Papakura Local Board






Minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Papakura Local Board held in the Papakura Marae, 29 Hūnua Road, Papakura on Wednesday, 26 October 2022 at 4.30pm.





Brent Catchpole


Deputy Chairperson

Jan Robinson



Felicity Auva'a



George Hawkins



Kelvin Hieatt



Andrew Webster






Councillor Angela Dalton




Councillor Daniel Newman




Tony Kake, CEO Papakura Marae




Ted Ngataki, Ngāti Tamaoho




Kuia Waiata Ngataki




Kuia Helen Rawiri




Lance Watene




Martin Te Moni, Ngaati Whanaunga




Paora Puru, Ngaati Te Ata Waiohua




Lynette Penrose, Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki




Glenn Murphy, Manurewa Local Board Member




Matt Winiata, Manurewa Local Board Member




Papakura Marae Executive Committee Members







Richard Jarett, Director of Group Services



Bruce Thomas, Elected Member Relationship Partner, Auckland Transport







The recently elected Papakura Local Board members, their whānau/families, supporters, invited guests and members of the community were welcomed on to Papakura Marae with a pōwhiri. Papakura Marae and mana whenua iwi welcomed the manuhiri (visitors) onto the marae with karanga, karakia, whaikōrero and waiata; the call onto the marae, prayer, speeches of welcome and song.


At the conclusion of these formal proceedings, there was a karakia in lieu of hongi and harirū (handshakes) between the local board members and tangata whenua, followed by hākari (shared kai) for all participants, lifting the tapu (sacredness) of the pōwhiri. Following this, the inaugural meeting proceeded as outlined in these minutes.


Notes:             Papakura Marae advised the locations of the emergency exits and conveniences.


Carol McKenzie-Rex, Local Area Manager, chaired the meeting for items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. From item 7 onwards, the newly elected Chairperson chaired the meeting. Richard Jarrett, Director Group Services, witnessed the members declarations.


Papakura Local Board

26 October 2022



1          Welcome


Ted Ngataki led the meeting in karakia (prayer).


The Executive Lead Team member Richard Jarrett, Director Group Services, on behalf of the Chief Executive, addressed the meeting.



2          Apologies


The Papakura Local Board were advised of the following apologies:

Councillor Andrew Baker

Judith Collins, Member of Parliament

Honourable Nania Mahuta, Member of Parliament

Anahelia Kanongata’a-Suisuiki, Member of Parliament

Member-Elect Angela Fulljames Franklin Local Board

Member-Elect Logan Soole Franklin Local Board

Area Commander Joe Hunter, New Zealand Police

Inspector Matt Hoyes, New Zealand Police

Sophie Parish

Kay Thomas



Note:               Matua Ted Ngataki and Tony Kake, CEO Papakura Marae, blessed taonga to be gifted to each Papakura Local Board member and the two ward councillors. Tony Kake explained the meaning of the blessing and the taonga.



3          Declaration by Local Board Members


A copy of the declarations will be publicly available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.

The following Papakura Local Board members made their declarations pursuant to Schedule 7, clause 14, of the Local Government Act 2002:

·   Felicity Auva’a

·   Brent Catchpole

·   George Hawkins

·   Kelvin Hieatt

·   Jan Robinson

·   Andrew Webster



a     26th October 2022 Papakura Local Board Declarations





Election of Chairperson


The Local Area Manager gave an overview of the voting systems and requested a mover and seconder



Resolution number PPK/2022/183

MOVED by Member B Catchpole, seconded by Member KH Hieatt:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      agree to use System B of Clause 25, Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002 to elect its chairperson.




The Local Area Manager called for nominations for the position of Chairperson.


Member Robinson nominated Member Brent Catchpole for the Chairperson role.


Member Hawkins seconded the nomination.


Member Catchpole accepted the nomination. There were no further nominations.



Resolution number PPK/2022/184

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson J Robinson, seconded by Member G Hawkins:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)          elect Member Brent Catchpole as chairperson for the 2022-2025 electoral term.





Declaration of Chairperson


The Chairperson for the 2022-2025 political term, Brent Catchpole, made his declaration pursuant to Schedule 7, Clause 14 of the Local Government Act 2002.




a     26 October 2022 Declaration By Chair




Address by Chairperson


The Chairperson addressed the meeting.

After the Chairperson’s address, Papakura Local Board Members sang their local board waiata in support of the Chair.




Election of Deputy Chairperson


The Chair requested a mover and seconder for the voting system


Resolution number PPK/2022/185

MOVED by Member F Auva'a, seconded by Member KH Hieatt:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         agree to utilise System B of Schedule 7, Part 1, Clause 25 of the Local Government Act 2002 to elect its deputy chairperson.



The Chairperson called for nominations for the role of Deputy Chairperson


Chair Catchpole nominated Member Jan Robinson for the Deputy Chairperson role


Member Webster seconded the nomination.


Member Robinson accepted the nomination. There were no further nominations.



Resolution number PPK/2022/186

MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member AW Webster:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      elect Member Robinson as deputy chairperson for the 2022-2025 electoral term.





Mayor's Address


The Mayor was not in attendance.




Explanation of the laws that affect elected members


The Local Area Manager gave a brief explanation of the Local Government legislation


Resolution number PPK/2022/187

MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member AW Webster:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)       note the general explanation of the laws affecting elected members.






First Business Meetings of the Papakura Local Board


Resolution number PPK/2022/188

MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member F Auva'a:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      confirm Wednesday, 23 November 2022 at 4.00pm at the Papakura Local Board Council Chambers, 35 Coles Crescent, Papakura as the date and time for its first business meeting.

b)      confirm Wednesday, 07 December 2022 at 4.00pm at Papakura Local Board Council Chambers, 35 Coles Crescent, Papakura as the date and time for its second business meeting.




Kaumatua Paora Puru Ngaati Te Ata Waiohua closed the meeting with a karakia.



7.09pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









