Franklin Local Board Workshop






Notes of a workshop of the Franklin Local Board Workshop  held in The Leslie Comrie Board Room, Level One Franklin: The Centre, 12 Massey Ave, Pukekohe on Tuesday, 5 November 2024 at  10.00am


Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present



Angela Fulljames


Deputy Chairperson

Alan Cole



Malcolm Bell JP



Sharlene Druyven



Gary Holmes



Amanda Hopkins



Andrew Kay



Amanda Kinzett

(online am)


Logan Soole

(online pm)


Franklin Local Board Workshop

05 November 2024



1          Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies


There were no apologies.



2          Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


There were no declarations of interest.




Local Board Workshop


Item 1 – 9.30-10.00am (30 mins)


Connected Communities - Mobile and Rural Library update

Item deferred



Item 2 – 10.00-10.15am (15 mins)


Proposed Beachlands pumptrack concept plan

Presenter/s:                  Kristen Greenfield, Parks Places Specialist

Governance role:          Local initiative/specific decision

Summary of discussions:       

The board reviewed plans for a pumptrack on Constellation Park. A report will be brought to the board to endorse consultation on the project.


Item 4 – 11.00-11.30am (30 mins)


Pohutukawa Coast Youth update with Catalyse

Presenter/s:                  Emma Helmich, Specialist Advisor, Youth Specialist

                                      Denise Bijoux, Catalyse Network

Governance role:          Oversight and monitoring

Summary of discussions:       

Staff provided information on the outcomes of the review conducted on the Pohutukawa Coast relating to youth. The information will be shared with the survey participants, and will assist in developing a work programme.


Item 5 – 11.30-12.00noon (30 mins)


Tuwhera Trust Board update

Presenter/s:                  Glenys Taupo, Tuwhera Trust

Jill Hollingworth, Tuwhera Trust

Amiria Puia-Taylor, Tuwhera Trust

Taiehu Taupo, Tuwhera Youth

Hariata Moka, Tuwhera Youth

Emma Helmich, Specialist Advisor, Youth Specialist

Governance role:          Oversight and monitoring

Summary of discussions::      

Members of Tuwhera Trust presented an overview of their work in Waiuku to the board.




a     5 November 2024 Franklin Local Board - Ko Wai Tatou - Tuwhera Youth presentation

b     5 November 2024 Franklin Local Board - Waiuku Youth Voices


Parks and Community Facilities

Presenter/s:                  Moushmi Sharan, Work Programme Lead  

                                      Eli Ewens, Manager Area Operations

                                      Kristen Greenfield, Parks Places Specialist

                                      Jenny Young, Community Lease Specialist

Governance role:          Oversight and monitoring

Summary of discussions:

Staff provided a monthly update on the work programme, including some proposed minor and substantial budget re-allocations. These will be detailed in the Quarter One Performance Report. Two lease renewals will be presented to the November business meeting.


Item 7: 2.00-2.30pm (30 mins)


Glenbrook Beach Beachfront Esplanade Reserve Playground

Presenter/s:                  Jason Lee, Senior Project Manager (Ops)

                                      Jason Hogan, Principal Landscape Architect, LA4 Landscape Architects

                                      Eli Ewens, Manager Area Operations         

Governance role:          Oversight and monitoring

Summary of discussions:

The board reviewed concept plans proposed for the Glenbrook Beach Beachfront Esplanade Reserve Playground renewal. Consultation commences this month.

0-12.00noon (30 mins)


Item 8: 2.30-3.00pm (30 mins)


Sunkist Bay coastal update

Presenter/s:                  Nick Fitzherbert, Team Leader Relationship Advisory

                                      Ravi Chandrappa, Senior Project Manager

                                      Natasha Carpenter, Coastal Management Practice Lead

Governance role:          Keeping informed

Summary of discussions:       

The board were updated on proposed coastal renewals at Sunkist Bay, and requested urgent work on confirming funding and implementation.




The workshop closed at 3.19pm