I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday, 23 September 2021 4.00pm This meeting will proceed via Skype for Business. Either a recording or written summary will be uploaded to the Auckland Council website. |
Waitākere Ranges Local Board
Chairperson |
Saffron Toms |
Deputy Chairperson |
Greg Presland |
Members |
Mark Allen |
Michelle Clayton |
Sandra Coney, QSO |
Ken Turner |
(Quorum 3 members)
Elizabeth Stewart Democracy Advisor
14 September 2021
Contact Telephone: 021 194 6808 Email: elizabeth.stewart@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Waitākere Ranges Local Board 23 September 2021 |
1 Welcome 5
2 Apologies 5
3 Declaration of Interest 5
4 Confirmation of Minutes 6
5 Leave of Absence 6
6 Acknowledgements 6
7 Petitions 6
8 Deputations 6
8.1 Deputation - Titirangi Community House 6
8.2 Deputation - Waitī Parking Community Group Community Update 7
9 Public Forum 7
10 Extraordinary Business 8
11 Waitākere Ward Councillors' Update 9
12 Waitākere Ranges Local and Multi-Board Round One 2021/2022 grant allocations 11
13 Multi-Board Local Grants Round Two 2020/2021 grant allocation to a deferred application 173
14 Draft Business Improvement District Policy (2021) Kaupapa Here ā-Rohe Whakapiki Pakihi 183
15 Local board feedback on Auckland Transport's Parking Strategy Review 233
16 Local board feedback on the kerbside refuse charging mechanism policy 295
17 Public feedback on proposal to amend the Animal Management Bylaw 2015 313
18 Public feedback on proposal to amend the Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw 2015 385
19 Public feedback on proposal to make a new Public Trading Events and Filming Bylaw 2022 407
20 Tāmaki Tauawhi Kaumātua – Age-friendly Auckland Action Plan 475
21 Additions to the 2019 – 2022 Waitākere Ranges Local Board meeting schedule 531
22 Chair's Report - September 2021 535
23 Local Board Member Report - Member Allen 537
24 Workshop Records 545
25 Governance Forward Work Programme 547
26 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
2 Apologies
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
Specifically, members are asked to identify any new interests they have not previously disclosed, an interest that might be considered as a conflict of interest with a matter on the agenda.
The following are declared interests of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:
Organisation/Position |
Mark Allen |
- Community Waitākere – Executive Officer - Bethells Valley Fire – Senior Fire Fighter - Waitākere Licensing Trust – Trustee |
Michelle Clayton |
- Glen Eden Community House – Treasurer - Glen Eden Residents’ Association – Treasurer - Waitākere Community Organisation Grants Scheme (COGS) – Committee Member - The Personal Advocacy and Safeguarding Adults Trust – Trustee - Glen Eden Returned Services Association (RSA) – Member - Glen Eden Railway Trust – Member |
Sandra Coney |
- Cartwright Collective – Member - Women’s Health Action Trust – Patron - New Zealand Society of Genealogists – Member - New Zealand Military Defence Society – Member - Pest Free Piha – Partner is the Coordinator - Piha Tennis Club – Patron and Partner is the President - Piha Wetland Trust – Partner is a Trustee - Waitākere Ranges Pest Free Alliance – Partner is the Co-Chair of this group - Waitematā District Health Board – Elected Member & Chair of Hospital Advisory Committee |
- Whau Coastal Walkway Environmental Trust – Trustee - Combined Youth Services Trust – Trustee - Glen Eden Bid – Member - Titirangi Ratepayers and Residents Association – Member - Waitākere Ranges Protection Society - Member - Titirangi RSA - Member |
Saffron Toms |
- Titirangi Community House – Secretary - Huia-Cornwallis Residents and Ratepayers Association – Committee Member |
Ken Turner |
- Huia-Cornwallis Residents and Ratepayers Association – Committee Member |
Member appointments
Board members are appointed to the following bodies. In these appointments the board members represent Auckland Council:
Lead |
Alternate |
Aircraft Noise Community Consultative Group |
Mark Allen |
Saffron Toms |
Ark in the Park |
Mark Allen |
Sandra Coney |
Friends of Arataki and Waitākere Regional Parkland Incorporated |
Michelle Clayton |
Sandra Coney |
Glen Eden Business Improvement District (Glen Eden Business Association) |
Michelle Clayton |
Greg Presland |
Glen Eden Playhouse Theatre Trust |
Ken Turner |
Mark Allen |
Te Uru Waitākere Contemporary Gallery |
Mark Allen |
Saffron Toms and Sandra Coney |
The Rural Advisory Panel |
Ken Turner |
Saffron Toms |
That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board: a) confirm the minutes of its ordinary meeting, held on Thursday, 26 August 2021, as true and correct.
At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.
At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.
At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.
Standing Order 7.7 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.
8.1 Deputation - Titirangi Community House |
Te take mō te pūrongo Purpose of the report 1. To deliver an annual update report to the local board during the deputation segment of the business meeting. Whakarāpopototanga matua Executive summary 2. Titirangi Community House would like to report back to the local board as per its management agreement. |
Ngā tūtohunga Recommendation/s That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board: a) receive the presentation and thank Jan Workman, Chair for her attendance.
A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.
At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
Waitākere Ranges Local Board 23 September 2021 |
Waitākere Ward Councillors' Update
File No.: CP2021/12989
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To receive an update from Waitākere Ward Councillors’ Linda Cooper and Shane Henderson.
2. A period of 10 minutes has been set aside for the Waitākere Ward Councillors to have an opportunity to update the Waitākere Ranges Local Board on regional matters.
Recommendation/s That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board: a) thank Waitākere Ward Councillors’ Linda Cooper and Shane Henderson for their verbal update.
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Authors |
Elizabeth Stewart - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Adam Milina - Local Area Manager |
23 September 2021 |
Waitākere Ranges Local and Multi-Board Round One 2021/2022 grant allocations
File No.: CP2021/13049
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To fund, part-fund or decline applications received for Waitākere Ranges Local and Multi-Board Grants Round One 2021/2022.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. The Waitākere Ranges Local Board adopted the Waitākere Ranges Local Grants Programme 2021/2022 as presented in Attachment A. The document sets application guidelines for contestable community grants submitted to the Board.
3. This report presents applications received in the Waitākere Ranges Local Board Grants Round One 2021/2022 (Attachment B) and Multi-Board Grants Round One 2021/2022 (Attachments C).
4. The Waitākere Ranges Local Board has set a total community grants budget $81,889.00 for the 2021/2022 financial year.
5. Sixteen applications were received for Waitākere Ranges Local Board Grants Round One, requesting $105,845.71; three applications were withdrawn. Thirteen applications were received for Multi-Board Grants Round One 2021/2022, requesting $44,700.55. A total of $150,546.26.
That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:
a) agree to fund, part-fund, or decline each application in the Waitākere Ranges Local Board Grants Round One 2021/2022, listed in the following table:
Application ID |
Organisation |
Requesting funding for |
Amount requested |
LG2219-101 |
Keagan Blair Fransch |
Toward a week-long workshop with six professional actors and one professional director to develop the script for a play about African New Zealanders called Dimensions in Black |
$11,868.00 |
LG2219-103 |
Waitākere Rivercare Group |
Towards equipment for the extension of the nursery in Matuku Link Reserve |
$6,189.00 |
LG2219-104 |
Towards lures and gas cylinders as well as seven days contractor's time to maintain pest control lines in Cornwallis Peninsula |
$9,731.11 |
LG2219-105 |
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Kōtuku |
Towards accommodation, flights, and coach cost for performers who are representing West Auckland in the National Mana Kura Tuatahi Kapa Haka in Nelson |
$10,000.00 |
LG2219-106 |
Bishop Stream Neighbourhood Garden |
Towards flexi bin, weed trimmer and hire of chipper |
$685.85 |
LG2219-108 |
Pisces Road Playgroup |
Towards the upgrade of play equipment and resources at the Glen Eden Community House |
$782.75 |
LG2219-109 |
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hoani Waititi Marae |
Towards accommodation and travel costs for tutors, parent helpers, and performers who are representing West Auckland in the National Mana Kura Tuatahi Kapa Haka Competition in Nelson |
$10,000.00 |
LG2219-111 |
Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust |
Towards counsellor helpline training, management, and support from October 2021 to March 2022 |
$5,000.00 |
LG2219-112 |
Titirangi Baptist Church |
Towards carnival equipment hire for Green Bay Highschool Athletics Day on 18 February 2022 and weekly breakfasts for four school terms |
$3,050.00 |
LG2219-113 |
Glen Eden Community House |
Towards upgrade of their table in Glen Eden Community House |
$1,500.00 |
LG2219-114 |
Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust |
Towards women's retreat in Piha on November 2021 |
$7,200.00 |
LG2219-115 |
New Zealand Council of Victim Support Groups National Office |
Towards recruiting, training, reimbursement, and supervision of the victim support’s volunteer programme |
$5,000.00 |
LG2219-116 |
Friends of Arataki |
Group Towards items for a free Friends of Arataki event for children |
$3,100.00 |
LG2219-118 |
David Oakes |
Towards marketing, gear and act hire, and management fees for a music and arts festival in Waima Reserve |
$15,000.00 |
LG2219-121 |
Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust - Experiencing Marine Reserves |
Towards kayak hire and operating costs to run two free kayak events in Waitākere Kayak Days |
$7,000.00 |
LG2219-122 |
Matuku Reserve Trust |
Towards materials for weed control of invasive pest plants in Te Henga Wetland |
$9,739.00 |
Total |
$105,845.71 |
b) agree to fund, part fund, or decline each application in the Waitākere Ranges Multi-Board Grants Round One 2021/2022, listed in the following table:
Application ID |
Organisation |
Requesting funding for |
Amount requested |
MB2022-101 |
The Auckland Softball Association Incorporated |
Towards a proportion of the annual operating expenses of the Auckland Softball Association |
$3,000.00 |
MB2022-105 |
VisionWest Community Trust |
Towards the Meri Kirihimete event including equipment, security, communication, and signage from 13 to 17 December 2021 |
$4,829.12 |
MB2022-113 |
Big Buddy Mentoring Trust |
Towards operational costs including wages, rent, transport, and equipment to recruit, screen, and train up to 50 more Auckland men to be ‘Big Buddy’ volunteers |
$10,000.00 |
MB2022-115 |
The Other Club Limited |
Towards the production "Skin Hunger" at various locations, including venue hire, online marketing, and catering from 6 November 2021 to 8 March 2022. |
$2,500.00 |
MB2022-117 |
Rutherford College Community Education |
Toward the print, distribution, and graphic design of West Auckland Adult & Continuing Community Education Handbook |
$2,713.20 |
MB2022-120 |
The Operating Theatre Trust |
Towards gift a seat theatre tickets and transport costs for low decile school and early childhood centre children between October 2021 and May 2022 |
$4,598.00 |
MB2022-121 |
The Student Volunteer Army Foundation |
Towards the Student Volunteer Army (SVA) programme volunteer project in various primary schools including the costs of a school kit, from 31 October 2021 to 1 August 2022 |
$2,000.00 |
MB2022-127 |
Weet-Bix TRYathlon Foundation |
Towards subsidised costs for children to enter the Central West Auckland TRYathlon on 5 December 2021 at Keith Hay Park |
$900.00 |
MB2022-144 |
Auckland Deaf Society Incorporated |
Towards the Christmas event including two sign language interpreters, entry fees for 74 adults and children to Butterfly Creek and donations for volunteers on 11 December 2021 |
$441.30 |
MB2022-153 |
Multiples Auckland Trust |
Towards training, support groups and equipment for Multiples Auckland from 1 October 2021 to 1 December 2021 |
$1,131.13 |
MB2022-157 |
CNSST Foundation, formerly known as Chinese New Settlers Services Trust |
Towards the Community Connection Programme at New Lynn Community Centre from 30 October 2021 to 23 July 2022 |
$5,000.00 |
MB2022-165 |
Interacting Theatre Trust |
Towards the "Interact Disability Arts Festival 2021!" at Corbans Estate on 1 to 5 November 2021 |
$5,300.00 |
MB2022-167 |
Matuku Reserve Trust |
Towards the education programme at the Matuku Link Education Centre for the Taupuhipuhi - connecting our tamariki to nature project from 1 November 2021 onwards |
$5,000.00 |
Total |
$47,412.75 |
6. The local board allocates grants to groups and organisations delivering projects, activities and services that benefit Aucklanders and contribute to the vision of being a world-class city.
7. The local board grants programme sets out:
· local board priorities
· lower priorities for funding
· exclusions
· grant types, the number of grant rounds, and when these will open and close
· any additional accountability requirements.
8. The Waitākere Ranges Local Board adopted the Waitākere Ranges Local Grants Programme 2021/2022 as presented in Attachment A. The document sets application guidelines for contestable community grants submitted to the Board.
9. The community grant programmes have been extensively advertised through the council grants webpage, local board webpages, local board e-newsletters, Facebook pages, council publications, and community networks.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
10. The aim of the local board grant programme is to deliver projects and activities which align with the outcomes identified in the local board plan. All applications have been assessed utilising the Community Grants Policy and the local board grant programme criteria. The eligibility of each application is identified in the report recommendations.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
11. The Local Board Grants Programme aims to respond to Auckland Council’s commitment to address climate change by providing grants to individuals and groups for projects that support and enable community climate action.
12. Community climate action involves reducing or responding to climate change by local residents in a locally relevant way. Local board grants can contribute to expanding climate action by supporting projects that reduce carbon emissions and increase community resilience to climate impacts.
13. Examples of projects include local food production and food waste reduction; increasing access to single-occupancy transport options; home energy efficiency and community renewable energy generation; local tree planting and streamside revegetation; and educating about sustainable lifestyle choices that reduce carbon footprints.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
14. The focus of an application is identified as arts, community, events, sport and recreation, environment, or heritage. Based on the focus of an application, a subject matter expert from the relevant department will provide input and advice.
15. The grants programme has no identified impacts on council-controlled organisations and therefore their views are not required.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
16. Local boards are responsible for the decision-making and allocation of local board community grants. The Waitākere Ranges Local Board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these grant applications against the local board priorities identified in the local board grant programme.
17. The Board is
requested to note that section 50 of the Community Grants Policy states:
“We will also provide feedback to unsuccessful grant applicants about why
they have been declined, so they will know what they can do to increase their
chances of success next time”.
18. A summary of each application received through 2021/2022 Waitākere Ranges Local and Multi-Board Grants Round One is provided in Attachments B and C.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
19. The local board grants programme aims to respond to the council’s commitment to improving Māori wellbeing by providing grants to individuals and groups who deliver positive outcomes for Māori. Auckland Council’s Māori Responsiveness Unit has provided input and support towards the development of the community grant processes.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
20. The Waitākere Ranges Local Board adopted the Waitākere Ranges Local Grants Programme 2021/2022 as presented in Attachment A. The document sets application guidelines for contestable community grants submitted to the Board.
21. This report presents applications received in the Waitākere Ranges Local Board Grants Round One 2021/2022 (Attachment B) and Multi-Board Grants Round One 2021/2022 (Attachments C).
22. The Waitākere Ranges Local Board has set a total community grants budget $81,889.00 for the 2021/2022 financial year.
23. Sixteen applications were received for Waitākere Ranges Local Board Grants Round One, requesting $105,845.71; three applications were withdrawn. Thirteen applications were received for Multi-Board Grants Round One 2021/2022, requesting $44,700.55. A total of $150,546.26.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
24. The allocation of grants occurs within the guidelines and criteria of the Community Grants Policy and the local board grants programme. The assessment process has identified a low risk associated with funding the applications in this round.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
25. Following the Waitākere Ranges Local Board allocating funding for Round One Local and Multi-Board grants, grants staff will notify the applicants of the local board’s decision.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Waitākere Ranges Local Board Grant Programme 2021/2022 |
17 |
b⇩ |
Waitākere Ranges Local Grants Round One Application Summary |
21 |
c⇩ |
Waitākere Ranges Multi-Board Grants Round One Application Summary |
103 |
Ngā kaihaina
Authors |
Rikka Barbosa - Grants Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rhonwen Heath - Head of Rates Valuations & Data Management Adam Milina - Local Area Manager |
23 September 2021 |
2021/2022 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One
Table of Contents
2021/2022 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One
Keagan Blair Fransch
Waitākere Rivercare Group
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Kōtuku
Bishop Stream Neighbourhood Garden
Pisces Road Playgroup
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hoani Waititi Marae
Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust
Titirangi Baptist Church
Glen Eden Community House
Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust
New Zealand Council of Victim Support Groups National Office. 54
Friends of Arataki
David Oakes
Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust - Experiencing Marine Reserves. 65
Matuku Reserve Trust
2021/2022 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One LG2219-101 |
Legal status: |
Activity focus: |
Arts and culture |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Dimensions in Black (a play about African New Zealanders) |
Location: |
Auckland |
Summary: |
I am applying for funds to help me as the playwright to hold a week-long workshop with six professional actors and one professional director to develop the script further. The result of this workshop will then be a short performance of an extract of the script to invited theatre and arts industry professionals and producers, with a view to garnering interest in producing this play in Tamaki Makaurau. |
Expertise: |
I am a graduate of Toi Whakaari: New Zealand Drama School in Wellington (Acting) and have worked as an actor in Aotearoa for a few years, at spaces such as BATS, Basement Theatre, Circa Theatre and the Pop-up Globe. I also have a Masters degree in Acting from Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London. Whilst in the UK I had the opportunity to join the Royal Court Theatre Script Panel as a dramaturg, work with Paines Plough as a script submissions reader, review theatre for the Vaults Festival 2020, tutor students in short acting courses at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, and also start an audition coaching business for Black and minority ethnic aspiring actors. |
Focus specific: |
Event producer/contractor/3rd party: Environmental benefits: Building/site accessible or visible to the public: |
Dates: |
04/10/2021 17/12/2021 |
Rain dates: |
04/10/2021 - 17/12/2021 |
People reached: |
7 |
Promotion: |
Percentage of participants: |
15 |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
Access to the arts for the Black New Zealand community is very poor;
this poor accessibility includes not just content (i.e. the lack of art or
theatre representing Black Kiwis) but also personnel, because the arts
industry is inaccessible in terms of pathways for career development (via
routes like mentorship, secondments, assistant roles). It is also financially
inaccessible given the sacrifice it takes to work full time on creative work,
and how that time is either unpaid or so poorly paid that the quality of the
work is compromised due to the lack of resource. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· Value and support our talented local artists and showcase their work
This project is the development of a play that tells a story of colonisation, migration and the consequent loss of belonging and autonomy, told from the perspective of Black New Zealanders of African descent. As a child of the African diaspora I know what it is to be constantly trying to find a place in the current world, whilst trying to hold a connection either to the world left behind or to the new world not yet fully known. We are in a perpetual state of imagining what we could be, and what is the way forward, whilst constantly looking back towards the space we came from, all whilst also inhabiting a space we're told we don't quite fit in to. What is home? What is belonging? Is a person of African descent who was born and raised in Tāmaki Makaurau, is a proud citizen of Aotearoa and has paid taxes all their adult life less Kiwi than a 5 year old Pākehā child? I’m excited to build and present a work that not only offers a space to ask these questions but that gives New Zealand creatives of African descent something they have been craving for years: a platform to dream, create and perform together. Theatre continues to be an inaccessible industry for African-New Zealand practitioners, of which there are many. And yet, despite these numbers proving the existence of Black Kiwis in the arts, there are so few opportunities and pathways available to them for creative engagement and genuine career growth. This play, both as a script and in production, will not only provide many roles for Black Kiwi actors, but for Black Kiwi creative and production teams as well. |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· No Māori outcomes identified
Accessible to people with disabilities |
No - |
Target ethnic groups: |
Specific ethnic group African |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water as the first choice Smoking will not be permitted in doors. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
100% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$11868.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
I am requesting funding for the development workshop of the play. This workshop will be over 7 days, and will involve a professional director working with 6 professional actors to workshop the script of the play. |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: If only part of my project is funded, then I would reduce the number of workshop days so that I can still pay the professional director and professional actors the industry standard rate for their time, and so that I could still afford venue hire. |
Cost of participation: |
No there is no cost of participation |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$11,868.00 |
$2,860.00 |
$0.00 |
$800.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
Venue Hire plus GST (360 + 54 GST) + (2 x 80 + 24 GST) |
$598.00 |
$598.00 |
Director fee for 7 days of workshop (at a standard industry rate of $200 per day plus GST) 1,400 + 210 GST |
$1,610.00 |
$1,610.00 |
Actors' fees (x6) for 7 days of workshop (at a standard industry rate of $200 per day plus GST) 6x 1,400 + 210 GST |
$9,660.00 |
$9,660.00 |
Income description |
Amount |
Stipend from Basement Theatre Ideas in Residence |
$ 2,860.00 |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
1 |
216 |
$4,568.40 |
Additional information to support the application: |
Yes: |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
LG2219-101 |
Dimensions in Black (a play about African New Zealanders) 2021/2022 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One - Assessment completed |
Undecided $0.00 |
2021/2022 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One LG2219-103 |
Legal status: |
Activity focus: |
Environment |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Nurturing natives |
Location: |
111 Bethells Road, Bethells/Te Henga, Auckland |
Summary: |
Extension of our volunteer run community nursery to give more people the chance to work learn how to grow natives while helping us grow many more eco sourced natives for the Waitākere River Valley, specifically on the wetland restoration area of Matuku Link. We have more people than we can accommodate, and we could grow more plants and trees if we had more space. We have a flat area adjacent to our nursery at Matuku Link that we can use, but we need to add infrastructure: a tank, irrigation system, shade cloth, rabbit proof fence, potting mix.. It would increase our output with about 60% and our community involvement with 100% . |
Expertise: |
Waitākere Rivercare has been growing plants for the Waitākere River Valley for almost 25 years, we're all locals. By teaming up with Matuku Link we have access to their facilities and communication systems and increased the number of volunteers, which has lead to the creation of our weekly Tuesday Workshops. We've grown tens of thousands of native plants over the past decades. Matuku Link trustee Geoff Davidson was the founder and owner of Auckland's first native nursery: Oratia Native Nursery, before he sold it last year. |
Focus specific: |
Event producer/contractor/3rd party: Environmental benefits: Cleaner water as trees give shade, which suppresses
aquatic weeds and decreases water temperature. Building/site accessible or visible to the public: |
Dates: |
15/10/2021 01/07/2025 |
Rain dates: |
15/10/2021 - 01/07/2025 |
People reached: |
1200 |
Promotion: |
We are always very appreciative of the support we receive from our local board and Auckland Council. It will be on our website, on our Facebook pages and added to the Matuku Link newsletter which has 1100 subscribers. |
Percentage of participants: |
90 |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
More people engaged with the environment |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· Support and deliver projects, programmes and activities that address stream and coastal erosion, water quality, weed and animal pest management, environmental programmes, education, and biodiversity (rural or urban)
We grow native plants to restore the Waitākere River valley, specifically (but not exclusively) for the wetland restoration areas of Matuku Link. This creates habitat for our native species. We also grow plants for others along the river who aim to replace their paddocks or exotics with native flora. This all contributes to address flooding and erosion of river banks, as well as increases shade on the water, lowering the temperature thus decreasing the chance of algae blooms. Before any planting is done, weeds will be cleared of course! The people who join our weekly Tuesday nursery sessions also come to learn about growing native plants and trees, either through ecosourcing seeds or growing from cuttings, so they can continue this work on their own property. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
Matuku Reserve Trust |
use of land, coordination, toilet and coffee facilities |
Bethells/Te Henga Beachcare Group |
they plant the trees we grow |
Whitebait Connection |
training our volunteers on water quality monitoring so we can see the benefits of our plantings |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· Māori involvement in the design/concept, Māori focus - tikanga (practices), mātauranga (knowledge), reo (language) Te Kawerau a Maki have been part of our project from the beginning - through helping out or through their kaumatua planting the first trees or releasing the first pateke. They support our efforts and kaupapa, as it is fully around kaitiakitanga of our local environment. A number of our volunteers are actively increasing their (and our) knowledge of te reo in the team, and of course we use the te reo names for all our trees and plants. We are currently working on identifying the names of different sections of the river in conjunction with Graham Murdoch to be able to correctly address those areas and in the future we hope to have signs available to communicate these names. |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - We are working on getting our project more and more accessible. Currently the nursery table is accessible, as someone in a wheelchair has demonstrated, but it isn't optimal yet. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water as the first choice We are part of Matuku Link with its Sustainable Wetland Education Centre. We actively promote recycling on our property, with different bins clearly marked trying to minimize 'general waste'. We compost all green waste and food in our purpose build compost bins. We don't have soft drinks or sodas, just water, tea, coffee and lemon water from our own lemon tree. We ask people to bring their lunches plastic-free and waste free and we supply cups, plates and cutlery which we wash afterwards for reuse. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
100% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$6189.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
Just the equipment to get this extension of the nursery up and running: watertank, irrigation system, connectors and potting mix. We've outgrown our current nursery and could supply many more people and projects with plants if we have more space! |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: Depending on how much we will receive in funding. We would try other funders, hand-water instead of having an irrigation system. We cannot connect it to our current nursery system because that is at capacity already. Basically for a very small investment of just over $6k, the wider Waitākere community would have a fully functioning extra nursery, with all educational and community benefits that has! |
Cost of participation: |
No |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$13,419.00 |
$0.00 |
$5,000.00 |
$2,250.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
Watertank |
$2,651.00 |
$2,651.00 |
Irrigation system |
$1,258.00 |
$1,258.00 |
3m2 Sand |
$300.00 |
$300.00 |
Potting mix (two loads of 6m2) |
$1,960.00 |
$1,980.00 |
145 meter shade cloth Cosio Windbreak |
$500.00 |
$0.00 |
92 m2 weed mat |
$200.00 |
$0.00 |
90 m2 6 cm deep gravel |
$800.00 |
$0.00 |
20 posts H4 and 10 beams H4 |
$750.00 |
$0.00 |
professional construction of main posts & beams, flattening the ground |
$5,000.00 |
$0.00 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
Matuku Link |
$5,000.00 |
Approved |
Donated materials |
Amount |
shade cloth Cosio windbreak |
$500.00 |
92 m2 weedmat |
$200.00 |
20 H4 treated posts + 10 H4 treated beams |
$750.00 |
small gravel to cover 90m2 x 6 cm deep |
$800.00 |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
400 |
1200 |
$25,380.00 |
Additional information to support the application: |
Waitākere Rivercare Group have been growing plants for over 25 years, helping local residents revegetate their riparian margins and retired paddocks. The extension of the nursery creates the opportunity for more volunteers to be able to help, learn and care for their environment, as well as for school children through the education program. |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
LG2219-103 |
Nurturing natives 2021/2022 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One - Assessment completed |
Undecided $0.00 |
2021/2022 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One LG2219-104 |
Legal status: |
Activity focus: |
Environment |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Petrelheads 2022 |
Location: |
Cornwallis Peninsula |
Summary: |
Our project is to sustain the substantial trapping programme on Cornwallis which encompasses all the Council parkland area, while also encouraging residents to tackle pests on their land (at their cost). This programme has been operating for more than 6 years. 325+ traps are in place of which 150 are A24 traps and 159 DOC 200 traps were provided by the Council. The A24 self resetting traps were funded by the Trusts, Z Energy and the Council. With more than 300 traps worth above $50k, we seek support to enable consumables to be purchased (lures for the A24 traps and for pre-feeding DOC200 traps) and trapline maintenance by a contractor. |
Expertise: |
Our expertise is drawn from 'learning by doing' over the last 6 or more years. Members of the SCOW team include University ornithologists who provide advice. We also receive helpful advice by Council Staff, as noted earlier. |
Focus specific: |
Event producer/contractor/3rd party: Environmental benefits: Enhanced abundance of native birdlife and invertebrates by maintaining the widespread trapping and poison programme across the Cornwallis Peninsula and observable improvements in native bush. Volunteers note that after 6 years of pest control, crowns of large trees are luxuriant with apparently more, and better feed kereru for example. People who have lived in Cornwallis for many years observe that the birdlife is the greatest they have seen. Building/site accessible or visible to the public: |
Dates: |
01/11/2021 30/10/2022 |
Rain dates: |
01/11/2021 - 30/10/2022 |
People reached: |
22 |
Promotion: |
We already acknowledge your contribution on Cornwallis.org.nz, Facebook and twitter. As in the past, we would continue to seek profile in local bulletins e.g., The Fringe and The Roundabout. Among other support, the pest plant eradication of climbing asparagus on Council Land in the Peninsula has been welcomes - in particular on Puponga. This has enabled more pest lines to be checked more regularly since it is less of any ordeal for volunteers. |
Percentage of participants: |
90 |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
Benefits to the community include retaining what has already been achieved in increasing bird life (including penguins) as well as invertebrates. Cornwallis offers significant amenity value for those who walk their dogs, a safe beach for swimming and is widely used. The trapping programme includes the enhanced Jubilee walk at one end of the peninsula and the Monument walk and the southern end. Maintaining the trapping programme will enable the community in West Auckland to enjoy a richer and more diverse native fauna. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· Support and deliver projects, programmes and activities that address stream and coastal erosion, water quality, weed and animal pest management, environmental programmes, education, and biodiversity (rural or urban)
Funding will enable SCOW to continue to service the 300+ traps that cover the Peninsula. About $50k of capital has been invested in traps are in the field, of which about 150 are A24 traps that are self-resetting but require lure and gas canisters for replenishment. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
University of Auckland |
Provision of advice - liaison |
The Council biodiversity team |
Advice |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· Māori focus - tikanga (practices), mātauranga (knowledge), reo (language) Gai Bishop (Nga Puhi, Ngāti Porou), resides in Cornwallis and is
a SCOW committee member which oversees Pest Free Cornwallis. The
Group offers us support and advice as kaiwhakahaere on our engagement with Te
Ao Māori in very general terms. |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - If an outcome of the 'Project' is to enhance the abundance of bird-life at Cornwallis, then those with long-term disabilities will benefit because there is ready access to Cornwallis Beach with nearby bush helping to lift bird abundance (and to a lesser extent to recently enhanced walking tracks) |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness programmes Zero waste will be achieved by retaining any lures/plastic pouches for lures etc. But of equal importance, the teams that check the traps also collect waste left in the bush. Increasing the abundance of native birds will also help induce visitors to Cornwallis to use the high-quality tracks that have been put in place. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
100% |
100% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$9731.11 |
Requesting grant for: |
The part of the project being requested for is financial support for lures and gas cylinders to enable one year's servicing of self-resetting for 153 A24 traps already in place. We also seek financial support to fund 7 days of a contractor's time to maintain pest control lines to make it easier for volunteers to regularly check the traps. |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: Our monetary resources from previous fund raising runs out in November. From then we would cease checking 150+ A24 traps due to lack of lures/gas. The value of these traps amount to about $30k (including GST) and they are placed in the most difficult areas to check (e.g., at the end of the Peninsula where a sensitive petrel colony is based). We would attempt to maintain a lower level of trapping by redeploying DOC200 traps from elsewhere. Otherwise, the team will continue to seek funding but we have no certainty that sufficient will be received to sustain any A24 traps. |
Cost of participation: |
no |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$9,731.11 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
lures for A24 traps |
$4,590.00 |
$4,590.00 |
gas to replenish A24 traps |
$1,995.65 |
$1,995.65 |
Pre-feed packs |
$625.46 |
$625.46 |
Track and Tree pest line maintenance |
$2,520.00 |
$2,520.00 |
Donated materials |
Amount |
Dozen Eggs provided by volunteers |
$ |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
23 |
1191 |
$25,189.65 |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
RENH21/22003 |
RENH19/20061 — Project Weta Regional Environment and Natural Heritage Grant 2021 - 2022 - Eligibility Screening |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2219-104 |
Petrelheads 2022 2021/2022 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One - Assessment completed |
Undecided $0.00 |
CCF20/2100032 |
Community Coordination and Facilitation Grant Programme 2020 - 2021 - Ineligible |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2019-103 |
Pest control supplies for the Petrelheads 2019/2020 Waitākere Ranges Quick Response, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $1,482.00 |
RENH19/20061 |
Project Weta Regional Environment and Natural Heritage Grant 2019 - 2020 - Paid - awaiting completion report |
Approved $10,000.00 |
RENH17/1863 |
Te Karanga-a-Hape Restoration/Pest Free Cornwallis Peninsula Regional Environment and Natural Heritage Fund 2017 - 2018 - Assessment Biosecurity |
Declined $0.00 |
2021/2022 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One LG2219-105 |
Legal status: |
Activity focus: |
Arts and culture |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Operation Bring Home the Bacon - TKKM o Te Kōtuku |
Location: |
Whakatū - Nelson |
Summary: |
National Mana Kura Tuatahi Kapa Haka Competition |
Expertise: |
OG in this space. This is what we do |
Focus specific: |
Event producer/contractor/3rd party: Environmental benefits: Building/site accessible or visible to the public: |
Dates: |
01/10/2021 05/11/2021 |
Rain dates: |
01/10/2021 - 05/11/2021 |
People reached: |
30000 |
Promotion: |
In the schools communication |
Percentage of participants: |
20 |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
Representing the Māori culture of West Auckland on a National
and Global stage |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· Support local projects and activities that contribute towards Māori educational, cultural, leadership, and employment outcomes
Representing West Auckland in the National Mana Kura Tuatahi Kapa Haka competition in Nelson |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
Hoani Waititi Marae |
Te Whanau o Waipareira |
Whanau contributions |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· Māori led - either a Māori organisation that is applying or Māori directed (came about as a request from Māori), Māori involvement in the design/concept, Māori focus - tikanga (practices), mātauranga (knowledge), reo (language), Māori participation - Māori priority group, target group, high representation or Māori staff delivering By representing Kura Kaupapa Māori on the National Stage |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - The venue and event is accessible to disabled people |
Target ethnic groups: |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water as the first choice, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness programmes These are standard practices for all Kura events |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
100% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$10000.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
Accommodation/running costs for performers (44 children), 8 tutors and 10 parent helpers |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: Any which way but loose |
Cost of participation: |
There will be an entry fee which is determined by the event coordinators in Nelson |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$48,963.00 |
$18,600.00 |
$14,000.00 |
$0.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
Accommodation |
$16,911.00 |
$10,000.00 |
Flights |
$29,202.00 |
$ |
Coach |
$2,850.00 |
$ |
Income description |
Amount |
62 people @ $300 each |
$ 18,600.00 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
Hoani Waititi Marae |
$5,000.00 |
Pending |
Te Whanau o Waipareira |
$5,000.00 |
Pending |
Henderson Massey LB Quick Response |
$2,000.00 |
Pending |
Whau LB Quick Response |
$2,000.00 |
Pending |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
LG2219-105 |
Operation Bring Home the Bacon - TKKM o Te Kōtuku 2021/2022 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One - Assessment completed |
Undecided $0.00 |
2021/2022 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One LG2219-106 |
Legal status: |
Activity focus: |
Community |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Bishops Stream Neighbourhood Garden |
Location: |
56-58 Wirihana Rd., Titirangi, Auckland 0604 |
Summary: |
Group of older residents set up and self-managed an organic neighbourhood garden to supply food and companionship through regularly meeting to co-operatively work on working bees to grow produce and maintain the gardens. Plot holders initially funded the project after the Waitākere District Council gave approval. Has won a Council eco Award for its work. Surplus food is distributed to local church food bank. |
Expertise: |
Have been doing this project for 11 years. |
Focus specific: |
Event producer/contractor/3rd party: Environmental benefits: Building/site accessible or visible to the public: |
Dates: |
01/08/2021 01/02/2022 |
Rain dates: |
01/08/2021 - 01/02/2022 |
People reached: |
approx 20 |
Promotion: |
Acknowledgement of Council support is on the Community Notice Board attached to the garden. |
Percentage of participants: |
100 |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
Companionship, learning about organic gardening, fruit and vegetable production, neighbourly support. Children learning about gardening. Supplementing food costs for older folk. Gives access to family with a member in a wheelchair to gardening activities not otherwise available. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· Support community-led food initiatives such as community gardens, learning to grow or prepare food, reducing packaging and food waste and sharing produce
Provides additional food, in a neighbourhood co-operative setting. Training and learning in organic gardening, recycling and re-purposing materials, self-composting. |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· No Māori outcomes identified
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - We unsuccessfully applied for funding for a short gravel pathway in the orchard area to allow wheelchair access for one of our gardeners but this was declined in the last round. The clean-up and pathways is to make the paths cleaner for wheel chair tyres and normal footwear. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water as the first choice, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness programmes No known smokers in the group. Recycle Reuse everything we can. Gravity fed watering system. Self-composting, Fruit and veges are organic, weed control is organic, There is heavy work in the garden on the working bees which are normally about 3 - 5 hours per session, in addition to individual work by plot-holders. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
100% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$685.85 |
Requesting grant for: |
Flexi bin, weed trimmer and hireage of chipper |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: Would subtract the cost of the Flexi bin and distribute waste material to people's homes to put in their waste cycle over a period of months. |
Cost of participation: |
N/A |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$685.85 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
Petrol line trimmer + delivery |
$240.00 |
$240.00 |
Chipper hire 8 hours |
$290.90 |
$290.90 |
Flexibin pick up |
$115.00 |
$115.00 |
2mFlexibin for tidy-up. |
$39.95 |
$39.95 |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
20 |
240 |
$5,076.00 |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
LG2219-106 |
Bishops Stream Neighbourhood Garden 2021/2022 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One - Assessment completed |
Undecided $0.00 |
2021/2022 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One LG2219-108 |
Legal status: |
Activity focus: |
Community |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Upgrade of play equipment and resources |
Location: |
Glen Eden Community House, 13 Pisces Rd, Glen Eden, Auckland |
Summary: |
Pisces Road Playgroup wishes to upgrade some play equipment and
resources. |
Expertise: |
The Community House has been running these programmes for over 30 years, we have a Supervisor who has been organising and running this group for over 10 years |
Focus specific: |
Event producer/contractor/3rd party: Environmental benefits: Building/site accessible or visible to the public: |
Dates: |
04/10/2021 31/03/2022 |
Rain dates: |
04/10/2021 - 31/03/2022 |
People reached: |
360 |
Promotion: |
Term brochure, Facebook, website, Newsletters, posters |
Percentage of participants: |
95 |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
The new equipment will provide our children with opportunities for
exploring and learning in fun and creative ways |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· Make small grants to local groups for projects or actions which will have a positive impact on community resilience
Having a well-equipped programme and space for our younger families within their community gives these families a sense of belonging and helps them to feel connected |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - Our building is equipped for people with disabilities i.e. ramps, accessible toilets and wider hall ways |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water as the first choice, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness programmes We have a smoke free policy at the Community House with signs displayed. We provide recycling bins as well as general waste bins. We encourage parents to bring healthy food choices for morning tea. The equipment and programme we provide helps to encourage active play |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
100% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$782.75 |
Requesting grant for: |
Total of Project |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: We would prioritise which items |
Cost of participation: |
No |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$782.75 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
Tutor Warehouse |
$782.75 |
$782.75 |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
LG2219-108 |
Upgrade of play equipment and resources 2021/2022 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One - Assessment completed |
Undecided $0.00 |
2021/2022 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One LG2219-109 |
Legal status: |
Activity focus: |
Arts and culture |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Operation Bring Home the Bacon TKKM o Hoani Waititi Marae |
Location: |
West Auckland and Whakatu - Nelson |
Summary: |
Representing West Auckland in the National Mana Kura Tuatahi Kapa
Haka Competition in Nelson (Primary School Kapa Haka Competition) |
Expertise: |
OG in this space. This is what we do |
Focus specific: |
Event producer/contractor/3rd party: Environmental benefits: Building/site accessible or visible to the public: |
Dates: |
01/10/2021 05/11/2021 |
Rain dates: |
01/10/2021 - 05/11/2021 |
People reached: |
30000 + |
Promotion: |
In kura weekly communication |
Percentage of participants: |
20 |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
The community benefits are the promotion and application of tikanga
Maori in the West Auckland space as an absolute example for Tamaki Makaurau whānui.
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· Support local projects and activities that contribute towards Māori educational, cultural, leadership, and employment outcomes
The Kura will be representing West Auckland in the Mana Kura Tuatahi
National Kapa Haka competition in Nelson in October - performance day Nov 1st
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
Hoani Waititi Marae |
Te Whanau o Waipareira |
Whanau |
volunteers, financial contribution |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· Māori led - either a Māori organisation that is applying or Māori directed (came about as a request from Māori), Māori involvement in the design/concept, Māori focus - tikanga (practices), mātauranga (knowledge), reo (language), Māori participation - Māori priority group, target group, high representation or Māori staff delivering Showcasing excellence in the Maori and education space at a National
and Global level. |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - The venue and event is accessible to disabled people |
Target ethnic groups: |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water as the first choice, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness programmes These are promoted through the event organizers. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
100% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$10000.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
Accommodation and travel costs for performers, tutors and parent helpers (55 people) |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: Any which way but loose |
Cost of participation: |
Students registration fee $600.00 |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$50,676.82 |
$44,970.00 |
$14,000.00 |
$10,000.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
Blenheim Bridges Holiday Park Accommodation Cost for performers |
$6,183.00 |
$2,000.00 |
Students registration fee |
$600.00 |
$ |
Travel |
$35,058.82 |
$8,000.00 |
Food |
$8,250.00 |
$ |
Hire |
$585.00 |
$ |
Income description |
Amount |
Whanau Sponsorship |
$ 43,470.00 |
Homeland Restaurant Fundraiser |
$ 1,500.00 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
Waipareira |
$5,000.00 |
Pending |
Hoani Waititi Marae |
$5,000.00 |
Pending |
Henderson Massey Quick Response |
$2,000.00 |
Pending |
Whau LB Quick Response |
$2,000.00 |
Pending |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
12 |
4200 |
$88,830.00 |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
LG2219-109 |
Operation Bring Home the Bacon TKKM o Hoani Waititi Marae 2021/2022 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One - Assessment completed |
Undecided $0.00 |
2021/2022 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One LG2219-111 |
Legal status: |
Activity focus: |
Community |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Supporting the youth of Waitākere Ranges in a COVID world |
Location: |
Youthline House 13 Maidstone St, Grey Lynn, Auckland |
Summary: |
We are requesting $5,000 as a contribution to the Waitākere
Ranges share of $8,897 of the annual budgeted costs of $296,559 for volunteer
training and management for the Youthline Helpline in support of the young
people of the Waitākere Ranges. |
Expertise: |
Youthline has been supporting young people in need for over 50 years
and we have serious expertise in providing this support. |
Focus specific: |
Event producer/contractor/3rd party: Environmental benefits: Building/site accessible or visible to the public: |
Dates: |
01/10/2021 31/03/2022 |
Rain dates: |
01/10/2021 - 31/03/2022 |
People reached: |
2000 |
Promotion: |
The Youthline Helpline is promoted and marketing across a wide range
of media including the Youthline website, Facebook page and various
promotional activities. We have an extensive communications contact plan in
place. |
Percentage of participants: |
100 |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
For many of the young people we work with the first contact point
with us is through the Helpline and our volunteer counsellors. Many of the
young people are vulnerable – disadvantaged, disillusioned, disengaged
- and their situation is exacerbated under COVID-19. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· Make small grants to local groups for projects or actions which will have a positive impact on community resilience
Youthline is well known as “the number one place for young
people to reach out to for support” with 17% of young people contacting
us for support. 76% of young people are aware of Youthline alone (Colmar
Brunton 2021). We have been supporting young people and working with
communities for over 50 years. We are a “with youth, for youth”
organisation and the first point of contact for many young people accessing
youth development and support services across Aotearoa New Zealand. We are a
respected and trusted frontline service that has changed the lives of many
people who have reached out in their time of need. |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· Māori participation - Māori priority group, target group, high representation or Māori staff delivering Youthline provides support services to young people in need across
the ethnic spectrum. In our last reporting period 16% of calls and texts to
our Helpline presented as Māori, slightly ahead of the 14% of young people
aged 15-24 residing in the Auckland area who identify as Māori. For
mentoring and counselling, 15% of young people identify as
Māori. |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - All our services and facilities are accessible to people with disabilities. |
Target ethnic groups: |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Promote smoke-free messages Youthline Auckland supports the Auckland Council’s Smokefree Policy and its commitment to working proactively with others towards making Auckland smokefree by 2025. We have a smoke free policy in place and can offer support, advice and referrals to young people who wish to give up smoking. We ensure that the young people we work with are aware of our support for making Auckland smokefree and how we can help them if necessary. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
10% |
75% |
15% |
% |
% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$5000.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
We are requesting $5,000 as a contribution to the Waitākere
Ranges share of $8,897 of the annual budgeted costs of $296,559 for volunteer
training and management for the Youthline Helpline in support of the young
people of the Waitākere Ranges area. |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: We would not amend our plan as such. Rather we would continue being
extremely proactive in applying for funding from a wide range of funders. The
total cost of the Youthline Helpline will be $1.35m this year. We receive
funding of $217,000 from Oranga Tamariki and the Ministry of Youth
Development contracts meaning we have to fundraise over $1.1m each and every
year. |
Cost of participation: |
No |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$8,897.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
Youthline Helpline Counsellor training, management and support |
$8,897.00 |
$5,000.00 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
We have no current applications for funding these services in the Waitākere Ranges Local Board area |
$ |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
200 |
14616 |
$309,128.40 |
Additional information to support the application: |
We are very appreciative of the previous support of the local board and would be very grateful if the board was able to contribute this time round to the cost of managing and training our essential volunteer Helpline counsellors who, under COVID-19, are supporting a record number of young people experiencing mental distress and hardship of an unprecedented nature. As an essential service it is vital that we are able to keep the Helpline fully operational. The training, supporting, supervising and management of our volunteer counsellors is an absolute priority. |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
LG2221-206 |
Supporting Whau youth in a COVID world 2021/2022 Whau Local Grants, Round One - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2207-127 |
Supporting Howick youth in a COVID world 2021/2022 Howick Local Grants, Round One - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2205-109 |
Supporting Henderson-Massey youth in a COVID world 2021/2022 Henderson-Massey Local Grants Round One - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2217-109 |
Supporting Upper Harbour youth in a COVID world 2021/2022 Upper Harbour Local Grants, Round One - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2206-119 |
Supporting Hibiscus & Bays youth in a COVID world 2021/2022 Hibiscus and Bays Local Grants, Round One - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2201-13 |
Supporting Albert-Eden youth in a COVID world 2021/2022 Albert Eden Local Grant Round One - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2220-130 |
Supporting Waitematā youth in a COVID world 2021/2022 Waitematā Local Grants, Round One - GA Assessment Completed |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2210-115 |
Supporting Manurewa youth in a COVID world 2021/2022 Manurewa Local Grants, Round One - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2212-115 |
Supporting Orakei youth in a COVID world 2021/2022 Ōrākei Local Grants, Round One - GA Assessment Completed |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2209-122 |
Supporting Māngere-Ōtāhuhu youth in a COVID world 2021/2022 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Grants, Round One - Assessment completed |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2213-130 |
Supporting Ōtara-Papatoetoe youth in a COVID world 2021/2022 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round One - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
QR2203-115 |
Supporting Franklin youth in a COVID world 2021/2022 Franklin Quick Response, Round One - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2219-111 |
Supporting the youth of Waitākere Ranges in a COVID world 2021/2022 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One - Assessment completed |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2208-108 |
Supporting the youth of Kaipātiki in a COVID world 2021/2022 Kaipātiki Local Grant, Round One - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2214-108 |
Supporting the youth of Papakura in a COVID world 2021/2022 Papakura Local Grant, Round One - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2215-108 |
Supporting the youth of Puketapapa in a COVID world 2021/2022 Puketāpapa Local Grant Round One - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2202-113 |
Supporting the youth of Devonport Takapuna in a COVID world 2021/2022 Devonport Takapuna Local Grant Round One - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2211-131 |
Supporting the youth of Maungakiekie-Tāmaki in a COVID world 2021/2022 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grant Round One - Awaiting funding agreement |
Approved $3,593.00 |
QR2221-111 |
Supporting the youth of Whau in a COVID world 2021/2022 Whau Quick Response Round One - Assessment completed |
Undecided $0.00 |
QR2205-113 |
Supporting the youth of Henderson Massey in a COVID world 2021/2022 Henderson-Massey Quick Response Round One - Awaiting payment |
Approved $700.00 |
QR2201-129 |
Supporting the youth of Albert Eden in a COVID world 2021/2022 Albert-Eden Quick Response Round One - SME assessment completed |
Undecided $0.00 |
QR2119-208 |
Supporting the youth of Waitākere Ranges in a COVID world 2020/2021 Waitākere Ranges Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2114-310 |
Supporting the youth of Papakura in a COVID world 2020/2021 Papakura Small Grants Round Three - SAP Approved |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR2103-305 |
Supporting the youth of Franklin in a COVID world 2020/2021 Franklin Quick Response Round Three - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR2118-306 |
Supporting the youth of Waiheke in a COVID world 2020/2021 Waiheke Quick Response Round Three - Project in progress |
Approved $500.00 |
QR2107-232 |
Supporting the young people of Howick in a COVID world 2020/2021 Howick Quick Response, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $3,000.00 |
QR2121-313 |
Supporting the youth of Whau in a COVID world 2020/2021 Whau Quick Response Round Three - Project in progress |
Approved $500.00 |
QR2120-227 |
Supporting the youth of Waitematā in a COVID world 2020/2021 Waitematā Quick Response, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR2113-327 |
Supporting the youth of Otara-Papatoetoe in a COVID world 2020/2021 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round Three - SAP Approved |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QRTP2112-214 |
Supporting the youth of Ōrākei in a COVID world 2020/2021 Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $500.00 |
QR2109-116 |
Supporting the youth of Māngere-Ōtāhuhu in a COVID world 2020/2021 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG2110-423 |
Supporting the youth of Manurewa in a COVID world 2020/2021 Manurewa Local Grants, Round Four - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2105-316 |
Supporting the youth of Henderson Massey in a COVID world 2020/2021 Henderson-Massey Quick Response Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2117-313 |
Supporting the youth of Upper Harbour in a COVID world 2020/2021 Upper Harbour Quick Response Round Three - Project in progress |
Approved $3,617.17 |
QR2115-109 |
Supporting the youth of Puketapapa in a COVID world 2020/2021 Puketāpapa Quick Response, Round One - Awaiting funding agreement |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR2102-231 |
Supporting the vulnerable youth of Devonport-Takapuna 2020/2021 Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG2121-219 |
Supporting the young people of Whau in a COVID world 2020/2021 Whau Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $500.00 |
LG2114-221 |
Supporting the young people of Papakura in a COVID world 2020/2021 Papakura Local Grant, Round Two - Awaiting funding agreement |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2120-235 |
Supporting the young people of Waitematā in a COVID world 2020/2021 Waitematā Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2118-219 |
Supporting the young people of Waiheke in a COVID world 2020/2021 Waiheke Local Grant Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2112-224 |
Supporting the young people of Orakei in a COVID world 2020/2021 Ōrākei Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $2,500.00 |
LG2105-224 |
Supporting the youth of Henderson-Massey in a COVID world 2020/2021 Henderson-Massey Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2117-218 |
Supporting the youth of Upper Harbour in a COVID world 2020/2021 Upper Harbour Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $500.00 |
LG2113-235 |
Supporting the youth of Otara-Papatoetoe in a COVID world 2020/2021 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2109-227 |
Supporting the youth of Mangere-Otahuhu in a COVID world 2020/2021 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $2,500.00 |
LG2111-339 |
Supporting the youth of Maungakiekie-Tamaki in a COVID world 2020/2021 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grant Round Three - Awaiting payment |
Approved $3,500.00 |
LG2108-319 |
Supporting the youth of Kaipātiki in a COVID world 2020/2021 Kaipātiki Local Grant, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2107-337 |
Supporting the young people of Howick in a COVID world 2020/2021 Howick Local Grants, Round Three - Project in progress |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2106-237 |
Supporting the young people of Hibiscus and Bays under COVID 2020/2021 Hibiscus and Bays Local Grants, Round Two - Withdrawn |
Withdrawn $0.00 |
LG2103-213 |
Supporting the young people of Franklin in a Covid world 2020/2021 Franklin Local Grant Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG2115-219 |
Supporting the young people of Puketapapa in a COVID world 2020/2021 Puketāpapa Local Grant Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $3,500.00 |
LG2102-239 |
Supporting the young people of Devonport-Takapuna in a COVID world 2020/2021 Devonport Takapuna Local Grant Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $1,606.00 |
LG2119-217 |
Supporting the youth of Waitākere Ranges in a COVID world 2020/2021 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG2101-248 |
Supporting the youth of Albert-Eden in a COVID world 2020/2021 Albert Eden Local Grant Round Two - Withdrawn |
Withdrawn $0.00 |
QR2103-206 |
Supporting the youth of Franklin under COVID-19 2020/2021 Franklin Quick Response Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2118-103 |
Supporting the youth of Waiheke under COVID-19 2020/2021 Waiheke Quick Response Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2113-04 |
Supporting the youth of Ōtara-Papatoetoe under COVID-19 2020/2021 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2108-215 |
Supporting the youth of Kaipātiki under COVID-19 2020/2021 Kaipātiki Local Grant, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QRTP2112-110 |
Supporting the youth of Ōrākei under COVID-19 2020/2021 Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2121-212 |
Supporting the youth of Whau under COVID-19 2020/2021 Whau Quick Response Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $500.00 |
QR2119-117 |
Supporting the youth of the Waitākere Ranges under COVID-19 2020/2021 Waitākere Ranges Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2120-125 |
Supporting the youth of Waitematā under Covid 19 2020/2021 Waitematā Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2117-211 |
Supporting young people in the Upper Harbour area under COVID-19 2020/2021 Upper Harbour Quick Response Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $2,500.00 |
QR2107-120 |
Supporting young people under COVID through the Youthline Helpline 2020/2021 Howick Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2105-218 |
Supporting the young people of Henderson-Massey under COVID 2020/2021 Henderson -Massey Quick Response Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR2102-115 |
Supporting young people under COVID-19 2020/2021 Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $833.00 |
QR2101-215 |
Supporting young people under Covid 19 2020/2021 Albert Eden Quick Response Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2114-19 |
Supporting young people under Covid 19 through the Youthline Helpline 2020/2021 Papakura Small Grants Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2107-219 |
Supporting the Youthline Helpline under Covid 2020/2021 Howick Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2117-111 |
Supporting the young people of Upper Harbour under Covid 2020/2021 Upper Harbour Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $4,000.00 |
LG2108-110 |
Supporting the young people of Kaipātiki under Covid 2020/2021 Kaipātiki Local Grant, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2105-115 |
Supporting the young people of Henderson-Massey under Covid 2020/2021 Henderson-Massey Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $1,500.00 |
LG2107-126 |
Supporting the young people of Howick under Covid 2020/2021 Howick Local Grants, Round One - Accountability overdue |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2121-115 |
Supporting the young people of Whau under Covid 2020/2021 Whau Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $3,000.00 |
LG2101-114 |
Supporting the young people of Albert-Eden under Covid-19 2020/2021 Albert Eden Local Grant Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,500.00 |
LG2106-128 |
Supporting the young people of Hibiscus & Bays under Covid 2020/2021 Hibiscus and Bays Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2109-133 |
Supporting the young people of Mangere-Otahuhu under Covid 2020/2021 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2112-127 |
Supporting young people in need in the Orakei community 2020/2021 Ōrākei Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,500.00 |
LG2110-121 |
Supporting young people in need in the Manurewa community 2020/2021 Manurewa Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG2120-131 |
Supporting young people in need in the Waitemata community 2020/2021 Waitematā Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2120-131 |
Supporting young people in need in the Waitemata community 2020/2021 Waitematā Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2119-123 |
Supporting young people in need in the Waitākere Ranges community 2020/2021 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $1,500.00 |
LG2114-121 |
Supporting young people in need in the Papakura community 2020/2021 Papakura Local Grant, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $4,000.00 |
LG2115-122 |
Supporting young people in need in the Puketapapa community 2020/2021 Puketāpapa Local Grant Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR2103-120 |
Providing support and supervision for the Youthline Helpline volunteer counsellors 2020/2021 Franklin Quick Response Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2103-125 |
Supporting young people in need in the Franklin community 2020/2021 Franklin Local Grant Round One - Review accountability |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR2018-216 |
Supporting the youth of Waiheke Island under Covid 19 2019/2020 Waiheke Quick Response, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $500.00 |
QR2020-227 |
Supporting the youth of Waitemata under Covid 19 2019/2020 Waitematā Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR2013-228 |
Supporting the youth of Otara-Papatoetoe under Covid 19 2019/2020 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR2010-216 |
Supporting the youth of Manurewa under Covid 19 2019/2020 Manurewa Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QRTP2012-220 |
Supporting the youth of Orakei under Covid 19 2019/2020 Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR2021-224 |
Supporting young people in the Whau area under Covid 19 2019/2020 Whau Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2014-218 |
Supporting the youth of Papakura under Covid 19 2019/2020 Papakura Small Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2003-225 |
Supporting the youth of Franklin under Covid 19 2019/2020 Franklin Quick Response, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR2017-322 |
Supporting the Youth of Upper Harbour under Covid 19 2019/2020 Upper Harbour Quick Response, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2009-214 |
Supporting the youth of Mangere-Otahuhu under Covid 19 2019/2020 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR2007-123 |
Supporting the youth of Howick under Covid 19 2019/2020 Howick Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,186.90 |
QR2005-225 |
Supporting young people under Covid 19 2019/2020 Henderson-Massey Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2011-126 |
Supporting young people under Covid 19 2019/2020 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Quick Response, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR2002-229 |
Supporting young people under Covid 19 2019/2020 Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR2001-206 |
Youthline Helpline support for Albert Eden youth 2019/2020 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,679.00 |
LG2003-224 |
Youthline helpline support for the youth of Franklin 2019/2020 Franklin Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2012-217 |
Youthline Helpline support for the youth of Orakei 2019/2020 Ōrākei Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $1,500.00 |
LG2021-215 |
Helpline services for the youth of Whau and their families 2019/2020 Whau Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $2,500.00 |
LG2019-216 |
Helpline services for the youth of Waitākere Ranges 2019/2020 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $1,500.00 |
LG2020-229 |
Youthline Helpline funding in support of Waitemata youth 2019/2020 Waitematā Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $3,500.00 |
LG2017-211 |
Youthline Helpline funding in support of Upper Harbour youth 2019/2020 Upper Harbour Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2014-218 |
Helpline services for the youth of Papakura 2019/2020 Papakura Local Grant, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $500.00 |
LG2009-236 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support, Supervision and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2011-228 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Supervision, Triage Support and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $2,500.00 |
LG2010-223 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support, Supervision and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Manurewa Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2005-220 |
Helpline services for the youth of Henderson-Massey 2019/2020 Henderson-Massey Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG2013-248 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG2008-313 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support, Supervision and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Kaipātiki Local Grants, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2007-343 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support, Supervision and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Howick Local Grants, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2002-246 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support, Supervision and Telecommunications 2019-2020 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round Two - Awaiting funding agreement |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2015-209 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Puketāpapa Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $1,457.00 |
LG2006-243 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Hibiscus and Bays Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $4,000.00 |
QR2017-222 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Upper Harbour Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2010-118 |
Youthline Papatoetoe Development Centre Manager 2019/2020 Manurewa Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR2013-122 |
Youthline Papatoetoe Development Centre Manager 2019/2020 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round One - Submitted |
Declined $0.00 |
REGCD2023 |
Youthline – Celebrating 50th Years of supporting young people in need Regional Community Development 2019/2020 - Submitted |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2018-120 |
Youthline Helpline Funding 2019/2020 Waiheke Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2017-111 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training 2019/2020 Upper Harbour Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2019-112 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Waitākere Ranges Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
QR2021-114 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Whau Quick Response, Round One - Awaiting funding agreement |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2005-119 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Henderson-Massey Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2003-121 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Franklin Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2014-120 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training 2019/2020 Papakura Small Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
QRTP2012-125 |
Youthline Helpline Costs 2019/2020 Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QRTP2012-117 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager funding 2019/2020 Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection, Round One - Withdrawn |
Withdrawn $0.00 |
LG2008-221 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Kaipātiki Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2020-124 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Funding 2019/2020 Waitematā Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $3,000.00 |
QR2009-110 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR2002-110 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training and Triage Support 2019/2020 Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG2007-224 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training and Support 2019/2020 Howick Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
QR2006-127 |
Youth Worker Team Leader support 2019/2020 Hibiscus and Bays Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG2018-125 |
Youthline Helpline Service delivery 2019/2020 Waiheke Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2014-133 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support, Supervision and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Papakura Local Grant, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $4,000.00 |
LG2020-127 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Waitematā Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
LG2012-121 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteers Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Ōrākei Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG2003-144 |
Youthline Volunteer Training Marae Noho at Te Puea Marae Mangere 2019/2020 Franklin Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2013-161 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support, Supervision and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2010-138 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support, Supervision and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Manurewa Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2009-141 |
Youthline Volunteer Training Marae Noho at Te Puea Marae Mangere 2019/2020 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2002-129 |
Youthline Helpline Direct Costs Funding 2019-2020 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2008-116 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support, Supervision and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Kaipātiki Local Grant, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,500.00 |
LG2007-135 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Howick Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2001-130 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Supervision, Triage Support and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Albert-Eden Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
QR2001-124 |
Laptops for Youthline Youth Workers 2019/2020 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2015-121 |
Laptops for Youthline Youth Workers 2019/2020 Puketāpapa Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2017-118 |
Laptops for Youthline Youth Workers 2019/2020 Upper Harbour Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG2011-129 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Supervision, Triage Support and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG2005-122 |
Laptops for Youthline Youth Workers 2019/2020 Henderson-Massey Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2006-130 |
Laptops for Youthline Youth Workers 2019/2020 Hibiscus and Bays Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG2021-129 |
Laptops for Youthline Youth Workers 2019/2020 Whau Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2019-114 |
Laptops for Youthline Youth Workers 2019/2020 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1920-330 |
Laptops for Youthline Youth Workers 2018/2019 Waitematā Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $1,242.00 |
QR1914-320 |
Chairs for community centre 2018/2019 Papakura Small Grants, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1907-229 |
Chairs for community centre 2018/2019 Howick Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1910-331 |
Chairs for community centre 2018/2019 Manurewa Quick Response, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1913-334 |
Chairs for community centre 2018/2019 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1919-316 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training and Telecommunications 2018/2019 Waitākere Ranges Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
QR1917-318 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Counsellors Training, Support and Supervision 2018/2019 Upper Harbour Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
QR1921-316 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training and Telecommunications 2018/2019 Whau Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1915-308 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training and Telecommunications 2018/2019 Puketāpapa Quick Response, Round Three - Review accountability |
Approved $500.00 |
QR1912-216 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training and Telecommunications 2018/2019 Ōrākei Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1905-327 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training and Telecommunications 2018/2019 Henderson-Massey Quick Response, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1906-323 |
Youthline Helpline Crisis Support 2018/2019 Hibiscus and Bays Quick Response, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1905-252 |
Youthline Youth Helpline 2018/2019 Henderson-Massey Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1903-238 |
Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Franklin Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $3,642.00 |
LG1919-230 |
Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1921-230 |
Youthline Youth Helpline 2018/2019 Whau Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1912-234 |
Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Ōrākei Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1914-231 |
Youthline Helpline volunteer training and telecommunications 2018/2019 Papakura Local Grant, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1909-269 |
Youthline Helpline volunteer training and telecommunications 2018/2019 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG1920-234 |
Youthline Helpline volunteer training and telecommunications 2018/2019 Waitematā Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
LG1902-242 |
Volunteer training and Helpline telecommunications 2018/2019 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round Two - Review accountability |
Approved $3,300.00 |
LG1910-240 |
Youthline Volunteer training, managing and supervising 2018/2019 Manurewa Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1907-354 |
Youthline Volunteer training, managing and supervising 2018/2019 Howick Local Grants, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1911-336 |
Youthline Volunteer Training, Managing and Supervising 2018/2019 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1908-335 |
Volunteer Counsellor training, managing, supporting and supervising 2018/2019 Kaipātiki Local Grants, Round Three - Submitted |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1906-246 |
Volunteer Counsellor training, managing, supporting and supervising 2018/2019 Hibiscus and Bays Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $3,000.00 |
LG1917-212 |
Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Upper Harbour Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1913-266 |
Youthline Volunteer training, managing and supervising 2018/2019 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1915-217 |
Youthline Volunteer Training, Managing and Supervising 2018/2019 Puketāpapa Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1901-236 |
Youthline Volunteer Manager Salary 2018/2019 Albert-Eden Local Grants, Round Two - SME assessment completed |
Declined $0.00 |
REGCD19-51 |
Building and supporting Youthline's Maori and Pacific Volunteer base Regional Community Development 2018/2019 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1907-106 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Costs 2018/2019 Howick Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $3,000.00 |
QR1918-204 |
Youthline Youthwork Team Leader supporting Waiheke Youth 2018/2019 Waiheke Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $500.00 |
QR1913-217 |
Youthline Crisis Helpline Costs 2018/2019 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1909-213 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Costs 2018/2019 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1910-206 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Costs 2018/2019 Manurewa Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1915-205 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Salary 2018/2019 Puketāpapa Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $500.00 |
QR1903-222 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Costs 2018/2019 Franklin Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1912-117 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Salary 2018/2019 Ōrākei Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1921-207 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Salary 2018/2019 Whau Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $500.00 |
QR1920-214 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Salary 2018/2019 Waitematā Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1908-219 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Salary 2018/2019 Kaipātiki Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1906-216 |
Youthline Helpline Triage Support Salaries 2018/2019 Hibiscus and Bays Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1902-206 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager 2018/2019 Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round Two - Withdrawn |
Withdrawn $0.00 |
QR1901-220 |
Supporting the Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR1905-216 |
Supporting the Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Henderson-Massey Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1911-225 |
Supporting the Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,500.00 |
LG1907-229 |
Youthline Manukau Youth Development Practice Leader Salary 2018/2019 Howick Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,500.00 |
QR1917-118 |
Contribution to the cost of the Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Upper Harbour Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
QR1918-119 |
Personal Development Programme for Waiheke High School students 2018/2019 Waiheke Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1921-129 |
Youthwork Team Leader Costs 2018/2019 Whau Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $500.00 |
QR1909-126 |
Helpline Coordinator Costs 2018/2019 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1902-122 |
Helpline Coordinator Salary 2018/2019 Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1911-128 |
Youthline Helpline Coordinator 2018/2019 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1915-139 |
Youthline Helpline Coordinator 2018/2019 Puketāpapa Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG1913-154 |
Youthline Helpline Coordinator 2018/2019 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1909-149 |
Youthline Helpline Coordinator 2018/2019 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $3,380.00 |
LG1918-121 |
Youthline Helpline Triage Service 2018/2019 Waiheke Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1912-129 |
Youthline Helpline Triage Service 2018/2019 Ōrākei Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
LG1910-148 |
Youthline Helpline Triage Team 2018/2019 Manurewa Local Grants, Round One - Submitted |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1921-138 |
Youthline Helpline Coordinator 2018/2019 Whau Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
LG1920-139 |
Youthline Helpline Coordinator 2018/2019 Waitematā Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
LG1919-118 |
Youthline Helpline Coordinator 2018/2019 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,298.00 |
LG1903-154 |
Youthline Helpline Coordinator 2018/2019 Franklin Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1903-125 |
Helpline Triage Costs 2018/2019 Franklin Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1908-132 |
Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Kaipātiki Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG1902-132 |
Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR1821-320 |
Providing free helpline counselling support to young people in need 2017/2018 Whau Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1814-329 |
Provide free helpline counselling to support young people in need 2017/2018 Papakura Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1807-242 |
Provide free helpline counselling to support young people in need 2017/2018 Howick Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1810-338 |
Provide free helpline counselling to support young people in need 2017/2018 Manurewa Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1806-313 |
Provide support to youth through the free helpline 2017/2018 Hibiscus and Bays Quick Response, Round Three - Review accountability |
Approved $2,125.00 |
LG1820-244 |
Supporting young people in Central Auckland 2017/2018 Waitematā Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
LG1809-263 |
Supporting Young People in South Auckland 2017/2018 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG1810-248 |
Supporting Young People in Manurewa 2017/2018 Manurewa Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,500.00 |
LG1819-205 |
Youth Crisis Intervention Support 2017/2018 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $3,000.00 |
LG1812-212 |
Youth Crisis Intervention Support 2017/2018 Ōrākei Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1821-209 |
Youth Crisis Intervention Support 2017/2018 Whau Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
LG1811-321 |
Youth Crisis Intervention Support 2017/2018 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1807-327 |
Youth Crisis Intervention Support 2017/2018 Howick Local Grants, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1818-312 |
Provide helpline support to youth and their families 2017/2018 Waiheke Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $202.00 |
QR1803-321 |
Provide helpline support to youth and their families 2017/2018 Franklin Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $1,552.00 |
LG1815-220 |
Youthline Helpline Service Delivery Costs 2017/2018 Puketāpapa Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1815-302 |
Provide free helpline support to youth 2017/2018 Puketāpapa Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR1817-208 |
Provide free helpline counselling support to youth 2017/2018 Upper Harbour Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,288.00 |
QR1819-303 |
Provide support to youth through the free helpline 2017/2018 Waitākere Ranges Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $1,152.00 |
QR1801-325 |
Provide helpline support to youth and their families 2017/2018 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1812-220 |
Provide helpline support to youth and their families 2017/2018 Ōrākei Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,300.00 |
QR1820-323 |
Supporting Free Youth Helpline 2017/2018 Waitematā Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR1801-233 |
Supporting young people into employment - Auckland Central Series 2017/2018 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,676.00 |
QR1802-224 |
Supporting young people into employment - Auckland North Series 2017/2018 Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round two - Acquitted |
Approved $838.00 |
QR1809-224 |
Supporting young people into employment - Auckland South Series 2017/2018 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,616.00 |
QR1820-221 |
Supporting young people into employment - Auckland Central Series 2017/2018 Waitematā Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $900.00 |
QR1806-205 |
Supporting young people into employment - Auckland North Series 2017/2018 Hibiscus and Bays Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,676.00 |
QR1815-105 |
Supporting young people into employment - Central Series 2017/2018 Puketāpapa Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $838.00 |
QR1817-111 |
Supporting young people into employment 2017/2018 Upper Harbour Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,036.00 |
QR1802-114 |
Supporting young people into employment 2017/2018 Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,676.00 |
LG1817-118 |
Supporting Young people from Auckland North to Thrive 2017/2018 Upper Harbour Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG1806-149 |
Supporting Young people from Auckland North to Thrive 2017/2018 Hibiscus and Bays Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
CCS18_1_244 |
Youth Spoken Word Workshops Creative Communities Scheme 18_1 - Central 18_1 |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1814-110 |
Supporting youth from Papakura to Thrive 2017/2018 Papakura Local Grant, Round 1 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1810-121 |
Supporting young people and their communities to thrive 2017/2018 Manurewa Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG1809-110 |
Youth from Mangere- Otahuhu are engaged and supported to thrive 2017/2018 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
REGCD18-81 |
Engaging diverse community participation to empower youth Regional Community Development 2017/2018 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1809-314 |
Supporting local facilities to meet the needs of the community 2017/2018 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round 1 - Acquitted |
Approved $1,996.00 |
LG1813-125 |
Supporting South Auckland young people and their community to thrive 2017/2018 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1803-115 |
Supporting Struggling youth to have better mental health and wellbeing 2017/2018 Franklin Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1820-133 |
Supporting Waitemata Youth Wellbeing outcomes 2017/2018 Waitematā Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1705-314 |
Basic Youth and Community Counselling Volunteer Training Course Henderson-Massey Quick Response, Round Three, 2016/17 - Acquitted |
Approved $1,180.00 |
LG1716-239 |
Mentoring and support for youth within the Rodney area Rodney Local Grants, Round Two, 2016/2017 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1717-406 |
Driving Lessons for Young people Upper Harbour Quick Response, Round Four, 2016/17 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1715-214 |
Youth worker mentoring and support for Youth within Puketapapa Puketāpapa Local Grants, Round Two, 2016/17 - Acquitted |
Approved $3,000.00 |
QR1702-421 |
Driving Lessons for young people on the North Shore Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round Four, 2016/17 - Acquitted |
Approved $1,800.00 |
LG1708-224 |
Driving Lessons for young people on the North Shore Kaipātiki Local Grants, Round Two, 2016/2017 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
REGCD17-52 |
Increase youth engagement through initiation of online Messenger software Regional Community Development 2016/2017 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1702-230 |
Devonport-Takapuna youth leading initiatives for positive community health outcomes Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round Two, 2016/2017 - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR1712-222 |
Supporting Orakei youth health, wellbeing and participation 2016/2017 Ōrākei Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $3,000.00 |
QR1721-232 |
Supporting Whau youth health, wellbeing and participation 2016/2017 Whau Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1710-215 |
Supporting Manurewa youth wellbeing and participation 2016/2017 Manurewa Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1701-234 |
Encouraging Albert-Eden youth to transition into positive, vocal contributors to their community 2016/2017 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1716-212 |
Supporting Rodney youth wellbeing, leadership and participation Rodney Quick Response, Round Two, 2016/2017 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1706-213 |
Supporting Hibiscus and Bays youth wellbeing, leadership and participation Hibiscus and Bays Quick Response, Round Two, 2016/2017 - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1720-230 |
Supporting Waitemata youth health and participation 2016/2017 Waitematā Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1707-225 |
Supporting leadership and development of Howick youth 2016/2017 Howick Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $3,000.00 |
QR1707-119 |
Providing volunteer training to support struggling Howick youth 2016/2017 Howick Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1706-112 |
Encouraging community participation and promoting youth support services at local events Hibiscus and Bays Quick Response, Round One, 2016/2017 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1719113 |
Promoting youth support and wellbeing services at local events 2016/2017 Waitākere Ranges Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG1716-135 |
Empowering and supporting Rodney youth to become positive community participants Rodney Local Grants, Round One, 2016/2017 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1718-105 |
Youth workers supporting Waiheke youth Waiheke Quick Response, Round One, 2016/2017 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1703-115 |
Youth workers supporting Franklin youth safely transition into adulthood 2016/2017 Franklin Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |