



Meeting Room:



Thursday, 3 October 2024

1.00pm or at the conclusion of the Transport, Resilence and Infrastructure Committee, whichever is later

Reception Lounge
Level 2 , Auckland Town Hall
301 Queen Street


Joint Tira Hautū / Governing Body


Te Komiti mō te Tūnuku, mō te Manawaroa me te Tūāhanga / Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee Workshop


National Land Transport Programme – Funding Implications









Wayne Brown


Deputy Mayor

Cr Desley Simpson, JP



Cr Andrew Baker

Cr Mike Lee


Cr Josephine Bartley

Cr Kerrin Leoni


Cr Angela Dalton

Cr Daniel Newman, JP


Cr Chris Darby

Cr Greg Sayers


Cr Julie Fairey

Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM


Cr Alf Filipaina, MNZM

Cr Ken Turner


Cr Christine Fletcher, QSO

Cr Wayne Walker


Cr Lotu Fuli

Cr John Watson


Cr Shane Henderson

Cr Maurice Williamson


Cr Richard Hills


Houkura – Independent Maori Statutory Board

Houkura Member Billy Brown

Houkura Member Pongarauhine Renata





Sarndra O'Toole

Kaiarataki Kapa Tohutohu Mana Whakahaere / Team Leader Governance Advisors


27 September 2024


Contact Telephone: (09) 890 8152









1          Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies                                                   2

2          Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest                                                               2

3          Workshop:  National Land Transport Programme - Funding Implications                                                              3












1          Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies





2          Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.







Governing Body Workshop

03 October 2024



Workshop:  National Land Transport Programme - Funding Implications

File No.: CP2024/14337




Note 1:       This workshop has been called by the chairperson in consultation with the staff.

Note 2:       No working party/workshop may reach any decision or adopt any resolution unless specifically directed to do so.

Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       The purpose of the workshop is to:

i)         recap the implications of NLTP funding decision

ii)       summarise NLTP opex funding implications and proposed approach

iii)      recap key considerations for AC on potential options on allocating the AC capital funding approved in the Long-Term Plan

iv)      present capital programme options, taking into account strategic priorities, at a programme level

v)      receive feedback on preferred levels of Auckland Council funding & capital programme options

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The following will be covered in the workshop:


Recap the implications of NLTP funding decision

Presented by Mark Laing and Pramod Nair, Auckland Transport

Summarise NLTP opex funding implications and proposed approach

Presented by Mark Laing and Pramod Nair, Auckland Transport

Recap key considerations for Auckland Council on potential options on allocating the Auckland Council capital funding approved in the Long-Term Plan. 

Presented by Michael Burns, Robert Simpson and Ross Tucker, Auckland Council

Present capital programme options, taking into account strategic priorities, at a programme level

Presented jointly by Auckland Transport and Auckland Council

Receive feedback on preferred levels of Auckland Council funding & capital programme options
