Waitematā Local Board
Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Waitematā Local Board held in the Reception Lounge, , Auckland Town Hall, , 301 Queen Street on Tuesday, 2 July 2024 at 4:00 pm.
Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present
Chairperson |
Genevieve Sage |
Deputy Chairperson |
Greg Moyle, (JP, ED) |
Members |
Alexandra Bonham |
Allan Matson |
Richard Northey, (ONZM) |
Anahera Rawiri |
Via electronic link |
Sarah Trotman, (ONZM) |
Waitematā Local Board 02 July 2024 |
Chair G Sage welcomed those present and opened the meeting with a karakia.
2 Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies
3 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 He Tamōtanga Motuhake | Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
5 |
Views on the Draft Auckland Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034 |
Ali Keiller, Local Board Advisor, was in attendance to speak to the board. |
MOVED by Chairperson G Sage, seconded by Member R Northey: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) provide the following views on the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034 as follows, also attached as attachment A: i) Challenges: A) Have we correctly identified the most important challenges facing Auckland? Page 11 of the draft RLTP. 1) Yes. 80% of the consultation responses from the Waitemata Board area in favour, compared to a regional average of 79%: · Access and Connectivity · Asset Management · Climate change and resilience · Travel options · Safety B) If you said “no,” what’s the single biggest challenge we’re missing? 1) The highest ranking of “suggested missing challenges” from our area was “Improve – Road travel for private vehicles.” ii) Priorities: C) Are we missing anything from the draft RLTP priorities? Page 94 of the draft RLTP. 1) It appears to be well considered – We agree that ‘non-discretionary’ projects are not necessarily prioritised because they will be completed anyway but agree that they be included in the list. We are supportive of the strong emphasis on the renewals and on maintaining and renewing the network. 2) We agree with the discretionary projects ranking – however, safety should always be top of mind and a key priority in all decision making. iii) Which priority is most important to you? D) Fast & connected - Improvements that make public transport faster, more accessible, and more reliable. iv) Which priority is least important to you? E) Productive - Projects that support regional growth and productivity. v) Projects: F) To help us understand what types of projects matter to you the most, please rank how important (1, most important, through 5, least important) the following transport improvements are to you: 1) Public transport improvements: more upgrades to the rail network, new busways and bus lanes, electric ferries, improved bus stations and ferry terminals. 2) Walking & cycling improvements: new and upgraded footpaths, more cycleways and shared paths. 3) Safety improvements: safe and appropriate speed limits, more safety around schools and ways to slow speeds (like speed bumps and safety barriers). 4) Local road improvements: intersection upgrades, new technology to improve traffic flow and travel times. 5) State highway improvements: planning and building the roads of national significance, improving the motorway network. G) Are there any projects that are not in the draft plan that you feel should be included? 1) Yes H) If you selected yes, what project do you think is missing from the draft RLTP? 1) Provision for active transport modes to cross the Waitemata Harbour, i.e. we need a tunnel and/ or a bridge which between them provide for all modes of transport. I) There is a limited amount of expected funding over the next 10 years. To add a new project to the RLTP, another project would have to be removed from the plan. Let us know what planned project in the draft RLTP could be removed in favour of the project you mentioned above: 1) The East-West link, this project involves the establishment of a new section of State Highway between existing SH20 and SH1 arguably to support economic productivity and faster travel times – pg 79 draft. vi) Additional comments: J) If you have any additional comments on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan, please provide your comments below. 1) The proposal in the draft RLTP to increase the total Local Board Transport Capital Fund from this year’s allocation of $7m to an allocation of $62.8m over the next three years is strongly supported by the Waitemata Local Board. We have been frustrated by our limited ability to provide wayfinding, school safety, and placemaking projects such as in Rose Road, Newmarket and St Georges Bay Road. 2) We reiterate the comments that we made to you in 2021 and 2023 about the Regional Land Transport Plan. 3) In the longer term we believe that the central isthmus needs surface light rail and an Avondale to Southdown heavy rail link. 4) We support the provision of public toilets, without requiring a Hop Card, in all upgraded bus and train interchanges. 5) We support good key infrastructure to remove the Port traffic from our inner-city roads. 6) We would support removal of graffiti on all KiwiRail Corridors as part of the regular maintenance, operations and renewals programme. 7) We support all the projects in the Plan that are fully or partly in the Waitemata Local Board area. 8) We support bus improvements to the central city, however bus layover facilities need to be well considered. 9) In Appendix 6 – Other projects considered by RLTP and NLTF funding – we support the funding of ‘Urban Cycleways Waitematā Safer Routes’, ‘Harbour Crossing – future network dependencies’,’ Environmental sustainability infrastructure’, ‘city centre access for everyone programme’, ‘downtown bus stops and footpaths’, ‘wayfinding and cycling improvements’. 10) An initial analysis of these comments reflects the desire for our constituents to ensure a continued commitment to private vehicle transport, the next highest is a commitment to Public transport and a distant third commitment to cycling and associated infrastructure. 11) As a final note, placemaking and functionality, is as important to our communities, both business and residential, as movement. Some of the most highly populated areas in our local board area are on arterial routes. Incorporating street trees, wide pavements, art, al fresco dining, servicing and loading, safe crossings, and multi-modal options in the inner isthmus, will help attract more people to live closer to the centre of the city. 12) Referencing to placemaking and functionality it has multiple positive impacts on wellbeing. 13) Referencing to placemaking and functionality it has multiple positive impacts on economic productivity. |
Motion a) i) A), a) ii), a) iii), a) iv), a) v) A, B and D, a) vi) A) 1), 2), 4), 5), 6), 7), 8) and 11) was put to the vote by a show of hands and declared CARRIED. |
MOVED by Chairperson G Sage, seconded by Member R Northey: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) provide the following views on the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034 as follows and attached as attachment A: i) Challenges: A) If you said “no,” what’s the single biggest challenge we’re missing? 1) The highest ranking of “suggested missing challenges” from our area was “Improve – Road travel for private vehicles.” A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared lost by 2 votes to 4. |
MOVED by Chairperson G Sage, seconded by Member R Northey: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) provide the following views on the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034 as follows and attached as attachment A: ii) Projects: C) If you selected yes, what project do you think is missing from the draft RLTP? 1) Provision for active transport modes to cross the Waitemata Harbour, i.e. we need a tunnel and/ or a bridge which between them provide for all modes of transport. A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared carried by 7 votes to 0. |
MOVED by Chairperson G Sage, seconded by Member R Northey: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) provide the following views on the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034 as follows and attached as attachment A: vi) Additional comments: A) If you have any additional comments on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan, please provide your comments below. 1) In the longer term we believe that the central isthmus needs surface light rail and an Avondale to Southdown heavy rail link. A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared lost by 3 votes to 4. |
MOVED by Chairperson G Sage, seconded by Member R Northey: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) provide the following views on the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034 as follows and attached as attachment A: vi) Additional comments: A) If you have any additional comments on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan, please provide your comments below. 9) In Appendix 6 – Other projects considered by RLTP and NLTF funding – we support the funding of ‘Urban Cycleways Waitematā Safer Routes’, ‘Harbour Crossing – future network dependencies’,’ Environmental sustainability infrastructure’, ‘city centre access for everyone programme’, ‘downtown bus stops and footpaths’, ‘wayfinding and cycling improvements’. A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared carried by 4 votes to 2. |
MOVED by Chairperson G Sage, seconded by Member R Northey: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) provide the following views on the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034 as follows and attached as attachment A: vi) Additional comments: A) If you have any additional comments on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan, please provide your comments below. 10) An initial analysis of these comments reflects the desire for our constituents to ensure a continued commitment to private vehicle transport, the next highest is a commitment to Public transport and a distant third commitment to cycling and associated infrastructure. A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared lost by 3 votes to 4. |
MOVED by Chairperson G Sage, seconded by Member R Northey: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) provide the following views on the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034 as follows and attached as attachment A: vi) Additional comments: A) If you have any additional comments on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan, please provide your comments below. 12) Referencing to placemaking and functionality it has multiple positive impacts on wellbeing. A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared carried by 7 votes to 0. |
MOVED by Chairperson G Sage, seconded by Member R Northey: That the Waitematā Local Board: b) provide the following views on the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034 as follows and attached as attachment A: vi) Additional comments: A) If you have any additional comments on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan, please provide your comments below. 13) Referencing to placemaking and functionality it has multiple positive impacts on economic productivity. A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared carried by 3 votes to 0. |
Resolution number WTM/2024/103 MOVED by Chairperson G Sage, seconded by Member R Northey: That the Waitematā Local Board: a) provide the following views on the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034 as follows and in attachment A: i) Challenges: A) Have we correctly identified the most important challenges facing Auckland? Page 11 of the draft RLTP. 1) Yes. 80% of the consultation responses from the Waitemata Board area in favour, compared to a regional average of 79%: · Access and Connectivity · Asset Management · Climate change and resilience · Travel options · Safety ii) Priorities: A) Are we missing anything from the draft RLTP priorities? Page 94 of the draft RLTP. 1) It appears to be well considered – We agree that ‘non-discretionary’ projects are not necessarily prioritised because they will be completed anyway but agree that they be included in the list. We are supportive of the strong emphasis on the renewals and on maintaining and renewing the network. 2) We agree with the discretionary projects ranking – however, safety should always be top of mind and a key priority in all decision making. iii) Which priority is most important to you? A) Fast & connected - Improvements that make public transport faster, more accessible, and more reliable. iv) Which priority is least important to you? A) Productive - Projects that support regional growth and productivity. v) Projects: A) To help us understand what types of projects matter to you the most, please rank how important (1, most important, through 5, least important) the following transport improvements are to you: 1) Public transport improvements: more upgrades to the rail network, new busways and bus lanes, electric ferries, improved bus stations and ferry terminals. 2) Walking & cycling improvements: new and upgraded footpaths, more cycleways and shared paths. 3) Safety improvements: safe and appropriate speed limits, more safety around schools and ways to slow speeds (like speed bumps and safety barriers). 4) Local road improvements: intersection upgrades, new technology to improve traffic flow and travel times. 5) State highway improvements: planning and building the roads of national significance, improving the motorway network. B) Are there any projects that are not in the draft plan that you feel should be included? 1) Yes C) If you selected yes, what project do you think is missing from the draft RLTP? 1) Provision for active transport modes to cross the Waitemata Harbour, i.e. we need a tunnel and/ or a bridge which between them provide for all modes of transport. D) There is a limited amount of expected funding over the next 10 years. To add a new project to the RLTP, another project would have to be removed from the plan. Let us know what planned project in the draft RLTP could be removed in favour of the project you mentioned above: 1) The East-West link, this project involves the establishment of a new section of State Highway between existing SH20 and SH1 arguably to support economic productivity and faster travel times – pg 79 draft. vi) Additional comments: A) If you have any additional comments on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan, please provide your comments below. 1) The proposal in the draft RLTP to increase the total Local Board Transport Capital Fund from this year’s allocation of $7m to an allocation of $62.8m over the next three years is strongly supported by the Waitemata Local Board. We have been frustrated by our limited ability to provide wayfinding, school safety, and placemaking projects such as in Rose Road, Newmarket and St Georges Bay Road. 2) We reiterate the comments that we made to you in 2021 and 2023 about the Regional Land Transport Plan. 3) We support the provision of public toilets, without requiring a Hop Card, in all upgraded bus and train interchanges. 4) We support good key infrastructure to remove the Port traffic from our inner-city roads. 5) We would support removal of graffiti on all KiwiRail Corridors as part of the regular maintenance, operations and renewals programme. 6) We support all the projects in the Plan that are fully or partly in the Waitemata Local Board area. 7) We support bus improvements to the central city, however bus layover facilities need to be well considered. 8) In Appendix 6 – Other projects considered by RLTP and NLTF funding – we support the funding of ‘Urban Cycleways Waitematā Safer Routes’, ‘Harbour Crossing – future network dependencies’,’ Environmental sustainability infrastructure’, ‘city centre access for everyone programme’, ‘downtown bus stops and footpaths’, ‘wayfinding and cycling improvements’. 9) As a final note, placemaking and functionality, is as important to our communities, both business and residential, as movement. Some of the most highly populated areas in our local board area are on arterial routes. Incorporating street trees, wide pavements, art, al fresco dining, servicing and loading, safe crossings, and multi-modal options in the inner isthmus, will help attract more people to live closer to the centre of the city. 10) Referencing to placemaking and functionality it has multiple positive impacts on wellbeing. 11) Referencing to placemaking and functionality it has multiple positive impacts on economic productivity. |
a Draft Auckland Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-2034 Feedback form for Waitematā local board |
5.27 pm The chairperson thanked members and staff for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.