Kōmiti Whakarite Pārae, Mahi Toi, Hapori, Kaupapa / Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee
Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee remotely on Thursday, 2 December 2021 at 4.15pm and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website: https://councillive.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/
Chairperson |
Cr Alf Filipaina |
Deputy Chairperson |
Cr Dr Cathy Casey |
Members |
Cr Josephine Bartley |
Deputy Mayor Cr Bill Cashmore |
From 4.18pm, Item 7 |
Cr Fa’anana Efeso Collins |
Cr Pippa Coom |
From 4.18pm, Item 7 |
Cr Linda Cooper, JP |
Until 4.53pm, Item 8 |
Cr Chris Darby |
Until 4.27pm, Item 7 |
Cr Christine Fletcher, QSO |
Mayor Hon Phil Goff, CNZM, JP |
From 4.18pm, Item 7 |
Cr Shane Henderson |
Cr Richard Hills |
From 4.18pm, Item 7 |
Cr Tracy Mulholland |
From 4.24pm, Item 7 |
Cr Daniel Newman, JP |
Cr Greg Sayers |
Cr Desley Simpson, JP |
Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM |
Cr Wayne Walker |
Cr John Watson |
IMSB Member Glenn Wilcox |
Until 4.58pm, Item 8 |
Cr Paul Young |
Cr Angela Dalton |
IMSB Member Tony Kake |
Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee 02 December 2021 |
Note: a roll-call was conducted that ascertained the following members were in attendance at the commencement of the meeting:
Cr A Filipaina |
ü |
Cr S Henderson |
ü |
Cr J Bartley |
ü |
IMSB Member T Kake |
Cr C Casey |
ü |
Cr T Mulholland |
Deputy Mayor BC Cashmore |
Cr D Newman |
ü |
Cr E Collins |
ü |
Cr G Sayers |
ü |
Cr P Coom |
Cr D Simpson |
ü |
Cr L Cooper |
ü |
Cr S Stewart |
ü |
Cr A Dalton |
Cr W Walker |
ü |
Cr C Darby |
ü |
Cr J Watson |
ü |
Cr C Fletcher |
ü |
IMSB Member G Wilcox |
ü |
Mayor P Goff |
Cr P Young |
ü |
Cr R Hills |
ü |
Resolution number PAC/2021/67 MOVED by Cr A Filipaina, seconded by Cr D Newman: That the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee: a) accept the apology from Absence Cr A Dalton – on council business Early departure Cr E Collins – on council business |
Note: Subsequently, Cr E Collins did not depart early |
There were no declarations of interest.
There is no petitions section.
There is no public input section.
There is no local board input section.
There was no extraordinary business.
7 |
A PowerPoint presentation was given. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Deputy Mayor Cr B Cashmore joined the meeting at
4.18pm. Cr R Hills joined the meeting at 4.18pm.
Resolution number PAC/2021/68 MOVED by Cr C Fletcher, seconded by Cr A Filipaina: That the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee: a) approve 18 parcels of land to be declared a reserve and classified according to their primary purpose, pursuant to section 14(1) of the Reserves Act 1977 as proposed in Attachment B of the agenda report (dated 2 December 2021) b) approve the proposed classification of 127 parcels of reserve land pursuant to sections 16(1) and 16(2A) of the Reserves Act 1977 as described in Attachment C of the agenda report (dated 2 December 2021) c) approve public notification of the proposals to reclassify 30 parcels of reserve land pursuant to section 24(2)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977 described in Attachment D of the agenda report (dated 2 December 2021). |
a 2 December 2021 - Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee Item 7: Regional parks land classification programme - Presentation |
8 |
A PowerPoint presentation was given. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Note: changes were made to the original recommendation amending clause e) and f), adding new clause g), as Chair’s recommendations. |
Cr L Cooper left the meeting at 4.53pm |
Resolution number PAC/2021/69 MOVED by Cr A Filipaina, seconded by Cr C Casey: That the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee: a) approve the exclusion of Mutukaroa / Hamlins Hill Regional Park from the draft Plan b) approve the exclusion of the Hūnua Falls Special Management Zone (as shown in Attachment E) pending joint preparation of this section with the relevant mana whenua c) notes the inclusion of a review of pastoral land management to be completed within a year of finalising this plan, to inform consideration of a more aspirational climate mitigation goal, subject to additional funding d) approve the draft Regional Parks Management Plan (Attachments A-D) for public consultation e) delegate to the committee chair, deputy chair and an Independent Māori Statutory Board member the power to approve minor amendments to the draft plan, prior to public notification f) delegate to the committee chair, deputy chair and an Independent Māori Statutory Board member the power to approve amendments to the draft plan arising from the land classification report presented to this meeting (if any are required), prior to public notification g) recommend to the Regulatory Committee that Cr L Cooper and Cr C Fletcher from the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee, and the one Independent Māori Statutory Board member, be appointed to the Hearings Panel that will hear submissions, deliberate and make recommendations to the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee on public feedback to the proposed Regional Parks Management Plan Review. |
Note: Pursuant to Standing Order 1.8.6, the following councillors requested their dissenting votes be recorded against Book 1, Section 7, point 45: · Cr W Walker · Cr J Watson
a 2 December 2021 - Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee Item 8: DRAFT Regional Parks Management Plan - Presentation |
9 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
5.22 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.