Kaipātiki Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Kaipātiki Local Board held on Wednesday, 20 July 2022 at 10.03am. This meeting will proceed via Microsoft Teams. Either a recording or written summary will be uploaded on the Auckland Council website.





John Gillon


Deputy Chairperson

Danielle Grant, JP



Paula Gillon



Melanie Kenrick



Andrew Shaw

From item 8, 10.05am.


Adrian Tyler

Until item 10, 10.24am.





Ann Hartley QSO

(Leave of absence)



Cindy Schmidt





Kaipātiki Local Board

20 July 2022




1          Welcome / Karakia


The Chairperson opened the meeting, welcomed those in attendance followed by Member Adrian Tyler leading the meeting with a karakia.


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2          Apologies


Resolution number KT/2022/146

MOVED by Member P Gillon, seconded by Member A Tyler:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         accept the apology from Member Cindy Schmidt for absence and apology from Member Andrew Shaw for lateness.



3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number KT/2022/147

MOVED by Member A Tyler, seconded by Member M Kenrick:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 22 June 2022, as true and correct.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Petitions


There were no petitions.



8          Deputations


There were no deputations.


Member A Shaw entered meeting at 10.05am.


9          Public Forum



Island Bay wharf pontoon


Ginette Clarke and Stuart Roberts were in attendance via Microsoft Teams to address the board on this item.


A document titled ‘Case for replacement pontoon – Finalised document for distribution to Local Board’ was tabled. The document has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.



Resolution number KT/2022/148

MOVED by Member A Tyler, seconded by Member M Kenrick:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         receive the public forum item.

b)        thank Ginette Clarke, Stuart Roberts and the Island Bay Progressive League for their attendance and presentation.

c)         request advice be brought to the board in the upcoming (currently unscheduled) workshop item on the Island Bay swimming pontoon, on the disparity between council estimates of between $0.5m and $1m for replacing Island Bay wharf's original pontoon and the estimates provided by Bellingham Marine in the vicinity of $100K - $120K, for doing the same.

d)        request an assessment of, and response to, the point made by the IBPL that the pontoon is likely to have failed because it did not receive adequate scheduled maintenance.

e)         request advice as to the location of the gangplank from the Island Bay wharf.




a     20 July 2022 - Kaipātiki Local Board Business Meeting - Case for replacement pontoon - Finalised document for distribution to Local Board


Member A Tyler left meeting at 10.24am.


10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.




Kaipātiki Local Parks Management Plan – approval of draft plan for public consultation


Darren Jeong, Service and Asset Planner and Matthew Ward, Service and Asset Planning Team Leader were in attendance via Microsoft Teams to support this item.



Resolution number KT/2022/149

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Shaw:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         approve the draft Kaipātiki Local Parks Management Plan for public consultation (refer to Attachments A to C of the agenda report, dated 20 July 2022).

b)        note that public consultation on the draft Kaipātiki Local Parks Management Plan will be open for two months, planned from early or mid-August 2022 to early or mid-October 2022; Staff will seek a decision from the incoming local board on the composition of the hearing panel in February 2023; It is anticipated that the hearing will be held in March / April 2023, with the local board considering recommendations on submissions and approving the final plan in June or July 2023.

c)         note that once adopted, the Kaipātiki Local Parks Management Plan will:

i)          replace all existing reserve management plans for Kaipātiki as outlined in the plan’s appendices:

ii)         means council will comply with the requirements of the Reserves Act to have a reserve management plan (for most types of reserves held under the Act); and

iii)       will provide a policy framework to manage the use, protection and development of parks within the local board area.

d)        delegate to the local board Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson approval of minor amendments to the draft Kaipātiki Local Parks Management Plan, prior to public notification.

e)         revoke items b(i) and b(ii) of resolution number KT/2021/242 (refer to Attachment D, dated 8 December 2021), due to the following reasons:

i)          the word “amalgamating” was used instead of “uniting”, which may be interpreted as amalgamating the land parcels within the reserves instead of the reserves themselves.

ii)         specifying a classification (Kaipātiki Esplanade Reserve) in the park name when there are multiple different classifications could confuse the public on the main purpose of reserves; and

iii)       a parcel included in resolution number KT/2021/242 (Parcel Crown Land SO 2473 of Francis Kendall Reserve) is not owned or administered by the council and therefore cannot be renamed.

f)          note that the Political Working Group have proposed renaming reserves outlined within the Eskdale Reserve Network and Kaipātiki Esplanade Reserve network.

g)        note that Te Kawerau a Maki oppose renaming reserves outlined within the Eskdale Reserve Network and Kaipātiki Esplanade Reserve network (as articulated in resolution number KT/2021/242) with English names only. 

h)        note that the management intentions included within the draft Kaipātiki Local Parks Management Plan (LPMP) state that opportunities to formally collectively name the reserves outlined within the Eskdale Reserve Network and Kaipātiki Esplanade Reserve network will be investigated, including inviting mana whenua to provide te reo Māori names in line with Section 11.10 ‘Park and Park Feature Naming Policies’ in Part D of the LPMP (as reflected in Attachment A of this report).  

i)          signals an early intention to seek te reo Māori names for the following collections of reserves as part of the next tranche of the Te Kete Rukuruku programme:

i)          one te reo Māori name for the individual reserves within the Eskdale Reserve Network (Birkenhead Domain, Eskdale Bush Scenic Reserve, Parcel Crown Land SO2473 of Francis Kendall Reserve, Hiwihau Reserve, Kelmar Reserve, Lauderdale Reserve and Treeview Reserve); and

ii)         one te reo Māori name for the collection of Kaipātiki Esplanade Reserve, Witherford Scenic Reserve, and parcels Lot 7 DP 43766, Lot 2 DP 49724 and Lot 2 DP 316330 of Manuka Reserve.  





2022-23 Joint CCO Local Board Engagement Plans and 2021-22 Q3 Update


Resolution number KT/2022/150

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Shaw:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         adopt the Joint CCO Local Board Engagement Plan 2022-2023 as agreed between the local board and Auckland Council’s substantive Council-Controlled Organisations: Auckland Transport, Eke Panuku Development Auckland, Tātaki Auckland Unlimited and Watercare.

b)        note that the attachments to the Joint CCO Local Board Engagement Plan 2022-2023 will be updated as needed, with changes reported to the local board each quarter.

c)         request local board input into the Tātaki Auckland Unlimited stadium strategy.

d)        request that the Engagement Approach be amended to reinstate the five levels of engagement as workshopped prior to the adoption of the Joint CCO Local Board Engagement Plan 2021-22, as shown below:


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e)         request that Auckland Transport resume monthly reports to the Kaipātiki Local Board, as there has been a noticeable reduction in engagement, reporting on transport capital fund projects and general transport matters since changes were implemented as a result of the CCO review, especially in 2021-2022.

f)          authorise the Chairperson to sign this agreement on behalf of the local board, alongside representatives from the four CCOs.


Note: Under Standing Order 1.9.7 Deputy Chairperson D Grant requested her vote be recorded against clause a).




Local board feedback on the strategic direction of Auckland's Future Development Strategy


Resolution number KT/2022/151

MOVED by Member P Gillon, seconded by Member M Kenrick:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         endorse the identified seven big issues in the strategic direction for the Future Development Strategy, and request the following additional big issues:

i)          Issue: Parks, reserves and public open space
We must retain existing parks, reserves, and public spaces, and seek to acquire more to support population growth, and provide a range of quality open spaces that provide for both passive and active activities.
Our open spaces and public places should be protected from negative effects which may be created by surrounding development – ensuring, for example, that they have sufficient sunlight and are not dominated by built development.
Parks and reserves are critical in supporting council’s environmental and climate policies and aspirations, and are crucial to the physical, mental and social wellbeing of our communities.

ii)         Issue: Urban and Rural Ngahere / Tree Canopy Loss
Investigate options to slow or halt tree canopy loss both in urban areas and in rural areas being developed for housing, including pursuing change to the Resource Management Act to empower councils to re-introduce general tree protection; utilising any available development controls to prevent tree loss such
as minimising clear-felling of land, and minimum tree coverage on Kiana Ora developments; growing and maintaining the notable tree register; and investigating ways to incentivise owners and developers to keep existing trees.
The board is concerned at the loss of trees, as housing intensification increases. Trees, and vegetation in general, are critical to support council’s climate change policies, environmental resilience, and biodiversity, and act as a much-needed carbon sink for Auckland city’s large carbon production.
Trees are crucial to the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of our current and future communities. We must act swiftly and decisively to ensure we have a sustainable and future-proof tree canopy coverage on both public and private land.

iii)       Issue: Quality urban form
Creating a ‘liveable city’ for a rapidly-expanding population requires quality not merely quantity. To achieve quality urban design we cannot treat buildings, places, and spaces in isolation – but must view them as part of the whole town or city. Simply meeting the building code is not sufficient to ensure quality living or townscapes – and we support the Auckland Design Manual and the use of all permissible controls available to ensure homes contribute to the overall quality
of our townscapes, and ensure homes provide residents with high levels of basic amenity such as sunlight and fresh air.

iv)       Issue: Social Infrastructure:
The aftermath of the pandemic has left Auckland with the challenge of how to support communities’ mental wellbeing and promote prosperity. Social infrastructure include the spaces and community facilities that bring people together to build meaningful relationships. Examples of these maybe libraries, art galleries, community houses or cultural and sports clubs.  Social infrastructure has the potential to deliver significant improvements to individuals. Community buildings, parks, clubs and galleries all contribute to the social connection, sense of civic identify and pride within a community. One challenge is that markedly different capacities exist within different communities, particularly newer communities. Council must play a central role in the development, promotion and ongoing resourcing of social infrastructure.





Private Road Name for Subdivision at 318 Wairau Road, Glenfield


Resolution number KT/2022/152

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Grant:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         approve the preferred road name Oki Place for the private road within the subdivision being undertaken by Jicheng Company Ltd, at 318 Wairau Road, Glenfield, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974.





Kaipātiki Local Board Chairperson's Report


A document titled ‘John Gillon Chairperson’s Report July 2022’ was tabled. The document has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.



Resolution number KT/2022/153

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Grant:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         note the tabled chairperson’s report.




a     20 July 2022 - Kaipātiki Local Board Business Meeting - John Gillon Chairperson's Report July 2022




Members' Reports


There were no reports provided at this time.  




Governing Body and Independent Maori Statutory Board Members' Update


There were no updates provided at this time.




Workshop Records - Kaipātiki Local Board - June 2022


Resolution number KT/2022/154

MOVED by Member P Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Grant:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         note the record for the Kaipātiki Local Board workshop held on Wednesday 1 June 2022, Wednesday 8 June 2022, Wednesday 15 June 2022 and Wednesday 29 June 2022. 





Hōtaka Kaupapa – Policy Schedule (Governance Forward Work Calendar)


Resolution number KT/2022/155

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson D Grant, seconded by Member M Kenrick:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         note the Kaipātiki Local Board August - September 2022 Hōtaka Kaupapa – Policy Schedule (Governance Forward Work Calendar) and July - August 2022 workshop forward work plan.




20        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.



11.07am.                                            The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









