Waitematā Local Board






Minutes of a hybrid meeting of the Waitematā Local Board held in the Waitematā Local Board Office, Ground Floor, 52 Swanson Street, Auckland and via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday, 20 September 2022 at 1.00pm.





Richard Northey, (ONZM)


Deputy Chairperson

Alexandra Bonham



Glenda Fryer



Graeme Gunthorp



Kerrin Leoni



Genevieve Sage






Julie Sandilands

For leave of absence






Pippa Coom
























Waitematā Local Board

20 September 2022




1          Welcome


Chair Northey opened the meeting with a karakia.



2          Apologies


There were no apologies.



3          Declaration of Interest


Member G Gunthorp advised the meeting he has accepted an offer of employment at Auckland Transport, as Programme Director – City Centre Transport Integration, starting 26 September: however, this was not deemed to present a conflict of interest prior to the end of the electoral term.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number WTM/2022/155

MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member GF Fryer:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)          confirm the minutes of its ordinary meeting, held on Tuesday, 16 August 2022, as a true and correct record.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.



6          Acknowledgements



Queen Elizabeth II


The Waitematā Local Board acknowledges the recent passing of Her Majesty Queen

Elizabeth II, and the proclamation and ascension of King Charles III to the throne.


A minute’s silence was observed.





7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations



Luke Niue, Parnell Community Committee


Luke Niue from the Parnell Community Committee was in attendance to speak to the board about item 12: Approval of concept design for Heard Park at 186 Parnell Road.


Resolution number WTM/2022/156

MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member KL Leoni:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)        receive the tabled presentation about the Heard Park concept plan and thank Luke Niue and Alison Ward from the Parnell Community Committee for their presentation and attendance

b)       take the presentation into account when considering item 12.




a     20 September 2022, Waitematā Local Board, item 8.1: Deputation, Luke Niue, Parnell Community Committee Presentation



9          Public Forum



Public Forum - Tineke Sutton


Tineke Sutton and Jana To from Nurture People Trust were in attendance to speak to the board about item 21, the proposed lease at 4 Warnock St.


Resolution number WTM/2022/157

MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member GS Sage:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)          thank Tineke Sutton and Jana To for their attendance and presentation at the meeting

b)         take the presentation into account when considering item 21.





Public Forum - Boopsie Maran


Boopsie Maran was in attendance to speak about car speeds in her area.


Resolution number WTM/2022/158

MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member GF Fryer:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)          receive the tabled presentation and thank Boopsie Maran for her attendance and presentation at the meeting.

b)         refer the presentation, that is requesting the reduction of the speed limit on Vermont Street, to Auckland Transport for consideration.




a     20 September 2022, Waitematā Local Board, item 9.2: Public Forum, Boopsie Maran Presentation



10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.




Ward Councillor's report


Resolution number WTM/2022/159

MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member G Gunthorp:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)         receive the verbal and written report from the Waitematā and Gulf Ward Councillor, Pippa Coom

b)         note the board’s thanks for her regular comprehensive reports to board meetings.





Approval of concept design for Heard Park at 186 Parnell Rd


Cath Duncan, Project Manager, and Katrina Morgan, Work Programme Lead, were in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number WTM/2022/160

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Bonham, seconded by Member G Gunthorp:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)          defer the decision on the concept design for Heard Park at 186 Parnell Road as per Attachment A (220712_Heard Park Concept Doc AW) of the agenda report

b)         note the completion of some aspects of the plan through the 2021/2022 local board work programme:

i)           hedge removal and replanting of garden areas with roses to better open up space for events

ii)         renewal of timber seating

iii)        root barriers created for tree plantings along with repairs to uneven sections of pavement where trip hazards present

iv)        under-seat LED lighting installed

v)         garden beds planted beneath trees

vi)        power supply installed to accommodate future events

vii)      lights installed in the garden beds to provide better visibility.

c)          note that the remaining elements of the concept plan are intended to be delivered in future years as funding becomes available through future work programmes.

d)         note that during the public consultation there was a preference for a combination of artful play and conventional play.

e)          request that further engagement be undertaken with the local community more broadly and business association, to ensure the plan is fit for purpose at the time, including considering an expansion of the playground space.

f)           request that the current Plunket building and its future usage be considered within the options delivered.

g)         request that Customer and Community Services staff provide advice in the development of the local board 2023/2024 and future work programmes to consider the inclusion of activations and provision of seating, trees and shrubs/flowers.




Note: With the consent of the meeting, item 21: Revoke previous local board resolution and grant new community leases at Francis Reserve, 4 Warnock Street, Grey Lynn was taken prior to item 13.




Revoke previous local board resolution and grant new community leases at Francis Reserve, 4 Warnock Street, Grey Lynn.


Tsz Ning Chung, Community Lease Specialist, was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number WTM/2022/161

MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member GF Fryer:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)          revoke, pursuant to standing order 1.10.4, the Waitematā Local Board resolution WTM/2022/146 adopted at its meeting held on 16 August 2022

b)         grant a new community lease to the Nurture People Trust for an area comprising approximately 25m2 located at Francis Reserve, 4 Warnock Street, Grey Lynn on the land legally described as Part Lot 5 DP 13596 (as per Attachment A – Site Plan), subject to the following terms and conditions:

c)          term – 5 years, commencing 1 November 2022, with one 5 year right of renewal

i)           rent – $500.00 plus GST per annum

ii)         operational charge - $625 plus GST per annum.

d)         grant a new community lease to the Auckland Women’s Refuge Incorporated for two areas comprising approximately 15m2 each located at Francis Reserve, 4 Warnock Street, Grey Lynn on the land legally described as Part Lot 5 DP 13596 (as per Attachment A – Site Plan), subject to the following terms and conditions:

e)          term – 5 years, commencing 1 November 2022, with one 5 year right of renewal

i)           rent – $500.00 plus GST per annum

ii)         operational charge - $750 plus GST per annum for both areas.

f)           grant new community leases to Asylum Seekers Support Trust and The Inner City Women’s Group Incorporated for their respective areas comprising approximately 15m2 located at Francis Reserve, 4 Warnock Street, Grey Lynn on the land legally described as Part Lot 5 DP 13596 (as per Attachment A – Site Plan), subject to the following terms and conditions:

g)         term – five (5) years, commencing date 15 August 2022, with one five (5) year right of renewal

i)           rent – $500.00 plus GST per annum per group

ii)         operational charge - $375 plus GST per annum for approximately 15m2 for Asylum Seekers Support Trust

iii)        operational charge - $375 plus GST per annum for approximately 15m2 for Inner City Women’s Group Incorporated

h)         note that Community Outcomes Plans be prepared; approved by the Waitemata Local Board, and appended to the lease as a schedule of the community lease agreements.

i)           note that the community leases are approved in accordance with all other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 and Local Government Act 2002.

j)           note that approval of the new community leases at Francis Reserve, 4 Warnock Street, Grey Lynn is subject to public notification under the Local Government Act 2002.

k)          appoint a hearings panel of the entire local board, if required, to consider any objections received through the public notification process in relation to granting the community leases at Francis Reserve, 4 Warnock Street, Grey Lynn.





Future Occupancy Arrangement for the Grey Lynn Citizens Advice Bureau


Julia Craig, Place and Partner Specialist, was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number WTM/2022/162

MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member G Gunthorp:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)          note that the community lease for Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB) premises at Grey Lynn Community Centre has expired

b)         approve the establishment of a long-term hire agreement between Grey Lynn Community Centre and Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated for the Grey Lynn Citizens Advice Bureau for a minimum term of 4 years and 8 months, to match the Community Centre Management Agreement (CCMA) term expiring on 30 June 2027, and a maximum annual charge of $5000.00.

c)          request staff consult with the local board when the CCMA is to be re-established in 2027, in particular to consider the inclusion of the CAB occupancy in the terms and conditions.



The meeting was adjourned from 3.08pm until 3.19pm.




Concept design options for the heritage restoration, seismic remediation, and modernisation of Leys Institute


Hannah Alleyne, Service and Asset Planning Team Leader, was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number WTM/2022/163

MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Bonham:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)          endorse concept design options for the heritage restoration, seismic remediation, and modernisation of Leys Institute.

b)         approve the use of the Leys Institute Preliminary Concept Plans (Attachment A), dated August 2022, for public consultation. 

c)          indicate its strong preference for a design that would be fully accessible and meet and respond appropriately to future technological and community requirements for the buildings.

d)         note that further investigation and consideration of potential funding sources for this project will be undertaken.

e)          note the plan, in each concept design, to install on site the Michael Joseph Savage memorial drinking fountain from 19 Jervois Road.





Waitematā Local Grant Round One and Multi-board Grant Round One 2022/2023 grant allocations


Arna Casey, Grants Advisor, was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number WTM/2022/164

MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member GF Fryer:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)         agree to fund the applications received for the Waitematā Local Grants round one for the amounts as listed in Table One:


Application ID


Main focus

Requesting funding for

Amount approved


Aaiotanga Peace Place Trust


Towards production costs of the "Vertical Voice" newsletter



Auckland and District Pipe Band Incorporated

Arts and culture

Towards the cost of a new drum set for the Auckland and District Pipe Band



Auckland Indian Sports Club Incorporated


Towards publication costs of the 75th jubilee historical book



Body Positive - New Zealand Incorporated


Towards the cost of an on-site HIV/Syphilis test administer



Campus Radio BFM Limited

Arts and culture

Towards the cost of DJ audio equipment



Doughnut Economics Advocates New Zealand


Towards the costs of the cleaning of space at Une-Deux Cafe, bike repair materials, electrical supplies, Wilson parking costs, digital advertising and colour printing


*Funding should not be used towards parking costs


Mass Sport Trust

Sport and recreation

Towards the cost of six port-a-goals





Towards funding for "pre-entertainment", kids activities and music set-up at Auckland Rainbow Parade



Social Change Collective


Towards the cost of venue hire, Facebook and Instagram advertising, audio visual hire and gratuity



Toi Ora Live Art Trust

Arts and culture

Towards the cost of a communications and de-escalation training consultant



The Basement Theatre Trust

Arts and culture

Towards artists fees



Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust


Towards the Waitematā share to put towards volunteer clinical supervision and training services for Youthline








b)         decline the applications received for the Waitematā Local Grants round one, listed in Table Two:


Application ID


Main focus

Requesting funding for

Decline reason


2021 Softball Limited

Sport and recreation

Towards the cost of kit bags and bus fees Softball World Cup Schools Programme

Decline – due to lower priority


Claire Atherstone

Arts and culture

Towards the cost of venue hire and salsa instructors

Decline – application is ineligible as the request is below the minimum amount.


The Actor's Program

Arts and culture

Towards the cost of a lighting rig

Decline – due to lower community benefit


The Helping Paws Charitable Trust


Towards the cost of Kitten food for the "Waitemata Community Desexing Project"

Decline – due to lower priority


c)          approve the applications received for the Waitematā Multi-Board Grants round one for the amounts as listed in Table Three:


Application ID


Main focus

Requesting funding for

Amount approved


African Film Festival New Zealand Trust

Arts and culture

Towards film rights, website, and marketing of the African Film Festival online and in Rialto Cinemas Newmarket (September 2022 – December 2022)



Charlotte Museum Trust


Towards project lead researcher and project collection technician to capture history of LGBTIQ+ Community Places & Spaces in New Lynn (October 2022 – May 2023)



CNSST Foundation


Towards costs for coordination and implementation of five social work counseling cases, five social media publishing, three community workshops, and 10 community cultural days at the CNSST Head Office and Jubilee Building (November 2022 – June 2023)




Arts and culture

Towards costs to present 30 performances of The Worm – 2023 Auckland Regional Tour in Bruce Mason Centre, Hawkins Theatre, Vodafone Events Centre, Māngere Arts Centre, Glen Eden Playhouse Theatre, and Herald Theatre (October 2022 – June 2023)



Pregnancy Help Incorporated Auckland


Towards operational costs to run the Pregnancy Help programme in Auckland Central (October 2022 – September 2023)



Rainbow Youth Incorporated


Towards costs to run Rainbow Youth Peer Support Groups in multiple locations across Auckland (October 2022 – September 2023)



Shager Ethiopian Entertainment NZ Inc

Arts and culture

Towards weekly workshop hiring for dance practices, decorations, volunteer costs, and venue hire of Mt Roskill War Memorial Hall (January 2023 – June 2023)








d)         decline the applications received for the Waitematā Multi-Board Grants round one, listed in Table Four:


Application ID


Main focus

Requesting funding for

Decline reason


Auckland Events Company T/A Food Truck Collective


Towards live music, face painting, and waste collection for the Food Truck Collective – Street Food Summer Series all over Auckland (October 2022 – May 2023)

Decline - due to lower priority


Belinda Ulberg


Towards plants, trees, and structure to be planted at Candia Road Swanson (August 2022 – December 2022)

Decline - ineligible


Body Positive Incorporated


Towards costs to run the Body Positive Men’s Wellness Retreat in Vaughan Park Anglican Retreat Centre (March 2023)

Decline – already funding organisation in local grants round


The Re-Creators Charitable Trust


Towards free or subsidized classes of Community Upcycling DIY Workshops in various locations in Auckland from October 2022 to May 2023.

Decline – little local benefit as no sessions in LB area






Waitemata Event Partnership Reallocation Report


Ruchita Patel, Senior Event Facilitator was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number WTM/2022/165

MOVED by Member KL Leoni, seconded by Member GF Fryer:  

That the Waitematā Local Board;

a)          approve the reallocation of $7,000 from within the 2022/2023 Waitematā Local Board Event Partnership Fund (#428) from Artweek Auckland Limited, because they have advised they no longer require their allocated funding as the event is not going ahead, to the Franklin Road Christmas Lights event to fund an Angus Muir lighting installation

b)         note that this funding is in addition to their existing funding from the Event Partnership Fund.

c)          note there is $13,000 remaining to be reallocated in the 2022/2023 financial year.





Council-controlled Organisations Quarterly Update: Quarter Four, 2021-22


Andrea Webley, Local Board Engagement Advisor, was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number WTM/2022/166

MOVED by Member G Gunthorp, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Bonham:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)          receive the Council-controlled Organisations Quarterly Update for Quarter Four 2021/2022

b)         receive updates to the Joint CCO Engagement Plan 2022/2023.

c)          note that Auckland Transport provided the following updates:

i)           MOTAT Shared Paths is complete

ii)         Parking Strategy is on hold at the request of the Planning Committee until after the election.

iii)        Interim Speed Management Plan – feedback to come to local boards after the election.

iv)        Phase 2 of Safe Speeds Programme was completed on 28 July 2022.

v)         Engagement re Connected Communities Great North Rd has been undertaken and was mostly positive. Some concerns were raised by Bike Grey Lynn and Bike Auckland around the new layout of Bond Street which removes the direct connection through to Grosvenor Street. The Grey Lynn Business Association have agreed to the offer of a further meeting to go through their concerns in more detail, with a member of the design team present. 

vi)        Connected Communities New North Rd – engagement on the shortlist of three approaches with local board feedback and Community completed in April and is being assessed. AT is currently working on a recommended option to present to Community Collaboration Panels, local boards and community by end of 2022.

vii)      Safety - Grey Lynn and Westmere Improvements – public consultation is complete.

viii)     Safety – Davis Cres crossing – postponed due the supply chain issue of pavers.

ix)        Safety – Collingwood St – four different phases of traffic calming solution has been trialled

x)         Safety – Brighton Rd – investigation complete, no action required

xi)        Multiple Modes - Northwestern dual path – last section of cycle lane at Takau St end held up due to collapsed pavement.

xii)      Multiple Modes – Davis Cres – Postponed.

xiii)     Rose Rd Plaza is deferred due to budget constraints.

d)         note that Tātāki Auckland Unlimited provided the following updates:

i)           103 film permits were granted – 37 in April, 29 in May and 37 in June

ii)         Two youth forums have been hosted – 28 April and 26 May

iii)        Implementation of paid parking at Western Springs Precinct is delayed due to infrastructure delays.

iv)        These activities have been added since the last update, and are provided alongside the suggested engagement approach:

A)         Supporting local boards’ economic work programmes – Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI), specifically:

1)          ID1273 Young Enterprise Scheme

2)          ID1373 Small Business Mentors Programme

e)          note that Eke Panuku provided the following updates:

i)           Expressions of interest received for a design consortium for Te Ara Tukutuku, negotiations are currently underway with the preferred applicant.

ii)         The Eke Panuku and Kāinga Ora team are working on indicative business cases for the development sites and the public realm/infrastructure requirements for the Maungawhau area. These indicative business cases will be worked on over the next six months.

iii)        City Centre Establishment Plan is complete, the priorities are:

B)         Represent areas of focus for working better together

C)         Build on the work that is already underway and planned

D)         Integration of existing work and areas of opportunity

E)         Recognise that in 12 months we will know more and priorities could change

F)         Next steps are for the plan to be endorsed by the City Centre Executive Steering Committee.

f)           note that Watercare provided the following updates:

i)           The original location of Westhaven Pump Station in Westhaven reserve cannot be used. Watercare is in the process of reviewing locations for the facility. 

ii)         Current works on targeted asset renewals in Newmarket are focused near Ayr Street near Newmarket Park. A lot of these works involve access onto private residential properties. No works will happen through Broadway.





Local Board Annual Report 2021/2022


Mark Purdie, Lead Financial Advisor, was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number WTM/2022/167

MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member GF Fryer:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)          adopt the draft 2021/2022 Waitematā Local Board Annual Report as set out in Attachment A of the agenda report

b)         note the achievements set out in the Chair’s report including:

i)           the renewals of Wairangi Wharf, Point Erin pools, Tepid Baths, Parnell Baths, Outhwaite Park playground, Point Erin and Victoria Park paths, Wellpark Reserve bridge and in Heard Park;

ii)         constructing the Wharf Road to Cox’s Bay greenway, daylighting the stream in Bayfield reserve, and prioritising accessibility and active mode upgrades in our reserves and open spaces;

iii)        funding local ecological restoration programmes at Waitiko / Meola Creek and the Newmarket, Waipapa and Waiparuru streams as well as in local parks, supported a range of low-carbon related projects, delivering the planting plan in our urban Ngahere Strategy and continued ecological restoration projects.

c)          note that any proposed changes after the adoption will be clearly communicated and agreed with the chairperson before the report is submitted for adoption by the Governing Body on 29 September 2022.





Local Board input on the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management


A document was tabled in support of this item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number WTM/2022/168

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Bonham, seconded by Member G Gunthorp:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)          note the feedback received from communities through the first stage of public engagement with the National Policy Statement -Freshwater Management 2020, in Attachment D, Attachment E and Attachment F

b)         provide the tabled feedback on the National Policy Statement -Freshwater Management 2020 values including the:

i)           long-term visions for freshwater management

ii)         proposed Freshwater Management Units

iii)        freshwater values and use of freshwater

iv)        identified environmental outcomes sought for freshwater, either generally or regionally.



Note: Member GS Sage abstained from voting on the above resolution.



a     20 September 2022, Waitematā Local Board, Item 19 - Local Board input on the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management, Waitematā Local Board feedback.




Local board feedback on Community Bike Hubs - Te Poka Pū Paihikara i tēnei Hapori


Resolution number WTM/2022/169

MOVED by Member G Gunthorp, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Bonham:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)          support the Building Better Bike Hubs proposal.

b)         prioritise supporting a Bike Hub located in Station Square, Newmarket but, should this not prove practicable, support a site in Grey Lynn, and, should funding be available, request Bike Hubs to be established in both locations.

c)          request a “consult” level of engagement initially on this project, noting the likelihood of moving to “collaborate” on this project as part of future work programmes.

d)         support a site being located in Grey Lynn or the inner west suburbs as there is a large population of bike riders and advocates in the area and also a new bike network being constructed.

e)          do not support the use of Francis Reserve as the site is not visible from the street, and therefore may not attract passing interest and the building is used by vulnerable women and others who may not wish for higher numbers of people on the property.

f)           suggest a site facing a main road, such as Surrey Crescent, Richmond Road or Great North Road, may be more suitable.

g)         note it has a higher priority for a site to be located in Station Square, Newmarket because Station Square has a number of issues, including lack of activation, anti-social behaviour, and considerable numbers of bored teenagers; two retail units are owned by Auckland Council, under Eke Panuku control and which are vacant and require an occupant, preferably one that activates Station Square in a positive way; and the Newmarket Business Association and the Waitemata Local Board is highly supportive of a long-term activation of the retail units, and for a facility that caters to teenagers.

h)         note that Newmarket is the nexus for many cycle routes and will serve communities from Waitemata, Orakei, Albert-Eden and beyond and funding and/or support may be provided by other local boards.

i)           recommend Auckland Transport engage with a number of community stakeholders who can be involved in this project, including Ecomatters, Bike Auckland and the Newmarket Business Association.

j)           note that the Board may vote to provide funding for an aspect of the project in the next electoral term.




Note: With the consent of the meeting, item 21: Revoke previous local board resolution and grant new community leases at Francis Reserve, 4 Warnock Street, Grey Lynn was taken prior to item 13.




Urgent decision to approve Waitematā Local Board feedback to be included in Auckland Council's feedback on the Reshaping Streets regulatory package


Resolution number WTM/2022/170

MOVED by Member G Gunthorp, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Bonham:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      receive the urgent decision to approve local board feedback, included in the agenda report, on Auckland Council’s feedback on the Reshaping Streets regulatory package.



Note: Member GS Sage abstained from voting on the above resolution.




2022 local government elections - meetings and decision-making until new local board members make their declarations


Resolution number WTM/2022/171

MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member GF Fryer:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      confirm that the local board’s existing urgent decisions delegations process will be utilised where decisions are required from the local board between the final local board business meeting (20 September 2022) and the end of term (15 October 2022).

b)      note that from the commencement of the term of office of new members until the inaugural meeting of the incoming local board (interregnum), all decision-making will be undertaken by the Chief Executive under current delegations.

c)      note that the Chief Executive will not be required to comply with consultation requirements in the local boards’ delegation protocols when making decisions during the interregnum.

d)      request that the Chief Executive exercise restraint when making decisions during the interregnum and to consider referring significant decisions to the first meeting of the incoming local board.





Chairperson's report


Resolution number WTM/2022/172

MOVED by Member KL Leoni, seconded by Member GS Sage:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      receive the Chair’s report for September 2022.





Board member reports


Resolution number WTM/2022/173

MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member GF Fryer:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      receive the written report from Deputy Chair Bonham and Member Gunthorp for September 2022

b)      receive verbal reports from Member Fryer, Member Leoni and Member Sage for September 2022.





Waitematā Local Board workshop records


Resolution number WTM/2022/174

MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member GS Sage:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      receive the Waitematā Local Board workshop records for the workshops held 23 August, 6 September, and 13 September 2022.




27        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.





4.44 pm                                              The Chair thanked Members, staff and members of the public for their attendance and attention to business at this and other meetings during this three-year Waitemata Local Board term and declared the meeting closed.
















