I hereby give notice that an extraordinary meeting of the Governing Body will be held on:






Meeting Room:



Tuesday, 7 June 2022

2.30pm or at the conclusion of the Extraordinary Finance and Performance Committee meeting, whichever is later

Reception Lounge
Auckland Town Hall
301-305 Queen Street


Tira Kāwana / Governing Body








Hon Phil Goff, CNZM, JP


Deputy Mayor

Deputy Mayor Cr Bill Cashmore



Cr Josephine Bartley

Cr Richard Hills


Cr Dr Cathy Casey

Cr Tracy Mulholland


Cr Fa’anana Efeso Collins

Cr Daniel Newman, JP


Cr Pippa Coom

Cr Greg Sayers


Cr Linda Cooper, JP

Cr Desley Simpson, JP


Cr Angela Dalton

Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM


Cr Chris Darby

Cr Wayne Walker


Cr Alf Filipaina, MNZM

Cr John Watson


Cr Christine Fletcher, QSO

Cr Paul Young


Cr Shane Henderson



(Quorum 11 members)




Sarndra O'Toole

Kaiarataki Kapa Tohutohu Mana Whakahaere / Team Leader Governance Advisors


30 May 2022


Contact Telephone: (09) 890 8152

Email: sarndra.otoole@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




Terms of Reference


Those powers which cannot legally be delegated:


(a)        the power to make a rate

(b)        the power to make a bylaw

(c)        the power to borrow money, or purchase or dispose of assets, other than in accordance with the Long-Term Plan

(d)        the power to adopt a long-term plan, annual plan, or annual report

(e)        the power to appoint a chief executive

(f)        the power to adopt policies required to be adopted and consulted on under the Local Government Act 2002 in association with the long-term plan or developed for the purpose of the local governance statement

(g)        the power to adopt a remuneration and employment policy


Additional responsibilities retained by the Governing Body:


(h)        approval of long-term plan or annual plan consultation documents, supporting information and consultation process prior to consultation

(i)         approval of a draft bylaw prior to consultation

(j)         resolutions required to be made by a local authority under the Local Electoral Act 2001, including the appointment of electoral officer

(k)        adoption of, and amendment to, the Committee Terms of Reference, Standing Orders and Code of Conduct

(l)         relationships with the Independent Māori Statutory Board, including the funding agreement and appointments to committees

(m)      overview of and decisions relating to any CCO review including the implementation of any resulting changes to CCOs

(n)        oversight of work programmes of all committees of the governing body.




Code of conduct


For information relating to Auckland Council’s elected members code of conduct, please refer to this link on the Auckland Council website - https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/about-auckland-council/how-auckland-council-works/elected-members-remuneration-declarations-interest/Pages/elected-members-code-conduct.aspx



Exclusion of the public – who needs to leave the meeting


Members of the public


All members of the public must leave the meeting when the public are excluded unless a resolution is passed permitting a person to remain because their knowledge will assist the meeting.


Those who are not members of the public


General principles


·         Access to confidential information is managed on a “need to know” basis where access to the information is required in order for a person to perform their role.

·         Those who are not members of the meeting (see list below) must leave unless it is necessary for them to remain and hear the debate in order to perform their role.

·         Those who need to be present for one confidential item can remain only for that item and must leave the room for any other confidential items.

·         In any case of doubt, the ruling of the chairperson is final.


Members of the meeting


·         The members of the meeting remain (all Governing Body members if the meeting is a Governing Body meeting; all members of the committee if the meeting is a committee meeting).

·         However, standing orders require that a councillor who has a pecuniary conflict of interest leave the room.

·         All councillors have the right to attend any meeting of a committee and councillors who are not members of a committee may remain, subject to any limitations in standing orders.


Independent Māori Statutory Board


·         Members of the Independent Māori Statutory Board who are appointed members of the committee remain.

·         Independent Māori Statutory Board members and staff remain if this is necessary in order for them to perform their role.




·         All staff supporting the meeting (administrative, senior management) remain.

·         Other staff who need to because of their role may remain.


Local Board members


·         Local Board members who need to hear the matter being discussed in order to perform their role may remain.  This will usually be if the matter affects, or is relevant to, a particular Local Board area.


Council Controlled Organisations


·         Representatives of a Council Controlled Organisation can remain only if required to for discussion of a matter relevant to the Council Controlled Organisation.



Governing Body

07 June 2022



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                         PAGE

1          Affirmation                                                                                                                      7

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        7

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   7

4          Petitions                                                                                                                          7  

5          Public Input                                                                                                                    7

6          Local Board Input                                                                                                          7

7          Extraordinary Business                                                                                                7

8          Referred from the Audit and Risk Committee - Risk management approach for the Annual Budget 2022/2023                                                                                             9

9          Referred from the Extraordinary Finance and Performance Committee meeting relating to Tūpuna Maunga Authority Operational Plan 2022/2023                       21

10        Referred from the Extraordinary Finance and Performance Committee meeting relating to Annual Budget 2022-2023:  Mayoral Proposal                                      23

11        Referred from the Extraordinary Finance and Performance Committee meeting relating to Annual Budget 2022/2023: Kerbside refuse charging policy review  25

12        Referred from the Extraordinary Finance and Performance Committee meeting relating to Annual Budget 2022-2023:  Other Fees and Charges                           27

13        Referred from the Extraordinary Finance and Performance Committee meeting relating to Rating of Whenua Māori: Adoption of Rates Remission and Postponement policies                                                                                               29

14        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


1          Affirmation

His Worship the Mayor will read the affirmation.


2          Apologies

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest

Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Petitions

There is no petitions section.


5          Public Input

There is no public input section.


6          Local Board Input

There is no local board input section.


7          Extraordinary Business

Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:

“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-

(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and

(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-

(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and

(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”

Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:

“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-

(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-

(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and

(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but

(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”

Governing Body

07 June 2022



Referred from the Audit and Risk Committee - Risk management approach for the Annual Budget 2022/2023

File No.: CP2022/06144






Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To receive the Risk management approach for the Annual Budget 2022/2023 report referred by the Audit and Risk Committee.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Audit and Risk Committee considered the Risk management approach for the Annual Budget 2022/2023 report at its meeting on 17 May 2022.

3.       The Audit and Risk Committee resolved as follows:

“Resolution number AUD/2022/19

That the Audit and Risk Committee:

a)      note that ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, along with rising inflation and interest rates and labour market and supply chain constraints are presenting significant risks to the financial position of the Auckland Council group

b)      note that the process to prepare and adopt the Annual Budget 2022/2023 is responding to these risks with a strong commitment to sustainable and prudent financial management

c)      note that once the Annual Budget 2022/2023 is adopted there will be a need for careful ongoing monitoring and management of some key financial risks   

d)      agree to advise the Governing Body that an appropriate approach is being taken to manage the key financial risks associated with the Annual Budget 2022/2023, provided that the Governing Body is able to reach agreement on a budget that addresses the financial pressures in a sustainable and financially prudent manner.”

4.       Clause d) of the recommendation to the Audit and Risk Committee refers the report to the Governing Body to advise that an appropriate approach is being taken to manage the key financial risks associated with the Annual Budget 2022/2023, provided that the Governing Body is able to reach agreement on a budget that addresses the financial pressures in a sustainable and financially prudent manner.

5.       The original Risk management approach for the Annual Budget 2022/2023 report to the Audit and Risk Committee is appended as Attachment A.






Ngā tūtohunga


That the Governing Body:

a)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the Risk management approach for the Annual Budget 2022/2023 report (Attachment A of the agenda report) referred from the Audit and Risk Committee

b)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the advice from the Audit and Risk Committee that an appropriate approach is being taken to manage the key financial risks associated with the Annual Budget 2022/2023, provided that the Governing Body is able to reach agreement on a budget that addresses the financial pressures in a sustainable and financially prudent manner.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Original Risk management approach for the Annual Budget 2022/2023 report to the Audit and Risk Committee 17 May 2022



Ngā kaihaina



Sarndra O'Toole - Kaiarataki Kapa Tohutohu Mana Whakahaere / Team Leader Governance Advisors


Jim Stabback - Chief Executive



Governing Body

07 June 2022




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Governing Body

07 June 2022



Referred from the Extraordinary Finance and Performance Committee meeting relating to Tūpuna Maunga Authority Operational Plan 2022/2023

File No.: CP2022/06841




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To consider recommendations from the Finance and Performance Committee relating to Tūpuna Maunga Authority Operational Plan 2022/2023.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Tūpuna Maunga Authority Operational Plan 2022/2023 will be considered by the Finance and Performance Committee at its extraordinary meeting earlier on 7 June 2022 and it will make recommendation to the Governing Body.

3.       The full report is on the agenda for the Finance and Performance Committee and available on the Auckland Council website at:  http://infocouncil.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/


Ngā tūtohunga


The comprehensive set of recommendations for this item will be provided after the meeting of the Extraordinary Finance and Performance Committee.


Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.     

Ngā kaihaina



Sarndra O'Toole - Kaiarataki Kapa Tohutohu Mana Whakahaere / Team Leader Governance Advisors


Jim Stabback - Chief Executive



Governing Body

07 June 2022



Referred from the Extraordinary Finance and Performance Committee meeting relating to Annual Budget 2022/2023:  Mayoral Proposal

File No.: CP2022/02274




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To consider recommendations from the Finance and Performance Committee relating to Annual Budget 2022/2023:  Mayoral Proposal.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Annual Budget 2022-2023:  Mayoral Proposal will be considered by the Finance and Performance Committee at its extraordinary meeting earlier on 7 June 2022 and it will make recommendation to the Governing Body.

3.       The full report is on the agenda for the Finance and Performance Committee and available on the Auckland Council website at:  http://infocouncil.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/


Ngā tūtohunga


The comprehensive set of recommendations for this item will be provided after the meeting of the Extraordinary Finance and Performance Committee.


Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.    

Ngā kaihaina



Sarndra O'Toole - Kaiarataki Kapa Tohutohu Mana Whakahaere / Team Leader Governance Advisors


Jim Stabback - Chief Executive



Governing Body

07 June 2022



Referred from the Extraordinary Finance and Performance Committee meeting relating to Annual Budget 2022/2023: Kerbside refuse charging policy review

File No.: CP2022/02277




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To consider recommendations from the Finance and Performance Committee relating to Annual Budget 2022/2023:  Kerbside refuse charging policy review.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Annual Budget 2022/2023:  Kerbside refuse charging policy review will be considered by the Finance and Performance Committee at its extraordinary meeting earlier on 7 June 2022 and it will make recommendation to the Governing Body.

3.       The full report is on the agenda for the Finance and Performance Committee and available on the Auckland Council website at:  http://infocouncil.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/


Ngā tūtohunga


The comprehensive set of recommendations for this item will be provided after the meeting of the Extraordinary Finance and Performance Committee.


Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.    

Ngā kaihaina



Sarndra O'Toole - Kaiarataki Kapa Tohutohu Mana Whakahaere / Team Leader Governance Advisors


Jim Stabback - Chief Executive



Governing Body

07 June 2022



Referred from the Extraordinary Finance and Performance Committee meeting relating to Annual Budget 2022-2023:  Other Fees and Charges

File No.: CP2022/02276




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To consider recommendations from the Finance and Performance Committee relating to Annual Budget 2022-2023:  Other Fees and Charges.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Annual Budget 2022-2023:  Other Fees and Charges will be considered by the Finance and Performance Committee at its extraordinary meeting earlier on 7 June 2022 and it will make recommendations to the Governing Body.

3.       The full reports are on the agenda for the Finance and Performance Committee and available on the Auckland Council website at:  http://infocouncil.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/


Ngā tūtohunga


The comprehensive set of recommendations for this item will be provided after the meeting of the Extraordinary Finance and Performance Committee.


Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.    

Ngā kaihaina



Sarndra O'Toole - Kaiarataki Kapa Tohutohu Mana Whakahaere / Team Leader Governance Advisors


Jim Stabback - Chief Executive



Governing Body

07 June 2022



Referred from the Extraordinary Finance and Performance Committee meeting relating to Rating of Whenua Māori: Adoption of Rates Remission and Postponement policies

File No.: CP2022/06840




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To consider recommendations from the Finance and Performance Committee relating to Rating of Whenua Māori: Adoption of Rates Remission and Postponement policies.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Rating of Whenua Māori: Adoption of Rates Remission and Postponement policies will be considered by the Finance and Performance Committee at its extraordinary meeting earlier on 7 June 2022 and it will make recommendation to the Governing Body.

3.       The full report is on the agenda for the Finance and Performance Committee and available on the Auckland Council website at:  http://infocouncil.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/


Ngā tūtohunga


The comprehensive set of recommendations for this item will be provided after the meeting of the Extraordinary Finance and Performance Committee.


Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.     

Ngā kaihaina



Sarndra O'Toole - Kaiarataki Kapa Tohutohu Mana Whakahaere / Team Leader Governance Advisors


Jim Stabback - Chief Executive