I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Seniors Advisory Panel will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Monday, 22 August 2022


Council Chambers
Auckland Town Hall
301-305 Queen Street


Te Rōpū Kaitohutohu Take Kaumātua /

Seniors Advisory Panel










Gayle Marshall, QSM



Claire Dale



Lindsay Waugh



David Wong Hop, MNZM, JP (Retd)



Bruce Davies, JP



Zahra Fazelnia



Jane Messer



Jeet Suchdev, QSM, JP





Liaison Councillor

Cr Tracy Mulholland


Chief Liaison Councillor

Cr Dr Cathy Casey



(Quorum 5 members)





Olivia Boniface

Kaitohutohu Mana Whakahaere / Governance Advisor


16 August 2022


Contact Telephone: 027 366 0320

Email: olivia.boniface@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz



(Excerpt – full terms of reference available as a separate document)


The terms of reference set out the purpose, role and protocols of the Panel.

Panel members abide by the Code of Conduct for members of Auckland Council advisory




As one of council’s engagement mechanisms with diverse communities, the demographic

advisory panels provide advice to the governing body and council staff within the remit of the

Auckland Plan on the following areas:



The panel’s advice will contribute to improving the outcomes of diverse communities and

social cohesion as set out in the Auckland Plan. The panel will advise through their agreed

strategic agenda and detailed work programme.


Strategic agenda and work programme

The panel must develop a work programme and set a strategic agenda for the term. The

agendas should be focused and integrated across the panels for collaborative input into

shared agendas, particularly on the Auckland Plan, the Long-term Plan and annual plans.

The panel should advise on council’s organisational strategies relevant to diverse


The governing body and council staff should work with the panel for the development of their

strategic agendas and work programme. An appropriate committee will approve the panel’s

work programme and any subsequent major changes to it.



The panel must not make formal submissions to Auckland Council on council strategies,

policies and plans, for example, the annual plan.

In its advisory role to the council, the panel may have input to submissions made by the

council to external organisations but do not make independent submissions, except as

agreed with the council.

This does not prevent individual members being party to submissions outside their role as

panel members.



The form and functioning of the panels may be reviewed prior to or after, the end of the

panel’s term in September 2022.

Seniors Advisory Panel

22 August 2022




1          Apologies                                                                                 5

2          Declaration of Interest                                          5

3          Confirmation of Minutes                                                         5

4          Extraordinary Business                                       5

5          Older Aucklanders Quality of Life Status Report and Quality of Life of Older Māori Aucklanders                                                          7

6          Auckland Transport Equity Framework           11

7          Panel members' and liaison councillor's updates                                                                15

8          Seniors Advisory Panel work programme       17

9          Consideration of Extraordinary Items


1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.



2          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.



3          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Seniors Advisory Panel:

a)          confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 30 May 2022 as a true and correct record.



4          Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”



Seniors Advisory Panel

22 August 2022



Older Aucklanders Quality of Life Status Report and Quality of Life of Older Māori Aucklanders

File No.: CP2022/11348




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To receive a presentation on the findings from research exploring the quality of life of older Aucklanders.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Seniors Advisory Panel:

a)      whiwhi / receive the presentation and thank staff for attending.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Older Aucklanders Quality of Life Status Report and Quality of Life of Older Māori Aucklanders, report



Ngā kaihaina



Olivia Boniface - Kaitohutohu Mana Whakahaere / Governance Advisor


John Nash – Lead Officer



Seniors Advisory Panel

22 August 2022



Older Aucklanders Quality of Life Status Report and Quality of Life of Older Māori Aucklanders




1.       To inform the Seniors Advisory Panel on the findings from research exploring the quality of life of older Aucklanders


2.       Kathryn Ovenden, Senior Social Researcher, Economic & Social Research & Evaluation, Research, Evaluation and Monitoring (RIMU). Part of Project Team responsible for commissioning and authors of the update of the research and report.

3.       Ashleigh Prakash, Social Researcher, Economic & Social Research & Evaluation, Research, Evaluation and Monitoring (RIMU). Part of Project Team responsible for commissioning and coordinating and authors of the update of the research and report.

4.       Rebecca Kruse, Principal Policy Advisor Culture and Diversity, Community and Social Policy. Part of Project Team responsible for commissioning and coordinating the update of the research and report.


5.       Auckland Council is committed to supporting the wellbeing of older Aucklanders and understanding their quality of life is part of enabling us to do that.

6.       The council’s Research and Evaluation Unit (RIMU) conducted a baseline study in 2016-17 to develop an evidence base about the quality of life of Aucklanders aged 65 and over.

7.       Older Aucklanders: A Quality of Life Status Report and Older Aucklanders: a quality of life status summary report were first published in 2017.

8.       The study was based on data collected from a survey of Aucklanders aged 65 and older, and secondary sources.

9.       This 2022 study builds on the baseline study to monitor changes over time. Indicators and measures were revised to align with the ten ngā rohe/domains of Tāmaki Makaurau Tauawhi Kaumātua, the Age-friendly Auckland Action Plan, 2022-2027 (the Plan).

10.     Data collection for the 2022 study was conducted by a market research company in late 2021. We received more than 1400 responses from the Electoral Roll and the People’s Panel.

11.     The five-yearly Quality of Life (QoL) of Older Aucklanders Status and Summary Reports will be published in late August 2022.

12.     These reports will be accompanied by a companion piece of qualitative research on the quality of life of older Māori in Auckland.

13.     This additional qualitative research study was undertaken to explore the quality of life for older Māori, to support the Kaumātua domain of Tāmaki Makaurau Tauawhi Kaumātua. The research provides deeper insight into the wellbeing of older mana whenua and mataawaka. The research on older Māori Aucklanders was led by Māori researchers and guided by a Rōpū Kaumātua. The Quality of Life of Older Māori in Auckland report contains the findings from this research and will be published at the same time as the wider research.


14.     Tāmaki Makaurau Tauawhi Kaumātua commits to improving the wellbeing of older Aucklanders. The Quality of Life reports including the research on older Māori, support the delivery of the Plan and are a key part of how we monitor and evaluate progress.

15.     The research builds our understanding of the issues facing our older people and opportunities to better support them.

16.     The insights will help inform the future mahi of Auckland Council and partners and how we continue to deliver and develop services and programmes to create a more age-friendly city. 


Next Steps

17.     A memo and the research reports will be provided (electronically) to all Advisory Panels once published.

18.     A communication plan has been developed that will enable us to highlight and share the research.

19.     This includes sharing internally, through Te Rōpū Whakamana ki te ao, the wider Tāmaki Makaurau Tauawhi Kaumātua partner group, the Office for Seniors, the World Health Organisation, and wider community.

20.     This also includes a potential session at the Age-friendly Expo in November 2022 - co-hosted by the council and the AUT Centre for Active Ageing.

21.     This research will help the council and others to continue to understand and support the wellbeing of older Aucklanders.



Seniors Advisory Panel

22 August 2022



Auckland Transport Equity Framework

File No.: CP2022/11338




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To receive a presentation from Auckland Transport and provide input on transport challenges for senior citizens in Auckland. This will inform a policy project seeking to identify transport equity problems and guide work to address them.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Seniors Advisory Panel:

a)      whiwhi / receive the presentation and thank Auckland Transport for attending.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Auckland Transport Equity Framework, report



Ngā kaihaina



Olivia Boniface - Kaitohutohu Mana Whakahaere / Governance Advisor


John Nash – Lead Officer



Seniors Advisory Panel

22 August 2022



Auckland Transport Equity Framework




1.       Auckland Transport (AT) is seeking input from the Seniors Advisory Panel on transport challenges for senior citizens in Auckland. This will inform a policy project seeking to identify transport equity problems and guide work to address them.


2.       Andrew McGill, Head of Integrated Network Planning, Planning and Investment, Auckland Transport.

3.       Karl Baker, Principal Transport Planner. Andrew leads the team responsible for AT’s long term transport plans and strategies. Karl is a member of Andrew’s team and is leading this piece of work.


4.       There is growing evidence that vulnerable groups in Auckland experience transport disadvantage that has negative impacts on social and economic wellbeing. For example, young people face every-day cost barriers to accessing opportunities, Māori children are more likely to be exposed to road safety risk, and low-income people are more likely to live in areas with poorer access to frequent public transport. ​​

5.       These transport inequities are acknowledged by the Auckland Plan but AT currently lacks a systematic approach to considering equity impacts of transport interventions and formulating a coordinated response​.​​​

6.       The framework will guide equity considerations in upcoming transport planning work including the new Regional Land Transport Plan and Regional Public Transport Plan.

7.       The framework is relevant to the Seniors Advisory Panel as older people have been identified as a specific group that face transport disadvantage in Auckland.​


8.       The Auckland Transport Equity Framework aims to work toward better transport outcomes that meet the specific needs of Auckland’s most vulnerable groups by:

·    Establishing transport equity objectives for Auckland Transport

·    Defining the extent of the problem in Auckland, including collating evidence

·    Clarifying the option space for Auckland Transport actions

·    Guiding development of tools that AT can use to assess equity impacts of transport proposals and investments.

Discussion questions


9.       To assist with this process, AT needs to understand what transport inequities senior citizens in Auckland experience, so we can identify the causes and mitigate them. We want to understand from you:

·    In what situations do senior citizens in Auckland commonly experience transport barriers to accessing social and economic opportunities?

·    What are the key barriers for older Aucklanders in getting where they want to go? 

·    What could AT do better to better meet the transport needs of senior citizens?

·    How does the transport system negatively impact senior citizens?

·    Are there particular groups of senior citizens that face particular disadvantages from the way Auckland’s transport system is designed and operated?

·    Is there any research or other evidence that should be considered to help understand transport system problems for Auckland’s senior citizens?


10.     Input from the Seniors Advisory Panel will assist in defining the nature and scale of the transport equity problem related to senior citizens. It will supplement a rapid literature review of available evidence and analysis of AT data.

11.     Using your inputs, AT will develop a Version 1 of the Framework and seek AT Board approval for its application to a number of key projects. Learnings from that application and likely further engagement following the Local Government Election will inform a Version 2 of the Framework.

12.     Version 1 of the Auckland Transport Equity Framework is intended to be used internally by AT and will not be a public-facing document, but a future version is likely to be publicly released.

Next Steps

13.     Following engagement with a range of Auckland Council advisory panels and other groups, AT will develop a draft Framework Version 1.

14.     If additional time is required from you, or if we have follow-up questions, we will communicate outside of session throughout August 2022.


Seniors Advisory Panel

22 August 2022



Panel members' and liaison councillor's updates

File No.: CP2022/11342




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To receive updates from liaison councillors and Seniors Advisory Panel members on recent activities.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Seniors Advisory Panel members will provide updates on their recent work and activities relevant to the panel’s work.

3.       The liaison councillors to the panel, Cr Tracy Mulholland, and the chief liaison councillor, Cr Cathy Casey, will have an opportunity to provide an update of recent council business relevant to the panel’s work.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Seniors Advisory Panel:

a)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the liaison councillor and panel members’ updates.


Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.    

Ngā kaihaina



Olivia Boniface - Kaitohutohu Mana Whakahaere / Governance Advisor


John Nash – Lead Officer



Seniors Advisory Panel

22 August 2022



Seniors Advisory Panel work programme

File No.: CP2022/11558




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To update the Seniors Advisory Panel on progress with their work programme.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Seniors Advisory Panel has a work programme to keep track of the feedback they provide and presentations they receive from staff and other presenters. This contains a record of what has been presented to the panel.

3.       The work programme is attached (Attachment A), showing the work the panel has undertaken during their term to date.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Seniors Advisory Panel:

a)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the update on the work programme, appended as Attachment A to the agenda report.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Seniors Advisory Panel work programme - July 2022



Ngā kaihaina



Olivia Boniface - Kaitohutohu Mana Whakahaere / Governance Advisor


John Nash – Lead Officer



Seniors Advisory Panel

22 August 2022






Priority areas for the Seniors Advisory Panel: 

·    Participation

·    Accessibility

·    Transport

·    Housing

·    Valuing and including seniors

With an overarching focus on the impacts of COVID-19 and climate change on seniors.


Objective:  To act as kaitiaki to support, oversee and guide completion and delivery of the Age-friendly Auckland Plan, and ensure the impacts of Covid-19 on seniors are taken into account


This is intended to be a running record of feedback that the Panel has provided during the term. It will be attached to the public agendas which will be published online.


Council initiative


Panel’s input [new input since last meeting in red]

Progressing Tāmaki tauawhi kaumatua / Auckland’s Age Friendly City framework as part of the World Health Organisation’s Global Network.

Auckland Council is working on progressing Tamaki Makaurau / Auckland becoming an Age Friendly City.

19 October 2020:  Community and Social Policy Team staff presented update to panel.

14 December 2020:  Members of the previous term the panel, Janet Clews and Judy Blakey, and Community and Social Policy Team staff presented on panel work to date and Council update.  Member David Wong Hop presented an update on the joint Governing Body, Executive Leadership Team and Advisory Panels’ co-chairs meetings from 23 November 2020.  Member Claire Dale presented an update on a recent Age-friendly Auckland working group zoom.

13 September 2021:  Community and Social Policy Team staff presented update on Older Aucklanders: a quality of life report which was first issued 2017 and is now being updated.

13 September 2021:  Community and Social Policy Team staff presented update on the Age Friendly Plan.  Members provided feedback and the plan is open for consultation until 27 September 2021.  The feedback time was then pushed out until 4 October at the Panel’s suggestion.

11 October 2021:  Community and Social Policy Team staff presented overview of community feedback on draft action plan.  Anticipate the final plan being available 11 November. Agefriendlyauckland@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz   

11 October 2021:   RIMU staff presented information on developing the indicator framework for the Older Aucklanders Quality of Life report, to update 2017 report. This included where staff have changed the draft framework as a result of the Panel’s feedback.

11 November 2021:  Co-Chairs Gayle Marshall and Claire Dale presented to Auckland Council’s Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee in support of Council’s Community and Social Policy Team staff’s request that Council adopt the Age-friendly Action Plan.  Councillors Casey and Mulholland also spoke in support and moved and seconded the resolution to adopt the Plan. 

22 November 2021:  Social Policy Team staff presented briefly on updates to Plan in response to Panel feedback.

7 March 2022:  Social Policy Team staff presented update on formation of implementation group and initiatives.  First core meeting mid-March.  Group acknowledged the Panel as kaitiaki of the Action Plan.  Member Lindsay Waugh represents the Panel on the implementation group.  Member Jeet Suchdev is also on the implementation group in his capacity with the Bhartiya Samaj Charitable Trust.  Council staff to report back as soon as hear back from WHO on accreditation.

11 April 2022: Reports to the Panel from Members Lyndsay Wuagh, Jane Messer and Jeet Suchdev, and from Social Policy team, on progress by the Implementation Group.

30 May 2022:  Reports to the Panel from Social Policy Team, on progress by the Implementation Group, endorsed by Implementation Group Panel Members Lyndsay Waugh and Jane Messer.

11 July 2022:  Reports to the Panel from Social Policy Team, on progress by the Implementation Group, including on the Māngere Ōtāhuhu Age Friendly Directory, upcoming Quality of Life for Older Māori in Auckland session and the planned expo.

Long-term Plan 2018-2028

The Long-term Plan sets out the priorities and funding for council activities that are planned over a 10-year period. It includes financial and non-financial information for the council and council-controlled organisations.

16 March 2021:  Finance team staff presented on Long Term Plan consultation.

21 April 2021: Co-chair Gayle Marshall and Former Co-Chair Jay Reid presented panel feedback at Finance and Performance Committee workshop.

3 August 2021: the Finance and Performance Committee Chair wrote to the panel to summarise some of the key decisions made in relation to the Recovery Budget, and to respond to the Seniors Advisory Panel’s key advocacy points.

Tākaro – Investing in Play

The council seeks panel’s input to ensure that council’s investment in play is directed to where it can deliver the greatest value to the most people.

26 July 2021:  Disability Advisory Panel Deputy Lead Officer, and Urban Design staff, and students presented to Panel and incorporated feedback into the design guide on Designing Play Spaces for Older Adults.  Guidelines now up on the Universal Design Hub of the Auckland Design Manual.


Whether seniors are using private cars, public transport or walking, getting the small things right that most of us just don’t think about, can make a huge difference. We need to make it as easy as possible for seniors who need or want to, to use public transport. At the same time, the independence associated with private car travel is important to seniors, and enables them to get where they need to go. Transport planners need to consult with seniors when designing facilities and services.

Auckland Transport is a Council Controlled

Organisation that delivers safe, innovative and sustainable transport for Auckland. The RLTP is a 10-year investment programme for transport in Auckland. It includes the activities of AT, Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) and KiwiRail.

November 2020:  Auckland Transport presentation.

12 April 2021: Attended Regional Land Transport Plan workshop run by Auckland Transport for the panels. 

10 June 2021:  Presentation from Auckland Transport staff on Public Transport Operating Model.  Former Co-Chair Jay Reid, Co-Chair Gayle Marshall, Member Lindsay Waugh attended and provided feedback.

26 July 2021:  Presentation from Central and South Planning Unit staff on removal of minimum parking in Unitary Plan to Panel.

21 October 2021:  Central and Southern Planning Unit staff reported to the Panel on new timeframes for implementing removing minimum car parking changes.

26 July 2021:  Presentation from Auckland Transport staff on City Centre Bus Plan to Panel.

11 October 2021:  Staff will come back to all submitters with an updated timeframe and next steps for engagement.

22 November 2021:  Presentation from Council’s Transport Strategy staff on the TERP speaking to power point.  Staff seeking feedback on 3 main questions.  Panel to provide feedback by email. 

30 May 2022:  Council Transport Planning staff reported on the draft Auckland Parking Strategy.

11 July 2022:  Council Transport Planning staff reported on updates to draft Transport Plan Change to the Auckland Unitary Plan, including on accessible parking thresholds, providing infrastructure for EV charging, better pedestrian access, access for refuse collection etc.


Auckland Council has an important role in providing the framework, planning and policy environment for housing and it is important the voices and needs of seniors are included in these processes. As a housing provider via its partnership with Haumaru Housing, Auckland Council also has the opportunity to directly improve housing access for seniors.


Provision of social housing is critical in a growing and ageing Auckland, and Auckland Council has an important role to play here. Sale of existing council owned or operated housing works against this goal, particularly as the next generation of retirees who have been locked out of the housing market will escalate demand in the future.

12 April 2021:  Chief Planning Office staff presented to the panel on a draft Affordable Housing Advocacy Plan for taking to Central Government.  The Panel provided feedback on the draft plan.

22 November 2021:  Gabby Clezy from Haumaru Housing presented an overview of their work.

22 November 2021:  Social wellbeing policy team staff presented to the panel on Council’s Affordable Housing and Homelessness Work Programme. 18m reporting cycle – will be reporting to PACE February 2022. 

30 May 2022:  Council Planning staff presented on the National Policy Statement on Urgan Development and received feedback from the Panel.

8 June 2022: Cross panel hui on housing and homelessness – members heard from and interacted with Auckland Council’s chief economist, Council staff from Social Wellbeing and Regional Partnership Lead (Homelessness).


Thriving Communities


19 October 2020:  Working group established: Former Co-Chair Jay Reid, Member Zahra Fazelnia, Member Jane Messer and Member Jeet Suchdev as members.

14 December 2020:  Member David Wong Hop updated the panel on a recent working group meeting.

15 February 2021:  Former Co-Chair Jay Reid updated the panel on a recent working group meeting. 

11 October 2021:  Update from Member Jane Messer on Thriving Communities meeting last month.  Anticipating a November cross-panel meeting.



14 December 2020:  Member Zahra Fazelnia updated the panel on a recent working group meeting.

7 March 2022:  Update from Council staff to members on the 2022 elections.

Climate change


19 October 2020:  Working group established:  Member Lindsay Waugh and Former Member Judy Smyth as members.

14 December 2020:  Member Lindsay Waugh updated the panel on a recent working group meeting.

11 February 2021:  Member Lindsay Waugh and Former Member Judy Smyth attended the cross-panel working group.

7 March 2022: Report from Member Lindsay Waugh from initial meeting in February.  Next meeting 11 May 2022.  Member Jane Messer will join Member Lindsay Waugh representing the Seniors Advisory Panel.  Council staff to send background materials to Member Jane Messer.

Age Concern


14 December 2020:  Presentation from Age Concern to the Panel.


It’s easy to fall behind with technology when you leave or haven’t been in the workforce or your household doesn’t have technology support. There is a huge willingness and volunteer base out there of seniors with a desire to help, time on their hands and if upskilled, able to add real value and enrich our city.


Technology provides a huge opportunity to benefit seniors, including health and wellbeing, if it is harnessed effectively. Continued participation in society is critical for senior wellbeing and we need to grow opportunities to get more seniors active, engaged and employable. While seniors can learn from younger generations who are more familiar with technology, they can also teach younger people many things. Intergenerational learning is a great way for people to value each other.



History tells us that the needs of seniors can be overlooked when considering accessibility. With the percentage of our population which is over 65 growing rapidly and people living longer, accessibility for seniors is critical. If it’s good for seniors its good for everyone.


·    [See action under Play, Housing and Transport which have all touched on accessibility.]

·    11 October 2021:  Gayle has been in touch with the team re removal of accessible car parks.

·    11 October 2021:  Query if there is a map of publicly accessible toilets, through ways and public spaces.  Consider stickers on buildings.

Heritage Historic

Past, present and future, history is this very moment. Seniors are the kaitiaki of today and the ancestors of tomorrow.


Auckland Council has heritage obligations under legislation and through its policies and works alongside Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga and mana whenua to protect and recognise Auckland’s heritage.


Seniors appreciate Auckland’s heritage exhibited in buildings, churches, cemeteries, parks, trees, land and much more and wish to see these restored, protected and recognised.


Seniors are kaitiaki and storytellers of the past with huge historic knowledge and much to contribute to improving heritage information. Seniors want to be engaged in helping with this.

13 September 2021:  Heritage team staff presented to the panel on Council’s heritage team, the work they do (and don’t do) and current focusses and answered questions.

Economic Development Action Plan

The Economic Development Action Plan: Council’s role in Auckland’s recovery 2021-24 (EDAP) will bring together economic development priorities and aspirations previously consulted on in Auckland wide strategies with the purpose of focusing effort over the next three years.


The EDAP will broadly align with and inform the 10-year budget.

14 June 2021:  The Panel prepared and emailed feedback to Council’s strategy team on the draft Economic Development Action Plan behalf of Panel.


30 July 2021: The panel received a memo acknowledging their feedback. A summary statement was included in the final plan (page 46) which noted how the panel’s input was reflected in the final plan.

Shared public service regional priorities

Regional public service agencies are developing shared regional priorities and they would like panel involvement to shape the draft priorities which are:

·    Resilient families and communities - Treaty of Waitangi principles

·    Wellbeing

·    Diversity and inclusion

·    Collaboration

·    Innovation

·    Community led solutions

·    Environment


With cross-cutting themes of:

·    Housing supply and quality urban development    

·    Skilled workforce & quality jobs        

·    Growing a productive equitable economy   

·    Addressing the impacts of COVID-19         


Diversity and Inclusion


11 October 2021:  Auckland Council’s Diversity & Inclusion team presented a high level introduction to Auckland Council’s Inclusive Auckland Framework and Ara Moana Pasifika Strategy.   D&I.  Get a good mix and give everyone a chance. 

Connected Communities


11 October 2011:  Connected Communities team presented an overview of their team of 1200 and work.  They were formed in June 2021, encompassing Libraries, Arts, Communities, Community Facilities, Events (teams delivering in place (77 staffed venues, over 100 partner venues (manage staff and funding) and over 100 that the team manage for hire) – in communities, to communities that need them the most), and touched on digital access and education for seniors, fines-free, Covid-19 impacts and recovery and whereto from here.  Core focusses are Access, Education (literacy) and Play. 

See this link for Panel members and their networks to provide feedback on the Central Government’s digital strategy (closes 10 November 2021).

7 March 2022:  Community Think staff presented on the Auckland Council Venue for Hire Project and noted feedback from panel members.

Whau Ace


11 October 2021:  Theresa Christie, Manager Whau ACE Adult & Community Education, Leanne Appleby (Treasurer) and Gomeeta Prasad (Executive Board Member) presented overview of organisation and services.  Focus on adult education and employment.  All services are online.  Focus on over 45yrs, vulnerable and long term unemployed.  Provide community and social inclusion/integration. 



27 August 2021:  Information on support for seniors during lockdowns emailed to Panel to distribute to networks.

14 October 2021:  Information on Super Saturday vaccination drive emailed to Panel to distribute to networks.

14 February 2022:  Informal panel meeting – discussed Council’s covid response to Omicron and potential for disproportionate impact on Seniors community.  Fed back concerns to Council’s Executive Leadership Team and request for attendance at March public meeting.

7 March 2022:  Council staff presented on Council response to Omicron, impacts on Council services and community support.  Staff to revert to Member Jeet Suchdev on his specific concerns around access to facilities to assist with food storage/distribution and Rapid Antigen Tests.

Three Waters central government reforms


15 December 2021:  Cross panel meeting on Three Waters reforms.

11 April 2022:  Update to the Panel by CCO/External Partnerships team.

Future of Local Government reforms


11 April 2022:  Update to the Panel from Strategic Advice staff.

Annual Budget


30 May 2022:  Update on the panel’s feedback on the Annual Budget 2022/23.

Interaction with Office for Seniors


17 June 2022:  Meeting with Minister Verall.

Planning for jobs in the Southern Corridor


11 July 2022:  Tātaki Auckland Unlimited staff presented on visioning for best fit employment opportunities, business attraction and what investment is needed, policy intervention required.

Central Government input


17 June 2022 Members met with Minister Verrall and gave feedback in issues of importance to Te Rōpū Kaitohutohu Take Kaumatua/Seniors Advisory Panel.