I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Auckland Domain Committee will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Monday, 18 November 2024 3.00pm Room 1, Level
26 |
Komiti mō te Papa Rēhia o Pukekawa / Auckland Domain Committee
Chairperson |
Cr Desley Simpson, JP |
Deputy Chairperson |
Sarah Trotman, (ONZM) |
Members |
Houkura Member Ngarimu Blair |
Member Genevieve Sage |
Member Alexandra Bonham |
Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM |
Cr Christine Fletcher, QSO |
(Quorum 4 members)
Phoebe Chiquet-Kaan Kaitohutohu Mana Whakahaere / Governance Advisor
11 November 2024
Contact Telephone: +64 27406 9656 Email: phoebe.chiquet-kaan@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Auckland Domain Committee 18 November 2024 |
1 Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies 5
2 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest 5
3 Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes 5
4 Ngā Petihana | Petitions 5
5 Ngā Kōrero a te Marea | Public Input 5
6 Ngā Kōrero a te Poari ā-Rohe Pātata | Local Board Input 5
7 Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business 5
8 Auckland Museum update report 7
9 Pukekawa / Auckland Domain - work programme and general update 13
10 Status update on action decisions from Auckland Domain Committee 26 August 2024 21
11 Summary of Auckland Domain Committee information memoranda and briefings (including the Forward Work Programme) – 18 November 2024 23
12 Te Whakaaro ki ngā Take Pūtea e Autaia ana | Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies
2 Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest
3 Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes
Click the meeting date below to access the minutes.
That the Auckland Domain Committee: a) whakaū / confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 26 August 2024, as a true and correct record. |
4 Ngā Petihana | Petitions
5 Ngā Kōrero a te Marea | Public Input
6 Ngā Kōrero a te Poari ā-Rohe Pātata | Local Board Input
7 Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business
18 November 2024 |
Auckland Museum update report
File No.: CP2024/17084
Te take mō te pūrongo
1. To provide a brief overview of the Auckland Museum year in review.
2. To identify important dates and events at the Auckland Museum for the next 12 months.
3. To briefly set out some of the Auckland Museum’s intentions for the medium-term.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
4. The Auckland Museum has worked closely with the Auckland Domain Committee and the Domain Working Group in recent years and look forward to continuing this productive relationship in financial year 2024/2025 and beyond.
5. Priorities for the Pukekawa / Auckland Domain include:
· improving the Titoki Street carpark, including continuing the trial one-way system, and other connections to and within the Auckland Domain.
· maximising the amenity of the Pukekawa / Auckland Domain and the Auckland Museum through better work and connections with other co-located projects, organisations and event organisers.
That the Auckland Domain Committee:
a) whiwhi / receive the Auckland Museum update report.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Auckland Museum - update report November 2024 |
9 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
James Liddell – External Relations Manager, Auckland War Memorial Museum |
Authoriser |
Martin van Jaarsveld - Head of Specialist Operations |
18 November 2024 |
Pukekawa / Auckland Domain - work programme and general update
File No.: CP2024/16779
Te take mō te pūrongo
1. To provide the Auckland Domain Committee with an update on the work programme and general operational matters in the Pukekawa / Auckland Domain.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
2. At its meeting on 20 May 2024, the Auckland Domain Committee (the Committee) endorsed the three-year capex work programme for the Domain. This programme, together with the community facilities regional capex work programme was approved by the Planning, Environment and Parks Committee on 25 August 2024. The budget allocations for the current financial year 2024/2025 (FY) projects total $1,514,409. These projects are listed in this report.
3. The majority of the projects relate to renewal of existing assets. There is a mix of project stages with some still in investigation and design while others are progressing to physical works either this FY or next FY.
4. The report provides an update on each of the projects in the work programme and also provides more detail on a range of operational updates including the rebuilding of the bush tracks and garden renewals. An update on the play space development and proposed sponge garden is also provided.
That the Auckland Domain Committee:
a) whiwhi / receive the Pukekawa / Auckland Domain – general and financial update report.
b) tautokongia / support in principle the recognition of donors to the Nature Playground at Pukekawa / Auckland Domain in the playground design.
c) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note that the rebuilding of the bush tracks will commence early in 2025 and will include improved drainage to future proof the tracks and to minimise damage during future storm events.
d) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the successful renovations of the Rose Garden near the kiosk and the garden beside the Auckland Museum’s Te Ara Oranga / southern pathway to Titoki Street.
The following table shows the current financial year work programme and budget allocation.
Project |
Description |
Budget Source |
2024/2025 |
Pathway connections |
The first of the pathways from Parnell Station to Lovers Lane was completed in June 2023. Design and consenting for other three paths: 1. Titoki St carpark to Football Rd 2. Football Road end along the Crescent 3. Centennial Path to Grafton Mews |
AT - fully funded |
Note: $614,687 in next FY
Sports field drainage |
the drainage of the sports field FY23/24 to FY24/25 - physical works |
ABS: Capex - Development |
$288,190 |
Refurbish northern wintergarden pergola |
Refurbish the pergola in the northern wintergardens
FY24/25 - investigation and design FY25/26 - physical works |
ABS: Capex - Regional Renewal |
$20,000 |
Refurbish fernery pergola |
Refurbish the pergola in the fernery
FY24/25 - investigation and design FY25/26 - physical works |
ABS: Capex - Regional Renewal |
$20,000 |
Refurbish nursery glasshouses |
Refurbish heritage glasshouses at Domain nursery
FY22/23 to FY23/24 - investigation and design FY24/25 to FY25/26 - physical works |
ABS: Capex - Regional Renewal |
$185,000 |
Refurbish water features |
Refurbish water features (6)
FY23/24 to FY25/26 - investigation and physical works |
ABS: Capex - Regional Renewal |
$37,723 |
Centennial and Watson Bequest walkways |
Renew the Centennial and Watson Bequest walkways at Auckland Domain
FY22/23 to FY23/24 -investigation and design FY23/24 to FY25/26 - physical works |
ABS: Capex - Regional Renewal |
$622,500 |
Fixtures and furniture renewals |
Renew fixtures and furniture such as signage, park seating and rubbish bins
FY23/24 to FY24/25 - investigation and physical works |
ABS: Capex - Regional Renewal |
$30,000 |
Replace amenity block – the Crescent |
Replace the four-pan toilet block at the Kiosk carpark
FY23/24 to FY24/25 - investigation and design FY24/25 to FY25/26 - physical works |
ABS: Capex - Regional Renewal |
$129,000 |
Forested tracks – storm remediation |
Remediate storm damaged tracks
FY23/24 - investigation and design FY24/25 - physical works |
ABS: Capex Renewal |
$450,000 |
Play space development |
Develop a play space
FY23/24 and FY24/25 - investigation and design |
External funding |
Titoki carpark – redesign carpark layout |
Refurbish and redesign car park
FY23/24 - investigation and design FY24/25 physical works |
ABS: Capex Renewal |
$150,000 |
Wintergardens renew fixtures and equipment |
Renew fixtures and furniture such as signage, park seating and rubbish bins
FY23/24 to FY24/25 - investigation and physical works |
ABS: Capex Renewal |
$26,000 |
The following table gives a summary of the progress of the work programme projects.
Project |
Progress update |
Pathway connections |
Site 1: Titoki St carpark to Football Road. Design Review Panel (DRP) review underway. The first round of SME’s comments have been received and responded to. Site 2: The Crescent: Detailed design has been completed and ready to submit a report to the Traffic Control Committee (TCC). The plan is to
combine the Site 1 and 2 together for community engagement and submitting the
TCC report, therefore Site 2 is on hold pending the DRP approval of Site 1.
The aim is to complete the planning by June 2025. |
Sports field drainage |
The sports field drainage improvement work undertaken in October has included sand application across the entire lower sports field and turf attachment for 240 m². |
Refurbish northern wintergarden pergola |
Discussions with Wintergarden staff completed, with the scope and timeline confirmed. Physical works programmed in for August 2025 due to budget allocations. |
Refurbish fernery pergola |
Discussions with Wintergarden staff completed, with the scope and timeline confirmed. Physical works programmed in for August 2025 due to budget allocations. |
Refurbish nursery glasshouses |
Work on glasshouse #8 is progressing. The project manager has received and reviewed the drawings, schedule of quantities, and specifications and is now in the process of requesting quotes from contractors. Physical work is scheduled to begin in January 2025. |
Refurbish water features |
Cenotaph water feature - renewal of pump, waiting on delivery and expecting this to be installed in November. Mirror Pond – works include renewing UV installation, pipework, fittings, consumables, power point and replacing the hydro strainer, various pipework and pump. Winter Garden - replacing sprayers, fittings and recirculating system. Valkyrie water feature – currently furbishing the recirculation system. |
Centennial and Watson Bequest walkways |
Resource consent application has been lodged. The aim is to then schedule the physical works in January 2025. |
Fixtures and furniture renewals |
The site manager has been approached to provide requirements. |
Replace toilet block – the Crescent |
Design and consenting process is underway. |
Forested tracks – storm remediation |
Refer to the more detailed update below. |
Play space development |
Refer to the more detailed update below. |
Titoki carpark – redesign carpark layout |
An onsite design kick-off meeting was completed on 3 October. Stellar will now submit an investigation report. |
Wintergardens renew fixtures and equipment |
The site manager has been approached to provide requirements. |
5. This project involves the upgrading of the bush tracks that were significantly damaged from the storms in early 2023. The tracks sustained significant damage from the storms followed by an extremely wet winter, which precluded contractors from doing any immediate work.
6. The scoping of the project has been complicated with significant work being put into assessing the requirements to future proof the track with better drainage whilst protecting the environment. This will include addressing the drainage to enable better water flow management during heavy rain events.
7. Engagement with mana whenua is underway, with site visits arranged for late October / early November with four Iwi groups. The procurement plan to procure the physical works of the track remediation is currently going through the approval process.
8. The resource consent application is under way with all the necessary approvals and reports being drafted and compiled. It is anticipated the consent will be lodged prior to Christmas and the physical works will start early in the new year.
9. The Domain horticultural team have renewed the garden beside the Auckland Museum’s Te Ara Oranga / southern pathway to Titoki Street. This project included redesigning the garden, tidying up the existent plants, enriching the soil, and implementing the new design which is based on New Zealand native plants.
10. The plants were carefully selected from top-performing species from the Botanic Garden trials to ensure they will thrive in their allocated environment. Collaboration with the Botanic Gardens has been a big part of this process, and their expertise has greatly contributed to the success of the project.
11. The Domain Rose Garden near the Kiosk has also been completely renovated with all the old roses replaced as their performance and vigor had declined significantly in recent years due to their age. The curator of Auckland Botanic Gardens rose gardens worked with the Domain horticultural team to develop a project plan and garden design, and she also advised on suitable replacement varieties based on trials conducted at the Botanic Gardens.
12. Soil testing for nutrient levels and acidity was undertaken. The soil was renovated by adding compost, prior to the new roses being planted. Some flowering should occur over the next few months, but the roses should be at their peak early next summer.
13. The contractor has done a lot of work over the last month in the Domain to ensure we retain maintenance standards. This includes water blasting, clearing of gutters and drains, line marking, and weed spraying. The public toilets on the Crescent have also been refreshed with new painting and some external guttering replaced.
14. Work is progressing on the sponge garden / regenerative garden trial in the Domain. The proposal is to start with green waste only generated from the Domain in a location which is open to the public but not in a main thoroughfare.
15. Due to the Domain being an ecological area of significance, there are several aspects to consider. This will not be open to the public to bring in green waste, as we cannot have green waste delivered which may transport disease and unwanted plants to the site. The aim is to have the sponge garden in place by February 2025.
16. The Committee approved by way of resolution ADCCC/2023/16 for staff to enter into a partnership with Jeremy Smith, the project partner and the Auckland Foundation (the Foundation) to progress fundraising opportunities for the Project.
That the Auckland Domain Committee:
a) whakaae / approve staff to continue working with the community and Auckland Foundation to progress the fundraising component and development of the Auckland Domain playground project.
b) tautapa / delegate authority to the Auckland Domain Committee Chair and Deputy Chair to approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to progress the fundraising for the Auckland Domain Playground project.
c) tautapa / delegate authority to the General Manager Parks and Community Facilities to sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and other related documentation as required.
17. The project website, managed by the Auckland Foundation, has been drafted. Work is progressing with various ‘supporters' whose logos will appear on the website.
18. Pre-market activity is already underway with foundational donors being sought. The goal is to fully fund stage 1 ($150,000 – for developed design, mana whenua engagement and consenting) before the public launch.
19. The aim is to make the website public-facing in February 2025. This timeframe would be impactful and we would launch with momentum, as foundational donors would be in place.
20. Consideration is being given to donor recognition, and how significant donors can be recognised within the nature play design. These will be incorporated into the later design stages for approval. A launch event is proposed for late February 2025, supported by the Auckland Foundation and Auckland Council.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
21. This is an update report and/or follows on from comprehensive reporting where analysis and advice has previously been provided to guide decisions.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
22. Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan provides a roadmap to a zero-emissions, resilient and healthier region that is better connected to our environment and able to thrive in the face of ongoing change and disruption.
23. The delivery of activities in the proposed work programme will contribute to the objectives of Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan. Key considerations include:
· Maximum upcycling and recycling of old material
· Installation of energy efficiency measures
· Building design to ensure the maximum lifetime and efficiency of the building is obtained.
· Lifecycle impacts of construction materials (embodied emissions)
· Resilience of design, taking into account the impacts of weather events.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
24. This report reflects the delivery of the approved work programme and is in line with council group activities.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
25. There are no impacts on local boards arising specifically from this report.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
26. The Parks and Community Facilities work programme ensures that all facilities and open space assets continue to be well-maintained assets that benefit the local community, including Māori. When developing and delivering work programmes consideration is given to how the activities can contribute to Māori well-being, values, culture and traditions.
27. Karanga Atu! Karanga Mai! relationship approach responds to Māori aspirations and delivers on council’s statutory obligations and relationship commitments to Māori.
28. Where aspects of the proposed work programme are anticipated to have a significant impact on activity of importance to Māori then appropriate engagement will be undertaken. Engagement with four iwi is currently underway on the bush track rebuilding project.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
29. This is an information report and while most of the activities have funding associated with them the report relates to implementation of activities within budget.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
30. There are no substantive risks identified at this point in time.
31. Projects discussed in this report are subject to operational health and safety plans. This includes a process for incident and near-miss reporting, and these will be reported to the committee where they have occurred.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
32. Ongoing operational and work programme delivery.
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Martin Wong - Manager Area Operations |
Authoriser |
Martin van Jaarsveld - Head of Specialist Operations |
18 November 2024 |
Status update on action decisions from Auckland Domain Committee 26 August 2024
File No.: CP2024/15945
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To update the Auckland Domain Committee on action decisions made at the last meeting.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. The information provided below is a status update on action decisions only that were made at the Auckland Domain Committee meeting on 26 August 2024:
Resolution Number |
Item |
Status |
Synthony in the Domain 2025, 29 March 2025 |
The approved event will take place in March 2025 |
Red Bull Trolley Grand Prix, 15 February 2025 |
The approved event will take place in February 2025 |
Auckland Domain Event Approvals – August 2024 |
The approved event will take place in February and March 2025. |
Auckland Domain - General Update |
The design and consenting process for the Crescent toilet block in underway. Affected party approval was granted to Tennis Auckland for a revised roof and structure. Resource consent was lodged. |
That the Auckland Domain Committee:
a) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the status of decisions made at the 26 August 2024 meeting.
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Phoebe Chiquet-Kaan - Governance Advisor |
Authoriser |
Martin van Jaarsveld - Head of Specialist Operations |
18 November 2024 |
Summary of Auckland Domain Committee information memoranda and briefings (including the Forward Work Programme) – 18 November 2024
File No.: CP2024/15946
Te take mō te pūrongo
1. To tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the progress on the forward work programme appended as Attachment A.
2. To whiwhi / receive a summary and provide a public record of memoranda, workshops and briefing papers that may have been distributed to the committee members.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
3. This is a regular information-only report which aims to provide greater visibility of information circulated to committee members via memoranda / workshops and briefings or other means, where no decisions are required.
4. The following information items have been distributed:
Date |
Subject |
4/11/2024 |
Tennis Auckland Annual Report 2023/2024 |
5. Note that, unlike an agenda report, staff will not be present to answer questions about the items referred to in this summary. Members should direct any questions to the authors.
That the Auckland Domain Committee:
a) tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the progress on the forward work programme appended as Attachment A of the agenda report.
b) whiwhi / receive the summary of Auckland Domain Committee information memoranda – 18 November 2024
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Auckland Domain Committee Forward Work Programme - 18 November 2024 |
25 |
b⇩ |
Tennis Auckland Annual Report 2023/2024 |
29 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Phoebe Chiquet-Kaan - Governance Advisor |
Authoriser |
Martin van Jaarsveld - Head of Specialist Operations |
Auckland Domain Committee 18 November 2024 |
Kōmiti o te Papa Rēhia o Pukekawa / Auckland Domain
Committee This committee deals with Kōmiti o te Papa Rēhia o Pukekawa / Auckland Domain Committee with policy and landowner decision-making that relates to the Auckland Domain The full terms of reference can be found here: Auckland Council Governing Body Terms of Reference |
Area of work and Lead Department |
Pūnga / Reason for work |
Committee role (whakatau / decision and/or tika / direction) |
Expected timeframes Highlight the month(s) this is expected to come to committee in 2024 |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
General Update |
To inform the committee on progress of delivery of the capital work programme and update on general operational matters of interest. This includes: · Pathway connections · CCTV at the wintergardens · Grandstand building renewal · Lighting renewal · Mirror Pond renewal · Wastewater pipe renewal · Wintergardens - renew full facility · Wintergardens boiler renewal |
Progress report for the committee’s information and update. General update reports on this financial year’s work programme have been given at the following meetings:
Domain - General and Financial Update - 15 August 2022
Auckland Domain – Work Programme Update - 13 March 2023
Domain - Work Programme and General Update - 29 May 2023
Auckland Domain - General Update - 20 May 2024
Domain - General Update – 26 August 2024
Events |
All events within committee delegation (also updates if available with decision reports – otherwise updates to go in general update) |
To consider landowner approvals for events within the Domain, and to receive updates on previous events. Auckland
Domain Event Approval for Urban Polo 2023 - 15 August 2022 Auckland
Domain Event Update - 13 March 2023 Synthony
Event - 2024 (date to be confirmed) - 29 May 2023 Event
Permit Process - Response to Resolution ADCCC/2023/2 at Auckland Domain
Committee meeting held Monday 13 March 2023 - 4 September 2023 Auckland
Domain Committee Event Approvals Report August 2023 - 4 September 2023 Auckland
Domain Event Approvals - 20 May 2024 Synthony
in the Domain 2025, 29 March 2025 – 26 August 2024 Red Bull
Trolley Grand Prix, 15 February 2025 – 26 August 2024 Auckland
Domain Event Approvals – 26 August 2024 |
Communication on AIP programme / parking removals, road closure, path connections Report back on trials
· To consider the outcomes of the trial gates to address commuter parking. · To consider long-term options for addressing commuter parking. · To consider access improvements identified in the accessibility audit. · Consider the provision of additional pathways. |
Landowner approval / Lease approval |
The committee has delegation to approve applications for landowner consent by third parties, as well as the extension of current leases. |
To consider landowner and lease applications under delegation. Landowner
Approval - planting of new trees Pukekawa Auckland Domain - 26 February 2024 Proposed
variation to the existing lease to Auckland Bowling Club Incorporated to
allow for one additional seven-year renewal term at 100 Stanley Street,
Auckland Domain - 20 May 2024
As and when required. |
Carlton Gore Road/Football Road Intersection |
Options are considered by AT to improve the road access at the Carlton Gore intersection. |
Consider support for the options presented by AT
Annual Plan work programme |
Identify priority projects for inclusion in the three-year work programme |
To endorse the work programme for the 2024/25 financial year to 2026/26 financial years Pukekawa
/ Auckland Domain Parks & Community Facilities Work Programme 2023-2026 -
29 May 2023 Pukekawa/Auckland
Domain – Work Programme Update - 4 September 2023 Auckland
Domain work programme update - 26 February 2024 Pukekawa
Auckland Domain - Parks and Community Facilities Work Programme - 20 May 2024 |
Playground partnership |
Explore partnership opportunities for the nature playground funding. Report back to the committee on progress as part of the general update report |
The Pukekawa Auckland Domain Committee approved the following resolutions at the 29 May 2023 meeting. Resolution number ADCCC/2023/7 That the Auckland Domain Committee: a) whiwhi / receive the public input from Jeremy Smith in relation to the Auckland Domain Playground project and whakamihi / thank Jeremy Smith for attending the meeting. b) tono / request staff to explore partnership opportunities, including donations, for delivering the playground and report back at the next Auckland Domain Committee meeting.
Smith - Auckland Domain Playground project - 29 May 2023 Auckland
Domain Playground - 4 September 2023 |