Albert-Eden Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Albert-Eden Local Board held via Skype-for-Business on Tuesday, 19 October 2021 at 2.06pm.





Lee Corrick


Deputy Chairperson

Margi Watson



Graeme Easte



Rachel Langton



Julia Maskill



Will McKenzie



Christina Robertson



Kendyl Smith






Cathy Casey



Christine Fletcher




Albert-Eden Local Board

19 October 2021




1          Welcome


Chairperson Corrick commenced the meeting and welcomed everyone in attendance via Skype-for-Business.


2          Apologies


Resolution number AE/2021/162

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson M Watson, seconded by Chairperson L Corrick:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         note the apologies from Councillors Cathy Casey and Christine Fletcher for absence.




3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number AE/2021/163

MOVED by Chairperson L Corrick, seconded by Member K Smith:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         confirm the minutes of its ordinary meeting, held on Tuesday, 21 September 2021, including the confidential section, as true and correct.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.



6          Acknowledgements



Acknowledgement - Local Board Area Artwork


Resolution number AE/2021/164

MOVED by Member J Maskill, seconded by Member K Smith:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      acknowledge the hard work undertaken by local artists led by Kingsland-based artist Joel Crook as well as the former Albert-Eden Arts Broker, Bronwyn Bent, for successfully delivering the contemporary artwork, which was sponsored by the local board, and is situated between New North Road and Sandringham Road.





Acknowledgement - Recent passing of Bob Hawke


Resolution number AE/2021/165

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson M Watson, seconded by Chairperson L Corrick:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      extend its condolences to the whānau of Bob Hawke, on his recent passing, noting his extensive work alongside the Albert-Eden Local Board, Auckland Council over the last decade as kaumātua during many events and on many projects where his contribution, guidance, wisdom, humour, aroha and generosity were always cherished and appreciated; he will be sadly missed and the local board acknowledges and appreciates Bob’s whānau for sharing him over many years; Kua hinga te tōtara i te wao nui a Tāne. Ki te whānau pani o Bob Hawke, ka nui te mihi aroha ki a koutou. Ki te pou o te maha o ngā kaupapa kei roto i te rohe o Albert-Eden, ki te kaumātua, tēnei te mihi nui. I te mātauranga, i te tohutohu, i te mōhiotanga, i te aroha, i te manaakitanga, ngā mihi mahana. Moe mai rā, e te rangatira.




7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations



Deputation - Mark McLeay, Architectural Designer, CreativeARCH


Resolution number AE/2021/166

MOVED by Member WM McKenzie, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Watson:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      thank Mark McLeay, Architectural Designer, CreativeARCH, for his attendance and Deputation presentation on behalf of Mt Albert Rugby League Club.




9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.


10        Extraordinary Business



Item of Extraordinary Business for Consideration by the Local Board


An item was presented to the local board for consideration under extraordinary business in accordance with Standing Order 2.4.5.

The item sought local board support for the vaccination rollout and was considered urgent due to the current Covid-19 pandemic and associated lockdown restrictions in place.  The discussion item cannot wait until the next meeting of the local board, scheduled on Tuesday, 16 November 2021, due to the urgent nature of the national emergency and the vaccination timeframe.

The local board was asked to consider the matter as an item of extraordinary business during item 21 of the 19 October 2021 meeting.


Resolution number AE/2021/167

MOVED by Member C Robertson, seconded by Member J Maskill:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         agree to consider an item of extraordinary business during item 21 of the 19 October 2021 meeting.





Albert-Eden Local Grants and Multiboard Round One 2021/2022 grant allocations


Moumita Dutta – Senior Community Grants Advisor, was in attendance via Skype-for-Business, to speak to this report.


MOVED by Chairperson L Corrick, seconded by Member K Smith:

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)       approve the following applications received during Round One of the Albert-Eden Local Grants 2021/2022 Grants Fund:

Application ID


Main focus

Requesting funding for

Amount requested



Holding Space Aotearoa Charitable Trust

Arts and culture

Towards the cost of delivering ten "Songwriters 4 Climate Action" workshops including the costs of venue hire, personnel costs, marketing, guest speaker, and videographer's fees.




Stream of Life Church Trust


Towards the cost of delivering a five-hour "Stream of Life Church" multicultural Christmas party, including the costs of catering, prizes, event Master of Ceremonies, Disco Jockey, advertising, videography, and photography.




Grow New Zealand Incorporated


Towards the purchase of a laptop, building window repairs, advertising, and the production of up-to-date mental health booklets.


$1,896 tagged towards laptop, building repairs and Blue Book expenses.


New Zealand Council of Victim Support Groups Incorporated


Towards the operational costs of the "Volunteer Support" programme, including the cost of staff expenses, volunteer expenses, technology, administration, learning, development, and training, operational travel, communications, and fundraising.


$3,750 towards operational costs excluding salaries.


Afghan Funeral Services Charity in New Zealand


Towards education and sports activities for the charity.




Mountains To Sea Conservation Trust


Towards the project costs for "Motu Manawa Kayak Day" events, including the MTSCT programme cost and kayak hire.




Communicare CMA (Auckland) Incorporated


Towards the weekly venue hire for the Balmoral and the Mt Eden Friendship Centre for one year from November 2021 to October 2022 and the part-time coordinator's wages for each centre.




Erin Thomas


Towards the cost of building a sustainable Timebank at the Gribblehirst Community Hub including the venue hire, catering, Gribblehirst Community Hub Membership fee, the coordinator's wages, printing, and advertising costs.




Home and Family Counselling Incorporated


Towards the counselling sessions for the Albert-Eden community between 1 November 2021 to 30 April 2022.




Auckland United Softball Club

Sport and recreation

Towards the cost of equipment hire including pie warmer, deep fryer, chiller room, fridge, bar leaner, tables, and chairs for the "The Vic Guth Premier Men's Invitational Memorial Tournament" in January 2022.


$1,000 towards equipment hire costs.


Auckland City FC Incorporated

Sport and recreation

Towards the cost of delivering the "Auckland City FC Football programme" to 800 students from Edendale Primary School and Owairaka District School during school time, including the purchase of balls and coaching costs.


$700 towards purchase of balls.




The Metro Mount Albert Softball Club

Sport and recreation

Towards the cost of "Auckland Softball" junior registration fees, purchasing softball uniform jerseys, pants, playing and protective equipment for junior softball players.


$2,500 towards softball uniform jerseys, pants, playing and protective equipment for junior softball players.


Mt Albert Bowling Club Incorporated

Sport and recreation

Towards the purchase and installation of an electronic timer for the Club's bowling greens.












An amendment was moved by Deputy Chairperson Watson, seconded Member Robertson:

a)       approve the following applications received during Round One of the Albert-Eden Local Grants 2021/2022 Grants Fund:

Application ID


Main focus

Requesting funding for

Amount requested



Stream of Life Church Trust


Towards the cost of delivering a five-hour "Stream of Life Church" multicultural Christmas party, including the costs of catering, prizes, event Master of Ceremonies, Disco Jockey, advertising, videography, and photography.


$980 towards the cost of delivering a five hour "Stream of Life Church" multicultural Christmas party, tagged to cover the costs of Master of Ceremonies, Disco Jockey, advertising, videography, and photography, noting that catering and prizes are a low priority according to Albert-Eden Local Board Grant criteria so shall not be funded.


Eyeview Ethnic Trust


Towards the printing and distribution cost of 500 magazines in schools within the Albert-Eden local board area.


$4,000 towards the printing and distribution cost of 500 magazines to schools within the Albert-Eden noting this responds to our Local Board priorities regarding increasing inclusion, celebrating diversity and reducing barriers for migrants and refugees.

Voting was made via voice.  The vote was TIED.

The chairperson used her casting vote against.  The amendment was LOST.



The chairperson put the substantive motion.

The motion was taken in parts.


Resolution number AE/2021/168

MOVED by Chairperson L Corrick, seconded by Member K Smith:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         approve the following applications received during Round One of the Albert-Eden Local Grants 2021/2022 Grants Fund:

Application ID


Main focus

Requesting funding for

Amount requested



Holding Space Aotearoa Charitable Trust

Arts and culture

Towards the cost of delivering ten "Songwriters 4 Climate Action" workshops including the costs of venue hire, personnel costs, marketing, guest speaker, and videographer's fees.




Stream of Life Church Trust


Towards the cost of delivering a five-hour "Stream of Life Church" multicultural Christmas party, including the costs of catering, prizes, event Master of Ceremonies, Disco Jockey, advertising, videography, and photography.




Grow New Zealand Incorporated


Towards the purchase of a laptop, building window repairs, advertising, and the production of up-to-date mental health booklets.


$1,896 tagged towards laptop, building repairs and Blue Book expenses.


New Zealand Council of Victim Support Groups Incorporated


Towards the operational costs of the "Volunteer Support" programme, including the cost of staff expenses, volunteer expenses, technology, administration, learning, development, and training, operational travel, communications, and fundraising.


$3,750 towards operational costs excluding salaries.


Afghan Funeral Services Charity in New Zealand


Towards education and sports activities for the charity.




Mountains To Sea Conservation Trust


Towards the project costs for "Motu Manawa Kayak Day" events, including the MTSCT programme cost and kayak hire.




Communicare CMA (Auckland) Incorporated


Towards the weekly venue hire for the Balmoral and the Mt Eden Friendship Centre for one year from November 2021 to October 2022 and the part-time coordinator's wages for each centre.




Erin Thomas


Towards the cost of building a sustainable Timebank at the Gribblehirst Community Hub including the venue hire, catering, Gribblehirst Community Hub Membership fee, the coordinator's wages, printing, and advertising costs.




Home and Family Counselling Incorporated


Towards the counselling sessions for the Albert-Eden community between 1 November 2021 to 30 April 2022.




Auckland United Softball Club

Sport and recreation

Towards the cost of equipment hire including pie warmer, deep fryer, chiller room, fridge, bar leaner, tables, and chairs for the "The Vic Guth Premier Men's Invitational Memorial Tournament" in January 2022.


$1,000 towards equipment hire costs.


Auckland City FC Incorporated

Sport and recreation

Towards the cost of delivering the "Auckland City FC Football programme" to 800 students from Edendale Primary School and Owairaka District School during school time, including the purchase of balls and coaching costs.


$700 towards purchase of balls.




The Metro Mount Albert Softball Club

Sport and recreation

Towards the cost of "Auckland Softball" junior registration fees, purchasing softball uniform jerseys, pants, playing and protective equipment for junior softball players.


$2,500 towards softball uniform jerseys, pants, playing and protective equipment for junior softball players.


Mt Albert Bowling Club Incorporated

Sport and recreation

Towards the purchase and installation of an electronic timer for the Club's bowling greens.












Note:   Deputy Chairperson Watson and Member Robertson requested that their dissenting votes against the decision to approve a grant for application LG2201-01 Stream of Life Church Trust, be recorded.


Resolution number AE/2021/169

MOVED by Chairperson L Corrick, seconded by Member K Smith:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

b)        decline the following applications received during Round One of the Albert-Eden Local Grants 2021/2022 Grants Fund:

Application ID


Main focus

Requesting funding for

Amount requested



Auckland Rotuman Fellowship Group Incorporated

Arts and culture

Towards the purchase of a video camera and tutors koha.


Declined noting limited wider community benefit.


Gribblehirst Community Hub Trust

Arts and culture

Towards venue hire, facilitators cost, promotion, catering, costume, and makeup for six free performance classes and a showcase event for young people in the Gribblehirst Hub community.


Declined noting the applicant is recommended to reapply to a future Quick Response Grants Round.


New Zealand Wan Fang Sports Association Incorporated


Towards the cost of delivering the "Wan Fang Summer Holiday Programme" in January 2022, including the cost of the "One Tree Hill College" gymnasium hire, transport, coaching fees, purchase of t-shirts, volleyball, net, stationery, first-aid kit, bottled water, and other accessories.


Declined noting limited local board area community benefit.


Asthma New Zealand Incorporated


Towards the wages of two asthma nurse educators.


Declined noting salaries are considered lower priority in the local board's grants programme.


Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust


Towards the cost of training and clinical supervision of the youth worker team and counsellors from 1 December 2021 to 30 June 2022.


Declined noting the application is ineligible due to the applicant having received funding in a previous round this financial year.


Eyeview Ethnic Trust


Towards the printing and distribution cost of 500 magazines in schools within the Albert-Eden local board area.


Declined, noting the local board directs staff to liaise with the applicant to work with local schools to refine the project’s scope.


Dale Crompton


Towards the purchase of an electric barbeque to be installed at the Kuaka Park in Waterview.


Declined noting the local board refers the application to Community Facilities staff for consideration


Bhartiya Samaj Charitable Trust


Towards counsellor's fee.


Declined noting salaries are considered lower priority in the local board's grants programme.


Wellbeing Charitable Trust Board


Towards the cost of running nine "Youth leadership Development" workshops at the Mt Albert War Memorial Hall from March 2022 to November 2022, including the costs of venue hire, catering, koha for volunteers, guest speakers, and Tangata Whenua, project coordination, training, and facilitation.


Declined noting insufficiently developed and suggest the applicant to liaise with the Strategic Broker and Grants Advisor for future applications.


Communities Against Alcohol Harm Incorporated


Towards the cost of appointing a lawyer for conducting community workshops, supporting local groups, communities, and individuals to identify premises whose primary activity is gambling, and object to the renewal of alcohol licenses.


Declined noting low priority application in an oversubscribed grant round.




Towards the cost of delivering the event "LAPAC CONNEXIONZ" on 20 November 2011, targeting Latin American and Pacific communities within the Albert-Eden Local Board area, including the costs of the event permit fee, portaloo, generators, chairs, stationery, traffic and waste management, venue hire, gazebos, stage and sound hire.


Declined noting insufficiently developed application.


Gymnastics Community Trust

Sport and recreation

Towards the hire of the gymnasium at Marist College for "Rhythmic Gymnastics" classes.


Declined noting limited wider community benefit.


Tennis Auckland Region Incorporated

Sport and recreation

Towards the cost of installation of an electronic gate access system at the Nicholson Park Tennis Centre for the Tennis New Zealand "Book a Court" project.


Declined noting low priority application in an oversubscribed grant round.


New Zealand AIDS Foundation


Towards waste management for the "2022 Ending HIV Big Gay Out" to be held in February 2022.


Declined noting the event is funded from the local board’s Event Partnership Fund.


Auckland All Star Club

Sport and recreation

Towards the cost of delivering a "Youth Volleyball Development Programme" for low-income families during summer months including the cost of uniforms for the club teams, gymnasium hire, registration fees for joining tournaments in and outside Auckland, coaching, and referee fees.


Declined noting low priority application in an oversubscribed grant round.


Save Chamberlain Park Incorporated


Towards an ecological enhancement report


Declined and request that the Chamberlain Park Ecological Plan is funded through the 2021/2022 Local Board Infrastructure and Environmental Services Work Programme, which will enable projects in the plan to be funded by the board in future years and ensures that Save Chamberlain Park remains a key stakeholder, and report back on funding options through the next quarterly performance report.










Note:     Deputy Chairperson Watson, Member Robertson and Member Maskill requested that their dissenting votes against the decision to decline a grant for application LG2201-15E Eyeview Ethnic Trust, be recorded.


Resolution number AE/2021/170

MOVED by Chairperson L Corrick, seconded by Member K Smith:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

c)        note the following application has been withdrawn by the applicant:

Application ID


Main focus

Requesting funding for

Amount requested


Sanctuary Community Organic Garden Mahi Whenua Incorporated


Towards the installation of pumps and solar system





Resolution number AE/2021/171

MOVED by Chairperson L Corrick, seconded by Member K Smith:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

d)     approve the following applications received during Round One of the Albert-Eden Multiboard 2021/2022 Grants Fund:

Application ID


Main focus

Requesting funding for

Amount requested



The Other Club Limited

Arts and culture

Towards the production of "Skin Hunger" at various locations, including venue hire, online marketing, catering, set and costume design, light and sound design, facilitators costs, writer's, director's, producer's, and performers fees from 6 November 2021 to 8 March 2022.




Age Concern Auckland Incorporated


Towards delivering the Empowering Communities Programme across West and Central Auckland between 1 October 2021 and 30 June 2022.




The Order of St John Northern Region Trust Board


Towards the St John's Youth Development programme including venue hire, course fees, operational costs and First Aid kit renewals from 4 October 2021 to 30 June 2022.




The Auckland Softball Association Incorporated

Sport and recreation

Towards a proportion of the annual operating expenses of the Auckland Softball Association










e)     decline the following applications received during Round One of the Albert-Eden Multiboard 2021/2022 Grants Fund:

Application ID


Main focus

Requesting funding for

Amount requested



Interacting Theatre Trust

Arts and culture

Towards the cost of a three day "Interact Disability Arts Festival 2021" at Corbans Estate from 1 to 5 November 2021, including the venue hire, marquee and gazebo hire, volunteer t-shirts, workshop tutors, sound and lighting, stage manager, assistant stage manager, and project manager's costs.


Declined noting the activity takes place outside the local board area.


VisionWest Community Trust


Towards the Meri Kirihimete event including equipment hire, security, communication, signage, and project management from 13 to 17 December 2021


Declined noting the application is ineligible (below the minimum application threshold).


Big Buddy Mentoring Trust


Towards operational costs including wages, rent, transport, and equipment to recruit, screen, and train up to 50 more Auckland men to be volunteers (Big Buddies) to Auckland boys who do not have a father in their life


Declined noting salaries and transport costs are lower priority in the local board grants programme


The Student Volunteer Army Foundation


Towards the Student Volunteer Army (SVA) "Kids Programme Volunteer Project" in various primary schools including the costs of school kits and providing administrative support from 31 October 2021 to 1 August 2022.


Declined, noting the Grants Advisor has advised the group that it can apply to the upcoming Quick Response Grants Fund.


Mark Pinto de Menezes

under the umbrella of Matchbox 2000 Productions Limited


Towards an "80s Flashback" tribute event at the Murray's Bay Intermediate School Hall.


Declined noting the application is a ticketed event and is of lower priority in the local board's grants programme.


New Zealand Tamil Senior Citizens Association


Towards the senior’s wellbeing programme including community radio, various events, venue hire and excursions, from 1 November 2021 to 31 October 2022.


Declined noting the application is insufficiently developed and directs the Grants Advisor to liaise with the applicant to developed more robust applications for future grants rounds.


CNSST Foundation (formerly Chinese New Settlers)


Towards the "Community Connection" CNSST Education and Wellbeing Programme in central Auckland from 30 October 2021 to 23 July 2022 including the venue hire and tutors’ cost.


Declined noting the activity takes place outside the local board area.


Road Safety Education Trust


Towards the operational costs to manage the delivery of the Road Safety Programme across Auckland, including wages for the programme coordinator, national manager and support staff for programmes between 1 October 2021 to 30 September 2022.


Declined low priority items requested.


The Order of St John Northern Region Trust Board


Towards the purchase of 24 defibrillators to place in public spaces and Marae in each local board area.


Declined noting the application is ineligible due to it being the second received application during the current financial year.









f)       thank Moumita Dutta – Senior Community Grants Advisor, for her attendance via Skype-for-Business.





Note:   Chairperson Corrick adjourned the meeting at 3.30pm following Item 11: Albert-Eden Local Grants and Multiboard Round One 2021/2022 grant allocations.

Chairperson Corrick reconvened the meeting at 3.40pm.




Local Board Transport Capital Fund Decision


Ben Stallworthy – Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager, was in attendance via Skype-for-Business.


MOVED by Chairperson L Corrick, seconded by Member K Smith:

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         note the following table outlining the local board’s previously allocated projects from 2019 under its Local Board Transport Capital Fund, that were suspended due to the impact of Covic-19 and council’s Emergency Budget:


Previous Approved Budget

Spend to Date

Chamberlain Park Shared Path



Mt Albert South Traffic Calming



Western Springs Signalised Crossing



Waterview Signalised Crossing




b)         request that the following projects previously allocated in 2019 under its Local Board Transport Capital Fund are cancelled and request Auckland Transport to cease any work associated with the following projects, but notes that the local board may reconsider these projects for inclusion in future Local Board Transport Capital Fund programmes:


Previous Approved Budget

Spend to Date

Chamberlain Park Shared Path



Waterview Signalised Crossing




c)          note that the local board’s Transport Capital Fund was reinstated in 2021 with an amount of $2,316,141 available for allocation for the remainder of the 2019-2022 electoral term.

d)       allocate $2,316,141 from the Local Board Transport Capital Fund to the following projects:

i)      Greenwoods Corner Village intersection improvements to streamline the intersection and improve pedestrian access and safety, $659,000;

ii)     Aberfoyle link pedestrian path from Balmoral Road to Aberfoyle Road via Aberfoyle Reserve, $591,000;

iii)    Mt Albert South Traffic Calming between Mt Albert, New North and St Lukes Roads, $614,684;

iv)    Bicycle shelters – 2 to be installed at locations to be confirmed, $50,000;

v)     Signalised mid-block crossing for Great North Road at Western Springs  $335,000.

e)       thank Ben Stallworthy – Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager, for his attendance via Skype-for-Business.


An amendment by way of replacement was moved by Deputy Chairperson Watson, seconded by Member Robertson:

b)       request that the following projects previously allocated in 2019 under its Local Board Transport Capital Fund remain on the work programme given the Albert-Eden Local Board’s unanimous commitment to the Chamberlain Park Shared Path in December 2019 and work completed to date:


Previous Approved Budget

Spend to Date

Chamberlain Park Shared Path



Waterview Signalised Crossing



d)       allocate $2,316,141 from the Local Board Transport Capital Fund to the following projects:

i)      Greenwoods Corner Village intersection improvements to streamline the intersection and improve pedestrian access and safety, $659,000;

ii)     Aberfoyle link pedestrian path from Balmoral Road to Aberfoyle Road via Aberfoyle Reserve, $591,000;

iii)    Mt Albert South Traffic Calming between Mt Albert, New North and St Lukes Roads, $614,684;

iv)    Chamberlain Park Shared Path design project as recommended by staff, $30,000

v)     Bicycle shelter – to be installed at Huia Road carpark, $25,000;

vi)    Signalised mid-block crossing for Great North Road at Western Springs, $335,000;

vii)   Local board contribution to a project trial through Auckland Transport’s RegionalStreets4People programme at Walford Street, Pt Chevalier to deliver a safe route for children to cycle to school, $62,000;

noting that there is insufficient funding available to deliver the mid-block signalised crossing Great North Road, Waterview due to the inclusion of new projects.

A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Member G Easte

Member J Maskill

Member C Robertson

Deputy Chairperson M Watson


Chairperson L Corrick

Member R Langton

Member WM McKenzie

Member K Smith



The motion was declared EQUAL.

The chairperson exercised her casting vote against so the motion was LOST.


The chairperson put the substantive motion.

The motion was taken in parts.


Resolution number AE/2021/172

MOVED by Chairperson L Corrick, seconded by Member K Smith:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         note the following table outlining the local board’s previously allocated projects from 2019 under its Local Board Transport Capital Fund, that were suspended due to the impact of Covic-19 and council’s Emergency Budget:


Previous Approved Budget

Spend to Date

Chamberlain Park Shared Path



Mt Albert South Traffic Calming



Western Springs Signalised Crossing



Waterview Signalised Crossing




c)      note that the local board’s Transport Capital Fund was reinstated in 2021 with an amount of $2,316,141 available for allocation for the remainder of the 2019-2022 electoral term.

d)        allocate $2,316,141 from the Local Board Transport Capital Fund to the following projects:

i)          Greenwoods Corner Village intersection improvements to streamline the intersection and improve pedestrian access and safety, $659,000;

ii)         Aberfoyle link pedestrian path from Balmoral Road to Aberfoyle Road via Aberfoyle Reserve, $591,000;

iii)       Mt Albert South Traffic Calming between Mt Albert, New North and St Lukes Roads, $614,684;

iv)       Bicycle shelters – 2 to be installed at locations to be confirmed, $50,000;

v)         Signalised mid-block crossing for Great North Road at Western Springs  $335,000.

e)         thank Ben Stallworthy – Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager, for his attendance via Skype-for-Business.



Resolution number AE/2021/173

MOVED by Chairperson L Corrick, seconded by Member K Smith:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

b)      request that the following projects previously allocated in 2019 under its Local Board Transport Capital Fund are cancelled and request Auckland Transport to cease any work associated with the following projects, but notes that the local board may reconsider these projects for inclusion in future Local Board Transport Capital Fund programmes:


Previous Approved Budget

Spend to Date

Chamberlain Park Shared Path



Waterview Signalised Crossing




A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Chairperson L Corrick

Member R Langton

Member WM McKenzie

Member K Smith


Member G Easte

Member J Maskill

Member C Robertson

Deputy Chairperson M Watson



The motion was declared EQUAL.

The chairperson exercised her casting vote for so the motion was CARRIED.






New Community Lease of Fowlds Park ex-groundsmen shed to Auckland United Softball Club Incorporated


Jo Heaven – Senior Lease Specialist, was in attendance via Skype-for-Business.


Resolution number AE/2021/174

MOVED by Chairperson L Corrick, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Watson:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      grant, subject to public notification and the successful resolution of any submissions or objections, a community lease to Auckland United Softball Club Incorporated for the ex-groundsmen shed comprising 48m2 (Attachment A to the agenda report) for a term of three years with one right of renewal of three years commencing 1 September 2021.

b)      approve rent of $1 plus Goods and Services Tax (GST) and subsidised maintenance fee of $250 plus GST per annum.

c)      request that a community outcomes plan, in respect to the activities of the group, be prepared, for approval by the board chair and deputy chair and this be attached as a schedule to the lease.

d)      note that all other terms and conditions to be in accordance with the Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 and the Reserves Act 1977.

e)      thank Jo Heaven – Senior Lease Specialist, for her attendance via Skype-for-Business.








Addition to the 2019-2022 Albert-Eden Local Board meeting schedule


Resolution number AE/2021/175

MOVED by Chairperson L Corrick, seconded by Member J Maskill:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      approve the addition of two meeting dates to the 2019-2022 Albert-Eden Local Board meeting schedule to accommodate the Annual Budget 2022/2023 timeframes as follows:

         i)     Tuesday, 30 November 2021, 2.00pm;

         ii)    Tuesday, 10 May 2022, 2.00pm.






Albert-Eden Local Board feedback on Ministry for the Environment's discussion document - Managing Our Wetlands


Resolution number AE/2021/176

MOVED by Member J Maskill, seconded by Member C Robertson:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      note the formal feedback on the Ministry for the Environment's discussion document ‘Managing Our Wetlands’ (Attachment A) as authorised through the urgent decision-making process.






Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa Ward Councillors' Updates


Note:  This item was withdrawn.





Chairperson's Report


Resolution number AE/2021/177

MOVED by Chairperson L Corrick, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Watson:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      receive Chairperson Corrick’s verbal October 2021 report.

b)      note the local board’s tabled feedback regarding the City Centre to Māngere Light Rail Project, which was discussed under confidence during the board’s 21 September 2021 business meeting, and upon recent advice and confirmation received from staff, is now open to the public noting the absence of withholding grounds.




a     20211019, Albert-Eden Local Board - Item 17: Chairperson's Report - Albert-Eden Local Board Feedback re. Light Rail

b     20211019, Albert-Eden Local Board - Item 17: Chairperson's Report - Albert-Eden Local Board Feedback re. Light Rail Appendix



Board Members' Reports


Resolution number AE/2021/178

MOVED by Chairperson L Corrick, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Watson:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      receive Deputy Chairperson Watson and Member Maskill’s October 2021 Board Report.

b)      receive Member Langton, Smith, Robertson, Easte and McKenzie’s verbal Board Member Reports for October 2021.





Albert-Eden Local Board 2021 Governance Forward Work Calendar


Resolution number AE/2021/179

MOVED by Member C Robertson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Watson:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      note the October 2021 edition of the Albert-Eden Local Board 2021 Governance Forward Work Calendar.





Albert-Eden Local Board Workshop Records


Resolution number AE/2021/180

MOVED by Member K Smith, seconded by Member WM McKenzie:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      receive the Albert-Eden Local Board Workshop Records for the workshops held on the 28 and 29 September 2021.




21        Consideration of Extraordinary Items



Extraordinary Business – Local Board Support for the Vaccination Rollout


Resolution number AE/2021/181

MOVED by Member C Robertson, seconded by Member J Maskill:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         note that there is a national emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

b)         note that for the wellbeing of Albert-Eden residents and for all of Auckland Council, it is urgent to promote vaccination rates to allow accelerated reductions in restrictions; and noting reducing restrictions on social connections are necessary for mental and emotional wellbeing; and reducing restrictions on business activity is essential for economic wellbeing. 

c)         note that Auckland Council elected members were reminded at the recent Covid-19 briefing of the importance of providing leadership on getting vaccinated by personal example.

d)         note that individual vaccination stories have been found to be effective in encouraging others to seek vaccination.



MOVED by Member C Robertson, seconded by Member J Maskill:

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

e)         request that Albert-Eden Local Board services staff consider and advise on including information about vaccination status from elected members in communications to promote vaccination via the local board’s communication channels.

Voting was taken via voices.  The motion was TIED.

The chairperson used her casting vote against so the motion was LOST.






5.31pm.                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









