Waitākere Ranges Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board held via Microsoft Teams on Thursday, 24 February 2022 at 4.05pm. Either a recording or written summary will be uploaded on the Auckland Council website.





Saffron Toms


Deputy Chairperson

Greg Presland



Mark Allen



Michelle Clayton



Sandra Coney, QSO



Ken Turner







Shane Henderson




Note:   Waitākere Ranges Local Board members, support staff and those presenting to the meeting attended via electronic link.

Waitākere Ranges Local Board

24 February 2022




1          Welcome


Chairperson Saffron Toms opened the meeting and welcomed those present online.



2          Apologies


There were no apologies.



3          Declaration of Interest


Members were reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.

Specifically, members are asked to identify any new interests they have not previously disclosed, an interest that might be considered as a conflict of interest with a matter on the agenda.

The following are declared interests of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

Board Member


Mark Allen

·       Community Waitākere – Executive Officer

·       Bethells Valley Fire – Senior Fire Fighter

·       Waitākere Licensing Trust – Trustee

Michelle Clayton

·       Glen Eden Community House – Treasurer

·       Glen Eden Residents’ Association – Treasurer

·       Waitākere Community Organisation Grants Scheme (COGS) – Committee Member

·       The Personal Advocacy and Safeguarding Adults Trust – Trustee

·       Glen Eden Returned Services Association (RSA) – Member

·       Glen Eden Railway Trust – Member

·       Te Wahi Ora Charitable Trust - Trustee

Sandra Coney

·       Cartwright Collective – Member

·       Women’s Health Action Trust – Patron

·       New Zealand Society of Genealogists – Member

·       New Zealand Military Defence Society – Member

·       Pest Free Piha – Partner is the Coordinator

·       Piha Tennis Club – Patron and Partner is the President

·       Piha Wetland Trust – Partner is a Trustee

·       Waitākere Ranges Pest Free Alliance – Partner is the Co-Chair of this group

·       Waitematā District Health Board – Elected Member & Chair of Hospital Advisory Committee

Greg Presland

·       Whau Coastal Walkway Environmental Trust – Trustee

·       Combined Youth Services Trust – Trustee

·       Glen Eden Bid – Member

·       Titirangi Ratepayers and Residents Association – Member

·       Waitākere Ranges Protection Society - Member

·       Titirangi RSA - Member

Saffron Toms

·       Titirangi Community House – Secretary

·       Huia-Cornwallis Residents and Ratepayers Association – Committee Member

Ken Turner

·       Huia-Cornwallis Residents and Ratepayers Association – Committee Member


Member appointments

Board members are appointed to the following bodies. In these appointments the board members represent Auckland Council:

External community group or organisation



Aircraft Noise Community Consultative Group

Mark Allen

Saffron Toms

Ark in the Park

Mark Allen

Sandra Coney

Friends of Arataki and Waitākere Regional Parkland Incorporated

Michelle Clayton

Sandra Coney

Glen Eden Business Improvement District (Glen Eden Business Association)

Michelle Clayton

Greg Presland

Glen Eden Playhouse Theatre Trust

Ken Turner

Mark Allen

Te Uru Waitākere Contemporary Gallery

Mark Allen

Saffron Toms and Sandra Coney

The Rural Advisory Panel

Ken Turner

Saffron Toms



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number WTK/2022/1

MOVED by Member M Clayton, seconded by Member M Allen:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)          confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 9 December 2021, as a true and correct record.





5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.



6          Acknowledgements



Acknowledgements: Board thanks local community organisations


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues and the Omicron variant spreads rapidly, the board is aware our community will be asked to stretch even further to meet the needs of many having to isolate at home, often dealing with reduced or no income, and in less-than-ideal conditions.


A number of our local organisations have been instrumental in helping the Government achieve the high rates of vaccination across the wider Auckland region and continue to support the vaccination programme through delivery of booster shots.


The board sincerely thank the many groups and individuals who continue to help us all get through, noting in particular:


·       The Fono and Pacific Collective

·       Te Whānau o Waipareira

·       Hoani Waititi Marae and the Maori Leadership group

·       Vision West

·       Family Action

·       Nau mai haere mai ki McLaren Park Henderson South (MPHS) Community Trust

·       Greater Glen Eden (GGE) community initiative

·       Sport Waitākere

·       Community Waitākere

·       The Pataka Kai programme

·       Waitākere Policing unit

·       The West Auckland Together (WAT) Collective

·       Our local community centres, hubs and houses

·       Waitemata DHB.


The effort and commitment of these organisations have ensured that people in our community continued to receive support when they needed it, be it access to food, financial assistance, help with transport, accommodation, students studying at home or activities to engage younger family members.  Through their collective action, many families received Christmas parcels; presents, toys and food to see them through the holiday period.



Resolution number WTK/2022/2

MOVED by Member M Allen, seconded by Deputy Chairperson G Presland:  

That the Waitakere Ranges Local Board:

a)    wish to formally acknowledge the outstanding work of our health and community organisations and their staff for the significant, ongoing support provided to our communities over a very long period in lock down last year and leading up to the holiday period. 



7          Petitions


There were no petitions.



8          Deputations


There were no deputations.



9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.



10        Extraordinary Business


Pursuant to Standing Order 2.4.6, the meeting agreed to receive the Chairperson’s verbal report  at Item 24 – Consideration of Extraordinary Items as the item had been omitted from the agenda.




Waitākere Ward Councillors' Update


Resolution number WTK/2022/3

MOVED by Chairperson S Toms, seconded by Member M Clayton:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      thank Waitākere Ward Councillor Shane Henderson for his verbal update.





Te Kete Rukuruku Tranche Two - selection of sites for Māori naming


Resolution number WTK/2022/4

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Presland, seconded by Chairperson S Toms:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)          invite mana whenua to provide Māori names for 20 parks and two libraries as Te Kete Rukuruku Tranche Two, as follows.


He karanga tēnei ki a koutou e Te Maapu Mana Whenua kia whakatau mai ai i ō koutou nā whākaaro ingoa mō ngā paaka 20 otirā mō ngā Whare Pukapuka e rua. Ko te taumata tuarua tēnei tā Te Kete Rukuruku e whai ake nei


Existing name




203 Shaw Road


Shaw Road


Annison Green


Annison Avenue

Glen Eden

Clarence Reserve


Chamari Close


Daffodil Scenic Reserve


Waerenga Place/Daffodil Road


Glen Close Reserve


Glen Close

Glen Eden

Glen Eden Picnic Ground


Glendale Road

Glen Eden

Levy Reserve


Levy Road

Glen Eden

Lopdell Plantation Reserve


South Titirangi Road


Existing name




Maywood Reserve


Maywood Crescent

Glen Eden

Milan Reserve


Milan Drive

Glen Eden

Nicolas Reserve


West Coast Road


Onedin Green


Onedin Place


Shah Park


Shah Place

Glen Eden

South Titirangi Rec Reserve


South Titirangi Road


Sunvue Park


Sunvue Road

Glen Eden

Westview Reserve


Janet Clews Place

Glen Eden

Withers Reserve


Withers Road

Glen Eden

Woodfern Reserve


Woodfern Crescent


Woodglen Road Reserve


Woodglen Road

Glen Eden

Woodside Glen


Woodfern Crescent


Glen Eden Library


Glendale Road

Glen Eden

Titirangi Library


South Titirangi Road


b)      endorse the Te Kete Rukuruku programme and process for Māori naming of parks and facilities, noting that it supports the visibility of te reo Māori and seeks to capture and tell the unique stories of Waitākere Ranges and Tāmaki Makaurau.

c)      acknowledge the intent for Auckland Council to enter a mātauranga agreement that commits to upholding the correct use of Māori names and to use them only for purposes that have a community outreach or educational purpose (non-commercial use).





Māori Outcomes Annual Report - Te Pūrongo a te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Ngā Huanga Māori 2020-2021


This item was withdrawn.




Auckland Council’s Quarterly Performance Report: Waitākere Ranges Local Board for quarter two 2021/2022


Resolution number WTK/2022/5

MOVED by Chairperson S Toms, seconded by Deputy Chairperson G Presland:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      receive the performance report for quarter two ending 31 December 2021.

b)      note the financial performance report in Attachment B of the agenda report will remain confidential until after the Auckland Council Group half-year results for 2021/2022 are released to the New Zealand Exchange (NZX), which are expected to be made public on or about 28 February 2022.






Auckland’s Water Strategy


Resolution number WTK/2022/6

MOVED by Member M Allen, seconded by Member M Clayton:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)     note the water strategy report.



Note: Pursuant to Standing Order 1.9.7, Member K Turner requested that his dissenting vote be recorded.




Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2020: Year one programme update


Resolution number WTK/2022/7

MOVED by Chairperson S Toms, seconded by Deputy Chairperson G Presland:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)     receive the Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2020: Year one programme update.





Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa - New Zealand Geographic Board: recording of unofficial place names as official


Resolution number WTK/2022/8

MOVED by Member S Coney, seconded by Member M Allen:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)         welcome the opportunity to give feedback to Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa - New Zealand Geographic Board on the recording of unofficial place names.

b)         note its concern that the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi are not more clearly evident in this proposal.

c)         note its concern about the level of engagement with mana whenua, in particular Te Kawerau ā Maki in respect of the Waitākere Ranges area, for example the name North Piha Beach 32847 is not supported, as the correct name is Waitetura.

d)         request that robust and meaningful engagement with mana whenua be prioritised before any decisions are made.

e)         request that robust and meaningful engagement with local communities be prioritised before any decisions are made.






Public feedback on proposal to make a Freedom Camping in Vehicles Bylaw 2022


Resolution number WTK/2022/9

MOVED by Member S Coney, seconded by Chairperson S Toms:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)          note that there were 140 submissions from individuals and 9 submissions from groups within the Waitakere Ranges Heritage Area.

b)          note that many of these submissions document existing problems with freedom camping experienced by submitters, particularly those in areas with high visitation.

c)          support a prohibition on freedom camping in all reserves held under the Reserves Act 1977 and regional parks included in the Regional Parks Management Plan.

d)          express concern that little consideration has been given to the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act 2008, the purpose and objectives of which the Council must have regard to when making any decisions about areas located within the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Overlay of the Auckland Unitary Plan.

e)           note that the request of the Board to speak at the Governing Body meeting of 23 September 2021 about freedom camping was refused.

f)            express concern that little consideration has been given to the environmental issues arising from freedom camping in natural areas, nor the pressures that arise for local residents and day visitors in visitor destinations in the coastal areas of Auckland.

g)           note that camping by self-contained vehicles is provided for within camping grounds and in numerous places within the Waitākere Ranges regional parkland for a small fee.

h)           express concern that all land, including local parks, held by Auckland Council under the Local Government Act, including the road corridor, is proposed to be available for freedom camping unless specified as prohibited, rather than appropriate locations being specifically identified in the bylaw, and notes that this is a significant change from the existing bylaw where freedom camping is prohibited unless specified.

i)             does not support freedom camping being allowed by default in all road corridors in Auckland and notes that this will have particular impacts in the Waitakere Ranges Heritage Area where roads are by and large not curbed and channelled, thus allowing ready access to the wider road corridor and forested parkland for camping. This potentially will allow freedom camping in:

i)       carparks servicing neighbourhood shops.

ii)      slip roads servicing private driveways.

iii)     carparks servicing public transport, such as park and rides.

iv)     carparks servicing parks and reserves (where outside the reserve boundary).

v)      pocket parks and paper roads.

vi)     outside schools, early learning centres and kindergarten.

vii)    beachfront carparks and boat launching areas on the Tasman and Manukau Harbour Coasts.

viii)   pull off areas, slow vehicle bays, lookouts, entrances to regional and local park tracks and other areas on non-curbed and channelled rural and coastal roads.

j)              express concern that self-contained vehicles being large have the potential to compromise access by emergency vehicles such as fire engines if they are allowed to park in the road corridor.

k)             propose that freedom camping is prohibited within the road corridor (including carparks) in the Waitakere Ranges Heritage Area where it adjoins a regional park, local park or beachfront.

l)              propose that freedom camping is prohibited in the road corridor in 70 kilometre per hour areas in the Waitakere Ranges Heritage Area.

m)           specifically seek that freedom camping be prohibited at Marine Parade North carparks, North Piha; Marine Parade South carparks, Piha; Glen Esk Road carparks, Piha; Karekare Road carpark at beach (partly road reserve); Anawhata Road entrance to Rose Track and White Track; Anawhata Road end of road parking area; Te Henga Bethells Road northern end carpark at beach; Bethells Road entrance to Lake Wainamu Track; French Bay carparks, Titirangi; Little Huia, Huia Road; Titirangi Beach carparks.

n)             support submission 1599 Piha Wetland Trust which seeks to have freedom camping prohibited in parkland at 42 Seaview Road, Piha (and surrounding road corridors at 21, 42 and 50 Seaview Road) which is a wetland held under the Local Government Act and is unsafe because of flooding.

o)             support submissions 1600, 1603 and 1458 of the Piha Surf Life Saving Club, Keyhole Board Riders and Piha Ratepayers and Residents Association which seek to have freedom camping prohibited at Piha, Karekare and Anawhata, and 1281 of the Karekare Residents and Ratepayers Trust which seeks to have freedom camping prohibited at Karekare.

p)             support submission 1284 of the French Bay Yacht Club that seeks to have freedom camping prohibited at French Bay.

q)             support submission 1526 of the Titirangi Residents and Ratepayers Association which seek to have freedom camping prohibited in road corridors in Titirangi, specifically, French Bay carparks, Titirangi; Little Huia Huia Road;Titirangi Beach carparks; McEldowney Road / Paturoa Road junction at entrance to Davies Bay; South Titirangi Road Jenkins Bay boat ramp carparks; Herrings Cove carparks, Titirangi; Godley Road end, Titirangi; Arama Ave road end, Titirangi; Arapito Road end, Titirangi; Mahoe Road end, Titirangi; Aydon Road end, Titirangi; Okewa Road end, Titirangi; The Parade road end, Titirangi; Valley Road end, Titirangi; Opou Road end, Titirangi; Woodbay Road end, Titirangi; Inaka Place road end, Titirangi;  Lancewood Ave road end, Titirangi; Rangiwai Road end, Titirangi; The Drive road end, Titirangi; Westridge Road end, Titirangi; Valley View Road end, Titirangi; Tainui Road end, Titirangi; Boylan Road end, Titirangi; York Road end, Titirangi; Jays Road end, Titirangi; Sylvan Valley Ace road end, Titirangi; Minnehaha Ave road end, Titirangi; Landing Road end, Titirangi; Helios Place road end, Titirangi, Deirdre Place road end, Titirangi; Fawcett Road end, Titirangi; Brownie Road end, Titirangi; Janet Place road end, Titirangi; Exhibition Drive Titirangi (both ends); Tawini Road end, Titirangi.



r)             support the use of general rules for all areas where freedom camping is permitted, as proposed in the draft Statement of Proposal in Attachment A, and supports the following options:

i)           General rule 1: Self-containment rule – Option C, that freedom camping vehicles must be certified self-contained, to help to prevent toilet waste, and cooking and washing wastewater being left behind.

ii)          General rule 2: Maximum stay rule – Option B, maximum one night stay, to help ensure a turnover of carpark spaces, and minimise conflict with other users of the area/neighbours including day visitors.

iii)         General rule 3: Set departure time rule – Option B, 8am departure time, to help ensure a turnover of carpark spaces, and minimise conflict with other users of the area/neighbours including day visitors.

iv)         General rule 4: No-return period rule – Option C, No return to the same street/parking area within 4 weeks, to ensure fair access to the area, help make it easier to enforce, and minimise conflict with other users of the area/neighbours including day visitors.

s)             express concern that any bylaw on freedom camping may not be able to be adequately enforced as there doesn’t appear to be any budget for an enhanced service level of compliance identified in the 10-Year Budget 2021-2031.

t)              request clarification on the process in the future to revise and update both Schedule 1: Designated areas where freedom camping is restricted and Schedule 2: Designated areas where freedom camping is prohibited.

u)             request that staff identify a mechanism whereby areas can be added as prohibited or restricted without the need for a full bylaw alteration process.

v)             request to speak at the Governing Body or Committee meeting where the Freedom Camping Bylaw is reported for ratification.





Public feedback on proposal to make a new Signs Bylaw 2022


Resolution number WTK/2022/10

MOVED by Member S Coney, seconded by Deputy Chairperson G Presland:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      receive the public feedback on the proposal to make a new Auckland Council and Auckland Transport Ture ā-Rohe mo nga Tohu 2022 / Signs Bylaw 2022 and associated controls in this agenda report.





Public feedback on proposal to amend Stormwater Bylaw 2015


Resolution number WTK/2022/11

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Presland, seconded by Member M Clayton:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      receive the public feedback on the proposal to amend Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture-ā-rohe Wai Āwhā 2015 / Auckland Council Stormwater Bylaw 2015 in this report.




Delegated local board feedback on the Auckland Council’s submission to Transforming Aotearoa New Zealand’s resource management system: Our future resource management system


Resolution number WTK/2022/12

MOVED by Chairperson S Toms, seconded by Member M Allen:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)     note the local board’s feedback on Auckland Council’s submission to Transforming Aotearoa New Zealand’s Resource Management system: Our future resource management system.





Workshop Records


Resolution number WTK/2022/13

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson G Presland, seconded by Chairperson S Toms:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      receive the workshop records and supporting materials for 2 and 9 December 2021.





Governance Forward Work Programme


Resolution number WTK/2022/14

MOVED by Chairperson S Toms, seconded by Member M Clayton:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      receive the governance forward work programme for February 2022.





24        Consideration of Extraordinary Items



Chair's report - Saffron Toms


Resolution number WTK/2022/15

MOVED by Member K Turner, seconded by Member S Coney:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)         receive Chair S Toms’ February 2022 verbal report.





5.52pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









