Tira Kāwana / Governing Body






Minutes of a meeting of the inaugural Governing Body after the triennial local body elections held in the Great Hall, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Friday, 28 October 2022 at 6.30pm and reconvened in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Tuesday 1 November 2022 at 10.00am.





Wayne Brown


Deputy Mayor

Cr Desley Simpson, JP



Cr Andrew Baker



Cr Josephine Bartley



Cr Angela Dalton



Cr Chris Darby



Cr Julie Fairey



Cr Alf Filipaina, MNZM



Cr Christine Fletcher, QSO



Cr Lotu Fuli



Cr Shane Henderson



Cr Richard Hills



Cr Mike Lee



Cr Kerrin Leoni



Cr Daniel Newman, JP



Cr Greg Sayers



Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM



Cr Ken Turner



Cr Wayne Walker



Cr John Watson



Cr Maurice Williamson




Governing Body

28 October 2022




The meeting was chaired by the Chief Executive until His Worship the Mayor made his statutory declaration.



1          Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies


There were no apologies.




Te Whakapuakanga ā-Ture | Statutory Declaration - Mayor


His Worship the Mayor made an oral declaration and signed a written declaration which was attested by the Chief Executive.

The Mayor then gave his inaugural speech.

Copies of the Mayor’s speech and the signed declaration have been attached to the official minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments.





a     28 October 2022, Governing Body: His Worship the Mayor, Wayne Brown - signed declaration

b     28 October 2022, Governing Body:  His Worship the Mayor, Wayne Brown - Inaugural speech





Te Whakapuakanga ā-Ture | Statutory Declarations - Councillors


Each councillor made an oral declaration and signed a written declaration, which was attested by His Worship the Mayor.

The signed declarations have been attached to the official minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.



a     28 October 2022, Governing Body:  Councillors signed declarations




Adjournment of Meeting

Resolution number GB/2022/100

MOVED by Mayor WB Brown, seconded by Cr D Simpson:   

That the Governing Body:

a)         whakaae / agree to adjourn the meeting until Tuesday, 1 November 2022 at 10.00am at the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 310-305 Queen Street, Auckland.





The meeting adjourned at 7.41pm.






Minutes of a meeting of the Governing Body reconvened in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Tuesday 1 November 2022 at 10.00am.





Wayne Brown


Deputy Mayor

Cr Desley Simpson, JP



Cr Andrew Baker



Cr Josephine Bartley



Cr Angela Dalton



Cr Chris Darby



Cr Julie Fairey



Cr Alf Filipaina, MNZM

From 10.29am, Item 9


Cr Christine Fletcher, QSO



Cr Lotu Fuli



Cr Shane Henderson



Cr Richard Hills



Cr Mike Lee



Cr Kerrin Leoni



Cr Daniel Newman, JP



Cr Greg Sayers



Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM



Cr Ken Turner



Cr Wayne Walker



Cr John Watson



Cr Maurice Williamson









Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies


Resolution number GB/2022/101

MOVED by Cr L Fuli, seconded by Cr J Bartley:  

That the Governing Body:

a)         accept the apology from:


Cr A Filipaina





2          Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.




3          Ngā Petihana | Petitions


There was no petitions section.




4          Ngā Kōrero a te Marea | Public Input


There was no public input section.




5          Ngā Kōrero a te Poari ā-Rohe Pātata | Local Board Input


There was no local board input section.




6          Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.




Note:   Item 7 - Te Whakapuakanga ā-Ture | Statutory Declaration – Mayor and Item 8 - Te Whakapuakanga ā-Ture | Statutory Declarations – Councillors were part of the ceremonial section of the meeting held on Friday 28 October 2022 in the Great Hall, Auckland Town Hall.






Te Kauhau Tuatahi a Te Mema Hou | Maiden Speeches


Cr A Filipaina entered the meeting at 10.29am.


New councillors were given the opportunity to address the meeting.

The order of speaking was as follows:

Councillor Andrew Baker – Franklin ward

Councillor Julie Fairey – Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa ward

Councillor Lotu Fuli – Manukau ward

Councillor Mike Lee – Waitematā and Gulf ward

Councillor Kerrin Leoni – Whau ward

Councillor Ken Turner – Waitākere ward

Councillor Maurice Williamson – Howick ward

The maiden speeches have been attached to the official minutes and are available on the Auckand Council website as minutes attachments.


Resolution number GB/2022/102

MOVED by Cr C Fletcher, seconded by Cr A Dalton:  

That the Governing Body:

a)         whiwhi / receive His Worship the Mayor’s inaugural speech at the Governing Board meeting on 28 October 2022 and the Te Kauhau Tuatahi a Te Mema Hou | maiden speeches of:

i)          Councillor Andrew Baker – Franklin ward

ii)         Councillor Julie Fairey – Albert-Eden- Puketāpapa ward

iii)       Councillor Lotu Fuli – Manukau ward

iv)       Councillor Mike Lee – Waitematā and Gulf ward

v)         Councillor Kerrin Leoni – Whau ward

vi)       Councillor Ken Turner – Waitākere ward

vii)      Councillor Maurice Williamson – Howick ward




a     28 October 2022, Governing Body:  Item 9 - Te Kauhau Tuatahi a Te Mema Hou | Maiden Speeches, Councillor Andrew Baker

b     28 October 2022, Governing Body:  Item 9 - Te Kauhau Tuatahi a Te Mema Hou | Maiden Speeches, Councillor Julie Fairey

c    28 October 2022, Governing Body:  Item 9 - Te Kauhau Tuatahi a Te Mema Hou | Maiden Speeches, Councillor Lotu Fuli

d    28 October 2022, Governing Body:  Item 9 - Te Kauhau Tuatahi a Te Mema Hou | Maiden Speeches, Councillor Mike Lee

e     28 October 2022, Governing Body:  Item 9 - Te Kauhau Tuatahi a Te Mema Hou | Maiden Speeches, Councillor Kerrin Leoni

f     28 October 2022, Governing Body:  Item 9 - Te Kauhau Tuatahi a Te Mema Hou | Maiden Speeches, Councillor Ken Turner

g    28 October 2022, Governing Body:  Item 9 - Te Kauhau Tuatahi a Te Mema Hou | Maiden Speeches, Councillor Maurice Williamson



Explanation of laws affecting elected members


A presentation was provided.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckand Council website as minutes attachments.


Resolution number GB/2022/103

MOVED by Cr S Henderson, seconded by Cr L Fuli:  

That the Governing Body:

a)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the general explanation of the laws affecting elected members.





Tira Kāwana / Governing Body meetings in November 2022


Resolution number GB/2022/104

MOVED by Cr W Walker, seconded by Cr D Simpson:  

That the Governing Body:

a)      whakaae / agree to hold extraordinary meetings on Thursday 10 November 2022 and Thursday 17 November 2022 commencing at 10.00am in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland

b)      whakaae / agree to hold an ordinary meeting on Thursday 24 November 2022 commencing at 10.00am in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland.





12        Te Whakaaro ki ngā Take Pūtea e Autaia ana | Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.






11.20am                                             The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









