Manurewa Local Board Workshop






Minutes of a meeting of the Manurewa Local Board Workshop  held in the Manurewa Local Board Office, 7 Hill Road, Manurewa and Microsoft Teams on Thursday, 24 October 2024 at 1:30 pm.


Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present



Matt Winiata


Deputy Chairperson

Glenn Murphy



Joseph Allan



Heather Andrew



Angela Cunningham-Marino



Andrew Lesa

Via Microsoft Teams


Rangi McLean



Manurewa Local Board Workshop

24 October 2024




1          Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies


There were no apologies.



2          Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


There were no declarations of interest.




Local Board Workshop

Item 1 – 1:30-2:00pm

Local Board Time

Presenter/s:                  Members and Staff


Proposed Outcome/s:   An opportunity for staff to update members, the chair to update members and members to update each other.


Summary of Discussions

The board received updates from staff, discussed upcoming events and other general local board



For more details of this discussion please see the link at the bottom of the document.

Item 2 – 2:00-5:00pm

LB Annual Planning workshop 2 - direction setting/options commissioning + fees and


Presenter/s:                  Sarah McGhee

(Senior Advisor, Governance and Engagement)

Claire Abbot

(Advisor, Governance and Engagement)

Melissa Bidois

(Engagement Advisor, Governance and Engagement)

Faithe Smith

(Lead Financial Advisor, Financial Advisory)

Shyrel Burt

(Principal Integration Specialist, Executive Office Community)

Anna Jackson

(Integration Specialist, Executive Office Community)

Liz Muliaga

(Manager Community Programme Delivery, Community Wellbeing)

Dany Miller

(Connected Communities Lead Coach, Community Wellbeing)

Sopo Su’a-Elia

(Community Broker, Community Wellbeing)

Kieran Nevey

(Sport and Recreation Lead, Community Wellbeing)

Uaita Sialii

(Manager Event Facilitation, Community Wellbeing)

Alex Overwater-Davis

(Manager Area Operations, Parks and Community Facilities)

Kristen Greenfield

(Parks and Places Specialist, Parks and Community Facilities)

Linda Pillay

(Work Programme Lead, Parks and Community Facilities)

Nick FitzHerbert

      (Team Leader Relationship Advisory, Executive Office Resilience and Infrastructure)


Governance role:          Setting direction / priorities / budget


Summary of Discussions

The local board gave direction on options for work programme investment for financial year 2025/2026. This is in preparation for consultation with the public. Members were able to clarify staff questions around different options. This included looking at funding options that the board are interested in or require more information from staff on. Where more information is required, staff will come back to the board in a later local board planning workshop to assess the feasibility of the options.

In order for investment of an option to be supported, the option must meet the Manurewa Local Board delivery principles:

  1. Enable delivery through iwi (iwi-led)
  2. Enable delivery through community groups (community-led)
  3. Reduce barriers (including cost) for participation in/access to council facilities and services
  4. Respond to our top three priorities of community, public spaces and environment
  5. Work at scale
  6. Be clearly visible to the public, i.e. people notice the change
  7. Expand the range and reach of work programme deliverables
  8. Address identified inequities

Each option must deliver against the Manurewa Local Board Plan 2023 outcome areas:

·       Our people

·       Our environment

·       Our community

·       Our places

·       Our economy.

For more details of this discussion please see the link at the bottom of the document and materials attached to the agenda.


Thursday 24 October 2024 Recording of Manurewa Local Board workshop part 1



Thursday 24 October 2024 Recording of Manurewa Local Board workshop part 2



6.12 pm