Waitematā Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Waitematā Local Board held via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday, 15 February 2022 at 1.00pm.
Chairperson |
Richard Northey, (ONZM) |
Deputy Chairperson |
Alexandra Bonham |
Members |
Adriana Avendano Christie |
Glenda Fryer |
Graeme Gunthorp |
Kerrin Leoni |
Julie Sandilands |
Councillor |
Pippa Coom |
Waitematā Local Board 15 February 2022 |
Chair Richard Northey opened the meeting with a karakia and welcomed all those present.
Note: A roll call was conducted by Chair Richard Northey that ascertained the following members were in attendance at the commencement of the meeting:
Member |
Attendance |
Chair Richard Northey |
✓ |
Deputy Chair Alex Bonham |
✓ |
Member Adriana Avendano Christie |
✓ |
Member Glenda Fryer |
✓ |
Member Graeme Gunthorp |
✓ |
Member Kerrin Leoni |
✓ |
Member Julie Sandilands |
✓ |
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number WTM/2022/1 MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member A Avendano Christie: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 14 December 2021, as a true and correct record. |
There were no leaves of absence.
There were no acknowledgements.
7.1 |
Gael Baldock presented a petition on behalf of 1192 residents requesting a moratorium on the Grey Lynn cycleway, which reads as follows: We the undersigned call upon Auckland Transport to enact a moratorium on the proposed Grey Lynn cycleway until genuine consultation and debate with the entire community can be held and then be heard by the new Auckland Council and Waitemata Local Board. A copy of the petition tabled at the meeting has been placed in the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number WTM/2022/2 MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member G Gunthorp: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) receive the petition. |
a 15 February 2022, Waitematā Local Board, Item 7.1 - Proposed Grey Lynn/Westmere Cycleway Petition |
Note: Item 9.1 – Public Forum, Gael Baldock was considered prior to Item 8 – Deputations.
9 Public Forum
9.1 |
Gael Baldock was in attendance to speak about the consultation process on the proposed Loop Track at Western Springs, and her support and thanks for postponing the rabbit cull at Western Springs. A document was tabled in support of this item and can be found on the official minutes and on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number WTM/2022/3 MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Bonham: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) thank Gael Baldock for her tabled presentation and attendance at the meeting. |
Attachments a 15 February 2022, Waitematā Local Board, Item 9.1 - Gael Baldock Tabled Article |
8.1 |
Wendy Gray and Bruce Sommerville were in attendance to speak to the Waitematā Local Board about an update on, and further proposals for the NO MOW initiative in local parks. |
Resolution number WTM/2022/4 MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member A Avendano Christie: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) receive the presentation and thank Wendy Gray and Bruce Sommerville for their attendance b) refer the proposals to daylight the stream in Western Park and No-Mow initiative nearby to staff. |
9.2 |
9.3 |
Chris Bailey was in attendance to speak about 254 Ponsonby Road – the Ponsonby Park project. A presentation was tabled in support of this item and can be found on the official minutes and on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number WTM/2022/5 MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member G Gunthorp: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) thank Chris Bailey for his tabled presentation and attendance at the meeting b) refer this presentation to staff. CARRIED |
a 15 February 2022, Waitematā Local Board, Item 9.3 - Chris Bailey Presentation |
9.4 |
Allan Matson was in attendance to speak about the council’s response to NPS-UD and Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Bill on behalf of the Character Coalition, and the Ley’s Institute on behalf of the Civic Trust. |
Resolution number WTM/2022/6 MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member GF Fryer: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) thank Allan Matson for his presentation and attendance at the meeting. |
There was no extraordinary business.
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Resolution number WTM/2022/7 MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member J Sandilands: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) receive the verbal update and written report from the Waitematā and Gulf Ward Councillor, Pippa Coom. |
The meeting was adjourned at 2.39pm and reconvened at 2.50pm.
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Auckland Council’s Quarterly Performance Report: Waitematā Local Board for Quarter Two 2021/2022 |
Trina Thompson, Local Area Manager, was in attendance to speak to this item. |
Resolution number WTM/2022/8 MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member J Sandilands: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) receive the performance report for quarter two ending 31 December 2021 b) approve the following allocations from film revenue collected in the Waitematā local board area: i) $4,500 to ID2974 – Waitematā – urban forest restoration (Ecological contract contribution) for the delivery of mulch to Rose Road Gully, Harry Dansey Reserve and Costley Reserve ii) $9,080 (if we are in red traffic light) or $12,730 (if we are in orange traffic light) to ID 785: Anzac services Waitematā to support the delivery of a light installation at St David’s Church for Anzac Day commemoration iii) $100 to ID 789 for a Board Wreath for the Governor Hobson commemoration event on Waitangi Day c) note the following achievements: i) Allocation of $24,955.80 in the Community Grants Quick Round (ID 555) ii) Renewal of roads and car park at Highwic House (ID 2932) iii) Increased membership and participation in the Climate Action Network (ID 870) iv) Renewal of the Grey Lynn Park paddling pool (ID 30695) v) Renewal of Parawai Street access to Cox Bay Reserve (19072) vi) Asset renewals at Pt. Erin Pool (ID 18264) vii) Successful delivery of the Good Citizens Awards Ceremony viii) Renewal of Outhwaite Park playground and carpark ix) Completion of the Victoria Park pathway and carpark d) note the financial performance report in Attachment B of the agenda report will remain confidential until after the Auckland Council Group half-year results for 2021/2022 are released to the New Zealand Exchange (NZX), which are expected to be made public on or about 28 February 2022. |
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Local board feedback on the draft Business Improvement District Policy - Kaupapa Here ā-Rohe Whakapiki Pakihi |
Resolution number WTM/2022/9 MOVED by Member A Avendano Christie, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Bonham: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) thank the BID team for being proactive in strengthening the policy in relation to issue resolution and financial sustainability of BID programmes to ensure BIDs meet their financial and strategic obligations b) acknowledge the good work that the great majority of BIDs have been doing over the years as partners and recognise the value in independent BID management that is empowered, competent, and compliant c) does not support the BID Policy 2021 and the Funding Agreement in its current draft due to internal inconsistencies and lack of long-term strategic focus d) recommend that the Proposed BID Policy 2021 reflects the ongoing partnership between council and the BID’s by using the term “partnership” through the document as per 2016 policy e) recommend that the Funding Agreement is reviewed to address the BID concerns around council proposing themselves as “Funders” rather than a more accurate description such as “Facilitators”, or “Funding Agents”, as well as the implications associated with short term grant funding f) recommend the definition and usage of terms are consistent with the Incorporated Societies Act (1908), particularly with regard to the obligations around affiliates g)
request that the BID Policy 2021
recognise Business Improvement Districts and their functions as per the
definition below: h) request that the terms and timelines of any future agreements with Business Improvement Districts reflect a long-term ongoing partnership rather than a grant or short-term project i) recommend while BIDs must account for all monies each year they are not required to spend all of it where there are good strategic or practical reasons not to do so and this is agreed to at the AGM j) recommend that the BID team and the head of the governance team work further with BID managers to find a more mutually beneficial policy. |
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Wakefield Park - Waka Kotahi Streets For People Programme Application |
Resolution number WTM/2022/10 MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member GF Fryer: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) delegate to Member Gunthorp and Deputy Chair Bonham to finalise and approve an expression of interest for the creation of a larger and more unified Wakefield Park to the Waka Kotahi Streets for People programme 2021-2024 |
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Resolution number WTM/2022/11 MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Bonham: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) generally support and is impressed by the water strategy and the issues and prioritization of the eight strategic shifts b) recognise the inspirational value from the rather spiritual and generalised nature of the strategic shifts and priorities provided but believe that in some cases more specific criteria will be needed to guide real world day-to-day decision making at times c) agree with the priority of having a strategic shift of Sustainable Allocation and Equitable Access but request more specificity to respond to the tens of thousands identified as having real difficulty in affording the current water charges and to similar numbers in remote locations who do not have access to municipal drinking water because of the cost of infrastructure for supplying it to them d) agree with the priority of a strategic shift for Restoring and Enhancing Water Ecosystems but seek more specificity over deciding whether the resource costs of achieving drinkability and swimmability in particular locations are an urgent priority and also balancing this priority with enabling appropriate recreational activities. |
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Public feedback on proposal to make a Freedom Camping in Vehicles Bylaw 2022 |
Resolution number WTM/2022/12 MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member G Gunthorp: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) tūtohi / receive public feedback on the proposal to make a new Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture ā-Rohe Noho Puni Wātea ā-Waka 2022 / Auckland Council Freedom Camping in Vehicles Bylaw 2022 in this agenda report b) whakarato / provide its views on how the Bylaw Panel should address matters raised in public feedback to the proposal in clause a) to assist the Bylaw Panel in its deliberations i) support the bulk of the recommended bylaw noting that the majority of the submissions from the Board area supported all six identified areas in Waitematā being prohibited ii) urge that the required time by which freedom campers have to leave a site be changed to 10am to give these holiday makers a reasonable time to wake up and pack up and 24% of submitters said 10am was a more typical check out time for paid accommodation so it makes sense to align the time iii) note that the needs and rights of homeless people and of rough sleepers will be adequately provided for iv) recommend that sufficient resources be allocated to ensure effective enforcement of the bylaw by the Governing Body. |
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Resolution number WTM/2022/13 MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Bonham: That the Waitematā Local Board: b) whakarato / provide the following views on how the Bylaw Panel should address matters raised in public feedback to the proposal in clause a) to assist the Bylaw Panel in its deliberations i) support Proposal 2 on election signs to give certainty and clarity for election signage given the signs trigger awareness of the election and the main candidates ii) endorse in Proposal 3b on event signs only the requirement that they be limited to not-for-profits. The public reluctantly accept just 9 weeks of election signs, but they should not have to accept the clutter and reduced visual amenity, reduced access and hazard of more other signs year-round. Events signs therefore should only be permitted for an event within the board area and within 2 kilometres of the sign’s location and they should only be permitted from one week before until one day after the event iii) support regarding Proposal 3a for local sales that signs only be permitted on the private property from which the sale is occurring and only on that day iv) support Proposal 5a banning portable signs throughout the city centre as was supported by the majority of submissions v) oppose Proposal 7A, to allow larger real estate signs in heavy industrial areas, on grounds of visual amenity. As some submitters said: “They don’t need bigger signs. They are quite visible as they are” vi) oppose Proposal 12 regarding window signs, and suggest the following changes. We believe the general limitations on window signs, particularly those preventing more than half of a window to be occupied by a sign, currently applying throughout Auckland should also continue in the central city. As a submitter said: “The trend in Lower Queen Street for complete window coverage makes the street front impersonal”. The largest number of submitters said these restrictions are necessary in the city centre zone. All these rules should also apply as far as is practicable to what is the equivalent of signage or screen intended for viewing outside the premises – both for safety and amenity reasons, although an internal window display, e.g., Smith and Caughey’s Christmas pageant could occupy a whole window space vii) support Proposal 13C limiting commercial sex premises to one external sign and additionally banning subjective, promotional and advertising material. As a number of submitters said: “It improves the treatment of sex workers”. viii) support Proposal 14B including banning signs that extend beyond the height of the building ix) recommend further restrictions to illuminated signs in Proposal 14C. We recommend that the maximum brightness of signs be halved between 9pm and 7am. We also recommend specific controls on each illuminated sign that changes or displays a video. These should be subject to an individualised application process and the power to change or reject them if they create a nuisance in terms of visual amenity or safety x) recommend also filling some regulatory gaps as part of the Signs Bylaw or as part of the next AUP review, whichever is the most appropriate and timely, including 1) extending Clause 23(2)(d) (which prohibits signs from emitting noise etc.) to outdoor signs where the sounds or effects are audible or intrude into public space or other private spaces 2) recommend extending consideration of visual amenity to areas of high amenity – whether it be through public art, urban design, heritage or natural space. Where council has invested heavily in improving the public realm, it seems self-defeating to allow signage that reduces the quality of space 3) recommend strengthening rules around amenity in mixed-use areas and put residents’ needs and preferences first in considering applications for signage in mixed areas. Residents consistently feedback to us that signs do not improve amenity and that illuminated signs that intrude on residents’ living spaces significantly reduce their wellbeing. The lights make it harder for them to sleep and they feel intruded upon 4) recommend that Auckland Council more vigorously enforce its policies, as appears to be the case with Auckland Transport’s advertising policy. We observe residents are broadly supportive of advertising content policies that support healthy living choices and restrict promotion of gambling, alcohol, sex work, tobacco and vaping in residential areas and within 300m of a primary or intermediate school. We also strongly recommend that the limitation in Proposal 13C to one descriptive sign only be extended also to alcohol and gambling outlets where client’s problematic and addictive behaviour can be readily triggered by advertising or promotional signs 5) strongly urge restricting advertising of gas stations and new petrol and diesel vehicles if Auckland Council were to adopt Auckland Transport’s advertising policy or develop their own policy around content 6) recommend amending section 13 of the appropriate section of the current Council Signage Bylaw (Content of Signage) so that it includes billboards 7) recommend in a future review that signs and billboards are covered by the same regulations 8) recommend including façade signs within the signage bylaw. A façade sign is signage on a property on a boarded-up window. We also ask that bollard sleeve signage be prohibited (these are advertising sleeves put over bollards). We are very concerned about the prevalence of façade signs on premises in neighbourhood centre zones and bollard sleeve signage in neighbourhood centre zones 9) strongly recommend that if signs (or billboards) in public places have Bluetooth elements that can be involved in collecting data from the devices of passers-by then council should seriously consider the legal and moral ramifications around this including around privacy, and wellbeing of residents. If these elements are to be permitted in policy, then this should only be done after full public consultation, and that such a consultation needs to be well-advertised in advance. Stakeholders should include youth, educators, health providers, the CAB and the senior advisory panel c) whakatuu / appoint Chair Northey, Member Fryer and Deputy Chair Bonham to present the views in clause b) to the Bylaw Panel on 28 March 2022. d) tuku mana / delegate authority to the local board chair to appoint replacement(s) to the persons in clause c) should an appointed member be unable to present to the Bylaw Panel. |
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Public feedback on proposal to amend the Property Maintenance and Nuisance Bylaw 2015 |
Resolution number WTM/2022/14 MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member A Avendano Christie: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) tūtohi / receive the public feedback on the proposal to amend Te Ture ā-rohe Tiaki Rawa me Ngā Mahi Whakapōrearea 2015 / the Property Maintenance and Nuisance Bylaw 2015 in this report b) whakarato / provide its views on how the Bylaw Panel should address matters raised in public feedback to the proposal in clause a) to assist the Bylaw Panel in its deliberations i) recommend that there is a clear cross-reference to the lighting rules that are now regulated under the unitary plan as they have been included here until now ii) recommend adding a clear cross-reference to Auckland Council's bylaws and policies dealing with public nuisance and anti-social behaviour as this is becoming a major issue with the public and the reference to nuisance in the name of the bylaw will mean people will seek an appropriate response from this bylaw. This is demonstrated by a public submission request that noise control provisions be added to this bylaw iii) request that the current bylaw regulation dealing with anti-social behaviour by people entering abandoned buildings on private property be extended to cover anti-social behaviour by people entering properties, not just abandoned buildings on them iv) support the regulation of mechanical cooling tower systems, as this is necessary to prevent Legionnaires’ and other diseases. |
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Public feedback on proposal to amend the Stormwater Bylaw 2015 |
Resolution number WTM/2022/15 MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Bonham: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) tūtohi / receive the public feedback on the proposal to amend Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture-ā-rohe Wai Āwhā 2015 / Auckland Council Stormwater Bylaw 2015 in this report b) whakarato / provide its views on how the Bylaw Panel should address matters raised in public feedback to the proposal in clause a) to assist the Bylaw Panel in its deliberations i) support specifying controls, codes of practice, or guidelines for managing the public stormwater network and private stormwater system ii) recommend having additional requirements for vesting of public assets and approvals under the bylaw, including the ability to assess the carbon life cycle associated with the construction and operation of new stormwater network assets iii) recommend requiring approvals for modifications or new engineered wastewater overflow points into the stormwater network to assist with the protection of public health and safety when the overflow points activate iv) recommend restricting or excluding certain activities from parts of the stormwater network to protect public health and safety. Provision for activities such as fishing or kayaking in stormwater treatment devices like ponds and wetlands should be determined on a case-by-case basis rather than being automatically excluded. This was specifically requested by several submitters. |
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Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa - New Zealand Geographic Board: recording of unofficial place names as official |
Resolution number WTM/2022/16 MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member GF Fryer: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) receive the report, including attachments which detail the unofficial place names in the local board area which are proposed to be made official b) request that Coxs Bay, Freemans Bay and Saint Marys Bay be removed from the fast-track list due to a high proportion of users include apostrophes, namely Cox's Bay, Freeman's Bay and Saint Mary's Bay. We have no objection to Judges Bay, Mechanics Bay or even Motions Creek as we are not aware of them ever being used with apostrophes c) request that Britomart Station and Mt Eden Station are removed from the fast-track list due to a separate process being undertaken to officially name all CRL stations this year. |
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Māori Outcomes Annual Report - Te Pūrongo a te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Ngā Huanga Māori 2020/2021 |
Resolution number WTM/2022/17 MOVED by Member KL Leoni, seconded by Member A Avendano Christie: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) receive the annual Auckland Council Group Māori Outcomes Report: Te Pūrongo a Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Ngā Huanga Māori 2020-2021 b) note and applaud that Toi O Tamaki / Auckland Art Gallery successfully hosted the Toi Tu Toi Ora exhibition, the largest exhibition in the history of the Gallery and that Toi Tu Toi Ora received a record number of Māori visitors and showcased several up-and-coming and established Māori artists c) note and record its appreciation of the support for, and effectiveness of, Māori-led Covid-19 response and recovery initiatives from marae, runanga and Māori Trusts, including with funding from the Manaaki Fund. |
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Urgent decision to approve the Waitematā Local Board submission to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment on the Buy-Now, Pay-Later Discussion Document |
Resolution number WTM/2022/18 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Bonham, seconded by Chairperson R Northey: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) receive the urgent decision made 8 December 2021, which formalised the Waitematā Local Board’s feedback on the Government’s Buy-Now, Pay-Later Discussion Document. |
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Amendment to Waitematā Local Board Business Meeting Schedule for July 2022 |
Resolution number WTM/2022/19 MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member J Sandilands: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) approve an amendment to the 2019-2022 Waitematā Local Board meeting schedule to change the meeting date for July 2022 from the 19 July 2022 to the 12 July 2022. |
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Resolution number WTM/2022/20 MOVED by Member G Gunthorp, seconded by Member J Sandilands: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) receive the Chair’s report for February 2022. |
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Resolution number WTM/2022/21 MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Bonham: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) receive the written reports from Member Avendano Christie, Member Gunthorp, and Member Sandilands from December 2021 b) receive the written reports from Deputy Chair Bonham and Member Gunthorp and receive verbal reports from Member Avendano Christie, Member Leoni, Member Sandilands and Member Fryer for February 2022. |
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Resolution number WTM/2022/22 MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member G Gunthorp: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) receive the governance forward work calendar as at 15 February 2022. |
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Resolution number WTM/2022/23 MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member GF Fryer: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) receive the Waitematā Local Board workshop records for the workshop held 8 February 2021. |
28 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
4.24pm The Chair thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and staff for their advice and support and declared the meeting closed.