Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board held in the Claris Conference Centre, 19 Whangaparapara Road, Claris, Aotea / Great Barrier Island on Tuesday, 22 October 2024 at 1.00pm.


Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present



Izzy Fordham


Deputy Chairperson

Chris Ollivier



Laura Caine



Patrick O'Shea



Neil Sanderson




He Hunga atu anō i Tae mai | IN ATTENDANCE


Jacqui Fyers

Local Board Senior Advisor


Anna Davis

PA / Office Manager & Engagement Advisor


Nan Hu

Senior Finance and Performance Advisor

via electronic link

Annabelle White

Specialist Local Communication

via electronic link

Kathy Cumming

Barrier Bulletin


James Boyd

Senior Grants Advisor

via electronic link


Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board

22 October 2024




1          Nau mai | Welcome


Chairperson I Fordham opened the meeting and welcomed everyone in attendance. Member P O’Shea led the karakia timatanga.


2          Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies


There were no apologies.


3          Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest


Chairperson I Fordham declared an interest in respect to the local and capital grant applications of Great Barrier Island Environmental Trust for the Aotea Caulerpa Response Team Coordinator, and Gt Barrier Island Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade for water tank fittings for firefighting pumps, at item 12 - Aotea / Great Barrier Local and Capital Grants Round One 2024/2025 grant allocations.


Deputy Chairperson C Ollivier declared an interest in respect to the local grant applications of Great Barrier Island Environmental Trust for the Aotea Caulerpa Response Team Coordinator and Motu Kaikoura for rat control intensification at item 12 - Aotea / Great Barrier Local and Capital Grants Round One 2024/2025 grant allocations.


Member N Sanderson declared an interest in respect to the capital grant applications of St John Community Church for the exterior painting of the church building, Aotea Education Ltd for the basketball hoop project, and Kaitoke School for Levi’s track community seating and picnic area at item 12 - Aotea / Great Barrier Local and Capital Grants Round One 2024/2025 grant allocations.


4          Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number GBI/2024/117

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson C Ollivier:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          whakaū / confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 24 September 2024, including the confidential section, as true and correct.




5          He Tamōtanga Motuhake | Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.












6          Te Mihi | Acknowledgements



Obituary - Barry Cooper, Gordon Francis, Thea Jade Howie and Mike Waterhouse


Resolution number GBI/2024/118

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member P O'Shea:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      whaiere / express sincere condolences to the whanau and friends of Barry Cooper, Gordon Francis, Thea Jade Howie and Mike Waterhouse who recently passed away.




Acknowledgement of service to the island for Roger and Kylie Bright


Resolution number GBI/2024/119

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member P O'Shea:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      whakamihi / thank Roger and Kylie Bright for their years of service to the island as local police constables and wish them well for the future




Acknowledgement of service to the local board


Resolution number GBI/2024/120

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member P O'Shea:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      whakamihi / thank Glenn Boyd for his contribution and support for the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board and staff, and wish him well for his 18-month secondment.



7          Ngā Petihana | Petitions


There were no petitions.


Precedence of Business

Resolution number GBI/2024/121

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson C Ollivier:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          whakaae / agree that Item 9: Public Forum be accorded precedence at this time.



Note: Item 8: Deputations was considered after Item 9: Public Forum.



9          Te Matapaki Tūmatanui  | Public Forum



Public Forum


Manta Watch Aotearoa NZ tabled a document at the business meeting, referred to at item b) xi). A copy of the document has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number GBI/2024/122

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson C Ollivier:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)       tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the Public Forum presentations.

b)         whakamihi / thank the following for their Public Forum attendance:

i)           Kate Langford for St John’s Church

ii)         Sacha Eddington for North Barrier Residents and Ratepayers Association

iii)        Michelle McGregor for Kawa Marae

iv)        Christine Clemow for Glenfern Sanctuary Trust

v)         Deborah Kilgallon for the Dark Sky enthusiasts group

vi)        Noel Nancekivell for Great Barrier Island golf club

vii)      Ally Gibbs for Mulberry Grove school

viii)     Bree Biederman for Motu Community Nursery

ix)        Leonie Howie for Great Barrier Island Community Health Trust

x)         Norman Winger for Orama

xi)        Hannah Gale & Lydia Green for Manta Watch Aotearoa NZ

xii)      Judy Gilbert for Windy Hill Sanctuary

xiii)     Beverly Slater for Aotea Family Support Group

xiv)     Nancy Tait for Aotea Education Trust Board

xv)      Jael Wafula & Warren Manuel for Missionary Vision (via Teams)

xvi)     David Gauld for Motu Kaikoura Trust (via Teams)

xvii)   Hannah Smith & Kate Waterhouse for Aotea Caulerpa Response Team (via Teams)




a     22 October 2024, Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: Item 9 - Public Forum
- October 2024, tabled item 9.1 – Manta Watch Aotearoa NZ









8          Ngā Tono Whakaaturanga | Deputations



Deputations – Ngāti Rehua Ngātiwai ki Aotea Trust Board Chair


Fletcher Beazley – Ngāti Rehua Ngātiwai ki Aotea Trust Board Chair was in attendance to speak to the item.


The Ngāti Rehua Spring Newsletter October 2024 was tabled at the business meeting. A copy of the document has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number GBI/2024/123

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member L Caine:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)       tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the presentation and thank Fletcher Beazley for his attendance.




a     22 October 2024, Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: Item 8 - Deputations
- October 2024, tabled item 8.1 – Ngāti Rehua Spring Newsletter October 2024


The meeting adjourned at 2:52 pm and reconvened at 3:00 pm.


10        Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.



Aotea / Great Barrier Local and Capital Grants round one 2024/2025 grant allocations


Chairperson I Fordham declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or voting on the local and capital grant applications of Great Barrier Island Environmental Trust for the Aotea Caulerpa Response Team Coordinator, and Gt Barrier Island Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade for water tank fittings for firefighting pumps.

Member C Ollivier declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or voting on the local grant applications of Great Barrier Island Environmental Trust for the Aotea Caulerpa Response Team Coordinator and Motu Kaikoura for rat control intensification.

Member N Sanderson declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or voting on the capital grant applications of St John Community Church for the exterior painting of the church building, Aotea Education Ltd for the basketball hoop project, and Kaitoke School for Levi’s track community seating and picnic area.


James Boyd – Senior Grants Advisor was in attendance via electronic link to speak to this report.


Resolution number GBI/2024/124

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member P O'Shea:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      fund, part-fund or decline applications received for Aotea / Great Barrier Local and Capital Grants Round One 2024/2025, listed in Table One and Table Two.




Table One: Local grant applications:

Application ID


Requesting funding for

Amount  requested

Local Board decision


Great Barrier Island Health Trust

Towards transportation and goodie bags for the Spectacular by Nature Garden Tour on 30 November 2024




Age Concern Auckland Trust

Towards overhead costs for Age Concern Auckland services on Great Barrier Island from 4 November 2024 to 3 February 2025


Decline – grant round oversubscribed.


Windy Hill - Rosalie Bay Catchment

Towards wages of a Māori youth trainee at Windy Hill Sanctuary from 24 March 2025 to 18 July 2025


Decline – grant round oversubscribed.


Aotea Family Support Group

Towards wages, travel costs, scaffold hire, coastguard support, hats and food for the Manu competition 2025




Great Barrier Island Environmental Trust

Towards wages and administration fees for Aotea Caulerpa Response Team Coordinator from 4 November 2024 to 31 October 2025




Jael Wafula

Towards Mission Vision foundation community skills centre including venue hire, office set up advertising, programme materials and technology costs


Decline – grant round oversubscribed.


Motu Kaikoura

Towards rat control intensification including track creation, trap construction, administration costs, materials and fuel at Motu Kaikoura from 4 November 2024 to 31 October 2025.


Decline – grant round oversubscribed.


Mulberry Grove School

Towards accommodation, flights, transport and tournament fees for the Aotea schools netball collective from 4 November 2024 to 8 November 2024




North Barrier Residents and Ratepayers Association

Towards admin wages for the NBR&R Administrator role from 11 November 2024 to 14 November 2025




Dark Sky Enthusiasts Group

Towards purchase of a meteor observation station for 129 Mason Road




Manta Watch NZ

Towards drone skill course, drones, SD cards, car hire, accommodation, flights and wages from 4 November 2024 to 12 January 2025


Decline – grant round oversubscribed.



Gt Barrier Island Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade

Towards plumbing hardware for water tank fittings








Table Two: Capital grant applications:

Application ID


Requesting funding for

Amount approved

Local Board decision


Aotea Family Support Group

Towards van purchase and associated costs




St John Community Church

Towards exterior painting of the Church at 560 Medland Rd




Aotea Education Ltd

Towards basketball hoop set up, concrete base and freight at 50 Kaitoke Lane




North Barrier Residents and Ratepayers Association

Towards engineering review and supports for Port Fitzroy Wharf




Kawa PT 3 Maori RS. (Aka Ngatiwai O Aotea Kawa Marae)

Towards septic tank, plumbing, gas ovens, shower installation, building materials at Kawa Marae


$6,843.85 towards the new oven.


Orama Christian Fellowship Trust

Towards chairs and tables at 300 Karaka Bay Road


Decline – grant round oversubscribed.


Motu Community Nursery Ltd

Towards construction of a native plant nursery




Mulberry Grove School

Towards a reversible basketball/netball hoop at Mulberry Grove School




Kaitoke School

Towards picnic tables, seats and installation at Levi Golaboski Track


Decline – grant round oversubscribed.


Great Barrier Island Sports & Social Club Inc

Towards shed removal and replacement at 19 Whangaparapara Road


Decline – grant round oversubscribed.


Great Barrier Island Golf Club

Towards resealing of the Great Barrier Island Golf Club carpark


Decline – grant round oversubscribed.


Glenfern Sanctuary Trust

Towards solar power purchase and installation at 20 Glenfern Road









b)         whakamihi / thank James Boyd – Senior Grants Advisor and all the subject matter experts for their mahi / work on the Aotea / Great Barrier Local and Capital Grants Round One 2024/2025.




Local board views on draft changes to cemetery bylaw / code


Resolution number GBI/2024/125

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson C Ollivier:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          tautoko / support the draft proposed changes to the Auckland Council Ture ā-Rohe mo ngā Wāhi Tapu me ngā Whare Tahu Tupāpaku | Cemeteries and Crematoria Bylaw 2014 and Arataki Tikanga mo ngā Wāhi Tapu me ngā Whare Tahu Tupāpaku | Cemeteries and Crematoria Code of Practice 2014, in the draft statement of proposal in Attachment A of the agenda report.

b)         tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that Aotea / Great Barrier cemetery services operate differently to the mainland.




Local board views on draft changes to dog policy and bylaw


Resolution number GBI/2024/126

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member L Caine:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          whiwhi / receive the report on draft proposed changes to the Auckland Council Kaupapa mo ngā Kurī | Policy on Dogs 2019 and Ture a Rohe Tiakina Kurī | Dog Management Bylaw 2019 summarised in Attachment A of the agenda report.






Proposed amendments to the Biosecurity Act


Resolution number GBI/2024/127

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson C Ollivier:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          whakarite / provide the following feedback to be considered for incorporation into Auckland Council’s submission to the Ministry for Primary Industries on amendments to the Biosecurity Act:

i)           Aotea / Great Barrier Island is 90km northeast of Auckland City. It is Auckland Council’s most remote and isolated area. The whole motu is a biodiversity hotspot with no possums, goats, stoats, hedgehogs, mustelids or Norway rats. The geographical positioning of the island provides a unique opportunity to control and eradicate species that would have significant impact on the island’s biodiversity.

ii)         Passenger and freight transportation to the island is made by 30-minute flights or by long ferry trips. There are several main gateways to the island being the airfields located in Claris and Okiwi plus the wharves located in Tryphena, Okupu, Whangaparapara, and Port FitzRoy.

iii)        The island does not have warranted officers to enforce compliance and monitor the gateways. Recommend that resource is allocated towards increasing compliance capacity on island to issue fines and infringement notices.

iv)        The local board co-funded ambassador roles to raise awareness of pest pathways. The summertime ambassadors were at our main gateways at peak times focusing on pests such as Argentine ants, Plague skinks, Kauri Dieback and Exotic Caulerpa. These ambassadors were successful in educating visitors and residents alike and are a proven tool in changing behaviour and lowering pest incursions.

v)         Exotic Caulerpa was discovered in Aotea waters in 2021. A Controlled Area Notice (CAN) was established and is still in place until 30 September 2025 when it will be reviewed. The response to Exotic Caulerpa has not been effective for several reasons; it took too long to act, there has not been enough monitoring, surveillance or education to see if tools have been effective and there is no punitive enforcement of CAN breaches effectively making it a toothless tiger.

vi)        Support increased compliance for breaching CANs and the managing of biofouling. However, noted that resource will be required to increase local capacity for managing compliance and enforcement.

vii)      Recommend greater investment including funding and resources for initial biosecurity responses and a vision for long-term management.

viii)     Recommend that agencies and departments work in a united front and not in silos. One needs to compliment the other.

ix)        Local knowledge being incorporated into decision making is essential. However, Ministry of Primary Industries and Biosecurity New Zealand must step up and lead on their responsibilities.

x)         Support the need to be flexible for climate change with rising sea-levels and warmer environments leading to a proliferation of exotic pests.

xi)        Note the importance for mana whenua to be involved as treaty partners.




Time of Use Charging - Local Board Feedback


Resolution number GBI/2024/128

MOVED by Member P O'Shea, seconded by Chairperson I Fordham:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          whakarite / provide the following feedback and insights on issues related to Time of Use Charging policy development

i)           Do not support Time of Use charging on motorways at this time.

ii)         Support more investment in alternatives such as public transport.




Auckland Council and council-controlled organisations (CCOs) memo and information reports


Resolution number GBI/2024/129

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member L Caine:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)         tuhi ā-taipitopito / note attachments A to F of the agenda report.




Local Board Correspondence


Resolution number GBI/2024/130

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member N Sanderson:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the following:

i)    Letter from Glenn Boyd – Local Area Manager dated 23 September 2024 in response to Mr G Hill’s letter of 16 August 2024 for information on local board workshops.

ii)   Letter from Aotea Family Support Group dated 25 September 2024 regarding Auckland Council's recent septic tank maintenance correspondence.




Hōtaka Kaupapa / Governance Forward Work Programme Calendar


Resolution number GBI/2024/131

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson C Ollivier:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the Hōtaka Kaupapa (Policy Schedule) / Governance Forward Work Programme Calendar as at October 2024.







Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board Workshop Record of Proceedings


Resolution number GBI/2024/132

MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member L Caine:  

That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board:

a)          tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the record of proceedings for the local board workshops held on the following dates:

i)    Tuesday 17 September 2024

ii)   Tuesday 1 October 2024 and

iii)  Tuesday 8 October 2024



20        Te Whakaaro ki ngā Take Pūtea e Autaia ana | Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.




Member P O’Shea closed the hui with a karakia whakamutunga.




3.56 pm                                              The chairperson thanked members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









