Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board held and in the Claris Conference Centre, 19 Whangaparapara Road, Claris, Aotea / Great Barrier Island and via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday, 23 August 2022 at 1.00pm.
Chairperson |
Izzy Fordham |
Deputy Chairperson |
Luke Coles |
Members |
Susan Daly |
Patrick O'Shea |
Valmaine Toki |
Via electronic link |
Councillor |
Pippa Coom |
Waitematā and Gulf Ward Councillor |
Until 1.49pm, item 12 |
Glenn Boyd |
Local Area Manager |
Anna Davis |
PA / Office Manager, Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board |
Annabelle White |
Specialist Local Communications |
Via electronic link |
Kathy Cumming |
Barrier Bulletin |
Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board 23 August 2022 |
Chairperson I Fordham opened the meeting and welcomed everyone in attendance. Member V Toki led the meeting in a karakia.
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number GBI/2022/81 MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Coles: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 26 July 2022, as true and correct.
There were no leaves of absence.
There were no acknowledgements.
There were no petitions.
There were no deputations.
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A brief update on the projects of Oruawharo Medlands Ecovision was tabled at the meeting. A copy of the tabled documents has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number GBI/2022/82 MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member S Daly: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) note the Public Forum presentation on Oruawharo Medlands Ecovision’s project update (Attachment A). b) thank John Ogden, Lotte McIntyre and Raoul Stuart from Oruawharo Medlands Ecovision for their Public Forum attendance:
a 23 August 2022 Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board, item 9.1 Public Forum report, tabled item 9.1 Oruawharo Medlands Ecovision project update |
There was no extraordinary business.
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Kate Waterhouse – Chair of the Aotea Great Barrier Environmental Trust was in attendance via Microsoft Teams to speak to item a) ii). |
Resolution number GBI/2022/83 MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member P O'Shea: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) note the following reports: i) Aotea / Great Barrier Natural Environment-Islands monthly update – July 2022 report ii) Aotea Great Barrier Environmental Trust third quarterly report for 2022
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Councillor Pippa Coom was in attendance via Microsoft Teams to speak to her report. |
Resolution number GBI/2022/84 MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member V Toki: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) receive the verbal and written report update from the Waitematā and Gulf Ward Councillor, Pippa Coom.
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Auckland Council’s Quarterly Performance Report: Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board for quarter four 2021/2022 |
Jacqui Fyers – senior local board advisor and Audrey Gan - lead financial advisor were in attendance to speak to the report. |
Note: changes to the original recommendation with inclusion of new clause c), d) and e). |
Resolution number GBI/2022/85 MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member S Daly: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) receive the performance report for quarter four ending 30 June 2022. b) note the financial performance report in Attachment B of the report will remain confidential until after the Auckland Council Group results for 2021/2022 are released to the New Zealand’s Exchange (NZX) which are expected to be made public on or about 29 August 2022. c) note the board supports the establishment of a community-led Aotea waste steering group. d) note with dismay and disappointment that the Healthy Waters’ Aotea emergency water supply project has been delayed due to budget constraints. e) thank Jacqui Fyers, Audrey Gan and all the department staff for all their mahi in the delivery of the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board’s projects for 2021/2022.
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End-of-year accountability reports of Aotea / Great Barrier Island community groups |
Resolution number GBI/2022/86 MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Coles: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) receive the end-of-year accountability reports from the following entities (Attachment A -H to the agenda report): i. Ngāti Rehua-Ngātiwai ki Aotea Trust – Visitor Information Centre ii. Aotea Family Support Group iii. Aotea Family Support Group - Community Worker project iv. Destination Great Barrier Island v. Aotea Education Trust (including community Te Reo courses) vi. Aotea Ora Community Trust (including food resilience work programme) vii. Building a Flourishing Community Aotea viii. Great Barrier Island Community Heritage and Arts Village Trust b) thank Kathy Cumming for her key role in managing the relationships between our community groups and the local board. c) thank all the Aotea Great Barrier Island community groups for their passion and dedication in providing services for the good of our people and the motu.
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Local board feedback on the proposed Auckland Climate Grant programme 2022/2023 |
Resolution number GBI/2022/87 MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member P O'Shea: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) provide the following feedback on the proposed Auckland Climate Grant: i) note its sole local board outcome of being a resilient island. The board alongside the residents and community of Aotea / Great Barrier seek to live in and foster a low carbon sustainable ways of living and working. Not for profit community trust AoteaOra has been leading a community investigation to better understand our collective carbon footprint for the island. They, alongside of many other organisation and individuals have been active in raising awareness and supporting behaviour change and community led action. The board have been proactive in their decision making around work programme investment and capital grants to lift resilience around food, energy and to protect and enhance this island’s natural environment which converts and sequesters carbon. ii) support regional funding being made available for access by community groups to acting local and acknowledge that the level of single grants up to $50,000 each lifts the potential for Council support well beyond modest local grant opportunities. iii) support the purpose of the grant scheme to support projects that will: A. reduce greenhouse gas emissions through community-based action. B. build community resilience to climate change impacts. C. support Māori-led responses to climate change. iv) endorse the key priority areas for funding for the grant in 2022/2023 of: A. Transport: Projects that support a low carbon and safe transport system. B. Built environment and Energy: Projects that support a built environment and energy system that provides for a low carbon, climate disaster resilient Auckland. C. Food: Projects that support a low carbon, resilient, local food system and enable Aucklanders to make sustainable and healthy food choices. D. Māori-led projects: Projects that build Māori capacity to respond to climate impacts and support mana whenua and mātāwaka to reduce emissions and build community resilience.
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Resolution number GBI/2022/88 MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member V Toki: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) provides the following feedback to the proposed changes outlined in the Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill: i) support providing local authorities (councils) with a revised process for deciding their representation arrangements that makes the consideration of specific Māori representation a fundamental step in that process. ii) restate its previous feedback on Māori Wards and constituency process (28 September 2021 Resolution number GBI/2021/121): A. the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board identifies partnering with Māori is part of Auckland Council’s responsibilities under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its broader obligations to Māori. B. demographic representation is important within the current context and Māori Wards are a step forward. C. consideration needs to be made for local board member representation with proportional subdivision style representation in local board areas with significant threshold Māori residents. D. the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board supports bolder legislative changes and the establishment and resourcing of co-governance arrangements within local government which enable the Treaty principle of partnership and affirm Māori values and tikanga. iii) advocate that methods be investigated to better enable Māori representation at a local board level. iv) support a change the current restriction on the number of councillors on Auckland Council endorsing that the current restriction on the number of councillors to 20 plus a mayor affects Auckland Council’s ability to provide effective representation for all its growing communities and to provide specific Māori representation without diminishing the representation of other communities. v) support simplifying the process for unitary authorities to adjust local board boundaries noting the current process required for local boards is aligned to a full reorganisation process, even for minor amendments. vi) endorse the proposed Schedule 3A update wording to ensure that before submitting a unitary authority-led reorganisation application, the unitary authority must consider any views and preferences expressed by any local boards that would be affected by the reorganisation plan. vii) note the unique situation of Aotea / Great Barrier as a remote island within the Auckland context and that individual determination and governance by local residents would be a continuing expectation. viii) support the proposed update to the processes for when an election result is tied so that a recount occurs rather than a toss of a coin or draw of a straw. ix) support enabling all candidates to submit nominations electronically as well as via paper form.
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Resolution number GBI/2022/89 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson L Coles, seconded by Member P O'Shea: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) note the Hōtaka Kaupapa (Policy Schedule) for the political term 2019 - 2022 as at August 2022. b) agree to add an ordinary business meeting to be scheduled on Tuesday 20 September at 1.00pm at the Claris Conference Centre.
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Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board Workshop Record of Proceedings |
Resolution number GBI/2022/90 MOVED by Member P O'Shea, seconded by Member V Toki: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) note the record of proceedings for the local board workshops held on Tuesday 2 August and Tuesday 9 August 2022.
19 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
2.07 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.