Papakura Local Board Workshop
Minutes of a meeting of the Papakura Local Board Workshop held in the Local Board Chambers, 35 Coles Crescent, Papakura, Auckland on Wednesday, 6 November 2024 at 12:30 pm.
Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present
Chairperson |
Brent Catchpole |
Deputy Chairperson |
Jan Robinson |
Members |
Felicity Auva'a |
George Hawkins |
Kelvin Hieatt |
Andrew Webster |
Te Hunga Kāore i Tae Mai | ABSENT
Te Hunga Āpiti kua Tae mai | ALSO PRESENT
He Hunga atu anō i Tae mai | IN ATTENDANCE
Papakura Local Board Workshop 06 November 2024 |
1 Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies
2 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
There were no declarations of interest.
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Item 1 – 12:30-1:30pm |
Community Wellbeing Work Programme 2024/2025 Quarter 1 Update Presenter/s: Dominic Lee (Specialist Advisor, Community Delivery South) Emma Helmich (Specialist Advisor Youth, Community Delivery South) Liz Muliaga (Manager Community Programme Delivery, Community Delivery South Bobby Kennedy (Place & Partner Specialist, Community Wellbeing) Tracey Hainsworth-Fa’aofo (Community Broker / Tūhono Hapori o Papakura, Community Wellbeing) Nansi Thompson (Manager Community Place, Arts, Community Wellbeing) Peter Hunt (Manager Community Place, Arts, Community Wellbeing) Jamie-Lee Kingi (Manager Community Place, Pouturuki – Te Paataka Koorero o Takaanini) Fortunato
Sagaoinit (Atoye) Adeliana Chanson Governance role: Oversight and monitoring Proposed Outcome/s: To provide the quarter one update on the Community Wellbeing 2024/2025 Work Programme.
Attachment/s: Attachment [A] – Community Wellbeing Work Programme 2024/2025 Quarter 1 Update Summary of discussions Staff provided the quarter one update on the Community Wellbeing 2024/2025 Work Programmes. Actions 1. Bobby Kennedy to clarify and report back to the board if Josh from the Papakura Brass Band would be eligible to receive a Volunteer award.
2. Lee Manaia to follow up with Tracey Hainsworth-Fa’aofo regarding a recent presentation from a group regarding baby car seats with a view to a potential collaboration with the Māori Wardens car restraint seat clinics. |
Item 2 – 1:30-2pm |
Event Partnerships work programme events for FY25/26 Presenter/s: Lucky Sialii (Manager Event Facilitation, Events, Community Wellbeing Department)
Governance role: Setting direction / priorities / budget Proposed Outcome/s: To seek direction and clarity regarding the 2025/2026 Event Partnerships work programme.
Attachment/s: Material unavailable at the time of agenda build. Summary of discussions The Senior Advisor, Victoria Hutt, refreshed members’ memorises regarding the workshop 2 discussion in relation to the event partnership work programme. She advised that the Papakura Local Board is not getting any additional opex budget from the ‘fairer funding’ model. There are number of areas the board has signalled a commitment to in the year 2025/2026 financial year, ie: youth and economy. Currently 10 percent of the Locally Driven Initiative funding goes towards events. The local board will need to find savings for the 2025/2026 financial year in order to balance the budget. The local board were supportive of the Christmas events continuing Santa Parade ($35,000) and Carols ($40,000). The board request conversations with the group delivering about ways to deliver differently to cut costs and seek opportunities for funding from alternative sources. The local board felt if they had to let events go it would be the Summer Concert and ParkFest. They felt the Summer Concert could be amalgamated into one event. Action Lucky to advise the date for Parkfest 2024/2025. |
Break |
Item 3 – 2:10-3:10pm |
Direction Setting Presenter/s: Lee Manaia (Papakura Local Board Advisor, Governance & Engagement) Victoria Hutt (Papakura Local Board Senior Advisor, Governance & Engagement) Governance role: Setting direction / priorities / budget Proposed Outcome/s: To inform the board on upcoming events/meetings and seek board’s feedback. For members to provide strategic updates related to meetings/ briefings they have attended, highlighting opportunities for board decision making or advocacy. Attachment/s: Material unavailable at the time of agenda build. Summary of discussions
· Annual Plan – draft consultation content reviewed · Appointment of delegated local board member to provide feedback on stormwater activities - report coming to 27 November 2024 · Mayor’s Visit – Cr Sayers attending on Mayor’s behalf - confirmed for 13 November 2024 · Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy, report 1 and report 2. · Action
Local Board Advisor, Lee Manaia, to send out information on Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy and input provided by the local board to date.
a Direction Setting |
The workshop finished at 4.20pm