Franklin Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Franklin Local Board held in the Leslie Comrie Board Room, Level One Franklin: The Centre, 12 Massey Ave, Pukekohe on Tuesday, 27 August 2024 at 9.30am.
Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present
Chairperson |
Angela Fulljames |
Deputy Chairperson |
Alan Cole |
Members |
Malcolm Bell JP |
Sharlene Druyven |
Gary Holmes |
Amanda Hopkins |
Andrew Kay |
Amanda Kinzett |
(to 11.33am) |
Logan Soole |
27 August 2024 |
1 Nau mai | Welcome
The meeting opened with karakia and the Chair welcomed everyone present.
2 Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies
Resolution number FR/2024/102 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member S Druyven:
That the Franklin Local Board: a) whakaae / accept the apology from Member Kinzett for early departure. |
3 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest
Member Soole declared an interest in Item 14 Community Partnerships: Pukekohe Business Association.
Member Kinzett declared a conflict of interest in Item 25 – Local Board Views on Notices of Requirement for the Papakura to Bombay Stage 2 Project (NoRs P2B Stage 2) from NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi.
Note for Item 13: Representation Review report: Chair Fulljames will vacate the chair for this item as she is a member of the Joint Governance Working Party developing a recommendation to the governing body on this matter.
4 Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number FR/2024/103 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member M Bell JP: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whakaū / confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 23 July 2024, as true and correct b) agree pursuant to Standing Order 1.10.1 to amend the following resolution of the Franklin Local Board meeting 23 July 2024, from: b) appoint the Chair or Deputy Chair to speak to the local board views at a hearing on Plan Change 98, if considered necessary by them to b) appoint the Chair or Deputy Chair to speak to the local board views at a hearing on Plan Change 98. |
5 He Tamōtanga Motuhake | Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Te Mihi | Acknowledgements
6.1 |
Resolution number FR/2024/104 MOVED by Member S Druyven, seconded by Member G Holmes: That the Franklin Local Board: a) acknowledge the passing of Graham Dickey, who was a generous community spirited Waiuku resident and business owner consistently supporting the local schools, community events and sporting organisations with resources and sponsorship that benefited the wider community. |
7 Ngā Petihana | Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Ngā Tono Whakaaturanga | Deputations
8.1 |
Resolution number FR/20-24/105 MOVED by Member A Kay, seconded by Member A Kinzett: That the Franklin Local Board: a) thank Myles Leacy, Chair of the Auranga Residents Association, for his attendance and presentation on the issues of parking, community facilities and illegal dumping. |
9 Te Matapaki Tūmatanui | Public Forum
There was no public forum.
10 Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 |
Auckland Councils Quarterly Performance Report: Franklin Local Board for Quarter Four 2023/2024 |
Orrin Kapua, Advisor, was in attendance to speak to this item. |
Resolution number FR/2024/106 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member A Kay: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the performance report for Quarter Four ending 30 June 2024 b) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the financial performance report in Attachment B of the report will remain confidential until after the Auckland Council Group results for 2023/2024 are released to the New Zealand’s Exchange (NZX) which are expected to be made public on or about 29 August 2024 c) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that this performance report is the final report on the delivery of the Franklin Local Board Plan 2020, and wish to thank staff across the organisation who have done their best to deliver local projects, programmes and initiatives through an extraordinarily challenging time associated with the global COVID-19 pandemic and its social and economic consequences. |
12 |
Response to Ombudsman's recommendation to open workshops by default |
Resolution number FR/2024/107 MOVED by Member G Holmes, seconded by Member L Soole: That the Franklin Local Board: a) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that the recommendation of the Ombudsman and staff is for local board workshops to be open by default and for materials relating to workshops to be published b) whakaae / agree that all future workshops of the Franklin Local Board will be open to the public by default, and materials considered by the board at workshops be published, from 1 October 2024 c) whakaae / agree that the manner in which the public can access the workshop is through attendance at the venue where the workshop takes place in the first instance, with the chair having the discretion to allow remote attendance where direct attendance is impractical d) whakaae / agree that the decision to close a workshop will be made by the chair and deputy chair, with advice from the Local Area Manager or appropriate staff, and this decision will be notified on council’s website (or another appropriate channel) to the public as soon as practicable e) whakaae / agree that materials provided to local board members and considered at a closed workshop will be published after the workshop unless there is a good reason to withhold them under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 f) whakaae / agree that until further advice and guidance is developed by staff, the decision to close workshops will be considered under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (but including the need to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the free and frank expression of opinions by or between or to members or officers or employees of Auckland Council in the course of their duty). |
Note: the Chair stood aside aside for item 13, and the Deputy Chair chaired this item.
13 |
Resolution number FR/2024/108 MOVED by Member A Kay, seconded by Member G Holmes: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the summary of feedback on the representation review initial proposal via memo prior to the business meeting b) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that the Joint Governance Working Party (JGWP) will hear submissions on the proposal including local board feedback, for a decision by the Governing Body on 26 September 2024 c) whakarite / provide the following comments as a formal submission from the Franklin Local Board on the Representation Review proposal: i) ohia / endorse the recommendation that the Franklin Local Board does not comply with the fairness of representation rule noting that, feedback is generally in support of the noncompliance ii) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that to achieve compliance, the Waiuku Subdivision needs to gain population and the Pukekohe subdivision needs to lose population, meaning a large geographical change to the boundary iii) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the options for extending the Waiuku Subdivision boundary include moving its boundary close to Pukekohe to include communities that associate with Pukekohe or moving the Waiau Pa community into the Waiuku Subdivision iv) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that the board concurs that either option would split communities of interest, and that any benefits from boundary change are not required at this time v) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that the Pukekohe and Wairoa subdivisions are rapidly changing and growing as envisaged in the Auckland Unitary Plan, but also due to the development of Special Housing Areas (SHA’s) and ongoing Private Plan changes, and acknowledge that changes to sub-division, and potentially local board boundaries with Papakura, will be needed in the next representation review vi) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that the representation review considers a range of proposals that that are outside the scope of the Franklin Local Board’s insight. The board strongly recommends that, in assessing submissions, the Joint Governance Working Party prioritise the views of local board submissions on matters directly relating to their own board area over the views of elected representatives with no accountability to the residents who will be affected by the outcome of the review d) whakahē / decline the opportunity to speak to its submission in front of the JGWP at the hearing. |
Note: Member Soole declared a conflict of interest in part of Item 14 relating to the Pukekohe Business Association and stepped out of the meeting for 14 a) and b) as the items that related to that organisation.
14 |
Franklin Local Board Community Partnerships Programme 2024/2025 |
Coral Timmins, Community Broker Franklin Local Board and Adel Chanson, Specialist Advisor, were in attendance to speak to this report. |
14.1 |
Resolution number FR/2024/109 MOVED by Member A Kinzett, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Cole: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whakaae / approve the selection of Pukekohe Business Association as a community partners, who the Franklin Local Board will work with through the Franklin Community Partnerships Programme to deliver on community priorities as articulated in the Franklin Local Board Plan 2023 b) whakaae / approve allocation of $15,000 to Pukekohe Business Association the 2024/2025 financial year and signal in-principle agreement to allocate $10,000 in year two (2025/2026) and $10,000 in year three (2026/2027) subject to annual performance and budget reviews, noting that this investment represents only part of the value of the local board partnership proposal. Additional value is also available through the availability of Community Broker support and expertise. |
MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member S Druyven: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whakaae / approve the following groups as selected partners, who the Franklin Local Board will work with through the Franklin Community Partnerships Programme to deliver on community priorities as articulated in the Franklin Local Board Plan 2023.
Member Soole proposed an amendment: to add Clarks Beach Waiau Pa Ratepayers Association to the partnerships list. for $10,000, and Member Kay seconded, proposing allocation of any underspend to capacity building.
Chair Fulljames spoke to the original proposals and amendments. A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared lost by 4 votes to 5.
The Division was lost
Staff noted that funds have been allocated in the work programme to support the Clarks Beach Waiau Pa Ratepayers Association. Unallocated funds in years 2 and 3 could be applied where the board deem necessary.
The Chair then proposed to add Clarks Beach Waiau Pa to the Community Partnership list at $5,000 and to reduce Te Taki Tu by $5000, in the substantive proposal.
14.2 |
Resolution number FR/2024/110 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member S Druyven: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whakaae / approve the following groups as selected partners, who the Franklin Local Board will work with through the Franklin Community Partnerships Programme to deliver on community priorities as articulated in the Franklin Local Board Plan 2023
b) whakaae / approve allocation of the following amounts for the 2024/2025 financial year and signal in-principle agreement to allocate amounts for year two (2025/2026) and year three (2026/2027) subject to annual performance and budget reviews, noting that this investment represents only part of the value of the local board partnership proposal. Additional value is also available through the availability of Community Broker support and expertise
c) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the staff assessment of all applications in Attachment B to the agenda Report and acknowledge the significant effort taken to develop advice and recommendations to the Board d) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the significant level of interest expressed by community groups in partnering with the Franklin Local Board, and the depth of community-led provision across Franklin Communities. The board and the Auckland Council organisation does not have the capacity however to enter into partnerships with all worthwhile community groups and therefore has selected partners and determined investment levels based on the strength of alignment with and demonstrated ability to deliver on Local Board identified priorities (in the Franklin Local Board Plan 2023) amongst other factors including availability of support through other Council, CCO or local board facilitated programmes e.g. the Unlock Pukekohe Programme, Business Improvement District revenue streams, Aktive Funding etc
e) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that regional areas of focus noted in the Franklin Local Board Plan 2023, being Climate Action and Māori Outcomes have been considered in the selection of partners.
A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared carried by 7 votes to 1. |
The Chair called for an adjournment for 10 minutes, with the meeting resuming at 11.00am
15 |
David Kemeys, Specialist Local Communications, Lucy Stallworthy, Senior Māori Outcomes and Engagement Advisor and Chris Baldock, Manager Local Communications were in attendance for this item.
MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member M Bell JP: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whakaae / approve outcomes for Governance work programme ID 4371 Franklin Local Communications and Engagement as follows: i. grow the new (trial) Franklin Local Board Instagram account ii. increase engagement with Māori within the Franklin Local Board rohe (area) iii. increase engagement with youth in the Franklin Local Board area iv. support and enable community partners within the Franklin Local Board area to better share local communications on local governance activities. v. grow the audience of existing local communications channels (Facebook followers and E-newsletter subscribers) b) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note high level Franklin Local Board Communications Plan in Attachment B has been developed to compliment the Franklin Local Board Engagement Strategy in Attachment A, reflects the priorities of the Franklin Local Board Plan 2023 and is deliverable within current Auckland Council organisation capacity c) whai / adopt the high-level Franklin Local Board communications plan in Attachment B as the response to resolution FR/2024/9 (b-d). Member Soole, seconded by Member Kay, proposed an amendment (an addition to a)) as follows: vi. investigate VLOGGING for the Franklin Local Board using local board funding. A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared carried by 8 votes to 1.
The Chairperson A Fulljames put the substantive motion as follows: |
Resolution number FR/2024/111 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member M Bell JP: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whakaae / approve outcomes for Governance work programme ID 4371 Franklin Local Communications and Engagement as follows: i) grow the new (trial) Franklin Local Board Instagram account ii) increase engagement with Māori within the Franklin Local Board rohe (area) iii) Increase engagement with youth in the Franklin Local Board area iv) support and enable community partners within the Franklin Local Board area to better share local communications on local governance activities. v) grow the audience of existing local communications channels (Facebook followers and E-newsletter subscribers) vi) investigate VLOGGING for the Franklin Local Board using local board funding b) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note high level Franklin Local Board Communications Plan in Attachment B has been developed to compliment the Franklin Local Board Engagement Strategy in Attachment A, reflects the priorities of the Franklin Local Board Plan 2023 and is deliverable within current Auckland Council organisation capacity c) whai / adopt the high-level Franklin Local Board communications plan in Attachment B as the response to resolution FR/2024/9 (b-d).
16 |
Approval of the Franklin Local Board Auckland Emergency Management work programme 2024/2025 |
Resolution number FR/2024/112 MOVED by Member A Kinzett, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Cole: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whakaae / approve the Auckland Emergency Management work programme 2024/2025 in Attachment A to the agenda report. |
17 |
Adoption of Eke Panuku Franklin Local Board Engagement Plan 2024-2025 |
Resolution number FR/2024/113 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member L Soole: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whai / adopt the Eke Panuku Development Auckland Franklin Local Board Engagement Plan 2024/2025 in Attachment A b) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that Eke Panuku will attend a monthly workshop and provide six-monthly memorandum updates on the items in schedule A of the Engagement Plan 2024/2025. |
18 |
Auckland Transport bi-monthly report to the Franklin Local Board - August 2024 |
Bruce Thomas, Elected Member Relationship Manager Auckland Transport, was in attendance for this item and took questions. |
Resolution number FR/2024/114 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Cole, seconded by Member L Soole: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the August 2024 report from Auckland Transport b) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that Auckland Transport has assessed the position of the Seddon Street bus stop as requested by the board, but has made the decision not to move its position at this time. The board recognises that a decision on the location of bus stops is not within the scope of local board decision-making, but notes an ongoing concern regarding public safety associated with the position of this stop. |
19 |
Kristen Greenfield, Parks and Places Specialist was online for this item. |
Resolution number FR/2024/115 MOVED by Member S Druyven, seconded by Member G Holmes: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whakaae / approve the strategic service assessment recommendations for Hamilton Estate Recreation Reserve contained in this report b) whakaae / approve the use of the approved service outcomes to inform the development of a concept plan for Hamilton Estate Recreation Reserve and request that the Franklin Local Board work programme is updated to enable this to be progressed in the 2024/2025 financial year. |
20 |
Kristen Greenfield Parks and Places Specialist was online for this item. |
Resolution number FR/2024/116 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Cole, seconded by Member A Kinzett: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whakaae / endorse the strategic service assessment recommendations and approve the draft concept plan with the inclusion of additional parking spaces to accommodate growth for Colin Lawrie Reserve, Pukekohe in Attachment A to this agenda report b) tono/ request the Colin Lawrie Concept Plan be actively considered for delivery funding through the next iteration of regional growth funding programme based on the rapid growth in the Pukekohe and wider Franklin, noting that Pukekohe, along with Glenbrook Beach, Clarks Beach, Clevedon and Beachlands are signaled as priority areas for growth related investment in the Franklin Local Board plan along with Drury in the Auckland Council future development strategy. |
21 |
Jason Lee, Senior Project Manager (Ops) and Damian Powley, consultant were in attendance to speak to this item. |
Resolution number FR/2024/117 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member A Hopkins: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whakaae / approve the proposed concept plan for Clevedon Village provided as Attachment A and request staff to progress Stages 1 and 2 of the project to detailed design and construction b) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that further funding will be required for delivery of part of Stage 2, Stage 3 and Stage 4 of the project. Staff will develop options for further funding allocation and partnerships for the delivery of the project in consultation with the local board c) tono/ request that appropriate staff return to the board with an approach to funding delivery of the Clevedon Village Heart concept plan aspirations, noting that this should consider at minimum the following options: • third party contributions (philanthropy or sponsorship) • Growth (regional) funding • Renewals funding • Optimisation for other local assets that are under-utilised • local targeted rates d) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that delivery stages outlined in the plan are indicative, and that in planning for delivery, staff may make changes in stages in response to budget availability (including any partner investment), other local projects (e.g. Hunua Traverse) and to enable quick wins e.g. bringing the Heritage park layout design into stage 2 to enable connection with businesses that can activate the area and test locations for seating and a bike stands e) tono / request that the path marked as legend number 17, as the board understands that this is on Clevedon Presbyterian land and it is unclear if permission for this inclusion has been obtained f) tono /request that appropriate staff return to the board with advice on the mechanism to understand Clevedon service needs and priorities before commencing the detailed design of stage three elements i.e. the Clevedon Hall and Clevedon District Centre. It is the board’s expectation that design of Stage 3 will accommodate the need of both the current and future community in Clevedon and surrounds. At a minimum services to be considered should include delivery of library services, customer services, art services and venue hire services (and any other services delivered by community hubs). |
22 |
Jason Lee, Senior Project Manager (Ops) and Damian Powley, consultant were in attendance to speak to this item. |
Resolution number FR/2024/118 MOVED by Member M Bell JP, seconded by Member A Hopkins: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whakaae / approve the proposed concept plan for the Clevedon Showgrounds provided as Attachment A, noting that staff will return to the board with advice on delivery of stage 1 through the local board work programme development process for 2025/2026. The board expects the opportunity to provide more detailed feedback on the approach to delivery components through this process b) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that due to local board funding constraints that it is unlikely to be able to deliver the concept plan within limited local board budgets, request that appropriate staff return to the board with an approach to funding delivery of the Clevedon Showgrounds concept plan, noting that this should consider at minimum the following: • third party contributions (philanthropy or sponsorship) • third party contributions to delivery of recreational infrastructure and services (leaseholder aspiration) • growth (regional) funding • renewals funding • optimisation for other local assets that are underutilised • local targeted rates c) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note, as outlined in report point 23, that the concept plan reflects aspirations of existing users and that some components will not be delivered or funded by Auckland Council, and will be delivered by leaseholders at their discretion and as a result of their own fundraising activities d) tautoko/ support the allocation of space based on the aspirations of current users, however wish to clearly signal that Clevedon Showgrounds is a precious public asset that must accommodate the growing neighbouring community, and that this need will be prioritised in future local board decisions on any future land-use applications e) request that the plan Legend number 17 becomes Equestrian / amphitheatre f) note the report states the purpose-built event centre for farmers market as being included, however following consultation this is no longer included on the plan. Request that this error is corrected in the final plan. |
23 |
Local board views on Proposed Plan Change 102 - Sites of Significance to Mana Whenua - Tranche 2a |
Matthew Gouge, Senior Policy Planner, was online for this item |
Resolution number FR/2024/119 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member G Holmes: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whakaae / endorse the Council-initiated Plan Change 102 as a mechanism for recognising Kaarearea Paa (Drury Quarry) as site of cultural significance in the Franklin Local Board area, noting that the landowner, Stevenson Aggregates Limited are supportive of the proposed scheduling b) whakahē / decline the opportunity to appoint a local board member to speak to the local board views at a Council hearing on Plan Change 102. |
24 |
Bruce Thomas, Elected Member Relationship Manager Auckland Transport, was in attendance for this item |
Resolution number FR/2024/120 MOVED by Member M Bell JP, seconded by Member G Holmes: That the Franklin Local Board: a) tautoko / support public consultation on the prposes changes to the Auckland Transport (AT) and Auckland Council (AC) traffic-related bylaws outlined in Attachment A of the agenda report b) recommend that staff actively consider and provide commentary in its recommendation to the governing body on enforcement implications and expectations associated with proposed bylaw changes, including in areas that are some distance from Auckland Council or Auckland Transport staffing centres. It is the board’s view that there is no point proposing or adopting bylaws that the organisation are not resourced to enforce c) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that Auckland Transport will provide the Franklin Local Board with a summary of local views received through public consultation to inform formal advocacy on a local community position once the public consultation is complete d) tono / request that Auckland Transport work with local engagement and communications staff to ensure that the Franklin Community is encouraged and enabled to participate in the public consultation and make their local perspectives heard. |
Note: Member Kinzett left the meeting at 11.33 and was not in attendance for Item 25.
25 |
Local Board Views on Notices of Requirement for the Papakura to Bombay Stage 2 Project (NoRs P2B Stage 2) from NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi |
Andrew An, Policy Planner and Craig Cairncross, Team Leader Planning were online for this item |
Resolution number FR/2024/121 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member M Bell JP: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whakarite/ provide the following views on the five NoRs from the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi for the Papakura to Bombay Stage 2 project: i) support the motorway widening programme and acknowledge the need to acquire land to support programme outcomes ii) support the approach to minimise effects on community assets eg Ramarama Hall and established businesses iii) recommend that Waka Kotahi work with other major projects and land designation plans in the area to ensure that planning for facilities such as cycleways do not create duplication of effort and investment iv) recommend placing the pathway/cycleway on the eastern side to access a substantial business and residential development which would ensure optimum use b) whakahē /decline the opportunity appoint a local board member to speak to the local board views at a hearing on the NORs P2B Stage 2. |
26 |
Proposed new community lease to The Kawakawa Bay-Ōrere Health Clinic Incorporated for 9R Rautawa Place, Kawakawa Bay and 50 Howard Road, Ōrere |
Jenny Young, Community Lease Specialist, was in attendance for this item |
Resolution number FR/2024/122 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member A Hopkins: That the Franklin Local Board: a) karāti / grant a new community ground-lease to The Kawakawa Bay Ōrere Health Clinic Incorporated: · under section 61 (2A) of the Reserves Act 1977 for an area of 120 square meters (more or less) at 9R Rautawa Place, Kawakawa Bay on the land legally described as Lot 1 Deposited Plan 47455 (Attachment A – Site Plan marked A - Kawakawa Bay Ōrere Health Clinics) · under The Local Government Act 2002 for an area of 25 square meters (more or less) located at 50 Howard Road, Ōrere Point on the land legally described as Lot 50 Deposited Plan 36710 (Attachment A – Site Plan marked B - Kawakawa Bay Ōrere Health Clinics), subject to the following terms and conditions: i) term – five (5) years, commencing 1 August 2024, with one five-year right of renewal, reaching final expiry on 31 July 2034 ii) rent – one dollar ($1.00) plus GST per annum, to be reviewed at renewal iii) operational charge - $3,625 plus GST per annum b) whakaae / approve all other terms and conditions to be in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002/Reserves Act 1977, the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 (Updated July 2023), and the Auckland Council standard form community lease agreement c) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that public and iwi notification of Auckland Council’s intention to grant a new community lease to The Kawakawa Bay Ōrere Health Clinic Incorporated has been undertaken a) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that no responses to the notified proposal of the new community lease were received. |
27 |
Proposed land classification and new community ground lease to Pukekohe Rugby Football Club Incorporated at Colin Lawrie Fields, 47 Reynolds Road, Pukekohe |
Jenny Young, Community Lease Specialist, was in attendance for this item |
Resolution number FR/2024/123 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Cole, seconded by Member S Druyven: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whakaae / classify under section 16 (2A) of the Reserves Act 1977 as a recreation reserve, the land legally described as: · Lot 22 Deposited Plan 344916 held in Record of Title 184254 · Lot 134 Deposited Plan 203143 contained in NA 131D/156 · Lot 16 Deposited Plan 150844 contained in Part 61B/679 (Cancelled) · Lot 1 Deposited Plan 163078 contained in NA98B/505 · Lot 100 Deposited Plan 186403 contained in Part 11D/555 (Cancelled) b) karāti / grant under Section 54(1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977, a new community ground lease to Pukekohe Rugby Football Club Incorporated for 1,161 square meters (more or less) (excluding the public toilets) and 483 square meters (more or less) located at 47 Reynolds Road, Pukekohe on the land legally described as Lot 1 Deposited Plan 87259 held in Record of Title NA44D/1090; and Lot 22 Deposited Plan 344916 held in Record of Title 184254 (Attachment A) subject to the following terms and conditions: i) term – 10 years, commencing 1 September 2024, with one 10-year right of renewal, reaching final expiry on 31 August 2044 ii) rent – one dollar ($1.00) per annum if demanded iii) community outcomes plan - to be included as a schedule of the lease agreement (Attachment B) c) whakaae / approve all other terms and conditions to be in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977, the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 (Updated July 2023), and the Auckland Council’s standard community lease agreement d) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that iwi engagement for Auckland Council’s intention to grant a new community ground lease has been undertaken a) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that public notification was not required as the lease was outlined in the Colin Lawrie Fields Management Plan 1995. |
Member Soole proposed an amendment to retain $1300 rent as proposed by staff, seconded by Member Bell.
A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared lost by 3 votes to 5. |
28 |
Proposed new community lease to Sunset Coast BMX Franklin Incorporated at Puni Recreation Reserve, Puni |
Jenny Young, Community Lease Specialist, was in attendance for this item |
Resolution number FR/2024/124 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Cole, seconded by Member A Kay: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whakaae / grant, under section 54 (1) (b) of the Reserves Act 1977, a new community lease to Sunset Coast BMX Club Incorporated for 15,800 square meters (more or less) at Puni Recreation Reserve, 80 Attewell Road, Puni on land legally described as Allotment 62, Puni Parish, Block XIV, Drury Survey District (Attachment A – Stie plan), subject to the following terms and conditions: i) term – 10 years, commencing 1 September 2024, with a single right of renewal for a further 10 years, reaching final expiry on 31 August 2044 ii) rent – $1.00 plus GST per annum if demanded iii) community outcomes plan - to be included as a schedule of the lease agreement (Attachment B - Community outcomes plan iv) that any default in repayments against the 2020 loan agreement (executed 20 November 2020) is a default against the community lease b) whakaae / approve all other terms and conditions in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977, the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 (updated July 2023), and the Auckland Council standard form community lease agreement for a new community lease.
29 |
Classification of land, landowner approval and proposed new community licence to occupy to Kawakawa Bay Community Association Incorporated at 13R Karaka Road, Kawakawa Bay |
Jenny Young, Community Lease Specialist, was in attendance for this item |
Resolution number FR/2024/125 MOVED by Member M Bell JP, seconded by Member A Hopkins: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whakarōpū / classify, under section 16 of the Reserves Act 1977, the land at 13R Karaka Road, Kawakawa Bay Part Lot 18 DP 23811 contained in RT NA14B/668 (Part-Cancelled), as a Local Purpose (community use) Reserve b) whakaae / grant landowner approval to the Kawakawa Bay Community Association Incorporated (on behalf of the Kawakawa Bay Gardening Group) to enable the installation of community garden assets at 13R Karaka Road, Kawakawa Bay c) whakaae / grant, under section 61 (2A) of the Reserves Act 1977, a new community licence to occupy to Kawakawa Bay Community Association Incorporated (on behalf of the Kawakawa Bay Gardening Group) for 1,427 square meters (more or less) located at 13R Karaka Road, Kawakawa Bay on the land legally described as Part Lot 18 DP 23811 contained in RT NA14B/668 (Part-Cancelled) (Attachment A), subject to the following terms and conditions: i) term – five (5) years, commencing 1 August 2024, with one five (5)-year right of renewal and reaching final expiry on 31 July 2034 ii) annual rent – one dollar ($1.00) per annum if demanded iii) community outcomes plan – to be included as a schedule of the licence agreement (Attachment B) d) whakaae / approve all other terms and conditions in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977, the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 (updated July 2023), and the Auckland Council standard form community licence agreement for a new community licence to occupy e) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that public and iwi notification of Auckland Council’s intention to grant a new community licence to occupy has been undertaken f) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that one objection to the notified proposal of the new community licence to occupy was received. |
30 |
Approval for a new private road name at 101 Anzac Road, Pukekohe |
Resolution number FR/2024/126 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Cole, seconded by Member L Soole: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whakaae / approve the name Kotuku Way for a new private road created by way of subdivision undertaken by Chapman Group Ltd at 101 Anzac Road, Pukekohe in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 (road naming reference RDN90117185; resource consent reference BUN60392121). |
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Approval for three new private road names at 3 and 17 Clevedon-Kawakawa Road, Clevedon |
Quian Wang from Align was online to speak to this item.
Resolution number FR/2024/127 MOVED by Member L Soole, seconded by Chairperson A Fulljames: That the Franklin Local Board: a) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that road naming is an important mechanism for local placemaking and connect residents to their place and community and that has a role to play in overall community well-being. It is the board’s expectation that developers take time and make significant effort to work with local communities, local historical groups and Iwi to identify names that contribute to a strong and unique sense of place b) whakahē / do not approve the names for the three proposed new private roads created by a development undertaken by Metlifecare Limited at 3 and 17 Clevedon-Kawakawa Road, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 (Road naming reference RDN90116608, resource consent references BUN60404209 and LUC60404270) c) tono / request that the developer and applicant, Metlifecare Limited make further efforts to engage with Iwi with interests in the Clevedon area and with Clevedon community representatives to propose naming options that better reflect local history and character. The board notes that Metlifecare Limited has previously been successful in proposing names that enhance local placemaking and look forward to receiving options that build on that success. |
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Resolution number FR/2024/128 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Cole: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the verbal report from the Franklin Local Board Chairperson, and tabled board correspondence including: · Future is Rail Advocacy group · Grassroots Trust · Gerry Whittaker re Paparata Reserve · Te Puru Community Centre Manager · TWIMC Buckland Hall Support Letter. |
a 27 August 2024 Chairs report b 27 August 2024 Future Is Rail advocacy group letter c 27 August 2024 Grassroots Trust letter d 27 August 2024 Gerry Whittaker re Paparata Reserve letter e 27 August 2024 Te Puru Community Centre Manager letter f 27 August 2024 TWIMC Buckland Community Hall support letter |
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Resolution number FR/2024/129 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Cole, seconded by Member M Bell JP: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the verbal and written update from the appointed representative on the Rural Advisory board, Alan Cole, on matters being considered by Rural Advisory Panel. |
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Amendment to Franklin Local Board meeting schedule - September 24th 2024 |
Resolution number FR/2024/130 MOVED by Member L Soole, seconded by Chairperson A Fulljames: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whakaae / approve an amendment to the location and start time of the 24 September 2024 business meeting to: Location: Papakura Board Chambers, 35 Coles Crescent Time: 4 pm. |
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Governance Forward Work calendar - Hōtaka Kaupapa - August 2024 |
Resolution number FR/2024/131 MOVED by Member L Soole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Cole: That the Franklin Local Board: a) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the Franklin Local Board Hōtaka Kaupapa (governance forward work calendar) dated August 2024 in Attachment A. |
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Resolution number FR/2024/132 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Cole, seconded by Member M Bell JP: That the Franklin Local Board: a) whiwhi / receive the Franklin Local Board workshop records for July 2, 16, 23 and 30, 2024. |
37 Te Whakaaro ki ngā Take Pūtea e Autaia ana | Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
12.09pm The chairperson thanked members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.