Kaipātiki Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Kaipātiki Local Board held virtually via Skype for Business on Wednesday, 20 October 2021 at 10.06am.





John Gillon


Deputy Chairperson

Danielle Grant, JP



Paula Gillon



Ann Hartley



Melanie Kenrick



Cindy Schmidt



Andrew Shaw



Adrian Tyler



Kaipātiki Local Board

20 October 2021




1          Welcome


Chairperson John Gillon opened the meeting followed by Member Adrian Tyler leading the meeting with a karakia.


Description automatically generated


2          Apologies


There were no apologies.


3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number KT/2021/165

MOVED by Member A Tyler, seconded by Member A Hartley:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 15 September 2021, as true and correct.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations


There were no deputations.



9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.


10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


Under Standing Order 2.5.1 and Standing Order 1.10.1 (revoke or alter a previous resolution) Notices of Motion have been received from Member Adrian Tyler and Member Andrew Shaw for consideration under items 12 and 13 respectively.



Notice of Motion - Contractor Performance in Relation to Volunteer Groups in Kaipātiki


Resolution number KT/2021/166

MOVED by Member A Tyler, seconded by Chairperson J Gillon:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         note that contractor relations with ecological restoration volunteers appear to have fallen short of contract specifications, and that this is counterproductive to both the Kaipātiki Local Board’s Pest-Free Kaipātiki strategy, the spending of NETR funds and Auckland Council’s stated intentions to protect our natural environment.

b)        request that a review of SMART procurement outcomes for Kaipātiki be initiated promptly with a particular focus on the possible inclusion of specific KPIs for working with volunteer groups.

c)         request information as to whether any contract variations have been made to enable community empowerment as noted in section 41 and 54 of a report received by the Kaipātiki Local Board March 15th 2017 (refer Attachment B of agenda report).

d)        request information as to how contractor performance against Section 1.16 of Auckland Council Full Facilities Contract Specifications (refer Attachment A of agenda report) detailing the way contractors shall work with volunteer groups has been assessed, especially during the recent contract extension review process.

e)         request advice as to whether Section 1.3 ‘Relationship Management Plan’ of the Full Facilities Contract Specifications was intended to include a requirement on Suppliers to develop communications plans with volunteer groups and, if so, how this has been assessed, especially during the recent contract extension review process.

f)          request that this resolution be circulated to all Auckland councillors and local board members.






Notice of Motion - Unlock Northcote topic lead


MOVED by Member A Shaw, seconded by Member A Hartley:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         revoke resolution numbers KT/2020/222 and KT/2022/223 passed at the 9 December 2020 business meeting which established the appointment to and purpose of the Unlock Northcote topic lead role, for the following reasons:

i)          that the project has many stakeholder interest groups locally, across Council and with Central Government;

ii)         that the liaison role is incompatible with the size and complexity of the Unlock Northcote project; and

iii)        that the governance and oversight of the project is better achieved without the liaison role.

b)         request, in light of the revocation of resolution numbers KT/2020/222 and KT/2022/223, that all matters relating to the Unlock Northcote project (in particular those relating to the community hub facility or any other matters that will require a local board decision or input) be brought to workshops and/or briefings that involve all local board members, in order to:

i)          ensure that all members have the opportunity to hear information and advice directly from staff and at the same time;

ii)         enable members (particularly new or first term members) to build their understanding of a complex project through asking questions and getting responses without the ‘influence’ of the views of other more tenured members; and

iii)        make sure that all members are informed sufficiently and can respond effectively if/when they are asked questions about the project by key stakeholders and/or members of the public.

A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Member A Hartley

Member C Schmidt

Member A Shaw


Chairperson J Gillon

Member P Gillon

Deputy Chairperson D Grant

Member M Kenrick

Member A Tyler



The motion was declared lost by 3 votes to 5.




Adjournment of Meeting

Resolution number KT/2021/167

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Tyler:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         agree to adjourn the meeting at 10.57am for five minutes.



Meeting reconvened at 11.02am.



Draft Business Improvement District Policy (2021) Kaupapa Here ā-Rohe Whakapiki Pakihi


Claire Siddens, Principal Advisor (BIDs) and Gill Plume, BID Senior Advisor, were in attendance via Skype for Business to address the board on this item.  


A memo titled ‘Updating elected members on the review of the Business Improvement District (BID) Policy (2016) and Operating Standards and extension to the formal feedback period to 28 February 2022’ was tabled. A copy of the tabled documents has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.



Resolution number KT/2021/168

MOVED by Member A Tyler, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Grant:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         receive the draft Business Improvement District Policy (2021).

b)        thank staff for extending the deadline for feedback from BIDs to 28 February 2022 and for arranging for further online workshops with BID representatives to work through remaining concerns.




a     20 October 2021 - Kaipātiki Local Board Business Meeting - Updating elected members on the review of the Business Improvement District (BID) Policy (2016) and Operating Standards and extension to the formal feedback period to 28 February 2022.



Brief report to approve the location of the new multi-purpose community hub building in Northcote Town Centre


Gary Jackson, Portfolio Specialist - Eke Panuku, Kate Cumberpatch, Priority Location Director – Eke Panuku and Kimberly Rees, Service and Asset Planning Specialist, were in attendance via Skype for Business to address the board on this item.



MOVED by Deputy Chairperson D Grant, seconded by Chairperson J Gillon:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         approve the location of the new Northcote multi-purpose community hub building to be a refurbishment and extension (to the north-west) of the current Mitchell Building as per Option 1

b)         express an expectation that the building size be a minimum of 2000-2250m2, as this is the indicative size arising from the community needs assessment research adopted by the local board (resolution number KT/2021/149).

c)         express concern that the secured budget of $17.3m for the community hub and fit-out is based on an area of 1,500m2, as a community hub building of that size is unlikely to be sufficient for Northcote in the face of significant population growth, and ask that Eke Panuku and the Governing Body seriously consider an increase in funding to ensure at least a minimum provision of 2000-2250m2 floor space for the community hub (the indicative size arising from the community needs assessment research adopted by the local board KT/2021/149). We note that based on the projected population of 22,546 in the Northcote catchment, the library alone should be approximately 922.5m2 (based on 41m2/1000 people as indicated in the Community Facilities Network Plan), leaving just over 500m2 for various service providers, toilet, reception facilities, etc, which is not adequate.

d)         note that location Option 1 provides an opportunity cost of approximately $4.8 million over location Option 2 (Lake Road); allows for the additional development of c100 homes; and ensures the retention of the Mitchell Building. Also, based on current estimates, the cost per m2 of refurbishing and/or redesigning the Mitchell Building is half the estimated cost per m2 of a new stand-alone building as per Option 2.

e)         note the approximate timeframe for location Option 1 in the below table:

f)          require that the location of the community hub building extension has minimal impact on Cadness Reserve, while creating a viewshaft connection between the town centre and the reserve.

g)         require dedicated parking to service the community hub building, such as a loading zone for library supplies, senior parking, disabled parking, parent parking and bicycle parking.

h)         request that there is a visual connection in the paving treatment between Pearn Place and the community hub building, and that this may require that the Ernie Mays Street bus stops are not located immediately outside the entrance to the community hub building.

i)          note the local board’s resolution KT/2021/149 from 15 September 2021 regarding further requirements for the community hub building.

j)          request that the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson work with staff to establish a facilitated working group to determine design brief requirements for the community hub building prior to the design brief being approved by the local board, to be comprised of all Kaipātiki Local Board members, applicable council and Eke Panuku staff, and representatives of identifed community hub building stakeholders.

k)         request a workshop on the design of Cadness Reserve (including a full basketball court and play equipment), noting that the Northcote Redevelopment project has a budget of $1.8million for the renewal and enhancement of Cadness Reserve, and that the local board has final approval on the design.

l)          request detail on any renewal funding identifed/tagged in future years for the Norman King Building, Mitchell Building annex or the playground in front of the Mitchell Building, and whether any such funding is available to re-allocate to other projects.

m)       note that the local board has decision-making responsibility for the design (including spatial requirements and service provision, build, and fit-out) of the new community facility within the budget parameter agreed with the Governing Body.

n)         request that this resolution is circulated to the members of the governing body.


Resolution number KT/2021/169

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member P Gillon:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         agree to adjourn the meeting at 12.12pm for five minutes.



Meeting reconvened at 12.24pm.



The motion was taken in parts.



Resolution number KT/2021/170

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson D Grant, seconded by Chairperson J Gillon:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         approve the location of the new Northcote multi-purpose community hub building to be a refurbishment and extension (to the north-west) of the current Mitchell Building as per Option 1

b)        express an expectation that the building size be a minimum of 2000-2250m2, as this is the indicative size arising from the community needs assessment research adopted by the local board (resolution number KT/2021/149).

c)         express concern that the secured budget of $17.3m for the community hub and fit-out is based on an area of 1,500m2, as a community hub building of that size is unlikely to be sufficient for Northcote in the face of significant population growth, and ask that Eke Panuku and the Governing Body seriously consider an increase in funding to ensure at least a minimum provision of 2000-2250m2 floor space for the community hub (the indicative size arising from the community needs assessment research adopted by the local board KT/2021/149). We note that based on the projected population of 22,546 in the Northcote catchment, the library alone should be approximately 922.5m2 (based on 41m2/1000 people as indicated in the Community Facilities Network Plan), leaving just over 500m2 for various service providers, toilet, reception facilities, etc, which is not adequate.

d)        note that location Option 1 provides an opportunity cost of approximately $4.8 million over location Option 2 (Lake Road); allows for the additional development of c100 homes; and ensures the retention of the Mitchell Building. Also, based on current estimates, the cost per m2 of refurbishing and/or redesigning the Mitchell Building is half the estimated cost per m2 of a new stand-alone building as per Option 2.

e)         note the approximate timeframe for location Option 1 in the below table:

f)          require that the location of the community hub building extension has minimal impact on Cadness Reserve, while creating a viewshaft connection between the town centre and the reserve.



Note: Under Standing Order 1.9.7 Member A Shaw requested his vote recorded against clause f)



Resolution number KT/2021/171

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson D Grant, seconded by Chairperson J Gillon:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

g)        require dedicated parking to service the community hub building, such as a loading zone for library supplies, senior parking, disabled parking, parent parking and bicycle parking.

h)        request that there is a visual connection in the paving treatment between Pearn Place and the community hub building, and that this may require that the Ernie Mays Street bus stops are not located immediately outside the entrance to the community hub building.


A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Chairperson J Gillon

Member P Gillon

Deputy Chairperson D Grant

Member M Kenrick

Member A Tyler


Member A Hartley

Member C Schmidt


Member A Shaw


The motion was declared carried by 5 votes to 2.



Resolution number KT/2021/172

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson D Grant, seconded by Chairperson J Gillon:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

i)          note the local board’s resolution KT/2021/149 from 15 September 2021 regarding further requirements for the community hub building.

j)          request that the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson work with staff to establish a facilitated working group to determine design brief requirements for the community hub building prior to the design brief being approved by the local board, to be comprised of all Kaipātiki Local Board members, applicable council and Eke Panuku staff, and representatives of identifed community hub building stakeholders.

A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Chairperson J Gillon

Member P Gillon

Deputy Chairperson D Grant

Member M Kenrick

Member A Tyler


Member A Shaw


Member A Hartley

Member C Schmidt


The motion was declared carried by 5 votes to 1.



Resolution number KT/2021/173

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson D Grant, seconded by Chairperson J Gillon:   

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

k)         request a workshop on the design of Cadness Reserve (including a full basketball court and play equipment), noting that the Northcote Redevelopment project has a budget of $1.8million for the renewal and enhancement of Cadness Reserve, and that the local board has final approval on the design.

l)          request detail on any renewal funding identifed/tagged in future years for the Norman King Building, Mitchell Building annex or the playground in front of the Mitchell Building, and whether any such funding is available to re-allocate to other projects.

m)       note that the local board has decision-making responsibility for the design (including spatial requirements and service provision, build, and fit-out) of the new community facility within the budget parameter agreed with the Governing Body.

A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Chairperson J Gillon

Member P Gillon

Deputy Chairperson D Grant

Member M Kenrick

Member A Tyler


Member A Shaw


Member A Hartley

Member C Schmidt


The motion was declared carried by 5 votes to 1.



Resolution number KT/2021/174

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson D Grant, seconded by Chairperson J Gillon:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

n)        request that this resolution is circulated to the members of the governing body.




Note: Under Standing Order 1.9.7 Member A Shaw and Member C Schmidt requested their votes recorded against clause n)




Local board views on private plan change 62 for the land at 119, 121 and 129 Onewa Road and at 1, 3, 5 and 7 Gladstone Road, Northcote


Todd Elder, Policy Planner, was in attendance via Skype for Business to address the board on this item.



Resolution number KT/2021/175

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member M Kenrick:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         oppose private plan change 62 lodged by Goldstar Corporation Limited to rezone the land at 119, 121 and 129 Onewa Road and at 1, 3, 5 and 7 Gladstone Road, Northcote, and provide the following feedback:

i)          we endorse the majority view of submitters in opposing the plan change, and note that of the 29 public submissions that were received, a total of 7 submissions were in support and 22 submission were in opposition (including from Northcote College and Auckland Transport).

ii)         note that while the actual difference in maximum height between the existing Business Light Industry Zone and the proposed Business Mixed Use Zone is only 1m, the effective potential height of any development is much greater in the Business Mixed Use Zone as the ability to include residential dwellings in developments increases the likelihood of utilising the maximum height.

iii)       the increase in shadowing to neighbouring properties on Gladstone Road, Onewa Road, Seaview Avenue and Fairfax Avenue is much greater under the maximum height of the proposed Business Mixed Use Zone than the shadows cast by the existing buildings.

iv)       we agree with the concern expressed in the submission from Northcote College regarding the comment in the Assessment of Effects and Section 32 RMA Analysis from Lovett Planning, that the “Northcote College School grounds…provide an excellent adjacent stormwater soakage area” as the school sportsfield has received significant investment and cannot cope with any increase in soakage. The proposed plan change and any subsequent development should explicitly provide for sufficient on-site stormwater storage capacity to prevent reliance on neighbouring properties.

v)         note that while there are similar expectations of high-traffic generating activity under the current Business Light Industry Zone and the proposed Business Mixed Use Zone, the effective amount of traffic is likely to be higher under the proposed Business Mixed Use Zone as it includes the ability to include residential dwellings in developments.

vi)       Gladstone Road is a busy side road from Onewa Road, that not only services local residents and businesses, but also acts as a drop-off/pick-up location for Northcote College and Tui’s Nest early learning centre. It is also a narrow road with carparking often at full capacity on both sides, due to people parking and catching public transport, or overflow parking from St Mary’s Catholic Church. The proposed plan change and any subsequent redevelopment is likely to lead to an increase in traffic flow and safety risks on Gladstone Road.

vii)      Onewa Road is a busy thoroughfare road, and any increase in dwellings or businesses at the site will potentially lead to safety risks due to an increase in traffic turning across Onewa Road into Gladstone Rd, and an increase in west-bound traffic turning across Onewa Road to exit Gladstone Rd, noting a potential increase of up to 350% in traffic entering Gladstone Road and potential increase of up to 303.7% in traffic exiting Gladstone Road if the proposed plan change and any subsequent development proceeds.

viii)     if the proposed plan change proceeds, the local board requests that the Gladstone Road/Onewa Road intersection is upgraded to a controlled (traffic light) intersection with controlled pedestrian crossing (as opposed to a right-turning bay), due to safety concerns for pedestrians (including school students), and for vehicles, due to an increase in vehicle movements entering and exiting Gladstone Road. The increase in traffic is likely to occur irrespective of whether or not there is a large utilisation of public transport from new dwellings at the site, as any new businesses at the site will likely lead to an increase in trip generation into and out of Gladstone Road and the site.

b)        appoint the local board Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson to speak to the local board views at a hearing on private plan change 62.

c)         delegate authority to the chairperson of the Kaipātiki Local Board to make a replacement appointment in the event the local board member appointed in resolution b) is unable to attend the private plan change hearing.





Play space concept design for Nell Fisher Reserve, Birkenhead


Kaitlyn White, Senior Project Manager, was in attendance via Skype for Business, to address the board on this item.



Resolution number KT/2021/176

MOVED by Member A Tyler, seconded by Member P Gillon:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         approve the play space renewal and concept design as provided in Attachment A of the agenda report for Nell Fisher Reserve, Birkenhead, with the inclusion of a basket swing in place of the you-and-me swing.

b)        approve the allocation of $22,103 renewal capex funding from the 2021/2022 community facilities renewal project “Kaipātiki - renew play equipment” (ID 27962), towards the renewal of the swings and the play surface at Nell Fisher Reserve, Birkenhead.

c)         request that the mound slide includes a gradual slope to make it easily accessible and safer for younger children.

d)        request the following to be considered as part of a future work programme:

i)          Nell Fisher Reserve – Stage 2: Installation of a Kompan Bloqx2 or Bloqx3 playpiece (or similar) in the grass area outside of the Historic Heritage Extent Of Place Overlay.

ii)         Jean Sampson Reserve: replacing the bucket swing on the large swing set with a you-and-me swing.



Adjournment of Meeting

Resolution number KT/2021/177

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Tyler:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         agree to adjourn the meeting at 1.06pm for five minutes.



Meeting reconvened at 1.13pm.



Monarch Park nature trail and naturalisation concept


Kaitlyn White, Senior Project Manager, was in attendance via Skype for Business, to address the board on this item.



Resolution number KT/2021/178

MOVED by Member P Gillon, seconded by Chairperson J Gillon:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         approve the Monarch Park nature trail and naturalisation concept design as provided in Attachment A of the agenda report.

b)        approve the allocation of $29,621 capex from the 2021/2022 community facilities renewal project line “Kaipātiki - renew play equipment (work programme ID 27962) ” towards the renewal of the existing assets within the forest floor trail.





Beach Haven renewal of coastal connections - update on consultation and approval of detailed design


Leigh Radovan, Senior Project Manager – Kauri Dieback and Track Specialist, was in attendance via Skype for Business, to address the board on this item.



Resolution number KT/2021/179

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Tyler:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         receive the public consultation feedback on the Beach Haven renew coastal connections project options (new connections) for Shepherds Park to Tui Park and Hellyers Creek Reserve to Kahika Point Reserve.

b)        approve the detailed design for stages one of Beach Haven renew coastal connections project, as per Attachment C of the agenda report, noting that the track from the platform to the north of the carpark by the football club is part of stage one.

c)         note that stage one is scheduled to begin construction over Summer 2021/22 and be completed by March 2022

d)        note that stage two of the Beach Haven renew coastal connections project will be further workshopped with the local board, and that detailed design for stage two will be brought to the local board for formal approval in due course.

e)         delegate to the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson authority to approve minor amendments to the Beach Haven renew coastal connections project, following receipt of written advice from staff.

f)          note that stage 3 (new connections) of the project is currently on hold as funding tagged to the project has been pushed out to 2024+ as part of Auckland Council’s Recovery Budget.





Approval of funding and option for delivery of Kauri Glen Reserve, stage three project


Leigh Radovan, Senior Project Manager – Kauri Dieback and Track Specialist, was in attendance via Skype for Business, to address the board on this item.



Resolution number KT/2021/180

MOVED by Member P Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Grant:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         approve option one for Kauri Glen Reserve Stage three to build a raised boardwalk and three-span glulam bridge, which spans the top of the gully providing a step free accessway, two hygiene stations and the renewal of existing tracks, to the value of $1,009,802, as per Attachment A of the agenda report.

b)        approve funding of $410,000 from renewals budget to Kauri Glen Reserve Stage three to fund the raised boardwalk, three span glulam bridge, renewed tracks and installation of hygiene stations.

c)         approve Kauri Glen Reserve stage three as part of the risk adjusted programme (RAP), as a project that may be delivered in advance of the expected delivery year, if required to meet expected financial expenditure for the 2021/2022 financial year.

d)        approve the inclusion of one new project in the 2021-2024 Customer and Community Services work programme. Kauri Glen Reserve - Stage 3 renewals, Asset Based Services (ABS): Capex - Renewals budget of $290,000 is required in 2021/2022.

e)         approve the cancellation of Chelsea Estate Heritage Park - repair managers house and garage (ID30090).

f)          approve the reallocation of $150,000 of Asset Based Services (ABS): Capex – Renewals budget from Chelsea Estate Heritage Park - repair managers house and garage (ID30090) to Kauri Glen Reserve - Stage 3 renewals in financial year 2021/2022.

g)        approve the reallocation of $40,000 of Asset Based Services (ABS): Capex – Renewals budget from Onewa Domain - renew sports fields two and three (ID20603) to Kauri Glen Reserve - Stage 3 renewals in 2021/2022.

h)        approve the reallocation of $100,000 of Asset Based Services (ABS): Capex – Renewals budget from Elliott Avenue Reserve-renew Park assets (ID15487) to Kauri Glen Reserve - Stage 3 renewals in financial year 2021/2022.

i)          delegate to the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson authority to approve minor amendments to the Kauri Dieback Mitigation Work Programme, following receipt of written advice from staff.




Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust Quarterly Report


Jill Nerheny, Team Lead and Strategic Partnerships, Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust, was in attendance via Skype for Business to address the board on this item.



Resolution number KT/2021/181

MOVED by Member P Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Grant:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         receive the Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust quarter one report as set out in Attachment A.




Kaipātiki Community Places 2021/2022 Quarter One Reports


Resolution number KT/2021/182

MOVED by Member A Shaw, seconded by Member A Tyler:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         receive the Kaipātiki community places quarter one 2021/2022 reports as set out in Attachments A – F of this agenda report. 




Additions to the 2021-2022 Kaipātiki Local Board meeting schedule


Resolution number KT/2021/183

MOVED by Member M Kenrick, seconded by Member A Shaw:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         approve the addition of two meeting dates to the 2021-2022 Kaipātiki Local Board meeting schedule to accommodate the Annual Budget 2022/2023 timeframes as follows:

i)          Wednesday, 1 December 2021, 10.00am

ii)         Wednesday, 11 May 2022, 10.00am

b)        agree to move the meeting that is currently scheduled for Wednesday 15 June 2022 to Wednesday 22 June 2022, to accommodate the Annual Budget 2022/2023 timeframes.




Urgent Decision: local board input for inclusion in Auckland Council’s submission on the “Ministry for the Environment 2021 Managing our wetlands: A discussion document on proposed changes to the wetland regulations”


Resolution number KT/2021/184

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Shaw:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         receive the urgent decision made on 8 October 2021 as set out in Attachment B of this agenda report, providing local board feedback on Ministry for the Environment 2021 Managing our wetlands: A discussion document on proposed changes to the wetland regulations.





Regional Streets for People - Expressions of Interest


Resolution number KT/2021/185

MOVED by Member M Kenrick, seconded by Member C Schmidt:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         delegate to member/s Adrian Tyler and Andrew Shaw the responsibility of completing and submitting an expression of interest for “temporary or semi-permanent vehicle speed calming and cycling enhancements on Hinemoa Street between Birkenhead Wharf/Hinemoa Park and the intersection with Maritime Terrace” to be considered for funding from the Regional Streets for People programme noting that:

i)          the deadline for submission is on Sunday 31 October 2021

ii)         the delegation will be exercised in consultation with all local board members.

b)        request a potential cost estimate from Auckland Transport for the temporary project as outlined in clause a) in time for the consideration of Transport Capital Fund projects at the local board’s November business meeting.




Kaipātiki Local Board Chairperson's Report


A document titled ‘Kaipātiki Local Board Chairperson Report – October 2021’ was tabled. A copy of the tabled documents has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.



Resolution number KT/2021/186

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Grant:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         note the chairperson’s report.




a     20 October 2021 - Kaipātiki Local Board Business Meeting - Kaipātiki Local Board Chairperson Report October 2021



Members' Reports



Member report - Andrew Shaw


Resolution number KT/2021/187

MOVED by Member A Shaw, seconded by Member A Tyler:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         note the report from Member Andrew Shaw.




Member report - Cindy Schmidt


Member C Schmidt provided a verbal update regarding the housing intensification update from the Government and her concern with the possible knock-on effects on water quality in the Kaipātiki Local Board area, Kaipātiki Youth Development Trust meeting on 21 October, Hearts and Minds, mental health during the lockdown, Police and the Covid-19 response with extra safety around town centres, Pest Free Kaipātiki and Kaipātiki Project meetings, Maori and Pacific community meetings, hospitality meeting with Birkenhead Town Centre managers.



Resolution number KT/2021/188

MOVED by Member C Schmidt, seconded by Member M Kenrick:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         note the verbal update from Member Cindy Schmidt.




Member report - Melanie Kenrick


Member M Kenrick provided a verbal update regarding the difficulties with conducting work while at home with children during the lockdown, funding from Aktive and is encouraging local sports clubs to apply for these grants, Birkdale Beach Haven Community Project food deliveries, Bike Kaipātiki, vaccinations, and the mental health of young people resulting from the stress.



Resolution number KT/2021/189

MOVED by Member M Kenrick, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Grant:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         note the verbal update from Member Melanie Kenrick.




Member report - Danielle Grant


Deputy Chairperson D Grant provided a verbal update regarding Wairau Business Research Project with Auckland Unlimited, Northcote Town Centre Association meeting, planning of smaller cultural activities in the Northcote Town Centre, Kaipātiki Project and Pest Free Kaipātiki meeting. 



Resolution number KT/2021/190

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson D Grant, seconded by Chairperson J Gillon:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         note the verbal update from Deputy Chairperson Danielle Grant.




Governing Body and Independent Maori Statutory Board Members' Update


There were no updates provided at this time.



Governance Forward Work Calendar


Resolution number KT/2021/191

MOVED by Member P Gillon, seconded by Member A Tyler:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         note the Kaipātiki Local Board November – December 2021 governance forward work calendar and October - November 2021 workshop forward work plan.






Workshop Records - Kaipātiki Local Board - September 2021


Resolution number KT/2021/192

MOVED by Member A Tyler, seconded by Member A Shaw:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         note the record for the Kaipātiki Local Board workshop held on Wednesday 1 September, Wednesday 8 September and Wednesday 22 September 2021.




31        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.



3.17 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









