Te Komiti mō te Kaupapa Here me te Whakamahere / Policy and Planning Committee
Minutes of a meeting of the Policy and Planning Committee held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Thursday, 10 October 2024 at 10.02am.
Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present
Chairperson |
Cr Richard Hills |
Deputy Chairperson |
Cr Angela Dalton |
Via electronic attendance From 10.05am, Item 5 |
Members |
Houkura Member Edward Ashby |
Cr Andrew Baker |
Cr Josephine Bartley |
From 10.12am, Item 8 |
Mayor Wayne Brown |
From 11.05am, Item 15 and 16 |
Cr Chris Darby |
Via electronic attendance From 1.53pm, Item 11 |
Cr Julie Fairey |
Cr Alf Filipaina, MNZM |
Cr Lotu Fuli |
Houkura Member Hon Tau Henare |
Until 12.58pm, Item 10 |
Cr Shane Henderson |
Cr Mike Lee |
From 10.17am, Item 8 |
Cr Kerrin Leoni |
Via electronic attendance From 10.05am, Item 5 |
Cr Daniel Newman, JP |
Cr Greg Sayers |
Until 3.48pm, Item 14 |
Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson, JP |
Via electronic attendance From 10.05am, Item 5 |
Cr Ken Turner |
Cr Wayne Walker |
Via electronic attendance From 10.50am, Item 15 and 16 |
Cr John Watson |
Cr Maurice Williamson |
Te Hunga Kāore i Tae Mai | ABSENT
Members |
Cr Christine Fletcher, QSO |
Cr Sharon Stewart |
Policy and Planning Committee 10 October 2024 |
1 Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies
Resolution number PEPCC/2024/98 MOVED by Chairperson R Hills, seconded by Cr J Fairey: That the Policy and Planning Committee: a) whakaae / accept the apologies from: Absence Cr C Fletcher Lateness Mayor W Brown – on council business |
Electronic Attendance |
Resolution number PEPCC/2024/99 MOVED by Chairperson R Hills, seconded by Houkura Member E Ashby: That the Policy and Planning Committee: a) whakaae / approve electronic attendance under Standing Order 3.3.3 for: · Deputy Chair Cr A Dalton (SO 3.3.3 b)) · Cr C Darby (SO 3.3.3 a)) · Deputy Mayor Cr D Simpson (SO 3.3.3 b)) · Cr W Walker (SO 3.3.3 a)) |
Note: Apologies were subsequently received from Cr M Lee for lateness. |
2 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest
Cr C Darby subsequently declared an interest in Item 12 - Private Plan Change Request - Whenuapai Business Park.
3 Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number PEPCC/2024/100 MOVED by Cr S Henderson, seconded by Cr A Filipaina: That the Policy and Planning Committee: a) whakaū / confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 12 September 2024, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
4 Ngā Petihana | Petitions
There were no petitions.
5 Ngā Kōrero a te Marea | Public Input
There was no public input.
Cr K Leoni joined the meeting at 10.05am.
Deputy Mayor D Simpson joined the meeting at 10.05am.
Cr A Dalton joined the meeting at 10.05am.
6 Ngā Kōrero a te Poari ā-Rohe Pātata | Local Board Input
There was no local board input.
7 Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Progress Snapshot 2024 |
Cr J Bartley entered the meeting at 10.12am. |
Resolution number PEPCC/2024/101 MOVED by Chairperson R Hills, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Dalton: That the Policy and Planning Committee: a) tūtohi / receive the information contained in the Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan Progress Snapshot 2024 as outlined in Attachment A to this agenda report item. |
The meeting adjourned at 10.20am and reconvened at 10.23am.
Southern Rural Strategy |
A PowerPoint presentation was given. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number PEPCC/2024/102 MOVED by Cr A Baker, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Dalton: That the Policy and Planning Committee: a) whakaae / adopt the draft Southern Rural Strategy, as contained in Attachment A to the report, for public consultation using the special consultative procedure. b) tautapa / delegate to the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Southern Rural Strategy Working Group and a Houkura Member the authority to approve minor amendments and correct any errors and omissions prior to public consultation. c) tautapa / delegate authority to the following elected members and council officers the responsibility to hear feedback at the Have Your Say event for consultation on the draft Southern Rural Strategy: i) the mayor, councillors and Houkura members ii) staff approved by the Manager Growth and Spatial Strategy. |
a 10 October 2024, Policy and Planning Committee, Item 9 - Southern Rural Strategy - presentation |
Note: The chairperson accorded precedence to Item 15 – Approval of the Pahurehure Inlet Shoreline Adaptation Plan and Item 16 - Approval of the Manukau Harbour East Shoreline Adaptation Plan, at this time.
Note: Items 15 and 16 were taken together.
Approval of the Pahurehure Inlet Shoreline Adaptation Plan |
Approval of the Manukau Harbour East Shoreline Adaptation Plan |
A PowerPoint presentation was given. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Kowhai Olsen and Sophia Olo – Whaanga, Te Ahiwaru were in attendance in support of the items. |
Cr W Walker joined the meeting at 10.50am. |
Resolution number PEPCC/2024/103 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Cr A Filipaina: That the Policy and Planning Committee: a) whakaae / approve the Pahurehure Inlet Shoreline Adaptation Plan (Attachment A of the agenda report). |
Resolution number PEPCC/2024/104 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Cr A Filipaina: That the Policy and Planning Committee: b) whakaae / approve the Manukau Harbour East Shoreline Adaptation Plan (Attachment A of the agenda report). |
Note: Under Standing Order 1.8.6, Cr K Turner requested that his dissenting vote be recorded |
a 10 October 2024, Policy and Planning Committee - Item 15 Approval of the Pahurehure Inlet Shoreline Adaptation Plan and 16 Approval of the Manukau Harbour East Shoreline Adaptation Plan |
The meeting adjourned at 11.38am and reconvened at 11.47am.
10 |
A PowerPoint presentation was given. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number PEPCC/2024/105 MOVED by Chairperson R Hills, seconded by Cr A Filipaina: That the Policy and Planning Committee: a) whiwhi / receive the Auckland Plan 2050 - Annual Monitoring Report 2024. |
a 10 October 2024, Policy and Planning Committee, Item 10 - Auckland Plan 2050 Annual Monitoring Report 2024 - presentation |
Houkura Member T Henare retired from the meeting at 12.58pm.
The meeting adjourned at 12.58pm and reconvened at 1.34pm.
Cr M Lee, Cr D Newman, Cr K Turner and Cr J Watson were not present.
11 |
Update on the Strategic Approach to Sediment (SAS) Programme |
A PowerPoint presentation was given. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Cr J Watson returned to the
meeting at 1.36pm. |
Resolution number PEPCC/2024/106 MOVED by Cr G Sayers, seconded by Chairperson R Hills: That the Policy and Planning Committee: a) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the Strategic Approach to Sediment programme update for the 2023-2024 year as set out in the case studies in Attachment A to this report. b) ohia / endorse the next steps to be progressively delivered over 2025-2027, as outlined in Table 1 of this agenda report. |
a 10 October 2024, Policy and Planning Committee, Item 11 - Update on the Strategic Approach to Sediment (SAS) Programme - presentation |
12 |
A PowerPoint presentation was given. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Cr D Newman returned to the meeting at 2.38pm. |
Cr C Darby declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or voting on the matter. |
Resolution number PEPCC/2024/107 MOVED by Cr J Watson, seconded by Deputy Mayor D Simpson: That the Policy and Planning Committee: a) whakaae / agree not to reject the private plan change request under clause 25(4) of Schedule 1 of the RMA as there are no grounds of rejection available, on the basis that: i) the private plan change request is not frivolous. The Requestor has provided sufficient supporting technical information, and the private plan change request has a resource management purpose as it seeks to rezone approximately 49.07ha of land from Future Urban Zone to Business - Light Industry Zone. ii) the private plan change request is not vexatious. The Requestor is not acting in bad faith by lodging a private plan change request. The Requestor is not requiring council to consider matters in this process that have already been decided or that are the subject of extensive community engagement or investment. iii) the substance of the private plan change request has not been considered within the last two years. iv) having regard to relevant caselaw, a coarse level of assessment of the private plan change request does not indicate that it is not in accordance with sound resource management practice. v) a preliminary assessment indicates the private plan change request will not make the Auckland Unitary Plan inconsistent with Part 5 of the RMA. vi) the provisions of the Auckland Unitary Plan subject to the private plan change request have been operative for at least two years. b) whakaae / accept the private plan change request for the following reasons: i) accepting the private plan change request for notification will enable a range of matters to be considered on their merits during a public participatory process. ii) it is inappropriate to adopt the private plan change. The council has no immediate intentions to rezone this area for development. A council plan change is not currently on the work programme. Therefore, the associated risks and costs of a plan change should be met by the developer rather than the council. iii) it is not appropriate to deal with the private plan change as if it was a resource consent application because the current Future Urban Zone that applies to the land is not suitable for industrial subdivision and development. c) tautapa / delegate authority to the Manager Planning – Regional, North, West and Islands to undertake the required notification and other statutory processes associated with processing the private plan change request. |
a 10 October 2024, Policy and Planning Committee, Item 12 - Private Plan Change Request - Whenuapai Business Park - presentation |
13 |
Auckland Unitary Plan – Making private plan change operative – Plan Change 75 (Mason Clinic) |
A PowerPoint presentation was given. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number PEPCC/2024/108 MOVED by Cr J Fairey, seconded by Cr A Filipaina: That the Policy and Planning Committee: a) whakaae / approve Private Plan Change 75 to the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) as set out in Appendix A to the Plan Change 75 consent order at Attachment C, under clause 17 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991. b) tono / request staff to complete the necessary statutory processes to publicly notify the date on which Private Plan Change 75 becomes operative as soon as possible, in accordance with the requirements in clause 20(2) of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991. |
a 10 October 2024, Policy and Planning Committee, Item 13 - Auckland Unitary Plan – Making private plan change operative – Plan Change 75 (Mason Clinic) - presentation |
14 |
Adoption of the Auckland Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2024 |
A PowerPoint presentation was given. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Note: changes were made to the original recommendation as a Chair’s recommendation. |
Mayor W Brown left the meeting at
3.20pm. |
MOVED by Chairperson R Hills, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Dalton: That the Policy and Planning Committee: a) tautapa / delegate to the General Manager – Waste Solutions authority to determine, in accordance with the parameters set out in Attachment J of the agenda report, detail of a proposed trial of fortnightly rubbish collection in a limited geographic area for a limited time period, including: i) location/s; ii) start and end date; iii) amount of rates remission to be provided to affected properties. b) whakaae / agree to consult with affected residents and ratepayers on the proposed trial determined under clause a) above, noting that: i) the purpose of the trial is to gather data to inform a subsequent decision on whether to move to a fortnightly rubbish collection on a permanent, region-wide basis; ii) the consultation material will be clear on the duration of the trial, the service implications for households and when households would return to weekly collections (if the council decides not to move to a fortnightly collection on a permanent basis); iii) council would apply a rates remission to affected ratepayers to reflect the change in service during the trial period; iv) further consultation and decision-making (including through an amendment to the Long-term Plan 2024-2034) would be required in order to implement a transition to a fortnightly rubbish collection service. c) whai / adopt the Te Mahere Hukihuki mō te Whakahaeretanga me te Whakaitinga o te Para / Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2024 (the Plan), which includes the Hauraki Gulf Island Waste Plan 2024 as set out in Attachment A, B and C of the agenda report subject to amendments to align the draft Plan to reflect clauses a) and b) above, noting that a post-trial decision to adopt fortnightly collection on a permanent, region-wide basis would: i) require a Long-Term Plan amendment, and ii) be implemented at the earliest in 2028. d) tautapa / delegate to the chair and deputy chair and a member of Houkura – Independent Māori Statutory Board the power to approve the amendments referred to in clause c) above and any other minor amendments to the Plan prior to publication.
At 3.50pm, it was: |
Extension of time |
Resolution number PEPCC/2024/109 MOVED by Chairperson R Hills, seconded by Cr J Fairey: That the Policy and Planning Committee: a) whakaae / agree under standing order 1.1.3 that an extension of time be granted, until the business of the agenda is complete. |
Electronic Attendance |
Resolution number PEPCC/2024/110 MOVED by Chairperson R Hills, seconded by Cr J Fairey: That the Policy and Planning Committee: a) whakaae / approve electronic attendance under Standing Order 3.3.3 for: · Mayor W Brown |
Questions continued. |
Mayor W Brown left the meeting at 3.54pm and rejoined online at 3.56pm. |
Resolution number PEPCC/2024/111 MOVED by Chairperson R Hills, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Dalton: That the Policy and Planning Committee: a) tautapa / delegate to the General Manager – Waste Solutions authority to determine, in accordance with the parameters set out in Attachment J of the agenda report, detail of a proposed trial of fortnightly rubbish collection in a limited geographic area for a limited time period, including: i) location/s; ii) start and end date; iii) amount of rates remission to be provided to affected properties. b) whakaae / agree to consult with affected residents and ratepayers on the proposed trial determined under clause a) above, noting that: i) the purpose of the trial is to gather data to inform a subsequent decision on whether to move to a fortnightly rubbish collection on a permanent, region-wide basis; ii) the consultation material will be clear on the duration of the trial, the service implications for households and when households would return to weekly collections (if the council decides not to move to a fortnightly collection on a permanent basis); iii) council would apply a rates remission to affected ratepayers to reflect the change in service during the trial period; iv) further consultation and decision-making (including through an amendment to the Long-term Plan 2024-2034) would be required in order to implement a transition to a fortnightly rubbish collection service. c) whai / adopt the Te Mahere Hukihuki mō te Whakahaeretanga me te Whakaitinga o te Para / Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2024 (the Plan), which includes the Hauraki Gulf Island Waste Plan 2024 as set out in Attachment A, B and C of the agenda report subject to amendments to align the draft Plan to reflect clauses a) and b) above, noting that a post-trial decision to adopt fortnightly collection on a permanent, region-wide basis would: i) require a Long-Term Plan amendment, and ii) be implemented at the earliest in 2028. d) tautapa / delegate to the chair and deputy chair and a member of Houkura – Independent Māori Statutory Board the power to approve the amendments referred to in clause c) above and any other minor amendments to the Plan prior to publication. A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared carried by 14 votes to 4. |
Note: During the division, Cr W Walker did not respond and therefore did not register a vote. |
a 10 October 2024, Policy and Planning Committee, Item 14 - Adoption of the Auckland Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2024 - presentation |
Note: Item 15 - Approval of the Pahurehure Inlet Shoreline Adaptation Plan and Item 16 - Approval of the Manukau Harbour East Shoreline Adaptation Plan were considered after Item 8 - Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business.
17 |
Status Update on Action Decisions from Policy and Planning Committee – 10 October 2024 |
Resolution number PEPCC/2024/112 MOVED by Chairperson R Hills, seconded by Cr A Filipaina: That the Policy and Planning Committee: a) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the status of decisions made at the 12 September 2024 meeting. |
18 |
Summary of Policy and Planning Committee information memoranda, workshops and briefings (including the Forward Work Programme) – 10 October 2024 |
Resolution number PEPCC/2024/113 MOVED by Cr L Fuli, seconded by Cr J Bartley: That the Policy and Planning Committee: a) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the progress on the forward work programme appended as Attachment A of the agenda report b) whiwhi / receive the Summary of Policy and Planning Committee information memoranda, workshops and briefings – 10 October 2024. |
19 Te Whakaaro ki ngā Take Pūtea e Autaia ana | Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
5.30pm The chairperson thanked members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.