Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday 17 February 2022 6.00pm This meeting will proceed via Microsoft Teams. Either a recording or written summary will be uploaded on the Auckland Council website |
Manurewa Local Board
Attachments Under Separate Cover
16 Public feedback on proposal to make a Freedom Camping in Vehicles Bylaw 2022
A. Summary of public feedback to proposed new Freedom Camping Bylaw 3
B. Public feedback from people in the Manurewa Local Board area 199
17 Public feedback on proposal to make a new Signs Bylaw 2022
A. Summary of all public feedback 289
18 Public feedback on proposal to amend Stormwater Bylaw 2015
A. Draft Bylaw Panel deliberations report 349
22 For Information: Reports referred to the Manurewa Local Board
A. Kaipātiki Local Board: Notice of Motion - Support for opening the Harbour Bridge for a seasonal three-month trial of events, cycling and walking 475