

Meeting Room:



Thursday, 20 April 2023


Reception Lounge
Auckland Town Hall
301-305 Queen Street


Komiti mō ngā Tūnuku me ngā Rawa Tūāhanga

Transport and Infrastructure Committee








10        Draft Katoa, Ka Ora: Auckland speed management plan 2024-7

A.      Auckland Council controlled roads submission for Auckland regional speed management plan 2024-7                             3

11        2023 Regional Public Transport Plan – Strategic Direction

A.      Regional Public Transport Plan: Proposed vision and goals                                             5

12        Onehunga Branch Line - Considerations and Future

A.      Onehunga - considerations and future         7

15        Summary of Transport and Infrastructure Committee information memoranda, workshops and briefings (including the Forward Work Programme) - 20 April 2023

A.      Forward Work Programme                          23

Transport and Infrastructure Committee

20 April 2023



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Transport and Infrastructure Committee

20 April 2023



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Transport and Infrastructure Committee

20 April 2023



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Transport and Infrastructure Committee

20 April 2023




Komiti mō ngā Tūnuku me ngā Rawa Tūāhanga  / Transport and Infrastructure Committee
Forward Work Programme 2023

This committee has oversight of major transport and infrastructure matters that affect the Auckland Region

The full terms of reference can be found here: Auckland Council Governing Body Terms of Reference



Area of work and Lead Department

Pūnga / Reason for work

Committee role

(whakatau / decision and/or tika / direction)

Expected timeframes

Highlight the month(s) this is expected to come to committee in 2023













Integrated Auckland Transport Plan



The Minister of Transport and the Mayor have agreed on the need for a plan to futureproof Auckland with a high-quality, joined-up transport system, which more closely integrates decision-making on cars, buses, trains, ferries, cyclists, pedestrians, freight and passenger rail and light rail.

Tuhi-ā-taipitopito / note the work and incorporate the strategic direction into decision making where approriate

To ohia / endorse a political steering group to support the implementation of the Auckland Transport Plan


Progress to date:

Update on the Integrated Auckland Transport Plan and endorse a political steering group to support its implementation. 16 February 2023
Link to released
report, attachments and minutes













Auckland Light Rail Governance


Auckland Light Rail

Chief of Strategy

Auckland Light Rail Limited (ALR Ltd) is responsible for advancing the Auckland Light Rail project through the detailed planning phase and developing a business case to enable the Crown to make a final investment decision in relation to the Auckland Light Rail Project.


Auckland Light Rail Governance is a listed responsibility for the committee.

To whiwhi / receive updates on the Auckland Light Rail Project


Progress to date: deferred to May 2023














City Rail Link (CRL) Project Oversight


City Rail Link Limited

Director Infrastructure & Environmental Services

The City Rail Link is one of New Zealand’s largest transport infrastructure projects. The 3.45km twin-tunnel underground rail link will transform the downtown Britomart Transport Centre into a two-way through station.

This will enable the Auckland rail network to at least double rail capacity when it is completed in 2024.


COVID-19 impacts and associated commercial negotiations will impact the final delivery date and costs. Budget and costs will be considered by the Governing Body.

City Rail Link project oversight is a listed responsibility for the committee.


To whiwhi / receive updates on the City Rail Link Rail Project


Progress to date:

Update on City Rail Link project – 1 December 2023
Link to released
report and attachments














Auckland Transport Quarterly Performance

CCO Governance & External

Under Auckland Council’s accountability framework, each substantive CCO must provide a quarterly report.


Auckland Transport will report to the committee as per responsibilities of the committee.

To whiwhi / receive quarterly performance reports

Progress to date:

Auckland Transport’s Quarter One Performance Report 2022-2023 – 1 December 2022
Link to released report and attachments


Auckland Transport’s Quarter Two Performance Report 2022-2023 16 March 2023

Link to released report and attachments














Auckland Transports Letter of Expectation and Statements of Intent

CCO Governance & External

The listed responsibilities of the committee include:

·    recommending to the Mayor the content of the annual LoE to Auckland Transport 

·    exercising relevant powers under Schedule 8 of the Local Government Act 2002, which relate to the Statements of Intent of Auckland Transport

·    Shareholder feedback on the draft Statement of Intent (May)

·    Approval of Final Statement of Intent (August)

·    Recommendations to the Mayor in regards Auckland Transport’s Letter of Expectations (November)














Auckland Transport - Updates

Auckland Transport

The committee’s responsibilities as per their delegations includes:

·    direction, oversight and monitoring of Auckland Transport

·    transportation, including monitoring regional transport projects and issues

·    providing direction to Auckland Transport on key matters when engaging communities on transport issues 

To whiwhi / receive monthly updates from Auckland Transport


Progress to date:

Auckland Transport update – February 2023 – 16 February 2023
Link to released report and attachments


Auckland Transport update – March 2023 – 16 March 2023

Link to released report and attachments















Ferry Services

Auckland Transport

Auckland Transport (AT) to report back on the performance of Auckland’s ferry services and solutions to improve service provision, where possible.


To whiwhi / receive updates from Auckland Transport on Auckland’s ferry services and respond to resolution number TICCC/2023/11


Progress to date:

Auckland Transport update – February 2023 – 16 February 2023

Link to released report and attachments

Update from Auckland Transport (AT) on the Auckland ferry network and work programmes to improve the network – 16 March 2023

link to released report and attachments
















Transport and Infrastructure 2023 Weather Events Response and Recovery


Infrastructure and Environmental Services

To receive updates in regards the impacts of the Auckland Anniversary Floods and Cyclone Gabrielle on our transport, water and coastal and land infrastructure.


Update on the impact of the Auckland Floods and Cyclone Gabrielle on the assets within the committee’s remit.

NB Council is managing its recovery efforts through the Recovery Office and Recovery Manager functions. This will require close working relationships between the committee and the Governing Body who have responsibility for the recovery functions.


Progress to date:

Interim update from infrastructure providers within the council group on the impact of the Auckland floods on our infrastructure - 16 February 2023
Link to released report and attachments

To seek approval to progress a Flood Recovery Programme for Three Waters Operations – 16 March 2023

Link to released report and attachments, minutes attachment
















Updates from transport and infrastructure providers and partners


To provide an opportunity to hear from our key partners and providers and build good working relationships to deliver on the committee’s outcomes.


To whiwhi / receive updates from Waka Kotahi, KiwiRail, Kainga Ora. Waitematā and others as required.

Progress to date:

Update from Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency on its’ Auckland programme – 16 February 2023
Link to released
report and attachments

Presentation from the Waitematā Harbour Connections Project team (WHC) an update on the project and upcoming consultation – 16 February 2023
Link to released
report and attachments

Presentation from KiwiRail on its Auckland programme -

16 March 2023

Link to released  report and attachments


Update from Auckland Light Rail Limited – 16 March 2023

link to released report and attachments














Katoa, Ka Ora: Auckland Speed Management Plan


Auckland Transport

Auckland Transport’s Safe Speeds programme has set safe speed limits on 1,500 km of roads since 2020.


Setting safe speed limits across the Auckland region, as part of a shared vision to keep everyone safe, healthy, and well on Auckland roads and streets.

To whiwhi / receive updates on the Katoa Ka Ora speed management plan













Parking Strategy


Auckland Transport

The draft Parking Strategy provides the guiding principles and policies for the planning, supply, and management of on-street and AT-controlled off-street parking in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland.

To whiwhi / receive an update on the Parking Strategy

To ohia / endorse the Parking Strategy













Rapid Transit Network Plan

Auckland Transport



To ohia / endorse the Rapid Transit Network Plan













Regional Land Transport Plan

Auckland Transport


The RLTP is the 10-year plan for Auckland’s transport network. It details the areas that Auckland Transport, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and KiwiRail will focus on to respond to our region’s transport challenges. It also outlines the proposed 10-year investment programme for specific transportation projects.

To whiwhi / receive updates on the Regional Land Transport Plan.

The Regional Land Transport Plan is a listed responsibility of the committee.













Regional Public Transport Plan

Auckland Transport

The Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP) describes the public transport network that Auckland Transport (AT) proposes for the region, identifies the services that are integral to that network over a 10-year period, and sets out the policies and procedures that apply to those services.

To whiwhi / receive updates on the Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP)















Transport Emission Reduction Pathway (TERP)

Chief Planning Office


The TERP gives effect to Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri’s (Auckland's Climate Plan) target to halve Auckland’s regional emissions by 2030 (against a 2016 baseline).

To whiwhi / receive updates on the Transport Emissions Reduction Pathway programme.

Transport Emissions Reduction Pathway is a listed responsibility of the committee.













Urban Vehicle Kilometres Travelled Reduction Programme

Chief Planning Office

Central Government requires all council to develop an urban vehicle kilometres travelled (VTK) reduction programme by the end of 2023.

Only Tier 1 councils will now need to implement this by the end of 2023.


To receive information and establish a political reference group to guide the development of the plan over 2023. To ohia / endorse the programme in September 2023.

Progress to date:     

Receive information on the required process for Auckland Council to develop an Urban Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (VTK) Reduction Programme and to establish a reference group to provide oversight and direction to staff during the development of this programme. 16 March 2023

Link to report and attachments













Congestion Charging

Chief Planning Office and AT

To design and deliver a Congestion charging scheme that improves the productivity of Auckland’s transport system and addresses equity concerns, once enabling legislation has been passed by government

To provide direction and oversight in relation to congestion charging design and delivery.

NB no set dates as when the legislation will be passed is unknown.













Infrastructure funding mechanisms and agreements, including agreements with the Crown.

Development Programme Office and Chief Planning Office


Auckland Council and the Crown have and will continue partner in agreements and through joint governance arrangements to fund and or deliver infrastructure.

To provide direction and oversight in relation to infrastructure funding mechanisms and agreements, including agreements with the Crown, as required.













Property Acquisition and Disposal

Acquisition and disposal of property relating to the committee’s responsibilities in accordance with the LTP.

Action as needed.