Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board held on Tuesday, 22 February 2022 at 1.03pm via Microsoft Teams. Either a recording or written summary will be uploaded on the Auckland Council website.





Izzy Fordham


Deputy Chairperson

Luke Coles



Susan Daly



Patrick O'Shea



Valmaine Toki






Pippa Coom

Waitematā and Gulf

Ward Councillor

Until 2.15pm, item 17




Glenn Boyd

Local Area Manager, Local Board Services

Jamie Penwarden

Advisor - Councillor Support

Kathy Cumming

Barrier Bulletin

Cathy McIntosh

Local Communications Specialist



Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board

22 February 2022




1          Welcome


Chairperson I Fordham opened the hui and welcomed everyone in attendance. Member Toki led the meeting in a karakia.


Note:   A roll call was conducted by Chairperson I Fordham that ascertained the following members were in attendance at the commencement of the meeting:



Chairperson Izzy Fordham

Deputy Chairperson Luke Coles

Member Sue Daly

Member Patrick O’Shea

Member Valmaine Toki



2          Apologies


There were no apologies.



3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number GBI/2022/1

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Coles:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 14 December 2021 as true and correct.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.



6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.




7          Petitions


There were no petitions.



8          Deputations


There were no deputations.



9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.



10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.




Environmental agency and community group reports


Kirsty Prior - Operations Manager, Aotea - Great Barrier Island, Department of Conservation and Kate Waterhouse – Trustee of Aotea Great Barrier Environmental Trust were in attendance to speak to their respective reports.


Resolution number GBI/2022/2

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member P O'Shea:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)   note the following:

i)     Windy Hill Rosalie Bay Catchment Trust newsletter #41, December 2021

ii)    Aotea / Great Barrier Natural Environment-Islands monthly update – December 2021 – January 2022 report

iii)   Department of Conservation Operations report – February 2022

iv)   Aotea Great Barrier Environmental Trust update – February 2022

b)    thank Kirsty Prior and Kate Waterhouse for their verbal update and attendance.





Local Ward Area Councillor's Update


Resolution number GBI/2022/3

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member V Toki:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      receive the written and verbal report update from the Waitematā and Gulf Ward Councillor, Pippa Coom.





Auckland Council’s Quarterly Performance Report: Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board for quarter two 2021/2022


Jacqui Fyers – Senior Local Board Advisor and Audrey Gan – Lead Financial Advisor were in attendance to speak to the report.


Resolution number GBI/2022/4

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member P O'Shea:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      receive the performance report for quarter two ending 31 December 2021.

b)      note the financial performance report in Attachment B of the agenda report will remain confidential until after the Auckland Council Group half-year results for 2021/2022 are released to the New Zealand Exchange (NZX), which are expected to be made public on or about 28 February 2022.






Reallocating funding to the construction and demolition waste leadership project


Nicola Perry – Relationship Coordinator was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number GBI/2022/5

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member S Daly:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)         approve the reallocation of $17,000 locally driven initiatives operational expenditure from the 2021 / 2022 natural environment ambassadors project to the new construction and demolition waste leadership project.

b)         thank Helen McCabe and Nicola Perry for their advice and mahi on this project.






Aotea Great Barrier Village Parks Activation Plan - approval of draft plan for public feedback


Shyrel Burt - Service and Asset Planning Specialist was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number GBI/2022/6

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member V Toki:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)         approve the draft Aotea / Great Barrier Village Parks Activation Plan (Attachment A of the report) for community engagement commencing April 2022.

b)         thank Shyrel Burt for her advice and hard mahi on this project.






Approval for a change of purpose to a local grant for LG1904-119


Resolution number GBI/2022/7

MOVED by Member P O'Shea, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Coles:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          accept the proposal for the Great Barrier Island Sports and Social Club Inc to use the underspend from grant application LG1904-119 to upgrade internet capability at its premises.






Appointment of a local board representative to the Tū mai Tāonga sub committee


Resolution number GBI/2022/8

MOVED by Member V Toki, seconded by Member P O'Shea:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      approve the appointment of Izzy Fordham, Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board Chairperson, as the local board representative on the Tū Mai Tāonga subcommittee.






Ratification of Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board feedback on the Review of Sustainability Measures for New Zealand scallops (SCA 1 & SCA CS) for 2022/23


Resolution number GBI/2022/9

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member S Daly:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          ratify feedback submitted to the Fisheries New Zealand Review of Sustainability Measures for New Zealand scallops (SCA 1 & SCA CS) for 2022/23, through the approved Chair and Deputy Chair delegation on 8 February 2022 (Attachment A of the report).




Note:   As per Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board revised standing order 1.9.7, Member O’Shea requested that his dissenting view to the support of option 1 for a full closure of the scallop fisheries in the Fisheries New Zealand Review of Sustainability Measures for New Zealand scallops letter, be recorded.





Auckland’s Water Strategy


Note: changes to the original recommendation were made with the agreement of the



Resolution number GBI/2022/10

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Coles:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          note that the local board is a strong advocate and a funder for action to improve terrestrial and marine water quality, and the protection and restoration of associated environments.

b)         identify that the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board Plan 2020 has the goal of ‘an island where our streams run clean and free, and marine waters are protected and full of life’ along with the following water focused initiatives:

                       i)         establishing an emergency potable water supply

                      ii)         acknowledging that the Waitangi Tribunal has stated that the Treaty of Waitangi provides for Māori proprietary interest in water bodies, as well as the exercise of tino rangatiratanga and kaitiakitanga over water, and work alongside mana whenua to ensure safe and clean drinking water for everyone

                    iii)         establishing a water security plan that starts with an understanding of our aquifers

                    iv)         supporting AoteaOra to establish a drinking water refill programme

                      v)         mitigating the effects of climate change by restoring freshwater ecosystems to provide ecological services such as flood mitigation, habitat for native biodiversity, sedimentation reduction, and carbon sequestration through riparian planting

                    vi)         delivering a local freshwater stream quality programme to identify and mitigate pollution sources

                   vii)         modifying our road culverts so fish migration is unhindered in our streams

                 viii)         investigating and implementing marine protection, using tools such as, Ahu Moana, rāhui, and marine reserves with mana whenua, the community, and DOC, with Sea Change - Tai Timu Tai Pari as a guide

                    ix)         supporting and enhancing marine biodiversity and biosecurity by funding locally based education and enforcement.

c)          endorse the vision of the Water Strategy: te mauri o te wai o Tāmaki Makaurau, the life-sustaining capacity of Auckland’s water, is protected and enhanced, and the aspiration for a future in which:

·       Aucklanders are able to swim in, and harvest from, our rivers, estuaries and harbours

·       Life in and sustained by water is thriving

·       Everyone has access to enough water of the appropriate quality to meet their needs.

d)         endorse the eight strategic shifts of the Water Strategy framework and their intermediate actions listed:

i)       Te Tiriti Partnership

ii)      Empowered Aucklanders

iii)     Sustainable Allocation and Equitable Access

iv)     Regenerative Water Infrastructure

v)      Water Security

vi)     Integrated Land use and Water Planning

vii)    Restoring and Enhancing Water Ecosystems

viii)   Pooling Knowledge.

e)         note with regards to the Restoring and Enhancing Water Ecosystems shift, that the catchment-based approach to the health of water ecosystems needs to be extended from current terrestrial focussed practise to be extended include the coastal marine area and truly encapsulate Ki uta ki tai, the concept of mountains to the sea.

f)           acknowledge the production of the Water Strategy as a landmark policy framework for Auckland Council which has for been made possible by the significant sharing of knowledge, substantive deliberation, and ongoing contribution of staff, mana whenua, stakeholders, and participating public and elected members.




Note:   Chairperson I Fordham thanked Glenn Boyd – Local Area Manager for his advice and hard mahi on the board’s feedback to report items19, 20 and 21.




Proposed Auckland Council submission on the Kia kaha ake te tiakina o ngā puna wai-inu/Improving the protection of drinking-water sources: Resource Management (National Environmental Standards four sources of Human Drinking Water) Regulations 2007


The board’s feedback to support Auckland Council’s submission on the proposed amendments to the National Environmental Standards for Sources of Human Drinking Water was tabled. A copy of the tabled document has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number GBI/2022/11

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member V Toki:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          receive the attached feedback to inform a council-wide submission on the proposed amendments to the Kia kaha ake te tiakina o ngā puna wai-inu / Improving the protection of drinking-water sources: Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Sources of Human Drinking Water) Regulations 2007 consultation document (NES-DW).




a     22 February 2022 Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board, item 20 – Proposed Auckland Council submission on the Kia kaha ake te tiakina o ngā puna wai-inu/Improving the protection of drinking-water sources: Resource Management (National Environmental Standards



Proposed Auckland Council submission on the Hākaimangō-Matiatia Marine Reserve application


Dave Allen - Manager Natural Environment Strategy was in attendance to speak to this report.


Note: changes to the original recommendation were made with the agreement of the



Resolution number GBI/2022/12

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member S Daly:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          note that the local board is a strong advocate and a funder for action to improve terrestrial and marine water quality, and the protection and restoration of associated environments.

b)         identify that the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board Plan 2020 has the goal of ‘an island where our streams run clean and free, and marine waters are protected and full of life’ along with the following marine environment related initiatives:

                    i)          acknowledging that the Waitangi Tribunal has stated that the Treaty of Waitangi provides for Māori proprietary interest in water bodies, as well as the exercise of tino rangatiratanga and kaitiakitanga over water

                  ii)         mitigating the effects of climate change by restoring freshwater ecosystems to provide ecological services such as flood mitigation, habitat for native biodiversity, sedimentation reduction, and carbon sequestration through riparian planting

                 iii)         delivering a local freshwater stream quality programme to identify and mitigate pollution sources

                 iv)         modifying our road culverts so fish migration is unhindered in our streams

                  v)         investigating and implementing marine protection, using tools such as, Ahu Moana, rāhui, and marine reserves with mana whenua, the community, and DOC, with Sea Change - Tai Timu Tai Pari as a guide

                 vi)         supporting and enhancing marine biodiversity and biosecurity by funding locally based education and enforcement.

c)          acknowledge the community led application by Friends of the Gulf on the proposed Hākaimangō-Matiatia Marine Reserve application being consulted on by Department of Conservation.

d)         note the local boards interest in community led action around marine protection and learning what has worked well along with what insights for improvement may have been taken on.

e)          support any marine protection proposals to involve mana whenua and provide opportunity for involvement in direction setting and decision making.

f)           notes through its membership of the Hauraki Gulf Forum the local board support the vision of reversing the decline of the Hauraki Gulf seeking to restore the balance of life-supporting ecosystems.

g)         await the Governments implementation of its Revitalising the Gulf response action plan which includes marine protection and establishing 11 new High protection Areas.

h)         seek for the upcoming Auckland Unitary Plan review to fully incorporate the Coastal Marine Areas and give guidance on how biodiversity outcomes are achieved out to the 12km local authority seaward boundary.






Public feedback on proposal to amend Stormwater Bylaw 2015


Note: changes to the original recommendation with inclusion of new clause b) and deletion

of clause c) and d) were made with the agreement of the meeting.


Resolution number GBI/2022/13

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member P O'Shea:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      tūtohi / receive the public feedback on the proposal to amend Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture-ā-rohe Wai Āwhā 2015 / Auckland Council Stormwater Bylaw 2015 in this report

b)      request that, where applicable, unhindered fish migration is of consideration for any new public stormwater assets and private stormwater systems.






Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa - New Zealand Geographic Board: recording of unofficial place names as official


Note: changes to the original recommendation were made with the agreement of the



Resolution number GBI/2022/14

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member V Toki:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)         support the use of Māori place names and dual Māori and English naming across the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board area.

b)         acknowledge the work done in identifying and collating the unofficial names and proposed corrections in the attachments to this report and the opportunity being identified to expediate the standard naming process.

c)         do not support the current fast track proposal as it stands.

d)         seek guidance from mana whenua on the endorsement of the use and spelling of the listed (Attachments A, B, C to the report) Māori place names

e)         note the local board are currently not in an informed governance position to make any comment on the proposals until mana whenua engagement has occurred and has been clearly presented to the local board








Public feedback on proposal to make a Freedom Camping in Vehicles Bylaw 2022


Note: changes to the original recommendation were made with the agreement of the



Resolution number GBI/2022/15

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member P O'Shea:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)         tūtohi / receive public feedback on the proposal to make a new Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture ā-Rohe Noho Puni Wātea ā-Waka 2022 / Auckland Council Freedom Camping in Vehicles Bylaw 2022 in this agenda report.

b)         note that the Aotea community hold mixed views on freedom camping with regards to individual freedoms over regulatory constraint.

c)         support the proposed four Aotea sites (Blind Bay, Gooseberry Flat, Medlands carpark and old service centre building area) to be freedom camping prohibited areas.

d)         note that Aotea is under resourced with no on-island staffing to give effect to any regulatory compliance monitoring and enforcement.

e)         note a lack of diversity amongst submitter demographics and support council’s efforts for greater inclusivity within our engagement practices.

f)           thank Rebekah Forman and Saralee Gore for their succinct advice and hard mahi.






Resource Management System Reform


Resolution number GBI/2022/16

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member S Daly:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          note the local boards feedback provided under delegation to the Planning Committee on the Transforming Aotearoa New Zealand’s resource management system: Our future resource management system - materials for discussion document to inform the council’s draft submission.








Public feedback on proposal to make a new Signs Bylaw 2022


Note: changes to the original recommendation with deletion of clause b), c) and d) were made with the agreement of the meeting.


Resolution number GBI/2022/17

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member P O'Shea:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          tūtohi / receive the public feedback on the proposal to make a new Auckland Council and Auckland Transport Ture ā-Rohe mo nga Tohu 2022 / Signs Bylaw 2022 and associated controls in this agenda report.





Local Board Correspondence


Resolution number GBI/2022/18

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member V Toki:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      note the following letters:

i)     letter sent to Hon David Parker dated 8 February 2022 as Attachment A to this report

ii)    letter of support to the submission of Quiet Sky Waiheke on Civil Aviation Bill 61-1 (2021) as Attachment B to this report.





Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar 2019 - 2022


Resolution number GBI/2022/19

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member V Toki:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)         note its Governance Forward Work Calendar for the political term 2019 - 2022 as at February 2022.





Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board Workshop Record of Proceedings


Resolution number GBI/2022/20

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member P O'Shea:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          note the record of proceedings for the local board workshops held on Tuesday 7 December 2021, Tuesday 1 February and Tuesday 8 February 2022.




30        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.



31        Procedural motion to exclude the public

Note:    The matters listed under public excluded had been dealt with in the open part of the meeting and therefore Item 31 – Procedural motion to exclude the public, was no longer required.



2.41 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









