Te Komiti mō te Tūnuku, mō te Manawaroa me te Tūāhanga / Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee




Minutes of a meeting of the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Thursday, 7 November 2024 at 10.08am.  


Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present



Cr Andrew Baker


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Christine Fletcher, QSO

Until 4.14pm, Item 14


Cr Josephine Bartley

From 10.21am, Item 5.2


Cr Angela Dalton

Via electronic link

From 10.11am, Item 4


Cr Chris Darby



Cr Julie Fairey



Cr Lotu Fuli

From 12.30pm, Item 10


Cr Richard Hills



Cr Mike Lee

From 10.21am, Item 5.2


Cr Kerrin Leoni

Via electronic link

From 10.11am, Item 4


Cr Daniel Newman, JP

Via electronic link

From 10.10am, Item 4


Houkura Member Pongarauhine Renata



Cr Greg Sayers

From 10.22am, Item 5.2


Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson, JP



Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM

Via electronic link

From 3.25pm, Item 13
Until 4.19pm, Item 14


Cr Ken Turner



Cr Wayne Walker

Via electronic link

From 10.17am, Item 5.1


Cr John Watson



Cr Maurice Williamson





Te Hunga Kāore i Tae Mai | ABSENT



Houkura Member Billy Brown



Mayor Wayne Brown



Cr Alf Filipaina, MNZM



Cr Shane Henderson




Te Hunga Āpiti kua Tae mai | ALSO PRESENT



Greg Presland, Chairperson

Waitakere-Ranges Local Board


Michelle Clayton, Deputy Chairperson

Waitakere-Ranges Local Board




Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee

07 November 2024




1          Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies


Resolution number TICCC/2024/119

MOVED by Cr R Hills, seconded by Cr C Darby:  

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)          whakaae / accept the apologies from:


Mayor W Brown – on council business
Houkura Member B Brown
Cr A Filipaina
Cr S Henderson


Cr L Fuli – on council business

Cr M Lee

Cr G Sayers

Early Departure

Cr S Stewart

Cr M Williamson


Note: Apologies were subsequently received from Cr M Lee and Cr G Sayers for lateness, and from Deputy Chair, Cr C Fletcher, Cr S Stewart and Cr M Williamson for early departure. 

Electronic Attendance

Resolution number TICCC/2024/120

MOVED by Cr C Darby, seconded by Chairperson A Baker:   

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)          whakaae / approve electronic attendance under Standing Order 3.3.3 for:

·       Cr A Dalton (SO 3.3.3 b))

·       Cr K Leoni (SO 3.3.3 b))

·       Cr D Newman (SO 3.3.3 b))

·       Cr S Stewart (SO 3.3.3 b))

·       Cr W Walker (SO 3.3.3 a))


Note:    Cr S Stewart subsequently attended the meeting in-person and returned via electronic link from 3.25pm.




2          Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.





3          Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number TICCC/2024/121

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson C Fletcher, seconded by Deputy Mayor D Simpson:  

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)          whakaū / confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday,
3 October 2024
, as a true and correct record.




4          Ngā Petihana | Petitions


There were no petitions.



Cr D Newman joined the meeting at 10.10am.

Cr A Dalton joined the meeting at 10.11am.

Cr K Leoni joined the meeting at 10.11am.



5          Ngā Kōrero a te Marea | Public Input



Public Input:  Ian Mcneill - Building a second harbour bridge


Ian Mcneill provided a presentation in support of the item.  A copy is attached to the agenda and is available on the Auckland Council website.


Cr W Walker joined the meeting at 10.16am.


Resolution number TICCC/2024/122

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson C Fletcher, seconded by Cr C Darby:  

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)      whiwhi / receive the public input address from Ian McNeill on building a second harbour bridge; and whakamihi / thank him for attending the meeting.





Public Input - Stickered Titirangi Areas Residents (STAR) - Item 10 - Resolving road reserve damage due to 2023 severe weather events


Thibault Beaujot and Tony Proffit on behalf of STAR Group (with Rachael Feather and Catherine Albiston in support), provided a presentation and supporting information. Copies have been placed on the official minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Cr J Bartley entered the meeting at 10.21am.
Cr G Sayers entered the meeting at 10.22am.


Resolution number TICCC/2024/123

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson C Fletcher, seconded by Cr K Turner:  

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)           whiwhi / receive the public input from Stickered Titirangi Areas Residents (STAR) addressing Item 10 - Resolving road reserve damage due to 2023 severe weather events; and whakamihi / thank the Stickered Titirangi Areas Residents (STAR) representatives for attending the meeting.




a     7 November 2024 – Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee, Item 5.2 - Public Input - Stickered Titirangi Areas Residents (STAR) - Item 10 - Resolving road reserve damage due to 2023 severe weather events - Presentation

b     7 November 2024 – Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee, Item 5.2 - Public Input - Stickered Titirangi Areas Residents (STAR) - Item 10 - Resolving road reserve damage due to 2023 severe weather events – Supporting information



6          Ngā Kōrero a te Poari ā-Rohe Pātata | Local Board Input



Local Board Input:  Waitākere Ranges Local Board Chairperson, Greg Presland - Item 10 Resolving Road reserve damage due to 2023 severe weather


Waitākere Ranges Local Board Chairperson, Greg Presland and Deputy Chairperson, Michelle Clayton addressed the meeting.


A link to the Waitakere Ranges Heritage Area Act 2008 No 1 (as at 23 December 2023) was provided in support of the item.


Resolution number TICCC/2024/124

MOVED by Cr G Sayers, seconded by Cr K Turner:  

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)           whiwhi / receive the local board input from Waitākere Ranges Local Board Chairperson, Greg Presland addressing Item 10 - Resolving road reserve damage due to 2023 severe weather events; and whakamihi / thank the Chair for attending the meeting.




7          Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.





New Zealand Transport Agency, Waka Kotahi Update - November 2024


Steve Mutton - Director Regional Relationships and Rachel Herron – Principal Advisor provided a PowerPoint presentation.  A copy is attached to the agenda and is available on the Auckland Council website.


Cr S Stewart left the meeting at 10.49am.

Cr S Stewart returned to the meeting at 11.03am.


Resolution number TICCC/2024/125

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson C Fletcher, seconded by Deputy Mayor D Simpson:  

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)      whiwhi / receive the November 2024 update from the New Zealand Transport Agency, Waka Kotahi.





Recovery Office Update


A PowerPoint presentation was given in support of the item.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Cr M Lee entered the meeting at 11.15am.


Resolution number TICCC/2024/126

MOVED by Deputy Mayor D Simpson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson C Fletcher:  

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)      tuhi-ā-taipitopito / note the update and progress with the Tāmaki Makaurau recovery programme.




a     7 November 2024 – Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee, Item 9 - Recovery Office Update - Presentation




Resolving road reserve damage due to 2023 severe weather events


Note:   changes were made to the original recommendation, amending clause a) and adding new clauses b) to e), as a Chair’s recommendation.


MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Cr C Darby:  

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)          whakaae / agree to support property owners impacted by natural hazard damage in the road reserve by establishing a case manager service and or contract and procurement specialist and or consent specialist for property owners undertaking repairs in the road reserve and offering other non-financial support through the Storm Recovery Navigation Service, the Recovery Office insurance and banking team, and prioritising the allocation and processing of consenting and licensing applications with those costs to be covered by a fund created in (b) below.  Each case to be assessed on its own merits.

b)          whakaae / approve the availability of up to $5 million to enable Auckland Council and or Auckland Transport to support property owners to undertake repairs to road reserve, with the total value of the amount to be funded from the local portion of the Crown-council funded Transport Flood Recovery programme and to be used for costs associated with consents and licences but not capital works.

c)          whakaae / agree to continue to advocate strongly to government to provide additional funding to support property owners seriously impacted by natural hazard damage in the road reserve.

d)          tautapa / delegate to the Chief Executive of Auckland Council to work with the Chief Executive of Auckland Transport to finalise the services and process that ensures clearly defined terms, including limiting the scope of the scheme to situations where:

i)           Damage occurred in the North Island Weather Events of January and February 2023

ii)          Damage is within the boundary of the road reserve (i.e. not including damage on private property, although that may also be present)

iii)         There is an identified stability risk

iv)         The damage and/or risk is materially impacting access to the adjoining residential dwelling, compared to access prior to the storm events

v)          Repairs will not be undertaken in the normal course of Auckland Transport works (i.e. there is no risk for the transport network or public safety)

vi)         The adjoining property has not been assessed as Category 3 or Category 2P

vii)       Private assets / remediations need to be constructed within the boundary of the road reserve (i.e. not on private property) to protect access to the adjoining residential dwelling

viii)      The future asset ownership and maintenance is the responsibility of the benefitting property owner

e)          whakaae / agree that this response is limited to a one-off response and provided on a ‘no fault, no liability’ basis, and is directly attributed to the 2023 North Island Weather Events, noting that the scheme terms should make it clear that the scheme is not intended to form a precedent or to accept liability for the council group or other local authorities or Crown agencies to repair road reserves impacted by natural hazards.


MOVED by Cr K Turner, seconded by Cr K Leoni, an amendment by way of replacement:  

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)         whakaae / agree to support property owners impacted by natural hazard damage in the road reserve by establishing a case manager and or contract and procurement specialist and or consent specialist for property owners undertaking repairs in the road reserve and offering other non-financial support through the Storm Recovery Navigation Service, the Recovery Office insurance and banking team, and prioritising the allocation and processing of consenting and licensing applications Each case to be assessed on its own merits.

b)         whakaae / approve the establishment of a one-off scheme to support property owners to undertake repairs to private assets in the road reserve, with the total value of the scheme to be up to $5 million and to be funded from the local portion of the Crown-council funded Transport Flood Recovery programme.

c)         whakaae / agree to continue to advocate strongly to government to provide additional funding to support property owners seriously impacted by natural hazard damage in the road reserve.

d)         tautapa / delegate to the Chief Executive of Auckland Council to work with the Chief Executive of Auckland Transport to finalise the services and process that ensures clearly defined terms, including limiting the scope of the scheme to situations where:

i)           Damage occurred in the North Island Weather Events of January and February 2023

ii)          Damage is within the boundary of the road reserve (i.e. not including damage on private property, although that may also be present)

iii)         There is an identified stability risk

iv)        The damage and/or risk is materially impacting access to the adjoining residential dwelling, compared to access prior to the storm events

v)          Repairs will not be undertaken in the normal course of Auckland Transport works (i.e. there is no risk for the transport network or public safety)

vi)        The adjoining property has not been assessed as Category 3 or Category 2P

vii)       Private assets / remediations need to be constructed within the boundary of the road reserve (i.e. not on private property) to protect access and land stability to the adjoining residential dwelling

viii)      The future asset ownership and maintenance is the responsibility of the benefitting property owner

e)      whakaae / agree that this response is limited to a one-off response and provided on a ‘no fault, no liability’ basis, and is directly attributed to the 2023 North Island Weather Events, noting that the scheme terms should make it clear that the scheme is not intended to form a precedent or to accept liability for the council group or other local authorities or Crown agencies to repair road reserves impacted by natural hazards.


The meeting adjourned at 11.54am and reconvened at 12.12pm.

Cr C Darby was not present.


Discussion on the amendment commenced.


Cr C Darby returned to the meeting at 12.14pm.
Cr L Fuli entered the meeting at 12.30pm.


Note:   changes were made to the amendment, amending clauses b) with the agreement of the meeting.


MOVED by Cr K Turner, seconded by Cr K Leoni

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)         whakaae / agree to support property owners impacted by natural hazard damage in the road reserve by establishing a case manager and or contract and procurement specialist and or consent specialist for property owners undertaking repairs in the road reserve and offering other non-financial support through the Storm Recovery Navigation Service, the Recovery Office insurance and banking team, and prioritising the allocation and processing of consenting and licensing applications Each case to be assessed on its own merits.

b)         whakaae / approve the establishment of a one-off scheme to support property owners to undertake repairs to road reserve, with the total value of the scheme to be up to $5 million and to be funded from the local portion of the Crown-council funded Transport Flood Recovery programme.

c)         whakaae / agree to continue to advocate strongly to government to provide additional funding to support property owners seriously impacted by natural hazard damage in the road reserve.

d)         tautapa / delegate to the Chief Executive of Auckland Council to work with the Chief Executive of Auckland Transport to finalise the services and process that ensures clearly defined terms, including limiting the scope of the scheme to situations where:

i)           Damage occurred in the North Island Weather Events of January and February 2023

ii)          Damage is within the boundary of the road reserve (i.e. not including damage on private property, although that may also be present)

iii)         There is an identified stability risk

iv)        The damage and/or risk is materially impacting access to the adjoining residential dwelling, compared to access prior to the storm events

v)          Repairs will not be undertaken in the normal course of Auckland Transport works (i.e. there is no risk for the transport network or public safety)

vi)        The adjoining property has not been assessed as Category 3 or Category 2P

vii)       Private assets / remediations need to be constructed within the boundary of the road reserve (i.e. not on private property) to protect access and land stability to the adjoining residential dwelling

viii)      The future asset ownership and maintenance is the responsibility of the benefitting property owner

e)         whakaae / agree that this response is limited to a one-off response and provided on a ‘no fault, no liability’ basis, and is directly attributed to the 2023 North Island Weather Events, noting that the scheme terms should make it clear that the scheme is not intended to form a precedent or to accept liability for the council group or other local authorities or Crown agencies to repair road reserves impacted by natural hazards.


The meeting adjourned at 1.14pm and reconvened at 1.55pm.

Cr G Sayers was not present.


Cr G Sayers returned to the meeting at 2.06pm.


Note:    After discussion the amendment was withdrawn.

Note:   Further changes were made to the original motion, deleting original clause a) and amending new clauses a) and d), with the agreement of the meeting.

Note:   The mover and seconder were replaced.


Resolution number TICCC/2024/127

MOVED by Cr K Turner, seconded by Chairperson A Baker:  

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)             whakaae / approve the establishment of a one-off scheme to support property owners impacted by damage to private access in the road reserve, with the total value of the scheme to be up to $5million to be funded from the local portion of the Crown-council funded Transport Flood Recovery programme

b)             tautapa / delegate to the Chief Executive of Auckland Council to work with the Chief Executive of Auckland Transport to finalise the services and process that ensures clearly defined terms, including limiting the scope of the scheme to situations where:

i)            Damage occurred in the North Island Weather Events of January and February 2023

ii)          Damage is within the boundary of the road reserve (i.e. not including damage on private property, although that may also be present)

iii)         There is an identified stability risk

iv)         The damage and/or risk is materially impacting access to the adjoining residential dwelling, compared to access prior to the storm events

v)          Repairs will not be undertaken in the normal course of Auckland Transport works (i.e. there is no risk for the transport network or public safety)

vi)         The adjoining property has not been assessed as Category 3 or Category 2P

vii)       Remediations need to be constructed within the boundary of the road reserve (i.e. not on private property) to protect access to the adjoining residential dwelling

viii)      The future asset ownership and maintenance is the responsibility of the benefitting property owner

c)             whakaae / agree that this response is limited to a one-off response and provided on a ‘no fault, no liability’ basis, and is directly attributed to the 2023 North Island Weather Events, noting that the scheme terms should make it clear that the scheme is not intended to form a precedent or to accept liability for the council group or other local authorities or Crown agencies to repair road reserves impacted by natural hazards. 

d)             whakaae / agree to continue to advocate strongly to government to provide additional funding to support property owners seriously impacted by natural hazard damage in the road reserve.  





Update on Water Reform


Resolution number TICCC/2024/128

MOVED by Deputy Mayor D Simpson, seconded by Cr C Darby:  

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)      tautapa / delegate Auckland Council’s review of and feedback on Part 1 and Part 2 of the Watercare Services Ltd charter and business plan, as provided for in the Local Government (Water Services Preliminary Arrangements) Act, to Mayor W Brown, Deputy Mayor D Simpson, Councillor A Baker, Councillor C Fletcher, Councillor K Turner and a member of Houkura - Independent Māori Statutory Board.

b)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that Bill Three of the Local Water Done Well reform is expected to be introduced into the House prior to Christmas and staff will advise of the content and timeframes for submissions when that information becomes available.







Auckland Transport Quarter One Performance Report 2024/2025


An image was provided in support of the item.


Resolution number TICCC/2024/129

MOVED by Deputy Mayor D Simpson, seconded by Cr C Darby:  

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)      whiwhi / receive the Auckland Transport 2024/2025 first quarter performance report, provided at Attachment A.




a     7 November 2024 – Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee, Item 12 - Auckland Transport Quarter One Performance Report 2024/2025 - Supporting information




Use of Artificial Intelligence to deliver transport outcomes


A PowerPoint presentation was provided.  A copy is attached to the agenda and is available on the Auckland Council website.


Cr S Stewart left the meeting at 3.13pm.
Cr M Williamson retired from the meeting at 3.13pm.


Resolution number TICCC/2024/130

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson C Fletcher, seconded by Deputy Mayor D Simpson:  

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)      whiwhi / receive the presentation from Auckland Transport on its use of Artificial Intelligence in delivering transport outcomes.





Auckland Transport Fare Review


A PowerPoint presentation was provided.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Note:   changes were made to the original recommendation, adding new clause b), as a Chair’s recommendation.


Cr S Stewart joined the meeting at 3.27pm.
Cr C Fletcher retired from the meeting at 4.15pm.
Cr S Stewart left the meeting at 4.19pm.


MOVED by Cr M Lee, seconded by Deputy Chairperson C Fletcher:  

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the proposed 2025 public transport fare increases recommended in the annual review of public transport fare schedules and of changes being made to simplify the fare structure.


b)      tono / request Auckland Transport to continue to work with ferry operators and this committee to understand the pricing rationale and differences in pricing between different routes for Auckland ferry services and how Auckland Transport can provide affordable and equitable fares.


Note:   After discussion Cr M Lee withdrew as mover of the motion.  The motion then lapsed due to lack of a mover.


At 4.20pm, it was:


Extension of Meeting Time


Resolution number TICCC/2024/131

MOVED by Cr G Sayers, seconded by Deputy Mayor D Simpson:  

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)          whakaae / agree under standing order 1.1.3, that an extension of time until the business of the item is complete, be granted.



Resolution number TICCC/2024/132

MOVED by Cr C Darby, seconded by Cr J Bartley:  

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)          tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the proposed 2025 public transport fare increases recommended in the annual review of public transport fare schedules and of changes being made to simplify the fare structure.

b)         tono / request that the Auckland Transport Board review the proposed fare structure for ferry travel.




a     7 November 2024 – Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee, Item 14 - Auckland Transport Fare Review – Presentation




Status Update on Action Decisions from Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee meeting 3 October 2024


Resolution number TICCC/2024/133

MOVED by Cr R Hills, seconded by Cr J Bartley:   

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the status of decision made at the 3 October 2024 meeting.







Summary of Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee information memoranda, workshops and briefings (including the forward work programme) - 7 November 2024


Resolution number TICCC/2024/134

MOVED by Cr R Hills, seconded by Cr J Bartley:  

That the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee:

a)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the progress on the forward work programme appended as Attachment A of the agenda report

b)      whiwhi / receive the Summary of Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee information memoranda and briefings – 7 November 2024.




17        Te Whakaaro ki ngā Take Pūtea e Autaia ana | Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.





4.26pm                                               The chairperson thanked members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.


CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD AT A MEETING OF THE Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee HELD ON







