I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Tuesday, 16 August 2022


This meeting will proceed via MS Teams. Either a recording or written summary will be uploaded on the Auckland Council website.


Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board










Apulu Reece Autagavaia


Deputy Chairperson

Dawn Trenberth



Dr Ashraf Choudhary, QSO, JP



Dr Ofa Dewes



Lotu Fuli



Swanie Nelson



Ross Robertson, QSO, JP



(Quorum 4 members)




Carol McGarry

Democracy Advisor


11 August 2022


Contact Telephone: +64 27 591 5024

Email: carol.mcgarry@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz





19        Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill                                     5

28        Local board feedback on the proposed Auckland Climate Grant programme 2022/2023                                                                      71


Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill

File No.: CP2022/11777




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.      To provide feedback to the Governing Body for when it considers an Auckland Council submission on the Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill (the Bill).

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.      The Bill is an omnibus bill in that it amends several statutes. It:

·     removes the restriction of 20 councillors on the Governing Body

·     provides a revised process for establishing Māori wards

·     allows minor changes to local board boundaries for the purpose of alignment between ward and local board boundaries

·     provides a dedicated process for the reorganisation of local boards

·     provides more flexibility for lodging candidate nominations (eg electronic nominations)

·     provides more detail around resolving ties and conducting recounts

3.      The provisions that relate to Auckland Council are in response to submissions the council has made previously. Staff recommend general support for the provisions relating to the number of councillors on the Governing Body, the alignment of boundaries and a separate process for the reorganisation of local boards (as in the proposed Schedule 3A).

4.      The process for establishing Māori wards arises out of feedback from consultation on a discussion document. The proposed provisions generally align with the feedback provided by Auckland Council on the discussion document.  Some local boards at that time raised the issue of Māori representation on local boards. That has not been addressed in the proposed provisions.

5.      Staff recommend support for the provisions relating to candidate nominations, tied votes and recounts.

6.      The Bill is attached as Attachment A. There is an explanatory note at the front of the Bill. There is additional information, including Cabinet papers and submissions on the previous discussion document, on the Department of Internal Affairs website: https://www.dia.govt.nz/maori-wards

7.      Attachment B contains a comparison of proposed provisions for the reorganisation of local boards in Schedule 3A with the current provisions in Schedule 3.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board:

a)      consider its feedback on the Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill.






8.      The Bill was introduced on 26 July 2022.  It has had its first reading and has been referred to the Governance and Administration Committee.  Submissions to the committee close on 14 September 2022.

9.      The Bill is an omnibus bill and amends three statutes.

10.    It amends the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 to remove the set number of councillors on the governing body for Auckland Council.  Like every other council, the number of councillors on the governing body will be able to be reviewed to be between 5 and 29 total councillors.  Auckland Council has been requesting this since 2015.

11.    It amends the Local Electoral Act 2001 to:

a)   provide a revised process for establishing Māori wards

b)   allow minor changes to local board boundaries for the purpose of alignment between ward and local board boundaries, to be included in the council’s proposal when it conducts its review of representation arrangements

c)   provide more flexibility for lodging candidate nominations (eg electronic nominations)

d)   provide more detail around resolving ties and conducting recounts.

12.    It amends the Local Government Act 2002 to include a new Schedule 3A.  The current schedule 3 deals with the reorganisation of councils (establishment, abolishment, amalgamation) and any reorganisation of local boards would currently have to be conducted under those provisions.  The proposed schedule 3A provides a process specifically for unitary authorities which have local boards.

13.    The Governing Body will consider a submission from Auckland Council at its meeting on 25 August 2022.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

Local Government Auckland Council Act 2009

14.    The amendment to the Local Government Auckland Council Act 2009 to remove the restriction on the number of councillors on the governing body has been requested previously by the council.  It will allow the council to review the total number of members when it conducts a representation review for the 2025 elections.

15.    Every other council in New Zealand is able to review the number of councillors between a minimum of 5 and maximum of 29. In reviewing the number of councillors, Auckland Council will be able to consider Auckland’s growing population.  It will also take into account that the number of members elected from Māori wards is proportional to the total number of councillors.

16.    Staff propose that the Auckland Council supports this provision in line with its previous submissions. 

Local Electoral Act 2001 – Māori wards

17.    The proposed process for establishing Māori wards has two-steps:

a)   A council decides whether it should have Māori representation

b)   If a council resolves to have Māori representation, then it must provide for Māori wards when it conducts its representation review.



18.    The Bill requires a council to consider Māori representation at the following times:

a)   If the council did not have Māori wards for the previous two elections, it must consider Māori representation for the next election

b)   If the council did have Māori wards for the previous two elections, then it may consider Māori representation for the next election.

19.    Before a council decides whether to have Māori representation it must engage with Māori and other communities of interest and take their views into account.

20.    The decision on whether to have Māori representation must be made by 20 December two years prior to an election. The review of representation arrangements takes place in the year prior to an election year, following the decision on Māori representation.

21.    Auckland Council’s submission on the discussion document that preceded the bill reflected the position of the Governing Body that Māori representation in local government should be modelled on Māori representation in Parliament.  The Parliamentary Māori electorate provisions are contained in legislation – the Electoral Act 1993.  Any legislation, before it is made, must provide for public consultation through a select committee.  Once enacted, legislation remains in place until Parliament chooses to review it.

22.    The proposed process requires councils to consider Māori representation if they do not already have it, including engagement with Māori and the community. There is no requirement on councils to resolve to have Māori representation. However, if a council has Māori representation then it is not required to reconsider Māori representation though it may if it chooses. Staff consider that the proposed process is in line with the previous position of the Governing Body and recommend support for the process.

23.    Staff propose that Auckland Council supports these provisions.

24.    Some local boards, in their feedback on the previous discussion document, advocated for Māori representation on local boards (the local board equivalent to a Māori ward would be a Māori subdivision). The Bill does not address this. Although possibly out of scope of the current proposals, local boards who feel strongly about Māori representation on local boards might consider advocating for this.

Local Electoral Act 2001 – minor changes to local board boundaries as part of a representation review

25.    When a council establishes wards one of the principles it must observe is fair representation.  This principle requires that each councillor represents the same number of people as the average across the whole of Auckland, within a 10 per cent margin.  The Local Government Commission may approve exceptions to this requirement based on maintaining communities of interest.  However, when ward boundaries have to change to meet the fair representation requirement, they get out of alignment with local board boundaries.

26.    The Governing Body, at its meeting on 30 July 2015, aware of the potential for such misalignments to occur, resolved to:

“seek legislative change that provides the Local Government Commission the power to determine a change to a local board boundary where the key purpose is to achieve alignment with a ward boundary that is changed as a result of a review of representation; provided that either the change is minor or, if not minor, the change:

(i)  ensures effective representation of communities of interest within both the local board area and the ward, and

(ii)  is supported by the affected local boards, and

(iii) was publicly notified as part of the representation review.”



27.    The advice received back at the time was that the Minister declined to take this forward.  The Bill picks this issue up again but in a slightly different way.

28.    Presently the boundaries of local boards can only be altered through a reorganisation process. This is a resource intensive process which means it is unlikely to be used to make minor changes to local board boundaries.

29.    The Bill provides that a unitary authority, when it proposes its representation arrangements, is able to include proposals for adjusted local board boundaries in order to maintain alignment with ward boundaries where these are minor.  The extent of permissible adjustment will be defined in regulations in terms of the maximum population transfer permitted.  Staff expect this quantity to be low.

30.    Such changes would need to result in boundaries that enable democratic local decision making by, and on behalf of, communities of interest throughout the district and enable equitable provision to be made for the current and future well-being of all communities of interest within the affected area. They would also, so far as practical, coincide with ward boundaries.

31.    Staff consider that this provision will most likely be rarely used but support its inclusion as an option available to the council when it conducts its review of representation arrangements.  The provisions in the Bill mean that any proposal to change local board boundaries will be included in the council’s initial proposal.  The Governing Body has, in the past, consulted with local boards on any matters it includes in the council’s initial proposal that affect local boards.  Following public notification of the initial proposal, the public and local boards can make submissions and the Governing Body then decides the council’s final proposal which is publicly notified for objections and appeals.  The Local Government Commission determines any objections and appeals.  There is therefore ample opportunity for consideration of a proposal to change local board boundaries to align with ward boundaries, with local boards and the public able to make their views known.

32.    There are operational costs associated with changes to local board boundaries and these would need to be considered as part of any change to local board boundaries.  For example, records on council’s property database include a local board field. A change to a local board’s boundaries would require changes to affected property records.

33.    Staff propose that the Auckland Council supports these provisions.

Local Electoral Act 2001 – ties and recounts

34.    The Bill provides that rather than resolving a tie by lot, a judicial recount is held.  A council cannot be sworn in until recounts are resolved, but an urgent meeting may be held if necessary.

35.    Staff propose that the Auckland Council supports this provision.

Local Electoral Act 2001 – candidate nominations

36.    The Bill provides for candidates to submit nominations in a manner approved by the Electoral Officer (such as electronically).

37.    Staff propose that the Auckland Council supports this provision.

Local Government Act 2002 – Schedule 3A - Establishment or reorganisation of local board areas in unitary authority districts

38.    Currently any reorganisation of local boards would have to be carried out under the provisions relating to reorganisation of local authorities (Schedule 3 of the Local Government Act 2022).  Because of this, these provisions are cumbersome when used solely to address local board numbers and boundaries within a single unitary authority.  For example, they provide for dealing with assets and for transition committees, which are not relevant to local board reorganisation.

39.    The Bill proposes a new Schedule 3A as a replacement for Schedule 3 when being used to addressing local board numbers and boundaries within a single unitary authority. It retains the two alternative processes for determining a reorganisation plan, but removes unnecessary requirements:

a)   The Local Government Commission conducts an investigation, on receipt of a re-organisation initiative or a request for an investigation, and, as a result, adopts a re-organisation plan

b)   A unitary authority adopts a re-organisation plan which the Local Government Commission must approve if the requirements in the Bill are met.

40.    Attachment B contains a table comparing the current process under Schedule 3 with the proposed process under Schedule 3A. This shows the process the council would use for a reorganisation of local boards without a legislation change compared to the process with the legislation change.

41.    The following describes the key elements of the process in Schedule 3A.

First process

42.    Under the first process, a unitary authority or group of 10 per cent or more of electors (of the affected area), or the Minister, may submit a reorganisation initiative or request for an investigation.  Before making a decision on whether to investigate the Commission must consult the unitary authority and any affected local board. If the Commission decide to investigate, it must adopt a process.  The process must include consultation.

43.    The Commission must take into account how best to achieve all of the following objectives:

a)    enabling democratic decision making by, and on behalf of, communities within the local board area

b)    better enabling the purpose of local government to be given effect to within the local board area

c)    efficiencies and cost savings

d)    assurance that a local board has the resources necessary to enable it to effectively perform or exercise its responsibilities, duties, and powers in respect of any local board area established or change

e)    effective responses to the opportunities, needs, and circumstances of the affected areas

f)     better alignment of local board areas with communities of interest

g)    enhanced effectiveness of decision making for non-regulatory activities of a unitary authority

h)    enhanced ability of local government to meet the changing needs of communities for governance and services into the future

i)     effective provision for any co-governance and co-management arrangements that are established by legislation (including Treaty of Waitangi claim settlement legislation) and that are between local authorities and iwi or Māori organisations.

44.    The Commission may then adopt a reorganisation plan.  In deciding whether to adopt a reorganisation plan the Commission must have regard for:

a)   the scale of the potential benefits of the proposed changes in terms of the objectives set out in the previous paragraph and the likelihood of those benefits being realised

b)   the financial, disruption, and opportunity costs of implementing the proposed changes at the proposed time

c)   the risks and consequences of not implementing the proposed changes at the proposed time

d)   existing communities of interest and the extent to which the proposed changes will maintain linkages between communities (including iwi and hapū) and sites and resources of significance to them

e)   the degree and distribution of demonstrable public support for the proposed changes within communities in the affected area

f)    the degree and distribution of any public opposition to the proposed changes within communities in the affected area.

45.    A reorganisation plan specifies:

a)   the name of the district of the unitary authority

b)   the number and names of local board areas within the district

c)   the boundaries of—

(i)      each local board area

(ii)     electoral subdivisions, if any, of each local board area

d)   the number of elected members of the local board for each local board area and, if a local board area is subdivided for electoral purposes, the number of members to be elected by the electors of each subdivision

e)   whether each local board may include members appointed by the governing body of the unitary authority

f)    for each local board, whether the chairperson of the local board is to be—

(i)      elected by the members of the local board from among themselves using one of the systems of voting set out in the Local Government Act 2002; or

(ii)     directly elected to that office by the electors of the local board area.

46.    The provision in e) is relevant to local boards established under the Local Government Act 2002 and does not apply to Auckland Council local boards (Auckland Council local boards are established under the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009).  It allows a unitary authority to appoint ward councillors to local boards.

47.    The provision in f) is also relevant to local boards established under the Local Government Act 2002 and not Auckland Council local boards.

Second process

48.    The second process is termed a unitary authority-led reorganisation application.  A unitary authority may adopt a reorganisation plan as if it were the Commission and then submit it to the Commission for approval.

49.    Before submitting a unitary authority-led reorganisation application, the unitary authority must consider any views and preferences expressed by any local boards that would be affected by the reorganisation plan.

50.    The reorganisation plan must be accompanied by—

a)      a statement that

·     explains how the plan will achieve the objectives (as set out above for an investigation by the Commission)

·     provides a balanced assessment of the reorganisation plan and outlines the advantages and disadvantages of the plan.

b)      a report from the affected unitary authority, adopted by that unitary authority, that records—

(i)     unconditional support for the plan from the governing body of the unitary authority

(ii)    any views and preferences expressed by any local boards that would be affected by the reorganisation plan

(iii)   the public consultation undertaken by the unitary authority

(iv)   the themes and outcomes of that consultation.

51.    The Local Government Commission must not approve the reorganisation plan if:

a)      the reorganisation plan is not accompanied by the required documentation; or

b)      the Commission considers, on reasonable grounds, that—

(i)      the provisions for adopting reorganisation plans, their notification and content, were not complied with; or

(ii)     the unitary authority has not complied with the requirement to consider the views of affected local boards; or

(iii)    the plan does not have the support of affected communities.


52.    Staff consider the council should support a streamlined process defined for the reorganisation of local boards within a single unitary authority.  The proposed process maintains the essence of the current process but provides a process that is more fit for purpose for local boards and requires a unitary authority to consider the views and preferences of affected local boards.

53.    There has been longstanding provision for reorganising community boards as part of the review of representation arrangements conducted by a territorial authority. Community boards may be established and disestablished as a part of such a representation review. An option might be to deal with the reorganisation of local boards through a representation review similarly to community boards.  Staff consider that this would not be appropriate.  Local boards are a part of the shared decision-making governance of Auckland Council and not just a means of increasing representation at the community level.  It is more appropriate for the reorganisation of local boards to be dealt with as if they were local authorities rather than as if they were community boards but the processes for reorganisation should be simpler than those for local authorities – as being proposed in Schedule 3A.  

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

54.    The proposals being considered in this report are neutral in terms of impact on climate.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

55.    The outcome of a change in representation arrangements or the organisation of local boards would have implications for the group.  However, the proposed legislative change is about the process for deciding the outcomes and not about the outcomes themselves. 

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

56.    The provisions relating to the alignment of local board and ward boundaries and the provisions for the reorganisation of local boards are of major significance to local boards.  Local boards will be supported by local board staff with feedback or drafting their own submissions for attachment to the Auckland Council submission approved by the Governing Body.

57.    The provisions relating to Māori wards are of significance to those local boards who consider there needs to be Māori representation on local boards (Māori subdivisions).

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

58.    Staff are currently engaging with mana whenua and mataawaka on Māori representation.  The models being considered are the ‘Parliamentary’ model (which the current legislation provides), the ‘Royal Commission’ model (which provides for an appointed mana whenua councillor as well as two elected members) and other less-developed models.

59.    The current position of the Governing Body is to support the Parliamentary model but the Independent Māori Statutory Board has asked the Governing Body to also consider the Royal Commission model.  The incoming Governing Body will reconsider its position based on feedback from the engagement in December 2022.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

60.    There are no financial implications surrounding the decisions to make a submission.

61.    The proposed legislative provisions may or may not have financial implications.  Engaging with the community on establishing Māori wards will have a cost.  Increasing the number of councillors will have costs associated with councillor support and corporate property and technology assets.  The reorganisation of local boards will have an associated cost.

62.    Increasing the number of councillors is likely to have an impact on the remuneration of councillors under current Remuneration Authority determination framework.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

63.    With all submissions to Parliament the time frame is constrained and there is a risk that local boards and the Governing Body do not have sufficient time to consider all the ramifications. Usually this risk is mitigated in the sense that all other councils, Local Government New Zealand and Taituarā also make submissions – any aspect that is missed by one may be picked by another. However most other councils will not be interested in the provisions that apply only to Auckland or that apply only to unitary authorities.  The mitigation here is that there has been good communication between the Department of Internal Affairs and Auckland Council at staff level.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

64.    Staff will be reporting the Bill to the Governing Body on 25 August 2022 and seeking approval for a submission to the Select Committee.

65.    Boards who wish their feedback to be reported to the Governing Body should provide it by Monday 22 August 2022. Staff will recommend that the Governing Body delegates further consideration of local board feedback to the mayor and deputy mayor following the Governing Body meeting, then those boards who cannot meet the 22 August 2022 deadline have until Friday 26 August 2022.

66.    The deadline for submissions to the select committee is 14 September 2022.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill



Comparison of current Schedule 3 and proposed Schedule 3A



Ngā kaihaina



Warwick McNaughton - Principal Advisor


Carol Hayward - Team Leader Operations and Policy

Louise Mason - General Manager Local Board Services

Sarah McGhee - Local Area Manager



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Local board feedback on the proposed Auckland Climate Grant programme 2022/2023

File No.: CP2022/11992




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.      To seek local board feedback on the proposed new Auckland Climate Grant, including grant programme scope and criteria, priority action focus areas and timing of funding rounds.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.      Budget for a climate grant programme was allocated through the 10-year Budget 2021-2031.

3.      In 2021/2022 these additional funds were distributed through the existing Regional Environment and Natural Heritage grant while staff worked to establish a new grant scheme.

4.      Staff have now developed a proposal for a new Auckland Climate Grant. This has been developed with feedback from mana whenua and community group stakeholders.

5.      In 2022/2023 the Auckland Climate Grants programme has a budget of $400,000.

6.      The purpose of the grant scheme is to support projects that will:

·         reduce greenhouse gas emissions through community-based action​

·         build community resilience to climate change impacts​

·         support Māori-led responses to climate change​.

7.      Key priority areas for funding for the grant in 2022/2023 have been identified, based on the priorities in Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri and an analysis of other available grants. They are:

·         Transport: Projects that support a low carbon and safe transport system

·         Built environment and Energy: Projects that support a built environment and energy system that provides for a low carbon, climate disaster resilient Auckland

·         Food: Projects that support a low carbon, resilient, local food system and enable Aucklanders to make sustainable and healthy food choices

·         Māori-led projects: Projects that build Māori capacity to respond to climate impacts and support mana whenua and mātāwaka to reduce emissions and build community resilience.

8.      All local board feedback received by 26 August 2022 on the proposed Auckland Climate Grant will inform the recommendation to the Environment and Climate Change Committee.

9.      The proposed Auckland Climate Grant will be presented to the Environment and Climate Change Committee for approval on 8 September 2022.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board:

a)      provide feedback on the proposed Auckland Climate Grant.




New funding for a climate grant scheme

10.    Budget for a climate grant programme was allocated through the 10-year Recovery Budget 2021-2031. The grant was intended to provide increased investment to support local community-based climate projects that would:

·         reduce emissions

·         increase community resilience to climate impacts

·         generate more community-based climate action projects, reaching at least 20,000 Aucklanders over 10 years.

11.    ​Previously support for regional sustainable living projects has been allocated through the Regional Environment and Natural Heritage (RENH) grant programme.

12.    In 2020/2021 staff distributed the increased funding for community climate projects through the RENH. This allowed funds to be allocated rapidly to the community by December 2021, after the adoption of the Recovery Budget in July 2021.

13.    While funds were being allocated in this fashion, staff carried out a review of the current processes used to distribute climate and sustainability grants through the RENH along with the other priorities it covers such as conservation, water quality and kaitiakitanga.

14.    Staff also consulted with subject matter experts involved in administering the RENH and applicants on their experience of using the existing grant scheme.

15.    The review showed that there are various disadvantages to continuing to use the existing Regional Environmental and Natural Heritage Grant to distribute climate and sustainability projects. These include that the:

·         the existing process covers many priorities with less clear guidance about what type of climate projects to fund than might be expected from a stand-alone climate grant

·         assessment processes are more complex and time consuming for staff due to the wide range of priorities – they require various moderation and review workshops to ensure that grants are being compared fairly across the range of priority areas.

16.    Staff determined that creating a stand-alone climate grant would provide a better experience for applicants and simplify and improve the grant assessment process.

Stocktake of existing grants and analysis of allocations

17.    To develop a new climate grant, staff carried out a review of other grants that are available to fund projects which have climate outcomes. Grants identified include the:

·         RENH – provides funding for conservation projects

·         Community Coordination and Facilitation grant – supports capacity building for conservation groups

·         Waste Minimisation and Innovation Fund

·         Love Food Hate Waste

·         Auckland Transport Community Bike Fund

·         Ngā Tiriti Ngangahau - The Vibrant Streets Programme

·         local board grants to projects with climate outcomes.

18.    Grants external to Auckland Council, such as those offered through Foundation North were also considered. This process aimed to avoid the grant ‘duplicating’ or ‘replacing’ other potential sources of funding for community groups.

19.    Staff also analysed allocations from regional and local grants to over 200 projects with climate outcomes over the last five years. This review yielded insights into which areas the community are already active and working in (and seeking funding in). It also identified that some Aucklanders are being under-served by our current grants processes.

20.    The proposed new climate grant aims to expand areas of community enthusiasm for climate action and to make the grant process more accessible to some under-served groups (including Māori, Pacific people, other diverse ethnic groups and youth-led organisations).

21.    Three online workshops were also held to get feedback from community group stakeholders and previous grant applicants in May 2022.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

22.    An outline of the proposed grant purpose, priorities, criteria, activities that are in scope and exclusions are provided below for local board members to review.

Proposed grant purpose

23.    For the 2022/2023 pilot year the Auckland Climate Grant programme has a proposed purpose of supporting projects that:

·         reduce greenhouse gas emissions through community-based action

·         build community resilience to climate change impacts

·         support Māori-led responses to climate change.

24.    The Auckland Climate Grant programme will support community projects focused on providing resources, education, and opportunities that result in more Aucklanders engaging with climate change issues. It will support Aucklanders to make behaviour changes in areas with the greatest greenhouse gas emissions reduction potential.

25.    Projects that support reductions in greenhouse gas emission will be the focus for the 2022/2023 funding allocations with a target allocation of 70 per cent of grants. This allocation target will be reviewed annually. This 70 per cent may also include projects that are Māori-led (the purpose statements are not exclusive).

26.    The Auckland Climate Grant programme will also support projects that build community resilience to respond to the impacts of climate change. Projects should focus on giving Aucklanders a voice in proactive community resilience planning and climate adaptation, particularly communities who will be the most vulnerable to climate impacts and have traditionally been under-served by the council.

27.    By building stronger connections between neighbours and within neighbourhoods, at key community sites, and with community-based organisations, projects can create resilience against climate-related stresses with a focus on food and energy.

28.    The Auckland Climate grant programme will also aim to support projects that enable mana whenua and mātāwaka to respond to climate change. The allocation of funding will recognise the partnership between the council and Māori-led organisations – particularly mana whenua in the council’s role as a partner under Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Scope and criteria

29.    Projects supported through the Auckland Climate Grant programme should meet one or more of the following criteria:

·         result in new or expanded climate action activity, either by implementing new initiatives, or by significantly expanding the scope or coverage of existing activities

·         support mana whenua and mātāwaka to reduce carbon emissions and build community resilience to climate related impacts

·         provide support and resources to Māori organisations and community groups to build organisational capacity and capability, develop strategic plans and develop sustainable funding models, increasing the total funding or support secured for climate projects in Auckland

·         increase participation in climate action activity in high emission communities (generally, higher income communities) targeting the highest emitting behaviours

·         increase participation in activities that build community resilience in under-served communities who most need our support to respond to climate impacts

·         support Aucklanders of different ages, abilities and ethnicities to take climate action.

Climate action priority areas

30.    Projects supported through the climate grant may address a wide range of the priorities included in Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan including built environment, energy, transport, communities and coast, food, and Te Puawaitanga ō te Tātai.

31.    For the 2022/2023 pilot year priority will be given to applications under the transport, energy and food themes and to Māori-led projects. This will include:

·         Transport: Projects that support a low carbon, safe transport system that delivers social, economic and health benefits for all

·         Food: Projects that support a low carbon, resilient, local food system that provides all Aucklanders with access to fresh, sustainable, affordable and healthy food and projects that support Aucklanders to make sustainable dietary choices

·         Energy: Projects that support a built environment and energy system that provides for a low carbon, climate disaster resilient Auckland

·         Māori-led projects: Projects building Māori capacity to respond to climate change and supporting mana whenua and mātāwaka to reduce emissions and build community resilience.

32.    Some projects that support other priorities in the plan may also be funded. These include:

·         Built environment: Projects that support a low carbon and resilient built environment

·         Communities: Projects that support communities to increase awareness of climate change and to prepare for changes in our climate and coastline and projects that support Aucklanders to understand their carbon footprints and changes they can made to reduce these.

33.    Applicants will be directed for future guidance on what types of activities to support through these priorities to Auckland Council’s Live Lightly website, which provides advice and information for individuals and community groups on climate change: https://livelightly.nz/.

34.    Priority areas will be updated on an annual basis.


35.    General grant programme exclusions outlined in the Community Grants policy will apply to the Auckland Climate Grants. In addition, specific exclusions for the Auckland Climate Grants programme are:

·         climate action projects focused on the natural environment, industry and the economy are out of scope for the Auckland Climate Grant programme – this will avoid duplication with other funds such as the RENH and Climate Connect, the new climate innovation hub being developed by Tātaki Auckland Unlimited

·         projects with a focus on the circular economy, food waste, composting, upcycling, recycling, repair and reuse should apply through the Waste Minimisation and Innovation Fund

·         activities whose primary purpose is the private gain or advancing of private business interests without a significant public good component

·         purchase of vehicles and any related ongoing maintenance, repair, overhead costs or road user charges

·         conference fees and costs

·         funding for existing roles or organisational costs

·         subscription services where these are ongoing and not associated with a specific event or outcome

·         replication of council services

·         websites and electronic platforms.


36.    The grant will be open to community groups, neighbourhoods, mana whenua and mātāwaka applicants, social enterprises, businesses, business improvement districts and education providers (early childhood centres, schools, kura and tertiary institutions).

37.    Staff propose to hold several response grants rounds which are intended to make the application process quicker, simpler and easier for community groups and increase the volume of successful applications from under-served groups.

Types of grants available

38.    Grants from $1,000 up to $50,000 will be offered, with both response grants and strategic grants available as shown in Table 1 below.

Response grants ($1,000 - $15,000)

39.    These grants seek to grow community participation in climate action, and amplify existing community action, particularly among under-served communities such as youth, Pacific peoples and Māori-led groups.

40.    Applications will be encouraged from groups that have not previously engaged with climate action activity or are rapidly building capacity in this area.

41.    Staff propose that for these smaller grants, allocation decisions will be made by the General Manager of Environmental Services.

Strategic grants ($15,000 – $50,000)

42.    These grants seek to support programmes and activities aligning with the Auckland Climate Grant purpose, scope and priority actions. Strategic grants will be expected to have more significant impacts than response grants. They could potentially be used to either expand best practise projects or develop innovative new responses to the climate challenge.

43.    Staff propose that allocation decisions for strategic grants could be made by the Environment and Climate Change Committee (or equivalent committee) in future years.

44.    In 2022, because of the timing of the proposed grant adoption decision in early September, staff propose that decision-making for the strategic grant be delegated to the General Manager Environmental Services for this year. This will provide continuity of funding for community groups by December 2022.

45.    If grants are approved by a committee of council, it will not be possible for them to be allocated to community groups until May 2023 due to the timing of the election and the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Table 1. Timing of grants rounds




Decision date 

Response grants

September 2022

February 2023

April 2023

October 2022

March 2023

May 2023

November 2022

April 2023

June 2023

Strategic grants

September 2022

October 2022

December 2022


Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

46.    The Auckland Climate Grant will support projects that lead to community climate change action to reduce carbon emissions and increase community resilience to climate impacts. The provision of grants through the Auckland Climate Grant programme contributes towards Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland's Climate Plan action area C4: Remove barriers and support community initiatives that reduce emissions and build resilience in a fair way.

47.    Individual projects supported through the Auckland Climate Grant programme may respond to a range of action areas within Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland's Climate Plan including:

·         Action area T3: Increase access to bicycles, micro-mobility devices and the safe, connected and dedicated infrastructure that supports their use

·         Action area C1: Work together to strengthen the resilience of our communities, people and places

·         Action area F4: Increase supply and demand for local, seasonal and low carbon food.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

48.    The Auckland Climate Grants may potentially impact work within the Waste Solutions and Customer and Community Services departments, and the existing support provided to community-led food initiatives. Input from the Waste Solutions department and Regional Service Planning, Investment and Partnerships team within Customer and Community Services was sought during the development of the Auckland Climate Grant and their views on relevant applications will be sought during the delivery of the 2022/2023 pilot grant rounds.

49.    The Auckland Climate Grants support of community-led transport initiatives may have an impact on Auckland Transport. Input from Auckland Transport was sought during the Auckland Climate Grant development and their views on relevant applications will be sought during the delivery of the 2022/2023 pilot grant rounds.

50.    Input into the Auckland Climate Grant was sought from Tātaki Auckland Unlimited. These grants will not overlap with support provided through Climate Connect and there is no impact on Tātaki Auckland Unlimited.

51.    The Environment Climate Committee decision is not a strategy, bylaw, policy or plan so the local board’s feedback can be made under delegated authority if needed (Local Government Act 2022, sch7 clause 36D (1) (a)).

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

52.    Equitable geographical distribution of grant allocations across different local board areas will be considered alongside other factors when setting funding recommendations for the Auckland Climate Grants.

53.    Information on funding allocation and successful applicants will be provided to all relevant local boards following the approval of grant recommendations by the General Manager Environmental Services or Environment and Climate Change Committee.

54.    Local boards have the ability to operate their own local grants programmes and may choose to fund local climate action projects and activities, some of which may complement the grants provided at a regional level, or vice versa.

55.    Local board views are being sought on the proposal to establish the Auckland Climate Grant programme. Local board feedback will inform the recommendation to the Environment and Climate Change Committee on 8 September 2022.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

56.    Staff presented to the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Mana Whenua Hui seeking feedback from mana whenua kaitiaki representatives on aspects of the grant development.

57.    Key feedback points included the need for the grant process to be easy and accessible to mana whenua organisations and for the grants to build capacity of mana whenua to respond to climate change.

58.    From December 2021 to March 2022, Māori specialists in the Community Climate Action team also met with each of the 19 iwi to seek their feedback on climate priorities that they would like to see advanced through the sustainable and resilient marae project. Feedback from mana whenua through this process has informed the priorities identified in the grant scheme, particularly in relation to Māori-led climate action.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

59.    Budget for the Auckland Climate Grants was allocated through the 10-year Recovery Budget 2021-2031. For 2022/2023 financial year there is $300,000 available for allocation.

60.    As climate projects had historically been supported through the Regional Environment and Natural Heritage (RENH) grant programme, $100,000 from the RENH grant budget will be used to support grant allocations through the Auckland Climate grant.

61.    Grant allocations through the Auckland Climate grant response and strategic grant rounds will be managed within the $400,000 total grant budget. The majority of funds will be allocated through the strategic grants round.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

62.    A risk assessment has only identified two low level risks associated with the adoption of the Auckland Climate Grant programme. These are listed below along with the mitigations:

·         Low reputational risk – applicants may query the grant scope, priorities and decision making and feel these are inconsistent or unfair. This risk is mitigated through the grant development process seeking community input and the transparent evaluation and assessment process applied to guide decision making

·         Low financial risk – insufficient applications of sufficiently high quality will be received to fully allocate available funds. This risk is mitigated through grant programme promotion and applicant support. Support with the application process will be available from Auckland Council staff and community contractors involved with delivery of other areas of the Community Climate Action Team local and regional work programme.

63.    Once grant allocation decisions are made, staff will maintain regular contact with grant recipients during project implementation to follow up on progress and make sure any risks of individual projects are properly addressed.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

64.    All local board feedback received by 26 August 2022 on the proposed Auckland Climate Grant will be considered before an updated version is presented to committee.

65.    Staff will present the proposed Auckland Climate Grant to Environment and Climate Change Committee for approval on 8 September 2022.

66.    Once guidelines for the Auckland Climate Grant have been approved, staff will start the promotion and delivery of 2022/2023 Auckland Climate Grant funding rounds.


Ngā tāpirihanga


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Ngā kaihaina



Emma Cowie-Dixon - Principal Advisor

Jacob van der Poel - Advisor Operations and Policy


Carol Hayward - Team Leader Operations and Policy

Louise Mason - General Manager Local Board Services

Sarah McGhee - Local Area Manager