I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Waitematā Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Tuesday, 21 June 2022


This will be a hybrid meeting held at this link over

Microsoft Teams, and at limited capacity in the

Waitematā Local Board Office at 52 Swanson Street

under strict Covid-19 guidelines.



Waitematā Local Board










Richard Northey, (ONZM)


Deputy Chairperson

Alexandra Bonham



Glenda Fryer



Graeme Gunthorp



Kerrin Leoni



Genevieve Sage



Julie Sandilands



(Quorum 4 members)




Gabriel Ford

Democracy Advisor


15 June 2022


Contact Telephone: (09) 353 9654

Email: Gabriel.ford@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022




1          Welcome                                                                                   5

2          Apologies                                                                                 5

3          Declaration of Interest                                          5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                         5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                    5

6          Acknowledgements                                              5

7          Petitions                                                                 5

8          Deputations                                                           5

9          Public Forum                                                                            5

9.1     Public Forum - Allan Matson                     5

10        Extraordinary Business                                       6

11        Ward Councillor's report                                     7

12        Local board feedback on the council’s preliminary response to the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 and the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021                                                                      21

13        Local board feedback on proposed supporting plan changes to accompany the Medium Density Residential Standards and National Policy Statement on Urban Development plan change                                                                 45

14        Local board feedback on Auckland Transport's Draft Parking Strategy (2022)                            69

15        Adoption of the Waitematā Local Board Agreement 2022/2023                                       155

16        Approval of the Waitematā Local Board Auckland Emergency Management work programme 2022/2023                                      177

17        Approval of the Waitematā Local Board External Partnerships-Business Associations work programme 2022/2023                            183

18        Approval of the Waitematā Local Board Tātaki Auckland Unlimited work programme 2022/2023                                                           189

19        Approval of the 2022/2023 Waitematā Local Board Infrastructure and Environmental Services Work Programme                              197

20        Approval of the 2022/2023 Waitematā Local Board Customer and Community Services work programme                                               217

21        Waitematā Local Board Quick Response Grant round two 2021/2022 grant allocations.         297

22        2022/2023 Joint CCO Local Board Engagement Plans and 2021/2022 Quarter Three Update  373

23        Changes to local board members appointments and delegations                       429

24        Draft Auckland golf investment plan              437

25        Allocation of the Waitematā Local Board Transport Capital Fund                                    475

26        Sport and Recreation Facilities Investment Fund 2022 - Local Board views                       481

27        Urgent decision to approve Waitematā Local Board feedback to be included in Auckland Council's feedback on the draft National Adaptation Plan (NAP)                                     487

28        Chairperson's report                                        501

29        Board member reports                                     521

30        Governance Forward Work Calendar             535

31        Waitematā Local Board workshop records   539

32        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


1          Welcome


Chair Northey will open the meeting with a karakia.


2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)          confirm the minutes of its ordinary meeting, held on Tuesday, 17 May 2022, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 7.7 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Waitematā Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.


9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 5 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.



9.1       Public Forum - Allan Matson

Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To speak to the local board about the Waitematā Local Board’s feedback on Council’s proposed draft plan change to implement the NPS-UD and Medium Density Residential Standards (MDRS).

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Allan Matson will be in attendance on behalf of Civic Trust Auckland and Character Coalition to speak to the board about its feedback on Council’s proposed draft plan changes to implement the NPS-UD and MDRS.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      thank Allan Matson for his presentation and attendance at the meeting.



10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”

Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



Ward Councillor's report

File No.: CP2022/08073




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To provide the opportunity for Waitematā and Gulf Ward Councillor Pippa Coom, Ōrākei Ward Councillor Desley Simpson and Albert-Eden Roskill Ward Councillors Christine Fletcher and Cathy Casey to update the local board on regional issues that they have been involved with since the previous local board meeting.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Waitematā Local Board’s Standing Orders clauses 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 provide provision in the local board meeting for Governing Body members to update their local board counterparts on regional matters of interest to the local board, or on any matter the Governing Body member wishes to raise with the local board.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      receive the written report from the Waitematā and Gulf Ward Councillor, Pippa Coom.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Ward Councillor P Coom Report June 2022



Ngā kaihaina



Gabriel Ford - Democracy Advisor


Trina Thompson - Local Area Manager



Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



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Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



Local board feedback on the council’s preliminary response to the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 and the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021

File No.: CP2022/07881




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       The purpose of this report is to seek feedback from the local board on the council’s preliminary response to the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 (NPS-UD) and the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021 (RMA amendments).

2.       This report includes an overview of the feedback on the council’s preliminary response received through the public consultation from 19 April to 9 May 2022.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

3.       The council’s preliminary response to the NPS-UD and RMA amendments are set out in the NPS-UD and the Medium Density Residential Standards (MDRS).  Some of these are not optional. Council must change the Auckland Unitary Plan (AUP) to put these new rules in place.

4.       However, the NPS-UD allows us to make some limited decisions to help shape the future of our city.  Council can determine:

i)       the distances of walkable catchments, where buildings of six storeys or more are required. These are the areas around the city centre, rapid transit stops, and the ten metropolitan centres (Albany, Takapuna, Westgate, Henderson, New Lynn, Newmarket, Sylvia Park, Manukau, Botany and Papakura)

ii)       the building heights and density to enable residential development within and next to other suburban centres – neighbourhoods centres, local centres, and town centres

iii)      the “qualifying matters” that will apply in Auckland, or the characteristics within some areas that may allow the council to modify (or limit) the required building heights and density.

5.       Central government has already identified a number of qualifying matters. The council is also able to include other ‘qualifying matters’ that are important for Auckland.

6.       The elements of the preliminary response that the council is able to determine were open to feedback. A three-week public engagement on the council’s preliminary response to the NPS-UD and RMA amendments was completed on 9 May 2022. This included an independently run survey of 2000 Aucklanders. The feedback has been analysed, and the themes that have emerged from that analysis were presented to local board on Monday, 30 May 2022

7.       The feedback summary report is attached to this report and has been published on the AKHaveYourSay website. The feedback responses received have also been published on the website.

8.       Local boards are now invited to give feedback on the council’s preliminary response, with particular regard to the matters available to council to make decisions on. A template (Attachment C) has been provided to assist the preparation of that feedback.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      note the council’s preliminary response to the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 and the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021

b)      note the feedback received from Aucklanders on the council’s preliminary response during the three-week public consultation in April and May 2022

c)       provide feedback as the local board’s response to the council’s preliminary response, to be considered by the Planning Committee in preparation of the proposed intensification plan change for notification in August 2022.




9.       The NPS-UD and the RMA amendments require that a proposed intensification plan change (IPI) must be notified by 20 August 2022. The Planning Committee and local board chairs (or their delegates) have attended numerous workshops and made decisions in 2021 and 2022 on preliminary policy directions to guide how the council will implement the NPS-UD and RMA amendments.

10.     At its meeting on 31 March 2022 the Planning Committee approved a preliminary response to the NPS-UD (Attachment A), for the purpose of public engagement for three weeks in April and May 2022. The preliminary response was made available to the public on the Auckland “Have Your Say” website from 19 April to 9 May.

11.     The preliminary response contained an overall consultation document, more detailed information sheets, and access to the GIS map viewer that illustrates zoning proposals that reflected the committee’s resolutions.  The maps also illustrated locations where various qualifying matters (mostly existing AUP overlays, endorsed by the committee) would limit the height and/or density that would otherwise be enabled.

12.     The GIS viewer was supported by information sheets that described the approach to intensification and the process that the council is following. The AUP text for the new zone provisions was not available for feedback, as this was (and is) still being prepared and tested.

13.     Since October 2021, local boards and mana whenua have been involved in helping the council develop its preliminary response. This report summarises the themes emerging from the public engagement.  Feedback received from the public, together with the ongoing involvement of local boards and mana whenua, will greatly assist the council in finalising the IPI for notification by 20 August 2022. 

14.     Feedback was specifically sought on the following matters:

i)       the extent of walkable catchments around the city centre, metropolitan centres and rapid transit network stops (as required under Policy 3(c))

ii)       the approach to, and extent of, intensification of areas adjacent to the city, metropolitan, town, local and neighbourhood centres (as required under Policy 3(d))

iii)      the selection of, and approach to, “any other qualifying matters” that limit the height and density that would otherwise be required as enabled under Policy 4. 

15.     Feedback was not sought on matters in the NPS-UD and RMA amendments that are mandatory.  Mandatory matters include the introduction of walkable catchments into the AUP, the enablement of six storey buildings in all zones in walkable catchments, and the application of medium density residential standards in all residential zones outside walkable catchments. 

16.     The public engagement (under the heading ‘Government’s new housing rules: what it means for Auckland’) comprised the following:

·        an overview of the response and how to give feedback

·        a main consultation document (also translated into numerous languages) with the full preliminary response overview

·        online feedback form with questions on consultation topics and an opportunity to provide reasons and further explanation

·        more detailed information sheets on a range of topics

·        frequently asked questions and an explanation video

·        special character area assessment survey reports

·        the GIS NPS-UD map viewer and user guide

·        information and booking links for webinars and events

·        access to a planning enquiry service for questions and further information.

17.     Hard copies of the main documents including the feedback form were placed in libraries and service centres.

18.     Online consultation activities and events were scheduled and undertaken through the engagement period, as follows:

·        four online webinars - two covering the whole preliminary response (with a focus on intensification), one on special character areas, and one on other council-identified qualifying matters

four ‘Have Your Say’ events – two for general opportunities for people or groups to present and discuss their feedback to members and staff, one for regional stakeholders, and one for residents’ groups and associations

·        two information meetings focussed on the special character areas qualifying matter – one on the North Shore and one in the city centre.

19.     In addition to the online and hard-copy feedback opportunity, an independently run sample survey of 2000 Aucklanders was procured from Kantar Public Limited. This was intended to enable a broader public perspective of the aspects of preliminary response, to complement the feedback offered and received from individuals, groups and organisations.

20.     All feedback received has been recorded, reviewed and allocated to themes to enable evaluation and assessment by staff and local board members. Summary reports have been prepared for the feedback received via the AKHaveYourSay website and also via the sample survey. All feedback has been published at AKHaveYourSay.


Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

21.     Most feedback (6,094 items) was provided via our online feedback form, provided in eight languages (English, Te Reo Māori, Samoan, Tongan, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Korean and Hindi). There were also 1,766 ‘non-feedback form’ items of feedback received via email or through the post. Feedback received after the consultation closing date has not been included in the analysis within the “Summary of Feedback” report (Attachment B). However, feedback received later than the closing date is being considered and will be made available for viewing along with the rest of the feedback received.

22.     Local board feedback on the preliminary response is now sought through resolutions at this meeting. This feedback will be considered in (and attached to) a report for the 30 June Planning Committee meeting where further policy directions will be determined towards the preparation of a proposed plan change for reporting to committee on 4 August 2022 for a decision on notification.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

23.     Objective 8 and policy 1 of the NPS-UD set out a policy framework that signals the need for decisions under the RMA to reduce emissions and improve climate resilience.

24.     This framework is in line with the ‘built environment’ priority of Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan, which has a goal of achieving “A low carbon, resilient built environment that promotes healthy, low impact lifestyles”. The plan states that:

“To move to a low carbon and resilient region, climate change and hazard risks need to be integral to the planning system that shapes Auckland. Integrating land-use and transport planning is vital to reduce the need for private vehicle travel and to ensure housing and employment growth areas are connected to efficient, low carbon transport systems.”

25.     Applying the NPS-UD will enable additional residential intensification to occur in areas where jobs, services and amenities can be easily accessed by active modes and public transport. This will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the more efficient use of land will reduce growth pressures in areas more susceptible to the effects of climate change. In some places, applying the MDRS required under the RMA amendments will also achieve this outcome. However, a key aspect of the council’s submission on the RMA amendments was that enabling three-storey medium density housing across Auckland’s urban environment, is likely to result in a greater number of people living in areas where it is extremely difficult to provide a high level of public transport service. A more detailed analysis of climate impacts will be possible once the mapping work required to implement the NPS-UD and the RMA amendments is more advanced.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

26.     All relevant council departments and Council Controlled Organisations have been involved in preparing the council’s preliminary response to the NPS-UD and the RMA amendments. They will have an ongoing role during the feedback period through to and beyond 20 August 2022. Feedback received on the council’s preliminary response will be reviewed by the relevant departments and CCOs to assist the council in finalising the IPI for public notification.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

27.     Local boards were briefed in October and November 2021 on the implications of the NPS-UD and local board chairs were invited to the series of Planning Committee workshops run in 2021 on the NPS-UD.  Local boards also received a detailed briefing on the council’s preliminary response in March and May 2022.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

28.     Auckland Council has obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its Significance and Engagement Policy to take special consideration when engaging with Māori and to enable Māori participation in council decision-making to promote Māori well-being.

29.     The NPS-UD provides for the interests of Māori through intensification to increase housing supply, alongside its identification of qualifying matters. The widespread intensification sought by the NPS-UD has the potential to affect Māori both negatively and positively. This includes with respect to culturally significant sites and landscapes, Treaty Settlement redress land, the urban form as it reflects mātauranga Māori and accessibility, and Māori facilities where customs and traditions are observed (such as marae).

30.     The relevant qualifying matters set out in the NPS-UD and RMA amendments include matters of national importance that decision-makers are required to recognise and provide for under section 6 of the RMA 1991, and matters necessary to implement, or to ensure consistency with, iwi participation legislation.

31.     Policy 9 of the NPS-UD sets out requirements for local authorities as follows:

“Local authorities, in taking account of the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi (Te Tiriti o Waitangi) in relation to urban environments, must:

a)      involve hapū and iwi in the preparation of RMA planning documents and any FDSs by undertaking effective consultation that is early, meaningful and, as far as practicable, in accordance with tikanga Māori; and

b)      when preparing RMA planning documents and FDSs, take into account the values and aspirations of hapū and iwi for urban development; and

c)      provide opportunities in appropriate circumstances for Māori involvement in decision-making on resource consents, designations, heritage orders, and water conservation orders, including in relation to sites of significance to Māori and issues of cultural significance; and

d)      operate in a way that is consistent with iwi participation legislation.”

32.     Policy 9 directs the council to involve iwi and hapū in the NPS-UD, during the preparation of planning documents, and to take into account the values and aspirations of hapū and iwi for urban development in the region. In the context of the NPS-UD, the council must involve mana whenua and mataawaka within the region.

33.     Individual and collective engagement has raised several key themes relating  matters like the protection of scheduled and known cultural heritage and managing potential interface effects from new development with existing marae. This is supported by research undertaken by the council team in advance of these discussions with mana whenua. This has drawn on a wide range of council documents and publicly available information.

34.     Common themes that have been identified include:

a)      universal access to be provided in residential design for less able whānau members

b)      access to open space for health and wellbeing

c)      safe and connected whānau and communities

d)      avoiding development in areas poorly served by infrastructure

e)      access to affordable housing options

f)       maintaining access to customary activities e.g. waka launching, kaimoana gathering

g)      protection of Māori sites and places of cultural significance. Maintaining precincts that protect cultural values or are otherwise culturally sensitive (such as Ihumātao)

h)      avoiding negative effects of intensive residential development on established cultural activities/facilities (such as marae)

i)       provisions for Kohanga reo and Kura Kaupapa Māori in urban areas

j)       use of Māori design concepts in the development of commercial centres and in large residential developments

k)      use of mātauranga and tikanga Māori in the management of resources

l)       the support of measures to maintain and improve water quality, ecological areas, volcanic viewshafts, and the coastline

m)     avoiding exacerbating natural hazard risks

n)      maintaining the cultural significance of the Waitakere Ranges Heritage Area

o)      concern that Future Urban Zone land will be prematurely rezoned.

35.     The council’s engagement team continues to actively work with mana whenua representatives on these matters. 

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

36.      NPS-UD implementation has been progressing within existing budgets. However, the RMA amendments has resulted in a significant increase in the scale and complexity of the project, without any changes to the NPS-UD implementation timeframes. This will require a greater than anticipated level of change to the AUP.

37.     The financial impact of these changes will affect the current 2021-2022 and the 2022-2023 financial years, and potentially the following year. While it is expected that additional costs in the current financial year can be met through a re-prioritisation of work programmes within the Chief Planning Office, further costs (primarily relating to operation of an independent hearings panel and engagement of specialists) may require re-prioritisation of other work programmes from across the organisation.  Planning for the 2022-2023 financial year is currently underway, however any impacts will be of a scale that will not affect the council’s overall financial position.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

38.     The government has set a deadline of 20 August 2022 for the council to publicly notify the IPI. Given the scale and complexity of the work required to meet this deadline, there is a risk that the quality of engagement on the council’s preliminary response will not meet the expectation of Aucklanders and key stakeholders, and that the council may not receive quality feedback from a wide range of interests.  There is also a risk that Aucklanders and key stakeholders are unclear about the mandatory requirements of the NPS-UD and the RMA amendments, and where the council has some discretion. 

39.     These risks have been mitigated to date by strong, clear communications in the lead-up to and during the engagement period.  The responses during the consultation period show a good response from Pasifika, and the general 25-44 age group.  The responses were underrepresented in Māori, Asian and the general 15-24 age group. There was over-representation in the responses by New Zealand European / European and those over 45 years old. 

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

40.     Staff continue to analyse feedback received, and this analysis will be presented to the committee, mana whenua and local boards to inform the completion of the IPI that must be publicly notified by 20 August 2022.  Public notification is the beginning of formal submissions and hearings of those submissions.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Consultation document



NPS-UD Summary of the consultation feedback (Under Separate Cover)



Local board feedback template



Ngā kaihaina



Eryn Shields - Team Leader  Regional, North West and Islands


John Duguid - General Manager - Plans and Places

Louise Mason - General Manager Local Board Services

Trina Thompson - Local Area Manager



Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



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Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



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Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



Local board feedback on proposed supporting plan changes to accompany the Medium Density Residential Standards and National Policy Statement on Urban Development plan change

File No.: CP2022/08036




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       The purpose of the report is to seek feedback from local boards on the development of draft plan changes and variations to the Auckland Unitary Plan (AUP) that are to be considered for notification at the August 2022 Planning Committee meeting together with the Intensification Planning Instrument (IPI) on medium density residential standards (MDRS) and implementing Policies 3 and 4 of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 (NPS-UD). These are:

·        Transport-related changes to promote safe and efficient access to residentially zoned parking spaces and rear sites, and to address additional parking issues that were identified following the mandatory removal of car parking minimums from the AUP (Auckland-wide chapters E24 Lighting, E27 Transport, and E38 Subdivision – Urban   access and parking provisions).

·        Additions to scheduled items to enable their protection when the IPI is notified (Schedule 10 Notable Tree Schedule and Maps, and Schedule 14 Historic Heritage Schedule, Statements and Maps).

·        Mandatory variations to incomplete plan changes (council-initiated and private) required by the government to ensure MDRS are applied in all relevant residential zones.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Each local board is responsible for communicating the interests and preferences of people in its area regarding the content of the council’s strategies, policies, plans, and bylaws. Local boards provide their views on the content of these documents.

3.       Auckland Council is required to publicly notify its IPI in August 2022 to implement the NPS- UD and MDRS in relevant residential zones.  The council’s IPI must now re-write residential objectives, policies and rules to include MDRS, as well as making other changes to implement NPS-UD intensification directives, like increasing height to at least six stories within walkable catchments of certain zones and the rapid transit network stations.

4.       Additional plan changes and variations are necessary to address related matters and are proposed to be notified alongside the IPI.

5.       Feedback is sought from local boards on the policy approach and content of these draft plan changes and variations prior to the Planning Committee’s August 2022 meeting where notification will be considered.

6.       The specific text of each plan change and variation is likely to be amended as these changes progress towards notification as a result of feedback received from local boards, iwi authorities, key stakeholders, internal specialists and legal review.



7.       Auckland Council has already removed minimum car parking requirements from the AUP as required by NPS-UD and is completing a technical plan change to address gaps created by those removals.  In doing so, other more complex additional parking matters need to be addressed in the AUP.

8.       Greater intensification across Auckland brings forward the need to address gaps and inconsistencies in the residential access provisions in chapters E27 Transport and E38 Subdivision - Urban.

Notable trees and Historic Heritage Places

9.       Additional notable trees and historic heritage places are proposed to be added to the AUP schedules 10 and 14 following staff-evaluation and these will be qualifying matters in the IPI. Historic heritage places and notable trees are qualifying matters that will be set out in the IPI to limit intensification so those values can be accommodated.  Amendments to the notable tree and historic heritage places schedules are required to both update and add in newly assessed items for protection. It is important to protect qualifying matters by including items that are not presently scheduled to avoid the loss of those items through intensification.

Variations to incomplete plan changes

10.     The government requires that the council prepare a variation for each plan change commenced, but not completed, at the time the December 2021 amendments to the Resource Management Act (RMA) came into force, where a change relates to a relevant residential zone.  The governments’ MDRS will apply for up to six private plan change requests, and one council-initiated change. 


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      note the content outlined in the agenda report relating to the development of draft plan changes and variations to the Auckland Unitary Plan to be considered for notification at the August 2022 Planning Committee meeting together with the Intensification Planning Instrument on Medium Density Residential Standards and implementing Policies 3 and 4 of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020

b)      provide feedback as the local board’s response to the matters discussed in this report:

i)        Transport

ii)       Notable trees - Schedule 10

iii)      Historic heritage - Schedule 14

iv)      Variations to incomplete plan changes.




Decision-making authority

11.     Each local board is responsible for communicating the interests and preferences of people in its area regarding the content of the council’s strategies, policies, plans, and bylaws. Local boards provide their views on the content of these documents.

12.     Local boards have a critical role in helping shape the council’s policy response to the NPS-UD. Plan changes and variations are required to address issues arising from implementing government policy and in terms of access matters in the Transport plan change, to address gaps and inconsistencies in the AUP provisions.  

13.     The plan changes and variations relate to:


·    Addressing access to residentially zoned parking spaces and rear sites to prioritise pedestrian access and safety and to improve access efficiency and convenience for all user groups.

·    Developing parking provisions to:

provide safe and convenient pedestrian access to dwellings that have no vehicle access 

require accessible parking so that people with disabilities can participate in everyday life 

ensure the loading/unloading of goods can occur in a manner that does not compromise the safe and efficient functioning of the road network (including accessways)

cater for emerging changes in transport, including greater use of e-bikes, micro-mobility devices and electric vehicles.   

Notable Trees and Historic Heritage Places

·    Updating the Auckland Unitary Plan notable tree schedule 10 and adding new notable trees

·    Adding new historic heritage places to the AUP historic heritage schedule 14, and removing one place from schedule 14.

Variations to incomplete plan changes

14.     The government requires variations so that all relevant residential zones include MDRS.  Variations will be complementary to the approach taken in the IPI. These mandatory variations must be processed alongside council’s IPI and will use the same fast-track process.  Council staff will prepare variations for:


Incomplete private plan changes relating to relevant residential zones:

Local board area in which land is located

PC 49 Drury East


PC 50 Waihoehoe


PC 51 Drury 2


PC 59 Albany 10 precinct

Upper Harbour

PC 66 Schnapper Rock Road

Upper Harbour

PC 67 Hingaia precinct 1


Incomplete council-initiated plan changes relating to relevant residential zones

Suburbs in which land is located


PC 60 Open space

Less than 20 sites across:

Forrest Hill


Freemans Bay

Grey Lynn






Mangere East


15.     Addressing access and parking matters must be addressed alongside the IPI so that the development community responds to growth opportunities appropriately. The rule changes are required to implement standards for assessing resource consent applications.

16.     Protecting historic heritage places and notable trees is important to comprehensively address qualifying matters in the AUP and protect these for future generations. The IPI will acknowledge historic heritage places (and other values) and notable trees as qualifying matters, but a separate change is necessary for those historic heritage places and trees that are not already scheduled but whose known values are significant, and eligible for scheduling.

17.     Local board feedback is an important input to help develop the plan changes and variations that are proposed to be notified alongside the IPI in August 2022.

18.     Local boards will have a second opportunity to express views after submissions close on the changes.  Views expressed after submissions close in a resolution will be included in the analysis of the plan changes and submissions received.  If a local board chooses to provide its views, a local board member will be invited to present the local board’s views at the hearing to commissioners, who make the decision on the plan changes.

19.     This report provides an overview of the IPI-supporting plan changes related to transport matters, and additional and corrected historic heritage places and notable trees and mandatory variations to incorporate MDRS. This report does not include a recommendation. Planning staff cannot advise the local board as to what its views should be, and then evaluate those views as part of reporting to the Planning Committee.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice


20.     The Plans and Places department maintains a ‘Residential Issues Register’ and is currently finalising the draft 2021 ‘Section 35 Monitoring: B2.3 Quality Built Environment’ report. The register and the draft section 35 report identify the need for changes to the AUP to achieve better-quality access outcomes. As noted above, the identified parking issues are a consequence of the mandatory removal of car parking minimums.

21.     Attachment A outlines a summary of the potential changes at this stage in the process and the principal reasons for the changes.

Notable Trees

22.     The AUP protects and retains notable trees with significant historical, botanical or amenity values. Trees or groups of trees in Schedule 10 were evaluated using a set of criteria based on historical association, scientific importance or rarity, contribution to ecosystem services, cultural association or accessibility and intrinsic value. These factors are considered in the context of human health, public safety, property, amenity values and biosecurity.

23.     Tree schedules are highly dynamic and are not as easily maintained as other AUP schedules which are static (e.g. Outstanding Natural Landscapes Overlay Schedule, Outstanding Natural Features Overlay Schedule) meaning that they fall out of date over time. This is because subdivision, development and consents for removal/alteration as well as emergency works affect the description of listings on the Schedule. The health of trees can also naturally deteriorate. Given the number of listings contained in the Schedule, errors will continue to be identified and further updates will therefore be required. To update Schedule 10 requires a plan change. These changes cannot be addressed through any other process.

24.     There is a database of nearly 600 nominations received as submissions through the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan process and further unsolicited nominations received through the current nomination process. These nominations have been received for trees right across the region and are not limited to any specific geographical area. There is an expectation from the community that the council will evaluate and progress a plan change to add trees to the Schedule. There is a large volume of nominations and due to resourcing constraints, it has not been possible to evaluate them all at once. There will however be a portion of these nominations which have been evaluated and some of these trees may be found to meet the criteria for scheduling.

25.     Notable tree nominations are being investigated in the Albert-Eden, Franklin, Howick, Ōrākei, Ōtara-Papatoetoe, Rodney, Waitematā and Whau Local Boards. There are also more general amendments required to ensure the Schedule is accurate and operating as originally intended (for example, removals of listings where the tree has been physically removed, updating legal descriptions as a result of subdivision).

26.     Options relating to notable trees were presented to the Planning Committee on 5 November 2020 which resolved to review or make changes to the notable tree schedule as resources permit (PLA/2020/96). This included addressing existing nominations. It is important to note the scope of this work would not include calling for additional nominations.

27.     In accordance with the resolution discussed in paragraph 22, the Notable Trees Plan Change will amend Schedule 10 Notable Trees Schedule of the AUP as follows:

·        Add those nominated trees which merit inclusion to the schedule

·        Amend the schedule to address known inaccuracies/inconsistencies.

28.     The IPI will recognise notable trees as qualifying matters, including the newly proposed notable trees. A separate change is needed to schedule these additional trees as that is not the purpose of the IPI.

Historic Heritage

29.     Historic heritage is a matter of national importance that decision makers must consider under section 6 of the RMA. Significant historic heritage places are identified in Schedule 14 Historic Heritage Schedule, Statements and Maps of the Unitary Plan. Places identified in the schedule are subject to the provisions of the Unitary Plan Historic Heritage Overlay, which seeks to protect scheduled historic heritage places from inappropriate subdivision, use and development and enable the appropriate use of scheduled historic heritage places.

30.     For a place to qualify to be included in the AUP historic heritage schedule, each place must meet the criteria and thresholds for scheduling that are outlined in the Regional Policy Statement (RPS) section of the AUP. Historic heritage places must be at least of considerable significance to their locality or beyond.

31.     Historic heritage places have been identified in the Albert-Eden, Henderson-Massey, Howick, Ōrakei, Rodney, Waitematā and Whau Local Boards. A list of these places is included in Attachment B.

32.     Most of these places were identified as a result of the survey of the special character values that was part of the council’s response to the NPS-UD. Other places were identified via public nominations.  This work is supported by a Planning Committee resolution:

where significant historic heritage values are identified within the Special Character Areas Overlay, develop a plan change for places or areas to be added to the Auckland Unitary Plan historic heritage schedule.[1]

33.     Each identified historic heritage place’s evaluation demonstrates the criteria and thresholds for scheduling set out in the RPS are satisfied. It is important that places with significant historic heritage values are included in the AUP historic heritage schedule, so that these values can be appropriately managed. The historic heritage places listed in Attachment B are proposed to be included in Schedule 14 via a plan change. 

34.     Two historic heritage places are proposed to be deleted.  The former St Andrews Sunday School Hall at 40 Rankin Avenue, New Lynn (Schedule 14.1 ID 189) was demolished in 2019.  The Residence at 147 Sturges Road, Henderson (ID 75). This historic heritage place has been identified as not meeting the RPS thresholds for scheduling. It is not appropriate for a historic heritage place without sufficient value to remain in the AUP historic heritage Schedule 14.

35.     The IPI will recognise scheduled historic heritage places as qualifying matters, by limiting intensification to the extent necessary to continue to provide for the scheduled values. A separate change is needed to schedule the newly identified historic heritage places and to remove the place at 147 Sturges Road, as that is not the purpose of the IPI.


36.     Amendments made to the RMA in December 2021 came into force immediately and require tier 1 local authorities (including Auckland) to incorporate the government’s MDRS into all relevant residential zones.

37.     The government’s intention is that all plan changes relating to relevant residential zones also incorporate MDRS.  Transitional provisions inserted into the RMA require the council to prepare variations where changes commenced, but were not completed, when the RMA was amended.  Up to seven variations are required to be notified at the same time as the council’s IPI, and to be processed alongside it.  Work is commencing on variations to these changes:

Incomplete private plan changes relating to relevant residential zones:

Local board area in which land is located

PC 49 Drury East


PC 50 Waihoehoe


PC 51 Drury 2


PC 59 Albany 10 precinct

Upper Harbour

PC 66 Schnapper Rock Road

Upper Harbour

PC 67 Hingaia precinct 1


Incomplete council-initiated plan changes relating to relevant residential zones


Suburbs in which land is located


PC 60 Open space


Less than 20 sites across:

Forrest Hill


Freemans Bay

Grey Lynn






Mangere East



Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

38.     Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan sets out Auckland’s climate goals:

a)      to adapt to the impacts of climate change by planning for the changes we will face (climate adaptation)

b)      to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50 per cent by 2030 and achieve net zero emissions by 2050 (climate mitigation).

39.     The first of the council’s climate goals is relevant because it relates to climate adaptation. That goal aligns with the legal principle for RMA decision-makers to have regard to the effects of climate change (section 7(i) RMA).

40.     However, the RMA currently precludes the second goal: consideration of climate mitigation. The council may only consider climate adaptation and resilience.

41.     Several plan changes have some bearing on climate change. The transport plan change addresses the car parking design for new developments and access to residential car parking spaces and rear sites. How sites are designed and accessed provides for climate resilience, particularly by encouraging people to walk and cycle and facilitating sustainable modes of transport. Adding notable trees to the AUP schedule provides statutory protection for trees, adds to biodiversity and improves urban amenity for residents.


Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

42.     The draft transport plan change has been consulted on with internal advice from Auckland Transport, Watercare and all relevant council departments including Auckland Plans Strategy and Research, Resource Consents, Regulatory Services, Infrastructure & Environmental Services, and the Tāmaki Makurau Design Ope (formerly the Urban Design Unit).

43.     Key specialists are also involved in the review of the draft transport provisions and their feedback will be considered in the ongoing development of this plan change.

44.     In addition, the planning team is also working with the Infrastructure and Environmental Services technical standards team in their development of an Access Technical Guidance document for the construction and design of residential, business and rural accesses.  This is to ensure the plan change and the technical guidance document are consistent with each other.  It is anticipated the technical guidance will be completed later this year, after the notification of the transport plan change.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

45.     The extent of intensification anticipated by NPS-UD and RMA amendments will affect all local boards, except Aotea/Great Barrier and Waiheke.  Hauraki Gulf Islands are excluded from the application of MDRS and lie outside Auckland’s urban environment (where intensification is directed).

46.     Workshops were held with local boards on the draft transport plan change in November 2021 and in February 2022. Local boards’ feedback sought to address the access and parking matters by changing the operative AUP standards and/or creating new standards.  The draft section 32 report (which is being developed) also concurs that the issues are best addressed through statutory methods (e.g., a plan change). However, some matters could be supported by a non-statutory design guidance (e.g., cycle parking).  Other matters such as the access requirements for fire and emergency services are best addressed by additional staff training and amendments to the access Practice and Guidance Note.   Attachment C provides a summary of what we heard from local boards during workshops earlier in the year.

47.     This report and related briefings provide an opportunity for local board views to inform policy development.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

48.     Kia Ora Tāmaki Makaurau is Council’s framework for measuring our performance in delivering on the strategic priorities identified by Māori.

49.     Policy 9 of NPS-UD directs the council to particularly involve iwi and hapū in the NPS-UD during the preparation of planning documents. The proposed plan changes to implement the intensification provisions is one planning document.

50.     All mana whenua entities recognised by the council receive ongoing invitations to engage and provide feedback on the NPS-UD programme including the supporting draft transport plan change. All representatives (including those electing not to participate in collective meetings or workshops) receive information, updates and hui notes.

51.     Relevant common themes identified to date include:

a)      Universal access provided in residential design for less able whānau members

b)      Safe and connected whānau and communities.

52.     Staff provide regular updates on all plan changes to mana whenua and specific briefings are planned for late May and June on these changes and the IPI.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

53.     The local board is not exposed to any financial risk from providing its views on policy development.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

54.     The power to provide local board views regarding the content of a draft plan change cannot be delegated to individual local board member(s). This report enables the whole local board to decide whether to provide its views and, if so, to determine what matters those views should include.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

55.     Any views provided by the local board will be included in the August 2022 report to the Planning Committee seeking decisions on the IPI plan changes and the IPI-supporting plan changes and variations.  Following the close of submissions, local boards will have the opportunity to express views on the notified changes.

56.     If resolutions are passed after submissions close, the relevant local boards will be informed of the hearing date and invited to speak at the hearing in support of their views. Planning staff will advise the local board of the decision on the plan change by memorandum.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Attachment A: Summary of key potential changes to the draft transport plan change



Attachment B: Historic heritage places proposed to be added to Schedule 14



Attachment C: Summary of what we heard from local board during workshops



Ngā kaihaina



Michele Perwick - Senior Principal Planner

Tony Reidy - Team Leader Planning

Emma Rush - Senior Advisor Special Projects

Teuila Young - Policy Planner

Eryn Shields - Team Leader  Regional, North West and Islands


John Duguid - General Manager - Plans and Places

Louise Mason - General Manager Local Board Services

Trina Thompson - Local Area Manager



Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



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Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



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Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



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Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



Local board feedback on Auckland Transport's Draft Parking Strategy (2022)

File No.: CP2022/07611




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To seek feedback from local boards on Auckland Transport’s Draft Parking Strategy (2022).

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Parking Strategy sets out the objectives, principles and policies relating to Auckland Transport’s management and supply of parking across Auckland and was last updated in 2015.

3.       Since 2015, numerous changes in both the central and local government context mean that a review of the Parking Strategy (2015) was required.

4.       The review has involved engagement with elected members, mana whenua, key stakeholders and the wider community.

5.       In late May, Auckland Transport (AT) provided summaries of public engagement to all local boards. This report is to seek feedback from local boards, having had the opportunity to review feedback from their community, on the Draft Auckland Parking Strategy (2022).


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      provide feedback, taking into consideration their community’s feedback, on the Draft Auckland Parking Strategy (2022).




6.       The current Parking Strategy (2015) was progressive at the time it was introduced, bringing about many changes in Auckland including wider acceptance of priced parking; however, it is no longer fit for purpose. Since it was developed there have been numerous changes to the policy and planning context including:

·        adoption of the Auckland Unitary Plan. Development signalled in the Unitary Plan will enable growth that may be difficult to service with public transport, meaning that some new suburbs will rely on car use for access

·        changes to travel behaviour, such as the emergence of micromobility (i.e., electric scooters) and the growth of the delivery economy

·        Auckland’s public transport network has matured over time, providing opportunities for further passenger uptake and efficiency related to park and ride management

·        market demand is pushing for more housing provision and density. Development is already showing evidence of less carparking provision and more issues with carparking compliance

·        the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) which guides direction on urban development through the Unitary Plan. The NPS-UD requires Auckland Council to remove parking minimum requirements from the Unitary Plan, which means that developments will not be required to provide onsite parking. This will contribute to society and transport becoming less car-centric over time; however, it will lead to increasing pressure on public parking resources, particularly on-street parking

·        both central government and Auckland Council have declared ‘climate emergencies’, prioritising policy initiatives and investment that will reduce carbon emissions. Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland's Climate Plan and other plans and strategies proposed by central government will require changes to the land transport system, including parking.

7.       The Draft Auckland Parking Strategy (2022) is an important element of aligning and addressing Auckland’s response to these issues, particularly by managing parking in a way that:

·        supports public transport and alternative modes, which will make public transport and active modes such as walking and cycling safer and more convenient

·        responds to Auckland’s population growth and land-use intensification

·        acknowledges that space for carparking is a limited public resource.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

8.       The Draft Parking Strategy (2022) (Attachment A) sets out the strategic context and the need to manage the transport system, as well as the strategic objectives and agreed principles for parking management.

9.       The proposed approach to planning parking management is set out on pages 26-36 of Attachment A. The key elements of this are:

·        proactively applying parking management in areas that have land use intensity and good public transport access

·        repurposing road space away from parking where this is required to enable delivery of the Strategic Transport Network.

10.     The accompanying parking policies (p38-63 of Attachment A) provide more technical detail on how parking is proposed to be managed in order to align to the principles set out in the strategic direction. The policies are grouped by:

·        provision and approach

·        on-street and off-street

·        specific vehicle classes

·        specific situations.

11.     The strategy also includes a section on advocacy to central government for legislative and/or regulatory reform as there are some areas of parking management that are outside local government control. Including these areas also provides context on the limitations of regulation in areas we would like to effect change and achieve better outcomes. These areas include:

·        parking infringement fines

·        banning berm parking

·        residential parking permit cost-setting

·        influencing private parking through parking levies.

12.     In December 2021, Auckland Transport and Auckland Council released a Parking Discussion Document to start the conversation with the public on future parking management in Auckland. AT received 32 pieces of written feedback. Following this feedback, several areas of the draft Parking Strategy and its accompanying policies were updated, including:

·        developing the narrative to better link it to the broader transport story, strategic objectives and policy rationale, as well as regulatory areas in need of reform

·        focussing on the benefits of parking management to enable and support access, resulting in a more equitable transport system

·        articulating the benefits and implications of parking to the community

·        acknowledging the costs of parking provision

·        emphasising parking diversity to enable mode shift

·        emphasising that the roll-out of further parking management will happen over time, starting where there is most readiness for change, and that this is a ten-year plan

·        outlining indicators of success

·        ensuring that consultation materials acknowledge the existing context and public fatigue.

13.     Strategic direction provided by the Planning Committee has also guided development of the draft strategy.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

14.     The National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) requires planning decisions to contribute to the development of urban environments that support reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and are resilient to the likely current and future effects of climate change.

15.     Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan outlines the need for Auckland to reduce its transport-related emissions significantly, to meet the target of 64% reduction by 2030. This means that business as usual for transport and land-use project planning and delivery, and management of the transport system, cannot continue.

16.     Parking management is a lever in managing the transport network, both in terms of the opportunities that repurposing of road space offers to enabling other modes, and in disincentivising car use.

17.     Implementing the Parking Strategy will include repurposing parking lanes on key roads in Auckland, increasing the diversity of transport options and improving safety and efficiency for people using sustainable modes and for goods and service delivery. This is a key change required to reduce transport-related emissions, meaning the Parking Strategy is of significant importance as an early step to transport-related climate action.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

18.     Auckland Transport has engaged with key stakeholders across the council family, including raising awareness of the review with Auckland Council’s advisory panels.

19.     Eke Panuku and Auckland Unlimited provided feedback during engagement on the Parking Discussion Document. Their feedback was supportive of the proposed approach.

20.     Both the need for review and the Draft Auckland Parking Strategy (2022) prepared for public consultation have been endorsed by Auckland Council’s Planning Committee (Resolution number PLA/2022/24).

21.     Considerable liaison has taken place between Auckland Transport and Auckland Council departments ranging from Planning and Transport Strategy at a strategic level to Community Facilities about management of car parking in or near community parks.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

22.     Since Auckland Council and the Auckland Transport Board approved the review of the Parking Strategy in 2021, Auckland Transport has engaged with elected members, mana whenua, key stakeholders and the wider community. The objective of the engagement process has been to ensure that Aucklanders are aware of the review, have had an opportunity to find out more about the proposed changes, and have had an opportunity to provide feedback.

23.     The engagement process included the following key activities:

a)      in 2021, information about the review was sent to all local boards and presented to the Local Board Chairs’ Forum

b)      all local boards were offered a workshop in August 2021, and in September 2021 all were invited to provide feedback that would contribute to the initial thinking around development of an updated draft document

c)      in December 2021, a Parking Discussion Document was published, targeted at key stakeholders and calling for initial feedback. 32 pieces of written feedback were received

d)      in March 2022, information about upcoming wider public consultation was provided to local boards along with a further workshop with Auckland Transport subject matter experts. The public consultation was again promoted through the Local Board Chairs’ Forum in April 2022

e)      public engagement and consultation on the Draft Auckland Parking Strategy has recently closed. Auckland Transport received 943 submissions. Responses from the community have been collated and provided to local boards as area specific reports (Attachment B). Public engagement included:

i)        media (OurAuckland, radio) and social media (videos) marketing to let the public know about the engagement

ii)       online information

iii)      webinars at which Auckland Transport staff were available to discuss the proposal with members of the public

iv)      nine open days held in libraries around the region for members of the public to discuss the proposal with Auckland Transport staff

v)       discussions with key stakeholders including business associations, industry groups, emergency services, utilities, and other government agencies

vi)      a public debate about parking issues.

24.     This report provides the opportunity for the local board to give their feedback, based on consideration of their community’s feedback, on the Draft Parking Strategy (2022).

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

25.     Parking management is a kaitiakitanga issue, in that it is about managing a limited public resource. Auckland Transport has engaged with the Tāmaki Makaurau Mana Whenua Kaitiaki Forum to establish how best to incorporate views from mana whenua into the review.

26.     Feedback from a series of AT hui with mana whenua representatives reinforced that parking is a topic of considerable concern to Māori. Other points raised include:

·        acknowledgement that, as well as the strategic concerns around air quality and resource management, parking enables access

·        that parking infringements can contribute to creating a cycle of debt

·        that communities are facing compounding pressures - parking management shouldn’t adversely impact people and places even further

·        the potential for parking management to further reduce access - particularly for less able-bodied kaumatua and kuia - to the whenua, the moana and to wahi tapu.

27.     Other potential impacts of increased parking management for Māori are likely to be similar to those for the wider population. Some members of the community are more reliant on cars for access, particularly if they do not have good access to public transport. Barriers to public transport, such as cost and network coverage, influence access to necessities such as education, healthcare, employment, shopping, and social services.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

28.     Parking management resourcing will be delivered through AT operational budgets. Initial work to understand the resourcing required to implement the strategy indicates that this will require significant resource increases for planning, design, compliance monitoring and enforcement. It is currently expected that the strategy would be at least revenue-neutral overall once compliance monitoring/enforcement revenue is considered.

29.     Revenue from parking management helps to offset AT operational costs and therefore reduce reliance on ratepayer funding.

30.     There are no financial implications for local boards associated with providing feedback on the Draft Parking Strategy (2022).

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

31.     There are significant risks associated with adopting a new approach to parking management in Auckland – however these must be weighed against the opportunity costs of not having an appropriate framework in place to manage parking. These include:

a)      persistent and increasing issues with over-reliance on on-street parking, particularly since the removal of onsite parking requirements in the Unitary Plan

b)      reduced ability to support development of the public transport and cycling network (both of which reduce emissions) and less ability to enable place-based improvements within the road corridor

c)      not having the ability to take an integrated and strategic approach that supports business when managing parking in town centres using collaborative parking management plans

d)      less flexibility with managing the impacts of increased population growth and intensification.

32.     Strong, considered feedback from local boards will enable Auckland Transport to make good decisions about the Parking Strategy while they balance these risks against the opportunity costs described above.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

33.     Feedback from local boards will be reviewed and taken into account as staff consider any amendments to the Draft Auckland Parking Strategy before recommendations to the Auckland Council Planning Committee are made in August 2022.

34.     Following endorsement of the Auckland Parking Strategy by the Auckland Council Planning Committee, approval will be sought from the Auckland Transport Board.

35.     Once approved by the Auckland Transport Board, the new Parking Strategy will be introduced.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Draft Auckland Transport Parking Strategy (2022) (Under Separate Cover)



Public consultation - summary of local feedback



Ngā kaihaina



Claire Covacich, Principal Transport Planner, Auckland Transport

Kat Ashmead - Senior Advisor Operations and Policy


Andrew McGill, Head of Integrated Network Planning, Auckland Transport

Louise Mason - General Manager Local Board Services

Trina Thompson - Local Area Manager



Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



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Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



Adoption of the Waitematā Local Board Agreement 2022/2023

File No.: CP2022/08037




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To adopt the local content for the Annual Budget, which includes the Waitematā Local Board Agreement 2022/2023, the message from the chair, and local board advocacy.

2.       To adopt a local fees and charges schedule for 2022/2023.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

3.       Each financial year, Auckland Council must have a local board agreement, as agreed between the Governing Body and the local board, for each local board area.

4.       From 28 February to 28 March 2022, council consulted on the proposed Annual Budget 2022/2023. Local boards considered this feedback and then held discussions with the Finance and Performance Committee on 25 May 2022 on regional issues, community feedback, and key local board initiatives and advocacy areas.

5.       Local boards have now considered local content for the Annual Budget 2022/2023 which includes a local board agreement, a message from the chair, and local board advocacy, as well as a local fees and charges schedule for 2022/2023.

6.       On 29 June 2022, the Governing Body will meet to adopt Auckland Council’s Annual Budget 2022/2023, including 21 local board agreements.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      adopt the local content for the Annual Budget, which includes the Waitematā Local Board Agreement 2022/2023, the message from the chair, and local board advocacy (Attachment A).

b)      adopt a local fees and charges schedule for 2022/2023 (Attachment B).

c)       delegate authority to the Chair to make any final changes to the local content for the Annual Budget 2022/2023 (the Waitematā Local Board Agreement 2022/2023, message from the chair, and local board advocacy).

d)      note that the resolutions of this meeting will be reported back to the Governing Body when it meets to adopt the Annual Budget 2022/2023, including each Local Board Agreement, on 29 June 2022.




7.       Local board plans are strategic documents that are developed every three years to set a direction for local boards. Local board plans influence and inform the Annual Budgets which outlines priorities, budgets and intended levels of service over a one-year period. For each financial year, Auckland Council must also have a local board agreement, as agreed between the Governing Body and the local board, for each local board area.

8.       Throughout the development of the Annual Budget 2022/2023, local board chairs (or delegated local board representatives) have had the opportunity to attend Finance and Performance Committee workshops on key topics and provide local board views on regional issues being considered as part of the Annual Budget 2022/2023.

9.       From 28 February to 28 March 2022, the council consulted with the public on the Annual Budget 2022/2023. One online event was held by the Waitematā Local Board to engage with the community and seek feedback on both regional and local proposals.

10.     A report analysing the feedback on local board priorities, as well as feedback from those living in the local board area related to the regional issues, was included as an attachment on the 10 May business meeting agenda.

11.     Local boards considered this feedback, and then held discussions with the Finance and Performance Committee at a workshop on 25 May 2022 on regional issues, community feedback and key local board initiatives and advocacy areas.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

12.     Both staff and the local board have reviewed the local feedback received as part of  consultation on Annual Budget 2022/2023 and local boards have received a report analysing the local feedback. It is now recommended that local boards adopt local content for the Annual Budget 2022/2023 (Attachment A), including the Local Board Agreement 2022/2023, the message from the chair, and local board advocacy, as well as a local fees and charges schedule for 2022/2023 (Attachment B).

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

13.     The decisions recommended in this report are procedural in nature and will not have any climate impacts themselves.

14.     Some of the proposed projects in the Local Board Agreement may have climate impacts. The climate impacts of any projects council chooses to progress with will be assessed as part of the relevant reporting requirements.

15.     Some of the proposed projects in the Local Board Agreement will be specifically designed to mitigate climate impact, build resilience to climate impacts, and restore the natural environment.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

16.     Local boards worked with council departments to develop their local board work programmes for 2022/2023 that will be adopted at June business meetings. The local board work programmes help inform the local board agreements.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

17.     This report seeks local board adoption of its content for the Annual Budget 2022/2023 and other associated material, including the Local Board Agreement 2022/2023.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

18.     Many local board decisions are of importance to and impact on Māori. Local board agreements and the Annual Budget are important tools that enable and can demonstrate council’s responsiveness to Māori. 

19.     Local board plans, which were developed in 2020 through engagement with the community including Māori, form the basis of local priorities. There is a need to continue to build relationships between local boards and iwi, and where relevant the wider Māori community.

20.     Of those who submitted to the Annual Budget 2022/2023 from the Waitematā Local Board area twenty seven identified as Māori. Eight iwi entities also made a submission to the Annual Budget 2022/2023. These submissions were provided to the local board for consideration at local board workshops during the development of their local board agreement.

21.     Ongoing conversations will assist local boards and Māori to understand each other’s priorities and issues. This in turn can influence and encourage Māori participation in council’s decision-making processes.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

22.     The local board agreement includes the allocation of locally driven initiatives (LDI) funding and asset based services (ABS) funding to projects and services for the 2022/2023 financial year.

23.     LDI funding is discretionary funding allocated to local boards based on the Local Board Funding Policy (included in the Annual Budget), which local boards can spend on priorities for their communities. Local boards can also utilise LDI funding to increase local levels of service if they wish to do so.

24.     Funding for ABS is allocated by the Governing Body to local boards based on current levels of service to run and maintain local assets and services including parks, pools and recreation facilities, community facilities, and libraries.

25.     A local fees and charges schedule for 2022/2023 is adopted alongside of the Local Board Agreement 2022/2023. The fees and charges have been formulated based on region-wide baseline service levels and revenue targets. Where fees and charges are amended by a local board that results in lower revenue for the council, the shortfall will need to be made up by either allocating LDI funds or reducing expenditure on other services to balance overall budgets. 

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

26.     Decisions on the local content of the Annual Budget 2022/2023, including the Local Board Agreement 2022/2023 and a local fees and charges schedule for 2022/2023, are required by 23 June 2022 to ensure the Governing Body can adopt the final Annual Budget 2022/2023, including each Local Board Agreement, at its 29 June 2022 meeting.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

27.     The resolutions of this meeting will be reported to the Governing Body on 29 June 2022 when it meets to adopt the Annual Budget 2022/2023, including 21 local board agreements.

28.     It is possible that minor changes may need to be made to the attachments before the Annual Budget 2022/2023 is adopted, such as correction of any errors identified and minor wording changes. Staff therefore recommend that the local board delegates authority to the Chair to make any final changes if necessary.

29.     Local board agreements set the priorities and budget envelopes for each financial year. Work programmes then detail the activities that will be delivered within those budget envelopes. Work programmes will be agreed between local boards and operational departments at business meetings in June 2022.



Ngā tāpirihanga






Local Content to support the Annual Budget 2022/2023



Local fees and charges schedules 2022/2023



Ngā kaihaina



Renee Burgers - Lead Advisor Plans and Programmes


Louise Mason - General Manager Local Board Services

Trina Thompson - Local Area Manager



Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



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Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022




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Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



Approval of the Waitematā Local Board Auckland Emergency Management work programme 2022/2023

File No.: CP2022/07668




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To approve the Waitematā Local Board Auckland Emergency Management work programme 2022/2023.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       This report presents the board’s Auckland Emergency Management work programme and associated budgets for approval for delivery within the 2022/2023 financial year (see Attachment A).

3.       The work programme responds to the following outcomes and objectives that the local board identified in the Waitematā Local Board Plan 2020:

·    Outcome - Connected communities that are inclusive, accessible and equitable.

·    Objective - Empower communities to become more resilient

4.       The board provided feedback to staff on the projects it would like to fund in a series of workshops. The board indicated its support for the following projects, with budgets as listed below:

·    Community emergency resilience programme – $0

·    Business emergency resilience programme - $1,000.

5.       The proposed work programme has a total value of $1,000, which can be funded from within the board’s Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) budget for the 2022/2023 financial year.

6.       Updates on the delivery of this work programme will be provided through the board’s quarterly performance reports.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      approve the Auckland Emergency Management work programme 2022/2023 (Attachment A to the agenda report) as summarised in the table below.

Activity name

2022/2023 budget for approval

Community emergency resilience programme


Business emergency resilience programme






7.       Through a series of workshops each year, the local board provides direction on which activities to allocate its annual budget towards. The local board feedback in these workshops have informed the work programme.

8.       The work programme responds to the outcomes and objectives that the local board identified in the Waitematā Local Board Plan 2020. The specific outcomes that are reflected in the work programme are:

·    Connected communities that are inclusive, accessible and equitable.

·    Objective - Empower communities to become more resilient

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

9.       The proposed activities for delivery as part of the board’s Auckland Emergency Management work programme 2022/2023 are detailed below. See Attachment A for further detail.

Community emergency resilience programme – $0

10.     The Community emergency resilience programme builds upon the initial engagement outcomes that occurred in 2020/2021.

11.     This programme includes expanding the outreach opportunities for Kia Rite, Kia Mau by partnering with Sustainable Schools to deliver the programme in 2022/2023 (currently seeking budget through the Infrastructure and Environmental Services 2022/2023 work programme). Whānau and community resilience building workshops along with resources to support other disaster preparedness initiatives will also be available if requested by the community.

Business emergency resilience programme - $1,000

12.     The Business emergency resilience programme builds off the learnings from the 2020/2021 pilot, and partners with Waitematā BIDs to provide time-poor, small business owners with the information and the motivation they need to develop an emergency plan for their business, undertake business continuity planning and explore opportunities for working together.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

13.     Table 1 outlines the activities in the 2022/2023 work programme that have an impact on greenhouse gas emissions or contribute towards climate change adaptation.

Table 1: Climate impact assessment of proposed activities

Activity name

Climate impact

Community emergency resilience programme

Positive impact on our resilience to climate change, as this work increases community resilience to emergencies and the impacts of climate change.

Business emergency resilience programme

Positive impact on our resilience to climate change, as this work increases the business community’s resilience to emergencies and the impacts of climate change.


Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

14.     The work programme was developed through a collaborative approach by operational council departments, with each department represented in the integrated team that presented the draft work programme to the local board at a series of workshops.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

15.     The proposed Auckland Emergency Management work programme has been discussed with the local board in a series of workshops from November 2021 to May 2022. The views expressed by local board members during the workshops have informed the recommended work programme.

16.     The activities in the proposed work programme align with the Waitematā Local Board Plan 2020 outcomes.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

17.     Where aspects of the proposed work programme are anticipated to have a significant impact on activity of importance to Māori then appropriate engagement will be undertaken.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

18.     The proposed Auckland Emergency Management work programme budget for 2022/2023 is $1,000 of the boards Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) operational budget.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

19.     Where a work programme activity cannot be completed on time or to budget, due to unforeseen circumstances, this will be signalled to the local board at the earliest opportunity.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

20.     Delivery of the activity in the approved work programme will commence on 1 July 2022 and continue until 30 June 2023. Activity progress will be reported to the local board on a quarterly basis.

21.     Where the work programme identifies further decisions and milestones for each activity, these will be brought to the local board when appropriate.

Ngā tāpirihanga






Waitematā Local Board AEM Work Programme 2022/2023



Ngā kaihaina



Rachael Mercer - Resilience Advisor LB & Community


Paul Amaral - General Manager Auckland Emergency Manager

Trina Thompson - Local Area Manager



Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



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Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



Approval of the Waitematā Local Board External Partnerships-Business Associations work programme 2022/2023

File No.: CP2022/07082




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To approve the 2022/2023 Waitematā Local Board External Partnerships-Business Associations work programme and its associated budget.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       This report presents the board’s External Partnerships-Business Associations work programme and associated budgets for approval for delivery within the 2022/2023 financial year (see Attachment A).

3.       The work programme responds to the following outcomes and objectives that the local board identified in the Waitematā Local Board Plan 2020:

·    Outcome 6 - Waitematā businesses are sustainable, innovative and prosperous

·    Objective 6.5 - Create great places that support the local economy

4.       The board provided feedback to staff on the projects it would like to fund in a series of workshops. The board indicated its support for the following projects, with budgets as listed below:

·          Supporting Grey Lynn Business Association - $20,000

5.       The proposed work programme has a total value of $20,000, which can be funded from within the board’s draft locally driven initiatives (LDI) budget for the 2022/2023 financial year.

6.       Updates on the delivery of this work programme will be provided through the board’s quarterly performance reports.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      approve the External Partnerships-Business Associations work programme 2022/2023. (Attachment A to the business report).




7.       Each year, the local board decides which activities to allocate its annual budget toward, through a series of workshops. The local board feedback in these workshops have informed the work programme.

8.       The work programme responds to the outcomes and objectives that the local board identified in the Waitematā Local Board Plan 2020. The specific outcome that is reflected in the work programme is:

·    Outcome 6 - Waitematā businesses are sustainable, innovative and prosperous

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

9.       The proposed activities for delivery as part of the board’s Waitematā work programme 2022/2023 are detailed below. See Attachment A for further detail.

Supporting Grey Lynn Business Association (GLBA) – $20,000

10.     $10,000 for GLBA is to continue their capacity building assisting the association to increase their membership base and provide administration support.

11.     The remaining $10,000 is to go towards the cost of the BID establishment project. The External Partnerships Team (BID Team) will support and work with GLBA to develop the BID establishment business plan budget, including identifying the timing of a possible BID ballot. The BID establishment project will include developing the BID establishment communication and engagement material, hosting engagement/network opportunities, development of the BID ballot material and the BID ballot/voting process.

12.     A breakdown of the project costs will include the allocation of the $10,000 plus the GLBA contribution (cash, resources or voluntary time).

13.     The GLBA activities align with the board’s following outcome and objective:

·    Outcome 6 - Waitematā businesses are sustainable, innovative and prosperous

·    Objective 6.5 - Create great places that support the local economy

Presenting proposals to the local board

14.     GLBA capacity building - $10,000. Before the end of the first quarter (September 2022), GLBA will present to the local board their detailed proposals on how they propose to utilise the initial $10,000 grant. After local board considerations and feedback has been received, a funding agreement will be developed and forwarded to the business association for signing.

15.     BID establishment business project - $10,000. When ready, the BID Team and GLBA will present to the local board an overview of the BID establishment project and timeline. Progress of the BID establishment project will be reported directly to the local board as required.

16.     The External Partnerships work programme progress will be reported directly to the local board as part of the quarterly local board work programme report produced by Local Board Services.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

17.     The proposed work programme does not significantly impact on greenhouse gas emissions or contribute towards adapting to the impacts of climate change.  

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

18.     The work programme was developed through a collaborative approach by operational council departments, with each department represented in the integrated team that presented the draft work programme to the local board at a series of workshops.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

19.     The proposed External Partnership-Business Association work programme has been considered by the local board in a series of workshops from October 2021 to May 2022. The views expressed by local board members during the workshops have informed the recommended work programme.

20.     The activities in the proposed work programme align with the Waitematā Local Board Plan 2020 outcomes.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

21.     Individual business associations may, through operating their BID programme, identify opportunities for niche support or development of any Māori business sector in their business area.

22.     Where aspects of the proposed work programme are anticipated to have a significant impact on activity of importance to Māori, then appropriate engagement will be undertaken.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

23.     The proposed External Partnerships-Business Association work programme budget for 2022/2023 is $20,000 of the boards locally driven initiatives (LDI) operational budget. This amount can be accommodated within the board’s total draft budget for 2022/2023.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

24.     Table 1 shows the identified significant risks associated with activities in the proposed 2022/2023 work programme.

Table 1: Significant risks and mitigations for activities

Activity name



Rating after mitigation

Supporting Grey Lynn Business Association - capacity building

Not implementing the planned initiatives.

Quarterly reporting on progress


Supporting Grey Lynn Business Association –BID establishment project

Not enough GLBA resources available to complete the requirements of the BID Policy and BID establishment project.

Quarterly reporting on progress


Supporting Grey Lynn Business Association –BID establishment project

Ongoing financial impact on businesses post lockdowns and timing of the BID establishment project.

Quarterly reporting on progress.



Supporting Grey Lynn Business Association – BID establishment ballot

Not enough business support identified to progress towards a BID ballot.

Quarterly reporting on progress



25.     Where a work programme activity cannot be completed on time or to budget, due to unforeseen circumstances, this will be signalled to the local board at the earliest opportunity.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

26.     Delivery of the activity in the approved work programme will commence on 1 July 2022 and continue until 30 June 2023. Activity progress will be reported to the local board on a quarterly basis.

27.     Where the work programme identifies further decisions and milestones for each activity, these will be brought to the local board when appropriate.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Waitematā Local Board External Partnerships-Business Associations work programme 22-23



Ngā kaihaina



Claire Siddens - Principal Advisor


Alastair Cameron - Manager - CCO Governance & External Partnerships

Trina Thompson - Local Area Manager



Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022




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Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



Approval of the Waitematā Local Board Tātaki Auckland Unlimited work programme 2022/2023

File No.: CP2022/07691




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To approve the 2022/2023 Waitematā Local Board Tātaki Auckland Unlimited work programme and its associated budget.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       This report presents the board’s Tātaki Auckland Unlimited work programme and associated budgets for approval for delivery within the 2022/2023 financial year (see Attachment A).

3.       The work programme responds to the following outcomes and objectives that the local board identified in the Waitematā Local Board Plan 2020:

·          Waitematā businesses are sustainable, innovative and prosperous

4.       The board provided feedback to staff on the projects it would like to fund in a series of workshops. The board indicated its support for the following projects, with budgets as listed below:

·          Local Small Business Mentors Programme (continuation) - $11,000

·          Young Enterprise Scheme Kick Start Days Sponsorship (continuation) – $5,000

5.       The proposed work programme has a total value of $16,000, which can be funded from within the board’s draft locally driven initiatives (LDI) budget for the 2022/2023 financial year.

6.       Updates on the delivery of this work programme will be provided through the board’s quarterly performance reports.

Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      approve the Tātaki Auckland Unlimited work programme 2022/2023 (Attachment A to the agenda report) as summarised in the table below

Activity name

2022/2023 budget for approval

Local Small Business Mentors Programme


Young Enterprise Scheme Kick Start Days Sponsorship (continuation)





7.       Each year, the local board decides which activities to allocate its annual budget toward, through a series of workshops. The local board feedback in these workshops have informed the work programme.

8.       The work programme responds to the outcomes and objectives that the local board identified in the Waitematā Local Board Plan 2020. The specific outcome(s) that are reflected in the work programme are:

·          Waitematā businesses are sustainable, innovative and prosperous

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

9.       The proposed activities for delivery as part of the board’s Tātaki Auckland Unlimited (TAU) work programme 2022/2023 are detailed below. See Attachment A for further detail.

Local Small Business Mentors Programme (continuation) – $11,000

10.     This is a continuation of funding for Local Small Business Mentors Programme that provides free access to business mentoring to local small businesses indicating some demand for this support will remain. 

11.     This programme was highly subscribed in the local board area in 2021/2022. TAU will promote to businesses e.g., via Electronic Direct Mail to local businesses that TAU hold on our database of businesses.  It is envisaged a further 30 businesses would access support in 2022/2023.

12.     Local boards can utilise their own channels to their community.  The recruitment programme will be strengthened by the Auckland Business Chamber, and Business Improvement Districts’ support in order to reach their membership.

Young Enterprise Scheme Kick Start Days Sponsorship (continuation) – $5,000

13.     The Auckland Business Chamber, on behalf of the Young Enterprise Trust, delivers the Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) in Auckland. YES is a practical, year-long programme for year 12 and 13 students. 

14.     Fostering youth entrepreneurship is a key requirement for developing an innovative economy and creating employment pathways for our young people. Through the programme, students develop creative ideas into actual businesses, complete with real products and services and real profit and loss. Students learn key work skills and business knowledge including: business fundamentals, planning, interpersonal relations, financial, decision making, reporting, risk management and teamwork. YES helps create a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship amongst Auckland’s young people.

15.     The funding from the local board will support the delivery of the overall YES programme, including the Kick Start days in February 2023 where the Auckland Business Chamber will specifically acknowledge local board support. The Kick start days are the first day students get to meet the Young Enterprise team, and find out about their 2023 year, what YES is about, and what is in store for them. All schools in the local board area that have shown an interest in YES are invited. In addition, the invite is extended to those schools who have not shown an interest to enable them to decide as to whether to participate.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

16.     The proposed work programme does not significantly impact on greenhouse gas emissions or contribute towards adapting to the impacts of climate change.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

17.     The work programme was developed through a collaborative approach by operational council departments, with each department represented in the integrated team that presented the draft work programme to the local board at a series of workshops.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

18.     The proposed TAU work programme has been considered by the local board in a series of workshops from October 2021 to May 2022. The views expressed by local board members during the workshops have informed the recommended work programme.

19.     The activities in the proposed work programme align with the Waitematā Local Board Plan 2020 outcomes.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

20.     Table 1 outlines the activities in the 2022/2023 work programme that contribute towards the delivery of specific Māori outcomes.

Table 1: Māori impact assessment of proposed activities

Activity name

Māori impact

Local Small Business Mentors Programme

The Local Small Business Mentors programme will ensure Māori businesses identified on our database and that are a part of the Whāriki Māori Business Network are made aware of the programme available.  Data on Māori business participation will be collected as part of TAU’s KPI reporting and will be shared with the local board. The current Business Mentors New Zealand Strategic plan identifies aligning the mentoring service with te ao Māori and expanding the pool of Māori mentors through partnerships such as with Te Puni Kōkiri and Poutama Trust as one of its current strategic objectives.

Young Enterprise Scheme Kick Start Days

Young Enterprise Scheme Kick Start Days will support YES Māori students at participating schools to benefit from the experience and learnings from the YES.


21.     Where aspects of the proposed work programme are anticipated to have a significant impact on activity of importance to Māori then appropriate engagement will be undertaken.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

22.     The proposed TAU work programme budget for 2022/2023 is $16,000 of the boards locally driven initiatives (LDI) operational budget. This amount can be accommodated within the board’s total draft budget for 2022/2023.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

23.     Table 2 shows the identified significant risks associated with activities in the proposed 2022/2023 work programme.

Table 2: Significant risks and mitigations for activities

Activity name



Rating after mitigation

Local Small Business Mentors Programme

The programme will not recruit the number of businesses envisaged.

The number of places available has been scaled based on uptake in 2021/22.  TAU will promote the programme via social media, and TAU will also work with the Auckland Business Chamber and Business Improvement Districts to promote the programme.


Young Enterprise Scheme Kick Start Days

There is a risk that the Kick Start days do not proceed due to changes in the Covid-19 alert levels. As a result, the sponsorship provided to the Auckland Business Chamber may not be required.

To maintain contact with the Auckland Business Chamber on the running of the event to ensure that if the events are cancelled the full impact on the need for the local board support is identified.



24.     Where a work programme activity cannot be completed on time or to budget, due to unforeseen circumstances, this will be signalled to the local board at the earliest opportunity.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

25.     Delivery of the activity in the approved work programme will commence on 1 July 2022 and continue until 30 June 2023. Activity progress will be reported to the local board on a quarterly basis.

26.     Where the work programme identifies further decisions and milestones for each activity, these will be brought to the local board when appropriate.

Ngā tāpirihanga






Tātaki Auckland Unlimited work programme 2022/2023


Ngā kaihaina



Sarah Leo Anderson, Local Economic Development Advisor, Tātaki Auckland Unlimited


John Norman, Head of Economic Places, Tātaki Auckland Unlimited

Trina Thompson - Local Area Manager



Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022




Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



Approval of the 2022/2023 Waitematā Local Board Infrastructure and Environmental Services Work Programme

File No.: CP2022/08080




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To approve the 2022/2023 Waitematā Local Board’s Infrastructure and Environmental Services work programme, and approve in principle the 2023/2024 work programme.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       This report presents the Waitematā Local Board’s Infrastructure and Environmental Services work programme and associated budgets for approval for the 2022/2023 financial year, and for approval in principle for the subsequent financial year, 2023/2024 (see Attachment A).

3.       The work programme provides a three-year view that demonstrates the phasing or continuation of programme delivery over the 2021/2022, 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 financial years. 2022/2023 is year two of the three-year cycle. Many of the programmes included in this report were approved in principle in the 2021/2022 work programme.

4.       The work programme responds to the outcomes and objectives identified in the Waitematā Local Board Plan 2020.

5.       The work programme has been developed through a series of workshops between November 2021 and May 2022, where the local board provided feedback to staff on programme and activity prioritisation.

6.       The local board indicated its support for the following activities to be delivered in 2022/2023, with budgets as listed below:

·        Bike hub - Queens Wharf - $10,000

·        Climate Action Activator - $40,000

·        Climate Action Network - $11,000

·        Kia rite kia mau - climate preparedness and resilience for school communities - $15,000

·        Low Carbon Lifestyles - $30,000

·        Newmarket / Middleton stream restoration - $6,250

·        Schools treasuring Waiōrea - $15,000

·        Te Wai Ōrea lake and wetland restoration - $20,000

·        Urban Ark strategic plan implementation - $40,000

·        Waipapa Stream restoration - $20,000

·        Waipāruru stream restoration - $10,000

·        Waitematā waste away - $41,000

·        Waitītiko / Meola Creek restoration - $21,000.

7.       The proposed work programme has a total value of $279,250, which can be funded from the board’s draft locally driven initiatives (LDI) budget for the 2022/2023 financial year. Approval in principle is also being sought for activities in the 2023/2024 financial year.

8.       The indicative programmes and budgets for 2023/2024 are subject to change, and will be confirmed on an annual basis through the approval of the respective work programmes.

9.       Updates on the delivery of this work programme will be provided through the board’s quarterly performance reports.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      approve its 2022/2023 Infrastructure and Environmental Services work programme and associated budgets, as summarised in the table below (Attachment A to the agenda report):

Activity name

2022/2023 budget for approval

Bike hub - Queens Wharf


Climate Action Activator - Waitematā


Climate Action Network - Waitematā


Kia rite kia mau - climate preparedness and resilience for school communities


Low Carbon Lifestyles - Waitematā


Newmarket / Middleton stream restoration - Waitematā


Schools treasuring Waiōrea


Te Wai Ōrea lake and wetland restoration


Urban Ark strategic plan implementation - Waitematā


Waipapa Stream restoration


Waipāruru stream restoration


Waitematā waste away


Waitītiko / Meola Creek restoration - Waitematā




b)      approve in principle the 2023/2024 Infrastructure and Environmental Services work programmes (Attachment A to the agenda report)

c)       note that the indicative programmes and budgets for 2023/2024 are subject to change, and will be confirmed on an annual basis through the approval of the respective work programmes.




10.     Each year, the local board decides which activities to allocate its annual budget toward through a series of workshops. The local board feedback in these workshops has informed the development of the Infrastructure and Environmental Services work programme (Attachment A).

11.     The proposed work programme responds to the outcomes and objectives identified in the Waitematā Local Board Plan 2020. The specific objectives reflected in the work programme are:

·        increase the biodiversity of our land, streams and ocean

·        support Waitematā being a low carbon community

·        increase our urban ngāhere (forest)

·        minimise waste

·        improve our air and water quality and clean our waterways.

12.     The following adopted strategies and plans also guided the development of the work programme:

·        Waitematā Local Board’s ‘Becoming a Low Carbon Community: An Action Plan (2015)

·        Live Lightly Regional Programme

·        Regional Pest Management Plan

·        Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan

·        Urban Ngāhere (forest) Strategy

·        Waste Management and Minimisation Plan.

13.     The development of the work programme has been informed by staff assessments and identification of local environmental priority areas, and feedback received from the local board at workshops.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

14.     The proposed work programme is made up of activities continuing from previous financial years, including annually occurring events or ongoing programmes. It also includes new initiatives supported by the local board. These programmes contribute towards the delivery of the Waitematā Local Board Plan 2020 environmental objectives, as detailed above.

15.     The work programme (Attachment A) provides a three-year view that demonstrates the phasing or continuation of programme delivery over the 2021/2022, 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 financial years.

16.     This report seeks local board approval for budgets and activities in year two of the three-year work programme (2022/2023), and approval in principle for 2023/2024.

17.     Approving in principle does not commit the local board to funding in future years, as the budget for year three will still need to be approved on an annual basis. However, approval in principle will help staff, contractors and community groups to plan activities and resourcing in the longer-term.

18.     Budgets for year three are subject to change, as the programmes are further refined or if local board priorities shift.

19.     The proposed activities for delivery as part of the board’s 2022/2023 Infrastructure and Environmental Services work programme are detailed below, alongside indicative plans and budgets for the 2023/2024 financial year:



Bike hub - Queens Wharf - $10,000

20.     The board has indicated it would like to support a new programme to operate a bike hub at Queens Wharf in the 2022/2023 financial year. The programme was allocated $15,000 of reallocated funds from the board’s 2021/2022 work programme for establishment of the bike hub (WTM/2022/63), and it is recommended that the board allocate $10,000 towards the operation of the bike hub in 2022/2023.

21.     This programme supports the operation of a community bike hub on Queens Wharf. It will develop a sustainable operating model for the bike hub that ensures predictable operating hours for users. Part of the work in the 2022/2023 financial year will be to secure funding support from other sources to enable the development of the bike hub and its programmes.

22.     The bike hub will help Waitematā communities to make positive choices for sustainable living and reduction of their ecological footprint. This programme will engage the community in education and skill sharing around repair and resource recovery. The bike hub will also help educate the community about active transportation and provide access to enabling an active transport option at a low cost.

23.     Staff recommend that the board allocate $10,000 towards this programme in 2022/2023.

24.     Approval in principle is also sought for $25,000 towards this programme in 2023/2024.

Climate Action Activator - $40,000

25.     The local board has indicated that it would like to continue to support the climate action activator programme in the 2022/2023 financial year. This programme will continue to implement the community climate action plan that was developed in 2020/2021. This work will help achieve the local board’s commitment to reduce climate impacts through guiding local action in response to the climate emergency.

26.     The activator will:

·        continue to lead the implementation of the climate action work programme across the local board area, and report on implementation progress in alignment to the board’s community climate action plan outcomes 

·        support a range of community-led and local business low carbon activities aligned to the community climate action plan

·        leverage existing community networks and build partnerships, working with the local climate action network to align the work programme with community groups and events

·        work with mana whenua and mataawaka to identify and deliver low carbon outcomes for Māori

·        create opportunities to amplify local low carbon activities and encourage greater action towards reducing carbon emissions.

27.     This project aims to reduce emissions by enabling implementation of priority actions in the board’s community climate action plan, including reducing energy use, increasing access to active transport, changing purchasing habits and reducing carbon footprints.

28.     The board allocated $40,000 to this programme in the 2021/2022 financial year. Staff recommend that the board allocate $40,000 towards this programme in 2022/2023.

29.     Approval in principle is also sought for $40,000 towards this programme in 2023/2024.

Climate Action Network - $11,000

30.     The board has indicated it would like to continue to support the climate action network programme in the 2022/2023 financial year. The climate action network (previously known as the low carbon network) is a collection of individuals, households, groups and businesses operating within Waitematā Local Board area that promote, support and implement community level low carbon activities.

31.     The network provides an opportunity for networking and collaboration for residents, businesses and practitioners undertaking low carbon activities in or connected to the local board area, as well as a forum for promoting and hosting low carbon events.

32.     This network will continue to be supported by a community climate action broker, who will empower members of the network. A stronger community resilience to climate change will be achieved through building community connections and sharing skills.

33.     The programme will help implement the local climate action plan in collaboration with the local board and neighbouring climate action networks. In particular, the climate action network will help achieve the local board’s commitment to reduce climate impacts through guiding local action in response to the regional climate emergency.

34.     In 2021/2022 the local board provided $11,000 to fund this programme. Staff recommend that the board allocate $11,000 towards this programme in 2022/2023.

35.     Approval in principle is also sought for $11,000 towards this programme in 2023/2024.

Kia rite kia mau - Climate preparedness and resilience for school communities - $15,000

36.     The board has indicated it would like to support a new programme in the 2022/2023 financial year to teach schools and students about the common Auckland hazards and how to be prepared through a Te Ao Māori lens.

37.     This programme involves an Auckland Emergency Management education programme which is then followed by a climate action education component, empowering students to understand the link between climate change and natural hazards and create community action for better preparedness and resilience.

38.     The budget will include contract delivery hours for the education components and action planning as well as educational resources for the Kia rite kia mau programme and climate action initiatives. 

39.     This programme raises student and school community awareness of their local natural hazards, and how to be prepared for emergencies. It empowers students to take climate action and grow resilience, while influencing their families and wider community to adopt climate ready behaviours.

40.     Staff recommend that the board allocate $15,000 towards this programme in 2022/2023.

41.     Approval in principle is also sought for $15,000 towards this programme in 2023/2024.

Low Carbon Lifestyles - $30,000

42.     The board has indicated it would like to continue to support the Low Carbon Lifestyles programme in the 2022/2023 financial year. The programme will continue to engage in conversation with residents on their doorstep in targeted low-income areas in Waitematā to encourage behavioural changes that will help reduce carbon emissions.

43.     The Low Carbon Lifestyles programme is expanding its climate action advice to include food and transport in addition to home energy advice.

44.     Funding this programme in 2022/2023 will help residents with:

·        improved health and wellbeing through changes in home health and dietary improvements

·        better home performance and more comfortable living conditions

·        savings and reducing carbon emissions through efficiencies such as reducing power bills and food wastage

·        improved health and fitness for residents by exchanging vehicle travel for active and public transport.

45.     In 2021/2022 the local board provided $30,000 to fund this programme. Staff recommend that the board allocate $30,000 towards this programme in 2022/2023.

46.     Approval in principle is also sought for $30,000 in 2023/2024.

Newmarket / Middleton stream restoration - $6,250

47.     The board has indicated it would like to continue to support the Newmarket/Middleton Stream restoration programme in the 2022/2023 financial year.

48.     The work has been jointly funded with Ōrākei Local Board as the stream passes through both local board areas. Ōrākei Local Board has a higher proposed investment of $10,000 for the 2022/2023 financial year as more of the stream is in the Ōrākei Local Board area.

49.     This programme supports a community-led initiative to implement the restoration plan for Newmarket Stream that involves weed control, animal pest control and native planting. This restoration work will continue to improve biodiversity and enhance the waterway by mitigating issues such as contamination, erosion and sedimentation.

50.     In 2021/2022 the Waitematā Local Board provided $6,250 to co-fund this programme, while Ōrākei Local Board contributed $10,000. Staff recommend that the Waitematā Local Board allocate $6,250 towards this programme in 2022/2023.

51.     Approval in principle is also sought for $6,250 towards this programme 2023/2024 from Waitematā Local Board.

Schools treasuring Waiōrea - $15,000

52.     The board has indicated that it would like to support a new programme to support local schools to be inspired, engaged and empowered to undertake investigations within the Western Springs Reserve and take action to improve native biodiversity and water quality in the 2022/2023 financial year.

53.     Through this programme, schools will be engaged to take part and teachers will be empowered to utilise the area as an ongoing teaching and learning resource.

54.     This programme is designed for the following outcomes:

·        connecting schools and students with the values of Western Springs waterways and park

·        improving biodiversity through reducing pest populations and native planting

·        raising student awareness of local the environments and their issues

·        increasing outcomes of other local environmental restoration groups and programmes, such as Urban Ark Manawa Taiao, Adopt a Park and Wai Care

·        empowering students to take action and to influence their families and wider community to adopt sustainable behaviours for the environment

·        supporting student wellbeing through connecting them with nature, high biodiversity areas and physical activity.

55.     Staff recommend that the board allocate $15,000 towards this programme in 2021/2022.

56.     Approval in principle is also sought for $15,000 towards this programme in 2023/2024.

Te Wai Ōrea lake and wetland restoration - $20,000

57.     The board has indicated it would like to continue to support the Te Wai Ōrea lake and wetland restoration programme in the 2022/2023 financial year. This restoration programme will continue to improve Te Wai Ōrea lake and wetland. The following activities are planned for 2022/2023:

·        plant maintenance and inspections

·        planting preparation and follow up

·        weed control

·        a community planting day, involving lake edge planting

·        wetland planting trials.

58.     Implementation of the restoration plan will protect this significant waterway with the urban environment from contamination, erosion and sedimentation. The work will also improve lakeside amenity and water quality and provide habitat for native species in the lake.

59.     In 2021/2022 the local board provided $35,000 to fund this programme. Staff recommend that the board allocate $20,000 towards this programme in 2022/2023.

60.     Approval in principle is also sought for $15,000 towards this programme in 2023/2024.

Urban Ark strategic plan implementation - $40,000

61.     The board has indicated it would like to continue to support the Urban Ark strategic plan implementation programme in the 2022/2023 financial year. This programme will continue to expand the work of Urban Ark Manawa Taiao through funding for a coordinator, facilitator costs and resources.

62.     Funding for this project will support community groups to restore native habitat and protect native biodiversity by undertaking pest control and planting native trees and shrubs.

63.     Urban Ark Manawa Taiao is a collaborative community-led initiative that works at a landscape scale, currently working across both Waitematā and Albert-Eden Local Board areas. The group helps to coordinate and support community conservation groups in the central suburbs of Westmere, Point Chevalier, Kingsland, Western Springs, Morningside and Grey Lynn, with a goal of providing habitats where indigenous wildlife can thrive.

64.     The programme has been jointly funded with Albert-Eden Local Board. The Albert-Eden Local Board have indicated support for allocating $40,000 towards this programme in 2022/2023. Staff recommend that the Waitematā Local Board also allocate $40,000 towards this programme in 2022/2023.

65.     Approval in principle is also sought for $50,000 towards this programme in 2023/2024.

Waipapa Stream restoration - $20,000

66.     The board has indicated it would like to continue to support the Waipapa Stream restoration programme in the 2022/2023 financial year. This programme will continue pest plant control and replacement native planting along Waipapa Stream. The community will continue to be involved to help with weeding, mulching, planting, water quality testing and pest animal control and monitoring.

67.     This programme is a key initiative to achieve the local board objective ‘improve our air and water quality and clean our waterways’.

68.     Benefits of the project include increasing terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity by creating ecological corridors and restored riparian margins and empowering local communities to advocate for their natural environment.

69.     In 2021/2022 the local board provided $20,000 to fund this programme. Staff recommend that the board allocate $20,000 towards this programme in 2022/2023.

70.     Approval in principle is also sought for $20,000 towards this programme in 2023/2024.



Waipāruru stream restoration - $10,000

71.     The board has indicated it would like to continue to support the Waipāruru Stream restoration programme in the 2022/2023 financial year. This programme will continue to implement the ecological restoration plan for Waipāruru Stream, which was commissioned by the Waitematā Local Board in 2019.

72.     Pest animal and plant control will be carried out to protect the native flora and fauna present in the riparian margins. The project will continue planting as well as maintenance for previous years’ planting.

73.     The programme will reduce erosion and water contamination and improve biodiversity while providing a green corridor for native species.

74.     In 2021/2022 the local board provided $13,000 to fund the programme. Staff recommend that the board allocate $10,000 towards this programme in 2022/2023.

75.     Approval in principle is also sought for $10,000 towards this programme in 2023/2024.

Waitematā waste away - $41,000

76.     The board has indicated it would like to continue to support the Waitematā waste away programme in the 2022/2023 financial year. This programme will support a local waste minimisation action group to further support local businesses to enable waste reduction, including single-use food containers, and to grow a diverse network of ShareWaste champions to help reduce food waste.

77.     The programme will also support the Waiōrea Community Recycling Centre once open, by devising zero waste education and community activities that can happen in the centre and assist with community engagement. The programme will facilitate local e-waste collections, especially in downtown Auckland.

78.     Activities also include promoting a culture of repair through workshops and events and preparing a Waitematā local response and activation for Plastic Free July 2023.

79.     This programme will divert waste from landfill, raise public awareness of waste minimisation, build skills in communities for repairing items and grow local leadership to promote zero waste with residents, schools and businesses.

80.     The board allocated $39,000 to this programme in the 2021/2022 financial year. Staff recommend that the board allocate $41,000 towards this programme in 2022/2023.

81.     Approval in principle is also sought for $43,000 towards this programme in 2023/2024.

Waitītiko / Meola Creek restoration - $21,000

82.     The board has indicated it would like to continue to support the Waitītiko / Meola Creek restoration programme in the 2022/2023 financial year. This programme will support local community groups and schools across the Albert-Eden and Waitematā Local Board areas in their work to restore the riparian margins of the Waitītiko Awa.

83.     The programme will encourage new groups through community events and education, and create linkages to local pest control initiatives. This programme supports a catchment approach to restoring the Waitītiko Stream by empowering community and school groups to undertake water quality monitoring and riparian restoration planting.

84.     This project is jointly funded with Albert-Eden Local Board as the stream passes through both local board areas. Albert-Eden Local Board has a proposed investment of $18,000 for the 2022/2023 financial year.

85.     Staff recommend that the Waitematā Local Board allocate $21,000 towards this programme in 2021/2022.

86.     Approval in principle is also sought for $21,000 towards this programme in 2023/2024.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

87.     In June 2019 Auckland Council declared a climate emergency and in response to this the council adopted the Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan in July 2020.

88.     Each activity in the work programme is assessed to identify whether it will have a positive, neutral or negative impact on greenhouse gas emissions and contributing towards climate change adaptation.

89.     Table 1 outlines the activities in the 2022/2023 work programme that have an impact on greenhouse gas emissions or contribute towards climate change adaptation.

Table 1: Climate impact assessment of proposed activities

Activity name

Climate impact

Bike hub - Queens Wharf

This programme aims to reduce emissions by increasing community uptake of active transport and reducing carbon footprints. The project also aims to increase community resilience through sustainable living and increased community connections.

Climate Action Activator - Waitematā

These programmes focus on initiating and supporting community climate action which involves local residents reducing or responding to climate change in personal lifestyle or local community-based ways.

Climate Action Network - Waitematā

Kia rite kia mau - climate preparedness and resilience for school communities

This programme will focus on supporting school communities to take positive steps for climate action and climate emergency readiness.

Low Carbon Lifestyles - Waitematā

This programme aims to reduce emissions by lowering household energy consumption and by supporting a shift towards eating more local and plant based food, and reducing food waste. The programme also has the potential to also reduce household travel emissions through encouraging behaviour change.

Waitematā waste away

This programme will lower greenhouse gas emissions by reducing waste to landfill. The project will contribute to Auckland's zero waste by 2040 goals.

Schools treasuring Waiōrea

The education component of this programme will directly link student action to carbon measures, linking adaptation behaviours and increasing community resilience for the future.

Urban Ark strategic plan implementation - Waitematā

This programme helps to support groups that undertake native tree planting and restoration. They also promote animal pest control. A reduction in animal pests will reduce browsing pressure on trees and increase carbon sequestration.



Waipapa Stream restoration

90.     When freshwater ecosystems are healthy and thriving, they provide many ecological services such as flood mitigation, habitat for native biodiversity, and carbon sequestration through riparian plants.

Newmarket / Middleton stream restoration - Waitematā

Waipāruru stream restoration

Te Wai Ōrea lake and wetland restoration

Waitītiko / Meola Creek restoration - Waitematā


Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

91.     The work programme was developed through a collaborative approach by operational council departments, with each department represented in the integrated team that presented the draft work programme to the local board at a series of workshops.

92.     In particular, the attached Infrastructure and Environmental Services work programme reflects the integrated activities developed by Environmental Services, Healthy Waters and Waste Solutions.

93.     Stream restoration programmes such as Newmarket/Middleton Stream, Te Wai Ōrea lake and wetland restoration, Waipāruru Stream and Waitītiko/Meola Creek restoration will be undertaken on park land and therefore staff will work closely with the Parks, Sports and Recreation and Community Facilities departments.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

94.     The projects proposed for inclusion in the board’s Infrastructure and Environmental Services work programme will have positive environmental outcomes across the Waitematā Local Board area. Particular focus areas for the 2022/2023 work programme include the city centre, Grey Lynn, Newmarket, Parnell and Westmere.

95.     The projects noted above align with the local board plan outcome ‘Waitematā is future-focused, green and resilient to climate change’. The proposed work programme has been considered by the local board in a series of workshops from November 2021 to May 2022. The views expressed by local board members during the workshops have informed the recommended work programme.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

96.     Auckland Council is committed to meeting its responsibilities under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its broader obligations to Māori.

97.     The work programme includes activities that aim to deliver outcomes for and with Māori, in alignment with the strategic priority areas outlined in Kia ora Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland Council’s Māori Outcome Framework). Progress on how the activities are achieving these outcomes will be reported to the local board on a quarterly basis.

98.     Staff recognise that environmental management, water quality and land management have integral links with the mauri of the environment and concepts of kaitiakitanga.

99.     Table 2 outlines the activities in the 2022/2023 work programme that contribute towards the delivery of specific Māori outcomes.


Table 2: Māori outcome delivery through proposed activities

Activity name

Māori outcome

Māori outcome description

Climate Action Activator - Waitematā

·    Kaitiakitanga

The activator will work with mana whenua and mataawaka to identify and deliver low carbon outcomes specific to Māori.

Climate Action Network - Waitematā

Kia rite kia mau - Climate preparedness and resilience for school communities

·    Māori identity and culture


The basis of this programme is grounded in Te Ao Māori and will teach a Māori world view of civil defence hazards and climate action.

Newmarket / Middleton stream restoration - Waitematā

·    Kaitiakitanga

·    Māori business, tourism and employment


This project will help to restore the mauri of the Newmarket Stream by implementing the management plan developed by Te Ngahere. Plants for riparian planting will be sourced from Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei.

Schools treasuring Waiōrea

·    Te reo Māori

·    Kaitiakitanga

·    Realising rangatahi potential


Common kupu will be used when teaching students about sustainability and environmental concepts.

Students will be taught about the concept of kaitiakitanga and encouraged to act as guardians for their local place.

Students will be encouraged to see themselves as scientists and shown career pathways, learning skills on a pathway for many green jobs.

Te Wai Ōrea lake and wetland restoration

·    Māori business, tourism and employment

·    Kaitiakitanga

Mana whenua were engaged to develop the Te mahere whakawhanake i te papa rēhia o Te Wai Ōrea Western Springs Lakeside Te Wai Ōrea Park Development Plan. This project was identified in the plan as an opportunity to have a positive impact on water quality. In addition, where possible plants will be eco-sourced from the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei nursery.

Urban Ark strategic plan implementation - Waitematā

·    Kaitiakitanga

·    Realising rangatahi potential

This project will encourage community members to be take actions to protect the environment.

In work with local schools, students will be encouraged to see themselves as scientists, learning skills on a pathway for many green jobs.

Waipapa Stream restoration

·    Māori business, tourism and employment

·    Kaitiakitanga

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei will be contracted in this work programme to provide native plants and facilitate workshops.

Waipāruru stream restoration

·    Kaitiakitanga

·    Māori business, tourism and employment

·    Māori identity and culture


Mana whenua representatives have provided input into the development of the ecological restoration plan for Waipāruru Stream and a site visit was undertaken with the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei kaiwhakahaere kaupapa ā iwi (planning manager). Some changes were made to the restoration plan according to feedback from mana whenua. Where possible plants will be sourced from the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei nursery.

Waitematā waste away

·    Kaitiakitanga

·    Māori identity and culture


An objective of the programme will be to strengthen relationship with kaupapa Māori initiatives, mana whenua and mataawaka groups working towards para kore (zero waste) and collaborate where interests align.

Waitītiko / Meola Creek restoration - Waitematā

·    Kaitiakitanga

·    Marae development

Te Mahurehure Marae sits adjacent to the awa and a relationship with the marae is ongoing within the restoration project and kaitiakitanga of the awa.

100.   Where aspects of the proposed work programme are anticipated to have a significant impact on activity of importance to Māori then appropriate engagement will be undertaken.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

101.   The proposed environment work programme for 2022/2023 totals to $279,250 of the board’s locally driven initiatives (LDI) operational budget. This amount can be accommodated within the board’s total draft budget for 2022/2023.

102.   Budgets for activities in the 2023/2024 financial year are indicative. While local board approval in principle is being sought for a future year through this report, formal approval will be sought on an annual basis, once budgets and programme costs are confirmed.

103.   An overall LDI opex carry-forward provision for projects to be carried forward from 2021/2022 to 2022/2023 was approved by the Finance and Performance Committee as part of the annual budget. Work programme activities to be carried forward from 2021/2022 will be finalised post 30 June 2022. Local boards will receive detail of carry-forwards in their first scheduled quarterly performance report for 2022/2023.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

104.   If the proposed Infrastructure and Environmental Services Work Programme is not approved before the start of the financial year, there is a risk that activities may be delayed or not delivered within the financial year.

105.   Risks and mitigations for new activity lines were considered during the scoping phase. There may be risks associated with trialling a new activity for the first year. These will be continually assessed and reported to the local board.

106.   The COVID-19 pandemic could have a negative impact on the delivery of local board work programmes. Some activities may not be able to be delivered fully if COVID-19 restrictions are increased.

107.   Resourcing of the work programme is based on current staff capacity within departments. Therefore, changes to staff capacity may also have an impact on work programme delivery.

108.   Table 3 shows the key risks associated with activities in the proposed 2022/2023 work programme, as well as proposed mitigations.

Table 3: Key risks and mitigations for activities

Activity name



Rating after mitigation

Bike hub - Queens Wharf

This programme is dependant on the continuing availability of a suitable location for the bike hub.


Eke Panuku have indicated they will continue to make a space available for a bike hub in the central city. 


Climate Action Activator - Waitematā

These programmes depend on the willingness and availability of key stakeholders to participate in working group meetings and invest their time in helping to develop and implement the local board’s climate action plan.

To ensure there is commitment, the programmes will engage with key stakeholders at the earliest opportunity to enable time for planning and preparation.


Climate Action Network - Waitematā

Kia rite kia mau - climate preparedness and resilience for school communities

There is a risk that schools won’t buy-in to commit time and resources to the programme.

Multiple schools will be approached across the board area and highly engaged schools will be given priority.


Schools treasuring Waiōrea

Low Carbon Lifestyles - Waitematā

Home energy efficiency initiatives are most successful when delivered in colder months as participants are more receptive when power bills are high and houses are cold and damp. This creates a risk for delivering the project in the financial year.

There is the potential for duplication with other healthy homes initiatives.

The project will commence as early as possible in the season to mitigate this risk.

Recipients of support from previous years' Healthy Rentals projects, the Counties Manukau DHB healthy homes initiative (AWHI) or Kāinga Ora's warm and dry programme would be identified through the doorstep conversation to minimise duplication.


Newmarket / Middleton stream restoration - Waitematā

There is risk in potential lack of uptake from local community for these programmes.

There is also a risk of bad weather on the planned community planting days which could reduce public participation.

The potential for lack of community participation is low as the park ranger involved in the programme has built rapport and is well connected to the community.

Contingency plans for bad weather have been included in the project.


Te Wai Ōrea lake and wetland restoration

Waipapa Stream restoration

Waipāruru stream restoration

Waitītiko / Meola Creek restoration - Waitematā

Urban Ark strategic plan implementation - Waitematā

There is a risk of low community engagement in community conservation.

Urban Ark coordinates multiple established groups in the inner Auckland area, and has been operating since 2016.


Waitematā waste away

There is risk in potential lack of uptake from local community.

The risk of lack of commitment from the community is low as the community group has highly respected and skilled local volunteers to carry out the work.


109.   Where a work programme activity cannot be completed on time or to budget, due to unforeseen circumstances, this will be signalled to the local board at the earliest opportunity.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

110.   Delivery of the activity in the approved work programme will commence once approved and continue until 30 June 2023. Activity progress will be reported to the local board on a quarterly basis.

111.   Where the work programme identifies further decisions and milestones for each activity, these will be brought to the local board when appropriate.


Ngā tāpirihanga






2022/2023 Waitematā Infrastructure and Environmental Services work programme



Ngā kaihaina



Prasanthi Cottingham - Relationship Coordinator


Barry Potter - Director Infrastructure and Environmental Services

Trina Thompson - Local Area Manager



Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



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Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



Approval of the 2022/2023 Waitematā Local Board Customer and Community Services work programme

File No.: CP2022/07766




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To approve the 2022/2023 Waitematā Local Board Customer and Community Services work programme and its associated budget (Attachment A).

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       This report presents the 2022/2023 Waitematā Local Board Customer and Community Services work programme for approval from the following departments:

·    Connected Communities

·    Community and Social Innovation

·    Community Facilities

·    Parks, Sports, and Recreation

·    Regional Service Planning, Investment and Partnerships

3.       In addition, the 2023/2024 Customer and Community Services work programme and the 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 Customer and Community Services - Community Facilities Department work programme are presented for approval in principle.

4.       To support the delivery of the local board’s outcomes and aspirations highlighted in the Waitematā Local Board Plan 2020, Customer and Community Services presents a work programme for local board approval each financial year.

5.       The work programme details the activities to be delivered by departments within the Customer and Community Services directorate.

6.       The work programme has been developed with the local board providing feedback to staff on project and activity prioritisation through a series of workshops, held between October 2021 and May 2022.

7.       The work programme development process takes an integrated approach to planning activities, involving collaboration between the local board and staff from across the council.

8.       Within the Customer and Community Services work programme, the Community Facilities Department has identified several projects for the 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 financial years as part of the Risk Adjusted Programme (RAP).

9.       Approval is sought for the planning and design of the RAP projects to commence during the 2022/2023 financial year, so that they can be prioritised if other already approved projects cannot be delivered or are delayed due to unforeseen reasons.

10.     The work programme includes projects proposed to be funded from regional budgets subject to approval by the Parks, Art, Community and Events Committee, including Landslide Prevention, Local Parks and Sports Field Development budgets. The local board can provide formal feedback on these regional projects by way of resolutions to this report.

11.     There is still a degree of uncertainty about the delivery of activities due to the unpredictability of COVID-19. In the event of further COVID-19-related disruptions, some activities within the work programme are able to be modified should changes to restrictions and resourcing eventuate. Changes to some activities may lead to delays in delivery and/or the need to adjust project budgets.

12.     Auckland Council has important statutory obligations with respect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi – The Treaty of Waitangi. Honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi and supporting Māori Outcomes is implicit within the entire work programme.

13.     Once approved in June 2022, the local board will receive quarterly progress updates on the delivery of the 2022/2023 work programme.

Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      approve the 2022/2023 Customer and Community Services work programme and its associated budget (Attachment A to the agenda report).

b)      approve in principle the 2023/2024 Customer and Community Services work programme (Attachment A to the agenda report), noting that the LDI Opex allocations will be balanced to budgets in the associated future years’ work programme.

c)       approve in principle the 2024/2025 Customer and Community Services - Community Facilities only work programme (Attachment A to the agenda report), noting that the LDI Opex allocations will be balanced to budgets in the associated future years’ work programme.

d)      approve the Risk Adjusted Programme projects identified in the 2022/2023 Customer and Community Services work programme (Attachment A to the agenda report).

e)      provide feedback for consideration by the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee on projects funded from the Landslide Prevention, Local Parks and Sports Field Development budgets (Attachment D to the agenda report).

f)       note that funding for the Coastal Renewals, Landslide Prevention, Local Parks and Sports Field Development budgets is subject to approval by the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee

g)      note that there may be minor changes to year one of the 2022/2023 Local Board C&CS Work Programme, and other changes in years 2 and 3 which are approved in principle, due to Annual Budget decisions affecting capital budgets and that changes required will be discussed with and reported to the local board early in the new financial year.



14.     The Auckland Plan 2050 (Auckland Plan) is council’s long-term spatial plan to ensure Auckland grows in a way that will meet the opportunities and challenges ahead.  It aims to contribute to Auckland’s social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing.


Description automatically generated

15.     Local board plans align with the Auckland Plan and set out local community priorities and aspirations. The 2022/2023 Customer and Community Services work programme in turn aligns to not only the local board plans but the appropriate Auckland Council plans, policies and strategies.

16.     Work programme activities align to one or more of the following 2020 Local Board Plan outcomes:

·        Māori are empowered, and their identity and culture is visible  

·        Connected communities that are inclusive, accessible and equitable  

·        High quality urban development that has accessible, versatile, and sustainable public and private spaces  

·        Waitematā is future-focused, green and resilient to climate change  

·        Sustainable transport network that is safe and accessible  

·        Waitematā businesses are sustainable, innovative and prosperous

17.     Development of the work programme is based on consideration of community needs and priorities, availability of resources and funding, Treaty of Waitangi obligations, external partnerships and risk assessment.

18.     The Customer and Community Services directorate provides a wide range of services, facilities, open spaces and information that support communities to connect, enjoy and embrace the diversity of Auckland’s people, places and natural environment. These are designed and implemented to meet the unique needs of the local community.

19.     Development of the work programme follows an integrated approach to planning activities by the following departments of the directorate:

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

20.     The work programme demonstrates the phasing of programme and project delivery for the 2022/2023 financial year.

21.     Delivery of the work programme commences from 1 July 2022, and in some cases comprises a continuation of implementation from previous financial years, including annually occurring events or projects and ongoing programmes.

22.     New activities and investments, and potential carry-forward items also form part of the work programme.

23.     Table one summarises the approval status required for the three financial years presented within the work programme.

Table one: Customer and Community Services local board work programme approvals





Community Facilities


Approve in principle

Approve in principle

All other Customer and Community Services departments


Approve in principle


24.     Community Facilities presents a three-year rolling work programme so that delivery and financial commitments against the capital works programme can be planned.

25.     Approval of unique multi-year projects, particularly capital works, in the 2022/2023 work programme may lead to contractual commitments to the future budget needed to complete the project in 2023/2024 or 2024/2025.

26.     The remainder of Customer and Community Services presents the work programme in descending three-year increments and are therefore only presenting years two and three of the three-year work programme.

27.     The local board will be updated by staff on the delivery of the programme by way of quarterly performance reports.

Proposed amendments to the 2022/2023 work programme

28.     The local board approved the 2021/2022 Customer and Community Services work programme in June 2021 and approved in principle the 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 work programmes.

29.     The 2022/2023 work programme contains variations to the version that was approved in principle last year. These include the addition of new activities, changes to existing activities, such as required budget allocation and delivery timeframes, and identifies some activities that have been stopped.

30.     Table two highlights the new activities in the work programme:

Table two: work programme activities that are new


Activity name

Lead department



LB event - Local Event – Developing a key signature event in the local area

CCS: RSPIP – Events



Urban Farm feasibility assessment

CCS: PSR – Park Services



Caretakers Cottage activation

CCS: Connected Communities – Community Delivery



Seddon Fields at 180 Meola Rd, Western Springs: Western Springs Assn Football Club Inc

CCS: Community Facilities – Community Leases



Albert Park toilets - refurbishment

C&CS: Community Facilities



Coxs Bay Reserve changing rooms and toilets - general renewals

C&CS: Community Facilities



Endeavour Park staircase, pathways, retaining wall - renew

C&CS: Community Facilities



Freemans Bay Community Centre – full refurbishment

C&CS: Community Facilities



Grey Lynn Community Centre – renew kitchen and flooring

C&CS: Community Facilities



Grey Lynn Library and Community Hall - general refurbishment

C&CS: Community Facilities



Grey Lynn Park – renew spectator seating area

C&CS: Community Facilities



Highwic House - renew surrounding pathways

C&CS: Community Facilities



Karangahape Road - toilet installation

C&CS: Community Facilities



Leys Institute - seismic strengthening and restoration

C&CS: Community Facilities



Olympic Pools - general renewals - 2023/2024

C&CS: Community Facilities



Open space buildings - renew - 2022/2023 - Waitematā

C&CS: Community Facilities



Open space buildings - renew - 2024/2025 - Waitematā

C&CS: Community Facilities



Open space furniture, fixtures and utilities - renew - 2024/2025 - Waitematā

C&CS: Community Facilities



Open space lighting - renew - 2024/2025 - Waitematā

C&CS: Community Facilities



Open space park roads and carparks - renew - 2023/2024 - Waitematā

C&CS: Community Facilities



Open space paths and walkways - renew - 2023/2024 - Waitematā

C&CS: Community Facilities



Open space paths and walkways - renew - 2024/2025 - Waitematā

C&CS: Community Facilities



Open space signage - renew - 2022/2023 - Waitematā

C&CS: Community Facilities



Open space signage - renew - 2023/2024 - Waitematā

C&CS: Community Facilities



Open space structures - renew 2023/2024 - Waitematā

C&CS: Community Facilities



Parnell Baths - general renewals - 2023/2024

C&CS: Community Facilities



Pt Erin Pool - general renewals - 2023/2024

C&CS: Community Facilities



Seddon Fields - renew sports fields and lighting

C&CS: Community Facilities



Sports and cricket fields, lighting and equipment - renew 2024/2025 - Waitematā

C&CS: Community Facilities



Studio One - deliver seismic strengthening

C&CS: Community Facilities



Te Wananga - renewal of Korimurimu/Kupenga nets

C&CS: Community Facilities



Tepid Baths - general renewals - 2023/2024

C&CS: Community Facilities



Water features - renew 2023/2024 - Waitematā

C&CS: Community Facilities



Western Springs Lakeside Te Wai Orea Park - installation of pedestrian loop track

C&CS: Community Facilities



31.     Table three highlights the activities that were approved in principle in June 2021 but have stopped, or proposed activities that did not start, and are therefore not included in the 2022/2023 work programme:

Table three: work programme activities that have been removed from the work programme

Previous ID

Activity name

Lead department


WTM: Urban Ngahere - Growing FY22

CCS: PSR – Park Services


COVID-19 considerations for Customer and Community Services

32.     The work programme includes activities that respond to the impacts of COVID-19 by providing:

·     safe and welcoming spaces

·     inclusive events to bring the community back together

·     community support, including grants

·     stronger connections with other organisations, including Council Controlled Organisations, iwi and Māori organisations, business associations, community organisations and central government agencies, which also serve Auckland’s communities.

33.     There is still a degree of uncertainty about the delivery of these activities due to the unpredictability of COVID-19. In the event of further COVID-19 related disruption some activities within the work programme are able to be modified should changes to restrictions and resourcing eventuate. Changes to some activities may lead to delays in delivery and/or the need to adjust project budgets.

34.     Current capex delivery challenges include increased material and labour costs, as well as shortages in both sectors, this in turn will lead to increased overall project costs.

35.     Current supply chain issues, obtaining building materials, may lead to delays in project delivery. Increased costs and delays will be managed as part of the ongoing management of work programmes via additional RAP projects, and the rephasing of projects to accommodate increased budget and address material shortages.

Māori Outcomes

36.     Local boards play a vital role in representing the interests of all Aucklanders and are committed to the Treaty-based obligations and to Māori participation and development.

37.     Auckland Council has important statutory obligations with respect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi and supporting Māori Outcomes is implicit within the entire work programme.

38.     A thriving Māori identity is Auckland’s point of difference in the world. It advances prosperity for Māori and benefits all Aucklanders.

39.     The local boards recognise the importance of building meaningful relationships with mana whenua, maatawaka and whānau, and understanding Māori aspirations. Table four shows outcomes, objectives and key initiatives from the local board plan recognise these areas of common interest:

 Table four: local board plan Māori outcomes, objectives and initiatives




Māori are empowered, and their identity and culture is visible

Provide opportunities to celebrate Māori heritage and culture 


·     Incorporate tikanga practices as part of our local board meetings, events and projects  

·     Increase the use of te reo Māori in our signage  

·     Partner with mana whenua to provide Māori naming and narrative throughout our local roads, parks and community places in print, signs and digital formats  

·     Partner with Māori to celebrate and promote events of significance such as Waitangi Day, Matariki and Te Wiki o te reo Māori (Māori Language Week) 

Integrate Māori values and sustainable practices into planning, decision-making and delivery

·     Seek opportunities to reflect Māori stories through the use of public art 

·     ‘Ka noho’ – wairua and ngākau: Assist rangatahi to connect with mātauranga Māori to nurture skills and awareness around what it means to be self sufficient  

·     ‘Te tangata’ – tinana: Promote, progress and fund current and emerging initiatives, programmes and groups who are actively committed to the restoration, sustainability and protection of food sovereignty systems within their communities

·     Incorporate Māori design principles into new infrastructure e.g. playgrounds and open space designs such as at the proposed Heard Park development  

·     Support Māori initiatives that minimise waste and encourage recycling infrastructure that connect with te ao Māori values 

Increased participation of iwi and non-affiliated Māori in decision making 

·     Actively engage with Māori communities and enable their participation in decision making  

·     Advocate for improved council processes to enable more Māori input on key strategies and plans 

Develop and foster authentic relationships with mana whenua 

·     Develop and support channels or forums for ongoing engagement with mana whenua such as an annual hui  

·     Work alongside mana whenua to protect and support their interests and aspirations for Waitematā 


High quality urban development that has accessible, versatile, and sustainable public and private spaces

Ensure the design of our current and future public and private spaces are accessible, safe, multifunctional, family friendly, low impact and adaptable in the future 

·     Ensure planning of new public spaces consider Māori design principles and artwork  

·     Encourage developments that provide a range of housing types that are healthy and sustainable for current and future residents including family-friendly housing, affordable housing, co-housing and papakāinga or whānau-oriented housing 


40.     There is a wide range of activity occurring across Tāmaki Makaurau to advance Māori outcomes. Much of this is led by mana whenua and Māori organisations, as well government organisations, non-government organisations and businesses. 

41.     The Auckland Plan’s focus on Māori culture and identity is encapsulated in the outcome: Māori Identity and Wellbeing.

42.     Kia Ora Tāmaki Makaurau, council’s Māori Outcomes performance measurement framework, captures the majority of council’s Māori outcome strategy and planning. The framework responds to the needs and aspirations that Māori in Tāmaki Makaurau, both mana whenua and mataawaka, have expressed to council. 

43.     The work programme includes activities that have an objective to deliver outcomes for and with Māori. Attachment B sets out the activities in the work programme that aim to achieve high Māori outcomes in one or more of the strategic priority areas.

44.     Table five shows the strategic priority areas and alignment to Kia Ora Tāmaki Makaurau outcomes.

Table five: local board work programme Māori outcome areas

Strategic priority area

Kia Ora Tāmaki Makaurau outcome


Kia Ora te Taiao

Māori business, tourism and employment 

Kia Ora te Umanga

Māori identity and culture 

Kia Ora te Ahurea

Marae development

Kia Ora te Marae

Papakāinga and Māori housing 

Kia Ora te Kāinga

Realising rangatahi potential 

Kia Ora te Rangatahi

Te reo Māori 

Kia Ora te Reo

Whānau and tamariki wellbeing

Kia Ora te Whānau


45.     The Customer and Community Services directorate lead or contribute to programmes that align with all outcomes. Particular priorities are Kia Ora te Marae, Kia Ora te Whānau and Kia Ora te Reo. 

46.     In a COVID-19 recovery environment there is increasing focus on Kia Ora te Umunga /   Māori Business, Tourism and Employment and the role that the council can play, not only in supporting economic recovery, but in a thriving Māori economy. 

47.     Kia Ora te Ahurea / Māori Identity and Culture is often a focus for local boards as events and place-based design often plays an important part in many local programmes.

Work programme budget types and purpose

48.     Work programme activities are funded from various budget sources, depending on the type of delivery. Some activities within the work programme are funded from two or more sources, including from both local and regional budgets.

49.     Table six outlines the different budget types and their purpose that fund the work programme.



Table six: work programme budget types and purpose

Budget type

Description of budget purpose

Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI)

A development fund used to advance local operational and capital activities at the discretion of the local board

Asset Based Services (ABS)

Allocated to deliver local activities based on decisions regarding region-wide service levels, including allocation of funds for local asset-based services, grants and staff time to deliver activities

Local renewals

A fund dedicated to the partial renewal or full replacement of assets including those in local parks and community facilities

Growth (local parks and sports field development)

Primarily funded through development contributions, a regional fund to improve open spaces, including developing newly acquired land into parks, and existing open space to increase capacity to cater for growing population needs


A regional fund for the renewal of Auckland’s significant coastal assets, such as seawalls, wharves and pontoons

Landslide prevention

A regional fund to proactively develop new assets for the prevention of landslides and major slips throughout the region

Specific purpose funding

Funds received by the council, often from external sources, held for specific local board areas, including compensation funding from other agencies for land acquisitions required for major projects

One Local Initiative (OLI)

Funds allocated to a local board priority project in alignment with the Long-term Plan 2018-2028

Long-term Plan discrete

Funds associated with activities specifically named and listed in previous long-term plans, including new libraries, community centres and major sports and community infrastructure

Kauri Dieback Funding

Part of the Natural Environment Targeted Rate (NETR) Fund, this is a regional fund used to implement the national kauri dieback programme standards

External funding

Budget from external parties, not yet received and held by Customer and Community Services

Capital projects and budgets

50.     The capital projects to be delivered in the Waitematā Local Board area, together with identified budgets and main funding sources, are shown in Attachment A.

51.     The budgets associated with the capital works programme are estimates only, costs are subject to change and may need to be refined as the project progresses through the design and delivery process. Once activity details are more clearly defined, staff will update the work programme for approval in subsequent years.

52.     The capital works projects have been geo-spatially mapped to indicate the location of projects within the local board area (Attachment C). Some projects are unable to be mapped as they reference multiple locations, or the work locations are yet to be determined.

Risk Adjusted Programme

53.     The Risk Adjusted Programme was first implemented in 2019 and is designed to mitigate risk so that the total budget is delivered.

54.     Several capital projects in the 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 work programme have been identified as part of the Risk Adjusted Programme and outlined in Attachment A.

55.     Local board approval is sought for the commencement of these projects in the 2022/2023 financial year, so that they can be prioritised if other already approved projects cannot be delivered or are delayed due to unforeseen reasons.

Regionally funded activities included in the local board work programme

56.     Some activities from the Landslide Prevention and Local Parks and Sports Field Development (growth) budgets are funded regionally and will be presented to the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee for approval after 30 June 2022.

57.     The local board has decision-making responsibility for these activities within parameters set by the Governing Body, which include project location, scope, and budget. These activities are therefore included in the work programme. 

58.     The local board can provide feedback on the activities outlined in Attachment D. Staff will present this feedback to the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee when they consider regionally funded activities.

Process for changes to the approved work programme

59.     Some projects in the work programme require further local board decisions as they progress through the delivery process.

60.     Where further decisions are anticipated they have been indicated in the work programme, and decisions will be sought as required through local board business meetings.

61.     Amendments to the work programme or specific projects may also be required as projects progress, in response to more detailed design and costing information, community consultation, consenting requirements and similar factors.  

62.     Amendments to the work programme or specific projects will be managed in accordance with the established local board delegations to staff.

63.     The work programme includes community leases. Lease renewals without variations will be processed by way of a memo, in accordance with agreed delegations.

64.     Should the local board signal their intent to change or pursue a new lease that is not contemplated in the leasing work programme, a deferral of an item already programmed for delivery will need to be accommodated.

65.     Staff will workshop expired and more complex community leases with the local board and then report on them at a business meeting.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

66.     As Customer and Community Services is a significant service provider and property owner, the directorate has a leading role in delivering Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan.

67.     In providing asset-based services, Customer and Community Services contributes most of council’s operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through its facilities and infrastructure.

68.     Property managed by the directorate, in particular coastal assets, will be adversely affected by climate change. The work programme includes actions, consistent with Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri to halve council’s operational GHG emissions by 2030, and to adapt to a changing climate.

69.     Actions include reducing operational GHG emissions through phasing-out gas heating in aquatic centres, improving the efficiency of facilities, investing in renewable energy, and adopting the Sustainable Asset Policy.

70.     At the same time, the directorate will mitigate GHG emissions and improve climate resilience through delivering tree planting programmes across the region. This includes delivering the Mayor’s tree planting initiatives, transitioning unproductive farmland on regional parks to permanent native forest, and delivering ecological restoration projects with community groups.

71.     Work is ongoing to build on the above actions and embed climate change considerations into investment decision-making, planning, and corporate policies, including asset management plans and Local Board Plans.

72.     As approved through the 10-year Budget 2021-2031, council’s mandated approach to ‘deliver differently’ is also anticipated to help reduce the council carbon footprint by creating a sustainable service network. This may include a shift to digital service models or the consolidation of services into a smaller footprint.

73.     Each activity in the work programme has been assessed to identify whether it will have a positive, negative or neutral impact on greenhouse gas emissions, and affect Auckland’s resilience to climate change.

74.     The activities in the Waitematā Local Board work programme identified as having a positive or negative impact on climate change are outlined in Attachment E.

75.     Types of activities in the work programme that will have positive impacts on emissions and improve community resilience to climate change, include community-led environmental and educational programmes, supporting volunteer planting, delivering council-led planting and sustainable design.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

76.     The Customer and Community Services work programme was developed collaboratively by staff from the directorate’s departments and Local Board Services to ensure that the activities and delivery of the work programme are integrated, complementary, and reflect council wide priorities.

77.     An example of collaboration on delivery is the kauri dieback programme which is delivered by the Community Facilities, Parks, Sport and Recreation and the Infrastructure and Environmental Services directorate.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

78.     The feedback received from the local board through a series of workshops from October 2021 to May 2022 has informed the proposed Customer and Community Services work programme.

79.     A focus area of the work programme is to respond to the Recovery Budget, the communities of greatest need and build capacity within the community, including through community-led delivery and partnerships.

80.     Planning and delivery of some activities involves consultation with the community to ensure that their aspirations are understood and responded to.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

81.     The provision of services, facilities and open spaces support the realisation of the aspirations of Māori, promote community relationships, connection to the natural environment and foster holistic wellbeing of whānau, hapū and iwi Māori.

82.     Attachment B shows local board projects or programmes that are ranked as delivering ‘high’ Māori Outcomes. They involve ongoing collaboration with Māori or are delivered by Māori. 

83.     Projects or programmes in Attachment A may also contribute to Māori Outcomes but are not highlighted as they are identified to have a moderate or low impact. 

84.     Engagement with Māori is critical and, if not already completed, will occur on a programme or project basis, prior to any work commencing, and be reported back separately to the local board. 

85.     Further information about the response to Māori aspirations as described in the work programme, is captured in the Analysis and Advice section.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

86.     Each activity line has a budget allocation in one or more of the financial years e.g. 2022/2023, 2023/2024 and 2024/2025. Where activity lines show a zero-dollar operating expense (opex) budget, this reflects implementation costs met through staff salary or other funding sources.

87.     The 2022/2023 activities recommended for local board approval can be accommodated within 2022/2023 budgets and staff resources.

88.     The budgets allocated to activities in the financial years 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 are indicative and are subject to change due to any increased costs, inflation or reduction to the overall available annual council budget that may occur.

89.     Table seven summarises the budget sources and allocation for each work programme financial year.


Table seven: Waitematā Local Board budget allocation

Local budgets

2022/2023 (approve)

2023/2024 (approve in principle)

2024/2025 (approve in principle – Community Facilities only)

Operational (Opex): Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI)




Opex: Asset Based Services (ABS)




Capital (Capex): Local Asset Renewals - Budget (ABS)




Capex: Local Asset Renewals - Proposed Allocation (ABS)




Advanced Delivery RAP*




Capex: Local Asset Renewals - Unallocated budget (ABS)




Capex: Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) – Budget




Capex: Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) - Proposed Allocation




Advanced Delivery RAP*




Capex: Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) - Unallocated budget




Capex: Growth projects Allocation




Capex: Coastal projects Allocation




Capex: Landslide Prevention projects Allocation




Capex: Specific Purpose Funding - Allocation




Capex: One Local Initiative




Capex: Long-term Plan discrete




Capex: Natural Environment Targeted Rate




Capex: External Funding Allocation




* See paragraph 53-55 for RAP explanation

90.     The budgets are based on the allocations in the Long-term Plan 2021-2031. Budgets are subject to change during council’s Annual Budget and future Long-term Plan processes. If decisions on the Annual Budget result in budget reductions, the work programme will need to be amended to align to these budgets via future decisions of the local board.

91.     Any 2021/2022 opex budget unspent on 30 June 2022, will be assessed for carry-forward to the 2022/2023 work programme. Carry forwards will be added to the work programme as separate activity lines and will be reflected in the revised budget.

92.     During delivery of the 2022/2023 work programme, where an activity is cancelled or no longer required, the local board can reallocate the associated budget to an existing work programme activity or create a new activity within that financial year. This process will include agreement from each department and will need to be resolved on by the local board.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

93.     The most significant risk is that delivery of the Customer and Community Services work programme is dependent on the local board approving the work programme by 30 June 2022. Approval of the work programme after the start of the financial year could result in delays to delivery.

94.     The majority of operational (opex) activities in the work programme are ongoing and annually occurring. Risks associated with these activities have been identified in previous years and are managed on an ongoing basis.

95.     Table eight outlines the key risks and mitigations associated with the work programme once it has been approved.

Table eight: risks and mitigations



Non-delivery, time delays and budget overspend of activities that are managed through the work programme.

Having agreed processes to amend the work programme if activities need to be changed or cancelled.

Utilising the Risk Adjusted Programme to progress those activities identified as ready to proceed under the Risk Adjusted Programme at the beginning of the financial year.

Unknown risks associated with trialling a new activity for the first year.

Risks and mitigations for new activity lines are considered during the scoping phase, continually assessed and reported to the local board.

Health, safety and wellbeing factors, including external influences relating to work programme delivery may impact the delivery of activities, resulting in activities requiring adjustment.

Health and safety assessments will be conducted prior to commencement of projects. Work programme activities and projects will be adjusted accordingly where these risks occur during the delivery phase.

The COVID-19 pandemic may continue to negatively impact on the progress and deliverability of the work programme.

Development of the work programme has included consideration of potential impacts on delivery due to COVID-19 for all activities.

Timeframes for some activities are set to enable delivery within the agreed timeframe despite possible delays. 

Where activities need to be cancelled the local board can reallocate the budget to other activities.

The COVID-19 pandemic and other geopolitical factors may result in further inflationary and supply chain pressures.

Potential inflationary pressures have been modelled into key forecasts; however uncertainties remain.

The ongoing cost increase may become unsustainable, and may require a reprioritization of potential work programmes, capital spend and a potential discontinuation of some programmes.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

96.     Delivery of the Customer and Community Service work programme is scheduled to start on 1 July 2022 and continue until 30 June 2023.

97.     Regionally funded projects are an exception and will commence after they have been approved by the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee in July 2022.

98.     The local board will receive progress updates on a quarterly basis, with the first quarterly report available in November 2022.

99.     When further decisions for activities are needed at project milestones, these will be brought to the local board at the appropriate time.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Attachment A Waitemata CCS Work Programme 22-23



Attachment B - Maori Outcomes Waitematā



Attachment C - Capital Works and Leasing Work Programme Map



Attachment D - Waitemata - Regional Feedback v2



Attachment E - Climate Impacts Waitemata



Ngā kaihaina



Justine Haves - General Manager Regional Services Planning, Investment and Partnership

Mace Ward - General Manager Parks, Sports and Recreation

Mirla Edmundson - General Manager Connected Communities

Tania Pouwhare - General Manager Community & Social Innov

Taryn Crewe - General Manager Community Facilities


Claudia Wyss - Director Customer and Community Services

Trina Thompson - Local Area Manager



Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022




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Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022




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Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



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Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022




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Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022




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Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022



Waitematā Local Board Quick Response Grant round two 2021/2022 grant allocations.

File No.: CP2022/06846




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To fund, part-fund or decline the applications received for Waitematā Quick Response Grants round two 2021/2022.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       This report presents applications received in Waitematā Quick Response Grants round two 2021/2022 (Attachment A).

3.       The Waitematā Local Board adopted the Waitematā Local Grants Programme 2021/2022 on 20 April 2021. The document sets application guidelines for contestable grants submitted to the local board (Attachment B).

4.       The local board has set a total community grants budget of $150,529.00 for the 2021/2022 financial year.

5.       Following two Local Grant and Multi-board rounds, one Quick Response round, and a budget reallocation from other projects, the total remaining budget to allocate is $15,982.20

6.       Fifteen applications have been received for Quick Response Grant round two 2021/2022, requesting a total of $36,726.01.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application received for the Waitematā Quick Response Grants round two, listed below.

Application ID


Main focus

Requesting funding for

Amount requested



All My Friends Limited

Arts and culture

Towards venue hire and artists fees




The Auckland Women's Centre Incorporated

The Auckland Women's Centre Incorporated

Arts and culture

Towards the costs of a yoga facilitator, art equipment, room hire and advertising




Artsense Productions Limited

Arts and culture

Towards producer fees and marketing including social media




Asthma New Zealand Incorporated


Towards the costs of asthma spacers




Authenticity Aotearoa


Towards the cost of a photographer and a live illustrator for the Womxn of Colour Conference 2022




Everybody Eats Charitable Trust


Towards food costs, cutlery and packaging




Fireplace Arts & Media Limited

Arts and culture

Towards the cost of two musicians for "Station Music" at Parnell Station




Little Wild Music Limited

Arts and culture

Towards venue hire




Melanoma New Zealand


Towards wages of an Education Nurse and an Administrator




Grey Lynn 2030

Grey Lynn 2030 Transition


Towards educational and promotional mater, room hire, refreshments and sewing haberdashery




Social Innovation New Zealand


Towards catering for the Social Innovation Conference 2022




The Actor's Program

Arts and culture

Towards the cost of a lighting rig




The Upside Downs Education Trust


Towards the cost of subsidising speech and language therapy




The Yes And Trust

Arts and culture

Towards coordinator wages for the Fun Size Festival




Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust


Towards counsellor helpline training, management, and support from July 2022 to March 2023












7.       The local board allocates grants to groups and organisations delivering projects, activities and services that benefit Aucklanders and contribute to the vision of being a world class city.

8.       Auckland Council Community Grants Policy supports each local board to adopt a grants programme.

9.       The local board grants programme sets out:

·     local board priorities

·     lower priorities for funding

·     higher priorities for funding

·     exclusions

·     grant types, the number of grant rounds and when these will open and close

·     any additional accountability requirements.


10.     The Waitematā Local Board adopted the Waitematā Local Grants Programme 2021/2022 on 20 April 2021, and will operate two Quick Response, two Local Grant rounds, two Multi-board Grant rounds and one Accommodation Grant round for this financial year. 

11.     The community grant programmes have been extensively advertised through the council grants webpage, local board webpages, local board e-newsletters, Facebook pages, council publications and community networks.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

12.     The aim of the local board grant programme is to deliver projects and activities which align with the outcomes identified in the local board plan. All applications have been assessed utilising the Community Grants Policy and the local board grant programme criteria. The eligibility of each application is identified in the report recommendations.

13.     Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, staff have also assessed each application according to which alert level the proposed activity is able to proceed.

14.     Two applications have been marked as ineligible, Everybody Eats Charitable Trust and Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust for the reason outlined in the Waitemata Community Grants Programme 2021/2022, “applicants who apply to Waitematā Local Board for the same project or activity more than once in a financial year”. 

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement 

15.     The local board grants programme aims to respond to Auckland Council’s commitment to address climate change by providing grants to individuals and groups for projects that support and enable community climate action. Community climate action involves reducing or responding to climate change by local residents in a locally relevant way.

16.     Local board grants can contribute to expanding climate action by supporting projects that reduce carbon emissions and increase community resilience to climate impacts. Examples of projects include local food production and food waste reduction; decreasing access to single-occupancy transport options, home energy efficiency and community renewable energy generation; local tree planting and streamside revegetation; and education about sustainable lifestyle choices that reduce carbon footprints.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

17.     Based on the main focus of an application, a subject matter expert from the relevant department will provide input and advice. The main focus of an application is identified as arts, community, events, sport and recreation, environment or heritage.

18.     The grants programme has no identified impacts on council-controlled organisations and therefore their views are not required.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

19.     Local boards are responsible for the decision-making and allocation of local board community grants. The Waitematā Local Board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these grant applications against the local board priorities identified in the local board grant programme.

20.     The local board is requested to note that section 48 of the Community Grants Policy states; ‘we will also provide feedback to unsuccessful grant applicants about why they have been declined, so they will know what they can do to increase their chances of success next time’.

21.     A summary of each application received through Waitematā Quick Response Grants round two 2021/2022 is provided (refer to Attachment A).

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

22.     The local board grants programme aims to respond to Auckland Council’s commitment to improving Māori wellbeing by providing grants to individuals and groups who deliver positive outcomes for Māori. Auckland Council’s Māori Responsiveness Unit has provided input and support towards the development of the community grant processes.

23.     Seven applicants applying to Quick Response Grant round two, have indicated that their project targets Māori or Māori outcomes.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

24.     The allocation of grants to community groups is within the adopted Long-term Plan 2021-2031 and local board agreements.

25.     The local board has set a total community grants budget of $150,529.00 for the 2021/2022 financial year.

26.     The local board allocated $61,500.00 in the Local Grant round one 2021/2022, leaving a total remaining of $89,029.00.

27.     The local board allocated $29,955.80 to the Quick Response round one 2021/2022, leaving a total remaining of $59,073.20.

28.     On the 12 April 2022 the Waitematā Local Board reallocated funding from undelivered events towards the grants budget. An extra $31,709.00 was allocated, taking the total remaining budget available $90,782.20.

29.     The local board allocated $74,800 to the Local Grant and Multi-board grant round two 2021/2022. Leaving a total remaining of $15,982.20.

30.     Fifteen applications have been received for Quick Response Grant round two 2021/2022, requesting a total of $36,726.01.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

31.     The allocation of grants occurs within the guidelines and criteria of the Community Grants Policy and the local board grants programme. The assessment process has identified that a low risk associated with funding the applications in this round.

32.     Staff recommend that due to current COVID19 crisis, if an applicant is unable to carry out the project in this financial year, then a clause is added to the recommendation, that the applicant can retain the funds to carry out the event in the next financial year or postpone the event date, to when alert levels have reduced, and the event can be conducted safely.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

33.     Following the Waitematā Local Board allocation of funding for the Quick Response Grants round two, grants staff will notify the applicants of the local board’s decision.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Waitematā Quick Response round two - application summary



Waitematā Community Grants Programme 2021/2022



Ngā kaihaina



Arna Casey - Grants Advisor


Pierre Fourie - Grants & Incentives Manager

Trina Thompson - Local Area Manager



Waitematā Local Board

21 June 2022




2021/2022 Waitematā Quick Response Grant, Round Two         


All My Friends Limited

Legal status:

Limited Liability Company

Activity focus:

Arts and culture

Conflicts of interest:

we have no perceived, potential or actual conflict of interest in applying for or using any grant funding.

Project: The Next Chapter: New Gold Mountain


Raynham Park - 145 Karangahape Road


The Next Chapter: New Gum Sarn. This project is a 4-part visual artwork, using the medium of digital film, of Asian and Pasifika artists' response to the question “What is your New Gum Sarn?”. These works will be produced by the collaboration of different artists, platformed online and through a live event in Tamaki Makaurau.


01/07/2022 - 30/04/2023

Rain dates:

01/07/2022 - 30/04/2023

People reached:


% of participants from Local Board



Community benefits

Identified community outcomes:


The platforming of Queer, POC and creative communities through digital film yields many benefits. Not only do we get to stimulate collaboration within these communities, we also create opportunities to further highlight these artists. Telling these stories is important to further establish the voice of our generation, the significance of our migrant histories, and the role Aotearoa plays in this identity.

Alignment with local board priorities:


·     Provide opportunities to connect communities, through creative and diverse arts, sports, events, and community activities


All My Friends is presenting a 4-part visual artwork (digital film) project New Gum Sarn. To platform the completed works, we’ll be holding a showcase where we’ll screen this work for our Queer, POC and creative communities. The project itself aims to connect communities in its collaboration process, as we connect artists of differing backgrounds and practices to produce work together, and its exploration of Asian and Pasifika stories and the art that results from them.  The event will be a showcase and meeting point for our communities.



Māori outcomes:

No Māori outcomes identified

Accessible to people with disabilities

No  -

Target ethnic groups:

Specific ethnic group Māori, Pacific Peoples, Chinese, Korean, Indian, Other Asian

Healthy environment approach:

Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water as the first choice

Our event will have clear signage for recycling, food waste and general waste. We'll encourage the contracted bar staff to provide only paper or recyclable cups. 
We'll make sure water is complimentary and accessible as the first drink of choice. Additional food and drink options will be carefully selected to supplement the needs of the audience. We'll also take into account the dietary needs of vegetarians and vegans in our catering.


Percentage of males targeted

Percentage of females targeted

All - not targeted male/female





0-5 years

< 15 years

15-24 years

25-44 years

45-64 years

>65 years

All ages









Financial information

Amount requested:


Requesting grant for:

Exhibition/Event- Showcase of the artworks developed during All My Friend's next art project supported by Creative NZ/Foundation North Art. This grant will support venue hire, equipment hire and performance fee (for artists). 
This is in support of our funded Foundation North/CreativeNZ project,

If part funded, how would you make up the difference:

look for additional private sponsorships, in-kind support and/or reduce project costs (venue size, location)

Cost of participation:



Total expenditure

Total income

Other grants approved

Applicant contribution






Expenditure item


Amount requested from Local Board

Venue hire



Performance Fee (split between artists)



Technician/Equipment Hire




Income description


Free event (registration required)



Other funding sources


Current Status

Creative NZ/Foundation North



Business Sponsorship 1



Business Sponsorship 2



Business Sponsorship 3




Additional information to support the application:

Yes. We will submit our project proposal for the Asian Artist Fund from Foundation North/Creative NZ. The Project Proposal highlights the research & production of artworks to be displayed at this showcase. This Grant will support the showcasing of our work with a live performance element.


Funding history

Application ID

Project title

Round - Stage




The Next Chapter: New Gold Mountain

2021/2022 Waitematā Quick Response Grant, Round Two -  GA Assessment Completed



No previous application


2021/2022 Waitematā Quick Response Grant, Round Two         


Art Yoga Partnership

 Under the umbrella of The Auckland Women's Centre Incorporated

Legal status:

Informal group/ no legal structure

Activity focus:

Arts and culture

Conflicts of interest:


Project: Meditative Art - Hononga ki au


Auckland Women's Centre


Each session is divided into welcome, discovering activities, sharing and farewell.
Every encounter will focus on a different reflection such as self-care, integrity, compassion, inclusion, equality, empathy and so on. 
Art and yoga give us strength and the courage to reconnect with our inner world.


31/10/2022 - 12/12/2022

Rain dates:

31/10/2022 - 12/12/2022

People reached:


% of participants from Local Board



Community benefits

Identified community outcomes:


After viewing a completed artwork, the individual may encounter feelings of pride and/or relief. 
The effort put forth, while working on a particular piece can also bring feelings of self-worth and accomplishment to the individual. Emotions and feelings that were previously tucked away may be outwardly expressed through various expressions of art, such as writing, drawing, painting and so on.

Alignment with local board priorities:


·     Improve Waitematā for women and girls


This course is an integration of Therapeutic Art techniques blended with principles of Mindfulness, that provides a safe place for women / wāhine to restore, align and empower themselves in order to become a strong individual with a life purpose.  
Throughout an active guided meditation, we provide an alternative perspective of how to express thoughts, feelings, and conflicts for those who find verbal expression difficult.



Māori outcomes:

Māori involvement in the design/concept, Māori focus - tikanga (practices), mātauranga (knowledge), reo (language)In our session we include story and philosophy about the Maori traditions.
Using a variety of tools, such as books, pictures related to Maori, we will develop and/or awaken their knowledge about this beautiful culture. 
We strongly believe that a deeper understanding of this culture is the key to encourage people to find again the connection with the land and their community.
One of the facilitators is currently studying to gain her Certificate in Kāwai Raupapa - Certificate in Māori and Indigenous Art.

Accessible to people with disabilities

Yes Art Yoga has been working with vulnerable communities and we are familiar with people's requests to open our space to anyone who seeks extra support in order to feel sustained and welcome. 
We had participants joining our sessions in their wheelchairs as well as people with their Emotional Support Dogs.
Also, the venue has Wheelchair Access. - Art Yoga has been working with vulnerable communities and we are familiar with people's requests to open our space to anyone who seeks extra support in order to feel sustained and welcome. 
We had participants joining our sessions in their wheelchairs as well as people with their Emotional Support Dogs.
Also, the venue has Wheelchair Access.

Target ethnic groups:


Healthy environment approach:

Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water as the first choice, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness programmes, Encourage the reduction of carbon emissions or increase community resilience to the impacts of climate change*

Ka tu tonu koe i roto i te aroha. Stand in the love. Be true to the love within you.
Art Yoga life purpose and core beliefs are based on deeper the connection and acceptance of our being:
• Self-love: Conscious Communication (inspired by Nonviolent Communication and Intentional Peer Support);
• Self-awareness: Zero Waste / Eco Friendly;
• Self-expression: Art / Creativity;
• Self-care: Yoga / Meditation / Mindfulness;
• Self-connection: Inner Child.
Each of them are interconnected and interchangeable to support ourselves and others on a daily basis.


Percentage of males targeted

Percentage of females targeted

All - not targeted male/female





0-5 years

< 15 years

15-24 years

25-44 years

45-64 years

>65 years

All ages









Financial information

Amount requested:


Requesting grant for:

This will cover 7-week course, including:
• Facilitator investment $220 per class (7-Week Course) $1,540 
• Art equipment $706.01
• Room Hire: $402.50 per 7 classes 2:30 hours each
• Advertising Costs:
- Printing 50 copies A4: $64.50
- Boosting Social Media (Facebook + Instagram): $250

If part funded, how would you make up the difference:

One of the main objectives of Art Yoga is to deliver the service free for attendees within the facilities we collaborate with.
In our experience, this project is even more successful when the service is free of charge and it doesn’t have any impact on the department’s budget. At the same time, funding encourages us to be motivated for the time and energy invested in this project and to be economically sustained from the Local Board in order to positively contribute with our holistic project to the growth of our community and whanau.

Cost of participation:

FREE Entry


Total expenditure

Total income

Other grants approved

Applicant contribution






Expenditure item


Amount requested from Local Board

Facilitator investment $220 per class (7-Week Course)



Art equipment



Room Hire



Advertising Costs: Printing 50 copies A4



Advertising Costs: Boosting Social Media (Facebook + Instagram)




Additional information to support the application:

Our experience with this project allowed us to join forces with different organizations including Changing Minds, Link Alliance, Artweek Auckland, Art Access Aotearoa, Creative New Zealand, and many others. In particular our collaboration with Changing Minds started in July 2020, and for over 2 years we’ve been part of Whakatau Mai supported by the Ministry of Health - Manatū Hauora. This organization protects and nourishes the mana and potential of all people who experience recovery from mental health and/or addiction, right across Aotearoa.
Art Yoga facilitators are both Certified Therapeutic Art coaches, qualified Yoga instructors, and trained IPS Core.


Funding history

Application ID

Project title

Round - Stage




Meditative Art - Hononga ki au

2021/2022 Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection, Round Two -  GA Assessment Completed




Meditative Art - Hononga ki au

2021/2022 Upper Harbour Quick Response Grant, Round One -  Submitted




Meditative Art - Hononga ki au

2021/2022 Henderson-Massey Quick Response Grant Round Three -  SME assessment completed




Meditative Art - Hononga ki au

2021/2022 Waitematā Quick Response Grant, Round Two -  GA Assessment Completed




Meditative Art - Hononga ki au

2021/2022 Albert-Eden Quick Response Grant, Round Three -  Submitted




Meditative Art

2021/2022 Albert-Eden Quick Response Grant, Round Two -  Project in progress




Art & Tea - Seniors

2021/2022 Kaipatiki Local Grant, Round Two -  Project in progress




Art & Tea - Seniors

2021/2022 Kaipatiki Local Grant, Round One -  Declined




Meditative Art

2020/2021 Waitematā Quick Response, Round Two -  Project in progress




Meditative Art

2020/2021 Albert Eden Quick Response Round Three -  Acquitted




Conscious Lab

2020/2021 Kaipatiki Local Grant, Round Three -  Project in progress




The Conscious Lab

2020/2021 Kaipatiki Local Grant, Round Two -  Declined





2020/2021 Hibiscus and Bays Local Grants, Round One  -  Declined



No previous application


2021/2022 Waitematā Quick Response Grant, Round Two         


Artsense Productions

Legal status:

Limited Liability Company

Activity focus:

Arts and culture

Conflicts of interest:

Amy Mansfield's day job is with Auckland Unlimited, a Council-Controlled Organisation. This project has no relationship with that work and she has no influence over the results in that capacity.

Project: The People's Choir


105 Vincent St (Pop Up space occupied by Kainga Ora)


Led by experienced song leaders and event facilitators Amy Mansfield, Georgia-Duder Wood, and Zoe Triggs, The People's Choir will bring together people living and working near Vincent Street in central Auckland around the simple yet beautiful kaupapa of hearty group singing and a good chat over a nice cup of tea. 
Each session will have a broad theme which nods to some of the challenges for our times - including, for example, resilience, overcoming remoteness/loneliness, change and resistance - and the song selection will open up opportunities to discuss these ideas in an informal, relaxed context afterwards.


15/07/2022 - 02/09/2022

Rain dates:

15/07/2022 - 02/09/2022

People reached:


% of participants from Local Board



Community benefits

Identified community outcomes: