Ōrākei Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Ōrākei Local Board using electronic means on Thursday, 18 November 2021 at 3.00pm.  A written summary will be uploaded on the Auckland Council website.





Mr Scott Milne, JP


Deputy Chairman

Troy Elliott



Troy Churton



Colin Davis, JP



Sarah Powrie



Margaret Voyce



David Wong, JP




Ōrākei Local Board

18 November 2021




1          Welcome


            Chairman Scott Milne opened the meeting and welcomed those present.


Note:   A roll call was conducted by Chairman Scott Milne that ascertained the following members were in attendance at the commencement of the meeting:


Chairman Scott Milne                                             Member Sarah Powrie                       

Deputy Chairman Troy Elliott                                 Member Margaret Voyce                   

Member Troy Churton                                             Member David Wong                         

Member Colin Davis                                                          


2          Apologies


There were no apologies.




3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4              Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number OR/2021/175

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member C Davis:  

That the minutes of the Ōrākei Local Board meeting held on Thursday, 21 October 2021, be confirmed as true and correct.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no requests for leave of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations



Deputation - Update on the Clean Streams Project on behalf of the Tamaki Estuary Environmental Forum


Julie Chambers attended the meeting to present to the local board on the Innovate Auckland Stream Monitoring Programme.


Resolution number OR/2021/176

MOVED by Member M Voyce, seconded by Member C Davis:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      receive the presentation and thank Julie Chambers for her attendance.






Deputation - David Riley, Reading Warrior


David Riley attended the meeting to present to the local board on his Reading Warrior programme and seek the support of the Board to widen this programme to schools located in the Ōrākei Local Board.


Resolution number OR/2021/177

MOVED by Member S Powrie, seconded by Member D Wong:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      receive the presentation and thank David Riley for his attendance.





9          Public Forum



Public Forum – Presentation by the Character Coalition Incorporated


Sue Cooper attended the meeting to thank the local board for their submission on the National Policy Statement on Urban Development and the Enabling Housing Supply Amendment Bill and highlight their concern over the Government proposals and the impact this will have on infrastructure and special character areas.


A document was tabled for this item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2021/178

MOVED by Deputy Chairman T Elliott, seconded by Member M Voyce:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      receive the presentation and thank Sue Cooper for her attendance.




a     20211118 Ōrākei Local Board, Item 9.1: Public Forum - Presentation by the Character Coalition Incorporated - Presentation Notes



Note:   Item 10: Extraordinary Business was taken at this point.



10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.




Public Forum - Sharon Hawke to speak about the Waka Ama Club at The Landing


Sharon Hawke attended the meeting to speak to the Board about the Ocean Blue Water Sports Club and seek a space for the club on The Landing.


A document was tabled for this item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2021/179

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member S Powrie:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)         receive the presentation and thank Sharon Hawke, Club Captain of Ocean Blue Watersports for her attendance.




a     20211118 Ōrākei Local Board, Item 9.2: Public Forum - Sharon Hawke to speak about the Waka Ama Club at The Landing - Presentation Notes




Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection Round One 2021/2022 grant allocations


Resolution number OR/2021/180

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Deputy Chairman T Elliott:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      approve the following Ōrākei Quick Response Round One 2021/2022 applications for the amounts as listed below:   

Application ID



Amount allocated


Young Mariners of New Zealand Incorporated

Towards the costs of venue hire, pool hire and other small costs regarding the "Young Mariners Easter Regatta 2022"



Blue Light Ventures Incorporated

Towards the cost of producing and printing Street Smart Handbooks



Meadowbank Community Toy Library Incorporated

Towards the cost of 25 per cent rent at the St Chads Church



Nga Watene Māori O Akarana Māori Wardens

Towards a koha



The Scout Association of New Zealand

Towards the cost of a new water tank including installation



Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust

Towards counsellor helpline training, management, and support from December 2021 to June 2022



David Riley

Towards sponsorship of 30 Kainga pukapuka (home books) packs, to be delivered to schools in the Ōrākei local board area

$2,000.00 towards the supply of Kainga pukapuka (home books) packs and request that the books are delivered to schools in the Ōrākei local board area; and request the applicant to provide copies of the book packs; and request the Grants Advisor to liaise with the local board area schools regarding a report back following 6 months in order to evaluate the project.






b)         request all successful funding applicants to acknowledge Ōrākei Local Board support for their organisation and the event or project by including the Ōrākei Local Board logo on marketing material, product and/or promotional media/statements.

c)         request that if funding relates to an event, an invitation needs to be extended to all Ōrākei Local Board members to attend.

d)         decline the following Ōrākei Quick Response Round One 2021/2022 applications listed below:

Application ID



Decline reason


Mission Bay Business Association

Towards the costs of a wooden Santa letter box and two face painters for Mission Bay Christmas

Decline noting there is low alignment with the local board’s priorities and/or community outcome(s).






Approval of the Agreement to Lease for the Outboard Boating Club of Auckland Incorporated for part of Hakumau Reserve 3-5 Tamaki Drive


Ron Johnson – Senior Community Lease Advisor, and Yusuf Khan – Manager Leasing, were in attendance via Skype-for-Business to speak to the report.


Resolution number OR/2021/181

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member C Davis:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      grant to the Outboard Boating Club of Auckland Incorporated an Agreement to Lease for part of Hakumau Reserve comprising 5,168 square metres (more or less) as outlined in the plan (Attachment A) of reserve land at 3-5 Tamaki Drive, Auckland, and contained in Certificate of Title NA633/119 for primarily vehicle and boat trailer parking for Outboard Boating Club members, their guests and the members of the public using the public launching ramps.  The Agreement to Lease is subject to the following terms and conditions:

i)       term for the agreement to lease – two years commencing 22 November 2021

ii)      conditional on:

A)     Auckland Council undertaking public notification and iwi consultation of the proposed lease of 33 years in accordance with the Reserves Act 1997 and no objections have been received and sustained

B)     the Outboard Boating Club of Auckland Incorporated re-designing and relocating the security fence on the southern side of the Pohutukawa trees in alignment with the proposed lease boundary

C)     the new boundary fencing to make provision for pedestrian access to and over the proposed leased area via a pedestrian gate

D)     the Outboard Boating Club of Auckland Incorporated undertaking adequate marketing and signage, including installing clearly visible entrance signage and prominent online information, of the availability for public use of at least two boat launching ramps and parking

E)      provision of landowner approval from the Ōrākei Local Board for the form and design of the fencing, construction of any potential new entrance from Tāmaki Drive and design and installation of signage

F)      the Outboard Boating Club of Auckland Incorporated obtaining all necessary regulatory consents where required

G)     no permanent structures other than fencing, access gates, and signage relating the use of the land are permitted in the proposed lease area.  

b)       note that the fulfilment of the conditions in point (ii) above and satisfaction of any ancillary matters, during the two year Agreement to Lease term, are to advance the Ōrākei Local Board’s resolution of August 2020 (OR/2020/71) for a long term lease (33 years) to the Outboard Boating Club of Auckland Incorporated for part of Hakumau Reserve.





Ngā Hapori Momoho | Thriving Communities Draft Strategy


A document was tabled for this item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2021/182

MOVED by Member S Powrie, seconded by Member M Voyce:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      support the tabled draft Ngā Hapori Momoho | Thriving Communities Strategy 2022 – 2032 as set out in Attachment A to this report.  




a     20211118 Ōrākei Local Board, Item 13: Ngā Hapori Momoho | Thriving Communities Draft Strategy - Ōrākei Local Board Feedback




Submission on a proposed new national waste strategy and associated waste legislation


A document was tabled for this item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2021/183

MOVED by Member M Voyce, seconded by Member D Wong:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      approve the tabled feedback on the Government’s proposed new waste strategy and proposed changes to waste legislation for inclusion in an Auckland Council submission, noting that feedback is required by 5pm on 22 November 2021 to be appended.




a     20211118 Ōrākei Local Board, Item 14: Submission on a proposed new national waste strategy and associated waste legislation - Ōrākei Local Board Feedback




Draft Contributions Policy 2021


A document was tabled for this item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2021/184

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Deputy Chairman T Elliott:   

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      approve the tabled feedback on the draft Contributions Policy 2021.




a     20211118 Ōrākei Local Board, Item 15: Draft Contributions Policy 2021 - Ōrākei Local Board Feedback




Three Waters Economic Regulation Submission


Resolution number OR/2021/185

MOVED by Member C Davis, seconded by Deputy Chairman T Elliott:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      delegate to Chairman Milne to provide feedback for inclusion in Auckland Council’s submission on the Economic Regulation and Consumer Protection for Three Waters Services in New Zealand discussion paper by the 6 December 2021.





National Emissions Reduction Plan Discussion Document – draft council submission


Note:  This item was withdrawn.




Chairman and Board Member November 2021 report


Resolution number OR/2021/186

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member S Powrie:  

a)      that the Ōrākei Local Board Chairman and Board Member November 2021 report be received.





Governance Forward Work Calendar


Resolution number OR/2021/187

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member D Wong:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      note the draft governance forward work calendar as at November 2021.





Ōrākei Local Board Workshop Proceedings


Resolution number OR/2021/188

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Deputy Chairman T Elliott:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board records for the workshops held on 7, 14 and 28 October 2021 be noted.





Resolutions Pending Action report


Resolution number OR/2021/189

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member M Voyce:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      note the Ōrākei Local Board resolutions pending action report – November 2021.




22        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There were no extraordinary items.





4.56pm                                               The Chairman thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









