

Meeting Room:



Thursday, 24 October 2024


Local Board Office
560 Mt Albert Road
Three Kings


Puketāpapa Local Board Workshop










Ella Kumar, JP


Deputy Chairperson

Fiona Lai



Roseanne Hay



Mark Pervan



Bobby Shen



Jon Turner






Selina Powell

Democracy Advisor


21 October 2024


Contact Telephone: 021 531 686










1          Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies                                                   2

2          Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest                                                               2

3          Local Board Workshop                                                           3




Whakataka te hau ki te uru.

The wind blows from the west.

Whakataka te hau ki te tonga.

The wind blows from the south.

Kia mākinakina ki uta.

It pierces the land with its wintry nip.

Kia mātaratara ki tai.

And slices the sea with its freezing chill.

Kia hī ake ana te atakura

When the red dawn breaks

he tio, he huka, he hauhū.

there is ice, snow and frost.

tihei mauri ora!




Agenda Items

1          Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.



2          Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.









Puketāpapa Local Board Workshop

24 October 2024



Local Board Workshop

File No.: CP2024/16247




Note 1:       This workshop has been called by the chairperson in consultation with the staff.

Note 2:       No working party/workshop may reach any decision or adopt any resolution unless specifically delegated to do so.

Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To present the Puketāpapa Local Board workshop agenda for 24 October 2024.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Most workshops are open to the public to attend as observers in person.

3.       Some sessions may not be open to the public. The staff / chairperson decide which sessions are open to the public, depending on the sensitivity of the information being discussed. If a session is not open, a reason will be provided below.

4.       Local Board workshops provide an opportunity for local boards to carry out their governance role in the following areas:

a)   Accountability to the public

b)   Engagement

c)   Input to regional decision-making

d)   Keeping informed

e)   Local initiative / preparing for specific decisions

f)    Oversight and monitoring

g)   Setting direction / priorities / budget.

5.       Workshops do not have decision-making authority.

6.       Workshops are used to canvass issues, prepare local board members for upcoming decisions and to enable discussion between elected members and staff.

7.       Members are respectfully reminded of their Code of Conduct obligations with respect to conflicts of interest and confidentiality.

8.       The following will be covered in the workshop:


Item 1 – 10.00am – 10.30am

Board member time

Presenter/s:                   Chairperson Ella Kumar

Purpose:                        Board discussion

Governance role:          Information sharing






Item 2 – 10.30am – 12.30pm

Puketāpapa Local Board Forward Works Engagement Programme – Auckland Transport

Presenter/s:                   Jennifer Fraser, Elected Member Relationship Partner, Sila Auvaa, Programme Manager, Ben Stallworthy, Principal Advisor Stakeholder, Programme Leads

Purpose:                        To provide quality advice about Auckland Transport's proposed work programme for FY2025/26.

Governance role:          Setting direction, priorities, budget, information sharing

Proposed Outcome/s:   Auckland Transport is seeking to achieve:

i)    that local boards are familiar with Auckland Transport's proposed work programme for FY2025/26

ii)   that local boards have the opportunity to discuss key elements of the 2025/26 programme with subject matter experts

iii) that local boards have quality advise to start consideration of input to their FY2025 Kokiri Agreement


Lunch break  12.30pm – 1.00pm


Note:      At this point in proceedings, the workshop will close to the public for the following reasons:



CONFIDENTIAL Item 3 – 1.00pm – 1.30pm

CONFIDENTIAL Board Member Time

This workshop is closed to allow free and frank discussion.  Attendance and any content will be made available as soon as possible after the workshop has been completed.


CONFIDENTIAL Item 4 – 1.30pm – 2.30pm


This workshop is being held with the public excluded (confidential) as the workshop material contains information that, if made public, may adversely impact the council’s position in current upcoming negotiations which is not yet publicly available.


CONFIDENTIAL Item 5- 2.30pm – 2.45pm

CONFIDENTIAL Board Member Time

This workshop is closed to allow free and frank discussion.  Attendance and any content will be made available as soon as possible after the workshop has been completed.





CONFIDENTIAL Item 6– 2.45pm – 3.45pm

CONFIDENTIAL Healthy Waters potential FY26+ delivery projects

This workshop is being held with the public excluded (confidential) as the workshop material contains information that likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information.


Item 7 – 3.45pm – 4.45pm

Community Wellbeing Department | Te wāhanga Oranga Hapori

Presenter/s:                   Kat Teirney, Community Broker

Purpose:                        To provide a monthly update from Community Wellbeing | Te wāhanga Oranga Hapori

Governance role:          Setting direction, priorities, budget, Information sharing

Proposed Outcome/s:   That the local board is updated.







Ngā tāpirihanga


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