Franklin Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Franklin Local Board held by videoconference on Tuesday, 28 September 2021 at 9.30am.  As required under the COVID-19 Response (Urgent Management Measures) Act 2020, either a recording of the meeting or a written summary will be published on the Auckland Council website.





Andrew Baker


Deputy Chairperson

Angela Fulljames



Malcolm Bell



Alan Cole



Sharlene Druyven



Lance Gedge



Amanda Kinzett



Matthew Murphy



Logan Soole



Franklin Local Board

28 September 2021



1          Welcome



The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.



2          Apologies


There were no apologies.



3          Declaration of Interest



a)         Andrew Baker declared an interest in Item 11, Franklin Quick Response and Multi-Board Grant Round One 2021/2022 Grant Allocations, grant application for Counties Special Olympics

b)         Sharlene Druyven declared an interest in Item 11, Franklin Quick Response and Multi-Board Grant Round One 2021/2022 Grant Allocations, grant application for Waiuku Christmas Parade

c)         Sharlene Druyven declared an interest in Item 21, Draft Business Improvement District Policy (2021) Kaupapa Here ā-Rohe Whakapiki Pakihi

d)         Logan Soole declared an interest in Item 11, Franklin Quick Response and Multi-Board Grant Round One 2021/2022 Grant Allocations, grant application for Graeme Dingle Foundation Auckland

e)         Logan Soole declared an interest in Item 11, Franklin Quick Response and Multi-board Grant Round One 2021/2022 Grant Allocations, grant application for Te Kopu Incorporated.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number FR/2021/124

MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames:  

That the Franklin Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting held on Tuesday 24 August 2021, as true and correct.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.



6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.





7          Petitions


There were no petitions.



8          Deputations



Deputation - Paul Devening, CommUnity Funds NZ


This item was withdrawn.





Deputation - Peter Zanzottera, Counties Manukau Cricket Association


In attendance were: Peter Zanzoterra, Serena Somlyai, Steve Deane, Mark Stockton, Sarah-Jayne Hanley, Neal McKendrick, Ben Herlihy and Kim Squire.



A presentation was given A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.



Resolution number FR/2021/125

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member M Bell:  

That the Franklin Local Board:

a)      thank Peter Zanzottera, Cricket Manager, Counties Manukau Cricket Association, and Serena Somlyai, Development Manager for Counties Manukau Cricket Association, for their attendance and presentation on the growth of cricket and proposal for new cricket pitches at Clevedon Showgrounds and Te Puru Park.




a     28 September 2021 Franklin Local Board - Counties Manukau Cricket presentation



9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.



10        Extraordinary Business



There was no extraordinary business.




Franklin Quick Response and Multi-Board Grant Round One 2021/2022 Grant Allocations


Limasene Seve, Grants Advisor, was in attendance for this item.

Logan Soole declared an interest in Te Kopu Incorporated application. The item was moved to Table Two for discussion and voting.



Resolution number FR/2021/126

MOVED by Member M Murphy, seconded by Member S Druyven:  

That the Franklin Local Board:

a)      agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in Franklin Quick Response and Multi-Board Round One 2020/2021, listed in Table One and Table Two below.  

Table One: Franklin Quick Round One 2021/2022 grant applications:


Application ID


Requesting funding for

Amount requested

Amount approved



Counties Manukau Kindergarten Association - Clevedon

Towards the purchase of four outdoor art panels



Lower strategic alignment with local board plan. Refer to Arts Broker


Bombay Community Group

Towards the hiring of Portable Toilets for the Bombay Farm Run





The UpsideDowns Education Trust

Towards subsidising speech and language therapy for four children for one year.



Lower strategic alignment with Local Board Plan


Franklin Fuchsia Group

Towards venue hire, advertising material and transport of staging and plants to the venue









Application ID


Requesting funding for

Amount requested

Amount approved



Waiau Pa Netball Club

Towards traffic management plan, insurance and event timing system for Pa5000 fun run/walk



Toward traffic management


St Andrew’s Community Trust

Towards a marquee to hold live demonstrations, workshops and talks outside in a covered space, and the cost of flowers for floral competition and displays






Puni School Parent Teacher Association

Towards venue hire, sound system hire, and generator hire for the Franklin Multicultural Festival



Contribution aligned with previous funding levels



St Andrew's Community Trust

Towards performer fees and advertising of the 'Sunday at St Andrews' event



Funding professional fees have lower strategic alignment Refer to arts broker



Clevedon Community and Business Association

Towards traffic management, insurance, advertising, costume hire and face painting for the Clevedon Christmas Parade 2021






Toward traffic management


Application ID


Requesting funding for

Amount requested

Amount approved



Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust

Towards telecommuni-cation costs used for the Youthline Helpline in support of the young people of the Franklin area.



Note this is consistent with annual support amount


Takutai Charitable Trust

Towards traffic management plan for Pohutukawa Coast Santa Parade 2021



Toward traffic management


Beachlands Chartered Club

Towards costs of installing a heat pump in the club



Lower strategic priority


Bloom Pukekohe

Towards the purchase of new tools and equipment to create craft projects.





Franklin United Football Club Inc

Towards purchasing of two continental football goal posts.



Alternative funding sources available. Refer to Active Recreation advisors


Glenbrook Beach Residents and Ratepayers Association

Towards supplying and installing a solar CCTV kit with LPR camera



Lower strategic alignment. Refer to Strategic Broker for alternative support












Sharlene Druyven declared an interest in the Waiuku Business and Development Association application and took no part in discussion or voting on this item.

Andrew Baker, Chair, declared an interest in the Special Olympics Counties application and took no part in the discussion or voting on this item

Logan Soole declared an interest in the Te Kopu Inc application and took no part in discussion or voting on this item.

Angela Fulljames, Deputy Chair, took over the role of Chair for this resolution.


Resolution number FR/2021/127

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member M Bell:  

That the Franklin Local Board:

b)        agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in Franklin Quick Response  Round One 2020/2021, listed in Table Two below.


 Table Two: Franklin Quick Response Round One 2020/2021 Grant applications


Application ID


Requesting funding for

Amount requested

Amount approved



Waiuku Business and Development Association

Towards Traffic Management, Portable Toilet Hire and first aid for the Waiuku Christmas Parade Event



Toward traffic management


Special Olympics Counties

Towards venue hire, volunteer recognition and the cost for event officials.



Toward venue hire and volunteer recognition


Te Kopu Inc

Towards stage hire, lighting and fencing for Tuhionorangi Matariki Festival



Contribution to total request, noting request exceeds total annual grants budget














Resolution number FR/2021/128

MOVED by Member L Soole, seconded by Member M Bell:  

That the Franklin Local Board:

c)         agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in Franklin Multi-Board Round One 2020/2021, listed in Table Three below.

Table Three: Multi-Board Grant Round One 2021/2022 applications:



Application ID


Requesting funding for

Amount requested

Amount approved



The Auckland Softball Association Incorporated

Towards a proportion of the annual operating expenses of the Auckland Softball Association



Insufficient delivery on local strategic priorities demonstrated


Big Buddy Mentoring Trust

Towards operational costs including wages, rent, transport, and equipment to recruit, screen, and train up to 50 more Auckland men to be volunteers (Big Buddies) to Auckland boys who do not have a father in their life



Insufficient delivery on local strategic priorities demonstrated


The Operating Theatre Trust

Towards gift a seat theatre tickets and transport costs for low decile school and early childhood centre children between October 2021 and May 2022



Insufficient delivery on local strategic priorities demonstrated









Application ID


Requesting funding for

Amount requested

Amount approved



The Student Volunteer Army Foundation

Towards the Student Volunteer Army (SVA) "Kids Programme Volunteer Project" in various primary schools including the costs of school kits and providing administrative support from 31 October 2021 to 1 August 2022.



Insufficient delivery on local strategic priorities demonstrated


East Skate Club Incorporated

Towards the "Learn to Skate" programme including coaches, transport costs, equipment, venue hire, marketing and uniforms.



Low delivery on local strategic priorities demonstrated


Age Concern Auckland Incorporated

Towards counselling services for older adults between 1 October and 30 June 2022



Low delivery on local strategic priorities demonstrated


Counties Manukau Sports Foundation

Towards the 2021 Honda New Zealand Counties Manukau Sporting Excellence Awards on 2 December 2021





People First New Zealand Incorporated

Towards training programmes for people with a disability, including decision-making, self-advocacy, financial capability and being safe, held at Royal Oak from 1 October 2021 to 30 September 2022.



Low delivery on local strategic priorities demonstrated

Application ID


Requesting funding for

Amount requested

Amount approved



Road Safety Education Trust

Towards the operational costs to manage the delivery of the Road Safety Programme across Auckland, including wages for the programme co-ordinator, national manager and support staff for programmes between 1 October 2021 to 30 September 2022.



Low delivery on local strategic priorities demonstrated












Logan Soole declared an interest in the Graeme Dingle Foundation Auckland application and took no part in the discussion or voting on this item



Resolution number FR/2021/129

MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames:  

That the Franklin Local Board:

d)        agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in Franklin Multi-Board Round One 2020/2021, listed in Table Four below.


Table Four: Multi-board applications Round One 2020/21




Funding request

Amount request

Amount approved



Graeme Dingle Foundation Auckland

Towards salaries for two Kiwi Can Programme Coordinators from 3 January 2021 to 22 July 2022.



Low delivery on local strategic priorities demonstrated













Franklin Rural Halls - Funding for 2021/2022


Jane Cain, Place and Partner Specialist, was in attendance for this item.



Resolution number FR/2021/130

MOVED by Member M Murphy, seconded by Member A Cole:  

That the Franklin Local Board:

a)      approve the five-year operational plans (Attachments A-E) as the basis for funding the following Franklin rural hall committees in 2021/2022:

·   Glenbrook War Memorial Hall

·   Karaka War Memorial Hall

·   Te Toro Hall

·   Waiau Pa Hall

·   Waipipi Hall

b)      approve that hall committees with five-year plans and funding reserves of $35,000 or over receive 50% of the recommended funding for 2021/2022, as follows:

Hall name

Funding 2021/2022

Glenbrook War Memorial Hall


Karaka War Memorial Hall


Te Toro Hall


Waiau Pa Hall


Waipipi Hall



c)      approve a Community Centre Management Agreement for Glenbrook, Karaka, Te Toro, Waiau Pa and Waipipi Hall committees.

d)      approve funding of $8,500 for Buckland Community Centre for 2021/2022 to fund a seismic assessment.

e)      approve funding for the remaining 14 Franklin rural hall committees in 2021/2022 as follows:

Hall name

Funding 2021/2022



Āwhitu Central




Glenbrook Beach


Grahams Beach Settlers












Pukekohe East









f)       confirm an annual decision-making process to approve Franklin rural halls’ funding, taking into consideration recommendations in five-year plans and funding reserves held by hall committees.

g)      approve the tranche two hall committees for the development of five-year plans as Āwhitu Central, Matakawau, Pukekohe East, Hūnua and Paparimu.





Auranga Reserve Design, Lot 410


Resolution number FR/2021/131

MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member L Soole:  

That the Franklin Local Board:

a)       approve the concept plan (Attachment A) and subsequent construction of two earth mounds, native trees, a drinking fountain and a picnic table by the consent holder and the asset be taken on by Council at practical completion.

b)       approve Auckland Council entering into an infrastructure funding agreement for the park assets within the Auranga Recreation reserve (Lot 410).

c)       delegate to the General Managers, Parks, Sport and Recreation and Community Facilities authority to negotiate the infrastructure funding agreement on terms acceptable to Council’s Infrastructure Funding team.






New community lease for 17 Edinburgh Street, Pukekohe to Returned & Services Association Franklin Incorporated


Teukialupe Havea (Lupe) and Jenny Young, Community Lease Specialists, were in attendance for this item.



Resolution number FR/2021/132

MOVED by Member A Cole, seconded by Member M Bell:  

That the Franklin Local Board:

a)      note the public notification, under section 138 of the Local Government Act 2002, council’s intention to grant a lease for part of the land at Pukekohe War Memorial Town Hall, 17 Edinburgh Street, Pukekohe; describes as Part Lot 44 Deposited Plan 7997 and Lot 4 Deposited Plan 46662 and comprising 564 square meters (more or less) as outlined in red and hatched on the map Attachment A

b)      following public notification, the board are to consider objections and make a decision in lieu of a separate hearings panel

c)      grant under the Local Government Act 2002, subject to any objections being resolved, a new community lease to Returned & Services Association Franklin Incorporated for part of the Pukekohe War Memorial Hall, 17 Edinburgh Street, Pukekohe, described as Part Lot 44 Deposited Plan 7997 and Lot 4 Deposited Plan 46662 and comprising 564 square meters (more or less), (Attachment A) on the following terms and conditions:

i)       term: ten (10) years commencing 1 December 2021 with a two 10-year rights of renewal, reaching final expiry 30 November 2051

ii)      rent: $1.00 plus GST per annum if demanded

iii)     annual maintenance charge: one thousand dollars ($1,000) plus GST

iv)     approve the Returned & Services Association Franklin Incorporated Community Outcomes Plan (Attachment B) for attachment to the community lease agreement

v)      additional conditions:

·   the tenant shall be entitled, free of charge, to the use of the Town Hall and supper room on two evenings (one which shall be a Saturday) during each year of the term solely for functions of the tenant; the dates of such evenings to be fixed each year by the landlord, following application from the tenant.

·   the tenant may enter into future sublease(s) with groups as approved by Franklin Local Board.

d)      note all other terms and conditions in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002 and the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012.






Public feedback on proposal to make a new Public Trading Events and Filming Bylaw 2022


Resolution number FR/2021/133

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member A Kinzett:  

That the Franklin Local Board:

a)      receive public feedback on the proposal to make a new Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture ā-Rohe Tauhokohoko, Whakahaerenga me te Tango Kiriata Tūmatanui 2022 / Auckland Council Public Trading, Events and Filming Bylaw 2022 in this agenda report.

b)      endorse the proposed approach to making a new Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture ā-Rohe Tauhokohoko, Whakahaerenga me te Tango Kiriata Tūmatanui 2022 / Auckland Council Public Trading, Events and Filming Bylaw 2022, noting that support is aligned with feedback from submitters within the Franklin Local Board area

c)      decline the opportunity to present views to the Bylaw Panel on 19 October 2021.





Public feedback on proposal to amend the Animal Management Bylaw 2015


Resolution number FR/2021/134

MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member M Bell:  

That the Franklin Local Board:

a)      receive the public feedback on the proposal to amend Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture-ā-rohe Tiaki Kararehe 2015 / Auckland Council Animal Management Bylaw 2015 and associated controls in this agenda report.

b)      endorse the proposed changes to Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture-ā-rohe Tiaki Kararehe 2015 / Auckland Council Animal Management Bylaw 2015, noting that support is aligned with feedback from submitters within the Franklin Local Board area

c)         recommend that the detail of provisions relating to the management of bees is informed by bee management professionals, and note that provisions should favour bee welfare as determined by professionals over preferences of bee-keeping hobbyists

d)        recommend, when considering how council will manage licensing of beekeeping, that staff consider an approach that incentivises responsible bee management i.e. similar to the responsible dog-owner incentives programme.

e)         decline the opportunity to present views to the Bylaw Panel on 29 October 2021.







Public feedback on proposal to amend the Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw 2015


Resolution number FR/2021/135

MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member L Gedge:  

That the Franklin Local Board:

a)      receive public feedback on the proposal to amend the Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Ture ā Rohe Whakarato Wai me te Pae Kōtuitui Wai Para / Auckland Council Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw 2015 in this agenda report.

b)      endorse the proposed changes to Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Ture ā Rohe Whakarato Wai me te Pae Kōtuitui Wai Para / Auckland Council Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw 2015, noting that support is aligned with feedback from submitters within the Franklin Local Board area

c)      decline the opportunity to present views to the Bylaw Panel on 5 November 2021.





Local board feedback on Auckland Transport's Parking Strategy Review


Resolution number FR/2021/136

MOVED by Member S Druyven, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames:  

That the Franklin Local Board:

a)    provide the following feedback on the review of Auckland Transport’s Parking Strategy ahead of public consultation;

Parking for different types of transport

i)         request that the strategy specifically consider the parking needs in the rural context e.g on-street parking needs for rural and industrial service vehicles such as large truck and trailer vehicles, private vehicles with trailers such as horse floats on transport routes and in rural services towns that need to accommodate them such as Pukekohe

Regulation (including pricing)

ii)     recommend that the Parking Strategy adopt a fit for purpose pricing approach that reflects the availability of parking , other transport options and the location. For example, town centres that service communities without appropriate public transport options should not be subjected to parking charges on the basis that there are no alternatives to using private vehicles.

Technology for parking management

iii)       support the use of technology for parking management; however note that this must be complemented with systems that enable parking if and when technology fails

Park and Ride provision and pricing

iv)       strongly recommend that the Parking Strategy acknowledge an ongoing need for Park and Ride facilities in those areas that do not have the option to connect to public transport nodes through other means (by foot, bike, ferry or other public transport connections). For rural areas not serviced by or with limited public transport connections, recognition must be given to the fact people will continue to have to drive to public transport hubs to utilise public transport services

v)      suggest that pricing consider the communities it services in terms of the level of alternative transport options. Those that do not have any other choice but to drive to a park and ride facility (due to disability or distance) to access public transport should be encouraged and incentivised to take up public transport however possible; rather than creating further barriers to accessing public transport

Compliance and enforcement

vi)       note that communities outside the city centre are poorly serviced in terms of parking enforcement due to the distance from Auckland Transport work-force hubs. This compromises the effectiveness of parking restrictions as a mechanism for creating parking capacity.

vii)     recommend that compliance and enforcement approach reflects enforcement and compliance limitations that are created by physical distance from the compliance and enforcement workforce

Management of on-street and off-street parking

viii)    note that management of on-street parking is poor in areas that are a distance from Auckland Transport work-force hubs

ix)       note that roading design in new developments will create additional demand for on-street parking management, and that a lack of alternative transport options across the Franklin Local Board area will sustain a need well into the future without equivalent management resource

x)        recommend the parking strategy specifically consider and address how both off-street and on-street parking management will be addressed

The degree, extent and timing of parking policy change

xi)       strongly recommend that the strategy accommodates differences in readiness across the region in terms of alternative transport options and access to employment. The board acknowledges and supports ambitious change for those areas with easy access to transport options and excellent access to services and facilities; however recommend a staged and gradual approach for the Franklin Local Board area and other areas that do not have the same options, until such time that these options are made available.

xii)     note that a failure to accommodate differences across the region will create deprivation through isolation for a number of Franklin Local Board communities

Issues that aren’t currently being addressed through the strategy that should be

xiii)    the rural areas or developing rural areas (such as Clevedon or Clarks Beach) or urban centres in the rural context (such as Pukekohe and Beachlands) cannot be considered in the same way as evolved urban environments. The strategy assumes access to public transport when this may not be the case.

xiv)    new developments are unlikely to have on-site parking available in the future, are currently designed with narrow road widths and are poorly serviced by public transport. The board does not believe that housing developers will be driven by the market to provide parking options, which will create on-street parking issues for those greenfield areas without alternative transport options, and that developers should be required to provide designs and strategies to mitigate the effect of multiple car ownership per household and need for private vehicle use


Themes in parking management issues that could inform policy development

xv) Plentiful on-street parking is of significant importance in neighbourhoods and town-centres that are both under-serviced by public transport where private parking options are not provided by third parties e.g. shopping malls.  The Parking Strategy must acknowledge differences in need across Auckland as a matter of equity i.e. a ‘one size fits all’ strategy is not suitable in the Auckland environment.





Local board feedback on the kerbside refuse charging mechanism policy


Resolution number FR/2021/137

MOVED by Member M Bell, seconded by Member L Gedge:  

That the Franklin Local Board:

a)    provide the following feedback on the kerbside refuse charging model policy review:

i)             agree that the key priorities when considering how to charge for rubbish collection services are:

·         waste minimisation – minimising waste to landfill

·         cost – both to the council and to the consumer

·         equity – providing a service that is accessible for everyone regardless of income and location and

·         climate change – has the lowest impact on Auckland’s greenhouse gas emissions

ii)            recommend that kerbside refuse services are funded through rates rather than through a user-pays system, and encourage council to continue to prioritise establishing recycling centres throughout Auckland, including Franklin

iii)           consider that a payment system that requires individuals to plan for rubbish collection (i.e. purchasing of bags and tags in advance) exacerbates illegal dumping of rubbish e.g. on rural or isolated roadsides, and that convenience is key to facilitating responsible household waste behaviours

iv)           note that the pre-paid rubbish bag system is not suitable in rural areas as these can attract scavengers e.g. possums, feral cats etc, who can easily break bags and create a litter issue. Wheelie-bins that can be towed and are robust enough to withstand exposure to the elements are the preference, noting that bins are often transported from households that are some distance from the kerbside

v)            recommend that staff do further work on how to incentivise responsible consumer behaviour beyond the kerbside user-pays option, so that those actively reducing refuse continue to be rewarded.





Tāmaki Tauawhi Kaumātua - Age-friendly Auckland Action Plan


Resolution number FR/2021/138

MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member L Gedge:  

That the Franklin Local Board:

a)      support the draft Tāmaki Tauawhi Kaumātua – Age-friendly Auckland Action Plan.





Draft Business Improvement District Policy (2021) Kaupapa Here ā-Rohe Whakapiki Pakihi


Member Druyven declared a conflict of interest on this topic and took no part in the discussion or voting.

Gill Plume, BID Senior Advisor, was in attendance for this report.



Resolution number FR/2021/139

MOVED by Member A Kinzett, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames:  

That the Franklin Local Board:

a)         provide the following formal feedback on the draft Business Improvement District Policy (2021) and supporting documents:

Issue resolution

i)   suggest further clarification is needed to indicate what circumstances would trigger the use of BID targeted rate funds to employ interim management, as opposed to other dispute mechanism tactics

BID Programme Funding Agreement (2021)

ii)    BID members are BID funders (through an agreement via a BID ballot).  Council’s role is as a conduit only. As such, the board has concerns that a standard Auckland Council funding agreement is not suitable as it does not sufficiently recognise members as the funding source.


Size and scale of BID programmes

iii)     suggest that BIDs delivering within the minimum BID targeted rate grant of $120,000 as its baseline annual budget should not be required to have additional revenue streams, if the services it is delivering meet the needs of its membership. Suggest that the wording ‘requires BIDs to have additional revenue streams’ is reviewed

BID operating business association constitution and board charter (template 2016) sitting outside of the BID Policy 2021

iv)     note that BID constitutions are agreed by the membership and registered with the Societies register.  The BID policy should support and enable members to retain the right to determine their own constitution in line with agreed outcomes and the Auckland Council BID Policy should avoid determining detail e.g. require that associate members be represented on an executive committee

Other council funding

v)    do not agree that there needs to be a council-wide view on BID-operating business associations receiving funding from other parts of council, in addition to the BID targeted rate grant. BIDs should be free to pursue opportunities to seek funding for initiatives that deliver to outcomes that may deliver to outcomes aligned to BID outcomes. Likewise, Council departments and local boards should be free to consider BID funding proposals where these may deliver on the strategic purpose of any fund.

Local boards – other roles

vi)   support an update to wording to reference the elected members’ code of conduct (2021).

BID Annual Accountability Report (2021)

vii)   support the name change from BID Annual Accountability Agreement (2016) and update of the document to include BID targeted rate grant amount and copy of AGM resolution.

Audit – provision for a review audit or full audit

viii)  recommend that any audit should consider all income and expenditure as a baseline requirement.

Rating mechanism - Flat rate

ix)   recommend that rate mechanisms and rates should be discussed with the BIDs and their membership

Additional feedback

x)    suggest that the policy better reflect and support the independence of the BIDs and BID constitutions noting that it is their members who in the end are the funders, not the Auckland Council organisation.

xi)   suggest that the policy goes too far in determining what a BID can spend its funds on e.g. services that are otherwise provided by Auckland Council via its general rate. The board considers that BID membership should determine what is effective use of its funds within a broad mandate, noting that members are unlikley to support use of funds to duplicate Council services unless this is required through poor service provision or otherwise e.g. Graffiti removal is a service offered by Council but service may not meet the needs of a BID and its members. BIDs should be free to supplement this Council service.

xii)   the board recommends further definition of circumstances that would trigger the the right to review i.e. that this should be evidence based at Auckland Council’s sole discretion, noting that funding expenditure is primarily the concern of members, not Auckland Council

xiii)  request that the timeframe to finalise the Business Improvement District Policy (2021) be extended, noting that BID consideration of the draft has been disrupted by the COVID-19 August/September level 4 and 3 lockdown. A revised timefame should recognise that BID staff and members are focussed on supporting local business to respond to the implications of lockdown

xiv)  request that the copy of the local board’s resolutions and feedback on the Draft Business Improvement District Policy (2021) Kaupapa Here ā-Rohe Whakapiki Pakihi be forwarded to all local boards for their information”






Addition to the 2019-2022 Franklin Local Board meeting schedule


Resolution number FR/2021/140

MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member S Druyven:  

That the Franklin Local Board:

a)      approve the addition of three meeting dates to the 2019-2022 Franklin Local Board meeting schedule to accommodate the Annual Budget 2022/2023 timeframes as follows:

·   Tuesday, 30 November 2021, 9.30am

·   Tuesday, 10 May 2022, 9.30am

·   Tuesday, 21 June 2022, 9.30am.





Resolutions Pending Action - September 2021


Resolution number FR/2021/141

MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member L Soole:  

That the Franklin Local Board:


a)         note the resolutions pending action report April – August 2021 (Attachment A).





Governance Forward Work Calendar September 2020


Resolution number FR/2021/142

MOVED by Member L Soole, seconded by Member L Gedge:  

That the Franklin Local Board:

a)      note the governance forward work calendar dated September 2020 (Attachment A).





Franklin Local Board workshop records


Resolution number FR/2021/143

MOVED by Member M Bell, seconded by Member A Kinzett:  

That the Franklin Local Board:

a)      receive the Franklin Local Board workshop records for 3, 10, 17 and 24 August 2021.




26        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.




10.43 am                                            The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









