Howick Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Howick Local Board held in the Howick Local Board Meeting Room, Pakuranga Library Complex, 7 Aylesbury Street, Pakuranga on Thursday, 15 August 2024 at 12.00pm.
Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present
Chairperson |
Damian Light |
Members |
Katrina Bungard |
David Collings |
From 12.05pm |
Bruce Kendall |
Via electronic link |
John Spiller |
Mike Turinsky |
Adele White |
Peter Young, JP |
Te Hunga Kāore i Tae Mai | ABSENT
Deputy Chairperson |
Bo Burns |
Howick Local Board 15 August 2024 |
The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.
2 Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies
3 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number HW/2024/131 MOVED by Chairperson D Light, seconded by Member J Spiller: That the Howick Local Board: a) whakaū / confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 18 July 2024, as true and correct. |
5 He Tamōtanga Motuhake | Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Te Mihi | Acknowledgements
There were no acknowledgements.
7 Ngā Petihana | Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Ngā Tono Whakaaturanga | Deputations
8.1 |
Note: This item was withdrawn. |
Note: Member D Collings entered the meeting at 12.05pm.
8.2 |
Deputation - Morgan Darkwa - GM Community & Marketing Waka Pacific Trust |
Morgan Darkwa GM Community & Marketing, and CEO David Comery from the Waka Pacific Trust were in attendance to give an update on the Due Drop Events Centre and the Vector Wero Whitewater Park. |
Resolution number HW/2024/132 MOVED by Chairperson D Light, seconded by Member M Turinsky: That the Howick Local Board: a) whakamihi / thank Morgan Darkwa and David Comery from the Waka Pacific Trust for their deputation and attendance. |
8.3 |
Deputation - Josh Little - Research on the Walkability of the Howick/Pakuranga, Botany, and Flatbush Local Board Area. |
Josh Little a former geography student at Botany Downs Secondary College was in attendance to give a presentation on the research undertaken in 2023. The Walkability of the Howick/Pakuranga, Botany, and Flatbush Local Board Area. |
Resolution number HW/2024/133 MOVED by Chairperson D Light, seconded by Member K Bungard: That the Howick Local Board: a) whakamihi / thank Josh Little for his deputation and attendance. |
8.4 |
Deputation - Maria Shallard and Ray Freeman - Co-Event Directors of Barry Curtis Parkrun Group |
Maria Shallard and Ray Freeman Co-Event Directors and Peter Rout - Volunteer Coordinator of the Barry Curtis Parkrun group were in attendance to convey views on running events in Barry Curtis Park. |
Resolution number HW/2024/134 MOVED by Chairperson D Light, seconded by Member A White: That the Howick Local Board: a) whakamihi / thank Maria Shallard, Ray Freeman and Peter Rout from the Barry Curtis Parkrun group for their deputation and attendance. b) tono / request that staff liaise with the Barry Curtis Parkrun organisers to discuss their concerns about the maintenance of tracks within the park and resolve as appropriate, keeping the Board informed of progress and decision-making as required. c) tono / request officers to investigate partnership opportunities for maintenance of the walking tracks with the Barry Curtis Parkrun Group. |
9 Te Matapaki Tūmatanui | Public Forum
9.1 |
Public Forum – Amberleigh Carson – Operations Manager at Te Tuhi Contemporary Art Trust |
Amberleigh Carson – Operations Manager and Aria Burke-Munns – Programme Coordinator from Te Tuhi Contemporary Art Trust were in attendance to update the Board on the 50th Anniversary of Te Tuhi, (6 April 1975 – 2025). |
Resolution number HW/2024/135 MOVED by Chairperson D Light, seconded by Member A White: That the Howick Local Board: a) whakamihi / thank Amberleigh Carson and Aria Burke-Munns for their attendance. |
10 Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 |
There was no Governing body members’ update. |
Secretarial Note: At the start of the term, it was agreed that reports will be provided when there are board-specific updates to share. No report was received for this meeting.
12 |
Resolution number HW/2024/136 MOVED by Member K Bungard, seconded by Member P Young: That the Howick Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the Chairperson’s verbal update and written report. |
Member P Young left the room at 1.18pm
Auckland Council's Quarterly Performance Report: Howick Local Board for Quarter Four 2023/2024 |
A document was tabled in support of the item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachment. |
Resolution number HW/2024/137 MOVED by Chairperson D Light, seconded by Member J Spiller: That the Howick Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the performance report for quarter four ending 30 June 2024, with the amendment that the words “operated as the” be inserted into the activity description of work programme line ID 206 as follows (amendment in italics): Howick War Memorial Hall - (formerly operated as the Howick information service centre). b) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the financial performance report in Attachment B of the report will remain confidential until after the Auckland Council Group results for 2023/2024 are released to the New Zealand’s Exchange (NZX) which are expected to be made public on or about 29 August 2024. |
a 15 August 2024, Howick Local Board - Auckland Council's Quarterly Performance Report: Howick Local Board for Quarter Four 2023/2024 - 1 April to 30 June 2024 Work Programme Update |
Member P Young was not present to vote on item 13 |
Member P Young returned to the room at 1.23pm
Local board views on a Notice of Requirement for an alteration to an existing designation at Chapel Downs School, 170 Dawson Road, Flat Bush |
Resolution number HW/2024/138 MOVED by Chairperson D Light, seconded by Member A White: That the Howick Local Board: a) whakarite / provide the following local board views on the Notice of Requirement to alter the purpose, amend existing conditions and provide new conditions to an existing designation in regard to Chapel Downs School at 170 Dawson Road, Flat Bush. i) acknowledge the growing population in Flat Bush has increased the need for more educational opportunities which the Ministry of Education is responding to. ii) acknowledge the support from the school Board of Trustees iii) acknowledge the opposition from the Auckland International Airport and Board of Airline Representatives regarding concerns relating to the effects of aircraft noise on the school and potential reverse sensitivity effects. iv) In relation to the aircraft noise overlay: A) acknowledge that the school is located within the Aircraft Noise Overlay – Moderate Aircraft Noise Area (MANA) which requires acoustic treatments measures relative to aircraft noise, although note that these have no effect on outdoor areas. B) suggest the Ministry proactively communicates the overlay and its impact on the school to the parents and staff (current and prospective) to ensure they understand the limitations and responsibilities that it brings. v) In regards to transport: A) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that if the Ministry wants to influence modes of travel, the zones should reflect relative accessibility of areas to the school. B) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note with concern that the proposed zoning for the school will include the eastern side of Murphys Road, which already has safety and congestion challenges. There is no signalised crossing across Murphys Road. C) tautoko / support Auckland Transport recommendation that the requirement for pick-up and drop-off access off Chapel Road to be left-in, left-out. Significant right-turn movements on that corridor in peaks would be a high risk for disruption and crashes. D) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that the levels of actual transport demand created by the school may lead to adverse operational and safety effects on the transport network and that mitigation measures may be required to prevent or address these adverse effects. Possible conditions could include: 1. capping school rolls to levels that the network can accommodate; 2. staggering of school start and finish times for different classes to spread demand; 3. remote pick-up and drop off locations and associated safe active mode routes / connections to the school; 4. regular reviews with Auckland Transport. E) recommend that the Ministry provides adequate transport options for students, parents and staff, acknowledging the varied needs of people with disabilities. F) recommend that greater consideration is given to walking school buses and limited or no drop off zone as part of the transport management plan to encourage uptake of alternative transport. G) recommend that the Ministry continues to work with Auckland Transport on implementing an effective School Travel Plan, along with physical improvements to the area to provide safe access to the school such as school buses, pedestrian crossings, and active modes, (walking and cycling). c) tautapa / delegate authority to the chairperson of Howick Local Board to make a replacement appointment in the event the local board member appointed in resolution b) is unable to attend the private plan change hearing. |
15 |
Approval for two new private road names at 304 Flat Bush School Road, Flat Bush (Tuscany Development, Stage 6B) |
Resolution number HW/2024/139 MOVED by Member A White, seconded by Member K Bungard: That the Howick Local Board: a) whakaae / approve the following names for the two new private roads created by way of subdivision undertaken by Neil Construction Limited at 304 Flat Bush School Road, Flat Bush, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 (resource consent references BUN60336275, SUB60336277-A, road naming reference RDN90117010). i. Ligurian Lane (Lane 1) ii. Versilia Lane (Lane 2) |
16 |
Approval of the concept plan for the viewing platform and recreation area at 304 Flat Bush School Road, Flatbush |
Louise Thomas – Senior Parks Planner was in attendance virtually to speak to this item. |
Resolution number HW/2024/140 MOVED by Chairperson D Light, seconded by Member P Young: That the Howick Local Board: a) whakaae / approve the concept plan (Attachment A – Viewing Platform Package), and subsequent construction of viewing platform and seating area at 304 Flat Bush School Road, Flat Bush and approve that the assets be taken on by the council upon practical completion. b) tautapa / delegate to the General Manager of Parks and Community Facilities authority to negotiate the IFA on terms acceptable to the council’s Infrastructure Funding team, including maintenance periods. c) tautapa / delegate to the General Manager of Parks and Community Facilities authority to assess and approve variations to the Engineering Plan Approval stage for the open space development. |
Member J Spiller left the room at 2.01pm.
Member J Spiller returned to the room at 2.03pm
17 |
Auckland Council submission to New Zealand’s Second Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP2) |
Resolution number HW/2024/141 MOVED by Chairperson D Light, seconded by Member A White: That the Howick Local Board: a) whakarite / provide the following feedback on Auckland Council’s submission to New Zealand’s Second Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP2), that the Board: i) tautoko / support the draft Auckland Council submission as included in the agenda for the Planning, Environment and Parks Committee meeting on 15 August 2024. The key submission points of this are: A) urgently reduce gross emissions, therefore relying less on carbon capture; B) ensure coherence across strategies, policy, and legislation; C) move from strong short-term focus to longer-term ambitious change focus; D) support local government, small-medium enterprise, communities, and Māori; E) make sure the approach proposed is a fair, equitable, and sustainable transition; F) including the building and construction sector and broaden the range of reduction levers; G) reconsider the reliance on non-mature technology and focus on robust measures; H) integrate climate change mitigation and resilience, to enhance reduction and adaption outcomes. ii) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the relevance of ERP2 to the Howick Local Board Plan (LBP) 2023, and note the following climate action commitments from the LBP: A) implementing the Howick Urban Ngahere Action Plan 2021 to increase tree canopy coverage on public land by 3%. B) improving public transport and increasing the walking and cycling network. C) working with communities to adopt and restore sensitive ecological areas, improve local water quality and clean up the environment. D) reducing waste to landfill. E) developing a local, community-led climate action plan. iii) tautoko / support the following initiatives: A) increased support for local volunteer groups, to encourage higher levels of vegetation restoration on public land thereby increasing canopy cover towards the target levels for the Auckland region. B) the urgent provision of a waste recycling plant and hazardous goods disposal site based in the Southern region of Auckland (namely the Howick, Ōtara-Papatoetoe, Māngere-Ōtāhuhu, Manurewa, Papakura and Franklin local board areas). C) increased feeder bus routes to encourage people to use public transport. iv) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that the Board are currently delivering the following initiatives that could be leveraged, accelerated, or further supported through ERP2: A) limited support for volunteer groups, which could be improved leading to better outcomes. There are several groups currently carrying out plant and tree restoration, weed removal, and track maintenance, however, they regularly have to go cap-in-hand to council for support for the bare minimum of materials, funding for trees and shrubs to plant, and approval to carry out work, all of which benefits the entire community. B) more funding for water quality monitoring to help improve the water quality of our streams and coastal waterways. This will lead to the return of native fish and crustacean species to these waterways. C) more intensive monitoring of building sites to ensure silt and rubbish run-off is contained on site is required. Enforcement and penalties need to be at a higher level to ‘encourage’ compliance. v) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the following areas that could be improved to further incentivize or reduce barriers for implementing climate mitigation responses: A) increased areas of public land being made available for new planting, particularly areas that are difficult to maintain because of topography issues. B) encourage central and local governments to trial new vehicle power technologies e.g. hydrogen, in its fleet. Results could be made available to the vehicle purchasing public. C) kohuki / consider enabling the provision of electric vehicle charging stations in conjunction with permitting new intensified housing developments. vi) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the following additional feedback: A) nationally, New Zealand needs to strongly consider high-tech waste disposal plants that efficiently dispose of rubbish using very high temperature waste elimination. This is used in other countries with great success. (It is noted that there has been a recent suggestion that the Huntly Power Station could be converted for this purpose, and, presumably, the residual energy could be used to generate electricity). B) landowners and farmers with remnant bush blocks should have the previous tax breaks for retaining these important stands of trees reinstated, to encourage them to remain in the interests of maintaining their ‘carbon sink’ factor. C) consideration should be given to ensuring buses allocated to daytime routes through “main street” shopping areas by either electric or hydrogen. Many cafes rely on outside seating between 0700 and 1500. The outdoor eating experience is currently made unpleasant and unhealthy by bus diesel fumes. D) modern waste disposal depots should be built to assist in the safe disposal of difficult waste items. These might be a collection point for items to be taken elsewhere for recycling/processing into other usable items or managed disposal; or might provide autoclaves or similar to actually destroy items. E) bring back more enforcement around vehicles emitting smoke and fumes on our roads. These are usually older and poorly maintained cars, trucks and buses. F) tautoko / support product stewardship programmes to reduce packaging and improve product re-useability. |
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Resolution number HW/2024/142 MOVED by Chairperson D Light, seconded by Member J Spiller: That the Howick Local Board: a) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the workshop records for the workshops held on 25 July, and 1, 8 August. |
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Resolution number HW/2024/143 MOVED by Chairperson D Light, seconded by Member D Collings: That the Howick Local Board: a) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the Hōtaka Kaupapa included as Attachment A of the agenda report. |
20 Te Whakaaro ki ngā Take Pūtea e Autaia ana | Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
2.04 pm The chairperson thanked members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.