Upper Harbour Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Upper Harbour Local Board held via Microsoft Teams on Thursday, 21 July 2022 at 9.32am.
Chairperson |
Lisa Whyte |
Deputy Chairperson |
Margaret Miles, QSM, JP |
Members |
Anna Atkinson |
Nicholas Mayne |
Brian Neeson, JP |
Member |
Uzra Casuri Balouch |
Upper Harbour Local Board 21 July 2022 |
Resolution number UH/2022/74 MOVED by Chairperson L Whyte, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Miles: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) accept the apology from Member U Casuri Balouch.
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number UH/2022/75 MOVED by Chairperson L Whyte, seconded by Member B Neeson: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 16 June 2022, including the confidential section, and the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 23 June 2022, as a true and correct record.
There were no leaves of absence.
There were no acknowledgements.
There were no petitions.
There were no deputations.
There was no public forum.
There was no extraordinary business.
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Minutes of the Upper Harbour Local Board meetings held Thursday, 16 June 2022, and 23 June 2022 |
Resolution number UH/2022/76 MOVED by Chairperson L Whyte, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Miles: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) note that the open unconfirmed minutes of the Upper Harbour Local Board meetings held on Thursday, 16 June 2022, and 23 June 2022, are attached at item 11 of the agenda for the information of the local board only and will be confirmed under item 4 of the agenda.
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Local board feedback on the strategic direction of Auckland's Future Development Strategy |
Resolution number UH/2022/77 MOVED by Member A Atkinson, seconded by Chairperson L Whyte: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) support the strategic direction of the ‘seven big issues’ for the Future Development Strategy as follows: i) Hapū and iwi values and aspirations for urban development ii) Climate change, emissions reduction and urban form iii) Inundation and natural hazards iv) Intensification – dispersed or focused v) Infrastructure vi) Greenfields and future urban areas vii) Business and employment. b) requests that an eighth ‘big issue’ be added covering: i) the need to include many types of greenspace, including parks, playgrounds, larger open areas, areas of biodiversity value, green linkages and connections, to be identified early in the planning process.
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Approval to correct the spelling of a road name (‘Ruaroa Lane’) approved in the development at 30 Clark Road, Hobsonville. |
Resolution number UH/2022/78 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Member A Atkinson: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) partially rescind resolution UH/2022/36 in relation to clause a ii) which approved the name ‘Ruaroa Lane’ for COAL 1 in the development located at 30 Clark Road, Hobsonville due to incorrect spelling of the name. b) approve the name ‘Rauroa Lane’ for COAL 1 created by way of subdivision at 30 Clark Road, Hobsonville (road naming reference RDN90098390 and resource consent references BUN60377675 and SUB60377677).
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Resolution number UH/2022/79 MOVED by Chairperson L Whyte, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Miles: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) receive the Upper Harbour Local Board Hōtaka Kaupapa / governance forward work calendar for July 2022 – September 2022.
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Resolution number UH/2022/80 MOVED by Member N Mayne, seconded by Member B Neeson: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) receive the records of the Upper Harbour Local Board workshops held on Thursday 9 June and 7 July 2022 (refer to Attachments A and B to the agenda report).
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Resolution number UH/2022/81 MOVED by Member B Neeson, seconded by Member A Atkinson: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) receive the Auckland Transport West Hub Bulletin for June 2022.
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Resolution number UH/2022/82 MOVED by Member A Atkinson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Miles: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) receive the verbal local board members reports.
18 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
10.08 am The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.