Albert-Eden Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Albert-Eden Local Board held in the Albert-Eden Local Board Office, 114 Dominion Road, Mt Eden on Thursday, 25 May 2023 at 10.00am.
Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present
Chairperson |
Margi Watson |
Deputy Chairperson |
Kendyl Smith |
Members |
José Fowler |
Entered the meeting at 11.09am during item 22. |
Julia Maskill |
Christina Robertson |
Liv Roe |
Rex Smith |
Jack Tan |
Te Hunga Āpiti kua Tae mai | ALSO PRESENT
Councillor |
Christine Fletcher |
Exited the meeting at 10.17am prior to Item 12. |
Albert-Eden Local Board 25 May 2023 |
Chairperson M Watson commenced the meeting with a karakia and welcomed everyone in attendance.
2 Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies
Resolution number AE/2023/70 MOVED by Chairperson M Watson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson K Smith: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) accept the apology from Member J Fowler for lateness due to council-related business. |
3 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number AE/2023/71 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson K Smith, seconded by Member J Maskill: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) confirm the minutes of its ordinary meeting held on Thursday, 11 May 2023, as true and correct. |
5 He Tamōtanga Motuhake | Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Te Mihi | Acknowledgements
6.1 |
Resolution number AE/2023/72 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson K Smith, seconded by Member J Tan: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) acknowledge the passing of Maureen Keene, owner of City Cake Company and Chair of Mt Eden Business Improvement District (BID), and note that Maureen had been a member and driving force in the association for over 15 years, serving as Chair for the last two and a half years, and the local board extends its condolences to her family at this sad time. |
7 Ngā Petihana | Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Ngā Tono Whakaaturanga | Deputations
There were no deputations.
9 Te Matapaki Tūmatanui | Public Forum
There was no public forum.
10 Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Ngā Pānui mō ngā Mōtini | Notices of Motion
Under Standing Order 2.5.1, a Notice of Motion has been received from Chairperson M Watson and Deputy Chairperson K Smith for consideration under item 12.
Note: Item 20: Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa Ward Councillors' Updates was taken prior to Item 12: Notice of Motion - Chairperson Watson – Ensuring protection of our city’s heritage assets.
Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa Ward Councillors' Updates |
Resolution number AE/2023/73 MOVED by Chairperson M Watson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson K Smith: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) receive Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa Ward Councillor Julie Fairey’s April 2023 report. b) receive Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa Ward Councillor Christine Fletcher’s verbal update. |
Note: Councillor Christine Fletcher exited the meeting at 10.17am. |
12 |
Notice of Motion - Chairperson Watson – Ensuring protection of our city’s heritage assets |
Resolution number AE/2023/74 MOVED by Chairperson M Watson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson K Smith: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) expresses disappointment at the demolition of the Category 1 heritage listed Mt Eden Colonial Ammunition Company (CAC) Shot Tower after Cyclone Gabrielle. b) request staff release information, agreements and the resource consent conditions involving the developer that applied to the site and whether the obligations on the developer were enforced, specifically in relation to the heritage structure. c) seek clarity on whether the shot tower was included in the Auckland Council Cultural Heritage Index (CHI). d) seek advice on how Council and other agencies could have monitored the site, in particular the heritage aspects, to ensure the tower did not degrade to the point where it had to be demolished. e) request staff review processes on how heritage assets could be better protected through the consenting process. f) seek staff advice on the current ownership and responsibility for 24 Normandy Road, Mt Eden and any responsibilities that lay with them including the Auckland Council incurred costs associated with the demolition. g) request staff report back to the Albert-Eden Local Board on any measures that can be undertaken to ensure protection of other heritage assets across the region in similar circumstances. h) request staff to forward this Notion of Motion to the Planning, Environment and Parks Committee. |
13 |
Endorsing Business Improvement District (BID) targeted rate grants for 2023/2024 |
Resolution number AE/2023/75 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson K Smith, seconded by Member C Robertson: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) recommends to the Governing Body the setting of the targeted rates for inclusion in the Annual Budget 2023/2024 for the following Business Improvement District (BID) programmes as requested by the relevant BIDs to implement their respective business plans: i) $255,000 for Dominion Road BID ii) $245,067.90 for Kingsland BID iii) $94,035 for Mt Eden Village BID iv) $525,000 for Uptown BID. |
14 |
Albert-Eden Quick Response Round Three 2022/2023 and the Accommodation Support Fund 2023 grant allocations |
Moumita Dutta – Senior Community Grants Advisor, was in attendance via Microsoft Teams to speak to the report. |
Resolution number AE/2023/76 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson K Smith, seconded by Member C Robertson: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) approve the following grant applications received during the Albert-Eden Quick Response Round Three 2022/2023:
b) decline the following grant applications received during the Albert-Eden Quick Response Round Three 2022/2023:
c) approve the following grant applications received for the Albert-Eden Accommodation Support Fund 2023:
d) decline the following grant applications received for the Albert-Eden Accommodation Support Fund 2023:
e) thank Moumita Dutta – Senior Community Grants Advisor, for her attendance via Microsoft Teams and advice. |
Note: Item 16: Implementation of Albert-Eden Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan, and Item 17: Approval of the draft Windmill Park concept plan for consultation, were taken prior to Item 15: Proposed new community lease to Mt Albert Rugby League Football Club Incorporated at Fowlds Park, 50 Western Springs Road, Mount Albert.
Implementation of Albert-Eden Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan |
Resolution number AE/2023/77 MOVED by Member R Smith, seconded by Chairperson M Watson: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) grant Mount Albert Rugby League Club Incorporated $30,000 from the 2022/2023 Albert-Eden Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan implementation budget to support a project to address weather-tightness issues, accessibility and reconfiguration of changing facilities. |
Approval of the draft Windmill Park concept plan for consultation |
Grant Burke - Programme Manager, was in attendance to speak to the report. |
An information document was tabled for this item. A copy of the document has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as part of the minutes attachment. |
Resolution number AE/2023/78 MOVED by Member J Maskill, seconded by Member R Smith: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) approve the Draft Windmill Park Concept Plan for use in public consultation noting consultation will take place from mid-June to mid-July 2023. b) approve the Windmill Park Concept Plan consultation pack for use in community engagement. c) request some consideration be given to some consultation in Te Reo Māori given the significance of the site to Māori. d) thank Grant Burke - Programme Manager, for his attendance and advice. |
a 20230525 Albert-Eden Local Board - Item 17: Approval of the draft Windmill Park concept plan for consultation - Attachment C - Draft Windmill Park Concept Plan Consultation Pack (Updated) |
15 |
Proposed new community lease to Mt Albert Rugby League Football Club Incorporated at Fowlds Park, 50 Western Springs Road, Mount Albert |
Jo Heaven – Senior Community Lease Advisor, was in attendance to speak to the report. |
Two information documents were tabled for this item. Copies of each documents have been placed on the official minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as part of the minutes attachment. |
Resolution number AE/2023/79 MOVED by Chairperson M Watson, seconded by Member R Smith: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) grant, under Section 54 (1) of the Reserves Act 1977, a new community ground lease noting the tenant-owned building to Mt Albert Rugby League Football Club Incorporated for 500 square meters (more or less) located at Fowlds Park, 50 Western Springs Road, Mount Albert on the land legally described as Allotment 177 Section 10 Suburbs of Auckland held as a classified recreation reserve, subject to the provisions of the Reserves Act 1977 (as per Attachment A –Site Plan), subject to the following terms and conditions: i) term – five years, commencing 1 May 2023, with one five-year right of renewal with final expiry 30 April 2033 ii) rent – $1.00 plus Goods and Services Tax (GST) per annum if demanded. iii) Community Outcomes Plan - to be appended to the lease as a schedule of the lease agreement (as per Attachment B – Community Outcomes Plan). iv) include an additional obligation in the lease agreement that the lease holder takes actions to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions related to their operations to reduce climate impact. v) include landowner approval conditions as per letter to the group dated 13 April 2023 for the operating of the tuck shop in the specific amendments b) approve all other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 and the Reserves Act 1977. c) noting lease charges shall be reviewed by the local board in circumstances where there are changes to the Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012. |
Note: Member J Maskill abstained from voting on this item and requested that her abstention be noted. |
a 20230525 Albert-Eden Local Board - Item 15: Proposed new community lease to Mt Albert Rugby League Football Club Incorporated at Fowlds Park, 50 Western Springs Road, Mount Albert - Attachment A - Site Plan (Updated) b 20230525 Albert-Eden Local Board - Item 15: Proposed new community lease to Mt Albert Rugby League Football Club Incorporated at Fowlds Park, 50 Western Springs Road, Mount Albert - Attachment B - Community Outcomes Plan (Updated) |
Note: Item 16: Implementation of Albert-Eden Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan, and Item 17: Approval of the draft Windmill Park concept plan for consultation, were taken prior to Item 15: Proposed new community lease to Mt Albert Rugby League Football Club Incorporated at Fowlds Park, 50 Western Springs Road, Mount Albert.
18 |
Albert-Eden Local Board feedback on the Land Transport Management (Regulation of Public Transport) Amendment Bill |
Resolution number AE/2023/80 MOVED by Chairperson M Watson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson K Smith: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) note the board’s formal feedback (Attachment A) on the Land Transport Management (Regulation of Public Transport) Amendment Bill, as authorised by delegation to the Chair and Deputy Chair in accordance with the Urgent Decision process AE/2022/199. |
19 |
Albert-Eden Local Board feedback on Light Rail consultation (April 2023) |
Resolution number AE/2023/81 MOVED by Member L Roe, seconded by Member J Maskill: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) note the board’s formal feedback (Attachment A) on the on Light Rail consultation (April 2023), as authorised by delegation to the Chair and Deputy Chair in accordance with the Urgent Decision process AE/2022/199. |
Note: Item 20: Albert-Eden-Puketāpapa Ward Councillors' Updates was taken prior to Item 12: Notice of Motion - Chairperson Watson – Ensuring protection of our city’s heritage assets.
21 |
Resolution number AE/2023/82 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson K Smith, seconded by Member C Robertson: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) receive Chairperson M Watson’s May 2023 verbal report. |
22 |
Resolution number AE/2023/83 MOVED by Chairperson M Watson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson K Smith: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) receive Deputy Chairperson K Smith and Members J Maskill, C Robertson, R Smith, J Fowler’s verbal Board Reports for May 2023. |
Note: Member J Fowler entered the meeting at 11.09am. |
23 |
Resolution number AE/2023/84 MOVED by Chairperson M Watson, seconded by Member J Maskill: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) receive the Albert-Eden Local Board Workshop Records for the workshops held on 20 April 2023 and 4 and 11 May 2023. |
24 |
Resolution number AE/2023/85 MOVED by Member C Robertson, seconded by Member J Maskill: That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) receive the Hōtaka Kaupapa/Governance Forward work programme calendar for May 2023. |
25 Te Whakaaro ki ngā Take Pūtea e Autaia ana | Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
11.21am The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.