Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday 2 March 2023 10.00am Reception
Lounge |
Komiti mō te Whakarite Mahere, te Taiao, me ngā Papa Rēhia / Planning, Environment and Parks Committee
8 Report back on scope of work: recent flooding impacts, implications and improvements
A. Approved Scope February 2023 - Flooding impacts implications and improvements 3
9 Auckland Plan Three Yearly Progress Report
A. Auckland Plan Three Yearly Progress Report 2023 17
B. Auckland Plan Three Yearly Progress Report 2023 - Summary version 119
10 Auckland Unitary Plan - Proposed Plan Change - Rezoning of 1023 and 1039 Linwood Road, Kingseat
11 Auckland Unitary Plan - Making operative in part Plan Change 60 - Open Space (2020) and Other Rezoning Matters
A. Plan Change 60 Decision 197
12 Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) - Request to make operative Private Plan Change 70 (751 and 787 Kaipara Coast Highway, Kaukapakapa)
A. Plan Change 70 - Decision 255
13 Auckland Unitary Plan (operative in Part) - Making operative further parts of the Auckland Unitary Plan – Crater Hill/Ngā Kapua Kohuora and Pūkaki Peninsula
A. Memorandum dated 19 December 2022 - High Court decision – Gock v Auckland Council [2022] NZHC 3126 281
B. Map showing the location of the Rural Urban Boundary and zoning at Ngā Kapua Kohuora/Crater Hill and Pūkaki Peninsula to be made operative 361
14 Shoreline Adaptation Plan: Kahawairahi ki Whakatīwai / Beachlands and East Pilot Report
A. Shoreline Adaptation Plan: Kahawairahi ki Whakatīwai / Beachlands and East 363
B. Franklin Local Board resolution 459
15 Priority submissions for Auckland Council Group in 2023
A. Central government consultations expected first half of 2023 461
16 National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management - Appointment of Political Working Group
A. NPS-FM implementation programme timeline 465
B. Draft Freshwater Management Units in Auckland 467
C. Draft NPS-FM Political Working Party Terms of Reference 469
17 Appointment of representatives to Ark in the Park Governance Group
A. Ark in the Park partnership agreement 471
18 Establishment of the Open Space, Sport and Recreation Joint Political Working Group
A. Open Space, Sport and Recreation Joint Political Working Group Terms of Reference 481
19 Planning, Environment and Parks Committee Forward Work Programme
A. Planning, Environment and Parks Committee - Forward Work Programme 483
Planning, Environment and Parks Committee 02 March 2023 |
Komiti mō te Whakarite Mahere, te Taiao,
me ngā Papa Rēhia / Planning, Environment and Parks Committee This committee deals with setting the direction for the physical development and growth of Auckland (focussing on land use, planning, policies, growth, infrastructure, housing and strategic projects) and community, social, cultural, environment and climate change policy. The full terms of reference can be found here: Auckland Council Governing Body Terms of Reference Note: Annual Budget decisions may affect the work programme. In addition, the programme underpinning the long-term scope of work following the 2023 flooding events also mean this programme will need to be reprioritised and updated. |
Area of work and Lead Department |
Pūnga / Reason for work |
Committee role (whakatau / decision and/or tika / direction) |
Expected timeframes Highlight the month(s) this is expected to come to committee in 2023 |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul (29 Jun) |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Planning – Unitary Plan and Land Use Planning
Infrastructure Strategy Auckland Plan Strategy & Research |
Infrastructure strategy is a statutory requirement which informs the Long-Term Plan |
To whakaū / confirm priorities /scenarios for capital expenditure prioritisation (ie scenarios that inform capital expenditure budget decisions) that form a core part of Infrastructure Strategy implementation. To arotake / review the long-term infrastructure issues.
Progress to date:
Auckland Plan 2050 – Three-yearly progress report Auckland Plan Strategy & Research |
Auckland Plan is a statutory requirement, as is the three-yearly progress report |
To whiwhi / receive and kohuki / consider the report.
Progress to date:
Future Development Strategy Auckland Plan Strategy & Research |
Future Development Strategy is a statutory requirement |
To whakaae / approve the Future Development Strategy for public consultation.
Progress to date: Confidential workshop held 22 February 2023.
Helicopters – options report Plans and Places |
Helicopter Compliance and Monitoring Project initiated considered at the Planning Committee – 5 May 2022 |
To whakarite / provide direction on options.
Progress to date: Resolutions from the Aotea/Great Barrier, Waiheke and Waitematā Local Boards regarding concerns about helicopter activity – 5 May 2022
Implications of Auckland Anniversary flooding event on Auckland's land use planning, regulatory, infrastructure and other policy settings Chief Planning Office |
Resolution of Committee |
To tuhi ā-taipitopito / note approved scope of work on 2 March 2023, CP2023/01887 To whihwhi / receive updates and briefings on early actions
Progress to date: Consideration of Extraordinary Item - Commissioning of work into implications of Auckland Anniversary flooding event on Auckland's land use planning, regulatory, infrastructure and other policy settings – 2 February 2023
Planning – Unitary Plan and Land Use Planning (Plan Changes)
Auckland Unitary Plan – Preparation and notification of proposed plan change 1023 and 1039 Linwood Road, Kingseat Plans and Places |
Statutory requirement |
To whakaae / approve the preparation of plan change.
Progress to date:
Auckland Unitary Plan – Making plan change operative –Open Space (2020) and other rezoning matters) Plans and Places |
Statutory requirement |
To whakaae / approve Private Plan Change 60 – Open Space (2020) and Other Rezoning Matters.
Progress to date:
Auckland Unitary Plan – Making plan change operative –751 and 787 Kaipara Coast Highway, Kaukapakapa Plans and Places |
Statutory requirement |
To whakaae / approve Private Plan Change 70 – 751 and 787 Kaipara Coast Highway, Kaukapakapa
Progress to date:
Auckland Unitary Plan – Making plan change operative –Crater Hill/Ngā Kapua Kohuora and Pūkaki Peninsula Plans and Places |
Statutory requirement |
To whakaae / approve plan change associated with Crater Hill/Ngā Kapua Kohuora and Pūkaki Peninsula.
Progress to date:
Auckland Unitary Plan – Making private plan change operative – Wairaka (Unitec) Plans and Places |
Statutory requirement |
To whakaae / approve Private Plan Change (Wairaka / Unitec).
Progress to date:
Auckland Unitary Plan – Making private plan change operative – Riverhead future urban zone (Fletcher Living) Plans and Places |
Statutory requirement |
To whakaae / approve Private Plan Change (Riverhead future urban zone).
Progress to date:
Auckland Unitary Plan – Consideration of private plan change request – Beachlands South Limited Partnership Plans and Places |
Statutory requirement |
To whakaae / approve Private Plan Change (Beachlands South Limited Partnership)
Progress to date: Auckland Unitary Plan – Consideration of private plan change request – Beachlands South Limited Partnership – 8 December 2022
Sites of significance to mana whenua plan change Plans and Places |
Statutory requirement |
To whakaae / approve Private Plan Change 21 (Sites and Places of Significance to mana whenua).
Progress to date: Auckland Unitary Plan - Approval for plan change for filming on public land scheduled as Sites and Places of Significance to Mana Whenua – 8 December 2022
Auckland Unitary Plan – Consideration of plan change - Intensification |
Statutory requirement |
To whakaae / approve Plan Change 78 (Intensification).
Progress to date: Auckland Unitary Plan - Approval of Intensification Planning Instrument for Public Notification – 4 August 2022
Coastal hazards plan changes Plans and Places |
Statutory requirements |
To kohuki /consider plan change.
Progress to date:
Making plan changes operative Plans and Places |
Statutory requirements |
To whakaae / approve plan changes as requests are received
Progress to date:
Legislative Reform
Resource Management Reform Auckland Plan Strategy & Research |
To whakaae / approve staff drafting submissions as required
Progress to date: Resource management reform: Natural and Built Environment Bill and Spatial Planning Bill – 8 December 2022 Approval of Auckland Council submission on the Spatial Planning Bill and the Natural Built Environment Bill – 2 February 2023 (meeting held on 9 February 2023)
Legislation changes Auckland Plan Strategy & Research |
To whakaae / approve submissions and tautapa / delegate approval for final version of submission
Progress to date:
Climate change
Submission on Climate Change Commission advice on Emissions Reduction Plan 2 Chief Sustainability Office |
Submission to inform Climate Change Commission advice to government |
To whakaae / approve submissions and tautapa / delegate approval for final version of submission
Progress to date:
Climate Action Targeted Rate Governance and Oversight Group Chief Sustainability Office |
To kohuki/ consider any matters relating to the Climate Action Targeted Rate Governance and Oversight Group.
Progress to date: Updating membership of the Climate Action Targeted Rate (CATR) Governance and Oversight Group following the 2022 election – 8 December 2022
Drought Management Plan Auckland Plan Strategy & Research |
To whakaae / approve the drought management plan.
Progress to date:
Water-related impacts of climate change Community and Social Policy |
Current direction and long-term approach approved by the Environment and Climate Change Committee – 10 March 2022 |
To whakarite / provide strategic direction on long-term approach and interventions for water-related impacts of climate change.
Progress to date: Adoption of the Auckland Water Strategy – 10 March 2022
National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management Plans and Places |
Statutory requirement |
To whakaae / approve appointments to the political working group
Progress to date:
Waste Political Advisory Group Waste Solutions Infrastructure and Environmental Services |
To kohuki/ consider any matters relating to the Waste Political Advisory Group.
Progress to date: Establishment of the Waste Political Advisory Group – 8 December 2022
Council strategies
Re-imagine Toi Whītiki Community and Social Policy |
Approval to reimagine and redevelop Toi Whītiki as the regional arts and culture strategy for the creative sector in collaboration with the creative community. Approval to scope and establish a joint working group approved by the Parks, Arts, Culture and Events Committee - 9 June 2022. |
To whakaae / approve terms of reference and members of approved joint political working group (Committee, Local Boards and IMSB)
Progress to date: Scope to Reimagine Toi Whītiki – 9 June 2022 Note: Approach and timing to be assessed
Open space, sport and recreation policy Community and Social Policy |
The development of a refreshed and consolidated open space, sport and recreation policy and joint working group was approved by the Parks, Arts, Culture and Events Committee - 11 August 2022 |
To whakaae / approve terms of reference and members of approved joint political working group (Committee, Local Boards and IMSB)
Progress to date: Scope to refresh and consolidate Auckland Council’s open space policy framework – 11 August 2022
Draft Golf Investment Plan – next steps Community and Social Policy |
Changes to draft golf investment plan titled “Where all the Aucklanders benefit from publicly owned golf land” agreed, including the creating of a joint working group approved by the Parks, Arts, Culture and Events Committee – 11 August 2022 |
To whakaae / approve terms of reference and members of approved joint political working group (Committee, Local Boards and IMSB)
Progress to date: Next steps for the draft golf investment plan – 22 September 2022 Note: Approach and timing to be assessed
Review findings report on review of I Am Auckland Community and Social Policy |
Approval to undertake a three-year review of I Am Auckland approved by the Parks, Arts, Culture and Events Committee - 9 September 2021. |
To kohuki / consider the preferred option and next steps for the I Am Auckland Implementation
Progress to date: I Am Auckland Implementation and Evaluation Annual Update 2021 – 9 September 2021
Regional Parks
Reallocation of decision-making for Ngāroto Lakes Community and Social Policy |
The Rodney Local Board requested an assessment to reallocate Ngāroto Lakes, adjacent to Te Arai Regional Park, as regional park land under the governance of the Governing Body The request for an assessment was made in May 2022 [RD/2022/63] subject to Regional Parks Plan approval which has been completed and currently in consultation on local parks plan. |
To kohuki / consider the preferred option for local or regional governance allocation for Ngāroto Lakes.
Progress to date:
Regional Services and Assets
Indicative business case for Auckland Central Library Community and Social Policy |
The development of an indicative business case was agreed by the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee on 10 December 2020.
To kohuki / consider the preferred option and next steps for the indicative business case for the Auckland Central Library.
Progress to date: Investigation of the central library – 10 December 2022
Review of the aquatic service network Community and Social Policy |
Action 13 of the Community Facilities Network Plan Action and part action 170 fit for purpose review of Network Plan adopted to Action Undertake a regional review of Auckland’s aquatic network to understand the impacts of growth, assess future gaps in relation to services and the lifespan of existing facilities. The Community Facilities Network Plan Action Plan was adopted by the Parks, Community and Events Committee on 11 August 2022. |
To kohuki / consider the strategic direction and next steps for Community Facilities Network Plan.
Progress to date: Community Facilities Network Plan revised Action Plan (2022) – 11 August 2022
Public Art
Public Art Regional Work Programme 2023-2024 Regional Services and Strategy |
The work programme requires approval by the Parks, Environment & Planning committee so that it can be implemented. Prior review of the programme by the director/ general manager/ head of and team lead is required. |
To whakaae / approve the work programme.
Progress to date:
Regional Grants]
Regional Events Grant Events, Regional Service and Strategy Customer and Community Services |
To allocate funding from the Regional Events contestable grants process |
To ohia / endorse the recommended grant allocations to providers of regional events.
Progress to date:
Ngā Hapori Momoho - Thriving Communities Grants Regional Services and Strategy, Connected Communities |
To allocate funding from the Ngā Hapori Momoho - Thriving Communities grants fund |
To ohia / endorse the recommended grant allocations.
Progress to date:
Regional Arts and Culture Grants Regional
Services and Strategy |
To allocate funding from the Regional Arts and Culture contestable grants process |
To ohia / endorse the recommended grant allocations.
Progress to date:
Allocation of the 2022/2023 Regional Environment and Natural Heritage Grant Environmental Services |
To allocate funding from the Regional Environment and Natural Heritage Grant |
To ohia / endorse the recommended grant allocations.
Progress to date: Allocation of the 2022/2023 Regional Environment and Natural Heritage Grant – 8 December 2022
Arts, Culture and Heritage Work programme FY24 Regional Services
and Strategy |
To approve Arts, Culture and Heritage Work programme for 2023/2024. Note: all regional work programmes for 2023/2024 will need to be approved by June 2023. |
To ohia / endorse the recommended grant allocations.
Progress to date:
Waste Minimisation and Innovation Fund 2022/2023 Waste Solutions |
To allocate funding from the Wate Minimisation and Innovation Fund 2022/2023 |
To ohia / endorse the recommended grant allocations
Progress to date: Allocation of the Waste Minimisation and Innovation Fund 2022/2023 – 8 December 2022
Library fine removal update Connected Communities |
To whiwhi / receive an update the committee on how this initiative is operative.
Progress to date:
Area of work and Lead Department |
Committee role |
Whakatau / Decision |
Auckland Unitary Plan – Making private plan change operative –Albany 10 Precinct Plans and Places |
To whakaae / approve Private Plan Change 59 (Albany 10 Precinct). |
To make Private Plan Change 59 - Albany 10 Precinct to the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) Operative – 8 December 2022
Auckland Unitary Plan – Making private plan change operative – Drury Plans and Places |
To whakaae / approve Private Plan Change 48 (Drury Centre Precinct); Private Plan Change 49 (Drury East Precinct); Private Plan Change 50 (Waihoehoe Precinct); Private Plan Change 51 (Drury 2 Precinct); and Private Plan Change 61 (Waipupuke). |
To make Private Plan Changes 48, 49, 50, 51 and 61 in Drury East and Drury West to the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) operative – 8 December 2022 |
Auckland Unitary Plan – Making private plan change operative – 911-975 New North Road, Mount Albert Plans and Places |
To whakaae / approve Private Plan Change 63 (911-975 Mt Albert Road, Mt Albert). |
To make Private Plan Change 63 – 911-975 New North Road, Mount Albert operative – 8 December 2022
Auckland Unitary Plan – Making private plan change operative – 953 New North Road, Mt Albert Plans and Places |
To whakaae / approve Private Plan Change 64 (953 Mt Albert Road, Mt Albert). |
To make Private Plan Change 64 - 953 New North Road, Mt Albert to the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) operative – 8 December 2022