Ōrākei Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Ōrākei Local held using electronic means on Thursday, 16 September 2021 at 3.00pm. A written summary will be uploaded on the Auckland Council website.





Mr Scott Milne, JP


Deputy Chairman

Troy Elliott



Troy Churton



Colin Davis, JP



Sarah Powrie



Margaret Voyce



David Wong, JP



Note:   Ōrākei Local Board members, support staff and those presenting to the meeting attended

via electronic link.

Ōrākei Local Board

16 September 2021




1          Welcome


            Chairman Scott Milne opened the meeting with a karakia and waiata.

2          Apologies


There were no apologies.


Note:   A roll call was conducted by Chairman Scott Milne that ascertained the following members

were in attendance at the commencement of the meeting:


Chairman Scott Milne                                             Member Sarah Powrie             

Deputy Chairman Troy Elliott                                 Member Margaret Voyce                     

Member Troy Churton                                             Member David Wong                           

Member Colin Davis                                                          


3          Declaration of Interest


Deputy Chairman Troy Elliott and Member Sarah Powrie declared an interest in item 12 - Ōrākei Local Grants and Multiboard Round One 2021/2022 grant allocations.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number OR/2021/138

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Deputy Chairman T Elliott:   

That the minutes of the Ōrākei Local Board meeting, held on Thursday, 19 August 2021 and the minutes of its extraordinary meeting, held on Thursday, 26 August 2021 be confirmed as true and correct.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no requests for leave of absence.


6          Acknowledgements



Acknowledgements - Wirihana Takanini Hawke (Bob) - Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei


A moment of silence was observed to acknowledge the recent passing of Wirihana (Bob) Hawke, much respected rangatira of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei.

‘A mighty totara has fallen’. The Board also acknowledged Bob’s longstanding contribution and commitment to Ngāti Whatua Ōrākei and the wider Ōrākei community and sent its sincere condolences to Bob’s whānau and iwi at this difficult time.



7          Petitions


There were no petitions.






8          Deputations



Deputation – Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei - Okahu Bay Bowling Club lease


Marama Royal, Chair and Ngarimu Blair, Deputy Chair were in attendance to present on behalf of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust to the local board on the Okahu Bay Bowling Club lease.


Note:    changes to the original motion, adding new clause b) were incorporated with the agreement of the meeting.


Resolution number OR/2021/139

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member C Davis:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)          receive the presentation and thank Marama Royal, Ngarimu Blair and members of the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust for their attendance.

b)         request Community Facilities staff to arrange a formal presentation of the proposed community facilitity and a timeline for processing the lease request for the Okahu Bay Bowling Club site.



9          Public Forum



Public Forum - Youth of Ōrākei


Danica Loulie-Wijtenburg and Joshua Curtis was in attendance to present on behalf of Youth of Ōrākei to the local board on the group’s progress and plans for this year.


Resolution number OR/2021/140

MOVED by Member M Voyce, seconded by Chairman S Milne:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board receive the presentation and thank Danica Loulie-Wijtenburg, Joshua Curtis, and members of the Youth of Ōrākei for their attendance.





Public Forum - Ross Harvey - Little Rangitoto Reserve


This item was deferred to the next Ōrākei Local Board meeting scheduled on Thursday, 21 October 2021.




Public Forum - Shaun Lee - Bird numbers at Tahuna Torea Nature Reserve


Shaun Lee was in attendance to present to the local board on his concerns with the decline in the numbers of key species of wading birds at Tahuna Torea Nature Reserve.


Note:    changes to the original motion, adding new clause b) were incorporated with   the agreement of the meeting.


Resolution number OR/2021/141

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member M Voyce:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)          receive the presentation and thank Shaun Lee for his attendance.

b)         request staff meet with Shaun Lee to develop a short to medium term plan to help address the decline in population of wading birds at Tahuna Torea Nature Reserve.




10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.



To adopt the Ōrākei Urban Ngahere (Forest) Analysis Report 2021


Howell Davies, Principal Specialist - Urban Ngahere attended the meeting to speak to this report.


Resolution number OR/2021/142

MOVED by Member T Churton, seconded by Member M Voyce:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board receive the Ōrākei Urban Ngahere (Forest) Analysis Report 2021 (Attachment A).





Ōrākei Local Grants Round One and Multiboard Grants Round One 2021/2022 grant allocations


Arna Casey, Grants Advisor attended the meeting to speak to this report.


Deputy Chairman Troy Elliott declared an interest in the following grant application and took no part in the discussion or voting on it:

LG2212-134 – Community Patrols of New Zealand Charitable Trust due to his membership with the Trust and his assistance with preparation of the application.

Member Sarah Powrie declared an interest in the following grant applications and took no part in the discussion or voting on it:

LG2212-134 – Community Patrols of New Zealand Charitable Trust due to her membership with the Trust.


The motion was put in parts.


Resolution number OR/2021/143

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member D Wong:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)          approve the following Ōrākei Local Grants Round One 2021/2022 grant for the amount as listed below:

Application ID



Amount allocated


Community Patrols of New Zealand Charitable Trust

Towards the cost of signage and includes acknowledgement of the Ōrākei Local Board’s support in the signwriting






Resolution number OR/2021/144

MOVED by Deputy Chairman T Elliott, seconded by Member S Powrie:   

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

b)         approve the following Ōrākei Local Grants Round One 2021/2022 grants for the amounts as listed below:

Application ID



Amount allocated


Ōrākei Tennis Club Incorporated

Towards the uplift, disposal and installation of two new synthetic courts at Ōrākei Tennis Club



FutureDreams Swimming Limited

Towards the 2021 'Kohi Summer Swim Series'



Somervell Memorial Presbyterian Church

Towards security, installation of the project, insurance and entry fees for an exhibition "Waiata Manu" at Art Week at Somervell Presbyterian Church



The UpsideDowns Education Trust

Towards subsidising speech and language therapy for eight children for one year from 4 October 2021 to 1 October 2022



Auckland Region Outrigger Canoe Association Incorporated

Towards funding for uniforms, safety boats, portaloos, waka hire and security



Dunholme Lawn Tennis Club Incorporated

Towards rates relief for the tennis club for 2021/2022 financial year



Ellerslie Residents' Association Incorporated

Towards electronic-waste recycling costs



East City BMX Club Incorporated

Towards the cost of a new PA system



New Zealand Council of Victim Support Groups Incorporated

Towards recruiting for victim support volunteer programme, as well as training and supervision in the Ōrākei Local Board area



Auckland Paraplegic and Physically Disabled Association Incorporated

Towards a beach mat at Selwyn reserve/Mission Bay Beach subject to the granting of landowner consent and receipt of the Takapuna Beach analysis report



Bayside Westhaven Little League Baseball Incorporated

Towards new baseball equipment including, pitching mounds, fencing, bases and protective screens



Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust

Towards counsellor helpline training, management, and support from October 2021 to March 2022



Urban Entrepreneur Limited

Towards funding for 'East Auckland Home Cooks Empowerment Project'



St. Mark's Church Remuera Parochial

Towards restoring the St Marks gravestones/headstones



St Heliers Village Business Association Incorporated

Towards advertising, marketing billboards and a street banner including installation



Communicare CMA (Auckland) Incorporated

Towards venue hire of the Barfoot & Thompson stadium



CLM Programmes Limited

Towards funding to help lower entry prices for "Building Champion Obstacle Challenge"



Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust

Towards the costs of the Ōrākei Kaitaki School Programme and Tamaki Kayak Day



Gujarati Sahitya Mandal NZ Incorporated

Towards venue hire on the understanding that if the event cannot proceed due to COVID lockdown restrictions then the funds to go to another rescheduled event or returned if not used



Mission Bay Business Association Incorporated

Towards the event day costs of the Mission Bay Family Fun Day



Stonefields Community Centre Incorporated

Towards a building consent for local community centre in the Stonefields area on the condition that the resource consent is obtained beforehand



Ellerslie Theatrical Society Incorporated

Towards prizes and advertising for the Ellerslie One Act Play Festival



The Order of St John Northern Region Trust Board

Towards first aid kits, storage cupboards, medical supplies and an AED







c)          approve the following Ōrākei Multi-board Grants Round One 2021/2022 grants for the amounts as listed below:


Application ID



Amount allocated


Big Buddy Mentoring Trust

Towards operational costs including wages, rent, transport, and equipment to recruit, screen, and train up to 50 more Auckland men to be volunteers (Big Buddies) to Auckland boys who do not have a father in their life



The Student Volunteer Army Foundation

Towards the Student Volunteer Army (SVA) programme volunteer project in various primary schools including the costs of a school kit, from 31 October 2021 to 1 August 2022



Age Concern Auckland Incorporated

Towards delivering the Empowering Communities Programme across West and Central Auckland between 1 October 2021 and 30 June 2022



New Zealand Tamil Senior Citizens Association

Towards the seniors wellbeing programme including community radio, various events, venue hire and excursions, from 1 November 2021 to 31 October 2022



Guardians of our Children Charitable Trust

Towards Parental Disputes workshops "Make Them Proud" including facilitation, handouts and venue hire at Ōrākei Community Centre from 1 October 2021 to 30 September 2022



CNSST Foundation (formerly Chinese New Settlers)

Towards the "Community Connection" CNSST Education and Wellbeing Programme in central Auckland from 30 October 2021 to 23 July 2022



Aotearoa Multicultural Families Society Incorporated

Towards the "Moving Village"  programme, an organised walking programme for families to walk through different parks in Devonport, Takapuna, Mission Bay and East Coast Bays from 2 October 2021 to 31 May 2022







d)         request all successful funding applicants to acknowledge Ōrākei Local Board support for their organisation and the event or project by including the Ōrākei Local Board logo on marketing material, product and/or promotional media/statements.

e)          request that if funding relates to an event, an invitation needs to be extended to all Ōrākei Local Board members to attend.

f)           decline the following following Ōrākei Local and Mulit-board Grants Round One 2021/2022 grant applications:

Application ID



Decline reason


Auckland University Cricket Club Incorporated

Towards the costs of an indoor training facility

Decline with the suggestion for applicant to reapply to Ōrākei Local Grants Round Two 2021/2022  


The Order of St John Northern Region Trust Board

To purchase of 24 defibrillators to place inside and outside buildings in each local board area

Unclear of community benefit to the Ōrākei Local Board area as the defibrillator locations are unknown


Road Safety Education Trust

Towards the Road Safety Programme including wages for the programme co-ordinator, national manager and support staff for programmes between 1 October 2021 to 30 September 2022

Limited community benefit to the Ōrākei Local Board area




Note:   Pursuant to Standing Order 9.4, Member Colin Davis requested that his abstention from voting on the grant application LG2212-121 - St Heliers Village Business Association Incorporated be recorded.




Local board feedback on Auckland Transport's Parking Strategy Review


The Board’s feedback on the review of Auckland Transport’s Parking Strategy was tabled at the meeting. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2021/145

MOVED by Member S Powrie, seconded by Member D Wong:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board provide its feedback as tabled on the review of Auckland Transport’s Parking Strategy by 30 September 2021, ahead of public consultation.




a     16 September 2021 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 13 - Local Board feedback on Auckland Transport's Parking Strategy Review, feedback




Draft Business Improvement District Policy (2021) Kaupapa Here ā-Rohe Whakapiki Pakihi


The Board’s feedback on the Draft Business Improvement District Policy (2021) Kaupapa Here ā-Rohe Whakapiki Pakihi was tabled at the meeting. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Note:   changes to the original motion by way of replacement were incorporated with the agreement of the meeting.


Resolution number OR/2021/146

MOVED by Member S Powrie, seconded by Member T Churton:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)          note the revised policy includes some substantial and fundamental changes to the relationship between the Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) and Auckland Council including the following:

·        The way BIDs are expected to partner with Auckland Council

·        Nature of the funding agreement

·        Issue resolution

·        Scale and size of BIDs.

b)         note it has had little opportunity for meaningful engagement to engender an understanding of the proposed changes and the associated impact on local BIDs, including the Remuera BID which has only just appointed a new manager.

c)          request that given the extent of the changes, the fact the Level 4 lockdown has had a major impact on our local BIDs, as many businesses concentrate on staying afloat, and the difficulties of discussing and digesting long, complicated policy documents on zoom, that the Finance and Performance Committee consider extending the request for feedback of the BID policy review until March 2022.

d)         provide its initial formal feedback as tabled on the draft Business Improvement District Policy (2021) and supporting documents for consideration whenever the review of the policy takes place.

e)          request the opportunity to provide further feedback on the review should a time extension be implemented.

f)           request that the copy of the Board’s resolutions and feedback on the Draft Business Improvement District Policy (2021) Kaupapa Here ā-Rohe Whakapiki Pakihi be forwarded to all local boards for their information.




a     16 September 2021 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 14 - Draft Business Improvement District Policy (2021) Kaupapa Here ā-Rohe Whakapiki Pakihi, feedback




Local board feedback on the kerbside refuse charging mechanism policy


The Board’s feedback on the kerbside refuse charging mechanism policy was tabled at the meeting. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2021/147

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Deputy Chairman T Elliott:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board provide its feedback as tabled on the kerbside refuse charging model policy review to help inform the recommendation that staff will present to the Environment and Climate Change Committee at its meeting on 14 October 2021.




a     16 September 2021 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 15 - Local Board feedback on the kerbside refuse charging mechanism policy, feedback



Tāmaki Tauawhi Kaumātua - Age-friendly Auckland Action Plan


The Board’s views on the draft Tāmaki Tauawhi Kaumātua – Age-friendly Auckland Action Plan was tabled at the meeting. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2021/148

MOVED by Member T Churton, seconded by Member S Powrie:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)          support the draft Tāmaki Tauawhi Kaumātua – Age-friendly Auckland Action Plan.

b)         provide its views as tabled on the draft Tāmaki Tauawhi Kaumātua – Age-friendly Auckland Action Plan to be included in the summary of all feedback to be reported with the final Action Plan for adoption by the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee in November 2021.




a     16 September 2021 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 16 - draft Tāmaki Tauawhi Kaumātua – Age-friendly Auckland Action Plan, feedback




Deliberations on proposal to amend the Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw 2015


The Board’s views on matters raised in the public feedback to the proposal to amend the Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Ture ā Rohe Whakarato Wai me te Pae Kōtuitui Wai Para / Auckland Council Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw 2015 was tabled at the meeting. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2021/149

MOVED by Member M Voyce, seconded by Member T Churton:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      receive public feedback on the proposal to amend the Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Ture ā Rohe Whakarato Wai me te Pae Kōtuitui Wai Para / Auckland Council Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw 2015 in this agenda report.

b)      provide its views as tabled on how the Bylaw Panel should address matters raised in public feedback to the proposal in recommendation (a) to assist the Bylaw Panel in its deliberations.




a     16 September 2021 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 17 - Deliberations on proposal to amend the Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw 2015, feedback




Public feedback on proposal to make a new Public Trading Events and Filming Bylaw 2022


The Board’s views on matters raised in the public feedback to the proposal to make a new Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture ā-Rohe Tauhokohoko, Whakahaerenga me te Tango Kiriata Tūmatanui 2022 / Auckland Council Public Trading, Events and Filming Bylaw 2022 was tabled at the meeting. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2021/150

MOVED by Member D Wong, seconded by Member C Davis:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      receive public feedback on the proposal to make a new Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture ā-Rohe Tauhokohoko, Whakahaerenga me te Tango Kiriata Tūmatanui 2022 / Auckland Council Public Trading, Events and Filming Bylaw 2022 in this agenda report.

b)      provide its views as tabled on how the Bylaw Panel should address matters raised in public feedback to the proposal in recommendation (a) to assist the Bylaw Panel in its deliberations.

c)      appoint Member David Wong to present the Ōrākei Local Board views in b) to the Bylaw Panel on 19 October 2021.




a     16 September 2021 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 18 - Public feedback on proposal to make a new Public Trading Events and Filming Bylaw 2022, feedback




Public feedback on proposal to amend the Animal Management Bylaw 2015


The Board’s views on matters raised in the public feedback to amend Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture-ā-rohe Tiaki Kararehe 2015 / Auckland Council Animal Management Bylaw 2015 and associated controls was tabled at the meeting. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2021/151

MOVED by Member M Voyce, seconded by Member C Davis:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      receive the public feedback on the proposal to amend Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture-ā-rohe Tiaki Kararehe 2015 / Auckland Council Animal Management Bylaw 2015 and associated controls in this agenda report.

b)      provide its views as tabled on how the Bylaw Panel should address matters raised in public feedback to the proposal in recommendation (a) to assist the Bylaw Panel in its deliberations.




a     16 September 2021 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 19 - Public feedback on proposal to amend the Animal Management Bylaw 2015, feedback




Additions to the 2019-2022 Ōrākei Local Board meeting schedule


Resolution number OR/2021/152

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Deputy Chairman T Elliott:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)          approve the addition of three meeting dates to the 2019-2022 Ōrākei Local Board meeting schedule to accommodate the Annual Budget 2022/2023 timeframes as follows:

·    Thursday, 2 December 2021, 4.30pm

·    Thursday, 12 May 2022, 5.00pm

·    Thursday, 23 June 2022, 5.00pm.

b)         note that the venue for these Ōrākei Local Board additional meetings will be the Ōrākei Local Board office, 25 St Johns Road, St Johns.

c)          note that any other urgent decisions required by the Board before its next business meeting scheduled on Thursday, 17 February 2022 may also be considered at the additional meeting on Thursday, 2 December 2021.





Chairman and Board Member September 2021 report


Resolution number OR/2021/153

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member D Wong:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board Chairman and Board Member September 2021 report be received.





Governance Forward Work Calendar


Resolution number OR/2021/154

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member M Voyce:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board note the draft governance forward work calendar as at September 2021.





Ōrākei Local Board Workshop Proceedings


The record for the workshop held on 5 August 2021 was tabled at the meeting. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2021/155

MOVED by Member C Davis, seconded by Chairman S Milne:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)          note the records for the workshops held on 12 and 26 August 2021.

b)         note the tabled record for the workshop held on 5 August 2021 which has been amended to record the correct date of the workshop.




a     16 September 2021 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 23 - Ōrākei Local Board Workshop Proceedings, 5 August 2021 Workshop Record




Resolutions Pending Action report


Resolution number OR/2021/156

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member D Wong:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board resolutions pending action report be noted.



25        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There were no extraordinary items.



4.43 pm                                              The c thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









