Kōmiti ā Pūtea, ā
Mahi Hoki /
Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Finance and Performance Committee held remotely on Wednesday, 8 December 2021 at 10.00am and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website, https://councillive.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/
Chairperson |
Cr Desley Simpson, JP |
Deputy Chairperson |
Cr Shane Henderson |
Members |
Cr Josephine Bartley |
IMSB Member Renata Blair |
Cr Dr Cathy Casey |
Deputy Mayor Cr Bill Cashmore |
Cr Fa’anana Efeso Collins |
Cr Pippa Coom |
Cr Linda Cooper, JP |
Cr Angela Dalton |
Cr Chris Darby |
Cr Alf Filipaina |
Cr Christine Fletcher, QSO |
Mayor Hon Phil Goff, CNZM, JP |
Cr Richard Hills |
From 10.08am, Item 8 |
Cr Tracy Mulholland |
Cr Daniel Newman, JP |
Cr Greg Sayers |
Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM |
IMSB Chair David Taipari |
Cr Wayne Walker |
From 10.04am, Item 7 |
Cr John Watson |
Cr Paul Young |
Note: all members of the Finance and Performance Committee and those presenting to the meeting attended via electronic link.
Finance and Performance Committee 08 December 2021 |
Resolution number FIN/2021/100 MOVED by Chairperson D Simpson, seconded by Cr S Henderson: That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) accept the apologies from: Lateness Cr Hills |
Note: a roll-call was conducted that ascertained the following members were in attendance at the commencement of the meeting:
Mayor P Goff |
ü |
Cr C Fletcher |
ü |
Deputy Mayor BC Cashmore |
ü |
Cr S Henderson |
ü |
Cr J Bartley |
ü |
Cr R Hills |
IMSB Member R Blair |
ü |
Cr T Mulholland |
ü |
Cr C Casey |
ü |
Cr D Newman |
ü |
Cr E Collins |
ü |
Cr G Sayers |
ü |
Cr P Coom |
ü |
Cr S Stewart |
ü |
Cr L Cooper |
ü |
Cr W Walker |
Cr A Dalton |
ü |
Cr J Watson |
ü |
Cr C Darby |
ü |
IMSB Chair D Taipari |
ü |
Cr A Filipaina |
ü |
Cr P Young |
ü |
There were no declarations of interest.
There were no petitions.
There was no public input.
There was no local board input.
There was no extraordinary business.
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Cr W Walker joined the meeting at 10.04am. |
Resolution number FIN/2021/101 MOVED by Chairperson D Simpson, seconded by Cr S Henderson: That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) note the contents of this report, which sets the context for the other reports and decisions on today’s agenda. b) note that the annual budget consultation will include potential changes to local board decision-making responsibilities as agreed by the Governing Body on 28 October 2021 and further details will be provided in a report to the Governing Body on 8 February 2022. |
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Annual Budget 2022/2023: Regional topics for consultation - local board input |
Cr R Hills joined the meeting at 10.08am. |
Staff advised there was an error in paragraphs 25 and 26 of the report as follows: Currently reads as follows: 25. Of the 16 local boards who gave feedback on kerbside refuse charging policy review, 13 support the proposal for consultation (Albert-Eden, Aotea / Great Barrier, Franklin, Henderson-Massey, Hibiscus and Bays, Manurewa, Maungakiekie-Tāmaki, Ōtara-Papatoetoe, Papakura, Rodney, Waitematā, and Whau local boards). Māngere-Ōtāhuhu, Ōrākei and Waiheke local boards prefer to stick to the current status quo Hybrid model. 26. Of the 15 local boards who gave feedback on their preferred method for kerbside refuse charging, eight local boards support a rates funded model (Albert-Eden, Franklin, Henderson-Massey, Howick, Manurewa, Ōtara-Papatoetoe, Waiheke, and Waitematā local boards), four supported a PAYT model (Devonport-Takapuna, Hibiscus and Bays, Papakura and Whau local boards) and three support a Hybrid model (Māngere-Ōtāhuhu, Ōrākei and Waiheke local boards). and should read as follows: 25. Of the 15 local boards who gave feedback on kerbside refuse charging policy review, 13 support the proposal for consultation (Albert-Eden, Aotea / Great Barrier, Franklin, Henderson-Massey, Hibiscus and Bays, Manurewa, Maungakiekie-Tāmaki, Ōtara-Papatoetoe, Papakura, Puketāpapa, Rodney, Waitematā, and Whau local boards). Māngere-Ōtāhuhu and Ōrākei local boards prefer to stick to the current status quo Hybrid model. 26. Of the 14 local boards who gave feedback on their preferred method for kerbside refuse charging, eight local boards support a rates funded model (Albert-Eden, Franklin, Henderson-Massey, Howick, Manurewa, Ōtara-Papatoetoe, Waiheke, and Waitematā local boards), four supported a PAYT model (Devonport-Takapuna, Hibiscus and Bays, Papakura and Whau local boards) and two support a Hybrid model (Māngere-Ōtāhuhu and Ōrākei local boards). |
Resolution number FIN/2021/102 MOVED by Chairperson D Simpson, seconded by Cr S Henderson: That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) consider input from local boards when making recommendations to the Governing Body on regional items to be consulted on for the Annual Budget 2022/2023. |
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Note: changes were made to the original recommendation, adding new clause b) as a chairperson’s recommendation. |
Resolution number FIN/2021/103 MOVED by Cr A Filipaina, seconded by Cr C Casey: That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) whakaae / agree to recommend to the Governing Body to tango / adopt the Draft Tūpuna Maunga Operational Plan 2022/2023 and a summary of the draft plan (for inclusion in the consultation material for the Annual Plan 2022-2023). b) tuhi / note that the draft Tūpuna Maunga Authority Operational Plan 2022/2023 does not seek any increase to the budget envelope previously approved in the council’s 10-year Budget 2021-2031. |
Note: Pursuant to Standing Order 1.8.6, the following councillors requested their dissenting votes be recorded: · Cr S Stewart · Cr W Walker Note: Pursuant to Standing Order 1.8.3, Cr C Fletcher requested her abstention to be recorded. |
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Annual Budget 2022/2023: Mayoral Proposal items for consultation |
Note: changes were made to the original recommendation by His Worship the Mayor, amending clause a) i) C) and adding new clause a) ii) D). |
MOVED by Mayor P Goff, seconded by Chairperson D Simpson: That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) agree to recommend to the Governing Body that the Annual Budget 2022/2023 consultation document include the following items from the Mayoral Proposal: i) a base budget package proposal based on the second year of the Recovery Budget 2021-2031 (10-year Budget), taking into account the continued impact of COVID-19 and current economic conditions, and: A) maintaining the current capital investment profile over the next three years, noting that while the inflationary pressure may be partially mitigated by the natural slow-down caused by COVID-19 delays and supply chain constraints, this may require some deliberate deferrals of capital projects and programmes, with the intention that high and critical-risk projects are prioritised. B) consulting on a set of draft expenditure prioritisation criteria (Appendix 1 in Attachment A) and applying the final criteria to implement $15 million of permanent cost reductions in the form of efficiency saving and low priority service reductions across the Auckland Council group in 2023/2024, growing to $30 million per annum from 2024/2025 onwards. C) noting further operating cost reductions, capital deferrals and sale of non-strategic assets over the next three years may be required if further budget risks materialise. D) increasing the average general rates by 3.5 per cent for 2022/2023 as planned. ii) a proposed package of further climate action measures to reduce emissions and support adaptation, including: A) over $1 billion expenditure over 10 years towards improving bus services, decarbonising ferry services, providing for walking and cycling, and increasing tree canopy cover in communities that need it most. B) a Climate Action Targeted Rate (CATR) providing for $574 million over 10 years to fund the proposed climate action, with the remainder funded by government co-funding ($344 million) for transport activities and fare revenue ($127 million). C) the targeted rate is proposed to be: 1) based on capital value, with 25.8 per cent to be raised from business properties and 74.2 per cent from non-business properties, rising by 3.5 per cent each year, the same as the Water Quality Targeted Rate. 2) differentiated within the business and non-business sectors on the same basis as the general rate.
The meeting adjourned at 12.01pm and reconvened at 12.05pm.
Debate on the item commenced.
MOVED by Cr W Walker, seconded by Cr J Watson an amendment by way of addition: That the Finance and Performance Committee: b) request officers to prepare budget advice on the costs for improved retention and protection of existing tree canopy including street trees, notable trees and trees on private property with special emphasis on Special Ecological Areas, areas subject to protective covenants and the application of protective mechanisms such as the QE2 Trust. c) request officers to prepare budget information on the cost of implementing behavioural change measures to achieve increased patronage of existing bus, ferry and train services, the increased use of existing cycling and walking infrastructure and the increased use of car-sharing and T2 and T3 lanes.
Note: After discussion, the mover and seconder agreed that the amendment was more relevant to Item 11 - Annual Budget 2022/2023: Budget Update and withdrew it from this item. |
MOVED by Cr G Sayers, seconded by Cr J Watson an amendment by way of addition to clause a) ii): E) that there be an option provided in the consultation document for the Climate Action programme to be funded through the general rate, and other funding tools, with the reprioritisation of capital and operational budgets over the next decade.
A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared lost by 5 votes to 18.
Debate on the substantive motion continued. |
Resolution number FIN/2021/104 MOVED by Mayor P Goff, seconded by Chairperson D Simpson: That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) agree to recommend to the Governing Body that the Annual Budget 2022/2023 consultation document include the following items from the Mayoral Proposal: i) a base budget package proposal based on the second year of the Recovery Budget 2021-2031 (10-year Budget), taking into account the continued impact of COVID-19 and current economic conditions, and: A) maintaining the current capital investment profile over the next three years, noting that while the inflationary pressure may be partially mitigated by the natural slow-down caused by COVID-19 delays and supply chain constraints, this may require some deliberate deferrals of capital projects and programmes, with the intention that high and critical-risk projects are prioritised. B) consulting on a set of draft expenditure prioritisation criteria (Appendix 1 in Attachment A) and applying the final criteria to implement $15 million of permanent cost reductions in the form of efficiency saving and low priority service reductions across the Auckland Council group in 2023/2024, growing to $30 million per annum from 2024/2025 onwards. C) noting
further operating cost reductions, D) increasing the average general rates by 3.5 per cent for 2022/2023 as planned. ii) a proposed package of further climate action measures to reduce emissions and support adaptation, including: A) over $1 billion expenditure over 10 years towards improving bus services, decarbonising ferry services, providing for walking and cycling, and increasing tree canopy cover in communities that need it most. B) a Climate Action Targeted Rate (CATR) providing for $574 million over 10 years to fund the proposed climate action, with the remainder funded by government co-funding ($344 million) for transport activities and fare revenue ($127 million). C) the targeted rate is proposed to be: 1) based on capital value, with 25.8 per cent to be raised from business properties and 74.2 per cent from non-business properties, rising by 3.5 per cent each year, the same as the Water Quality Targeted Rate. 2) differentiated within the business and non-business sectors on the same basis as the general rate. D) note that Council has approved in principle a congestion charging system which is being considered for legislation by the Government, and that the Regional Fuel Tax and Climate Action Targeted Rate will be reviewed once it is clear what revenue will come from the congestion charge and when. |
The meeting adjourned at 2.28pm and reconvened at 3.05pm.
Note: a roll-call was conducted that ascertained the following members were in attendance at the commencement of the meeting:
Mayor P Goff |
ü |
Cr C Fletcher |
ü |
Deputy Mayor BC Cashmore |
ü |
Cr S Henderson |
ü |
Cr J Bartley |
ü |
Cr R Hills |
IMSB Member R Blair |
ü |
Cr T Mulholland |
ü |
Cr C Casey |
ü |
Cr D Newman |
ü |
Cr E Collins |
ü |
Cr G Sayers |
ü |
Cr P Coom |
ü |
Cr S Stewart |
ü |
Cr L Cooper |
ü |
Cr W Walker |
ü |
Cr A Dalton |
ü |
Cr J Watson |
Cr C Darby |
ü |
IMSB Chair D Taipari |
Cr A Filipaina |
ü |
Cr P Young |
ü |
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Cr R Hills returned to the meeting at 3.08pm. |
The meeting adjourned at 3.40pm and reconvened at 3.45pm. |
MOVED by Chairperson D Simpson, seconded by Cr S Henderson: That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) receive the report b) note that the work to achieve increased public transport patronage and mode shift through behavioural change measures is progressing as part of the Transport Emissions Reduction Plan (to be reported back to committee in 2022) and that $9m is set aside in the proposed climate action targeted rate to contribute to this. |
Extension of Time |
At 3.58pm, it was: |
Resolution number FIN/2021/105 MOVED by Chairperson D Simpson, seconded by Cr P Coom: That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) agree to grant an extension of time to allow the business of the meeting to be complete. |
Debate on the item commenced. |
IMSB Member R Blair returned to the meeting at
3.59pm. |
Resolution number FIN/2021/106 MOVED by Chairperson D Simpson, seconded by Cr S Henderson: That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) receive the report b) note that the work to achieve increased public transport patronage and mode shift through behavioural change measures is progressing as part of the Transport Emissions Reduction Plan (to be reported back to committee in 2022) and that $9m is set aside in the proposed climate action targeted rate to contribute to this. |
Note: Pursuant to Standing Order 1.8.6, Cr Cooper requested dissenting vote against clause b), be recorded. |
IMSB Chair D Tairpari returned to the meeting at 4.11pm.
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Annual Budget 2022/2023: Kerbside refuse charging policy review |
Cr D Newman returned to the meeting at 4.42pm. |
Note: changes were made to the original recommendation, adding new clauses b) and d), with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number FIN/2021/107 MOVED by Cr R Hills, seconded by Deputy Mayor BC Cashmore: That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) agree to recommend to the Governing Body that it agree that the consultation on the draft Annual Budget will include a statement of proposal for consultation on amendments to Te Mahere Whakahaere me te Whakaiti Tukunga Para i Tāmaki Makaurau - the Auckland Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2018 for a move to a region wide rates-funded refuse collection service with a choice of three bin sizes to accommodate different household needs b) note that any draft consultation material including the consultation question on the proposed changes to the kerbside policy should allow for Aucklanders to clearly identify their preference for either a region-wide rates funded collection system, or a region wide PAYT system c) note that section 44(e) of the Waste Minimisation Act 2008 requires that any amendment to the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan be consulted on using the special consultative procedure set out in section 83 of the Local Government Act 2002 and that the most recent waste assessment undertaken by the council be notified with the statement of proposal (which will be included in the annual plan consultation materials).
d) request officers to prepare advice on the costs, including carbon accounting, for the implementation of incentives for homes and businesses to deal with food scraps in onsite property systems, such as worm farms, as a complementary measure to the food scraps collection programme to be reported back to a future meeting of the Environment and Climate Change Committee in 2022/2023. |
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Staff advised there was an error /errors in the Animal management fees section in the Attachment C: Fees and charges change proposal to the Annual Budget 2022/23 Other rates and fees report as follows:
Currently reads as follows:
· responsible dog owner licence (where paid before 1 August) will decrease from $67 to $65 · responsible dog owner fee for a single dog reduces from $77 to $76.
and should read as follows:
· responsible dog owner licence - desexed dogs (where paid before 1 August) will decrease from $67 to $65 · responsible dog owner fee for an entire dog reduces from $77 to $76.
Resolution number FIN/2021/108 MOVED by Chairperson D Simpson, seconded by Cr C Casey: That the Finance and Performance Committee: a) agree to recommend to the Governing Body that it consult as part of the Annual Budget 2022/2023 on the targeted rate to fund the extension of the food scraps collection service to the following areas from March 2023, to be applied to all residential SUIPs to which the service is made available: i) the former Waitākere City Council area ii) the former North Shore City Council area excluding those where the service is already available. b) agree to recommend to the Governing Body that it consult as part of the Annual Budget 2022/2023 on the standardisation of charging for the waste management targeted rates as set out below: i) allowing residential multi-unit developments across Auckland with ten or more units to opt out of council’s refuse, recycling and/or food scraps services and respective targeted rate charges where the service(s) cannot be provided by the council as per the standards specified in Attachment A of this report, effective from 1 July 2023 with the exception of ii) below ii) maintaining the existing opt-out arrangements for multi-unit developments within the former Auckland City Council area where: 1) an approved opt-out as per the current policy is already in place, or 2) an application for opt-out as per the current policy is received by the council on or before 30 June 2022 iii) applying the waste management targeted rates on a per separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit (SUIP) basis to all residential and lifestyle properties with less than ten SUIPs across Auckland where a service is provided or available, effective from 1 July 2022 with the exception of iv) below iv) maintaining the number of waste management targeted rate charges as per the current policy for the following multi-SUIP properties with less than ten SUIPs within the former Auckland City Council area, until the property changes owners: 1) properties with a residential or lifestyle land use that are already receiving fewer waste management targeted rate charges than their number of SUIPs 2) properties with a residential or lifestyle land use that request to reduce their number of charges on or before 30 June 2022 v) allowing all properties with a land use that is not residential or lifestyle to opt out of the standard refuse and/or the recycling service and respective targeted rate charges at their request, effective from 1 July 2023 vi) applying a minimum targeted rate charge to cover the costs of council’s regional initiatives including the annual inorganic collection, the resource recovery network and subsidy for providing affordable waste services on Hauraki Gulf Islands, to all eligible rateable SUIPs across Auckland that are not currently paying this minimum charge, effective from 2023/2024 c) agree to recommend to the Governing Body that it consult as part of the Annual Budget 2022/2023 on amending the rating policy to: i) exclude rural zoned land on Waiheke from the Urban Rating Area ii) clarify the rating of separate rating units used as an access way as residential properties. d) agree to recommend to the Governing Body that it consult as part of the Annual Budget 2022/2023 on changes to fees and charges as set out in this report. |
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Annual Budget 2022/2023: Rating of Whenua Māori Changes to Financial Policies |
Resolution number FIN/2021/109 MOVED by Cr A Dalton, seconded by Cr E Collins: That the Finance and Performance Committee a) whakaae / agree to recommend to the Governing Body that it whakaae / agree to consult alongside the draft Annual Budget 2022/2023 on amending the Revenue and Financing Policy to include: i) “Our Obligations to Māori” as a funding principle ii) consequential amendments for decisions made as part of the draft Annual Budget 2022/2023 iii) funding principles for the solid waste services activity. b) whakaae / agree to recommend to the Governing Body that it whakaae / agree to consult alongside the draft Annual Budget 2022/2023 on amending the Māori Land Rates Remission and Postponement Policy to: i) add an objective to support Māori ownership and use of Māori land and to support achievement of Kia Ora Tāmaki Makaurau (Māori Outcomes Framework) objectives ii) clarify the definition of Māori land eligible for remission under the scheme iii) remove the remission scheme for marae and urupā, noting that this scheme is redundant as these properties are now fully non-rateable iv) introduce a rates remission scheme for Māori land under development v) insert the remission for residents who occupy papakāinga housing under a licence to occupy scheme currently in the general Rates Remission and Postponement Policy. c) whakaae / agree to recommend to the Governing Body that it whakaae / agree to consult alongside the draft Annual Budget 2022/2023 on amending the Rates Remission and Postponement Policy to: i) add an objective to support Māori ownership and use of Māori land and to support achievement of Kia Ora Tāmaki Makaurau (Māori Outcomes Framework) objectives and correct legislative references in the background section ii) clarify the definition of Māori land eligible for remission under the scheme iii) remove the postponement of rates for land described as Lot 2 DP 476554 or Lot 2 DP 510763 scheme, noting this scheme expired on 30 June 2021 iv) remove the remission for residents who occupy papakāinga housing under a licence to occupy scheme, noting that this scheme is proposed to be included in the Māori Land Rates Remission and Postponement Policy instead. |
15 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
4.59pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.