Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board held in the Local Board Office, 7-13 Pilkington Road, Panmure on Tuesday, 28 September 2021 at 10.00am.
Chairperson |
Maria Meredith |
Deputy Chairperson |
Chris Makoare |
Members |
Don Allan |
Debbie Burrows |
Nerissa Henry |
Peter McGlashan |
Tony Woodcock |
Councillor |
Josephine Bartley |
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board 28 September 2021 |
The Chair opened the meeting with a karakia and welcomed everyone present.
Member N Henry declared an interest in Item 22 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Multiboard Round One 2021/2022, grant allocations - MB2022-161 and MB2022-168 The Order of St John Northern Region Trust Board.
Resolution number MT/2021/139 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member D Allan: That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 24 August 2021, as a true and correct record.
There were no leaves of absence.
Deputy Chairperson C Makoare would like to acknowledge the passing of Mātua Bob Hawke of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, who was an important member of the community and of Waka Nathan, an ex-All Black who made important contributions to Otahuhu Rugby.
There were no petitions.
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Resolution number MT/2021/140 MOVED by Chairperson M Meredith, seconded by Member T Woodcock: That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) thank Danika Revell of The Period Place for her attendance. |
a 28 September 2021 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board Deputation The Period Place |
There was no public forum.
There was no extraordinary business.
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Resolution number MT/2021/141 MOVED by Member N Henry, seconded by Member P McGlashan: That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) receive the Governing Body Member’s update. |
a 28 September 2021 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board Councillor Bartley's Report |
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Resolution number MT/2021/142 MOVED by Chairperson M Meredith, seconded by Deputy Chairperson C Makoare: That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) receive the Chairperson’s report for September 2021. |
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Recommendation/s There were no verbal or written reports tabled. |
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Proposed land exchange at Taniwha Reserve and Maybury Reserve, Glen Innes |
Tamara Zunic Specialist Technical Statutory Advisor and Allan Christensen Manager Land Advisory Services were in attendance to speak to this item. |
Resolution number MT/2021/143 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member D Allan: That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) support the recommendation by Auckland Council staff that the sole objector to the proposal is heard in front of an appropriate but yet to be determined forum prior to PACE committee considering the proposed land exchange; and
b) support the proposed land exchange of approximately 2779m² being part of Taniwha Reserve located at 193-195 Taniwha Street, Glen Innes and legally described as Lot 142 DP 42356 for the land held by Tāmaki Regeneration Company located at:
Adjacent to Maybury Reserve West (Southern Part) i) 12A, 12B, 12C,12D,12E, 14A, 14B, 14C, 14D, 14E Maybury Street Legally described as Lot 4 DP 184600 Record of Title NA114C/639. Area of land exchange: 1,286m² ii) 1/12 Maybury Street Legally described as Lot 2 DP 184600 Record of NA TitleA114C/637 Estimated area of land exchange: 118.8m² (subject to survey) iii) 2/12 Maybury Street Legally descried as Lot 3 DP 184600 Record of Title NA114C/638 Area of land exchange: 617m² iv) Part 4 Maybury Street Legally described as Part of Lot 7 DP 187240 Record of Title NA116B/742 Estimated area of land exchange: 70.1m² - subject to survey v) Part 8 Maybury Street Legally described as Lot 1 DP 184600 Record of Title NA114C/636 Estimated area of land exchange: 110.7m² - subject to survey Adjacent to Maybury Reserve - West vi) 200A, 202 Taniwha Street Legally described as Lot 165 DP 43833 Record of Title NA46A/197 Area of land exchange: 1,072m²
vii) 192, 192A, 198A Taniwha Street Legally described as Lot 166 DP 43833 Record of Title NA46A/198 Area of land exchange: 2,008m²
viii) 184,184A, 184B,190A Taniwha Street Legally described as Lot 167 DP 43833 Record of Title NA46A/199 Area of land exchange: 2,008m²
ix) 180-182A Taniwha Street Legally described as Lot 168 DP 43833 Record of Title NA46A/200 Area of land exchange: 1216m² Adjacent to Taniwha Reserve East x) 45 Epping Street Legally described as Lot 128 DP 39662 Record of Title NA43A/178 Area of land exchange: 751m²
xi) 47 Epping Street Legally described as Lot 129 DP 39662 Record of Title NA43A/179 Area of land exchange: 771m²
xii) Part 49 Epping Street Legally described as Lot 130 DP 39662 Record of Title NA43A/180 Estimated area of land exchange: 774m² - subject to survey
xiii) Part 179A Taniwha Street (to be taken under the Public Works Act 1981) Legally described as - Fee Simple 1/7share in 3423 m2, Lot 1-2 Deposited Plan 188991 and Leasehold Flat 7 Deposited Plan 189275 and Garage 7 Deposited Plan 189275 Part NA119B/168 Estimated area of land exchange: 329m² - subject to survey
xiv) Part 179B Taniwha Street (to be taken under the Public Works Act 1981) Legally described as Fee Simple 1/7 share in 3423 m², Lot 1-2 Deposited Plan 188991 and Leasehold Flat 5 Deposited Plan 189275 and Garage 5 Deposited Plan 189275 Record of Title NA119B/166 Estimated area of land exchange: 26.7m² - subject to survey
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Public feedback on proposal to make a new Public Trading Events and Filming Bylaw 2022 |
Resolution number MT/2021/144 MOVED by Chairperson M Meredith, seconded by Deputy Chairperson C Makoare: That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) receive the public feedback on the proposal to make a new Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Ture ā-rohe Tauhokohoko, Takunetanga, me ngā Whakaahua i ngā Wāhi Marea 2022 / Auckland Council Public Trading, Events and Filming Bylaw 2022;
b) endorse the proposed amendments to the bylaw, and provide the following points for input:
i) acknowledge and note the four submissions made from the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki local board area; ii) recommend further work is done to encourage more input from the community when requesting future public feedback.
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Resolution number MT/2021/145 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member D Burrows: That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) support the draft Tāmaki Tauawhi Kaumātua – Age-friendly Auckland Action Plan. |
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Local board feedback on the kerbside refuse charging mechanism policy |
Resolution number MT/2021/146 MOVED by Member P McGlashan, seconded by Member N Henry: That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) provide the following points for feedback: i) endorse the following key priorities when considering how to charge for rubbish collection services: · waste minimisation – minimise waste to landfill · cost – both to the council and to the consumer · equity – providing a service that is accessible for everyone regardless of income and location · climate change – support people to reduce their carbon footprint to work towards the goal of becoming a zero waste Auckland by 2040.
ii) note the ‘Pay As You Throw’ model system may place a greater cost burden on families in the local board area and resort to illegal dumping;
iii) recommend implementing more food waste and recycling education programmes to encourage behaviour change on waste;
iv) note the local board area has an aging population with limited access to technology such as the internet and a debit card for online purchases/banking;
v) ensure thorough research is conducted and referred to when determining which kerbside refuse charging mechanism is suitable as each community is unique with various needs.
Public feedback on proposal to amend the Animal Management Bylaw 2015 |
Resolution number MT/2021/147 MOVED by Member D Allan, seconded by Member D Burrows: That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) receive the public feedback on the proposed amended Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture-ā-rohe Tiaki Kararehe 2015 / Auckland Council Animal Management Bylaw 2015 and associated controls; b) endorse the proposed amendments to the bylaw, and provide the following points for input: i) acknowledge and note the nine submissions made from the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board area;
ii) recommend further work is done to encourage more input from the community when requesting future public feedback;
iii) note Auckland is becoming more densely populated and the bylaw must reflect this to minimise animal-related health and safety concerns.
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Draft Business Improvement District Policy (2021) Kaupapa Here ā-Rohe Whakapiki Pakihi |
Resolution number MT/2021/148 MOVED by Chairperson M Meredith, seconded by Deputy Chairperson C Makoare: That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) endorse in principle the draft Business Improvement District Policy (2021) and supporting documents. |
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Public feedback on proposal to amend the Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw 2015 |
Recommendation/s That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: TW/DA CARRIED
a) receive the public feedback on the proposed amendments to the Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Ture ā Rohe Whakarato Wai me te Pae Kōtuitui Wai Para / Auckland Council Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw 2015;
b) endorse the proposed amendments to the bylaw and provide the following points:
i) recommend more education programmes to raise awareness and encourage better water usage; ii) note the importance of monitoring and enforcement to ensure compliance; iii) acknowledge and note the two submissions made from the local board area.
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Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Multiboard Round One 2021/2022, grant allocations |
Moumita Dutta Senior Grants Advisor was in attendance to speak to this item. |
Member N Henry declared an interest in grant application MB2022-161 and MB2022-168 The Order of St John Northern Region Trust Board and did not take part in discussion or vote on this item. |
Resolution number MT/2021/149 MOVED by Member P McGlashan, seconded by Member D Burrows: That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) agree to fund each application in Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Multi-Board One 2021/2022, for the amount listed in Column D below: Table One: Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Multi-Board Round One 2021/2022
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Local board feedback on the Central Government's proposed Three Waters Reform |
Resolution number MT/2021/150 MOVED by Chairperson M Meredith, seconded by Member T Woodcock: That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) note the local board’s feedback on the Central Government’s proposed Three Waters Reform. |
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Resolution number MT/2021/151 MOVED by Member D Allan, seconded by Member D Burrows: That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) note the attached Governance Forward Work Calendar. |
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Resolution number MT/2021/152 MOVED by Chairperson MM Meredith, seconded by Deputy Chairperson C Makoare: That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board: a) note the local board record of workshops held on 24 and 31 August, and 7, 14 and 21 September 2021. |
25 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
10.54 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.