Upper Harbour Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Upper Harbour Local Board held in the Upper Harbour Local Board Office, 30 Kell Drive, Albany and via Microsoft Teams on Thursday, 18 August 2022 at 9.31am.
Chairperson |
Lisa Whyte |
Deputy Chairperson |
Margaret Miles, QSM, JP |
Members |
Anna Atkinson |
Uzra Casuri Balouch, JP |
Nicholas Mayne |
Brian Neeson, JP |
Upper Harbour Local Board 18 August 2022 |
Deputy Chairperson M Miles declared an interest in Item 13 - Grant a renewal and variation of the community lease, landowner approval and lease for additional premises to North Harbour Softball Association Incorporated for land at Rosedale Park, 1 Jack Hinton Drive, Rosedale, and took no part in the discussion or voting on the matter.
Resolution number UH/2022/83 MOVED by Chairperson L Whyte, seconded by Member N Mayne: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 21 July 2022, as a true and correct record.
There were no leaves of absence.
Note: Item 6 – Acknowledgements was considered after item 26 - Consideration of Extraordinary Items.
There were no petitions.
8.1 |
The Venue Manager – Headquarters and Sunderland Lounge, Gavin Gunston was in attendance to support the item. |
Resolution number UH/2022/84 MOVED by Chairperson L Whyte, seconded by Member U Casuri Balouch: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) receive the deputation from Gavin Gunston on behalf of the Hobsonville Community Trust and thank him for his attendance and presentation.
Member B Neeson left the meeting at 9.48am
Member B Neeson returned to the meeting at 9:53am
There was no public forum.
There was no extraordinary business.
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Minutes of the Upper Harbour Local Board meeting held Thursday, 21 July 2022 |
Resolution number UH/2022/85 MOVED by Chairperson L Whyte, seconded by Member N Mayne: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) note that the open unconfirmed minutes of the Upper Harbour Local Board meeting held on Thursday, 21 July 2022, are attached at item 11 of the agenda for the information of the local board only and will be confirmed under item 4 of the agenda.
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Landowner approval and community lease for Upper Harbour Regional Marine Centre at Hobsonville Point |
The Senior Land Use Advisor, Devin Grant-Miles was in attendance to support the item. |
Resolution number UH/2022/86 MOVED by Chairperson L Whyte, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Miles: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) grant landowner approval to Kāinga Ora to construct the supporting structures, infrastructure and building platform for the proposed marine recreation centre, as shown in Attachment A. b) grant landowner approval to Hobsonville Point Marine Sports Recreation Centre Charitable Trust to construct the marine recreation centre, as shown in Attachment B. c) grant an agreement to lease for five years to Hobsonville Point Marine Sports Recreation Centre Charitable Trust for land legally described as Lot 9 DP 511649 and Lot 4 DP 203611 as indicated on the site plan (Attachment B) on satisfactory completion of Kāinga Ora’s construction of the supporting infrastructure and first floor platform for the future centre. d) grant subject to all terms and conditions of the agreement to lease being met a new community ground lease to Hobsonville Point Marine Sports Recreation Centre Charitable Trust on the following terms and conditions: i) Term: 10 years plus one ten year right of renewal ii) Commencement date: immediately following the satisfactory completion of the marine recreation centre iii) Rent: $1 iv) Community Outcomes Plan to be developed two years after the completion of the Marine recreation centre. e) note all other terms and conditions in accordance with conditions of the consents issued, the Auckland Council Occupancy Guidelines 2012 and the Reserves Act 1977. f) thank officers for the work undertaken to bring this report to the local board for consideration.
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Grant a renewal and variation of the community lease, landowner approval and lease for additional premises to North Harbour Softball Association Incorporated for land at Rosedale Park, 1 Jack Hinton Drive, Rosedale |
The Deputy Chairperson M Miles declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or voting on the matter. |
The Community Lease Specialist, Karen Walby was in attendance to support the item. |
Resolution number UH/2022/87 MOVED by Chairperson L Whyte, seconded by Member A Atkinson: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) grant a renewal and variation of the community lease agreement to North Harbour Softball Association Incorporated as executed by council and dated 1 March 2012 for 1019 square metres (more or less) of land it occupies at Rosedale Park, 1 Jack Hinton Drive, Rosedale, legally described as Part Allotment 653 Parish of Paremoremo (Attachment A to the agenda report) subject to the following terms and conditions: i) term – 10 years commencing 1 March 2022 effecting final expiry 28 February 2032 ii) rent – one dollar ($1.00) plus GST per annum (if demanded) iii) inclusion of a clause prohibiting all users of the facility from smoking within the lease area v) all other terms and conditions will accord with the existing lease agreement as executed by council and dated 1 March 2012. b) grant landowner approval to North Harbour Softball Association Incorporated for the new housing for pitching machines and batting cages (Attachment B to the agenda report). c) grant, under Section 54(1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977, a lease for additional premises to North Harbour Softball Association Incorporated for 180 square metres (more or less) of land adjacent to its existing lease area on which to install housing for pitching machines and batting cages at Rosedale Park, Jack Hinton Drive, Rosedale, legally described as Part Allotment 653 Parish of Paremoremo (Attachment C to the agenda report) subject to the following conditions: i) term – commencing 19 August 2022 and expiring 28 February 2032 ii) rent – one dollar ($1.00) plus GST per annum (if demanded). d) all other terms and conditions will accord with the lease agreement between Auckland Council and North Harbour Softball Association Incorporated executed by Auckland Council and dated 1 March 2012.
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Temporary changes to landowner approval process for filming activities |
The Relationship Facilitator – Film, Matthew Donaldson, The Facilitation Team Leader, Jesse Joseph, The Manager Local Board Engagement, Jan Brown and the Senior Project Manager, Marie Jenkins were in attendance to support the item. |
Resolution number UH/2022/88 MOVED by Chairperson L Whyte, seconded by Member U Casuri Balouch: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) agree to waive the requirement (in the Local Board Delegation Protocols) for staff to consult with the local board on landowner approvals, for low and medium impact film shoot permit applications, for a 12-month trial period starting 19 September 2022. b) note that the low and medium filming impacts approved in clause a) are outlined in the table below:
c) agree that Screen Auckland notifies the local board film leads of all low and medium impact film permits granted in local parks and facilities, ahead of these activities taking place. d) agree that Screen Auckland continues to work with Community Facilities staff in assessing and determining conditions for the use of local parks and facilities including parking and environmental impacts including cumulative impacts, where appropriate, for all film shoot permit applications. e) reserve the right to include locations for filming onto a list of sensitive locations with particular escalation points during the 12 month trial period, should the need arise.
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Naming of the new reserve at 27 Sidney Wallingford Way, Hobsonville Point |
The Parks and Places Specialist, John McKellar was in attendance to support the item. |
Resolution number UH/2022/89 MOVED by Member N Mayne, seconded by Member U Casuri Balouch: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) adopt the name Whānau Kōrari for the new reserve at 27 Sidney Wallingford Way, Hobsonville Point, from Ngā Maunga Whakahii. b) thank Ngā Maunga Whakahii for the name and for the five kōrari plants for the park. c) acknowledge there are overlapping mana whenua interests in this site, that the name given does not negate these overlapping interests and that this name has been supported by Te Kawerau a Maki. d) acknowledge the meaning of the name: Whānau is family and Kōrari is a northern name for flax. This links to the nearby ‘Te Uru Blocks’ which are the residential developments that Ngā Maunga Whakahii are building at Hobsonville Point. The roads and laneways in this block relate to the korari or harakeke (flax plant) and raranga (weaving). e) confirmation that Ngā Maunga Whakahii will be the kaitiaki (guardian) for the name and acknowledge that Auckland Council has agreed to enter a mātauranga agreement that commits to upholding the correct use of the name and to use it only for purposes that have a community outreach or educational purpose (non-commercial use).
Member B Neeson left the meeting at 10:46am
Member B Neeson returned to the meeting at 10:51am
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The Parks, Sport and Recreation Portfolio Manager, Michelle Sanderson, was in attendance to support the item. |
Resolution number UH/2022/90 MOVED by Member A Atkinson, seconded by Chairperson L Whyte: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) adopt the Sanders Reserve Ecological Restoration Plan 2022 V2.0, Attachment A dated 10 August 2022.
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The Service and Asset Planning Specialist, Jessica Morris was in attendance to support the item. |
Resolution number UH/2022/91 MOVED by Member N Mayne, seconded by Member A Atkinson: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) declare and classify pursuant to section 14(1) of the Reserves Act 1977 six parcels described in Attachment A of the agenda report (dated 18 August 2022). b) approve the classification of 15 parcels of reserve land pursuant to section 16(2A) of the Reserves Act 1977, as described in Attachment B of the agenda report (dated 18 August 2022).
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Upper Harbour Local Parks Management Plan - approval of draft plan for public notification |
The Service and Asset Planning Specialist, Jessica Morris was in attendance to support the item. |
Resolution number UH/2022/92 MOVED by Chairperson L Whyte, seconded by Member N Mayne: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) approve the draft Upper Harbour Local Parks Management Plan for public consultation (refer to Attachments A to C of the agenda report, dated 18 August 2022). b) delegate to the local board chairperson and deputy chairperson approval of minor amendments to the draft Upper Harbour Local Parks Management Plan, prior to public notification.
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Upper Harbour Local Board feedback for inclusion in Auckland Council's submission on the Water Services Entities Bill |
The Senior Local Board Advisor, Heather Skinner was in attendance to support the item. |
Resolution number UH/2022/93 MOVED by Chairperson L Whyte, seconded by Member N Mayne: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) receive the Upper Harbour Local Board’s feedback for inclusion in Auckland Council’s submission on the Water Services Entities Bill, as set out in Attachment A.
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Auckland Council’s Quarterly Performance Report: Upper Harbour Local Board for quarter four 2021/2022 |
The Local Board Advisor, Robert Marshall and the Manager Local Board Financial Advisors, Mark Purdie were in attendance to support the item. |
Resolution number UH/2022/94 MOVED by Member U Casuri Balouch, seconded by Member A Atkinson: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) receive the performance report for quarter four ending 30 June 2022. b) note the financial performance report in Attachment B of the agenda report will remain confidential until after the Auckland Council Group results for 2021/2022 are released to New Zealand’s Exchange which are expected to be made public on 29 August 2022.
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Local board feedback on the proposed Auckland Climate Grant programme 2022/2023 |
Resolution number UH/2022/95 MOVED by Member A Atkinson, seconded by Member B Neeson: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) support the proposed priority areas for the Auckland Climate Grant programme 2022/2023 as follows: i) Transport: Projects that support a low carbon, safe transport system that delivers social, economic and health benefits for all ii) Food: Projects that support a low carbon, resilient, local food system that provides all Aucklanders with access to fresh, sustainable, affordable and healthy food and projects that support Aucklanders to make sustainable dietary choices iii) Energy: Projects that support a built environment and energy system that provides for a low carbon, climate disaster resilient Auckland iv) Māori-led projects: Projects building Māori capacity to respond to climate change and supporting mana whenua and mātāwaka to reduce emissions and build community resilience. b) request that futher consideration be given to the exclusion of purchase of vehicles to ensure that there are no unintended consequences to micromobility options and other low carbon solutions.
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Resolution number UH/2022/96 MOVED by Chairperson L Whyte, seconded by Member N Mayne: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) receive the Upper Harbour Local Board Hōtaka Kaupapa / governance forward work calendar for August 2022 – October 2022.
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Resolution number UH/2022/97 MOVED by Chairperson L Whyte, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Miles: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) receive the records of the Upper Harbour Local Board workshops held on Thursday 14, 21 and 28 July and 4 August 2022 (refer to attachments A, B, C and D to the agenda report).
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Resolution number UH/2022/98 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Member B Neeson: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) receive the Auckland Transport West Hubb Bulletin for July 2022.
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Resolution number UH/2022/99 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Member U Casuri Balouch: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) receive the verbal local board members reports.
26 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
Note: Item 6 – Acknowledgements was considered after item 26 - Consideration of Extraordinary Items.
The meeting adjourned at 11.25am
The meeting reconvened at 11.32am
6 Acknowledgements
6.1 |
Eric Warman |
Resolution number UH/2022/100 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Member U Casuri Balouch: That the Upper Harbour Local Board: a) acknowledge the recent passing of Paremoremo resident Eric Warman and recognise his significant contribution and willingness to support other members in the community, and as a long standing member of Sustainable Paremoremo.
11.34 am The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.