the agenda.


At the close of the agenda no requests for local board input had been received.



7          Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local  authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”

Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

23 March 2021


Summary of Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee information memoranda and briefings (including the forward work programme) - 23 March 2021

File No.: CP2020/19359




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To note the progress on the forward work programme appended as Attachment A.

2.       To receive a summary and provide a public record of memoranda or briefing papers that may have been held or been distributed to Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee members.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

3.       This is a regular information-only report which aims to provide greater visibility of information circulated to Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee members via memoranda/briefings or other means, where no decisions are required.

4.       The following workshops have taken place:




Auckland Council Branding Guidelines


5.       These documents can be found on the Auckland Council website, at the following link:


at the top left of the page, select meeting/Te hui “Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee” from the drop-down tab and click “View”;

under ‘Attachments’, select either the HTML or PDF version of the document entitled ‘Extra Attachments’.

6.       Note that, unlike an agenda report, staff will not be present to answer questions about the items referred to in this summary.  Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee members should direct any questions to the authors.



Ngā tūtohunga


That the Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee:

a)      note the progress on the forward work programme appended as Attachment A of the agenda report.

b)      receive the Summary of Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee information memoranda and briefings – 23 March 2021.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Forward Work Programme



Auckland Council Branding Guidelines - Workshop Minutes and Presentation (Under Separate Cover)



Ngā kaihaina



Michelle Judge - Kaitohutohu Mana Whakahaere / Governance Advisor


Alastair Cameron - Manager - CCO Governance & External Partnerships


Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

23 March 2021



Kōmiti Aromātai Whakahaere Kaupapa Kei Raro I Te Maru O te Kaunihera / CCO Oversight Committee
Forward Work Programme 2021

This committee deals with the performance monitoring of CCOs and other entities in which the council has an equity interest. The committee are to have a general overview and insight into the strategy, direction and priorities of all CCOs, set policy relating to CCO governance and approve the CCO statements of intent.

The full terms of reference can be found here: Terms of Reference - Agreed 12 November 2019


Area of work and Lead Department

Reason for work

Committee role

(decision and/or direction)

Expected timeframes

Highlight the month(s) this is expected to come to committee in 2021













CCO Review

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

As per the CCO Review: Terms of Reference, agreed by the Governing Body in November 2019 (Resolution number: GB/2019/127), an independent review panel conducted a review of Auckland Council’s Substantive Council-Controlled Organisations.

The recommendations from the CCO Review report were received by the Governing Body on 27 August 2020 (Resolution number: GB/2020/89).

It was agreed that that the implementation team report on the programme and proposed approach timing to the CCO Oversight Committee within three months, and that progress reports on the programme implementation were to be provided to the CCO Oversight Committee every six months.

To receive updates on the implementation and progression of the 64 summary recommendations of the CCO Review

Progress to date:

A programme update was received in February 2020

The CCO Review was received by the Governing Body on 27 August 2020.

An update by way of memorandum was provided in November 2020.

An update was received in February 2021.


An update by way of memorandum will be provided in March 2021.


An update will be provided in August 2021.













Auckland Council Branding Guidelines

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

The recommendations from the CCO Review report were received by the Governing Body on 27 August 2020 (Resolution number: GB/2020/89).

Two of the recommendations in the CCO Review report were:

- (Rec 57) The council updates its brand guidelines to ensure the pōhutakawa logo is used in a clear, consistent and flexible way on all council-funded services, activities and facilities, including when used alongside CCO operational brands.

- (Rec 58) The council monitors CCOs’ compliance with its brand guidelines.

To receive a progress update on the two CCO Review recommendations (number 57 and 58), relating to the Auckland Council Branding Guidelines.


Progress to date:

A workshop was held in February 2021.


A report will be provided in April 2021.













Quarterly, Half-Year and Annual Reports

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

Under the LGA and LGACA the council must regularly undertake performance monitoring of the CCO to evaluate its contribution to meeting its objectives, and the desired results identified in the SOI.

Receive quarterly reports, receive and adopt half yearly and annual reports.  The CCOs will present to the CCO Oversight committee twice a year on their performance.

Progress to date:

First quarter reports were received for substantive council-controlled organisations in December 2019, and December 2020.

Second quarter reports received for substantive council-controlled organisations in March 2020.

Third quarter reports were scheduled for June 2020; however this meeting was cancelled due to COVID-19.

Fourth quarter reports were received for substantive council-controlled organisations September 2020.


Second quarter reports for substantive council-controlled organisations will be received in March 2021.

The Ports of Auckland Limited Interim Report for the six months ending 31 December 2020 will be received in March 2021.













Highbrook Park Trust - Review of Trust Deed and Management Contract

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

To review the arrangements for the Highbrook Park Trust’s maintenance of a park on the Waiouru Peninsula

Decision: To review the Trust Deed and management contract for Highbrook Park Trust.


A report will be provided in April 2021.













Liaison Councillor Updates

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

Mayor Phil Goff has appointed a list of six CCO liaison councillors to attend the board meetings of the CCOs allocated to them, and report back to this committee. 

To receive updates from the CCO Liaison Councillors.

Progress to date:

Principals and draft protocols for the liaison councillor role were agreed in February 2020

Updates were provided in September, October and November 2020.


Updates will be provided in April 2021.













Draft SOIs

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

Under legislation CCOs must prepare an annual statement of intent and provide a draft to its shareholders by 1 March 2021.  As shareholder council can provide comments on the drafts to CCOs.

Decision:  Seeking committee approval of proposed shareholder comments on substantive and non-substantive CCO draft 2021/2024 Statements of Intent.

Progress to date:

On 24 November 2020, the committee agreed to extend the SOI timeline by one month (resolution number: CCO/2020/27).


A report will be provided in April 2021.













Final SOIs

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

Under legislation CCOs must deliver annually a final statement of intent to its shareholders by 30 June 2021.

Decision: Seeking committee approval of final 2020/21 Statements of Intent from its substantive and non-substantive CCOs.

Progress to date:

On 24 November 2020, the committee agreed to extend the SOI timeline by one month (resolution number: CCO/2020/27).


A report will be provided in August 2021.













Economic Development Action Plan

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

As per the CCO Review: Terms of Reference, agreed by the Governing Body in November 2019 (Resolution number: GB/2019/127), an independent review panel conducted a review of Auckland Council’s Substantive Council-Controlled Organisations.

The recommendations from the CCO Review report were received by the Governing Body on 27 August 2020 (Resolution number: GB/2020/89).

Recommendation number 20 stated that the Council establishes a team to draw up detailed, implementable strategies that give CCOs more strategic direction on economic development.

A report will be provided in August 2021.













City Rail Link Limited (CRLL) – end of year results

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

CRLL has been established to govern and manage the delivery of the City Rail Link CRL), as part of an agreement between the Crown and Auckland Council to jointly fund the project.

The company has the full governance, operational and financial responsibility for the CRL, with clear delivery targets and performance expectations.

CRLL reports quarterly as part of the group report to the Finance and Performance Committee. CRLL will present to the CCO Oversight Committee twice a year to discuss performance and end of year results.

Results will be presented in workshops in June and October 2021.













Haumaru Housing – End of year results

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

Haumaru Housing is a new joint venture established by Auckland Council and The Selwyn Foundation.

This will ensure the long-term provision of affordable housing services for older people in Auckland.

Haumaru Housing will report to CCO Oversight Committee once a year to discuss performance and end of year results.

Results will be presented in a workshop in October 2021.













Tamaki Regeneration Company (TRC) - End of year results

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

TRC is a Crown entity that is jointly owned by the government and Auckland Council.

TRC is leading urban regeneration activity in Tāmaki to achieve four strategic objectives; social transformation, economic development, placemaking and housing resource.

TRC will report to CCO Oversight Committee once a year to discuss performance and end of year results.

Results will be presented in a workshop in October 2021.













Letters of Expectation

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

Council issues an annual letter of expectations to each of its substantive CCOs to inform the development of the CCOs’ Statements of Intent.

Seeking committee approval of the content of draft 2021/2022 letters of expectation.

A report will be provided in December 2021.













CCO ‘Scan the Horizon’ Workshops

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

The Te Pae Tāwhiti: Scanning the Horizon workshops have been designed to ensure that the Governing Body and CCO Board members have the opportunity to meet to better understand each other's roles, priorities and ways of working.  The focus is on discussing the medium to long term opportunities and challenges.


At the CCO Oversight Committee workshop on 27 November 2019, a list of issues that the elected members would like to discuss with the CCOs was created. Staff will work through this list and develop a workshop schedule, which will be presented to the committee for approval in the February meeting.

The topics and sequencing of these workshops is being developed and will be agreed early in 2021.

















Lead Department

Area of work

Committee Role

(decision and/or direction)


Te Puru Community Charitable Trust Organisation – extension of exemption

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

Extending Te Puru Community Charitable Trust’s exemption from the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 under Section 7, Exempt Organisations, to 2024. The exemption means that Te Puru does not need to prepare a Statement of Intent (SOI) or report semi-annually to the Governing Body.

To approve Te Puru’s extension to the exemption from council-controlled organisation requirements under the Local Government Act 2002.

The extension of the Trust’s exemption was approved by the Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee on 23 February 2021.


(Resolution number CCO/2021/5)

Ports of Auckland statement of corporate intent

CCO Governance and External Partnerships.

Under the Port Companies Act, the council provides feedback to Ports of Auckland Limited (POAL) on its statement of corporate intent.

To consider POAL’s final statement of corporate intent.

The draft statement of corporate intent was received by the Governing Body on 27 August 2020.

The Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee approved POAL’s final statement of corporate intent.


(Resolution number CCO/2020/33)

Auckland Unlimited Final SOI

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

As agreed at Governing Body on 27/08/2020, the Oversight committee are to approve a Statement of Intent for the merged entity (resulting from the amalgamation of RFA and ATEED) covering the period 1 December 2020 to 30 June 2021. 

(Resolution number: GB/2020/90)

This included the consolidation of the current performance measurement framework and budgets for ATEED and RFAL.

To approve a statement of intent for the new merged entity, Auckland Unlimited, resulting from the amalgamation covering the period 1 December 2020 to 30 June 2021.

The Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee approved a statement of intent for the new merged entity, Auckland Unlimited, resulting out of the amalgamation covering the period 1 December 2020 to 30 June 2021.


(Resolution number CCO/2020/27)

CCO AGM Resolutions

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

Under the Companies Act 1993, the CCOs and other relevant entities must hold an annual meeting of their shareholders. 

Section 122(1) of the Companies Act and the constitutions also allow the company to forgo holding such a meeting if all the business required to be conducted at the meeting is done by written resolution.

To delegate the authority to Auckland Council’s chief executive to act as Auckland Council’s shareholder representative to execute a written resolution in lieu of an annual meeting. 

Authority delegated to council’s chief executive to act as council’s shareholder representation to the substantive council-controlled organisations and also Tāmaki Regeneration Company and City Rail Link Limited and sign written resolutions


(Resolution number CCO/2019/3)

Letters of Expectation

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

Council issues annually a letter of expectations to each of its substantive CCOs to inform the development of the CCOs’ Statements of Intent.

Seeking committee approval of the content of draft 2020/21 letters of expectation.


The Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee approved the proposed content for inclusion in the 2020/21 letters of expectation to substantive council-controlled organisations.


The committee also delegated authority to the Mayor to finalise and issue the 2020/21 letters of expectation to substantive council-controlled organisations based on the resolutions of this committee.


(Resolution number CCO/2019/2)


Draft SOIs

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

Under legislation CCOs must prepare an annual statement of intent and provide a draft to its shareholders by 1 March.  As shareholder council can provide comments on the drafts to CCOs.

Seeking committee approval of proposed shareholder comments on substantive and non-substantive CCO draft 2020/21 Statements of Intent.


The recommended comments on the draft SOIs (2020/2023) for the five substantive and three non-substantive CCOs were noted by the Governing Body, and it was agreed that the feedback focussed on the matters raised in the letters of expectation, statutory requirements, and any other council strategies which have not been adequately addressed in the draft statements of intent.


Governing Body agreed that the Mayor and the Chair of the CCO Oversight Committee will prepare letters containing the shareholder comments to be sent to all of the relevant CCOs and that the content of these letters be based on the feedback contained in this report with any deletions or additions based on feedback at the meeting. Governing Body also agreed that staff will record any feedback at the meeting that relates to performance or operational issues and ensure it is raised with the relevant CCOs.


Authority was delegated to the manager, CCO Governance and External Partnerships to finalise the shareholder feedback on the draft statements of intent for Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust, Contemporary Art Foundation and Community Education Trust Auckland.


(Resolution Number GB/2020/62)


Final SOIs

CCO Governance and External Partnerships.

Under legislation CCOs must deliver annually a final statement of intent to its shareholders by 30 June.

Seeking committee approval of final 2020/21 Statements of Intent from its substantive and non-substantive CCOs.

The Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee approved the 2020-2023 statements of intent at the September 2020 meeting, for: Auckland Transport, Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development Limited, Panuku Development, Auckland Limited and Regional Facilities Auckland; and Community Education Trust Auckland, Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust and Contemporary Art Foundation.


The committee approved the 2020-2023 statement of intent for Watercare Services Limited, subject to

the requested modifications.


(Resolution number CCO/2020/10)

Haumaru Housing – End of year results

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

Haumaru Housing is a new joint venture established by Auckland Council and The Selwyn Foundation.

This will ensure the long-term provision of affordable housing services for older people in Auckland.

Haumaru Housing will report to CCO Oversight Committee once a year to discuss performance and end of year results.

Results were presented to the CCO Oversight Committee in a workshop in October 2020.

City Rail Link Limited (CRLL) – end of year results

CCO Governance and External Partnerships.

CRLL has been established to govern and manage the delivery of the City Rail Link CRL), as part of an agreement between the Crown and Auckland Council to jointly fund the project.

The company has the full governance, operational and financial responsibility for the CRL, with clear delivery targets and performance expectations.

CRLL reports quarterly as part of the group report to the Finance and Performance Committee. CRLL will present to the CCO Oversight Committee twice a year to discuss performance and end of year results.

CRLL presented to Governing Body at a workshop on 19 August 2020.


CRLL attended the Committee meeting in October 2020 for a discussion on end of year results.


Results were presented to the CCO Oversight Committee in a workshop in October 2020.

Tamaki Regeneration Company (TRC) - End of year results

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

TRC is a Crown entity that is jointly owned by the government and Auckland Council.

TRC is leading urban regeneration activity in Tāmaki to achieve four strategic objectives; social transformation, economic development, placemaking and housing resource.

TRC will report to CCO Oversight Committee once a year to discuss performance and end of year results.

Results were presented to the CCO Oversight Committee in a workshop in October 2020.

Merged Entity – new name

Following decisions at the Governing Body on 27 August 2020, the CCO Oversight committee are to approve a new name for the merged entity (resulting from the amalgamation of RFAL and ATEED) covering the period 1 December 2020 to 30 June 2021. 

(Resolution number: GB/2020/90)

To approve the new name for the merged entity resulting from the amalgamation of RFAL and ATEED.

The new name for the merged entity was approved by the CCO Oversight Committee in October 2020


(Resolution number CCO/2020/17)

Legacy CCO Review

CCO Governance and External Partnerships.

Auckland Council’s nine legacy CCOs have been operating in the same model since amalgamation, and it is timely to review their status as CCOs.

To agree a set of criteria that will guide a review of Auckland Council’s legacy CCOs and the sequence of their review.

Criteria approved at the CCO Oversight Committee meeting in October 2020.


(Resolution number CCO/2020/21)

CCO ‘Scan the Horizon’ Workshops

CCO Governance and External Partnerships

The Te Pae Tāwhiti: Scanning the Horizon workshops have been designed to ensure that the Governing Body and CCO Board members have the opportunity to meet to better understand each other's roles, priorities and ways of working.  The focus is on discussing the medium to long term opportunities and challenges.

At the CCO Oversight Committee workshop on 27 November 2019, a list of issues that the elected members would like to discuss with the CCOs was created. Staff will work through this list and develop a workshop schedule, which will be presented to the committee for approval in the February meeting.

The topics and sequencing of these workshops is being developed and will be agreed early in 2020.


Future of these workshops being considered as part of CCO Review.

Workshops were held as follows –

ATEED - February 2020

Auckland Transport - March 2020

Watercare - July 2020 (Governing Body workshop)



Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

23 March 2021


Council-controlled Organisations - Quarter 2 Performance Reports ending December 2020

File No.: CP2021/01789




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To receive a high-level summary and comments on the Council-controlled Organisation (CCO) half-yearly reports, ending 31 December 2020.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The quarterly performance of all the CCOs has been impacted to varying degrees by COVID-19 lockdowns and alert level changes. Despite this, on the whole, good progress is being made by the CCOs to meet their Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and deliver programmes.

3.       Auckland Transport’s (AT) performance has been significantly influenced by COVID-19, especially its non-financial indicators such as rapid and frequent network boardings (down against target), and punctuality and road productivity (meeting or exceeding targets).  Its financial performance shows a complex picture, which is largely influenced by the abnormality of the current context.

4.       The amalgamation of Regional Facilities Auckland Limited (RFAL) and Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED) occurred successfully on 1 December 2020, to form the merged entity Auckland Unlimited.  Much of the quarter two report therefore reflects pre-merger activities.  Net direct expenditure is favourable against budget for the quarter, while capital delivery is lower than budget. Of Auckland Unlimited’s 21 performance measures, seven have been measured this quarter, and the majority of these have been met.

5.       Of Panuku’s 19 measures, 12 have been measured in the first six months, and all are on track to be achieved. Its operating expenditure is favourable to budget, while its capital programme is slightly behind.

6.       Watercare has been performing well against its performance measures. One measure relating to the percentage of real water loss from Watercare’s networked reticulation system has not been reported due to data errors, and Watercare will talk to this at the committee meeting. It is also involved in some significant and complex policy and delivery programmes, which are covered in the report. Its revenue is well ahead of budget. 


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee:

a)      receive the second quarter reports of the substantive council-controlled organisations, provided as attachments B to E of the agenda report.

b)      receive the half year reports of the non-substantive council-controlled organisations, provided as attachments F-H of the agenda report.




7.       Each substantive CCO must provide a quarterly report to the Council-Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee. They are required to:

·        summarise the CCO’s performance against the approved budget and agreed targets in the 10-year Budget and statement of intent (SOI)

·        provide a forecast of the CCO’s performance

·        identify the cause of major variances

·        highlight major achievements for the quarter

·        signal any potential or developing issues


8.       The reports for the second quarter of 2020/2021 are contained in attachments B to E.

9.       Each non-substantive CCO must provide a half year report to the council which contains the information required to be included by its statement of intent.  These reports are contained in attachments F-H.

Auckland Unlimited

10.     The amalgamation of RFAL and ATEED occurred on 1 December 2020. The committee approved a 7-month consolidated 2020/21 SOI for Auckland Unlimited on 24 November 2020 (Resolution number CCO/2020/25).

11.     Auckland Unlimited has produced its half-yearly report as an amalgamated entity. As ATEED no longer exists, there is no half-yearly report for them.  The Auckland Unlimited report covers primarily pre-merger activities.  Auckland Unlimited anticipates reporting more current post and consolidated post-merger activities for the next quarter.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

Group financial results

12.     The Auckland Council group financial results were presented at the Finance and Performance Committee meeting on 18 March 2021. Particular points of note in relation to capital and operating results, and CCO activity that influenced those results, are provided below.  More detailed comments about each CCO are included below, alongside non-financial results.

13.     Good progress is being made, with capital investment of $1.2 billion over the six months. This is in line with the same period last year and represents 93 per cent of budgeted delivery despite the COVID-19 disruptions. Auckland Council and AT made up the largest shortfall against budget. Both were behind budget due to late adoption of budgets, with AT also experiencing delays because of COVID-19 in Spain affecting EMU (Electric Multiple Units i.e., trains) delivery, unexpected track maintenance by KiwiRail resulting in delays to testing new EMUs, and the August 2020 COVID-19 Alert Level 3 lockdown in New Zealand.

14.     The group achieved a positive operating performance result for the six months. Direct revenue of $1 billion was $100 million ahead of budget, and direct expenditure of $1.4 billion was $90 million favourable to budget. Included in direct revenue is a $58 million surplus against budget related to Watercare’s infrastructure growth charges. Overall, the net direct operating result was $190 million favourable to budget.


CCO Review recommendations

15.     A six-month progress report on the CCO Review programme was provided to this committee in February. The CCOs report on those recommendations that they are responsible for in their quarterly reports.

16.     There are seven specific recommendations to Panuku. Panuku, with AT, has made good progress on jointly communicating about urban development and transport infrastructure matters (Recommendation 46). Panuku have also worked with the council family and local boards on Recommendation 34. In their draft SOI they will seek to more clearly outline how their investments and activities contribute to meting their performance targets (Recommendation 9).

17.     The merger of RFAL and ATEED (recommendation 1) was a key recommendation of the CCO review, and on 1 December 2020 the new organisation, Auckland Unlimited, was launched.  Key achievements over quarter two and in the lead up to and subsequent to the merger have included the appointment of Chief Executive, Nick Hill; approval of the new Auckland Unlimited 2020/21 SOI (7-months), development of a new Auckland Unlimited website and intranet.  Over quarter three and beyond, Auckland Unlimited staff will work on the target operating model for Auckland Unlimited.  

18.     The key area of focus for Watercare is improving coordination between council and Watercare on consenting, infrastructure planning and communications. Watercare and council staff are jointly working on improvements in these areas.

Auckland Transport

Financial results

19.     AT had a favourable net operating result of $55 million for the quarter.

20.     Revenue is $4 million favourable to budget due to higher than anticipated infringement ticket issuances and usage of on and off-street parking ($8.3 million), and rental, permit and mooring fee revenue ($9.4 million) due to faster recovery than expected. This is partly offset by lower than budgeted public transport income ($4.5 million) due to the impact of COVID-19 on patronage, disruptions caused by KiwiRail track closures, and Waka Kotahi operating subsidies being lower than budget ($9 million).

21.     Direct expenditure is below budget by $41 million, mainly due to lower than budgeted professional services and maintenance activity (following July approval of the emergency budget), strong management of COVID-19 related cleaning and safety equipment costs and streetlight electricity expenditure. Depreciation is $10 million favourable to budget.

22.     Capital delivery is $51 million lower than budget mainly driven by delays caused by COVID-19 in Spain affecting EMU delivery and unexpected track maintenance by KiwiRail resulting in delays to testing of new EMUs. There is a further underspend for the quarter which reflects the late release of the emergency budget and COVID-19 related delays which will be addressed in the balance of the year.

23.     Waka Kotahi capital funding revenue is $21 million unfavourable against budget, mainly due to the timing of some capital projects leading to delayed Waka Kotahi funding claims. This is partially offset by capital funding received from the Crown as part of the post COVID-19 Crown Infrastructure funded capital programme being $16 million favourable to budget. This includes funding for prior year capital spend.

Performance against indicators

24.     AT’s performance in quarter two has been excellent, particularly in the context of COVID-19’s effects on the transport network.  Some of the issues raised by the quarterly report are indicated below.  These have been discussed with AT, which will provide further information about them verbally at the meeting.

25.     The Regional Fuel Tax (RFT) enabled investment summary indicates that a little under half of the full-year capex budget has been spent and is very close to budget year-to-date, which is positive.  More detail about these projects and likelihood of the full-year budget being spent will be provided. In addition, the opex result is behind budget, though it is relatively small. 

26.     Rail boardings and rapid and frequent network boardings are not on track to be achieved.  Given the disruptions on the rail network throughout quarters one and two, this is not surprising.  It will be useful to understand from AT when it expects to get a good sense of how these numbers will recover, given that the rail network is returning to full timetable and speed operation during quarter three.  Additionally, any information about the impact of the February and early March lockdowns that is available would be useful, including whether AT received an extended subsidy from government for these (though it is does not relate to quarter 2). 

27.     The flipside of the public transport issues is that results for punctuality on public transport and road productivity are looking very good.  It will be useful to explore with AT whether these gains can be maintained, or whether they will inevitably be eroded as networks return to full capacity.  

28.     Finally, it is good to see that results relating to safety are also positive, with more high-risk intersections being addressed than target, and lower numbers of fatalities and serious injury crashes on the local road network. It is clear that fewer major safety works than would be ideal are able to be delivered in future due to funding constraints, and it is likely that COVID-19 and quieter roads may have played some role in the lower crash rate.  It will be useful to explore with AT the degree to which it projects these improvements in safety can be maintained when networks return to full capacity, and given a potentially lower level of investment.  It is acknowledged that this is a potentially sensitive conversation and should not detract from the excellent results in terms of safety in the quarter two report. 

Auckland Unlimited (AU)

Financial results

29.     Auckland Unlimited’s (AU) net direct expenditure for the quarter is $17.7 million favourable against budget.

30.     Direct revenue is $7 million favourable, mainly due to the receipt of unbudgeted Central Government grants from the wage subsidy extension, the first tranche of Strategic Tourism Asset Protection Programme grant funding, as well as some grants received earlier than budgeted.

31.     Direct expenditure is $10.7 million favourable to budget mainly due to tight expenditure control including deferral of maintenance programmes, freeze on recruitment along with staff taking annual leave and reduced hours.

32.     Some of these savings will be offset in the second half of the year as AU incurs expenditure relating to the grants received in the first half of the year, fund deferrals from the first six months and fund unbudgeted merger costs.

33.     Capital delivery is $12.5 million lower than budget. This is mainly due to COVID-19 related delays to renewals and the Zoo redevelopment, but these are expected to be on track at year end. The Aotea Centre weathertightness works were substantially disrupted during the COVID-19 lockdown and post-lockdown periods. The programme is now expected to extend into quarter four of the Financial Year 2020/2021 (FY21), and risk being impacted further if future lockdowns occur.

Performance against indicators

34.     The key performance measures in the current 7-month SOI largely represent legacy ATEED and RFA indicators, which have differing reporting frequencies and methodologies.   Auckland Unlimited is working to implement a more streamlined approach to its performance measurement and reporting framework through the development of its draft 2021-2024 SOI.



35.     Out of a total of 21 performance measures, seven have been met. For 12 performance measures, results are not measured/not available this quarter/have not yet been set, and two have not been met.  A number of those not measured/not available are due to baseline targets still to be set.

36.     Of the two performance measures not met, one can be attributed to the August 2020 level 3 lockdown (the number of people who experience RFA’s arts, environment and sports venues and events).  The other performance measure (value of capital improvements to RFA venues) did not meet target, however AU note that capital project work will be completed to budget later in the financial year.


Panuku Development Auckland (Panuku)

Financial results

37.     Panuku, including the commercial property portfolio it manages, reported a $11.2 million favourable net direct expenditure result.

38.     Direct revenue for the quarter is $2.5 million favourable to budget mainly due to COVID-19 related assumptions for reduced income due to hardship in the Emergency Budget, which have not been fully realised.

39.     Direct expenditure is $8.7 million favourable to budget mainly due to staff cost savings and delayed recruitment ($1.5 million), spend in Priority Locations is favourable compared against budget by $2.6 million due to the impact of the August COVID-19 lockdown on placemaking activities, coupled with prudent spending in other areas. To date there has been a $2.6 million decrease in Marina expenditure because of the COVID-19 impact on the America’s Cup regatta. This will be offset in the next quarter with an expected similar reduction in revenue (net effect on surplus expected to be zero).

40.     Capital delivery is $11.6 million lower than budget. The variance includes $3.7 million of contamination payments to Waterfront development partners delayed by slower pre-leasing in the property market. It also includes a delay of $1.5 million on the Pile Mooring redevelopment due to equipment repairs by the contractor, as well as acquisition of $2.5 million in Avondale delayed by Public Works Act (PWA) process. A further $3.9 million relates to timing issues across other locations. Panuku forecasts capital spend to be close to budget in the next half of the year.

41.     The strategic development fund (SDF) is a credit facility available to take advantage of any acquisition opportunities for town centre regeneration outcomes. The fund is being used this year to purchase properties in Northcote Town Centre. There is a delay as Panuku work through a PWA process on a number of properties, leading to a variance of $6.1 million to date. Panuku is forecasting that the spend will be close to budget at year end.

Performance against indicators

42.     12 of the 19 measures are on track or have been met. Seven have not yet been measured.

43.     Completed projects and programmes in this quarter include: the America’s Cup 36 enabling works programme and in Takapuna the Toka Puia carpark is now open to the public. In Northcote Te Ara Awatahu, the new greenway works have commenced and in Manukau the Barrowcliffe Bridge enhancement works started in December.

44.     Two risks are identified, relating to the Wynyard Point and Onehunga wharf master plan consultations which are delayed until after the Long-term plan (LTP) process.


Watercare Services Limited (Watercare)

Financial results

45.     Watercare’s net direct revenue is $52.1 million favourable against budget.

46.     Direct revenue is $58 million favourable against budget mainly due to higher than budget infrastructure growth charges (IGCs) and revenue associated with new developments. The impact of COVID-19 on revenue is assessed to be minimal at this stage.

47.     Direct expenditure is $5.9 million unfavourable against budget mainly due to digital project spend budgeted as Capex in their Statement of Intent but treated as Opex in FY21 ($3.7 million).

48.     Capital expenditure is tracking at $373 million against a budget of $366 million. Most of the overspend is in the Waikato 50MLD project ($17.9m) as the project is currently ahead of the programme to secure additional water supply. The overspend is partially offset by some minor underspends.

Performance against indicators

49.     Watercare is continuing to deliver key drought augmentation projects and investigate other options for water supply, such as the work with Auckland Council that has identified four community parks where potable water can be replaced with ground water for irrigation.

50.     Watercare has also been working closely with Auckland Council in responding to Department of Internal Affairs for information request relating to the government’s Water Reform programme.

51.     As a result of impacts from COVID-19, Watercare’s capex programme has been impacted, with some delays. These impacts were discussed in the report to the 18 March Finance and Performance Committee.

52.     Watercare has 14 LTP measures and 16 SOI measures. All of the 13 measures that are tracked monthly were met. One measure ‘the percentage of real water loss from Watercare’s networked reticulation system’ has not been reported on due to data errors. Last quarter, Watercare reported that it had met this KPI and it was note that this was an improvement as it had not met it in the last financial year. It would be good to understand from Watercare when it will be in a position to provide accurate results.

53.     Watercare have added a new section ‘Waikato matters’ providing information on the resource consent application to Waikato Regional Council to draw an additional 200 million litres of water a day from the river.  This application has now been publicly notified (12 February 2021), with public submissions closing on 26 March 2021.


COMET Auckland


54.     Half year financial performance (1 July-31 December 2020) was slightly better than budgeted, with a deficit of $12,400, compared to the budgeted deficit of $16,200.

55.     Of the six SOI performance measures, three are yet to be measured, as this occurs via an annual stakeholder survey which is sent out in February 2021.  Two other measures (% of initiatives that fully meet timelines and outputs as listed in the SOI and value of external funding as a percentage of Auckland Council grant) are fully on track.  The remaining measure (number of media articles generated) is below target for the half-year due to education media cycles and the impact of COVID-19 on media focus.  However COMET Auckland expects to catch up in the next six months, to fully meet the annual target.




Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust

56.     Half year financial performance (1 July -31 December 2020) shows a $114,000 net profit, which is a $144,000 positive variance to the budget net loss of $31,000. This is largely attributed to cost savings in operational expenditure and some activity that was cancelled due to the August 2020 lockdown.

57.     Of the 23 SOI performance measures, 17 are measured in the current period.  Of those, Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust is on track with 74%.  The remainder have had corrective work undertaken, or in the case of the Boomer Business performance measures, results have been impacted by other external factors such as COVID-19.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

58.     The quarterly performance reports are a key tool to monitor the progress of each CCO in action on climate change.

59.     The Panuku Board adopted the Panuku Climate Change Strategy in November 2020. Focus in the last quarter has been on ensuring infrastructure projects (Northcote, Toka Puia carpark and Barrlowcliffe Bridge) facilitate active modes and provide health and wellbeing benefits.

60.     Auckland Unlimited is developing climate change and sustainability actions for the Destination AKL Recovery Plan. Work has started with key partners on establishing a climate innovation hub to address climate challenges for industry, and Auckland region. The initial focus of the hub will be on 4 challenges needing innovative solutions as identified in the Emissions Reduction Pathway for Auckland’s key sectors. Auckland Unlimited is commencing work on Toitū Carbon Zero for Lantern Festival 2021.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

61.     Each CCO’s quarterly report contains information on how they are contributing to the council’s outcomes and objectives for them.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

62.     The governance of CCOs is a responsibility delegated to the CCO Oversight Committee. We have not sought the views of local boards. CCOs provide six-monthly progress and performance reports to local boards. The quarterly reports provide a summary of the engagement that CCOs have carried out with local boards during the quarter.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

63.     Each CCO reports on their contribution towards achieving Māori Outcomes in their quarterly report.

64.     Panuku has undertaken a significant amount of engagement to prepare for the upcoming plan change for Wynyard Point. Mana whenua has gifted this project the name Te Ara Tukutuku. They have also been talking to mana whenua around joint development options in areas surrounding rail stations and in the disposal of council property.

65.     Auckland Unlimited key deliverables from quarter two have included the launch of the Toi Tū Toi Ora: Contemporary Māori art exhibition, completion of the draft Te Reo language plan for Auckland Zoo and confirmation of funding to undertake bilingual signage and wayfinding for all RFA facilities over the current and next financial year.  Tāmaki Makaurau Taki Hua - the Māori Economic Summit 2020 also took place late November at Aotea Centre. The programme attracted strong attendance, as well as ministerial representation.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

66.     The financial results are discussed further as part of the Auckland Council Group quarterly performance report received at the 18 March 2021 Finance and Performance Committee.

67.     Each of the CCO’s quarterly reports contains information regarding their financial performance.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

68.     The quarterly reports provide a summary of the top risks and mitigations. This supports more detailed quarterly reporting to the Audit and Risk Committee.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

69.     This report is primarily for information purposes. The next quarterly report will be provided to the CCO Oversight Committee in June 2021.

Ngā tāpirihanga






Auckland Transport Quarter 2 report 2020/21- Chair cover letter



Auckland Transport Quarter 2 report 2020/21



Auckland Unlimited 2020/21 Quarter Two report



Panuku Quarter 2 Performance Report 2020/2021



Watercare Quarter 2 Performance Report Dec 2020



COMET Auckland 2020/21 Half Year report



Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust 2020/21 Half Year report



Contemporary Art Foundation, Half-year report 2020/21



Ngā kaihaina



Claire Gomas - Principal Advisor

Edward Siddle - Principal Advisor

Sarah Johnstone-Smith - Principal Advisor


Alastair Cameron - Manager - CCO Governance & External Partnerships


Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

23 March 2021


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Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

23 March 2021


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Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

23 March 2021


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Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

23 March 2021


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Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

23 March 2021


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Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

23 March 2021


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Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

23 March 2021


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Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

23 March 2021


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Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

23 March 2021


Ports of Auckland Limited Interim Report for the six months ending 31 December 2020

File No.: CP2021/02055




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To receive the Ports of Auckland Limited (POAL) Interim Report for the six months ending 31 December 2020 and 2020-2023 Statement of Corporate Intent (SCI) performance measure results for quarter two (1 October-31 December 2020).  These are provided as Attachments A and B to this report.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The POAL Interim Report for the six months ending 31 December 2020 reflects on a challenging period for POAL.  Much of this is attributed to the impacts of COVID-19 driving global supply chain congestion and flow on effects to POAL’s container automation project and delays to shipping through its container terminal.

3.       POAL’s half year financial results, despite being lower than the comparative period last year, were in line with the Emergency Budget and therefore do not have a significant impact on council’s financial position.

4.       POAL expects to be able to lift performance in Financial Year 2021/2022 (FY22).

5.       POAL’s quarter two results against the 2021 annual targets for the performance measures in its 2020-2023 SCI highlight that while some annual targets have been exceeded (such as Return on Equity indicators and multi-cargo terminal average car dwell times), others are well behind the annual target (such as number of lost-time injuries and ship rate).

Ngā tūtohunga


That the Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee:

a)      receive the Ports of Auckland Limited Interim Report for the six months ending 31 December 2020 and 2020-2023 Statement of Corporate Intent performance measure results for quarter two (1 October-31 December 2020).




6.       Under the Memorandum of Understanding between POAL and Auckland Council and as required under the Port Companies Act 1988, POAL is to provide a half yearly report to the council as shareholder.  

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

7.       The POAL Interim Report for the six months ending 31 December 2020 is provided at Attachment 1. POAL notes the challenges for the business over this period which have included:

·     Global supply chain congestion as a result of COVID-19 and the flow on effects to its container terminal automation project and delays to shipping through its container terminal.

·     COVID-19 impacts whereby normal supply chain patterns disappeared and have not come back.

·     Strikes at ports in Australia which disrupted schedules and unexpectedly high volumes around the world meant that by August, POAL were seeing more ships running off-schedule than normal.

·     Challenges in maintaining the talent pool, with crane drivers being a particular case.

·     An unusual pattern of demand in the lead up to Christmas and a continuous flow of ships.


8.       POAL expects the current issues to be behind them in the second half of calendar 2021 and to be able to lift performance in FY22. 

9.       Phase one of POAL’s automation project was meant to go-live in March 2020, but days before the go-live date the country went into Level 4 lockdown and work had to stop. POAL state that the project is back up and working now with systems all running to plan. As soon as pavement remediation can be done a full terminal roll-out will happen.

10.     Looking forward, POAL have other projects that will come to fruition this year.  Towards the end of 2021 POAL is due to take delivery of its electric tug (Sparky), the world’s first electric ship-handling tug.  POAL have also installed a hydrogen refueller, which is part of their road-map toward a zero-emission future.

POAL financial performance results

11.     POAL’s revenue for the half year was $10 million lower than the comparative period in the prior year. Capacity issues arising from the delays of the automation project and stevedore shortages continued to cause congestion at the port, resulting in decreased revenues compared to the prior year. These decreases were budgeted for in the Emergency Budget.

12.     Operating expenditure is consistent with the same period in the prior year.

13.     POAL budgeted to pay $10.6 million in dividends to council in 2020/2021, made up of a $9.7 million 2019/2020 final dividend and a $0.9 million 2020/2021 interim dividend. The actual 2019/2020 final dividend paid was $4.6 million. No further dividends are forecast to be paid for the remainder of the year.

SCI performance measure results

14.     Attachment B provides POAL’s quarter two results for the key performance indicators in its 2020-2023 SCI, against 2021 annual targets.  Year-to-date (YTD) results are also included. A summary is provided below: 

·     Four lost time injuries were recorded for quarter two, against an annual target of zero.

·     Crane rate (as measured by Ministry of Transport) was 24.61 for the quarter against an annual target of 32.00.  The crane rate is the number of containers a crane lifts on and off a container ship in an hour. 

·     Ship rate (measured by Ministry of Transport) was 37.5 for the quarter against an annual target of 75.0.  The ship rate is the number of containers moved on and off a container ship in an hour.  

·     Increase in revenue for quarter two was -6.8%, against an annual target of 0.3%.

·     Net Profit after Tax (NPAT) quarter two result was $9.5m against an annual target of $20.4m.  Quarter two results for return on equity performance indicators have exceeded their annual targets.

·     The multi-cargo terminal average car dwell time for the quarter exceeded the annual target of 2.85 days with a result of 2.0 days.

15.     During the reporting period, an independent review of health and safety at POAL was commissioned, conducted by the Construction Health and Safety Trust New Zealand (CHASNZ). This review is due to conclude imminently.


Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

16.     POAL’s 2020-2023 SCI includes a performance measure “work towards POAL’s long term environmental sustainability goals of being carbon neutral by 2025, emission free by 2040 and zero waste to landfill by 2040.”  This measure will be reported at the end of the financial year.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

17.     There are no relevant council group impacts.  Financial implications are discussed below.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

18.     The governance of POAL is a responsibility delegated to the CCO Oversight Committee. We have not sought the views of local boards.

19.     POAL’s 2020-2023 SCI includes a performance measure “Attend all relevant Auckland local board meetings where invited and strengthen relationships with the Orakei, Waitemata and Devonport-Takapuna local boards.”  There have not been any invitations to local board meetings during quarter two.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

20.     POAL’s 2020-2023 SCI includes the performance measure “strengthen relationships with mana whenua.  Develop and implement a Māori Outcomes Framework by 2023.”  Progress against this measure will be reported at the end of the financial year.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

21.     POAL’s half year results, despite being lower than the comparative period last year, were in line with the Emergency Budget and therefore do not have a significant impact on council’s financial position.

22.     The decreased dividend payments forecast for FY21 do not have an impact on the council group’s financial position, as dividends are inter-company payments that are eliminated for group consolidation purposes.

23.     Input and advice has been sought and received from Finance staff on the financial implications of advice contained in this report. 

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

24.     The POAL Interim Report for the six months ending 31 December 2020 does not detail any significant risks.


Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

25.     This report is for information purposes only.  POAL will next report to the committee on its 2020-2023 SCI quarter three performance in May 2021.  


Ngā tāpirihanga






Ports of Auckland Limited Interim Report for the six months ending 31 December 2020



Ports of Auckland Limited 2020-2023 Statement of Intent performance measure results for quarter two (1 October-31 December 2020)



Ngā kaihaina



Sarah Johnstone-Smith - Principal Advisor


Alastair Cameron - Manager - CCO Governance & External Partnerships


Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

23 March 2021


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Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

23 March 2021


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