Albert-Eden Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Albert-Eden Local Board held in the Albert Eden Local Board Office, 114 Dominion Road, Mt Eden and online via Microsoft Teams on Wednesday, 23 November 2022 at 10.04am.
Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present
Chairperson |
Margi Watson |
Deputy Chairperson |
Kendyl Smith |
Members |
José Fowler |
In attendance via Microsoft Teams. |
Julia Maskill |
Christina Robertson |
Liv Roe |
Rex Smith |
Jack Tan |
Te Hunga Āpiti kua Tae mai | ALSO PRESENT
Councillor |
Julie Fairey |
In attendance via Microsoft Teams. |
Albert-Eden Local Board 23 November 2022 |
The chairperson commenced the meeting with a Karakia Tīmatanga (Māori opening prayer) and welcomed everyone in attendance.
2 Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies
3 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number AE/2022/193 MOVED by Member C Robertson, seconded by Chairperson M Watson: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) confirm the minutes of its inaugural meeting held on Wednesday, 26 October 2022, as true and correct. |
5 He Tamōtanga Motuhake | Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Te Mihi | Acknowledgements
6.1 |
Acknowledgement – 2022-2025 Albert-Eden- Puketāpapa Local Area Ward Councillors |
Resolution number AE/2022/194 MOVED by Member J Maskill, seconded by Deputy Chairperson K Smith: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) congratulate Julie Fairey and Christine Fletcher on their successful election results as Ward Councillors of the Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa Ward and look forward to working with them over the next three years. |
6.2 |
Resolution number AE/2022/195 MOVED by Chairperson M Watson, seconded by Member J Fowler: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) congratulate Te Mahurehure Marae on the successful opening of Taumata o Kupe in Rangimatarau and look forward to seeing it become a much loved wānanga and educational centre. |
6.3 |
Acknowledgement - St Lukes Anglican Church 150th anniversary |
Resolution number AE/2022/196 MOVED by Member C Robertson, seconded by Member J Tan: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) congratulate St Lukes Anglican Church on its 150th anniversary celebrations and wish it well into the future. |
7 Ngā Petihana | Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Ngā Tono Whakaaturanga | Deputations
There were no deputations.
9 Te Matapaki Tūmatanui | Public Forum
9.1 |
Public Forum - Point Chevalier to Westmere Improvements project |
Matt Fordham - Point Chevalier Improvements Project Community Liaison Group (CLG), was in attendance via Microsoft Teams to outline the group’s advocacy for the Auckland Transport-led Point Chevalier to Westmere Improvements project. |
Resolution number AE/2022/197 MOVED by Member J Maskill, seconded by Member J Tan: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) thank Matt Fordham - Point Chevalier Improvements Project Community Liaison Group (CLG), for his attendance via Microsoft Teams and Public Forum presentation regarding the group’s advocacy for the Point Chevalier to Westmere Improvements project. |
9.2 |
Public Forum - Connected Communities New North Road and Symonds Street Upgrade Project |
Fiáin d’Leafy and Cappuccino von Swagmeister, local residents and members of Bike Kingsland, were in attendance to outline their advocacy for the continuation and completion of the Connected Communities New North Road and Symonds Street Upgrade Project, and the benefits to the local community of safe cycling routes. |
A powerpoint presentation was tabled for this item. A copy of the presentation has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number AE/2022/198 MOVED by Member L Roe, seconded by Member C Robertson: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) thank Fiáin d’Leafy and Cappuccino von Swagmeister, local residents and members of Bike Kingsland, for their attendance and Public Forum presentation outlining their advocacy for the Connected Communities New North Road and Symonds Street Upgrade Project as well as the benefits to the local community of safe cycling routes. |
a 20221123 Albert-Eden Local Board, Item 9.2: Public Forum - Connected Communities New North Road and Symonds Street Upgrade Project - Powerpoint Presentation |
10 Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 |
Resolution number AE/2022/199 MOVED by Member J Tan, seconded by Member C Robertson: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) delegate authority to the chairperson and deputy chairperson, or any person acting in these roles, to make urgent decisions on behalf of the local board, if the local board is unable to meet. b) confirm that the Local Area Manager, chairperson, and deputy chairperson (or any person/s acting in these roles) will authorise the use of the local board’s urgent decision mechanism by approving the request for an urgent decision in writing. c) note that all urgent decisions made, including written advice which supported these decisions, will be included on the agenda of the next ordinary meeting of the local board. |
12 |
Local board appointments and delegations for the 2022-2025 electoral term |
An information document was tabled for this item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number AE/2022/200 MOVED by Chairperson M Watson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson K Smith: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) approve the Albert-Eden Local Board Appointments and Delegations for the 2022-2025 triennium, as detailed in the tabled document. b) tautapa / delegate authority to the chairperson to work with other local board chairpersons to select shared representatives to council working groups, working parties and other internal bodies, where there is a limited number of local board representatives to be selected from amongst all 21 or clusters of local boards. |
a 20221123 Albert-Eden Local Board, Item 12: Local board appointments and delegations for the 2022-2025 electoral term - 2022-2025 Albert-Eden Local Board Appointments and Delegations |
13 |
An information document was tabled for this item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number AE/2022/201 MOVED by Chairperson M Watson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson K Smith: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) approve the Albert-Eden Local Board Appointments to External Organisations for the 2022-2025 triennium, as detailed in the tabled document. b) tautapa / delegate authority to the chairperson to work with other local board chairpersons to form a selection panel to appoint a local board representative to the Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) National Council as soon as possible. |
a 20221123 Albert-Eden Local Board, Item 13: Appointments to external organisations - 2022-2025 Albert-Eden Local Board Appointments to External Organisations |
14 |
Resolution number AE/2022/202 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson K Smith, seconded by Member C Robertson: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) adopt the meeting schedule outlined below for the period 2022-2025 period.
b) note the dates and times for business meetings to make decisions on local board plans and local board agreements are yet to be scheduled. |
15 |
Resolution number AE/2022/203 MOVED by Member J Maskill, seconded by Member C Robertson: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) receive Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa Ward Councillor Julie Fairey’s verbal update. |
16 |
Resolution number AE/2022/204 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson K Smith, seconded by Member J Maskill: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) receive Chairperson M Watson’s November 2022 verbal report. |
17 |
Resolution number AE/2022/205 MOVED by Chairperson M Watson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson K Smith: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) receive board Member C Robertson, L Roe, J Tan, J Maskill, J Fowler and Deputy Chairperson K Smith’s verbal reports for November 2022. |
18 |
Resolution number AE/2022/206 MOVED by Member R Smith, seconded by Member J Maskill: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) receive the Albert-Eden Local Board Workshop Records for the workshops held on the 12, 19 and 27 October, and 3, 10 and 17 November 2022. |
19 Te Whakaaro ki ngā Take Pūtea e Autaia ana | Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
The chairperson closed the meeting with a Karakia Whakamutunga (Māori closing prayer).
11.24am. The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.