Albert-Eden Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Albert-Eden Local Board held via MS Teams on Tuesday, 10 May 2022 at 2.04pm, adjourned at 4.27pm, Tuesday, 10 May 2022 and reconvened at 1.03pm, Thursday, 12 May 2022 via Microsoft Teams. A written summary will be uploaded to the Auckland Council website.
Chairperson |
Lee Corrick |
Deputy Chairperson |
Margi Watson |
Members |
Graeme Easte |
Rachel Langton |
Julia Maskill |
Will McKenzie |
Christina Robertson |
Kendyl Smith |
Councillors |
Cathy Casey |
Christine Fletcher |
Puketāpapa Local Board Members |
Ella Kumar |
In attendance during the proceedings on 10 May 2022. |
Fiona Lai |
In attendance during the proceedings on 10 May 2022. |
Jon Turner |
In attendance during the proceedings on 10 May 2022. |
Albert-Eden Local Board 10 May 2022 |
Chairperson L Corrick commenced the meeting and welcomed everyone in attendance.
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number AE/2022/60 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson M Watson, seconded by Member J Maskill: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) confirm the minutes of its ordinary meeting, held on Tuesday, 19 April 2022 , as true and correct. |
There were no leaves of absence.
6.1 |
Resolution number AE/2022/61 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson M Watson, seconded by Member K Smith: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) thank Chairperson Lee Corrick for her contribution, leadership and guidance in leading the local board over the last 11 months and thank her, on behalf of the community, for her ongoing commitment to the community and her work as she steps aside from the Chairperson role. |
There were no petitions.
There were no deputations.
9.1 |
Richard Quince, resident, was in attendance via Microsoft Teams to deliver a Public Forum presentation regarding his advocacy on the draft Golf Investment Plan report which is scheduled to go to the local board’s 17 May 2022 business meeting. |
Resolution number AE/2022/62 MOVED by Member WM McKenzie, seconded by Member K Smith: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) thank Richard Quince, resident, for his attendance via Microsoft Team and Public Forum presentation regarding his advocacy on the draft Golf Investment Plan report. |
a 20220512 Albert-Eden Local Board, Item 9.1: Public Forum - Richard Quince - Draft Golf Investment Plan, Presentation Notes |
There was no extraordinary business.
Local board consultation feedback and input into the Annual Budget 2022/2023 |
Emma Reed – Senior Local Board Advisor, and Canela Ferrara – Local Board Advisor, were in attendance via Microsoft Teams to speak to the report. |
Note: The local board was advised about the updated link on the Auckland Council website to the Submissions on the Annual Budget 2022/2023. |
Resolution number AE/2022/63 MOVED by Chairperson L Corrick, seconded by Member K Smith: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) receive consultation feedback on the proposed Albert-Eden Local Board priorities and activities for 2022/2023. b) receive consultation feedback on regional topics in the Annual Budget 2022/2023 from people and organisations based in the Albert-Eden Local Board area. c) provide the following input on regional topics in the proposed Annual Budget 2022/2023 to the Governing Body: Climate Action i) support the introduction of a Climate Action Targeted Rate. ii) note the strong support (81 per cent) for the Climate Action Targeted Rate from the Albert-Eden community. iii) request that climate action transition to be part of business as usual over time, as a targeted rate should only be a short-term response while the organisation pivots to respond to climate change through all its work. Changes to Waste Services iv) support moving from a planned region-wide pay-as-you-throw system to a region-wide rates-funded refuse collection system. v) note the evidence gathered which supports a rates-funded refuse collection service from a waste reduction, cost and efficiency perspective. vi) note the strong support (73 per cent) for a rates-funded system from the Albert-Eden community. vii) support the roll-out of food scraps collection as soon as possible. viii) support standardisation across the region for other waste charging. Budget pressures ix) support increasing debt and utilising the Government’s Better Off support package to address budget pressures in 2022/2023. x) note that this does not solve ongoing budget pressures but provides more time to work through significant changes for future years. xi) support the robust ongoing work occurring through the Value for Money review. xii) support signaling the following pathways for future years 2023/2024 onwards: A) increasing debt-to-revenue ratio above currently agreed 290 per cent level. B) deferring capital projects. C) deferring fully funding depreciation to later than 2027/2028 as currently set out in the long-term plan. D) investigating opportunities and possible models to get more value out of the Ports of Auckland. xiii) do not support the following pathways for future years 2023/2024 onwards: A) additional asset sales over and above targets already set in long-term plan. B) rates increases above 3.5 per cent as currently adopted in long-term plan. Operating spending prioritisation xiv) acknowledge the significant ongoing budget pressures and requirement to investigate changes to levels of services in the future. xv) note the consistent feedback received from the Albert-Eden community on the importance of local community services and local environmental management activity areas. xvi) note any changes must be thoroughly investigated in collaboration with local boards. xvii) request that consultation with the community is included in future annual and long-term plan processes, where the implications of any proposed changes are clear, as any changes will have significant impacts on the community. Other issues xviii) support Tūpuna Maunga Authority Operational Plan 2022/2023. xix) support increasing local board decision-making over local community services. xx) support the proposed changes to animal control fees, cemetery fees and other regulatory fees updates. d) provide the following advocacy initiatives for the Annual Budget 2022/2023 to the Governing Body, acknowledging new capital projects are not possible in the short-term but will continue to advocate for our ongoing interest in these projects: i) funding to implement our top priority advocacy project (One Local Initiative). This requires funding to: A) upgrade our sportsfields to address the current and future shortfall in sports capacity. We need an increase in playing and competition hours for the growing numbers of sports teams. B) realign the Chamberlain Park 18 hole golf course so it is entirely on the eastern side of Waititiko / Meola Creek. This will make space for us to develop a new park, make walking and cycling connections and undertake stream restoration, all of which are either already funded or will be funded by the local board. ii) funding to continue provision of aquatic facilities in the Mt Albert area. iii) a civic square to be funded on a site already acquired at 915-919 New North Road, Mt Albert, to provide a focal point for the town centre and connection to the train station. |
Note: Chairperson L Corrick adjourned the meeting at 2.52pm.
Chairperson L Corrick reconvened the meeting at 4.21pm.
Resolution number AE/2022/64 MOVED by Chairperson L Corrick, seconded by Member K Smith: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) agree to adjourn the Albert-Eden Local Board 10 May 2022 meeting until Thursday, 12 May 2022 at 1.00pm via Microsoft Teams. |
The Albert-Eden Local Board meeting was adjourned at 4.27pm, Tuesday, 10 May 2022 and reconvened at 1.03pm, Thursday, 12 May 2022.
The following board members were present via Microsof Teams: Chairperson L Corrick; Deputy Chairperson M Watson; Member G Easte; Member R Langton; Member J Maskill; Member W McKenzie; Member C Robertson; and Member K Smith.
12 |
Michael Mendoza – Democracy Advisor, and Louise Mason – General Manager, Local Board Services, were in attendance in person, and Nina Siers – Local Area Manager, was in attendance via Microsoft Teams, to speak to the report. |
Chairperson L Corrick declared her resignation from the position of Albert-Eden Local Board Chairperson and vacated the chair. |
Deputy Chairperson M Watson assumed the position of acting chairperson for the duration of item 12. |
Resolution number AE/2022/65 MOVED by Member G Easte, seconded by Chairperson L Corrick: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) agree to elect a new chairperson utilising System B of Schedule 7, Part 1, Clause 25 of the Local Government Act 2002. |
Acting chairperson M Watson called for nominations for the position of Chairperson of the Albert-Eden Local Board. |
Member L Corrick nominated Member W McKenzie for the position of Chairperson of the Albert-Eden Local Board. Member K Smith seconded the nomination. |
Member J Maskill nominated Member M Watson for the position of Chairperson of the Albert-Eden Local Board. Member C Robertson seconded the nomination. |
Note: Each nominated member was allocated 2 minutes to address the meeting. |
Voting was done via voice and show of hands for the nomination of Member W McKenzie. Members L Corrick; R Langton; K Smith and W McKenzie voted in favour. |
Voting was done via voice and show of hands for the nomination of Member M Watson. Members G Easte; J Maskill; C Robertson and M Watson voted in favour. |
Note: Voting was TIED and tie breaker in the form of a coin toss was facilitated by the Democracy Advisor. Member W McKenzie chose HEADS. Member M Watson selected TAILS. The result of the coin toss was read out by Louise Mason - General Manager, Local Board Services and was TAILS. |
Note: Member M Watson was elected chairperson of the Albert-Eden Local Board for the remaining period of the 2019-2022 political term following the results of the coin toss. |
Note: Member M Watson read the Declaration of Chairperson and assumed the Chair. A copy of the signed Declaration of Chair document has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
a 20220510 Albert-Eden Local Board, Item 12: Election of new Chairperson for the Albert-Eden Local Board, Declaration of Chair |
13 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
1.55pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.