Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board
Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board held in the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Office, Shop 17B, 93 Bader Drive, Māngere on Wednesday, 10 May 2023 at 5.00pm.
Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present
Chairperson |
Tauanu’u Nick Bakulich |
Deputy Chairperson |
Harry Fatu Toleafoa |
Members |
Joe Glassie-Rasmussen |
Makalita Kolo |
Christine O'Brien |
Papaliitele Lafulafu Peo |
(online) |
Te Hunga Kāore i Tae Mai | ABSENT
Member |
Togiatolu Walter Togiamua |
Te Hunga Āpiti kua Tae mai | ALSO PRESENT
He Hunga atu anō i Tae mai | IN ATTENDANCE
Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board 10 May 2023 |
Chairperson Tauanu’u Nick Bakulich welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2 Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies
Resolution number MO/2023/43 MOVED by Chairperson N Bakulich, seconded by Member J Glassie-Rasmussen: That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board: a) accept the apology from member Togiatolu Walter Togiamua for absence. |
3 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 |
Local board consultation feedback and input into the Annual Budget 2023/2024 |
Resolution number MO/2023/44 MOVED by Chairperson N Bakulich, seconded by Deputy Chairperson H Toleafoa: That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the feedback from the community on the proposed Annual Budget 2023/2024 and thank the community for engaging in the consultation and providing the highest number of submissions both regionally and from within the local board area b) whakarite / provide the following feedback to the Governing Body on the proposed Annual Budget: i) is concerned that the proposed budget will significantly and irreparably affect the social, economic, and environmental future of the city and destroy the community groups and volunteers that have time and again through economic, health and natural crisis shown their value to this city ii) is concerned that the budget fails to make adequate use of council’s debt headroom and rates increases that doesn’t even cover the cost of inflation. These levers can and should be used more than what is proposed especially at this time which qualifies as an emergency period in the city’s history iii) is concerned that the council continues to fail to learn the lessons of the past that continued underinvestment in infrastructure, economic development, social infrastructure and our natural environment will inevitably saddle future generations with higher costs and a run-down city iv) is concerned that the airport shares are at risk of being sold, as the value of the shares have increased since we consulted on the budget ($1.9B to $2.3B). Also, the local board highlight the following – A) the value of the Auckland Airport company, with its increasing commercial and retail interests, will continue to grow B) Auckland Council must protect Tamaki Makaurau’s interest in New Zealand’s main gateway to the world and avoid using short-term thinking and sell our shares in the Airport company.
c) whakarite / provide the following advocacy comments to the Governing Body: i) tono / request that the Council Group urgently undertake analysis on all of council’s policies to enable the use of an “equity lens”, to ensure at risk communities like Māngere-Ōtāhuhu are adequately prioritised in council budget decisions ii) tautoko / support the allocation of existing regional targeted rates, and the pending storm response general rates rise towards Māngere-Ōtāhuhu local board’s projects and programmes to support storm recovery, flood mitigation infrastructure and environmental initiatives to adapt to climate change iii) tautoko / support investigating and implementing actions to further enhance the role of the local boards to ensure they are sufficiently empowered in their governance and place-making function, including through delegations from Auckland Transport iv) tono / request that Auckland Transport are directed to report to local boards monthly and be much more accountable to local boards as the discontinuation of monthly reporting has had a significant detrimental effect in Auckland Transport’s accountability to local communities and the current CCO Engagement Plan is a poor substitute for regular reporting and accountability v) note that the John Walker Find Your Field of Dreams Foundation receives $180,000 of funding annually through regional contestable grants. The activities of the foundation benefit 18,000 children across 91 primary schools in south Auckland, and the loss of this funding would have a severely detrimental effect on communities of greatest need vi) the local board would only support the continuation of The Southern Initiative, if it becomes more accountable to the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board, by way of regular reporting and seeking direction, and supporting the local board in its economic and social initiatives.
5.22 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed with a prayer from Member Kolo.