Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Workshop
Minutes of a meeting of the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Workshop held in the Devonport Takapuna Local Board Office, Ground Floor 1 The Strand, Takapuna on Tuesday, 12 November 2024 at 9.30am.
Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present
Chairperson |
Toni van Tonder |
Deputy Chairperson |
Terence Harpur |
Members |
Peter Allen |
Gavin Busch |
George Wood, CNZM |
Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Workshop 12 November 2024 |
1 Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies
a) An apology was received from Member M Powell for absence
2 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
There were no declarations of interest.
3 Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes
Local Board Annual Planning Workshop 3 Presenter/s: Maureen Buchanan Senior Local Board Advisor Sugenthy Thomson Lead Financial Advisor
Governance role: Input into regional decision making. Proposed Outcome/s: Provide feedback on policy options. The local board was provided with an update to the Annual Planning Process
The presentation was received as no Subject matter experts were in attendance, questions have been forwarded to relevant staff for advice prior to the upcoming business meeting.
Next Steps · The Board to Consider the mayor’s proposal and provide feedback at the next Workshop/Business meeting
30 Min Break |
Item 2 – 12.00 – 1.30pm |
Parks & Community Facilities Presenter/s: Kylie Hewitt Project Manager Sarah Jone Area Manager Romain Knowles Structural Engineer Dave Pearson Practice Principal Architect Governance role: Local initiative / preparing for specific decisions Proposed Outcome/s: Provide direction on preferred approach The local board was provided with an update on the Claystore renewal project proposal.
· Updated the Board on various design options and sought feedback for future options · Provided an update to the lack of safety of the building
The local board raised the following points and questions in response to the presentation:
· Clarified that an additional lift to be added outside the building is only included under the most expensive option. · Concerns raised regarding the need to make proposed changes to the upper floor for usage by community groups · Acknowledge the concern for lack of safety of the stairs · Clarified that the existing building is currently at a 34% seismic rating which requires an upgrade for earthquake protection. · Clarified the wet wall upgrade is not mandatory · Clarified that the cheapest option will still require maintenance to the upper floor, but it will remain unoccupiable for tenants. · Questioned the possibility of commercialisation of the upstairs space · Concerns that the options other than the cheapest one provided will delay other projects due to the additional budget required · Clarified the essential changes for the cheapest option to meet building code requirements. · Suggestion to lower the number of bathrooms from 3 to 2 to help reduce costs. · Acknowledge that the cheapest option cannot accommodate a ramp added from the street above due to regulations around the gradient. ·
Concern about
budget restrictions and potential impact on other projects Next Steps · Minimum options to be further explored and brought back to a future workshop in December 2024 · A report will come to the February 2025 business meeting after considering local board feedback in December
Item 3 – 1.30 – 3.00pm |
Presenter/s: Sophie Bell Service and Asset Planning Specialist Jon Rennie Athfield architects Frances Cooper Athfield architects G Governance role: Keeping informed Proposed Outcome/s: Receive update on progress
The local board was provided with an update on the Takapuna Library and Community Hub project.
· A brief discussion of results of the community consultation · Discussion of the main themes of engagement, types of spaces, look and feel the community are wanting
The local board raised the following points and questions in response to the presentation:
· Acknowledge the team for their work gathering the consultation data · Acknowledged that the need for communal kitchen or café will require consideration of multiple factors, including established businesses around the area · Further community feedback should be sought for preferred option between a communal kitchen or café. · Express importance of community interest in art and crafts areas, and acknowledge that it must be tested and also appropriately managed · Concerns around quiet spaces and stress that sound-proofing must be taken into consideration during the design phase · Concerns raised for the current state of car access, noting the accessibility needs which should be taken into account during the design phase · Concerns raised regarding specific areas designs, noting they should not be dictated by age but rather for needs, to allow flexibility of use
Next Steps · Consultation data will be passed on to the local board after being distilled · A report is anticipated for the December business meeting for approval of design brief · Concept design expected to be brought to the Local Board at the end of February 2025, with a general outline including cost and range of options. |