Rodney Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Rodney Local Board held in the Kumeū Meeting Room, 296 Main Road, Kumeū on Wednesday, 20 November 2024 at 1pm.


Te Hunga kua Tae mai | present



Brent Bailey


Deputy Chairperson

Louise Johnston



Michelle Carmichael



Mark Dennis



Tim Holdgate



Colin Smith

from 1.03pm


Geoff Upson

from 1.03pm


Ivan Wagstaff

via electronic link until 3.40pm


Guy Wishart




Rodney Local Board

20 November 2024




1          Nau mai | Welcome


The chairperson opened the meeting.


Local board members joined in a karakia and then a waiata in acknowledgment of those taking part in the Te Hīkoi mō te Tiriti against the proposed Treaty Principles Bill.


            Members C Smith and G Upson joined the meeting at 1.03pm



2          Ngā Tamōtanga | Apologies


There were no apologies.




3          Te Whakapuaki i te Whai Pānga | Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



4          Te Whakaū i ngā Āmiki | Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number RD/2024/182

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson L Johnston, seconded by Member T Holdgate:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)         whakaū / confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 16 October 2024, as a true and correct record.




5          He Tamōtanga Motuhake | Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.



6          Te Mihi | Acknowledgements


The Rodney Local Board acknowledge the exemplary work Auckland Transport has done for flood recovery. To date 130 of the 213 major sites and 492 of the 592 minor sites required have been remediated.


7          Ngā Petihana | Petitions


There were no petitions.




8          Ngā Tono Whakaaturanga | Deputations



Deputation: Kings Quarry - Pebblebrook Road


Alan Cato was in attendance for this item.


Resolution number RD/2024/183

MOVED by Member G Upson, seconded by Member C Smith:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      whakamihi / thank Mr Cato for his attendance at the meeting.






Deputation: Waitemata West Community Patrols


John Cowsill was in attendance for this item.


Documents were tabled in support of the item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number RD/2024/184

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson L Johnston, seconded by Member T Holdgate:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      whakamihi / thank Mr Cowsill for his attendance at the meeting.




a     20 November 2024 - Rodney Local Board, Item 8.2 - Waitemata West Community Patrols - supporting information





Deputation: Redhills Pony Club


Nikki Shepherd was in attendance for this item.


Resolution number RD/2024/185

MOVED by Member G Upson, seconded by Member G Wishart:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      whakamihi / thank Ms Shepherd for her presentation and attendance at the meeting.






Deputation: Waimauku Pony Club


Louise Harness and Denise Sills were in attendance for this item.


A PowerPoint presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the offical minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number RD/2024/186

MOVED by Member G Upson, seconded by Member C Smith:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      whakamihi / thank Ms Harness and Ms Sills for their attendance at the meeting.




a     20 November 2024 - Rodney Local Board, Item 8.4 - Waimauku Pony Club - presentation




9          Te Matapaki Tūmatanui  | Public Forum



Public Forum: Bill Foster and Pete Sinton


Mr Foster and Mr Sinton were in attendance to discuss Auckland Transport reporting to the local board.





Public Forum: Pete Sinton


Mr Sinton was in attendance to discuss planning issues.



10        Ngā Pakihi Autaia | Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.





Grant Redhills Pony Club Incorporated a lease and licence to occupy for land at Harry James Reserve, Taupaki Road, Taupaki


Karen Walby – Community Lease Specialist was in attendance for this item.


Changes were made to the original recommendation clause a) ii) as a chairperson’s recommendation.


Resolution number RD/2024/187

MOVED by Member G Upson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Johnston:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      grant Redhills Pony Club Incorporated under section 54(1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977, a lease for 2,060 square metres (more or less) of reserve land at Harry James Reserve, Taupaki Road, Taupaki, legally described as Lot 1 Deposited Plan 181222 (Attachment A to the agenda report), subject to the following terms and conditions:

i)     term – 10 years, commencing 21 November 2024, with one 10 year right of renewal

ii)    rent –$1.00 plus GST per annum

iii)   a community outcomes plan will be appended as a schedule to the lease agreement

b)      grant Redhills Pony Club Incorporated under section 54(1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977, a licence to occupy for 16,312 square metres (more or less) of land at Harry James Reserve, Taupaki Road, Taupaki, legally described as Lot 1 Deposited Plan 181222 (Attachment A to the agenda report), subject to the following terms and conditions:

i)     term – 10 years, commencing 21 November 2024, with one 10 year right of renewal

c)      approve Redhills Pony Club Incorporated community outcomes plan (Attachment B to the agenda report)

d)      note that all other terms and conditions will be in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977 and the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines as updated 1 July 2023.








Grant Waimauku Pony Club Incorporated a lease and licence to occupy for land at Glasgow Park, 69 Muriwai Road and Blomfield Reserve, 71 Pollard Lane, Waimauku


Karen Walby – Community Lease Specialist was in attendance for this item.


Changes were made to the original recommendation clause a) ii) as a chairperson’s recommendation.


Resolution number RD/2024/188

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson L Johnston, seconded by Member M Dennis:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      whakaae / grant Waimauku Pony Club Incorporated under section 54(1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977, a lease for 1651 square metres (more or less) of reserve land at Glasgow Park, 69 Muriwai Road and Blomfield Reserve, 71 Pollard Lane, Waimauku, legally described as Section 2 Survey Office Plan 518512 and Section 1 Survey Office Plan 356956, respectively (Attachment A to the agenda report), subject to the following terms and conditions:

i)       term – 10 years, commencing 21 November 2024, with one 10 year right of renewal

ii)      rent – $1.00 plus GST per annum

iii)     a community outcomes plan will be appended as a schedule to the lease agreement

b)      whakaae/ grant Waimauku Pony Club Incorporated under section 54(1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977, a licence to occupy for 37,686 square metres (more or less) of reserve land at Glasgow Park, 69 Muriwai Road and Blomfield Reserve, 71 Pollard Lane, Waimauku, legally described as Section 2 Survey Office Plan 518512 and Section 1 Survey Office Plan 356956, respectively (Attachment A to the agenda report), subject to the following terms and conditions:

i)       term – 10 years, commencing 21 November 2024, with one 10 - year right of renewal

c)      whakaae /approve Waimauku Pony Club Incorporated community outcomes plan (Attachment B to the agenda report)

d)      tuhi ā-taipitopito /note that all other terms and conditions will be in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977 and the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines as updated 1 July 2023.









Hearing Panel recommendation and grant of lease to Manuhiri Kaitiaki Charitable Trust for the former wharf manager's dwelling, Sandspit Wharf, Sandspit Reserve, Sandspit


Karen Walby – Community Lease Specialist was in attendance for this item.


Changes were made to the original recommendation clause b) ii) with the agreement of the meeting.


Resolution number RD/2024/189

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson L Johnston, seconded by Chairperson B Bailey:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      ohia/endorse the hearings panel report titled “Recommendations following the hearing of the proposed community lease to Manuhiri Kaitiaki Charitable Trust for the council building at Sandspit Reserve, 1451 Sandspit Road, Sandspit” (Attachment A to the agenda report – Hearings Panel recommendation)

b)      whakaee/grant in accordance with the hearings panel recommendation and under section 54(1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977, a new community lease to Manuhiri Kaitiaki Charitable Trust for the council-owned former wharf manager’s dwelling (the building, which expressly excludes the garage and the adjoining former ticket office area) comprising 109 square metres (more or less) and 394 square metres (more or less) of land at Sandspit Wharf, Sandspit Recreation Reserve, 1451 Sandspit Rd, Sandspit, legally described as Allotment 340, Parish of Mahurangi, Survey Office Plan 43479 (Attachment B to the agenda report – site plan) subject to the following terms and conditions:

i)       term – five years, with one, five-year right of renewal commencing on date of issue of code compliance certificate/certificate of public use/practical completion of the council’s refurbishment works to bring the premises up to the required specifications for occupation under the terms of a community lease

ii)      rent – $1.00 plus GST per annum if demanded

iii)     maintenance fee - $5,000 plus GST per annum

iv)     a community outcomes plan will be appended as a schedule to the lease agreement

c)     whakaee/approve Manuhiri Kaitiaki Charitable Trust community outcomes plan (Attachment C to the agenda report)

d)     tuhi/note that all other terms and conditions will be in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977 and the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines as updated 1 July 2023.

A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Chairperson B Bailey

Member M Carmichael

Member M Dennis

Deputy Chairperson L Johnston

Member G Wishart


Member T Holdgate

Member C Smith


Member G Upson

Member I Wagstaff


The motion was declared carried by 5 votes to 2.







Auckland Transport update on the Rodney Local Board Transport Targeted Rate – November 2024


Graeme Gunthorp – Programme Director and Beth Houlbrooke – Elected Member Relationship Partner were in attendance for this item.


Changes were made to the original recommendation clause b) i) ii) iii) and clause c) as chairperson’s recommendations.


MOVED by Deputy Chairperson L Johnston, seconded by Chairperson B Bailey:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the status and progress on the programme of work being delivered by Auckland Transport using the funding from the Rodney Local Board Transport Targeted Rate

b)      provide feedback on the following:

i)        note the proposed rescheduling of projects to Financial Year 2025/2026

ii)      request the seven new approved projects for the Tranche 4 Kumeū footpaths be progressed as a priority

iii)      support the proposed changes to the route 999 Warkworth Loop bus service

c)             request Auckland Transport move forward with the detailed design of a raised pedestrian crossing on Coatesville-Riverhead Highway as per the original resolution  (RD/2022/127).


MOVED by Member G Upson, seconded by Member C Smith: an amendment to the original motion by way of full replacement to clauses b i) ii) iv) clauses c) and  d) :

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)        tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the status and progress on the programme of work being delivered by Auckland Transport using the funding from the Rodney Local Board Transport Targeted Rate

b)        provide feedback on the following:

i)          note the proposed rescheduling of projects to Financial Year 2025/2026 but request clarification on the central government funding from the national land transport fund, how much has already been paid for each project, when funding was approved, the total amounts of central government funding for each project and when it was withdrawn

ii)       ask that due to budget constraints no further work is to be done on the additional proposed footpaths for the Kumeū subdivision and that the remaining funds are to be reviewed in the future

iii)       support the proposed changes to the route 999 Warkworth Loop bus service

iv)       request that staff engage with residents and quarry owner on Pebblebrook Road and see if there is unanimous support for some funding from the Rodney Local Board Transport Targeted Rate to chip seal the road once the privately funded road widening and strengthening is completed


c)        request Auckland Transport continue design and construction of the signalised             pedestrian crossing on Coatesville-Riverhead Highway as per the drawings shown             at the 16 October 2024 local board business meeting (agenda figure 4)


d)        request that the wording is updated to reflect the need to replace the pavers with concrete, noting that the word concrete is not included in paragraph 7 of the agenda report when mentioning the Wellsford pavers.

A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Member C Smith

Member G Upson


Chairperson B Bailey

Member M Carmichael

Member M Dennis

Deputy Chairperson L Johnston

Member I Wagstaff

Member G Wishart


Member T Holdgate


The motion was declared lost by 2 votes to 6.


The substantive motion was put and moved in parts.


Resolution number RD/2024/190

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson L Johnston, seconded by Chairperson B Bailey:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)         tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the status and progress on the programme of work being delivered by Auckland Transport using the funding from the Rodney Local Board Transport Targeted Rate.



Resolution number RD/2024/191

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson L Johnston, seconded by Chairperson B Bailey:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

b)        provide feedback on the following:

            i)     note the proposed rescheduling of projects to Financial Year 2025/2026.



Resolution number RD/2024/192

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson L Johnston, seconded by Chairperson B Bailey:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

b)        provide feedback on the following:

 ii)    request the seven new approved projects for the Tranche 4 Kumeū footpaths be progressed as a priority.



Pursuant to Standing Order 1.9.3, Member G Upson requested that his dissenting vote be recorded.

Pursuant to Standing Order 1.9.3, Member C Smith requested that his abstention be recorded.


Changes were made to the original recommendation clause b) iii) with the agreement of the meeting.


Resolution number RD/2024/193

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson L Johnston, seconded by Chairperson B Bailey:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

b)         provide feedback on the following:

            iii)     support the recommended changes to the route 999 Warkworth Loop bus service.



Changes were made to the original recommendation clause c) with the agreement of the meeting.


Resolution number RD/2024/194

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson L Johnston, seconded by Chairperson B Bailey:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

c)         request Auckland Transport move forward with the detailed design of a raised pedestrian crossing on Coatesville-Riverhead Highway.

A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Chairperson B Bailey

Member M Dennis

Deputy Chairperson L Johnston

Member I Wagstaff

Member G Wishart


Member M Carmichael

Member C Smith

Member G Upson


Member T Holdgate


The motion was declared carried by 5 votes to 3.



For clarity, the resolution reads as follows:

a)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the status and progress on the programme of work being delivered by Auckland Transport using the funding from the Rodney Local Board Transport Targeted Rate

b)      provide feedback on the following:

i)        note the proposed rescheduling of projects to Financial Year 2025/2026

ii)      request the seven new approved projects for the Tranche 4 Kumeū footpaths be progressed as a priority

iii)      support the recommended changes to the route 999 Warkworth Loop bus service

c)         request Auckland Transport move forward with the detailed design of a raised pedestrian crossing on Coatesville-Riverhead Highway.






Approval for new private road names at 223 Falls Road, Warkworth


Resolution number RD/2024/195

MOVED by Member I Wagstaff, seconded by Member C Smith:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      whakaae / approve the following names for two private roads created by way of subdivision undertaken by Turnstone Limited at 223 Falls Road, Warkworth, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 (road naming reference RDN90117542).

i)   Rockford Place (Road 1)

ii)   Goldfinch Lane (Road 2).



Pursuant to Standing Order 1.9.3 Deputy Chairperson L Johnston requested that her dissenting vote be recorded.



Member I Wagstaff left the meeting at 3.40pm.




Huapai Recreation Reserve – approval of the concept design for stage one of the implementation plan and carpark works


Resolution number RD/2024/196

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson L Johnston, seconded by Member G Wishart:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      whakaae / approve the concept design for stage one of the implementation plan for the redevelopment of Huapai Recreation Reserve located at Tapu Road Huapai which includes the carpark works package, as per attachment A of this agenda report, and request staff to progress the project to construction stages.






Local board views on Private Plan Change 103 to rezone land at Silverdale West from Future Urban Zone to Business - Light Industry Zone


Dave Paul – Senior Policy Planner was in attendance for this item.


Changes were made to the original recommendation clause a) i) ii) iii) A) to H) and clause b) as chairperson’s recommendations.


Resolution number RD/2024/197

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson L Johnston, seconded by Member M Carmichael:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      whakarite / provide the following local board views on Private Plan Change 103 to rezone approximately 107ha of land at Silverdale West from Future Urban Zone to Business - Light Industry Zone and to introduce a new precinct.

i)               recognise the need for well-planned business and industrial zones within the Rodney Local Board area and acknowledge that large developers have the capacity to deliver well planned developments

ii)             express concern that for the Dairy Flat subdivision there a now several unplanned, industrial yards consented in the Future Urban areas at Wilks Road and Postman Road as these have cumulative effects on the rural character of the area


iii)           request that Private Plan Change 103 is declined or amended due to the following views:

A)        is an out of sequence development and does not align with Auckland Council’s Future Development Strategy

B)        impacts on congestion and traffic safety, if Private Plan Change 103 is consented in its current form will impact negatively on the already over capacity motorway network between Silverdale and Albany including the Silverdale interchange

C)       creates congestion on the major transport corridor between State Highway 1 and State Highway 16 which serves inter regional transport as a designated alternative route between Auckland and Northland when the dome valley is closed. This transport corridor also connects Helensville to the Silverdale interchange, Pine Valley Road, Dairy Flat Highway, Hibiscus Coast Highway and State Highway 1 which will all be impacted by the proposed development

D)       requires developer funded transport infrastructure for an increased public transport service to the proposed industrial area, as the current bus service along Dairy Flat Highway from Hibiscus Coast Station to Albany is not an hourly service and does not operate in the weekends. There is no current funding in Auckland Transport’s budget to increase this service, therefore public transport to the proposed industrial area will not be a viable option for employees and this will result in further congestion at the Silverdale interchange and along Dairy Flat Highway

E)        Hibiscus Coast Station is within a walkable catchment to the proposed industrial area but there is no pedestrian or safe cycling access across the Silverdale interchange and the developers are not proposing to fund this infrastructure

F)         Private Plan Change 103 does not include a contribution towards the future Wilks Road motorway ramps which form part of the supporting growth integrated transport infrastructure and will be served by this industrial area

G)       proposed timing of the transport infrastructure to be funded by the developer such as signalising the Pine Valley and Dairy Flat Highway intersection needs to be revised and delivered at the start of the development if Private Plan Change 103 is granted

H)       Watercare does not have the capacity to connect the proposed industrial area and therefore the developer and the local board do no support temporary waste and water solutions where waste is trucked off site.

I)          full integrated storm water catchment planning has not been completed for Dairy Flat including how this development will impact the flood risk for the wider Dairy Flat and Silverdale areas

J)          restrictions should be placed on the types of industry allowed so to minimise effects on nearby residential areas and flight paths from North Shore Airport

K)        road widths within the light industrial area should be assessed to enable access for larger vehicles and oversized truck movements, for example vehicle testing services that may be located in the area

L)       effects on at-risk species (including migratory birds) need to be assessed and mitigated

b)      kopou / appoint a local board member L Johnston to speak to the local board views at a hearing on Private Plan Change 103

c)      tautapa / delegate authority to the chairperson of the Rodney Local Board to make a replacement appointment in the event the local board member appointed in resolution (b) is unable to attend the private plan change hearing.






Draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy – Part 1


Carole Canler – Senior Policy Manager and Aubrey Bloomfield – Senior Policy Advisor were in attendance for this item.


Changes were made to the original recommendation clause a) by way of additions - i) to xvii) as chairperson’s recommendations.


Resolution number RD/2024/198

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson L Johnston, seconded by Member M Carmichael:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      whakarite / provide the following feedback on the strategic directions and investment principles in Manaaki Tāmaki Makaurau, the draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy, for consideration by the Policy and Planning Committee:

i)                support the ‘principle-based’ approach to consolidating and simplifying five strategies, policies and plans that previously guided investment in open space, sport and recreation in Tāmaki Makaurau

ii)               support in principle “making manaakitanga our legacy of a healthy Auckland”.

iii)              support in principle the five strategic directions for the future provision of open spaces and sport and recreation opportunities

iv)              support in principle the four investment principles

v)               support in principle taking a broad view of open space (green, blue and grey open spaces) and an ecosystem view of people, place and the environment and recognise that in Rodney that our greenways plan are method of connecting these spaces

vi)              request that planning for good community outcomes be the focus of the Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy, i.e.  saving money should not be an outcome in an open space policy

vii)            express concern that the strategy is ‘one size fits all’ across the 21 local board and does not address the rural and coastal requirements for open space, sport and recreation and some of the metrics such as open space per person do not apply in these zones particularly in Rodney where many rural townships have green open spaces that are still undeveloped

viii)           express concern there is a lack of connection in Rodney between the green, blue and grey open spaces as there are limited footpaths, some of the esplanade and scenic reserves are not accessible to the public, with limited carparking facilities on many open spaces in the rural areas, and for coastal requirements there are seasonal fluctuations in usage especially over the summer periods where open space per person varies significantly to the winter months

ix)              support the level of detail in the provision metrics, however the metrics should be agreed by local boards and there should be one for each local board area

x)               express concern that this strategy may disadvantage Rodney residents due to Rodney being 46 per cent of the land mass but only seven per cent of the population of Auckland and with a low population base and several out of sequence greenfield developments

xi)              express concern that the capacity level of greenfield areas in Auckland are below good practice for open space provision and recommend that strategy includes the policy of early acquisition of greenfield land so that open spaces are acquired by council prior to live zoning the future urban areas

xii)            express concern where developers have withdrawn from infrastructure funding agreements with council after plans have been agreed but not signed and would recommend that the investment principle of working together includes greater collaboration across council departments with the support of council navigators from inception to delivery of the project

xiii)           express concern the strategy does not include clear guidelines on prioritising environmental outcomes over recreational activities as there may be instances where increasing access is not appropriate 

xiv)           request 30-year population projections are revised when fast track consents and private plan changes are consented as these developments significantly increase population projections and the requirements for open space

xv)            request that projected population growth for areas such as Milldale, which is funded via a Crown Infrastructure Funding Agreement is adjusted to reflect the higher-than-average growth

xvi)           recommend that the investment principle of working together includes working with private developers so that offset environmental mitigation can include native planting in suitable open spaces local to the development, as there are instances where developers have proposed offset environmental mitigations outside of Auckland’s boundaries

xvii)          recommend that reserve contributions are increased to seven per cent and the development contribution policy is amended to align with a 30-year open space acquisition program

d)        ohia / endorse Manaaki Tāmaki Makaurau, the draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy, going for public consultation.



Pursuant to Standing Order 1.9.3, Member G Upson requested that his dissenting vote be recorded.







Draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy – Part 2


Carole Canler – Senior Policy Manager and Aubrey Bloomfield – Senior Policy Advisor were in attendance for this item.


Changes were made to the original recommendation clause a) by way of additions -  i) ii) iii) as chairperson’s recommendations.


Resolution number RD/2024/199

MOVED by Member M Carmichael, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Johnston:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)         whakarite tautoko / support the proposed policies in Manaaki Tāmaki Makaurau, the draft Auckland Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy, for consideration by the Policy and Planning Committee however:

i)          recommend Table 4 Best Practice Guidance includes a category requirement to identify and protect existing ecological areas

ii)         recommend Objective 4 Priorities for delivery considerations include a fifth bullet point  “whether the connection will negatively impact biodiversity and ecological values within the area”

iii)       recommend including a strategy for delivery of public infrastructure which enables blue space (water) access and recreation and simultaneously restrict the construction of private blue space assets to be only allowed by those whose properties have no other access option

b)      tuhi ā-taipitopito / note the two options for updated open space provision standards for consultation:

i)       Package 1 – High-density focused: provide more open space than currently enabled in high-density areas 

ii)      Package 2 – Capacity focused: provide more open space than currently enabled in high- and medium-density areas where residents have low or moderate levels of provision.



Pursuant to Standing Order 1.9.3, Member G Upson requested that his dissenting vote be recorded.






Annual Plan 2025/2026 - Input on Regional Consultation Content


Resolution number RD/2024/200

MOVED by Member M Dennis, seconded by Member C Smith:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      whakarite / provide feedback on the draft Mayoral Proposal including potential regional consultation topics and local board advocacy for the Annual Plan 2025/2026 as per Attachment A of this minutes item.




a     20 November 2025 - Rodney Local Board, Item 20 - Annual Plan 2025/2026 Input into regional consultation content - Feedback




Appointment of delegated local board member to provide feedback on stormwater activities


Changes were made to the original recommendation clause a) as chairpersons recommendations.


Resolution number RD/2024/201

MOVED by Chairperson B Bailey, seconded by Member M Dennis:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      kopou / appoint Local Board Member G Wishart as the lead, and Local Board Member L Johnston as the alternate, for stormwater activities feedback and delegate authority to these members to:

i)          identify and community the local board views and preferences on proposed council stormwater management activities in local parks

ii)         represent the local board at the Policy and Planning Committee, if required, to discuss any objections to proposed council stormwater management activities in local parks.






Urgent Decision: Rodney Local Board feedback into Auckland Council's submission on proposed amendments to the Biosecurity Act


Changes were made to the original recommendation clause a) with the agreement of the meeting.


Resolution number RD/2024/202

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson L Johnston, seconded by Chairperson B Bailey:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      whiwhi / receive the urgent decision made on 24 October 2024 as set out in Attachment A of the agenda report, providing local board feedback for inclusion in Auckland Council’s submission on amendments to the Biosecurity Act.





Rodney Ward Councillor update


Resolution number RD/2024/203

MOVED by Member C Smith, seconded by Member G Wishart:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      whiwhi / receive Councillor Sayer’s update on activities of the Governing Body.






Rodney Local Board workshop records


Resolution number RD/2024/204

MOVED by Member M Carmichael, seconded by Member T Holdgate:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      whiwhi / receive the workshop records for 23 October, 6 and 13 November 2024.





Hōtaka Kaupapa – Policy Schedule November 2024


Resolution number RD/2024/205

MOVED by Member C Smith, seconded by Member T Holdgate:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      whiwhi / receive the Hōtaka Kaupapa – Policy Schedule update for November 2024.





26        Te Whakaaro ki ngā Take Pūtea e Autaia ana | Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.



3.55 pm                                              The chairperson thanked members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









