Franklin Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Franklin Local Board held in the Leslie Comrie Board Room, Level One Franklin the Centre, 12 Massey Ave, Pukekohe, and by video conference (Microsoft Teams) on Tuesday, 23 August 2022 at 9.30am.
Chair |
Andrew Baker |
Deputy Chair |
Angela Fulljames |
Members |
Malcolm Bell |
Alan Cole |
Sharlene Druyven |
Amanda Kinzett |
Matthew Murphy |
Logan Soole |
Franklin Local Board 23 August 2022 |
The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.
Member Druyven declared an interest in Item 13 Franklin Partnership Grants 2022/2023.
Resolution number FR/2022/110 MOVED by Member A Kinzett, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames: That the Franklin Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 26 July 2022 as true and correct. |
There were no leaves of absence.
6.1 |
Acknowledgements - Commonwealth Games achievements – Pukekohe Swimming Club |
Resolution number FR/2022/111 MOVED by Member L Soole, seconded by Chairperson A Baker: That the Franklin Local Board: a) acknowledge the successes of the Pukekohe Swimming Club members at the Birmingham Commonwealth Games 2022 including Tupou Neiufi (Silver womens 100 backstroke), Joshua Willmer (Gold mens 100m backstroke) and Andrew Jeffcoat (Gold mens 50m backstroke). |
6.2 |
Resolution number FR/2022/112 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member S Druyven: That the Franklin Local Board: a) acknowledge the recognition given to Member Logan Soole at the recent Young Elected Members conference, where he was awarded the Young Elected Member of the Year. |
There were no petitions.
There were no deputations.
There was no public forum.
There was no extraordinary business.
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Jane Cain, Plans and Places Specialist Advisor, was in attendance to speak to this item. |
Resolution number FR/2022/113 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member A Cole: That the Franklin Local Board: a) receive five-year operational plans from the following Franklin rural halls (tranche 2 - Attachments A, B, C & D) and agree that these plans, along with tranche 1 five-year plans already received by the board, will be used as the basis for funding decisions in 2022/2023: · Aawhitu Central Hall · Hūnua Hall · Paparimu Hall · Pukekohe East Community Centre b) endorse the proposal, noting its budget constraints, to fund Franklin rural hall committees 25 per cent of expenses identified in five-year plans where hall committees have existing reserves of over $35,000 c) approve the following funding for the nine hall committees with five-year plans:
d) approve the proposal to issue a Community Centre Management Agreement to Aawhitu, Hūnua, Paparimu and Pukekohe East hall committees. e) approve the following funding for 10 Franklin rural hall committees currently without five-year plans in 2022/2023:
f) note that the Buckland Community Centre has a zero payment due to the continued closure of the hall and the current inability to meet the requirements of council g) approve the proposed funding approach for tranches three and four community-owned halls based on average operating costs. |
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Franklin Local Board reallocation of budget from Customer and Community Services Work Programme to Local Board Services |
Carol McKenzie Rex, Local Area Manager, spoke to this item. |
Resolution number FR/2022/114 MOVED by Member L Soole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames: That the Franklin Local Board: (a) approve the reallocation of financial year 2022/2023 locally driven initiatives (LDI) OPEX budget of $8000 from Customer and Community Services ID116 Local Māori Responsiveness – Franklin, to new Local Board Services 2022/2023 work programme lines; $5000 for Ara Kōtui and $3000 for the Tuia / local board rangatahi mentoring programme. |
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Note Member Druyven’s declaration of interest in this item. Member Druyven took no part in discussion or voting on this item. |
Resolution number FR/2022/115 MOVED by Member A Kinzett, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames: That the Franklin Local Board: a)
approve the following
b) reallocate $8,000 grants not uplifted from Franklin Integration Project Reference Group for the Franklin Ageing Expo event, (application FPG22-103) from Community Partnership Grants work programme ID 142, to the Franklin Discretionary Community Grants work programme line ID 143, to enable funding of an alternative community-led initiative c) request that Grants programme and Connected Communities staff schedule a workshop with the Franklin Local Board in early March 2023 to update the board on Community Partner deliverables, to inform any other funding reallocation opportunities that may eventuate due to changes in partner circumstances and to revisit in-principle funding for 2023/24. |
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Temporary changes to landowner approval process for filming activities |
Matthew Donaldson, Relationship Facilitator Screen Auckland, was online to speak to this item |
Resolution number FR/2022/116 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member M Bell: That the Franklin Local Board: a) defer the report ‘Temporary changes to landowner approval process for filming activities’ to the first available meeting of the new electoral term (estimated November 2022) on the basis that the board considers it inappropriate to agree to changes in advance of the election. b) note the board’s continued strategic support for Screen Production activity in Franklin Local Board as outlined in the Franklin Local Board Plan 2020, and the new board consider this strategic commitment when it receives the report. c) note
that the Franklin Local Board has |
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Adoption of the refreshed Franklin Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan |
Kieran Nevey, Sport and Recreation Lead, was in attendance to speak to this item. |
Resolution number FR/2022/117 MOVED by Member A Cole, seconded by Member A Kinzett: That the Franklin Local Board: a) adopt
the refreshed Franklin Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan
(Attachment A) as the reference document that will i) direct investment through grants to community-owned facility projects (LDI opex) ii) quality advice to support asset-based work programme decisions and resource allocation (LDI capex, renewals, growth funding) iii) quality advice to support advocacy, leverage, and partnership opportunities |
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Natasha Carpenter, Coastal Management Practice Lead, was available to speak to this item. Zaelene Maxwell-Butler also spoke to this item on behalf of Ngai Tai ki Tāmaki. |
Resolution number FR/2022/118 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member M Bell: That the Franklin Local Board: a) endorse the Beachlands and East Shoreline Adaptation Plan b) note that the Beachlands and East Shoreline Adaptation Plan provides site-specific adaptive strategies that outline the preferred coastal management response for each site over time c) note that to implement the Beachlands and East Shoreline Adaptation Plan, adaptive strategies will need to be integrated into relevant Asset Management Plans to inform the maintenance and renewal of assets: i) where strategies can be implemented through existing budgets, this will be integrated from now ii) where strategies require additional budget, this will be subject to a regional prioritisation process for funding once all Shoreline Adaptation Plans have been completed. |
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Bruce Thomas, Elected Member Relationship Manager, was in attendance for this item. |
Resolution number FR/2022/119 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member A Kinzett: That the Franklin Local Board: a) receive the August 2022 report from Auckland Transport with the following feedback and requests: Pukekohe to Papakura rail replacement bus services i) note that despite assurances that safe and easy connections between replacement bus and train would be a key focus of the replacement service, the community is already reporting that the connection between replacement bus and train are insufficiently aligned and customers are already experiencing negative consequences. The board request that Auckland Transport (AT) return to the board with advice on how this issue is being addressed without delay ii) note with concern that customers are currently rushing to and from platforms 1 and 2 to try and meet replacement buses or train, and that the board has concerns for the safety of customers in these conditions iii) request that AT revisit, without delay, the board’s suggestion that a Pukekohe Train Station to and from Papakura Train Station express bus service be made available during peak commute times, supplementary to the service via Paerata, so that commuters can be assured to reach trains via whatever route is suitable according to traffic conditions iv) request that AT note the board’s assertion that the service has to be attractive to customers to encourage continued use. Cape Hill / Reynolds Road roundabout v) does not accept that poor driving rather than poor design is the primary issue with the Reynolds Road roundabout (as implied in paragraph 19). This road should enable large vehicles to manoeuvre around or over the roundabout, which the board understands could be addressed by amendments to the kerbing on the southern edge and the angle and lip height of the ‘drive-over’ area vi) request that AT engineers, as previously done in similar circumstances in Pukekohe, liaise with the Local Board transport representative to arrange a drive-through of the Reynolds Road Pukekohe area in large vehicles to gain first hand and actual knowledge of the challenges of the design. Risks of climate change to the transport system vii) commend AT for commencing work on the identification of climate change risks to the roading network (erosion and inundation risks) and requests that local boards be engaged in this work i.e be provided the opportunity to provide local perspectives and insights viii) request that the Climate Change assessment programme discussed in this report be added to the AT section of the Franklin Local Board and CCO engagement plan 2022. |
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Resolution number FR/2022/120 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member S Druyven: That the Franklin Local Board: a) provide the following local board views on private plan change 76 by Aedifice Development No.1 Limited for 53 Birch Road; 2, 19, 26 and 52 Golding Road; East Street Pukekohe (PT Allt 12 Paro) and part of 31 Ngahere Road: i) do not object to the proposed plan change, noting that this land is already within the Future Urban Zone ii) request the applicant engage with the Supporting Growth Alliance programme, specifically in terms of Golding Road and the proposed Pukekohe Expressway, to ensure that possible future needs are considered when planning iii) note that the two-metre Ngahere Road strip of Reserve Land is in-service property, and that the Franklin Local Board would consider selling this land under Auckland Council’s optimisation policy for reinvestment in other local projects and to support success and effective development of this land by the developer iv) recommend that the proposed Significant Ecological Area area include the full area of vegetation noting that South Auckland, including Pukekohe, has a low percentage of tree canopy and that areas of established bush should be retained and protected as part of Auckland’s Climate response v) recommend that a riparian strip of greater that the minimum 10m be retained, preferably the 20 metre strip envisaged by the Pukekohe-Paerata Structure Plan to better support stormwater management including impacts from up-stream environments vi) note and support Auckland Transport concerns, and consider that these could be mitigated if the developer were to enhance the walking and cycling environment/connections to the Pukekohe Train Station and Pukekohe Town Centre, including fit for purpose foothpaths and cycleways, kerb and channel on both sides of Ngahere Road and Birch Road, and better pedestrian and cycle connections to local schools vii) note with concern that the proposed connector road between Birch Road and Golding Road has the potential to be used as an alternative route (from East Street) into and out of Pukekohe and could create pinch points at Ngahere and East Street and Golding and East Street viii) consider that water management and transport infrastructure must be addressed by the developer in order to support the establishment of a new community, noting that Auckland Council will not be in a position to provide necessary changes needed to accommodate the development outside of the development area i.e. to the adjacent environs viii) make the comment that having the area between this plan change area and that of PC74 omitted is a lost opportunity to ensure contiguous and well planned development, including provision of infrastructure for this area of Future Urban Zone land. b) appoint the Franklin Local Board Chair to speak to the local board views at a hearing on Private Plan Change 76, noting that the Chair role is yet to be determined pending the upcoming Local Government election. Hearings staff should refer any representation questions to the Senior Advisor for Franklin Local Board when the hearing date has been confirmed. c) delegate authority to the chair of Franklin Local Board to make a replacement appointment in the event the local board member appointed in resolution b) is unable to attend the private plan change hearing. |
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Resolution number FR/2022/121 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member A Kinzett: That the Franklin Local Board: a) provide the following feedback on the Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill to be appended to the Auckland Council submission: i) consider that the Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill does not adequately consider and reflect Auckland specific governance arrangements and capabilities, and considers this inappropriate given Auckland represents a third of New Zealanders and New Zealand’s largest Māori and Pacific populations. ii) support the intention to enable minor changes to the governance approach and representation in response to growth and change. The board considers that fit for purpose governance aligns with the aspirations in the Franklin Local Board area communities, enabling fit for purpose places and services that reflect and respond to growth and change. Such changes might include changes to Local Board name, minor boundary changes to sub-divisions, local board and ward boundaries etc, number of board or councillor representatives per sub-division or ward iii) consider that reducing the number of wards and boards and associated councillors and board members could be considered by this Bill noting that the current population-based approach to representation is too simplistic and does not reflect challenges of geographic size iv) The bill should, if iii) is not implemented, provide a process akin to or within the current electoral boundary review process undertaken by the Representation Commission for changes to boundaries and or establishment of new wards. v) do not support a change that would enable the governing body of Auckland Council to create additional seats on the governing body to accommodate representatives of any future Māori Wards. The board supports the addition of Māori Ward seats in principle, however considers that these seats should be accommodated within the current number of seats and enabled by a re-organisation of councillor representation. Should Māori wards be created, the Independent Māori Statutory Board should either be disestablished or its role redefined to an advisory type role with no voting rights on Council committees. vi) recommend the ability to add Māori representation to Local Boards through a full and appropriate public consultation process. This addition would enable future elected leaders and communities to make a decision without the need for a further change in legislation |
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Local board feedback on the proposed Auckland Climate Grant programme 2022/2023 |
Resolution number FR/2022/122 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member M Bell: That the Franklin Local Board: a) provide the following feedback on the proposed Auckland Climate Grant: i) consider that a regionally administered grant of the scale proposed does not deliver spatially equitable or foster locally delivered climate action outcomes. Regional grants should be for those initiatives or projects that are genuinely regional, or at best sub regional, in nature. ii) recommend that the governing body allocate the fund reserved for generating local climate change initiatives to local boards, who are better placed to promote and support locally appropriate community-initiated climate action, either through existing local climate action projects or through new initiatives noting Local Boards may be able to supplement the fund available from their budget in line with their Local Board Plan iii) recommend that initiatives that progress circular economy approaches be included within the grant criteria iv) recommend that existing projects, including those sponsored by the local board, be eligible for funding. v) recommend that alignment with Local Board Plan priorities be included as a criteria for any application contained solely within one Local Board area. |
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Franklin Local Board achievements report for the 2020 – 2022 period |
Orrin Kapua, Local Board Advisor, was in attendance to speak to this item. |
Resolution number FR/2022/123 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames: That the Franklin Local Board: a) receive the Franklin Local Board achievements report for the 2020 – 2022 period (Attachment A). |
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Urgent Decision - Franklin Local Board input into the Water Services Entities Bill submission by Auckland Council |
Resolution number FR/2022/124 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member A Cole: That the Franklin Local Board: a) notes the Urgent Decision finalised on 19 July 2022, which provided the following feedback to the Governing Body on the Government’s Resource Management system reform amendment proposal (Water Services Entity Bill): Concerns around the four-entity model i) Auckland’s water supply is predominately sourced through assets within the Franklin Local Board area. The Hūnua Ranges, as the site that provides 68% of Auckland’s water supply, also provides significant local recreational amenity, is an environmental taonga and driver of local economic activity. Pukekohe is also the site of the main connection to the water treatment plant from the Waikato River. As such, the risk to and impact on communities at the local level from the proposed four entity model is greater than other parts of Auckland or Northland and request inclusion in any regional forum group or entity on the basis of Franklin’s strategic importance to the water supply ii) the board suggest proportional governance refinements to the proposed Regional advisory panel to enable local representation i.e. representation from the elected representatives of communities within the Franklin Local Board area to ensure local risk and impact is managed and that local priorities are not unfairly compromised in the interests of regional and entity-wide considerations iii) the board considers that the proposed governance and representation arrangements create a risk to collaboration between entity governance and Auckland Council particularly at a local level. For example, Watercare as the current water service provider has actively worked with the Franklin Local Board to enable the development of a Hunua Traverse (part of the NZ Cycle Trail) and associated local economic development activity. The Healthy Waters department have actively worked with the local board to enable recreational amenity on stormwater management assets at Drury. The board is concerned that these local initiatives would be considered hyper-local by a largely removed entity, to the disadvantage of local communities.
Centralisation must be balanced with increased local voice iv) advocate that community voices are critical and mechanisms to have their say must be with local consultation and democratic input, and clarity is needed on the consumer engagement and community engagement models v) appreciate the inclusion of consumer forums to help the Water Services Entity understand consumer requirements and expectations, to reflect and represent the diverse interests of consumers throughout the region vi) however, the purpose is broad and in order for the forum to engage successfully, technical specialists and community stakeholders who have the ability to effectively reflect and represent the interests of a region are needed (i.e. local boards’ role in representing the views of their local communities). Councils place making role is critical vii) consider the wider implications of stormwater management capabilities alignment with local board plans and strengths for greater cohesion: · footpath network and its function for communities · local character implications · social infrastructure for parks and play provision · community wellbeing, growth and development. |
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Resolution number FR/2022/125 MOVED by Member A Kinzett, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames: That the Franklin Local Board: a) note the governance forward work calendar dated August 2022 (Attachment A). |
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Resolution number FR/2022/126 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member A Kinzett: That the Franklin Local Board: a) receive the Franklin Local Board workshop records for 5, 12 and 26 July 2022. |
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Auckland Council's Quarterly Performance Report: Franklin Local Board Quarter for quarter four 2021/2022 |
Faithe Smith, Lead Financial Advisor, was online to speak to the financial aspects of this report. Orrin Kapua, Local Board Advisor, was present to speak to the report. |
Resolution number FR/2022/127 MOVED by Member M Bell, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames: That the Franklin Local Board: a) receive the performance report for Quarter Four ending 30 June 2022. b) note the financial performance report in Attachment B of the report will remain confidential until after the Auckland Council Group results for 2021/2022 are released to the New Zealand Exchange (NZX), which are expected to be made public on or about 29 August 2022. |
26 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
10.35 am The Chair thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.