Waiheke Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Waiheke Local Board held in the Local Board Office, 10 Belgium Street, Ostend, Waiheke on Wednesday, 24 March 2021 at 5.17pm.
Chairperson |
Cath Handley |
Deputy Chairperson |
Bob Upchurch |
Members |
Kylee Matthews |
Robin Tucker |
Paul Walden |
Councillor |
Pippa Coom |
via Skype until 6.38 pm |
Waiheke Local Board 24 March 2021 |
Maikara Ropata opened the meeting with a karakia.
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number WHK/2021/32 MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Deputy Chairperson B Upchurch: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 24 February 2021, as a true and correct record. |
There were no leaves of absence.
There were no acknowledgements.
There were no petitions.
8.1 |
Deputation - Vicki Angland and Judy Cowie - Waiheke Walking Festival |
Resolution number WHK/2021/33 MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member K Matthews: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) thank Vicki Angland, Waiheke Walking Festival Manager and Judy Cowie Trustee for their attendance and presentation. |
8.2 |
Deputation - Lucinda Peterken and Linda Savage - Waiheke Theatre Company |
Resolution number WHK/2021/34 MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member R Tucker: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) thank Lucinda Peterken and Linda Savage for their attendance. |
9.1 |
Public Forum - Emily Māia Weiss Randall and Hauhana Davies - The occupation at Pūtiki Kennedy Point |
Resolution number WHK/2021/35 MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member R Tucker: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) thank Emily Māia Weiss Randall and Huhana Davis for their attendance. |
9.2 |
Public Forum - Sue Watson – Waiheke Connect Grants Application |
Resolution number WHK/2021/36 MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Deputy Chairperson B Upchurch: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) thanks Sue Watson for her attendance.
There was no extraordinary business.
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Resolution number WHK/2021/37 MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Deputy Chairperson B Upchurch: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) receive Waitemata and Gulf Ward Councillor, Pippa Coom’s update. |
12 |
Waiheke Quick Response Round Two 2020/2021 grant allocations |
Resolution number WHK/2021/38 MOVED by Member R Tucker, seconded by Deputy Chairperson B Upchurch: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in Waiheke Quick Response Round Two 2020/2021 listed in the following table Table One: Waiheke Quick Response Grant round two grant applications
13 |
Resolution number WHK/2021/39 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson B Upchurch, seconded by Member R Tucker: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) note the minutes of the Waiheke Transport Forum business meeting dated 3 March 2021. b) request Auckland Transport to review road safety measures on McMillan Road to determine next steps including consideration under the 10 year plan review.
14 |
Resolution number WHK/2021/40 MOVED by Member R Tucker, seconded by Deputy Chairperson B Upchurch: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) receive the Auckland Transport March 2021 update report. b) seek urgent response from Auckland Transport to the board’s former request to manage dust on Taraire Street. c) seek an assurance from Auckland Transport that the proposed Matiatia Wharf replacement project will not impede peak holiday traffic. d) delegates the Chair to write formally to Auckland Transport seeking a written response to the board’s requests for a report on anticompetitive practice at Matiatia and Downtown ferry terminals. |
15 |
2021 Local Government New Zealand Conference and Annual General Meeting |
Resolution number WHK/2021/41 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson B Upchurch, seconded by Member K Matthews: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) note the budget constraints in the current financial year and the recommended process for the appointment of attendees and delegates to the Local Government New Zealand 2021 Conference and Annual General Meeting in Blenheim from 15 to 17 July 2021 b) endorse the Chairperson Cath Handley to be the Waiheke Local Board representative. c) note that the Waiheke Local Board has had the Love Our Wetland Project nominated by Auckland Council for an excellence award at the LGNZ conference. d) expresses the view that each local board should have opportunity for representation at the LGNZ conference and that cluster representation marginalises the governance role of local boards in a national context. e) confirm that conference attendance including travel and accommodation will be paid for in accordance with the current Auckland Council Elected Member Expense Policy e) note that all local board members who are appointed to attend the conference will be confirmed to the General Manager Local Board Services by 15 April 2021 at the latest to ensure that they are registered with Local Government New Zealand f) note that any member who wishes to attend the conference using their Individual Development Budget (IDB) allocation will need to subsidise the cost and must contact the General Manager Local Board Services by 8 April 2021 to make the necessary arrangements. g) note that the Governing Body will be appointing delegates to the 2021 LGNZ Annual General Meeting at their 25 March 2021 meeting, with the recommendation being to appoint Mayor Phil Goff as presiding delegate, and to appoint Chief Executive Jim Stabback and up to two other Auckland Council conference attendees as delegates. h) note that conference attendees can attend the 2021 Local Government New Zealand Annual General Meeting in an advisory capacity provided their names are included on the Annual General Meeting registration form, which will be signed by the mayor. |
16 |
Noting of Waiheke Local Board feedback on the National Parking Management Guidance, and on the Climate Change Commission Draft Advice |
Resolution number WHK/2021/42 MOVED by Member R Tucker, seconded by Member K Matthews: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) note the board’s feedback on Waka Kotahi’s National Parking Management Guidance. b) note the board’s feedback on the Climate Change Commission Draft Advice report for attachment to Auckland Council’s submission. c) thank Mark Inglis, Board Advisor for his work on both submissions. |
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Resolution number WHK/2021/43 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson B Upchurch, seconded by Member R Tucker: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) receive the Chairperson, Cath Handley’s update. |
18 |
Auckland Council submission in support of the Ngāti Paoa rāhui around Waiheke Island |
Resolution number WHK/2021/44 MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member R Tucker: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) note following resolution from the 25 February meeting of the Governing Body Committee: Waiheke Rāhui by Ngāti Paoa Resolution number GB/2021/12 MOVED by Cr P Coom, seconded by Mayor P Goff: That the Governing Body: I. tautoko (support) Ngāti Paoa’s rāhui around the motu of Waiheke. II. delegate authority to His Worship the Mayor and the Waitematā ward councillor to write in support of the Fisheries Act Section 186a Waiheke closure currently being consulted on by the Ministry of Primary Industries. CARRIED UNIAMOUSLY b) receive a copy of the letter (Attachment A) written by his Worship the Mayor Phil Goff and the Waitematā Ward Councillor Pippa Coom in support of the Fisheries Act Section 186a Waiheke closure. |
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Resolution number WHK/2021/45 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson B Upchurch, seconded by Member K Matthews: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) note the record of proceedings for the local board workshops held 17 and 24 February and 3 and 10 March 2021. |
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Resolution number WHK/2021/46 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson B Upchurch, seconded by Member K Matthews: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) note the Community Forum record of proceedings dated 10 March 2021. |
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List of resource consent applications - 7 February to 6 March 2021 |
Resolution number WHK/2021/47 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson B Upchurch, seconded by Member K Matthews: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) note the list of resource consents lodged related to Waiheke Island from 7 February to 6 March 2021. |
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Local board governance forward work calendar - March 2021 update |
Resolution number WHK/2021/48 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson B Upchurch, seconded by Member K Matthews: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) receive its Governance Forward Work Calendar dated March 2021. |
23 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
Member Matthews closed the meeting with a karakia.
Waiho i te toipoto kaua i te toiroa
Let us keep close together, not far apart
7.18 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.