Manurewa Local Board Workshop






Notes of a workshop of the Manurewa Local Board Workshop  held in the Manurewa Local Board Office, 7 Hill Road, Manurewa on Thursday, 17 October 2024 at 3.10pm.


Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present



Matt Winiata


Deputy Chairperson

Glenn Murphy



Joseph Allan



Heather Andrew



Anne Candy

Until 4.20pm


Angela Cunningham-Marino



Andrew Lesa



Te Hunga Kāore i Tae Mai | ABSENT



Rangi McLean




Manurewa Local Board Workshop

17 October 2024




1          Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies


That the Manurewa Local Board Workshop:

a)          whakaae / accept the apology from Rangi McLean.




2          Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


There were no declarations of interest.




Local Board Workshop



Item 1 – 3:30-4:30pm

Connected Communities Quarterly Update (Quarter One)

Presenter/s:                  Sopo Su’a-Elia

(Community Broker, Community Wellbeing)

Dany Miller

(Connected Communities Lead and Coach, Community Wellbeing)

Emma Helmich

  (Specialist Advisor, Youth Specialist, Community Wellbeing)


Nansi Thompson

(Manager Community Place – Arts, Community Wellbeing)


Kerrie Van Heerden

(Manager Community Place – Library, Community Wellbeing)


Gillian Ray

(Specialist Advisor, Community Wellbeing)


Fereti Lualua

(Specialist Advisor, Connected Communities)


Dominic Lee

(Specialist Advisor, Community Wellbeing)


Governance role:          Oversight and monitoring


Summary of Discussions

The Community Wellbeing team presented their regular quarterly update to discuss

the work that was happening in the community and to update the board on specific projects.


·       Staff to meet with new Pacific group to present an overview of the Manurewa Local Board Plan.

·       Lifelong learning funding – support will be provided face to face to make it easier for seniors to access the fund process.

·       Six-week beginner Te Reo Māori course is being run through the library. First course was a success, which has led to a second course being offered.

·       Community Expo was a success and led to a new relationship being built with Spectrum Care. This in turn has led to them to be more involved with events at Manurewa Library.

·       The Manurewa Youth Council space was damaged by heavy rain which caused flooding. They are waiting for the insurance to come through.


For more details of this discussion please see the link at the bottom of the page.


Item 2 – 4:40-5:10pm

Te Whare Awhina o Tamworth Inc – annual report on three community houses

Presenter/s:                  Jane Cain

(Place and Partner Specialist Connected Communities, Customer and Community Services)

Jaylene Ball

(Manager Te Whare Awhina and Clendon Park Community House)

Jean Areaiiti

(Manager, Randwick Park Community House)


Governance role:          Oversight and Monitoring


Summary of Discussions

Staff from Te Whare Awhina, Clendon Park and Randwick Park community houses presented

their annual update. They discussed the work they have been doing over the past year and some

of the challenges they face.


·       Have been able to host workshops at community events in partnership with organisations and groups in order to reduce costs. These workshops usually have around 20-40 participants.

·       One challenge has been a decrease in the use of foodbanks by the community due to provision issues.

·       A board member asked how cultural safety will be ensured due to the increase in Pacific users. Staff assured members they have connected with people who are able to mitigate cultural safety concerns by bridging the cultural gaps, including any language barriers with the Pacific community.

·       The board gave direction to local board staff to connect Jaylene and Jean with MBA manager to possibly provide a solution for the provision shortages impacting the foodbanks.

·       The chair asked if staff were thinking about June 2026 which will mark the potential end of the Kāinga Ora lease. Staff said it is on their mind.


For more details of this discussion please see the link at the bottom of the page.

October 17 2024 Workshop Recording:


The workshop finished at 4.55 pm