Manurewa Local Board Workshop






Minutes of a meeting of the Manurewa Local Board Workshop  held in the Manurewa Local Board Office, 7 Hill Road, Manurewa on Thursday, 7 November 2024 at 1:35 pm.


Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present



Matt Winiata


Deputy Chairperson

Glenn Murphy



Joseph Allan



Heather Andrew



Angela Cunningham-Marino



Andrew Lesa



Rangi McLean




Manurewa Local Board Workshop

07 November 2024




1          Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies


There were no apologies.



2          Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


There were no declarations of interest.



Local Board Workshop

Item 1 – 1.35-2.00pm

Local Board Time

Presenter/s:                  Members and Staff


Proposed Outcome/s:   An opportunity for staff to update members, the chair to update members and members to update each other.


Summary of discussions

The Local Board were provided with updates from staff and discussed general business.


For full details of this discussion please refer to the link at the bottom of the document.

Item 2 – 2.02-3.04pm

Parks and Community Facilities Work Programme Update

Presenter/s:                  Alex Overwater-Davis

(Manager Area Operations, Parks and Community Facilities)

Linda Pillay

(Work Programme Lead, Parks and Community Facilities)

Trish Kirkland-Smith

(Volunteering and Programmes Team Manager, Parks and

Community Facilities)

Shane McNeil

(Community Park Ranger, Specialist Operations)


Governance role:          Oversight and Monitoring

Proposed Outcome/s:   To receive an update on the Parks and Community Facilities work programme.


Summary of discussions

The Parks and Community Facilities team provided the local board with their monthly


·       A board member asked whether there is a change to the response rate for problems during summer when a lot of staff are away. Staff said that contractors bring in seasonal support for responding to problems out in the community along with pre-emptive measures (extra bins) to mitigate any potential issues during summer.

·       Staff noted that they will be meeting with Citycare to respond to the board members issues that have been previously raised.

·       A member asked about illegal dumping along foreshore as there is a lot of dumping next to the rubbish bins. There was a request for staff to investigate if the bins are necessary as it might be promoting illegal dumping. Staff noted that previously they drew upon RFS data for Papakura to investigate a similar issue. Staff said the same type of data is available for Manurewa and they are happy to have a workshop to investigate this further with the board.

·       The Chair raised concerns over contractors not reporting illegal dumping and instead moving it out of the way while they do their job (i.e. mowing). Staff clarified that contractors are obligated to report the dumping to waste solutions. Alternatively, if it is reported to PCF they get in touch with Waste Solutions.

For full details of this discussion please refer to the link at the bottom of the document.


Item 3 – 3.10-3.30pm                               

72R Coxhead Road, Manurewa 

Presenter/s:                  Gordon Ford

(Community Lease Specialist)

Julie Sutherland

(Senior Community Lease Specialist)


Governance role:          Setting direction / priorities / budget

Proposed Outcome/s:   To provide direction on the future of 72R Coxhead Road.


Summary of discussions

The leasing team provided the board with an update on 72R Coxhead Road.


·       South Auckland Anglican Mission (SAAM) will be vacating the property before the end of the year.

·       Two options for the building:

·       demolish building

·       playcentre could surrender lease, and the local board has the opportunity to acquire the property, dependent on a building assessment.

·       Playcentre would require six to eight months to demolish the building.

·       There was a concern that if the building is vacant, it could be prone to vandalism.

·       A building assessment report will be presented to the local board.


For full details of this discussion please refer to the link at the bottom of the document.


Item 4 – 3.40-4.13pm

Auckland Emergency Management – Local Board Response and Readiness Plan

Presenter/s:                  Anita Fraser

(Senior Community Planning and Readiness Advisor, Auckland

Emergency Management)


Governance role:          Setting direction / priorities / budget

Proposed Outcome/s:   To review the Local Board Response and Readiness Plan and provide feedback.


Summary of discussions

The Local Board reviewed their draft Local Board Response and Readiness Plan with Auckland Emergency Management.

·       A member asked if neighbouring centres would be included for those areas that are closer to other local boards. Staff said peripheral centres would be identified, but since the plan will be printed, some information will not be included. An updated plan, which can be more detailed, will be online.

·       A member suggested space in the printed plan for residents to also note down neighbouring Civil Defence Centres.

·       A discussion of a soft and hard launch strategy will take place prior to the AEM report coming to the December business meeting.


For full details of this discussion please refer to the link at the bottom of the document.

Item 5 – 4:25-4:25pm           

Friedlanders-Weymouth Roundabout

Presenter/s:                  Peter Naber

(Elected Member Relationship Partner, Auckland Transport)

Patrick Chan

(Principal Transport Engineer, Auckland Transport)

Ajjma Soathong

(Transportation Engineer, Auckland Transport)


Governance role:          Oversight and Monitoring

Proposed Outcome/s:   To review the roundabout design and provide feedback to Auckland Transport.


Summary of discussions

Auckland Transport presented options to the board for the Weymouth Road/Friedlander Roundabout Upgrade.


·       The Chair and members were in support of option one.

·       Consultation was undertaken as part of the Emergency Fund Response programme last year and there will be more information sent out to the community as an update.

For full details of this discussion please refer to the link at the bottom of the document.


Thursday 7 November 2024 Recording of Manurewa Local Board workshop



The workshop finished at 4.25 pm